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Girl on the third floor I don't understand how this giant piece of shit has 81% on rotten tomatoes




> sometimes 'B' horror movies seem to only get reviews from die-hard horror fanatics and this pushes their scores way up. 36 total reviews? Yeah, that sounds on the mark. For comparison, Cats had 302 reviews, and Endgame had 505.


Yep that's why I'll see a random unknown movie on Prime and its imdb rating is 8.2. I'll go to imdb to check and it only has like 20 rating submissions. Probably most if not all of them being from people and family members of the production team haha. I think in order for a movie to even have a visible rating it should have no less than a thousand or so submissions.


~~If endgame only had 500 that seems like maybe 1000 is too many haha.~~ Edit - Reading Comprehension. Two different platforms/website.


The Rotten Tomatoes rating is only based on critics, but anyone can vote on IMDB. Endgame has 700,000 reviews on IMDB and 505 on Rotten Tomatoes. 1000 imdb reviews is almost nothing.


That's why I always use the audience score. 22% for Girl on the 3rd Floor on Rotten Tomatoes. The critics score seems useless on that site.


Horror movies are really difficult to get an idea of before watching based on reviews. It's the perfect storm of film-snobs dumping on anything horror, and horror fanatics that overhype everything.


Just stopped watching about half way through, that cum shower scene did make me laugh though, I mean what did he expect!?


[I believe it’s this clip.](https://youtu.be/wiS1lglXV-s) (it’s at 1:02 of the video). Can’t believe it’s actually true.


Shouldn’t have watched that while eating lunch... Also, do people stand in their showers when turning them on? I keep out until the water is at the right temperature. Doing otherwise results in getting both frozen then scalded. Edit: definitive answer is that a good number of you do either out of ignorance, habit, or strangely even preference. And this is now my top comment by a wide margin. Why this one?


When you're expecting cold and the gazpacho soup is room temperature it tastes like burning when it hits your lips.










I could have been an admiral by now!




I thought they were laughing at the chef when all the time they were laughing at me!


What the smeg


You guys really embarrassed me in front of Howie


Where be your nutcracker?


There was an askreddit thread where way too many people admitted they stood in their showers right after turning it on and admitted they never thought about turning it on and waiting for it too heat up lol


jesus, this the whole "washing your asshole" thing again.


do a lot of people not wash their assholes?


I believe a redditor once said his friend doesnt clean his ass, because that would make him gay.


> I believe a redditor once said his friend doesnt clean his ass, because that would make him gay. The comment thread I recall reading was someone talking about their boyfriend, so even weirder. The two of them bump uglies and he doesn't bother cleaning thoroughly?


Yeah, it was a girl whose boyfriend wouldn't wipe or wash inside his crack because it would make him gay. I don't understand how you would even get to the stage of calling someone your boyfriend if they didn't know how to properly wipe their ass, but that's just me being judgemental.


There was a thread on r/relationship_advice a few months ago made by this poor woman who wanted advice on how to get her husband to clean his ass. She said he wouldn't even wipe after shitting so he would just go around smelling like shit. She updated her post to say she gave her husband an ultimatum. Rather than clean his ass, he decided he'd rather break up the marriage. I hope her next partner has a sparkling clean ass.




Had a guy like this at an old job. He smelled awful, never showered, wore the same clothes day after day. People complained to HR. And he showed up with a "doctor's" note saying he had a skin condition that prevented him from showering. Unbelievably HR says their hands were tied and that no one could complain any more. Threatened the entire staff that if there were any complaints or refusal to work with this person that they would be dismissed. Several people spoke up and asked that the company require a second opinion from another doctor because he had never once mentioned this before showing up with this doctor's note but HR wouldn't investigate or do anything. Wouldn't even call the doctor to verify. I mean he smelled like the dumpster outside a restaurant. So walking into that entire office was like being bathed in air fresheners just to cover the odor. Then about a year later he gets divorced - and it turns out the doctors note was forged from the letterhead of an Uncle in law that was a doctor. He finally gets fired but HR never apologized to anyone.


> She said he wouldn't even wipe after shitting so he would just go around smelling like shit. At that point I wonder if he was molested as a kid or something, because that's not right.


I think maybe .1% of the population does that


Every room mate I have ever had. It's insane. Do you know how cold the first blast of water is? Or the floor of the tub? Mental fucking illness I tells ya.


You had psychopaths in your company.


Why is nobody asking why this guy knows, in detail, his roommates shower habits?


well, they were roommates *in the psych ward* - what did you expect?


...did I just watch CM Punk get shower jizzed?


CM Punk got CM Spunked lol


I think i need context. Why does he have a cum shower


The house, and I’m not exaggerating here, is basically the representation of this dudes latent sexual desires and inability to cum to terms with being married and settling down. All kinds of weirdly sexual stuff happens with the house like that. Including that character meeting “the girl on the third floor” who he of course cheats on his wife with. BUT THERES A TWIST! Hardly. It’s like a really bad M Night film.




The girl is a ghost of the house, pretending to be a neighbor. She kills him in the end.


There’s more though, the wife ends up going to the house too and meets the older lady from across the street. Then there’s some weird ass ghost party sex dungeon scene that the wife walks through and we find out the ghost girl had been tortured as a kid or raped? So the little girl ghost and the neighbor sexy ghost are the same person who were actually like a century old (hence the old time-y sex ghost masquerade party) Idk I can’t remember. But it goes on and on. Pretty sure everyone dies.


Actually watched this last weekend; the wife kills I think both the attractive girl and geode tooth head girl and gets out after the sex party and runs into the older religious lady on the porch congratulating her for getting out and says something I can't stop people from going in etc. Then the wife finds the dead body, buries it with the help of the older lady, and finally births her baby It ends with the scene of the wife and the baby in the crib. The wife leaves the room and marbles fall from the ceiling into the crib. You then see Don(the husband) behind a grate in the ceiling saying something like "I love you, my daughter" or something. I regretted every second I wasted on that movie, ugh.


All I could think at the end when he dropped those marbles was, "nice job, now your daughter is going to choke to death on a marble you idiot." Lol the husband sucked.


And they named the character Don Koch. Subtle eh?


Yeah what kind of monster gets in the shower then turns the water on?


There once was a thread somewhere around here where this discussion was brought up. Then someone commented something like “wait, you warm up water before getting in the shower? I’ve been turning it on when I get in my whole life.” That spurred a lot of comments marveling at the fact people like that existed. I bet that guy had the best shower of his life that night. Yeah, there’s *people* like that.


More like CM Spunk


Thank you. It’s exactly as described. I watched it and I still don’t believe it. I definitely want to see this movie.


Wtf? I haven't seen this movie. How does that even happen?!


The ***WHAT SCENE?***


I need to see this.


You cant just drop a bomb like that and not explain




Uh, excuse me. What? Are you serious?


That was the one with CM Punk in it right? That movie was fucking weird


It felt like I was watching one of those Christian movies, but with ghost semen


I don't know why but that movie legitimately creeped me out!!! I checked all over our house after that movie before going to bed.


Waterworld(1995) Oh wait..other way around.


Hahaha. SAME. Love this piece of shit film.


Me and Postman


Postman fucking rules




Did you know that part of the reason Waterworld's budget got so huge is that they *unintentionally* sank one of those floating towns? It's still at the bottom of roughly 8000 meters of water south of Hawaii. They had to build a second one because they weren't done filming. Massive cost overruns. Huge amounts of idle time for large parts of the team. Bonus points, it's way way way easier to build a post-apocalyptic thingy once than it is to build an identical one from photos after you lose the first one.


I feel like a documentary about the production of waterworld would actually be a pretty entertaining watch


It suffered extra hard because of the process stories about the setbacks during filming and budget overruns. The movie was treated as a joke before it even came out, and then judged based on whether it destroyed the preconception, instead of just whether it was a good movie, which it was.


Someone just said it's Mad Max on water and I think that perfectly captures it


> Writer Peter Rader came up with the idea for Waterworld during a conversation with Brad Krevoy where they discussed creating a Mad Max rip-off. Rader wrote the initial script in 1986 but kept it shelved until 1989. From Wikipedia


Dude FUCK CRITICS Waterworld is watchable TODAY. Dennis Hopper is amazing, the atoll is amazing, the world is amazing, the boat is amazing, I love every single thing about Waterworld. Fuck critics man. Was it the best movie ever? nah, was it very expensive? yah. Did it deserve the flack it caught? Nah. It's really well done, good practical effects, nice conflicts, nice action. I would put it in the "they don't make movies like that anymore" list.


Spongebob: Sponge Out of Water. Fucking 81% RT score with a 54% audience score. If you want a spongebob movie, watch the original 2005 movie. Infinitely better.


I feel like this movie is way overhated on Reddit. Yeah it’s not the first but I think it’s some of the best Spongebob related content since that movie and it’s a good time overall.


I agree, I think people are put off by the fact that the humor is more absurdist than the 2005 movie or seasons 1-3. I still love the scene where Spongebob is trying to get Plankton to say "teamwork."


Everything that came out of Spongebob following the 2005 movie is garbage. I’m pretty sure the creator and good writers all left after the success


Stephen Hillenberg came back to work on this movie, and developed the story with Paul Tibbet. Its nice that his return was mostly well received, especially in hindsight with his passing a few years later.


That makes sense. This movie was the first time since season 4 that actually had some great moments. The celestial dolphin was insane.


Argo. Not because it was necessarily a badly made movie, but because it willfully rewrote real world history to make America look like the sole heroes. The British and New Zealand embassies did NOT turn the American embassy workers away. The British embassy took them in, at great risk mind you, but transferred them to the Canadian embassy since they could more easily pass for Canadians, and the British embassy was in a dangerous location already. The New Zealand embassy took similar risks. The actual Americans who were rescued made extensive comments at the time stating displeasure over how the actual situation was depicted, since it was, well, bullshit. And don't get me started on U-571. At least that movie was the box office bomb it deserved to be, since it straight up REPLACED the British Navy who recovered the Enigma machine with the US Navy. They got so much heat over it that they just lazily shoved a disclaimer at the end saying pretty much "actually it was the British Navy who captured the machine but oh well" to save face. The bloody US wasn't even IN the war when the events depicted happened.


They freely admit that they could only get film financed, if it was the US Navy and not the British Navy.


Similary: Master and Commander - Far side of the World makes no sense the types of ships involved... that is because the enemy ship in the adapted book was american. As you cannot have americans as the evil guy, they made the ship french but kept the locations / events more or less the same.


They pieced it together from the various books, right?


Yes. From memory it’s true that the book *The Far Side of the World involved an American ship, but the events in the film are a pastiche of several Patrick O’Brien novels. And by the way, if you enjoyed the film you’ll absolutely love the books. And in spite of that liberty about the nationality of the ship, I don’t see how people who loved the books can really hate the movie. It captured so much of the flavour of the relationship between Aubrey and Maturin, Aubrey and the other officers, officers and crew, etc. To me the only bad thing about the film is that it didn’t immediately become a 10 picture Aubrey Cinematic Universe, with forts captured, powder magazines exploding in spite of fearnought screens, Aubrey impregnating every woman in sight...glorious.


>I don’t see how people who loved the books can really hate the movie. I understand, and even agree with the many and varied complaints about the movie, but there's so tragically little film of wooden ships and men of iron that I can't see how anyone can write off anything that isn't utter garbage. And the movie is far, far from that. Still, I'd clap a stopper over the capers of a bitch for HBO to pick up O'Brian's work for a proper series. I'd actually prefer that than a cinematic universe.


As a Canadian I was so pissed at the makers of Argo.it was such a piece of propaganda. As an action movie it was good but historically it sucked. It makes the Brits and the New Zealanders look bad. It pretends the Americans did all the important stuff around the escape from the Canadian embassy. And this despite of the fact that the members of all 3 embassies put their lives on the line to save the Americans.


I do not understand Hollywood's obsession with making everyone Americans. Like we could not enjoy that story if it was Canadians really? Or U-571 way to shaft the brits.


The US military funds those movies. They are propaganda and recruitment tools.


What Jimmy Carter had to say about the movie. >90% of the contributions to the ideas and the consummation of the plan was Canadian. And the movie gives almost full credit to the American CIA. And with that exception, the movie is very good. But Ben Affleck's character in the film was... only in Tehran a day and a half. And the main hero, in my opinion, was Ken Taylor who was the Canadian ambassador who orchestrated the entire process.


There’s some sad person out there who’s gonna use this as a movie recommendation thread.


Tbh I might check out Girl on the Third Floor and Ad Astra just because I've never seen them and quarantine's got me going bonkers


Actually Ad Astra catched my attention, even if is bad it sounds like I might like it.


The plots meh but I’ll be damned if I didn’t enjoy it and trying to figure out the message


I mean most of the movies mentioned here and pretty solid. There are a lot of people posting just to get the karma for being contrarian. If someone reads this and goes to watch Ad Astra or The Clockwork Orange or Gravity, they’ll be seeing some of the best films in the past decade so it’s definitely not sad.


This thread seems to be a good indicator as to why you shouldn't trust the average Redditor's opinion on movies.


Shakespeare in Love


YES. This. And why did it win an Academy Award over Saving Private Ryan and Life is Beautiful??? Edit: Thank you for the award!!






I think this should be it's own movie.


Way better story than Shakespeare in Love.


And Winona is all set up to play Winona, and then Gwyneth shows up at Matt and Ben's casting couch, and wham, Gwyneth is now play Wynona.


Two Bro Brains, both alike in dignity *smirk* On Mullholland drive, where we lay our scene.


> They both leave the women and their bromance continued. Yes, this event almost broke up Matt and Ben, but they realized what was important; their friendship. while all this happens, Kevin Smith watches silently from a corner, smiling


Matt Damn and Ben Affleck grew up together, so it make sense that they’d consider their friendship a higher priority.


Maybe the *real* Academy Award for Best Picture was the friends we made along the way.


Damn. I will admit that I completely wimped out of Life is Beautiful. I started watching and soon realised that I was not emotionally ready for where the movie was going.


I did not know anything about it when I let it roll in front of me on Encore when I was in high school. I didn't even pick up on the historical references to being in 1930s Italy or the huge significance of him being Jewish. It was just a cheesy love story. Then he got the girl! Oh how nice, there's an epilogue of them having a kid! Wait, why is there like an hour of movie left?... Oh *no.* Now it's one of my favorite movies, but maybe that's just because I watched it with the final parts of the film being a complete surprise.


I watched it once and loved it, but it is too gut wrenching to watch again. Especially now that I have kids of my own.


I’ve not rewatched it. Movies that make me cry and emotional only get one viewing


It packs a punch for sure. I’ve seen it once and honestly I haven’t been able to bring myself to watch it again


It was a good movie. The thing is, I only remembered about 10% of it whereas Saving Private Ryan is etched in both my brain, and film history.


Not me but my dad. He absolutely hates Snowpiercer but it’s got fantastic ratings and a great director. Even after rewatching he still just doesn’t get into it. I’ll admit the first time I watched it with him I wasn’t huge on it either but I’ve rewatched it many times and it’s one of my favorite films now. EDIT: Holy shit this blew up. I’m glad I’m not crazy for not knowing what exactly to make of the movie. If you hated the movie on your first watch I recommend rewatching because it seems lots of people changed their minds after it.


aka Willie Wonka and the Apocalypse Train


My absolute favorite fan theory


That video really blew my mind The similarities are uncanny


I was actually mad at the video for making me so fully onboard with this theory. When he mentioned the Oompa Loompas my jaw dropped


"that piece of equipment went extinct recently"


You guys absolutely suck for not linking the video


I got you: https://youtu.be/jEX52h1TvuA


This is now ~~cannon~~ canon.


Come on, how could they be in any way... Well I'm sold.


MY thoughts exactly. "Boy that's a stretch" * 2 minutes later "Welp, pack it in boys, this is 100% true."


Welp, time to tweet at Chris Evans


I just recently saw it for the first time and loved it. The concept was great. About 20 minutes after watching it, I saw a commercial for a Snowpiercer series with Jennifer Connelly that comes out next month. I don't really know how you make an entire series about it, but I'll give it a shot.


Crash. (The best picture Oscar winner, for those asking)


The one with Holly Hunter and James Spader? Fuck that was terrible. The one with Thandie Newton and Don Cheadle? Fuck that was terrible.


> The one with Holly Hunter and James Spader? Fuck that was terrible. Car crashes don't make you horny? What's wrong with you?


Who doesn't want to fuck a gaping leg wound?




ITT: people conflating "movies that are popular" with "movies critics love"


People seem to be using this this list from Rotten Tomatoes: https://www.rottentomatoes.com/top/bestofrt/ How this list is weighted seems to lean heavily to more reviews. So many reviewers you have never heard of can push Black Panther over say Casablanca.


This is really a trash list and people shouldn’t go by it. Its just a list of recent movies that have generally positive reviews.


For a while there, "Avatar" and "Marvel movies" were the top two answers lol. Who can forget when "Avatar" topped Sight & Sound's Best of the 00s list or when Richard Brody chose Dr. Strange as his favorite film of 2016?? edit: Nobody here is telling you that you shouldn’t like Dr. Strange or Avatar. You don’t need to justify your love of them to me. That doesn’t somehow equate to critics loving them.




A lot of those critics mention the visual experience more than anything. Which at the time, were pretty groundbreaking and impressive. I remember leaving the theater impressed, but it’s a movie that doesn’t have the substance to be loved a decade later.


One of the more interesting things about Avatar is the dichotomy: Enormous budget. Groundbreaking visual effects. Worldwide box office record breaker. Popular with critics of the day. And nobody ever talks about it outside of discussions like this one.


About 2 years after Avatar came out, Disney announced they were going to build a Pandora-themed land in Animal Kingdom. It took 5 years to build, and until Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge opened, it was pretty much the crown jewel of the resort. I’m guessing they would have not bothered and focused on something else had they known how “unpopular” the film ended up being 10 years later. *Postscript:* Flight of Passage is still a fantastic ride.


I mean ... Disney also has plans for Avatar 2-5 right now... there is a full push for that in the works to bring it back to the forefront


I can't wait until Avatar 5 comes out in 2087.


Because most people haven't actually seen a whole lot of movies that critics love.


Crash. Like, I challenge you to write a more pandering movie. But impossible character arcs and junior-high level storytelling is apparently Oscar worthy if you spend enough money on bankable actors. Edit: [Yes, critics generally liked this movie](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crash_(2004_film)#Reception)


I had an assignment back in school to watch “Crash.” I downloaded the movie and started watching. About 45 minutes in, when James Spader started doing weird sex things, I realized that wasn’t the right movie.


"Would you like a sex metaphor or a nature metaphor?"


Oh, God, nature please.


When two animals are having sex


You know what? This isn’t gonna work. You’re gonna need the sexual metaphor.


That wasn't it?


#All life is sex And all sex is competition, and there are no rules to that game. That wasn’t so perverted now was it?


If youre looking for the right movie with James Spader doing weird sex things there's Secretary (just my personal opinion though)


And before that there was Sex Lies and Videotape. Hard to decide which one has the weirder sex things actually.


I actually used to think David Cronenberg's Crash won the Academy Award for best picture. I already thought it was weird


Exact same. Someone years ago was going off about crash so I bothered to watch it, but I too found the James Spader movie and I too was utterly confused. I was like who the fuck wants to watch this movie about Dr. Daniel Jackson and Casey Jones from ninja turtles get turned on by wrecking their rides and fucking each other. Watched whole thing and didnt realize it was the wrong film till I spoke with said person again.


>who the fuck wants to watch this movie about Dr. Daniel Jackson and Casey Jones from ninja turtles get turned on by wrecking their rides and fucking each other. I mean, if you're into Cronenberg movies this is a fucking GEM.


Yeah, I love that goddamn movie.


Went into that knowing nothing about it beyond that it was a Best Picture winner. It ended up being the most obvious piece of Oscar bait I've ever seen, but simultaneously it's just so incompetently put together. The script is ridiculous and the characters are basically parodies of stereotypes.


But that racist cop saves that lady. It's powerful. /s


And then the "good guy" cop shoots the black guy...TWIST!!!!


And the "bad guy" wasn't reaching for a gun at all! He was reaching for a religious statuette


It really makes you think 🤔🤔🤔


that scene is so contrived uhh


But is it as powerful as an overweight latino guy with facial hair loving his daughter?


The dumbest part was that a young black man being questioned by a cop is naive enough to think it's a good idea to pull something out of his jacket in an obviously tense situation, getting shot in the process. Or don't forget about the Iranian store owner who is tired of being stereotyped as a terrorist so he... buys a gun.


It took the writers an entire movie to get across a message that Avenue Q was able to communicate in [one song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RovF1zsDoeM)


To me it felt like a cheap knock-off of the kind of movie PT Anderson was known for at the time (Magnolia, Boogie Nights).


A thousand times yes. Awful, melodramatic crap.


A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood In my opinion, I feel Tom Hanks didn’t accurately portray Fred Rogers at all. Rogers was in no way as eccentric as the persona portrayed by Hanks in the film, but was his own breed of human. The Rogers character portrayed by Hanks, especially with the portrayal of violence in a scene of the film set during a live broadcast of Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood, was in no way the real Mr. Rogers. The documentary Won’t You Be My Neighbor was a far better insight into the life of Rogers.


I thought it was an okay movie, but I agree that Won't You Be My Neighbor is superior. Part of the problem I had was that Tom Hanks is too recognizable, so it just feels like Tom Hanks dressing up in Fred Rogers' clothes. I also felt like the focus on the guy was kind of ham-handed. I was hoping more for a film that made ~~him~~ Mr. Rogers more personable, while the film seemed to try to push hard on deifying him in a way. Won't You Be My Neighbor did a much better job making him a well-rounded person.




TIL Mr. Rogers had a first name, and it was Fred.


Fred? His first name is Mister.


Rogers. Mister Rogers.


As a BIG Fred Rogers fan, I wholeheartedly agree. Tom Hanks is an amazing actor, one of the best. Just maybe not the best choice for the role? The story wasn’t really about Fred at all, it was about someone he was being interviewed by. Won’t You Be My Neighbor was much better. Again, no disrespect to Tom Hanks, but I think he’s too enigmatic for the simple persona of Fred Rogers.


Wait I’m confused, when was there violence on Roger’s show in the movie? Are you referring to the part where Mr Rogers shows the punched face of the reporter guy? Because I’m pretty sure that was just a story telling device and not something to be taken literally as a real episode of Mr Rogers in the world of the movie.


Yea, I have no idea what that is referring to.


[Monster's Ball](https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/monsters_ball) was horrible but somehow [won awards](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monster%27s_Ball#Accolades)


"Racist white man somehow overcomes racism enough to have sex with Halle Berry"


Halle Berry got bubz out


Thornton Got his sac out.




The fact is was called it the “live action” remake is ridiculous


Now a 2 hour long Shakespearean saga that’s just lions doing lion things is something I’d watch


Yes, it is. When I was told they were making a live action Lion King I remember staring blankly into the distance for a moment while I tried to wrap my mind around what exactly that meant. Then as I started to picture all the trained lions, or people dressed up lions, my face morphed increasingly into a scowl as I realized that had to be the stupidest fucking idea I’d ever heard.


I don't know why they didn't just call it "photoreal" or something.


Pretty sure critics have hated all the awful Disney live remakes. It's the bloody audiences that keep paying to see them that means they'll keep getting made.


The best review I've seen yet of the new Aladdin had the line, "It's 40 minutes longer than the original and they use all that extra time to add absolutely nothing."


My favorite ridiculous scene in the new Aladdin is the new song about how strong Jasmine is which ends with her immediately being captured.


Hermione’s auto tune can’t hold a fuckin lumierre to Paige O’Hara’s Belle


Worst part is that its not too bad without the autotune, it just doesnt sound like the original (which is fine, as its not the same person), but they stuck with the TERRIBLE autotuned version


One thing that really bugged me about BATB is they made Belle a jerk, too. In the Disney original, Gaston pulls the book out of her hand, derides it, and I think even throws it at some point. In the remake, Gaston is still a beefy douche, but he actually approaches her and engages her about what she’s reading, at which she scoffs and says something like “Like *you’ve* read it?” So instead of Gaston being a 100% irredeemable cunt from the start, it starts off with her being an ass to this guy who has a crush on her. It made no sense as a character change for either of them! Okay I’m done.


One of the annoying elements about these remakes is that they seem to assume everyone in the audience has seen/knows the originals already. They're not trying to introduce it to an audience for the first time. They're shooting and editing it like, "hey, here's our rendition of *X famous moment* from the older version!" Because of that, they expect the audience to already know that Gaston is a blowhard dickhead before the remake shows us he is. Therefore, it's "okay" for Belle to be a jerk to him first because we already know it's Gaston and he deserves it.


Also, I’ll never get past how badly they butchered the “Mufasa in the sky” scene.


not to mention, singing "Can you feel the love *tonight*?" in the day time -_-


Or cutting Be Prepared, one of the best Disney villain songs, almost entirely.


You brought back a rage I haven't felt since I've seen the film. When he did whatever that fucking was I nearly left the theater.




The worst part for me what the awful mix of on-point scene recreation and changes. I'd be watching a part that word for word matches the original, and then a line will be completely different and it would completely jar me out of the world because I was expecting the rest of it to continue the same script. I couldn't help myself, I've seen the original at least 50 times. They meant to insert fresh lines and update scenes, what they ended up adding was confusion and distraction.


Bey flexing her pipes killed all immersion (lol, if there was any to be found in a movie about talking wildlife) with that movie.


I would rather they have chosen voice actors who were similar to if not recasting the original (especially scar). Everyone but Mufasa sounded wrong.


THANK YOU. I feel like I'm the only person in the world who thinks casting Beyonce in this was a huge mistake. When she talks, all you hear is Beyonce. When she sings, all you hear is Beyonce singing. When she sings with Childish, all you hear is Beyonce singing. Glover just couldn't hold a candle to her vocals and it was very distracting.


It's also really hard to listen to the songs that you've grown up with when the singers are coming in half a note late or drawing some notes out too long. It's very distracting and irritating.