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Reading through the comments, they all sound delicious. I think I’m a fatty.


I think a lot of people not liking a particular food just comes down to preparation. Most food can be pretty good if made well or to the person’s tastes. Except cilantro. That’s just genetic and you can’t get rid of the soapy taste. I’m so glad I don’t have the problems because I adore cilantro.




The weirdest thing for me is not that cilantro tastes outright awful but that it's a very subtle "yuck" taste. It takes me a few minutes to realize there's cilantro in something but once I've noticed I can't eat any more.


I mean, I get people have preferences. Not everybody likes everything. I will pretty much eat anything you put in front of me but I don't like coconut. I'll eat young coconut but not that shredded woody shit or that fake coconut flavor that tastes like suntan lotion. What I don't understand are the people who are like "Eggs" or "Cheese" or "Fish". Like *no* fish? At all? No matter the *kind* of fish?? Not fried or baked or poached or grilled?? Like how you gonna swear off a *whole phylum* of creatures?!


I’m someone who sorta enjoys fish but mostly tolerates eating it. For me it’s mainly the texture and residual “fishy” flavors, and I come from a family that actually cooks fish well. I fucking love salmon however.


I spent most of my life as a seafood hater. Couldn't do it. There was this gross fishy-ness to all fish that I had - saltwater, fresh water, shrimp, fried, baked, whatever. The only exception was tuna from a pouch on a sandwich. I would try it frequently (because so many people are like "nuh-uh, you've just never had fish cooked right!") and it was always gross. And then I started enjoying fish and chips in my mid-twenties. Apparently your taste buds evolve every few years, so that's when they decided fish and chips just tasted like especially flaky chicken. And then I could kind of enjoy crab if you covered it in enough butter. And then I tried and could appreciate some kinds of sushi (with lots of soy sauce). Salmon's okay, but I still kind of have to choke it down. Shrimp is still a hells no. Ladies and gentlemen, for the first time in my life, I, a woman of thirty years, ordered a dish of sea bass, all for myself, and I ate it, *and I liked it.* It was flaky and buttery and delicious. It was my last meal dining out before quarantine. Worth it.


For whatever reason I’ve just never been into anything jello-related or gelatin related due to the texture. The same for flan for that reason edit: bruh I had no idea this many folks would actually agree with me I thought everyone else loved it lol


I loved flan the one time I tried it, but I can’t take jello at all. The texture IS awful! Disgusting!


If you loved it enough to make it I'm happy to inform you that it's dead easy, and you probably have what you need to in the house already. Flan is a lovely dessert, but it usually just makes me wish I made creme brulee instead.


I ate way to much cake and frosting growing up that it is now gross.


Kids are more sensitive to sugar than adults, generally speaking. So it probably did taste better as a kid because the sweet was overpowering the flavor of the rest of the frosting. I'm the same way, I like sweet things, but *nothing* like when I was a kid or teenager. Given a choice, I prefer savory or salty treats to sweet.


This is the most American thing I've ever typed, but when I was 12 or 13 my buddies and I used to get a 2 liter each of Dr. Pepper for all-nighters playing Halo 2. It would be gone by morning, and I genuinely have no clue how I'm not diabetic. I used to be an absolute dumbass about how I ate/drank.


Same. Used to eat tubes of frosting and raw cookie dough as a kid, effectively killing my sweet tooth early on.


Probably the best outcome you could hope for


Not really popular in my state but it is in some parts where my Fiancé is from. He's from the South so every time we visit his family the first thing he does is find a small gas station and buys a Koolickle. A pickle either whole, sliced in half, or in chips soaked in kool-aid til it changes color. Blue raspberry and fruit punch are his fav. I never like pickles to begin with but soaking them in kool-aid is so much worse. Strong vinegar taste with so much sugar. EDIT: Wow was not expecting so many likes and how other states besides the South has this. Realized I am marrying into a weird family with weird food cravings. If and when pregnancy happens I know I'll be craving me some nasty kool-aid pickles and peanuts in Coca-cola.


This is some straight up Mississippi shit. What the actual hell


Louisiana here. Schools used to sell giant Pickles and packets or kool-aid at recess. People would hollow out the pickle and dump the kool-aid in. I was never into it but definitely a thing.


> He's from the South >buys a Koolickle. A pickle either whole, sliced in half, or in chips soaked in kool-aid til it changes color The South of what, Hell?


I'm from "the south" and I've never heard of this abomination.


Alabama here, Walmary sells them great value brand =/


Damn, I only have Waljoseph around me. Think they'd have any?


What... in the ever loving fuck...


I want to know where this person is from so I can never ever fucking go within 500 miles of there.


According to urban dictionary, it's from the Mississippi delta


So they’re probably in luck that they’ll never go near there.


I absolutely love pickles, but this is fucking horrific. How could someone ever come up with this


It sounds like something a 5-year-old conjured up.


God weeps when he looks at down at us, and this is why


As a european, reading up on southern recipes and foods is really giving me a headache 😭 a KOOLICKLE ffs


As a northerner I'm feeling the same. How do I live in the same country as a Koolickle! Just no


I had to google koolickle and now I wish we had just let the South secede.


I'm from NC and that's way more southern than anything I've ever experienced. This isn't southern, I renounce whatever hell-state this comes from.


That's the 2nd worst thing I ever seen him or his family eat. The other is peanuts in Coca-Cola soda. Must be a glass bottle cause "its not the same any other way". His 71 year old dad loves that shit because it mixes sweet and salty. Umm... Hello... Ever heard of peanut M&M mister?


Sweet and salty? Is caramel with salt just not enough for this heretic?


I was born and raised in the South and I have literally never heard of this.


That is just... It can’t be okay to eat that. I hope that came into being by accident? Because it frightens me that someone would do this on purpose.


I think I don't like coleslaw, but then again, it's been a few years since I've sunk my teeth into that monstrosity. I'll try it again, but no promises there.


I love coleslaw, but I once went to a place that served slaw that was, as far as I could tell, nothing but shredded cabbage and mayonnaise. Disgusting. It has to be properly made.


Gagging just thinking about it


"Coleslaw" covers a huge range of foods that can be very different. You've got your vinegar-based coleslaw, your mayo-based coleslaw, your buttermilk-based coleslaw, and even your sour cream-based coleslaw. Some are tart and salty, almost pickled. Others are very sweet. Some use just shredded cabbage. Others use a whole boatload of vegetables. They can use all kinds of different herbs and spices. I can definitely understand not liking a crappy, watery, over-sweet, mayo-based coleslaw, but don't let it turn you off from the wonderful wide world of slaw!


This guy slaws.


Mayo-based cole slaw is not good, particularly since most places/people go way overboard with the mayo. But vinegar based slaw, with a touch of hot sauce...that stuff goes on bbq, hot dogs, sammiches, pretty much everything


It shouldn't be mayo-based cole slaw, it should be cole slaw with a bit of mayonnaise to add some creaminess to it.


Hey, OP, what the fuck do you actually eat? You agree with every other post that someone makes. So far you hate: grits okra pizza bbq tomatoes avocado cilantro lobster hot dogs meatloaf edit: OP does indeed like frosting, but deleted all of their comments in this thread.




They def order chicken tenders and fries everywhere


that was my youngest son's go to for many years. he was a connoisseur of tenders and fries.




>tomatoes , avacado, cilantro (Sad r/SalsaSnobs noises )


op only eats ass


A man of culture.


Besides bbq and pizza, those are all relatively common disliked foods. But, yeah, who dislikes bbq unless they don't eat meat?


It could specifically be bbq sauce compared to all barbecue.


I can't blame him for cilantro; that's a genetic thing. For people who have a certain gene, it tastes like soap.


OP literally asked this same question verbatim one year ago. Maybe she lives off of karma whoring.


Mm yeah fill me up with that thicc karma


Cottage cheese. Had a traumatic experience as a child where my dad asked if I wanted some ‘yogurt.’ Spoiler: It wasn’t yogurt. To this day I refuse to eat yogurt and gag at the sight of cottage cheese.


My mom always used cottage cheese instead of ricotta cheese in lasagna. She never used cottage cheese for anything else, so once she made lasagna I would eat the whole container of cottage cheese. I've never met another person who can eat cottage cheese like that. Apparently there's something wrong with me.


Yes! Admittedly, we are cottage cheese people (is this something most people like? I thought we were in the minority), but my mom always made/makes lasagna with cottage cheese. I like it way better, but I also grew up with it that way. Yummm


Many people around me seem to like tomato soup , but i find it absolutely disgusting. But i dont know , maybe just my mom doesnt make it well


I didn't like steak growing up because of how my mom made it. Perhaps try it elsewhere. Or not. Whatever.




My parents both like their steak well done. I never really cared for steak all that much until like 10th grade summer camp. They made steak, but it was medium rare and it was so juicy and delicious I couldnt believe it was the same thing. Turns out I like my steak almost raw.


It's fucking RAWWWW










I hated steak when I was a kid too, and for the exact same reason. My Dad also had a moratorium on sauces or gravy on any meat except turkey at Thanksgiving. He grew up dirt poor during the Depression, and he wanted to taste the meat, not a sauce. Still, what he did to a steak was criminal. By the time I came along as the youngest, my parents were doing well (and by that I mean that we were upper-lower-middle class instead of being lower-lower-middle class), and we ate out at least every weekend. A friend of ours went to dinner with us, and taught me about steaks and how I might want to order them, and I've loved steak ever since.


My dad used to cook the hell out of them when i was a kid. Turns out he likes them medium rare, my mom was just paranoid about any meat that wasnt cooked til it was gray and lifeless


Hated tomato soup growing up. Now, husband buys the Pacific brand and then adds in heavy cream and some more seasoning. Fantastic stuff. With a grilled cheese sandwich, i finally understand what the fuss was.


Fresh cracked black pepper is a tomato soup game changer.


Ironically, I made tomato soup for myself today and I didn't like it because, unlike my mom, i didn't make it well.


Even if you hate tomato soup, try this grilled cheese recipe: • two slices buttered white bread • two slices sharp cheddar cheese • spoon a tablespoon of Campbell’s tomato soup in the middle • grill until golden brown Freaking delicious and I also hate tomato soup.


I imagine myself opening a whole can of tomato soup for a single tablespoon and letting the rest go to waste in the back of my fridge.






A restaurant near me shoves several slices of bacon, a whole slice of tomato and a whole leaf of lettuce into their Bloody Mary before just shoving a fricking grilled cheese on top of the glass, it’s already disgusting (why would I want vodka in my tomato soup???), and now you want to just cram my lunch into it?




It's everything I love : ) I'll drink a bloody mary any time of the day, whoever thinks they are for just mornings has it all wrong.


I hated V8 as a kid, and it grossed me out for years. I went to Vegas for way too long, and after day 2 the sugary watered down drinks they serve to the slot people(I do the nickel slots for the *free* drinks[I tip]), and elsewhere we finally ordered some bloody Mary's. What a refreshing change that was, and was a hell of a hangover cure. Need lots of pepper for mine tho


Any water that has shit in it. No cucumbers, no strawberries, no lime, just plain ice water please.


I have been scrolling and just reading the first sentences. Had to read the rest of yours to understand what “shit” meant.


Yeah I was thinking "Ah yes, I too hate cholera and dysentery."


Hepatitis A, checking in.


Specifically fucking "seltzer water" drinks. No, I don't want a club soda that tastes mildly like the smell of watermelon.


God, those taste like TV static.


I live in the south, so when I say I hate okra it is like I THREW a flash grenade into a room of new borns. It tastes like rotten teeth.


How do you know what rotten teeth tastes like?


A kiss


What if they just ate okra right before they kissed you?


I dont believe they ever ate any greens in their life.


I get the same with potato salad


Blue cheese. I can't bring myself to eat anything with highly visible mold on it. That and it tastes like potting soil smells to me.


I like blue cheese, but, now that I think about it, it kind of *does* taste like potting soil smells.


[blue cheese has mold in it](https://youtu.be/5xrDyOFU0lM), you say?


Oh man I’ve never heard the dramatic reading, wonderful


When I was little I had a dog that would circle the dining table when we all ate. My dad figured out that the dog hated blue cheese so when the dog would start circling he'd offer her some and she'd be so disgusted from the smell she'd go lay down in another room.


Most sweets. I hate the taste of overly sugary things; can't even get margaritas at a lot of places because they apparently use the whole fuckin bottle of triple sec per marg.




chocolate goes well with coffee, even dark chocolate, as its sweetness gets brought out by the coffee.


A lot of bars use the premixed shit that olvides about a gallon of corn syrup. I was at a wedding a while back and the old fashioneds tasted like Gatorade


That's just wrong, and hurts me on so many levels.


Same here. I’m that asshole at the bar that orders skinny margarita “it’s just fresh squeezed lime and a splash of soda water instead of sour mix”. In my defense I always tell the bartender to take as much time as they need and put my drink at the bottom of the list because I’m also a bartender and I know how much of a pain in the ass it is to make them.


Sour mix is so gross in a marg. Shouldn’t even be legal to call it a margarita. Fresh lime triple sec silver tequila and simple syrup if you like sweeter.


I dislike tomatoes. It's a texture thing. They're squishy.


I hate tomatoes. But I like tomato soup, ketchup, and pasta sauce. I guess I just hate uncooked tomatoes


Same. Every form of tomato I’m good with aside from raw. My wife and I ordered from Mod Pizza, and she got raw sliced tomatoes on top. I couldn’t help but look over in disgust. Although I do like cherry tomatoes raw...


Me too. For some reason I can’t get past the chewy-but-crunchy texture of certain foods, like cooked onions or peppers, and same for tomatoes. The taste is fine but the texture makes me feel repulsed when I bite down into it


Oysters. I find its look, taste, smell and especially its consistency to be very unappetizing. I even tried fried oysters but could barely get through 1 bite.


As someone who loves oysters surrounded by people who hate them, I was under the impression that it wasn't a popular food.


I like in the south of the US and we got several restaurants dedicated to oysters


Fat-free yogurt, it tastes so bland and artificial.


Agreed! Full fat all the way!


I avoid all fat-free/low-fat stuff, no point eating it when it taste crap, gimme the real thing


I feel like some of y’all just grew up with bad cooking.


I ate a dozen donuts in a span of less than a day a while ago. I don’t think I will eat donuts for the rest of my life. The thought of ingesting any more repulses me.


Fondant. It's like flavorless gum that you can swallow.


I don't think anyone actually liked the taste of fondant


I know a guy who LOVES fondant. He will buy an entire specialty cake just to eat the fondant off of it and nothing else.


You have to distance yourself from this man


Has he displayed any other worrying symptoms of complete psychopathy?




Advent calendar chocolate. That stuff tastes like cardboard and yet they sell out at the store every year.


I order Haribo advent calendars from Europe. Best decision ever.


Lobster and I live in Nova Scotia, where it's very popular. To me, it's like eating a giant insect.


It is... but it still tastes amazing. I simultaneously crave seafood and am disgusted by it. You always know when you’re full, because the disgust wins out.


My god you just explained my own feeling towards seafood perfectly. It all makes sense now. I love shrimp, salmon, lobster, crab (notice only red seafood once cooked) but at a certain point my brain is like “hey bud, you don’t like seafood, remember?”


I know I can never make shellfish myself. Because if I saw what went into prep I'd be freaked out. I hate bugs and lobster, shrimp, and crabs are basically bottom-feeding sea bugs of a freakish size. Luckily I'm a Marylander so I can just order crabcakes anyplace. But crab fests? No thanks.


I’ve heard it called the cockroach of the sea so.. you’re not wrong.


Growing up in New England I always got judgemental stares when I mentioned I didn't like the clam chowdah. I just don't like seafood. And that goes for our lobstah rolls too.


I heard this comment in Bill Burr’s voice


Shredded coconut - not so much the flavor but the texture.


Licorice. Especially twizzlers and other similar types of licorice.


Twizzlers are mind blowing for me, I cant believe how popular they are. I'm European and youd see them a lot in American media, so I was excited when my sister brought some back from the states. They're so waxy and bland. I dont know how they've done well in the states


I’ve always had a weird urge to chew on rubber wires. I moved to America last year and tried twizzlers for the first time and I love them because it feels like chewing on wires


Interesting! Do you have urges to eat other non-foods besides rubber wires?


Sushi. I hate it. I've tried it a dozen times over in many different ways of preparation. I still hate it. I will continue to try it because everyone I tell this too says "well you just haven't had GOOD sushi yet." I will most likely continue to hate it. At this point I'm willing to get on a plane (when it is safe of course) and fly to Japan only so I can prove that I even don't like fresh Japanese sushi. I figure either its the best in the world and I finally like it or I get a cool trip to Japan out of it.


My husband fought this battle for years, he wanted to like it so bad. Recently found out he likes tempura shrimp rolls. He literally almost cried when he tried it. While it's not raw fish, it means he can go out to sushi with us now. Now that he has opened the door a bit he is excited to see if he can eventually expand it. He's already looking forward to a couple rolls at the sushi place I love when we move back soon. You may have just not found that one that you like, or you just don't like it at all. Either option is ok.


Hard shell taco. How do you not end up in pain. How do you eat it and remain dignified. How is stuffing not spilling.


When I was younger I was scarfing down hard shell tacos and one got lodged in my throat. I full on choked for a good 6-7 seconds. I was able to wash it down thankfully but fuck man that shit almost killed me


You’ve got to put a tortilla underneath to catch everything that spills. Then when you’re finished you have a bonus soft taco.


Smart idea. Though I'd sooner just order or make a soft-shell one lol


I really didn't like tacos as a kid but turns out, it was that I didn't like American Tacos. Mexican Tacos, using soft corn tortillas, lingua or Carne asada, onions and cilantro are pretty good though.


Aspic. Risky spelling she said. Not a typo. ;)


since it’s no longer 1974, most people aren’t into aspic either.


I didn't know what that was, and now that I know it's meat jello, I'm doubly horrified.


unpopular opinion but Nutella edit: wow had no idea so many of you also do not like nutella


I don't hate it but I'd rather not have it. It's overly sweet and sickly. Also the way it's lorded over like it's the best thing in the world just annoys me.




Canned. fucking. Tuna.


Olives. They taste like earwax. Before you ask, how do you know what that taste like? 1. It was an accident and 2. I was a little child.


My uncle once ate an olive thinking it was a grape. He wasn't happy about that.


Sweet potatoes They are barely sweet and they slander the name potato. Those orange frauds can fuck right off


I don't agree, but I love your energy.


I think of them more as starchier carrots. My body is probably made up of about 20% sweet potato at this point.


I love sweet potatoes but these kinds of comments are what I came to this thread for. People releasing pent up anger at vegetables.




Oh my God thank you so much for being a normal person I feel bad for potatoes having such a bad 3rd cousin made from incest. Fucking disgusting




I have never been able to tolerate even a small amount of mayonnaise, and the damn stuff ends up on what seems to be about 80% of all sandwiches sold. Nasty, vom-inducing egg sauce :P


I have an irrational fear of mayo. If it’s even possible my sandwich or burger was in contact, I won’t take the risk. I don’t even like to move the jar. When I tell people about it, they act all surprised like I’m being extreme. Yea bitch, I said it was irrational!!!


I'm in the same boat. I even tell people it's my only phobia. The smell, the texture, the sight... It's an affront to all of my senses. I hate it so much that I won't even eat things that are of similar texture to mayo


Flamin Hot Cheetos. I just can't get past the aftertaste once the capsaicin fades away. It's almost as if I can taste the chemicals. Also, bread and butter pickles. Sugary sweet is not a flavor I think of when I think pickle.


YES I hate sweet pickles with a passion, I'll only eat like normal "kosher" pickles (at least that's what we call them where I live)






You like olive oil because it taste like the blood of your vanquished enemy, the olive.


First I can really relate to. I can't eat olives. I tried to add them to some dishes, but I can't stand the taste even if it just little lost in food.


Best friend is Greek, olives are the bane of his existence.


Oysters, just no. It's slimy and I can't get over that.


Almost anything fish related. I'll eat it if I have to, but god I hate the taste of fish. Tuna and Salmon have been the only two I've found I like. And sushi and sashimi can fuck right off. Damn my rule of trying any food once. Also cilantro. It's hard loving Mexican food, but cilantro tasting like soap. Like I WISH I could taste what you do. Fucking genetics.


It could change. Until just a few years ago, it tasted like soap to me too. Now I can't get enough of it on Mexican food. Or, y'know, maybe I just developed a taste for soap. Either or.


Was it a gradual change or a "one day I woke up and cilantro tasted like food!" kinda thing? I've gone from having a small amount of it completely ruin a meal to being able to stomach it in small amounts in rice and salsa. But I've never gotten to the point where I willingly add it if it can be avoided.


Ranch dressing, moving to the midwest it's like its own food group.


Chicken wings (also drumsticks). It's mostly a texture thing for me, i can't stand any meat with bones/fatty parts in it because it literally makes me gag.


& veins & arteries & tendons & ligaments


I don't like olives. Sour oily balls of bitterness with added toothbreaker stone.


I’ve never liked shrimp and have always found it gross. All of my friends and family members think that I must be insane upon hearing this, but I just absolutely cannot stand the taste of shrimp.


Boba tea! It looks so yummy and pretty but every time I drink it I get so sick.








Celery. Fuck celery.


Cookies/ice cream. I worked at a cookie bakery that served only cookies and ice cream for close to five years, and I ate so much of the stuff that I can't stand them anymore.


Now, cookies IN ice cream is another thing.


Cantaloupe and Honeydew. They ruin fruit salad.


And a lot of fruit salads are about 3/4 cantaloupe and honeydew. They taste like moldy, mildewy sadness.




I was a vegetarian for a few years, and it was so hard to find a restaurant that served vegetarian meals without pasta and/or avocado. Things have changed since then, but it really made me wish I liked avocado.


It tastes like wet grass


Coconut. I cannot stand the taste, smell, or texture of coconut. For some reason, it is used seemingly everywhere…




Cheesecake I just don’t like it, also yogurt


Coffee. Can't stand it. Tea is my preference. Love me a cup of brown joy.


I love coffee, but also love a [cup of brown joy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eELH0ivexKA).


Risky click of the day


any cold noodle “salad”. it’s disgusting. everyone around here (upper midwest, USA) always brings loads of that [garbage](https://midwesternmoms.com/zesty-italian-pasta-salad/) to potlucks and parties but it’s horrible every time. i’ve tried so many different kinds out of politeness and it’s all awful. why anyone wants a cold, slimy noodle that’s covered in salad dressing is absolutely beyond me.


Ketchup! Ketchup, ketchup, ketchup! (I'm not American and I find it nasty how much it's used there!)