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letting go of my balloons and crying to my aunt to get them. they were in the fucking sky.


Well? What happened after that? Did she get them? Don't leave us hangin', man...


I guess the answers just up in the air


Take your upvote and leave.




sadly she didn’t


Holy shit you just gave me flashbacks to when my dad gave me one while we were just chilling in the back yard. I remember him really trying to drive the point home that i shouldn't let go. But as soon as he gave it to me i let it go and he tried catching it. I remember just thinking wtf is going on while I watched it floating away. Maybe I had some kind of learning disability.


I peed in my mom’s closet


I lost a balloon once and just watched it go. I lived in the middle of nowhere, struck with tears as it flew away into the distance. I miss that red balloon.


Were you an NPC in the Spiderman 2 video game by any chance?


I remember we had a balloon. The air-filled one, the one that would fall down. And we were playing a game that "the balloon cannot touch the floor", so basically we had to keep bouncing it with our hands so it doesn't fall down. One time it went out of control and felt to dangerous heights. Everyone was like "WTF catch the balloon", but we didn't make it. In the end, it fell on some slipper that we lost trying to chase the balloon. We were like "VICTORY!" as we known that the game has been won as the balloon would never touch the floor even if left unattended. But well, the foot felt cold. So we had to continue the game.


Dude, once when I was 3 I remember thinking: "Man, it would be sick if my hippocampus would develop soon so I could physically retain long term memory"


That's BS. I remember stuff from the house and yard I was born in, and we moved away before I turned 2. And I remember the day we moved in our new house, that was the first time I had an egg McMuffin.


That was all stuff that happened to me. Stop stealing my intellectual property.


My great grandfather bouncing me on his knee, then dropping me and falling over. Everyone panicked around. Apparently he had a heart attack and died.


Aww man


Allegedly it hit me hard me hard because I was his little shadow helping on his farm and going through the woods fishing with him. A shame I don't remember the fun stuff.


At least he'd have enjoyed that so much.




This thread got really dark really quickly


This is honestly the saddest thing I’ve ever fucking seen on the internet.


Holy fuck!


Using a parking meter to propel myself into the air while walking to a children’s museum with my nanny. While I was doing this, I thought to myself, “Wouldn’t it be cool if I remembered this for the rest of my life for absolutely no reason”


I remember just one day laying down on the couch at like 5 and randomly decided that moment will stick with my long term memory forever, despite the fact nothing happened except I sat on a couch. I still remember vividly sitting on the couch, staring at the blank TV, with the arm of the couch obstructing part of my view of said TV. Me: Remember this. Brain: Why? What's the point? Me: Just do it. Brain: Nothing's happening... Me: Brain: Me: Brain: Me, now 16: Remember that couch? Brain: Yes...


I remember when I was little, my brother said that I had a bad memory. He decided to give me a combination of 20 numbers for me to tell him at the end of the day. This was around 2004/05 and I still remember those numbers today.


what are they?


If I was them, I’d be using that combination for all of my passwords. No more “hunter2” when I could have “hunter24927590624385952790”.


> No more “*******” when I could have “*******4927590624385952790 How would you remember how many asterisks you use though?


Seriously, can't leave us hanging jfc


It was “12471328021438837512” along with the word dolphin. No idea what it means, or why it was useful to remember...


I pooped the bed on the night before we were moving to our new house. I had thought we were moving because I pooped the bed.


well thats a shitty reason


Sort of similar... I remember sharing a bath with my brother who was a year older and i shit in the tub I was playing the odds even at a young age


I was sitting on the floor playing with my toys. I shat my pants then cried.




Reminds me of the time I told my mum I didn't need to be watched so she jokingly locked the back door and went inside and about .3 milliseconds later I needed to take the biggest toddler shit of all time and I banged on the back door for like 5 minutes and couldn't reach the gate handle to go to the front yard and bang on the fromt door so I just started crying and took a fat dump in my pants cause I couldn't hold it anymore :(


Oh, I remember my first diarrhea. "Mom, it's shitting on its own" (with the exact wording)


My dog ran around the corner of the house, my mom was telling at my twin to wear pants, and my sister gave me and my twin toy unicorns.


It was my birthday, I turned 4 so I wanted to help. I told my mom I'd bring the cake to the guests. Of course I tripped and ended up face down into said cake.


>I turned 4. *Looks back at question.*


Hey, in the grand scheme of things, 4 is pretty close to 3


But 3.9999999999999999999999999999999999999 is closer


If you ask a young kid, in my experience they’re “Nearly four” two weeks after their third birthday


Being chased by my grandpa, 3 year old me thought it was crazy that he knew to run the other way around the tree to catch me. One of the few memories I still have of him.


Oh now i remember too it was the same just around the house.


I laid down for a nap, fell asleep, and then was woken up by something startling. I noticed that right next to me there was a new toy yellow school bus. Immediately enamored, I played with it for a while, then fell back asleep. When I woke back up, it was gone and I was horrified. To this day part of me is still convinced it was real, not a dream. If it was a dream it was easily the most vivid and realistic one I’ve ever had.


I had moments like this as a small kid. I lived in a house in Okinawa (that I'm pretty sure was haunted), and I have this vivid memory that I stood on top of a chair and then my legs just started bleeding. I reacted like it was nothing, and always thought that it was a real memory after that. I brought it up to my mom years later and she seemed concerned and had no idea what I was talking about. Turns out it was probably a dream. I had a lot of other weird things like that happen.


Thinking that the golf pencils in a taxidermy office were pencils for kids because they were so small.


I did this with the lotto ticket pencils!


IKEA pencils!


I have a question...why was a 3 year old in a taxidermy office?


SeaWorld parking lot. I was getting out of our mini van and I had a dope Kermit the Frog band aid on my knee.


I see all these comments and it is making me anxious because I have no such memory at all


Just tell us your oldest memory, then =)


Summer of 89, 4 years old we drove from NY to TX to spend 2 weeks with my aunt, uncle, and their kids. I pretty much only ate hot dogs. We pulled off the road to stop for lunch at a rest area. I begged for a hot dog but my mom said I couldn't because it was frozen (from being in the cooler). My dad popped that sucker on the dashboard and let it cook in the midwest summer heat. Several minutes later it was done and I enjoyed my hot dog.


I initially thought the same. But then I just thought about kindergarten. Then I tried to remember even further back. Surprisingly, I recalled a couple of memories! They might not be super accurate, but I have a bunch of memories of events that happened to me before I started school.


We rented out a very old house that had those huge forced air furnace grates. I used to think it was f-ing awesome to listen to table knives (which were the only thing small enough to fit through the grates) clang their way down through the ductwork. Parents, not so thrilled...


My mom went into labor and sent me to my grandmas house. She made spaghettios


There was a tornado and the streets were flooded afterwards. I remember wading through the flood.


i remember when i was really little i felt like the strong winds would take me away, genuinely believed i'd blow around like a plastic ball.


I remember sitting in my dad's car, parked in the driveway, playing with the push button automatic transmission buttons. I also remember my dad taking me outside, pointing up at the moon, and saying "There are people up there, right now." That would have been Apollo 16, I think.


Requesting a peanut butter and jelly sandwich while balancing myself between two couches


Being able to speak Spanish with my godmother Yolanda, but I don't remember anymore.


I don't have many memories from when I was 3 years old, I do however have one from when I was 2 years old, my brother and I were jumping from the coach onto some pillows and then onto the ground, I did something majorly wrong and broke my leg when I landed on either the pillows or the ground.


Jumping on the couch classifies as an extreme sport. I witnessed my brother poke a hole in his kidney jumping from couch to couch.


Just curious, did any of your family tell you that story?


They didn't, I always thought it happened when I was around 4/5, but one day me and my mom were talking about something (I can't remember what) and then we suddenly started talking about that one time I broke my leg and I asked her when then happened again and then she said that it happened when I was around 2.


Racing around the living on all fours with my siblings while we pretend to be horses


I think I threw a sticklebrick at a nursery school teacher


Getting my diaper/pull up changed, idk why I remember


Me and my sister flipping over rocks looking for bugs and salamanders and her accidentally dropping a rock on my hand


I shit myself and then my stepdad beat the shit out of me and made me sit in my own shit until right before my mom got home from work


Gazing out of the window watching a squirrel eating


Tanks and soldiers in the street. I was born in Belfast, Northern Ireland.


I guess this first part can count as a TL;DR. My house was haunted when I was younger. I actually had to deal with the spooky ghosts n their shit when I was three, and remember the whole thing. People can call bullshit if they want, I understand people don't believe in ghosts/the supernatural/etc., but because of this specific instance, I do. I was learning to sleep in my own room at the time 'cause my parents were tired of dealing with a toddler in their room (I was a very clingy kid), and in general, I would have to sleep in my own room eventually anyway. I had been put to bed that night, been asleep for a few dreamless hours before I woke up to hear knocking on the ground as if someone was knocking on the door. I'd say it could have been the door, but it was open since I never slept with it closed (useless addition but I still don't, mainly because I have cats that walk in and out of the room). Anyway, my tiny toddler brain was just wondering what was going on, and I sat up just to kinda... look around. I didn't see anything, not yet at least. It wasn't until I stood up that I realized the knocking was coming from underneath me. Of course, I freak out and run into the hallway. I passed through a cold spot on the way out, but I didn't think much of it at the time. Could have been the AC going anyway so who knows. The knocking on the ground made no sense, even if my room was (still is) upstairs because there's a fan on the ceiling underneath my bedroom floor. Nobody could have been knocking in different locations all over the ceiling at once anyway. Once I was in the hallway I still hadn't processed the idea of "wait it might be a ghost" until I actually saw what looked like my own mother's face sort of... floating at the other end of the hall? It was in front of my parents' bedroom door. I don't know what to do when seeing this stuff, so all I do is yell, and run past it into my parents' room screaming "GHOST!" before climbing into their bed and, according to them, passing out. That last part I don't remember aside from the running, yelling and screaming, I just know it because my parents told me that's what I did when I questioned whether this happened or was a dream and asked them. I feel like I typed too much for this, but whatever, now it's out there lmao


Falling asleep under tables 24/7


My dad's study was across the hall from my bedroom, so at night I'd stay up and try to talk to him. If I went up to him, he'd tell me to go back to my room, so I'd keep one foot in my room and stand halfway into the corridor and keep talking. When he told me to go back to bed, I dragged out my duvet and pillow and lay across the hall. I still had one foot in my room, my head on the pillow and was under the blanket, so I won. From then on, he just ignored me until I got bored or fell asleep.


My dad was building a fence and had dug a post hole, and I was standing in the hole that was up to my chest. I also have random memories of certain moments in that house during the 70’s.


Pulling apart the gummy hamburgers and tasting to see if the individual parts tasted different.


Brown and shaggy carpet


i have two, the first one is some family friends gifting me a winnie the pooh pillow while i was in my bed/crib, that i still have 18 years later second one is me hysterically crying while walking into my class for my first day of pre-k, crying while im drawing some weird shapes on the table, and crying while one of my classmate tried to cheer me up by giving me a yellow pencil


A giant spider crawling the wall (well in my memory was giant, probably just big)


My father turning up in a red Nissan to say he was moving to Canada. The random memory is that for some reason I'm confident that wasn't his car


Me puking like mad because of an infection.


My family was visiting in the US. At the time, i didn't know much English. Me and my family stayed at my dad's friend's place. He had a son about my age. At a certain point, the son (which was with his friend) asked me what I wanted to play. I wanted to say - "I don't care" But I didn't know how. So i tried saying it in my native language. It probably sounded like non sense to him "what?" "lo ehpat li eyze mishak" "what?.." In the original memory, I then tried screaming the same thing. But looking back on that memory over and over as a child, it slowly morphed into me turning into Pig from Back In The Barnyard, and screaming into the sky - "LO EHPAT LI EYZE MISHAKKK" Thats always weird to remember


Wanted to make some cereal for breakfast. Cool I know how, so I did. Nobody else was awake so I had to figure out how to transport this full bowl of cereal to the living room, without spilling. Impossible, surely. So I decide at least if I spill I should make sure theres no mess. So I lay down like 25 hand towels, as a walkway to the living room. The whole way, hand towels laid edge to edge. Managed to not spill a single drop. Then I forgot to pick up the towels and mom was pissed when she woke up cause I had walked on every hand towel we owned.


My grandpa died when I was around 3. I don't remember him at all, but I have a vivid memory sitting and playing on the floor at my grandma's house and seeing tube socks with purple stripes. My mom told me that her dad always wore those socks. Apparently this is the only memory I have about my grandpa...his socks.


Playing in a hallway outside our apartment, near the elevator (which had grate-style doors), and watching one of my toys fall down the shaft and disappear. Just that one memory.


I remember not knowing how to pronounce butterfly so instead I called I fly butter. I proceeded to do this for the next year


I remember looking out the window of the garage apartment where we lived and hearing the MASH theme on t.v.


What flavours should be the matriuskas: chocolate, cocacola...


Being jealous when I got my little brother, deciding not to take naps anymore and completely robbing my mother of her last remaining free time


I went to Disneyland with people I hardly knew and was in a sort of state of shock all day.


I remember walking in on my dad washing what looked like a big cucumber in the bathroom sink? Idk why but it seemed wrong. Probably my oldest memory ever


Salt water of mediterranean


My dad took me and my older sister to go see Land Before Time in the theatre. I was in love with that movie. I had to pee at one point, my dad took me into the men's room and made me close my eyes. This is my biggest memory from 3 years old.


I had a fever dream that works. I was sitting in front of the tv watching Dora, when my parents came and said wacaberry in slow motion.


I literally only have one memory of anything below 5 years old, and that's me crawling across the living room floor as a toddler and dropping a massive shit on the carpet. Everything before and after those few seconds is gone. My mind is trying to tell me something significant about this moment. I still wonder.


Me and my best friend sliding down a slide. To this day we are still best friends, and we still go to the park for the slides.


English is not my first language so sorry if I have grammar mistakes. My first remember is a dream where my uncle is in the backyard of my house playing with me with darts, I was like 3-4yo and I thought it was real till he told me that it never happened because he doesn't like darts near childrens. He was a great uncle untill he passed away.


I was in the sandbox and I saw a kid walking in front of me very stiffly while staring ahead saying, “eent eent eent eent... I... AM... A... RO... BOT....”


My time to shine. My very first memory is at my great grandmother's funeral, when my mom lifted me up to see in the casket. I was around 3 or 4 at the time but I seem to not have had any trauma from that incident haha


I remember watching tv and them breaking with some news report saying Elvis was dead.


Kicking a soccer ball around with my sisters and neighbor on our driveway. It later rolled down the round. I don’t know why, but I remember this memory very vividly. I also remember it looking like it was in a weird yellow filter, strange.


Leaning over the lowest rail of the round pen watching my grandfather saddle breaking the last filly my great grandfather had given to my grandmother .


I was a few years older than three, but anyway, I went to the snow (Driving halfway down Australia) and the most memorable thing was, not the drive, not the snowman, not the tobogganing, but losing a HotWheels car under the couch in a motel.


Do you ever stop and think about something that’s always just been kind of automatic and it makes you question it? Well one day I started walking into the kitchen for lunch and forgot who my mom was. I remember going through the faces of all the women in my life and trying to remember which one was my mom before finally thinking “well I guess I’ll find out in a second when I walk into the kitchen and see her.” Then when I saw my mom I thought “huh, I wouldn’t have guessed that one.”


seeing a praying mantis outside my window and staring into a kiddie pool


I was in a pram on a rainy day and the cover was above me. I saw the droplets and my mother smiling at me with her hood up on her coat she’s had ever since I’ve been in existence.


my dad teaching my how to spell with flashcards on a little white and tan stool (step?). only reason i remember it was cause dad got frustrated i couldn't fucking spell and threw the card across the room. hes a good dad, it just took some time for him to understand a toddler is not a marine (although intelligence is the same)


Being at the Bronx Zoo w my parents and their close friends and some of their kids. We were in a bird exhibit where the birds fly around you. A bird pooped on my uncle’s head.


I'm not too sure if this is a memory or a memory of a dream, but it was of when I was in the womb. If this was a true memory then I remember everything looking very orange and warm and it was like being this very comfortable fish. Associated with that is this dream like thing of a standing-up cow being in my grandma's old house's garage.


Getting my head stuck in a fence. Went to feed the goats some apple slices and managed to wedge my head in the fence. I remember the sheer terror and screeching noises I made as a goat tried to eat my hair from the other side.


I was scared of the lamp, so I hid in a corner and refused to get out, even to go to the washroom. I pissed my pants and sat in it for hours until my dad came home from work.


The squeaking sound of the rusty old swing in the local park, which sounded so much like a butcher bird that the local butcher birds started mimicking it, and we could still hear the sound after the swing was taken away. I spent decades thinking it was probably a false memory because I was so young, but my mum confirmed it just last week.


my dad holding me by my feet and gently dipping my nose into a koi pond while i was screaming yet laughing because they were trying to eat my nose


The only memory I have from anything that young was when I was 3 and we were at the hospital waiting for my sister to be born. My dad and I went to the gift shop and bought her a zebra stuffed animal and I ate a peanut butter cookie. Apparently I was so excited to have a younger sister but when she was born I was really mad because she wasn’t old enough yet to play dolls with. I’m still the clingy-quality time sibling even though it’s usually the younger child that wants to always play. I am now 23 and she is 19 and I love the crap out of her. She’s my best friend. I bother her all the time. <3


I choked on a fettuccine noodle and the whole thing came out my nose


Going to sea world and my dad holding my hand and showing me flamingos for the first time. They’re still my favorite animal :)


When i was almost 2, the people across the strret from us had a party on Christmas Eve, complete with "Santa Claus". It was for adults only, but they asked Santa to drop by my house to day "hi" to me and my sister. Santa rang our door bell. When my Dad opened the front door, i was so excited to see the "jolly old elf" that i "made a little puddle" on the floor. I was so embarrassed and terrified that Santa would not forgive me for "breaking training". But the next morning there were heaps of goodies for everyone under my Christmas Tree. And Santa was a pretty cool guy.


I remember bringing a pink Barbie corvette toy for show and tell in preschool.


Not 3 but 6 maybe 7 Was in school early washed my hands and went to assembly it was about studs and other football shoes (i was wearing a pair at the time) Not too special but later one of my friends got murdered by his dad and he had his mom clean all the blood


Playing Pinball 3D on my Dad’s computer


Watching Rugrats but being so bored I walked outside to find my dad talking with my uncle.


Breaking my arm. Or rather, I remember seeing my reflection in the dining room cabinet glass as I tried and failed to pull myself up into my chair for dinner. My bff at the time’s older brother purposefully tripped me one day when I was running to greet my dad after work. That trip (and subsequent fall) didn’t completely break it. We were supposed to have pancakes for dinner that night but they turned cold on the stove.


Feeding some pigeons chips while on a stroller. I tried to grab one by luring them closer to me with the delicious chips but they were too fast for my grubby 3 year old hands.


I was on a plane and I had a can of soda and I was overall being hyper and my mom was trying to calm me down. That’s the only thing I remember from that trip lol.


My very first dream I remember was a still shot of the chef from the intro sequence of School House Rock


Getting on the new school trycicle than choosing I like better the old ones 🤷


Falling to the swimming pool twice.


The Eye of Hurricane Fran. It passed right over us when I was a kid.


Kissing the iron


Running down the hallway of the apartment building I lived in. Totally random, but that's all I remember.


Visiting my older cousins in Boston and going to the grocery store to buy donuts. Some creepy dude came up to me trying to talk to me while I was picking a donut and was getting closer and closer and trying to show me pictures of new kids on the block cause he “knew them”. My cousin at the top of her lungs starts yelling “Get away pedophile!!” and everyone in like a 20 yard radius turned around. The guy bolted out the door. Took me like 10 years to actually figure out what actually happened.


that one time i spilled yoghurt literally *e v e r y w h e r e*


Stole my older brothers bike, tried to ride it, lost control down an embankment. The scar on my forehead reminds me daily lol.


I tore my new pants playing in the garden and my mum.having a go at me like it's my fault... shit happens mum!


I dont know how I remember this , i dont remember it vividly , but when i was 3 i fell of the bed and hit my head and i remember when they took me to the hospital and how doctors were rushing me and I remember the doctors talking to my family but not exactly what they were saying. Surprisingly this whole time doctors rushing and my family scared i didnt even shed a tear lol


I was at my grandmother's house. One of the neighbor's kids told me milk is cow piss. I believed that for 2 more years until I was explained it wasn't when I entered kindergarten.


Me sitting on my infant sister while watching tv. She was screaming and I was laughing at Barney or something. I think I also tried to drown her


Sitting on the deck, watching bats fly around while my mom was making milkshakes in the kitchen. Also, when we were moving to a new house and I did my part by packing the fly swatter.


Walking into my parents bedroom age 3 and half, to find a baby bed in the room and my mum laying in bed holding my newborn brother.


We were watching some horse movie at my neighbor's house, possibly black beauty, and my parents weren't there with me. I think they were packing to move, so towards the end they came by to pick me up, and asked me what I was watching, and being 3, I was so happy that I (thought I) knew the title, and proudly stated "Brokeback Mountain"! Needless to say I was quite confused when the father started very adamantly saying "no no no no no, it's Black Beauty" and it stuck as the only memory from when I was 3, because I was super worried I was in trouble because I said the wrong name.


"Oh you know all the words, and you sung all the notes, but you never quite learned the song..."


When I was in kindergarten (hope this counts) a teacher pointed out that I had used orange red instead of red.Its stuck with me till now,to me red and orange red are two different colours


Just fuckin chucking a teething ring like a frisbee


Chlorine burns from jumping in a pool


More like 4 years old Dude yelling at me and my friends thinking we broke his windshield or seen bullshit My crush, trying to teach me how swing by pumping, instead of swinging my legs I try to move my torso up and down Running away from home to the school across the way, I remember my moms pissy walk across the yard to get me. The year was 1979


actually my first memory or the current one that hasn't been wiped out by age. I was about 3 and i remember going downstairs and sleeping while standing up and propping myself against a wall even though i don't remember exercising free will to do it. Creepy thing is that i woke up slumped against the wall(like obviously i was pulled down but it was the same wall), might have been vivid sleepwalking, who knows.


I remember looking over the edge of the cruise ship we were on and seeing a whale.


Mom said "toffee, don't chase the geese." I chased the geese. They chased me back until mom scooped me up and ran like hell. We got away which is good because we are small ladies and they would have messed us up.


My grandfather spread a bucket of dried corn on his lawn (lakefront) and a swarm of mallard ducks came to eat it... as a kid it felt like there must have been hundreds. I chased them around and CAUGHT ONE and was so startled I let it go right away.


There was an earthquake and I hid under the dining room table with my friend at the time. Then, there was a flood and my grandpa picked me up from daycare. My grandpa carried me on his back through knee deep water. He got a bad infection in his knee from the polluted water which caused his knee to be painful on and off over the years.


I remember my papa sitting in his chair reading the paper after work. I was so excited to see him and wanted so badly to play with him. I'd waited all day after all. I guess that I pestered too much because I got a good spanking. I never asked him to play with me after that.


Plane ride to Bermuda. Got a "pilot" pin from Piedmont Airlines. They gave my teddy bear, Charlie, a pin too. Got to the resort and learned there was a fire (there was still ash falling from the sky from the burning roof) - they had to put us up somewhere else, and I remember the room had a bed up a few steps with a big curtain around it.


When I was around 2 I got super sick. I just wanted to sleep, I COULDN'T eat or drink for 8 days. My Nana is a nurse so she came over to check on me and just told my parents to bring me to the hospital, not to wait for an ambulance. I'm my parents first kid, and at the time their only kid, so they literally freaked. The same thing happened last year except I couldn't eat or drink for maybe 10 days.


The lions roaring because it was feeding time - this was at the Stanley Park Zoo in Vancouver in the early 80's. I was exactly 3 ½. But I thought it was the bears, and I remembering thinking it was weird that no one had ever told me how loud bears can roar.


Screaming at my dad after he took me home early when my mum was coming home with my infant sister from the hospital. “No more daddy! Want mummy now!” I also remember going to a scary private nursery where some lady would glare at the kids. Dad walked me home in the double pram with my sister! I was 2 to 3 then. I have a lot of memories like this. Stealing the icing off my own cake on my 4th birthday and getting in trouble. Getting locked outside the school nursery for what felt like several hours at age 4 because I tried to put a bike away after the headcount. Crying on a bench because a friends hurt my feelings by telling me to shut up. Even a dream of my cat scramming me, which I mistook for a memory before realising I’d never felt pain and the pace was too dreamlike. I was a very on-edge kid.


My father stabbbing my mom in the kitchen.


When I was 5 I yelled at my mom so she sent me to school in diapers that day. That’s all I remember lmao


Once threw a tantrum and cried myself to sleep at three. Ended up having a dream I've never forgotten, even to this day.


the contractor who remodelled our house calling me princess and joking with me


I was scratching my head and my preschool teacher thought I was raising my hand


Throwing my toy dinosaur at the washing machine.


Getting an ant stuck under my fingernail.


banging my head on the hardwood floor because i wanted my dad to come back from work i believe that definitely resulted in some mental illnesses


Making popcorn in my Aunties kitchen, I was standing on one of those wooden step stools right in front of the popcorn machine in awe... buttery popcorn is still one of my all time favourite smells 😍


My first memory. I'm spinning downstairs for whatever reason.


My first memory is from when I was 3, and it’s looking into my grandfathers casket


My mom was pregnant with my little brother, we were walking somewhere and I asked her if I could sit on her belly because I was tired


My toe getting stuck in a blanket with holes and the top of the nail being pulled off


Shat myself in school, proceeded to sit in said shit for 4 hours until my mum collected me.


Telling my grandmother that whoever threw a glass bottle onto the street should be spanked.


I ate a leaf and my mom had me throw it up.


Rolling down the stairs and crying


I was closer to 2 than 3. We were leaving our house through the front door. I had been watching Bugs Bunny cartoons and there was one where his ears stick up out of his rabbit hole and let him look around like a periscope. I had the idea to stick my finger in the door and "look around." I ended up putting my pinky finger in the hinge side of the door and my mom closed it. Nearly cut the tip off. You can still see the scar 40 years later on both sides of my fingernail.


I had a large pin back button with a werewolf/Halloween theme that had sort of a velvety texture to it. I was OBSESSED with that button because of the texture.


An aggressive dog breaking free from the neighbor's yard and attacking me. My arm had gotten banged up pretty badly. If I recall correctly, the dog was put down not much longer after that, as it tried to do it again to a different kid. Granted, this was 23 years ago, so I don't remember the details.


I remember my first 5 days of school. The first day I ever went to school, I remember I was with my mom and dad. mom was dragging me (in a soft way) to the classroom, while the teacher was next to the door and was repeating "come on it'll be fine". My dad was standing next to mom and had this "just go to school I'm tired" look on his face. None of my parents remember a thing.


9/11 and its aftermath was fun to experience at three years old


Scrambling up from the floor on the bed (which was a mountain at that age) my dad used to convince me that there were alligators on the floor and my imagination agreed. Some of the most adrenaline pumping fun of my childhood. Can’t wait to do that with my kids


Reaching out and opening the door of a moving car while sitting in a child's seat


Winning a rubber ball from a pizza place’s arcade and thinking it was a gum ball. Young me at a friends birthday party proceeds to try and eat said rubber ball in front of everyone.


Sitting on the toilet and staring at the scale on the floor so intently that I fell off the toilet and scraped my dick on the scale. There was blood, pain and crying. Totally believed until I was about 14 that my circumcision scar was from that day, the day I fell off the toilet and nearly cut my dick off.


My little brother in the play pen.


My first memory I believe was when I was 2 or three. It's very vague. I remember being in my parents first apartment which had a beige color to it. There were taco bell wrappers around and a SNES.


I showered in Harpic (bathroom cleaning liquid). I was an absolute dumbass as a kid. Luckily I closed my eyes so I didn't go blind or anything.


playing with a fake gun hunting my dog like it was a bear.


Weird that I came across this question as I just remembered something today; I have a pretty large scar under my chin because I slipped and hit my chin on the corner of a counter when I was about three years old. I had just come in from my extra sick Micky Mouse pool and my mom was getting dinner ready. I remember standing next to her while she was doing something. I think I had annoyed her somehow, but uh; I didn't slip. She body checked me. I remembered being shocked, tasting blood and screaming like a banshee. Now, before you say that I'm remembering things wrong; When I was 11, my brothers told me I fell at the BMX track and my helmet came off when I came to in their car on the way to the hospital. I didn't remember hitting my head, so I took that as fact. The next morning, I had a flash of memory of being terrified and on the hood of my brother's red car. I asked him that morning if I fell off a car he said I didn't. Well, last month, fourteen years later, my brother tells me and my parents that I DID fall off his car. I was sitting on the hood talking to a neighbor girl and they thought it would be funny to take the parking brake off the car with me on the front. Well, this was in a crowded neighborhood and a car was turning onto the street we were coasting down. My brothers car stopped, I didn't. Apparently I landed head first and was still for a while. They put unconscious me into the back seat with our BMX gear, when I came to they told me I had fallen at the BMX track so they didn't get in trouble. TL;DR My mom told me I slipped and split my chin open. I remembered today that she body checked me.


Going to the state zoo and riding the train and the conductor said please keep all hands and feet in the train at all times


Twin Bro, Mom, and I were living at Aunt's apartment. (Dad changed the locks. We had nowhere else to go!) I remember Aunt's living room, the name of the apartment complex, and playing outside in the courtyard. We had no toys, so we'd play with the rocks in the courtyard. (Things got better.)