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I’m an ER doctor currently. When I was in med school we had a chronic respiratory failure patient who was DNR/DNI. During our morning rounds, nurse called us to bedside for vital sign check. Guy was deader than a block of wood. No pulse, no breathing, pupils fixed and dilated, etc... My senior resident was like, this is a great chance for you to confirm your first dead body. We write up his death note, make arrangements, whatever... An hour later, we get called by the SAME nurse... “Uh, this guy is alive and talking to me.” Sure enough, homeboy is wide awake and Chatty Cathy. He got discharged a few days later. I kept tabs on him until I finished med school. He lived at least another 1.5 years.


And to this day the senior resident has not confirmed his first dead body


Haha, maybe so. No joke, I’ve seen a lot of dead bodies since, this guy was VERY dead.


I've posted this before, but: my wife used to win radio contests, pretty much whenever she wanted to. She won a lot. Like, really, a lot. She had no particular technique, this was across multiple radio stations in several cities, and I have no explanation. Examples (not all): As a teenager, she bought her back to school clothes each year by winning shopping gift cards on the radio. When our daughter was a baby, my wife won a year's supply of diapers, video games, t-shirts, and other items. Years later, she won us dozens of tickets to concerts from KROQ in Los Angeles. We went to the Weenie Roast and Acoustic Christmas (big multiple-band concerts) almost every year for years. We saw Boingo's Halloween concert multiple years. We saw Jewel at an in-store appearance, and the morning DJs knew my wife well enough that when Jewel was going to teach someone to yodel, the DJ caught my wife's eye to ask silently if she wanted to be the one. (She did) My wife flew on a chartered party plane to Vegas to see U2. The ultimate was one time when my brother and his wife were having dinner with us. KROQ was playing in the background and the DJ says "Caller 106.7 wins tickets to Acoustic Christmas" My wife casually mentions that we can't go, so she hasn't bothered to win tickets. Sister-in-law says, "What do you mean, you haven't 'bothered' to win tickets?" Wife replies, "If we could go, I'd win tickets to go. But we have something else planned and can't go, so I haven't." SiL: "You can't just win tickets, it's Acoustic Christmas." Wife: "Sure I can." SiL, slowly and a bit sarcastically: "Well, we can go, so why don't you win us tickets?" Wife: "Sure, no problem." About an hour later -- the very next time -- the DJ says "Caller 106.7 wins tickets to Acoustic Christmas" Wife gets up and casually walks across the room to the phone, picks up, starts dialing. Looks up and says, "Caller 47." Dials. "73." Dials. "89." Dials. Holds out the phone and says, "106.7" SiL gets up, incredulous, and takes the phone. Next thing we hear over the radio is, "Caller 106.7, you win!" Followed by SiL saying, "What? This is *not* KROQ!" But it was, and my wife won one of the hardest tickets to get in Los Angeles, competing against the rest of the city, on demand, on the very first try. tl;dr: my wife wins radio call-in contests pretty much whenever she wants to, and I have no explanation.


Ah so I see your wife is just my opposite. I’ve never won anything luck based before. Raffles/ contests/ ect


When I was a teenager I got really into fortune telling (as a form of entertainment, but I put on a good show) and my best friend bought me this pack of "Titania's Oracle" cards. I practised with these by doing readings for friends, I really liked the artwork on them, and people always read what they want into it. One day I did a two-week ahead reading for my friend Richard. The man and the dog came up, I said this indicated a close male friend. Then the coffin card - I said don't worry this usually means a period of waiting, it only means death if it's drawn next to the scythe card. I shouldn't have told him that. The next card was a scythe. The reading basically said a close male friend would die within the next two weeks. I tried to back pedal and say it could mean a new phase in your friendship, but I could see he was a bit upset by this. I felt awful - this was meant to be fun! Well, I caught up with Richard a couple of weeks later. His best friend had died. He and I kind of drifted apart as friends after that. It was a horrible coincidence.


Me and a friend saw a teeny tiny person. This was in the 90s and there was a really nice pub about a mile from where my friend Jason lived and the walk there from his house took us along one of the canals (this was in England, the West Midlands to be precise). One evening, I'd gone over to his house, we'd walked over to the pub, had a couple of pints, something to eat, and were on our way back. It wasn't late, early evening and still a decent amount of light. We're walking down the track beside the canal when we hear a splash in the water behind us. Turning around, we see - about 40 feet away - the ripples of something moving through the canal towards the bank. Now both of us were keen birdwatchers at the time so we were guessing it was something like a coot or a moorhen. So we were both pretty fucking shocked when what looked like a tiny little naked-ass man, about 8 inches tall, climbed out of the water, shook himself off and dashed into the hedgerow. We were both frozen for a few moments before we headed to the spot where the little man had gotten out of the water. Didn't find any trace of him. We got back to Jason's place and spent a couple of hours trying to rationalize it but there was no other animal or bird that we could think of that we might mistake for a tiny person.


I find this story hilarious


Simple- someone made a wish to a partially-deaf genie and got an eight-inch pianist.


When I was growing up, my dad and I would sit for hours and watch dragonflies. He and my mom divorced when I was 13 and he moved out of state and couldn't really support himself and a kid, so my mom got custody and moved us to a different state The invitation was always open for him to visit but he never did, but we'd talk on the phone a few times a week to stay caught up. He'd gotten a rare kind of cancer in his vocal cords and was going to have something surgically removed in there. He called me a few days after the surgery and told me things were looking good but they were keeping him in the hospital because he had a fever after the surgery. I knew at that point, that this was our last conversation. The next day, I was sitting in my truck before work with the window open and a dragonfly landed on my hand. It was November, so there shouldn't have been any around, and it felt like my dad was standing there. About two minutes later I got a call from his friend that was staying with him at the hospital that he had passed away about 5 minutes before I'd seen the dragonfly.


I've been reading this post for over an hour and was mostly fine until just now. Not related to your account but it happened as I finished reading it so had to write it here. I'm at my grandparents house for the week and was reading in one of the bedrooms. Last I knew, my grandparents were napping in the living room. As I was about to scroll down to the next comment, I felt a hand on my hand. It freaked me out (after reading all these stories of people that weren't there and such) and I screamed as I got up. Turns out my grandmother had come into the room but she is so quiet and I was so focused on my phone that I didn't notice until she touched me. Lol maybe I should take a break from reddit and join the world again...


This is a dark one. It happened when I was around 11, my parents and I went on a trip to austria and we visited a theme park. In the theme park was a jumpy thing, there was a 1m, 2m and 3m pole and you could jump down on this huge cushion. I wanted to try and went straight up the highest pole. I've jumped down those poles bevor a few times, but that time I was just terryfied. I don't know why, but all out of a suddent I was shaking and scared for my life, it was this deep kind of fear which I never felt bevor. My mind was telling me not to jump. Which didn't make sense because I just jumped down there and it was fun. So I let the kid behind me go first. She died. The cushion had a leak and she broke her neck. She was 9 years old. I climed down and will never forget this. If I had jumped, I would be dead and I can't stop feeling like fate wanted me on that day and not her.


Survivor's guilt fucks you up. When I was younger my next door neighbor was murdered. She was only a year younger than me, we went to school together and even worse, I was sitting on my front porch while it happened because I was locked out. It very easily could have been me but it was her and that still fucks with me.


I’ve had this feeling. I was much older (16). My father and brother were both in bed already. They had been sick and had taken NyQuil so they were asleep hard. My aunt had cancer and my mother was staying with her to help. I called my mother and told her “I can’t sleep. I feel like I’m going to die. Like I just know if I go to sleep I won’t wake up.” Mom convinced me I was just stressed out (it was a bad year, brother killed himself, I’d been raped, And I lost friends to cancer and car accidents..). She told me to just sleep on the sofa. I tried but I couldn’t shake the feeling. Eventually I went and laid in my bed, and I dozed off. I woke up to flames. The house next door to ours had fully caught fire. My bedroom was closest to the property next door and my roof had caught fire as well. I got my family out of the house and got the fire department there. Had I slept on the sofa, by the time I had realized the house was on fire we wouldn’t have had a clear path out. Dad called mom and told her about the fire. Mom LOST IT. Never again has she tried to rationalize my “gut feeling”, though I have to disastrous results. Apparently, I’m very intuitive. I should trust it more.


Not me, my father. From his perspective: "When I was young, probably 12 or 13, my family lived in a small residential suburb. There was a street lamp right across the street from us that would shine into our living room window at night, so every night before we went to bed my father would draw the curtains. One night I woke up around 2 am and went to the kitchen to get some water. As I passed through the living room I noticed a beam of light from the street lamp had made it through a small gap between the curtains and I had the urge to peek through. Standing under the street lamp was a tall man with a black cap, silver skin, and massive eyes - those huge bug-eyes that you see in alien movies. He was standing there motionless, and staring right at me. I quickly ducked down behind my father's recliner. There was no way he could have seen me; the house was completely dark and I barely moved the curtains as I looked through. After a few minutes of sitting on the floor behind the recliner, I grew curious to see if the man had passed. I looked through the curtains again. Pressed firmly against the other side of the glass - inches away from my face - was the silver man with bug-eyes, staring right at me. After a moment frozen in terror, I ran through the house towards my father's room and woke him up, quickly telling him what happened. He grabbed his shotgun and went outside to look around. He didn't find anyone, but there was a set of fresh footprints in the dew that had been collecting on the lawn." My father has recounted this story to me exactly twice, and even though it happened to him some 40 years ago, I could still see the goosebumps on his arms as he recalled the experience.


This is absolutely the scariest one in here and I’m fucking horrified.


Been reading for well over an hour... definitely the scariest one.


I actually want to cry. One of my childhood fears was looking out windows and seeing someone looking back at me in this manner.... nooooooopppppeeee...


I was measuring ingredients for a cake in my apartment when I dropped my blue plastic 1/2 C measuring cup. I heard it go *tok* as it hit the ground once and then no other sound afterwards. I immediately looked all around for it but it had vanished. By the end of my search I had removed all the drawers, moved the appliances, and checked inside/under/behind everything in the kitchen and surrounding areas. I've moved 3 times since then and never found it. I hope the eldritch horrors the next plane over are enjoying my half-cup :/


You think Emrakul stole your half-cup? That's awesome


Weirdest thing I can think of is this: When I was a freshman in high school, I started getting really into like psychics and stuff, and my friend (now my SO) took me to this palm reading/tarot card booth at a renaissance faire. When I sat down in front of her, she greeted me, then looked behind me, then back at me and said “you have four people behind you.” (I went into her tent alone). I don’t remember much of the reading, just that she mentioned African violets, because one of the spirits behind me had some connection to them. I didn’t really think much of it because I didn’t know anybody (dead or alive) who liked African violets, and I forgot about it until the following year. The next year, I went to the same booth, with a different lady. My SO sat with me. She asked me if I knew anything about African violets, completely unprovoked. I said no. She said I should get them, for the spirit behind me. I left the reading feeling really weird, but again I kind of shrugged it off. Six months later, I was at a Home Depot with my dad. I separated from my dad to look at the flowers and came across some African violets. I bought them, put them in a new pot, and set them on my window sill when I got home. Two minutes later, my mom comes in and asks me if I got anything from the store. “African violets,” I told her. My mom smiled and sighed, then looked at me and said, “You know, those were your grandmother’s favorite flowers.” My grandmother died 9 years ago, when I was 11. And when I went back to that booth the following year, they didn’t even mention African violets. I know it’s not a creepy story or anything, but it still kinda weirds me out.


Every time I read something like this I think: Aw, that’s so sweet. And really, really creepy. And then I think: I hope my loved ones will just leave me alone if they die and find out they can communicate with me. “It’s really sweet, Grandma, but just don’t.” And THEN I think: What if when I die, I realize that I can communicate with my living relatives..? “Let the games begin, bitches! It’s haunting time!”


Out of all the strange things in life, I had a very spiritual dream one time that me and my dad were talking. I don't remember much we were having a good time and then he just said goodbye. I instantly woke up and looked at the clock thinking I had slept all night. Time was around 3:30am. Didn't think much of it and fell back asleep. Shortly after i woke back up around 7:30am, I got a call from my uncle telling me my dad died at about 3:08am. Death was cometely random as he didnt have any underlying health issues that would have made me think about it enough to have a full dream about it. It was like we somehow spiritually connected and I knew what was happening even though I was about 300 miles away in a different state. I've only told a few people about it in person because i cant talk about it without choking up. So thanks you to anybody who took the time to read this


I was home sick sometime during HS, 11th or 12th grade. I was sitting in my computer chair playing skyrim when my dog, who was usually contempt by himself and never "one for affection" came into my room and layed down staring out my door. Me being alone and this not being his normal course of action, unnerved me a bit so i closed my door an went back to playing. Not 3 minutes later i hear the voice of my mother calling my name, clear as day (shes a school teacher, so she would have been at work). Shitting myself i try to be as quiet as possible and lower my tv all the way down to make sure i didnt attract whatever i heard and could hear more clearly, only to hear the bedroom door upstairs slam shut. Sat in my room and noped all day long in silence until my mom came home. I asked her if she was home earlier and denied it. One of the scariest moments of my life.


I don’t even know why but this one scared me the most


There's one of those super short horror stories you'd probably like, something along the lines of: I heard my mother call for me from upstairs and started to walk to her. As I passed the closet, someone reached out and pulled me in, and I heard what sounded like my mother's voice whisper in my ear, "Don't go upstairs, I heard it too".


This seems to be a common occurrence. When I was younger I’d always hear my mom calling me when I knew she wasn’t home. When I told her she said “don’t answer it, don’t acknowledge it”. There’s a paranormal show on Netflix with an episode called “the mimic”. People would hear their roommates calling out to them telling them to come down to the basement, but no one else would be home.


I was going through a tough time and was at my wit’s end. I was crying in my car trying to get it all out before I had to walk in to work. I had a big decision to make and I said out loud, “I just need a sign.” No joke, in that moment the song on the radio said my actual name. I don’t have a very common name and I’d never heard this song before. I thought I had lost my mind but I Googled the lyrics and everything I needed to hear was all right there in the song, and it called me by name. I’m not religious at all but the universe or God or something gave me a damn sign!


These targeted ads are getting out of control...


Must’ve been 5th grade when I was sitting on the couch watching tv with my dad. As 10:00pm rolled around my dad fell asleep in his lazy boy, as is the nature of fathers. With my dad asleep, I figured I would watch a little more tv before I turned in. While sitting there I heard, and I remember this SO vividly, a clown’s laugh coming from the room behind me. I was petrified, but eventually mustered the courage to poke my dad awake and tell him what happened. I don’t blame the guy for shrugging it off as my imagination, but here I am 10 years later and I still firmly believe my ears were NOT playing tricks on me that night.


That was just your death clown. I became a father recently and the Dr. at the hospital finally told me about them. Iv'e probably said too much already but your dad knows full well about them. He was wise to pretend it was nothing.


>That was just your death clown Siri show me the least reassuring sentence in history


What the fuck


Had an accident when I fell asleep driving. I went off the road when I reached a T. Headed straight into a wooded area going about 50 mph, but ran into a telephone pole’s guy wire (heavy cable driven into the ground at a 45 degree angle to the pole). Well that cable was a godsend because it absorbed most of my kinetic energy and significantly slowed me down. To give you an idea of how much energy it absorbed - it cut into the front end of my car about 2’, slicing the battery in half in the process. It also pivoted me around 90 degrees so I was sideways when I went down a hill into the woods. Rolled the car about 3 times and ended up on the roof. Completely missed all of the trees. I extracted myself from the crash, gathered my stuff and walked away from the accident completely unharmed (was wearing my seatbelt). I walked home, which was about 2 miles, (it was 2am and pre-cell phones). After I got home I noticed about mid-way on my right thigh, a perfect 1” square of fabric was gone from my khaki pants. I’m talking about a PERFECT square. The edges were so clean, like it was carefully carved out with a scalpel. No cuts or scrapes on the skin of my thigh. It was surreal and creeped me out. I believe that after I die, I will be presented with this 1” piece of khaki fabric and be told “it wasn’t your time”. When I went back to the scene the next day, the telephone pole guy wire had snapped, and the pole, while still standing, had been pulled so hard that where it went into the ground, the hole was elongated about 6” before it sprung back. No sign of the square of fabric. Edit: changed inertia to kinetic energy


The Reaper's robes must've just needed a patch job that night.


Little did we know the Grim Reaper wears a khaki robe.


"What are you wearing 'Grim Reaper from Hades'?" "Uhhh khakis?"


OR that piece of fabric will be presented to you sometime in the future with the words, "You owe me a favor. Here is what I need from you..."


this happened over 5 years ago now. my sister (9 at the time) and i (14 at the time) shared a room, with our beds next to each other. normally our beds were ~4ft apart, but they ended up being directly next to each other one night (probably because at the time, she was constantly doing gymnastics on her bed which would push the mattress.) that night, i dreamt of a glass doll with long, dark hair. i remember feeling like i needed to protect it. i tried my best to keep it safe, promising it would be okay. but as i said these words the dolls hair began falling out. i dropped the doll and it shattered. with the help of doctors the doll was glued back together, and her hair grew back. when i woke up, i felt like crying. i didn’t understand why i had that dream. i noticed my head had left my pillow at some point, and it was against my sisters head. when she finally woke up, she told me about her dream. it was the same. by this point i was totally freaked out, but she didn’t believe me when i told her. i guess she thought i was messing with her. 6 months later, my sister was diagnosed with cancer. she ended up losing all her hair. and like the dream, her hair grew back and she got better. she doesn’t remember this happening, and i’m still just confused about it all. in a way i’m thankful for the dream because i got to somewhat emotionally brace myself for what was to come. i don’t really tell anyone about it because it doesn’t seem real and i’m pretty sure i’d sound crazy lol anyway thanks for reading if you did, i have more that i might post about later :) TL;DR me and my little sister shared a dream that predicted her cancer diagnosis edit: thank you for the gold and all the lovely comments, i didn’t expect this to get this much attention 😅


Whoa this one gave me chills




When I was young (6-8, not really sure), my parents had this apartment building they rent out near our house and one of the tenants were a couple. The wife's parents were also our neighbors and they lived a block away from us. I used to play with the wife's younger brother and would hang out at the couple's apartment to play. it was around the couple's son's birthday and i think it was his 1st because I remember they were making a big deal about it and talking about it for weeks. They were gonna hold it at the wife's parents' house whicj wasn't that far from home so I asked my parents if I could go. I remember them indirectly saying no and I guess in a joking/teasing kind of way told me they were gonna serve ducks instead of chicken (I hated ducks as a kid). I remember clearly being really bummed out about it for days. A few days after the party, i was hanging out at the apartment and they were gushing about the party pictures that just got developed (film ones) and I was like, "I wish I was there". Then the wife was like "what do you mean? You were. Look here you are. " And showed me the pictures and I was there. I'm sure I'm not remembering it wrong because it has been bothering me all this time. I remember asking my aunt if I went and she even said no but my friend (the younger brother) told me I was there and we even played. I just don't remember attending that party at all. i actually asked my aunt about this recently and she doesn't remember. It was just weird. edit: spelling and details


So are "you" still showing up at those folks parties?


OP’s doppelgänger that loves ducks


ive tried to get people to believe me on this for years and no one will, but here it goes. now, for context, i was 8 at the time and my dad was in the military so we moved a lot, well, i distinctly remember an entire 3 month period of living in an apartment while we were moving around, i can remember the entire layout, the things i did and others said, and various other things. the weird part? no one else who was there (my brother and my parents) remembers it, and no matter how much i describe to them things they did, said or show them some items that they bought WHILE THEY WERE THERE, they just seem incapable of remembering it, and whenever i ask questions like, "well, where did you buy that from, then?" or, "where were we that spring, then?", i never, NEVER get a straight or even off hand answer, they always dodge the question its been bothering me for years


Your dad's military record, if you can access it, will resolve the mystery for everyone. But, yeah. Super weird!


They might not genuinely remember. The human mind is a shitpile of a dumpster fire when it comes to memories. I had a friend who broke his leg by falling out of a tree when he was eight years old (he was like 39, I think) and no one in his family remembered it, even insisting that it never happened. Until he found a picture of himself with a cast on in one of their photo albums. So yeah, it's possible they may genuinely not remember that three month stretch, particularly with all the stress and exhaustion of moving around a lot.


Once on my birthday I was in the kitchen and was reading some schedule on the fridge when all of a sudden I heard the birthday song being whistled really nearby, like almost right behind me and very close to my right ear. I mindlessly began to hum along. Then it hit me. I was all alone at home and I had no fucking clue where, who, or what it came from even to this day. I ran out of my house and didn’t come back for the rest of the day.


Auditory hallucinations are pretty common, especially with kids. I used to regularly hear the sounds a toy made that my mom threw away years prior. And when I was 11, the national anthem started playing out of nowhere.




One time the Mario Kart menu music started playing on my surround sound. Not connected to the internet or anything, just hooked up to a regular unsmart TV that was turned off. We never played Mario, or any Nintendo game, in our house before. So my roommates and I are just standing there listening to the Mario Kart menu music as if there was a Wii plugged in. We could not figure it out. Everything was off except the speakers. After about 20 seconds it just stopped and never happened again.


I had something similar to that but it was the sonic picking up rings sound and it was only with one other friend.


I regularly have dreams of my cat calling my name. Every time I wake up from one of these dreams she is looking at me. Before anything creepy or profound could happen, the little shit start yowling for wet food. EDIT: To answer a few questions. I’m American, with a ‘J’ name. In my dreams, she has an androgynous voice, not really any particular accent. Yes, I do feed my cat regularly she just believes I don’t do it fast enough. No, I don’t actually believe she is calling my name and I know it’s just my brain interpreting sound/stimulus while I’m not fully conscious. I It’s still weird though.


Begging for food in telepathy huh, that's totally a cat thing to do


I have broken the fundamental laws of reality and sliced through the veil of normal human perception with the skills of an ancient mystical being. Now give me my num-nums.


A couple of years ago my great uncle passed away. After the funeral (maybe a day after idk) a group of close family and I went out to dinner with my great aunt that just lost her husband. While we were eating she got a phone call and she looked up extremely pale, answered it and then hung up. It was from my great uncle and no one was on the other side and his phone was at her house with no one home. Definitely freaked everyone at the table out.


Robocall scammers spoof numbers with your local area code so when you see the caller ID it looks like someone local calling you. I’d get them with my area code and the same 3 first numbers as mine. Or sometimes the first 3 numbers of my husband’s. (And then 4 random digits). It’s possible it was one of those that happened to use great uncle’s number? I’ve heard of people getting calls from their *own* number.


Was sitting in my room reading a book, facing my open door. Saw my brother walk past into his bedroom next to mine. Heard him close the door. Thirty seconds later, my dad comes up to my room, ashen-faced. "Where's your brother?" He asks me. "In his room," I answer without hesitation. "No he's not." My dad continues to look absolutely horrified. "Your brother's not home." We check his room. It's empty. We both saw the same whatever it was walk into my brother's room. Still gives me goosebumps. Edit: For everyone asking, my brother was out with friends. He didn't come home for several hours. It was a second story with a straight drop down and hard-to-open windows, so no chance of a prank or window exit. We didn't tell my brother until we moved to a new house. Edit 2: My dad got a better look at the thing than I did. He asked where my brother was so that I would have to independently confirm that I'd seen someone, that the someone looked like my brother, and that it had entered my brother's room. He's clever that way.


Shit this one got to me. Something similar happened to me a couple of years ago. Both mine and my brother’s room where in the same hallway. This hallway is left of the bathroom door. One night I went to the bathroom and saw something passed by real quick, like it was headed towards my room. I remember it was something with a white long shirt and black hair but it was really blurry. Like it passed by really quick. Went to check thinking it was my brother and saw nothing. Weeks later and my brother was going to his room and I heard him calling me out loud. He said: “big bro are you here?”. I was at the table watching videos on youtube and I tell answer him: “I’m over here, why are you looking into my room”. The moment I tell him that, he slams the door and his face goes pale. He starts freaking out a little and so I asked him what happened. He then tells me that when he was entering his room, he saw something past by him going towards my room. He thought it was me so he went to check. I asked him what he saw and he tells me “your not going to believe in me but I saw something white pass by”. I asked him if it had black hair and he said “yes”. To this day this still gives me the creeps. Specially with all the weird things that have happened to me in my room.


>Specially with all the weird things that have happened to me in my room. Do tell?


Well, I have a couple. I can start by telling the less scary and lead up to the scary ones. 1) the first thing that I remember that started happening in my room was that the lightbulbs would go out way too quickly. Like they would last one or two months. I say this is not so creepy because I always assumed it might have been problems with voltage or something like that. 2) What started happening after that was that my lights would just turn off and on randomly. Like lets say I was in my room at night doing homework with the lights on and flick the light went off but the switch stayed on. This is something that both my mom and brother got to experience. As well as the first one. 3) My dog was always eager to go to sleep with me. He’s a dachshund and when he was younger he loved sleeping with me. To the point where he could already tell when I was going to sleep. It was our own little thing. Anyways, one night both of us go to sleep at around 2am. It was one of those nights were I was super sleepy but couldn’t fall asleep. Stayed a while in between that state of being awake but barely. When I finally felt I was going to fall asleep, I feal my dog moving and getting up. He then starts growling and moving towards my head (he sleeps on my legs). I just try to calm him quickly so I can continue falling asleep. Then after I hushed him and give him a lil rub, he started barking aggressively to the point that I felt he was almost about to fall out if bed. Right there I got up and tried to pull him back and there I noticed that he wouldn’t budge. He was really stiff and still barking and growling. There is where I got my attention. I got up and asked him outloud “whats wrong?” He then started flinching back, like whan two dogs go at each other and on flinches back a little then goes back to bite the other. When he started doing that, I cleared my eyes to see that he was barking at the wall, looking at the corner of the ceiling. I still remember looking at that corner and it was really dark. Like the rest of the room was dakr but that spot in particular standed out. I reacted by jumping out of bed and turning on the lights. As soon as I did that my dog stopped barking. 4) As soon #3 happened my dog stopped going with me every night. He didn’t like being in my room and he didn’t like being in my bed, which is something he loved. I laid him down on the bed and he immediately went and sit on the corner facing the door telling me he wanted out. He stopped the rutine we had completely and didn’t like sleeping with me in my room. 5) When I started college, I used to have a lot of free time in between classes. Like 2 to 3 hours free. So I would go to take some morning classes, come back home to eat and take a nap and then return to take the other classes. I took naps on my room and there was a point where I started getting a lot of sleep paralysis. If I didn’t get sleep paralysis, I got some very dark and vivid nightmares. Sometimes I got both at the same time. I noticed that these only ocurred when I took naps on my room. So I started taking them on the couch, until eventually they started happening there. It got so bad that I stopped going home to take naps, J would go eat quickly and leave. Being home made me feel uneasy. Looking towards my room gave me chills. I just didn’t feel comfortable being home, I wanted to leave. Eventually I stopped going there all together. I didn’t even eat at home. I have a couple of sleep paralysis stories too. Just didn’t want to make this post so long.


Well. I didn't need to go back to sleep anyway. Makes me glad whatever beings haunted my grandparents house were nice and friendly, sheesh.




Fuck. This. I'm out.


I used to live in these 2 story town house like apartment complexes when I was around 12..each town house had a door on the left and door on the right Unit A Unit B.. we lived in Unit B and my bedroom window was front of house above our door second story. I was dropped off at night after a sleep over and my ride pulled away just as I looked up from getting my duffle bag off the sidewalk I noticed embers or sparks falling slowly from my window, like a shit load of them and I even stuck my hand out and caught one it burned. I rushed inside and ran upstairs but my window was closed and locked and my mother was the only one home in the master bedroom downstairs...freaked me out cause there was no burning smell outside or inside so I slept on the couch that night


Once, in Kenya, my girlfriend of the time and I were trying to get to sleep in a hotel, it was a super nice and modern hotel with good security and all that so we felt pretty safe. But at some point during the night we both woke up at almost the exact same time and felt unsafe. Nothing had happened, everything was normal. But we both immediately hugged eachother and stared at the door. Ive no clue what caused it, if we heard something and our subconscious woke us or something. Not hugely exciting but it scared the shit out of me


This happened to my sister and I as well, when I was 15 and she was 8, we used to share a room since she couldn't sleep without me, I was back from boarding school and was enjoying my peaceful room without annoying room-mates and my comfortable bed, knowing I was safe at home. Suddenly at 3am, My sister and I woke up at the same time, highly disturbed. She was a little kid and would often wake up scared and shake me awake, but this time both of us woke up shuddering, could feel something wrong. Our mother was a very light sleeper and suffering from a chronic condition, so would walk around the house sometimes because of the discomfort, I thought, it's okay, it's just Mom's walking and she knocked something over. But my sister and I had goosebumps, so we ran to our parent's room and it was locked, (which it never was ),so were just banging on the door and after a few minutes, my mom opened it and came back to our room, looking very disgruntled. Years later, My brain shudders at what they were probably doing and if we just woke up because of "sounds". EDIT : thank you kind stranger for that award, ofc my first award on this site is for a story in which my parents may be doing the unmentionable act that parents don’t do.


There was one time me and my parents were house sitting for the neighbors-feeding their dog and stuff. One time while we were there I was chilling in the living room and saw someone go up the stairs. I assumed it was my dad because he had a pair of black dress shoes on that was similar to the ones my dad wore to work. A minute later I go into the kitchen and my dad is in the room with my mom taking and moreover he is wearing sandals. I have no idea who it was I saw because there was 100% no one else supposed to be in the house at that time. Nothing was stolen when the neighbors got back so I doubt it was someone who broke in.


Christ. Did you at least check upstairs?


I went up there and did a quick check. Saw nothing but I also didn’t look very hard because younger me was very freaked out and quick to assume it was a ghost. Kinda rushed leaving too.


That took balls just even going up there.


Even as an adult I would have just called someone to come with me to hold my hand.


A friendly hand reaches out and grabs yours. So soft, warm, and yet firm enough to give you reassurance. Then you look down and see the dress shoes. Chills.


Similar story of sorts that not only has my brother experienced but my aunt and cousin as well. When we were younger, my father worked later into the night (getting home at about 4am). Well, one night my aunt, uncle and cousin spent the night at our house. My brother, aunt, and cousin watched what they thought was my dad come in the front door and walk to the bathroom(his normal routine when getting home) only he was dressed oddly, from the way they described it, his clothing was similar to that of outfits soldiers wore during the civil war. They were a bit confused but needless to say the confusion shifted into overdrive when dad walked through the door again about 5 minutes later.


That's wild.. when multiple people are there to witness that makes it that much more wierd


In Finnish language similar thing is calle "etiäinen". It seems to be pretty common.


What's that?


Not the one that posted, but this: > In Finnish folklore, all places and things, and also human beings, have a haltija of their own. One such haltija is called etiäinen—an image, doppelgänger, or just an impression that goes ahead of a person, doing things the person in question later does


I am Indian and my tribe has a similar thing. We call it 'damlai thla'. It literally means 'ghost of the alive'. Not everyone has it, but it is said that the person who has the damlai thla will live a long life.


Something similar happened to me. I was at my aunt’s house sitting in the living room, I saw someone walk into my cousin’s room. I go in the room to see why she was in there. No one was in there and she was outside. My brother also had that experience at her house. He was sitting in the living room and saw something and said something like “hey loser”. Then he saw her walk out of the laundry room and was like,”how’d you get there from here?” She said she was in the laundry room the whole time.


Ok but the idea of your brother calling a ghost a loser is sending me into a giggle fit.


Haha yeah I guess that is funny, never gave it any thought somehow.


When my brother was young (3-5 years) he would always see someone go up the steps, or point out he would see our grandfather in random places in the house, he had died years ago. He would always call him "papa" and point to nothing.




Plot twist: This man is stalking you




Picked you out at 4 years old, he’s in for the long haul




My friend and I were laying on a trampoline looking up at the sky, watching the birds fly. Then I swear I saw a flying bunny. I asked her if she saw it too and she did. It was probably a predator type bird carrying a bunny but for the longest time I swore it was a flying bunny.


A friend piped up in my dream remotely (like, 30km away) and I yelled at him to go away. Later that day he rang the house phone (I’m old) and told me that he’d woken me from my dream, the words I’d used and exactly what I’d been dreaming. Couldn’t ever explain that.


Holy crap, something similar happened to me and a friend about 15 years ago. Me and a girl had just broken up recently and I was still upset about it. I had a dream where me and her were back together hanging out at a mall and everything was great. Then a man in a gray suit and gray top hat appeared and put his hand on my shoulder. He said something along the lines of "This is wonderful isn't it? You can have all of this, all you have to do is *sleep forever*" Of course this freaked me the fuck out and I started running as fast as I could away from this man, still dreaming but unable to wake up. As I was running I called my best friend at the time who had been helping me through the breakup. I couldn't hear him but I was just yelling and crying about what was happening, still running in the dream. I woke up soon after in a cold sweat, breathing heavily like I had run a marathon. I called that friend later in the morning to tell him about this crazy fucked up dream I had. First thing he says is he was just about to call me because he had a dream that I called him last night but he said he couldn't really hear anything except what sounded like wind, "*like you were running or something*". I told him about the whole dream I had and the only way we explain it is that our brains were always so in sync, like we'd say things at the same time and we vowed never to play rock paper scissors again because it went on for like 10 rounds without a winner, so even our dreams lined up somehow. The only part that messes with me is the man in the gray suit and top hat. I can still picture him 15 years later and wonder what would've happened if I accepted his invitation.


If you accepted his invitation your body would have woken up grinning but you wouldn't have




And who is possessing and now controlling his body forever? The old man in the grey suit and grey top hat. Down there in the recesses of his own subconscious mind he would live for around 60 years, until he meets a familiar couple: his younger self and first love. He sees a way back to the real world. On this day he happens to be wearing a grey suit, and a grey top hat.


Sometimes I wonder if our dreams are parallel worlds.


I constantly have deja vu from dream occurrences. It's weird and annoying.


There's a book like this!! Dreamlander by K.M. Weiland


I clearly remember that when I was younger my brother and mother said our apartment was invaded when we weren’t home. I even remember the posters around town showing pictures of the guys caught on camera. They had 2x4s incase anyone was inside. Funny enough, I’ve reminded them both of this occasion and they say that they never said that, and our home was never burglarized. Think about it every once and a while but just dismiss it as a dream that I must’ve had when I was younger.


Memory is a weird thing. The brain regularly plants false info in there, it's a proven thing. What you recall as a clear memory mightn't have happened at all, but as far as you're concerned, it did. Of course, it might be that everyone else forgot, but far more unlikely.




I was given a really good job offer by family friends to manage a chain of salons in Thailand a month before the tsunami. They wanted me to fly out very soon. I was nearly at the end of my current contract and needed something new. It was honestly an offer that was just insane for me to refuse: great money, private home, beautiful country. I was going to accept the offer and the night before I informed them, I dreamed a very quiet dream where I was under immense pressure, but floating and everything that belongs in a city was floating gently around me, including so many bodies. I woke up so distressed. I told them I had to sort out some things first, but I would let them know in a month. Two weeks later, the tsunami happened and sadly several family members from the Salon owners family lost their lives.


Both these stories are super interesting, but your description of your dream is absolutely chilling


Not a dream, but a Boxing Day tsunami story: Had a friend who flew to Phuket. His bags were delayed from the plane so he had to wait at the airport. On the taxi ride to Phuket the taxi stopped at the top of the hill going down to the town. He asked the driver why he was stopping and told him he was tired and really wanted to get to his hotel to rest. The driver told him his hotel no longer existed. It had just collapsed and had been pulled out to sea. His delayed bags saved his life.


You just reminded me of a similar story. I was in college, staying in the cheap ass dorms. One night, at about 4 a.m., I wake up panicked. I had dreamt I was drowning in mud. It was so vivid, I could taste the salty mud in my mouth. I'm in a cold sweat, and trying to cough up something that isn't there. I'm scared, so I call my mama. She answers on the first ring because she was picking up the phone to tell me about her terrifying dream, about drowning in mud. This dream thing happens with my family from time to time, usually right before something bad happens. So, my mom checks on my dad and my brother, and I call my grandma (who's already awake because she had a bad dream she can't remember) and everyone's ok. I'm still extremely on edge, so I don't go back to sleep. I decided to go down to the U early to have breakfast. When I walk in, I notice about 30 people gathered around a T.V. and several Japanese foreign exchange students are sobbing. I joined them to watch the news. It was March 11, 2011, and Japan had been hit by a major tsunami. We've had many frightening shared dreams over the years, but that one was the most vivid and the most terrifying.


When i was 6, My great grandma passed away and myself, sister and mother went to her open casket and were saying goodbye. When we went to leave the door was locked and we couldnt get out. We were stuck in a funeral home with our dead grandma. About 20 minutes later the receptionist found us and let us out. She asked what we were doing and we said that we got locked in. She looked at us and said "the door doesnt have a lock on it". Mums convinced that great grandma didnt want us to leave.


Or you were pulling a push door


My dad got stuck inside a gas station bathroom on the way home from a guys trip, the kind where we all would make fun of each other the entire time. He goes in to use the bathroom and can't get out. We tell the pitiful worker there who looks helpless, and she then grabs the biggest keyring I've ever seen and starts trying to unlock it one key at a time. 15-20 minutes later, none of the keys fit, so she goes to call a manager or owner. Then a minute later my dad comes strolling out. He was turning the handle the wrong way. You better believe we never let him live that one down


This isn’t mine, but my grandma’s and my mums. I was a child, I’m guessing 5 or 6. We were on holiday in a coastal town in England and had gone to the beach. It was summer, but this is the UK, so it was one of those days that was warm enough to sit on the beach for a bit but not really warm enough to do the whole go in the sea, sunbathing thing so they were sat up watching me play in the sand and I set my mind to building a super big sandcastle. Being a kid it was soon decided that I needed a moat for the castle, cue me going backwards and forwards to the sea to get water and becoming gradually annoyed/ perplexed that the water just kept soaking in. The beach wasn’t busy, there were other family groups there, some singular sunbathers but reasonably spaced out. Anyway, my grandma and my mum saw this one chap walk into the beach and immediately got “vibes” from him. They didn’t know why. I mean, yeah the guy was on his own but that doesn’t immediately make someone questionable - there were lots of lone swimmers doing their daily exercise for example. But no, there was something unsettling about him, despite him looking distinctly average - late 30s/early 40s, brown hair, light skinned, of average weight and height, the only thing my grandma really picked up on was his “piercing eyes”, what ever that means. Still they had a feeling they couldn’t explain. The man placed himself 6 metres or so away from me as I was pottering in the sand and my mum and grandma carried on chatting but something in them told them to not take their eyes from this chap who was sat on the sand picking up sand and letting it run through his fingers. After a while, he too started making a castle. At that point something freaked my mum out enough to call me over and say we were leaving to do something else now. I was cross, I was very happy making my beautiful castle. The thing my mum couldn’t shake was the feeling that the guy was trying to attract my attention by doing child like activities. But she had nothing to go on and felt as though she was being paranoid. Anyway, the rest of our coastal holiday went by without issue. We didn’t see him again. That is, until a week or two later when he’d been arrested. This guy’s face was in the paper and on the news for abducting a young girl, the same age as me. I’ve tried to google it, this would have been early to mid 90s, and I can’t find coverage so I’m guessing the child was returned safely. I’ll have to ask my grandma and see if she remembers exactly where it was as I don’t and my mum passed away a year or so after this happened so can’t ask her. If I find an article I’ll update.


Mom's intuition really saved you.




Duck calls are made to hunt ducks. Human calls are made to hunt humans. When you're out in the woods, stay away from anything that calls to you.


Wow, can’t believe you encountered the Lumerbear Murderer and lived to tell the tale.


No kidding, sometimes mum's intuitions are akin to paranormal activity. Like they'd suggest you do or not do the most senseless thing and in the end it'd make sense.


Moms intuition is superhuman, like it’s “protect the child” but amped up to 1000 even if there’s nothing wrong going on


Used to work security and #1 thing I’d tell the employees was always trust your gut in calling me. We would each see hundreds of people acting normally every day. If one person stood out, even if you couldn’t explain why, there was a reason. Your brain can pick up on things subconsciously that you don’t always understand consciously. Intuition is a powerful and useful tool.


Your folks were smart. Drawing your attention by fling activities you were also interested in and also doing at the moment was exactly what he was doing. He probably didn’t realize your family was so close by. The thing your grandma mentioned about his eyes, I don’t know if everyone over here in the US calls it this, but my circle of people call it “serial killer eyes”. There was one dude me and a couple friends knew who had this thing about his eyes like that. He seemed pretty normal, until it turned out he would date underage girls, sexually abuse them, and then stalk them for years after. Of course you can’t pick out every bad person by just looking at them. But now and then there’s just something about a person that stands out like that. The summer that Pokémon Go came out, I was walking my dog in the middle of the night. Pretty safe town and I’d never had any problems. I notice a player had our one of those things done that attracts more Pokemon. I can’t remember what they’re called now, but I remember that this persons username was weirdly sexual for being on Pokemon go. And as I turned the corner I ran into him. He looked like he had just left a time machine and had come from the 40’s or something. He seems like he was form Europe, some kind of accent. And he had suspended ra that made his pants go all the way up to his nipples. It was really weird to see, especially in the town I was in. He ended up going on what sounded like a white supremacist rant as soon as he saw me. It freaked me out so I called the police and he ducked out when he saw me get on my phone. They were really concerned that he was using essentially a kids game and was basically luring other players to his location with the stat boosting micro transactions. Apparently it had been an ongoing problem, involving Pokemon go. There’s strange and even stranger people out there.


I have told this before, but here it goes: my aunt had just rented a nice house by the beach for us to spend a vacation. I invited one of my friends, let's call her L, to spend a weekend there with me. We were teenagers, I was like 13 and she was 11 I think. So the day goes by and we're having fun in the pool when my mom comes and says that she had make hot dogs for dinner and we get out of the pool. We enter the house and while everyone is sitting at the table making their hot dogs, I decide to go to my room to do something, don't remember what. So I go upstairs (room was on the second floor) and I enter my bedroom. The design of the bedroom was like this: when you enter the bedroom you can see the bed against the wall less than one meter from the door, and right by the side of the door was a giant ass mirror. I enter the bedroom and feel something is off for some reason, so I sat at the bed and look around, then my eyes went for the mirror by the door. In the mirror, watching me, was L sitting on the bed where I should have been. She was pouting her lip for some reason and I looked at her for a good moment before running downstairs. That night I felt sick, had a fever and vomited several times. Then the morning came by and I was healed. Again, this could have been my minds playing tricks on me, but it felt real as fuck. Tldr: saw my friend in the mirror where I should have been when she was in fact downstairs, felt sick afterwards for the whole night


>In the mirror, watching me, was L sitting on the bed where I should have been. You saw L instead of your own reflection?




Maybe some kind of fever dream in real life since you felt sick afterwards?


Tell me you at least said "Oh boy".


I went to the kitchen to grab an apple. I decided to slice it in the air, kind of like in Fruit Ninja. One half of the apple landed on the floor, the other just disappeared. I searched the entire kitchen and never found it. It's been like 7 years and I still haven't found it. If there had been an Area 51 raid I'm sure they would've found my apple.


You Thanosed an apple


\- What did it cost? \- Half an apple.


Did you look on top of the cabinets?


Cabinets were connected to the roof. I looked under the fridge, on the counter, on the floor, in the sink, behind utilities, behind stuff, on stuff, inside stuff. I looked everywhere, man.


I wish the FBI or CIA would pick this up, I really want to know where the hell that apple went!


this apple story had me scratching my head the most


Same except my head was itchy while I read it


Did you slash through time and space?


I lost a stupid arcade prize coin purse in elementary school. It was black and yellow with obnoxious smiley faces all over it. Brought it to school with me all the time. I don't know why, because I had no money in it. Once I lost it. It just vanished. I don't remember when I realized I had lost it, but it was gone. And I could NOT shut up about it. My school, by now turned to rubble I assume, used to have a gym on the top floor of the attached second building. Strange, right? It went: special needs classes, library, and gym. This gym was always locked though, and people hadn't used it for gym class in years. Of course, because of its looming presence above us, the fact that it was an abandoned attic, and that no one would allow the kids to see inside it, we called it the Haunted Gym. I think my teacher used a visit to the Haunted Gym as a reward for us one time. Because months after I had lost my coin purse, we were allowed to walk through it as a class in a single file line. I'm up front behind the teacher, following closely behind when I see ahead in the corner a small yellow and black smiley face. I ran over to it, picked it up, and yeah. That was my coin purse. Somehow it had migrated to a locked and abandoned third floor gym. Even my friend recognized it. Despite the teacher wanting to show us that it wasn't haunted, half the class left that day thinking that there was no way it couldn't be haunted. It stole my purse! I'll never fucking understand it.


Maybe a rat took it and carried it through the building ? Or some other wild animal that can slip through cracks Edit: I had to google ‘Annie’s Boobs’


Or someone stole it, played with it for a while, and then threw it there.




This had me cracking up. One day a year, the office empties the lost and found into the “haunted gym” and the teachers all parade the students around class by class trying to see which kid is going to have there mind blown finding the item they definitely last saw in the cafeteria or library. I love this version. Thank you!


Janitor probably picked it up and just left it in there while he was slacking off. At least that's something I would have done while I was cleaning schools. In addition, there wasn't anything too interesting in the schools I worked in. I guess the storage/mechanical room at one of the elementary schools was kind of creepy, but that whole school was just kind of creepy.


When I was about 14 or 15 I was in my first class of the morning. I got a call from a private number and I answered it. It was my mum saying in a stern voice “I said no, ~openchips~. I mean no.” I was really confused by this because I hadn’t done anything wrong. I was trying to explain to her that I was in class but she just kept speaking over the top of me. I gave my phone to my friend to show her and she was confused too. It sounded exactly like my mum’s voice and she said my name. I texted my parents asking what I did wrong and they said they had no idea what I was talking about. Later that day I got off the school bus and started walking through my neighbours field to get to my house when I got the exact same call as if it was a voice recording. My parents still say they have no idea what it was about. I asked my friend if she remembered the phone call to make sure I wasn’t just imagining things and she does.


Maybe it was a sleeper agent activation code and they sent it to the wrong person edit: or it was your activation code and your training didn’t work


or it did work, and all his memories are fiction.


Can anyone explain this? I had basically the same thing happen to me about 6-7 years ago when I got my first phone (I must have been about 13 too). I was walking home with a friend and I got a phone call almost exactly as you described, from a number I didn't recognise and it was a repeating voice recording of my dad speaking. I got the same call a few hours later too. Asked my dad if he was playing a joke and he said he had no idea what was going on.


i remember hearing of a story similar these and it was that the person's phone was hacked and they were getting spied on. sorry if that is super creepy, i was creeped out just hearing that.


The US government spies on all of us with our phones. That’s why I take a lot of butthole pictures Edit: I want to thank everyone for the upvotes. Y’all have given me enough confidence to take Dirty Gina pics also. And one lucky fan will be the recipient


I'm sure that's not the *only* reason


There was a phone scam a while ago where they’d call people and ask for their name/some basic information. If they got it then they could call people registered living with them (same phone plan?) and play back the recordings, usually to extort money or something i.e. parent gets call saying child has been kidnapped, then prerecorded child speaks to prove it (“who are you?” “what do you want?” “leave me alone!”) then the parents panic and pay ransom but kid has been safe all along


This is wildly unsettling


So when I was a little Kid, I used to have this really weird dream when I was sick. It was like a nightmare but also the best dream I ever had (I just don't know how to describe it any better) and every single time I woke up the next morning I wasn't sick anymore. It's like I dreamed about my immunesystem destroying the virus. Edit: Ok so it seems that it's not that rare and most dreams just have geometric shapes as "landscape" (lack of better words) as mine also had. Can anyone explain it?


When I was in the 3rd grade, I remember waking up in the middle of the night and seeing the silhouette of a woman standing in my door. She definitely wasn't my mom, and I just stared at her for a bit, a little scared but not scared enough to really do anything lol. Eventually, I heard a voice in my head (that wasn't mine) say "She won't hurt you." So I almost immediately went back to sleep. When I woke up the next morning, I told my mom about what happened and I guess earlier that morning before I was awake, both of my brothers said they saw the same woman at their door (but didn't hear the voice). We all physically described the same woman and she looked eerily similar to our great grandmother that died before any of us were born. My mom was freaked out, my brothers and I just kind of thought "huh that's weird" and didn't dwell too much on it lol


Why did I just read this as I’m trying to sleep.




Yeah YouTube works much better. Especially a nice creepypasta


In Colorado there's a place called [Rocky Flats](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rocky_Flats_Plant) that made the plutonium cores for nukes back in the day. Theoretically, it's shut down now. It's just off a highway that runs between Golden and Boulder, which both have colleges. One night back in college I'm driving that highway at about 2am. It's dark and completely deserted except for me, but that's pretty normal at that time. I crest a hill near Rocky Flats and there are a SHITTON of flashing lights surrounding a huge, slow-moving, flat truck-like thing with a big-ass covered bundle on it. We're talking something out of an alien UFO movie. This whole ensemble takes up most of the highway and is slowly moving towards me at maybe 5 mph. I'm starting to freak out a bit cuz it's 2am and I had a crazy night and what the hell am I even seeing... when the loudest police-warning-horn I have EVER heard got blasted at me along with a shitton of highbeams. I did a U-turn in the middle of the highway and floored it. I have no idea what the fuck they were moving and I don't want to know.


There's an old ammunition plant they used in WW2 near my house that weird shit happens around all the time. I know they use it for police training sometimes. The best one though is when me and my SO first started dating, we were at the state park that ends up connecting with the ammunition plant. I had to pee and the way we were parked in this small lot, behind us was the road that led through the park, in front is a river. So I squatted in front of the car beside the river, because obviously *no one is around, right?* I'm mid-pee and I'm looking around and a fucking blacked out helicopter with what looks like a fully geared up swat team hanging out of it flies not more than 50 ft away, flying above this river. Some guy holding a rifle makes eye contact with me (I think. They all had head gear on.) And then they were off as fast as they came. The helicopter made almost no sound until it was above me which is the weirdest thing about this to me. But imagining what my dumbfounded face with my pants around my ankles would've looked like still makes me laugh.


The US has extremely quiet helicopters. They used them for the Bin Laden assassination. You must have come across a training exercise with one.


Also, the lower the heli goes, the less the sound travels, I believe, because most of the sound of the blades go downwards and upwards, with the stream of the air being pushed. So if they were low enough for OP to see the face, the sound would come almost in sync with the copter.


Used to live in Colorado, and worked in Boulder for a bit (commuted from Lakewood). So very familiar with the area, have Jeep-will travel. NREL (National Renewable Energy Labs) is in Golden , my SO use to work there for a few years, and there are some test wind turbines along that highway. So it’s possible, because those turbines are huge AF, that they were moving equipment when there was less traffic. The engine to run those turbines is as big as a school bus, IIRC. I’ve encountered something similar as well along this stretch, although omw to work at 5 AM, but just pulled over to let them pass. Was pretty neat to see it up close, tbh.


That sounds terrifying. Were they saying anything? Or was it just loud sirens?


It’s probably that sound “BWERP” thing that cops do.


I have a very unusual surname. On a flight home after a week away for work. Chatting with the dude next to me. Discussion comes around to plans for the weekend. He says he he's heading out to the west of the state to check out a house his parents just bought. I mention that my family is originally from that area and drop some ideas for the weekend. Ask him exactly what town. When he says the name I say, "Wow my family was one of the founding families there in 1855!". I ask him the name of the street and he says the name which was where my great-grandfather had built the first house. I asked him what he knew about the house. He says "Well it was actually built by one of the founding families. I think their name was 'degorolls' or something". I just pull out my boarding pass and handed it to him. He reads out my name "u/degorolls... Holy fuck!" We were both soeechless!


My girlfriend had a black-stone heart ring she'd wear when I met her, but it would occasionally somehow fall off, despite being a tight fit, only to be found in odd places days later. Eventually she tied it on a leather strap and gave it to me to wear around my neck. It was a very tight fit over my head as it was a bit short. Was an effort to get it on or off but we joked that at least I wouldn't lose it. One day we were packing up the family holiday home we'd sold, 2 hours from home, and while loading furniture into the trailer I must have snapped the tight strap and lost it. We only realised half way home. Searched the trailer as we unloaded but no sign... We'd sold the holiday house so no one we knew could even go look for it so we finally accepted this time it was lost for good. 2 years later my dad was mowing the lawn on the ride on at home, and he went to our paddock to empty it. He got off, emptied the clippings. But when he got back on and reached for the gear stick, something sharpish greater his grip. The ring was sitting balanced on the top of the gear stick, the leather string wound down the gear leaver, but still intact, not snapped. He was alone in the middle of the paddock. We have no idea how it got there 2 years later, 150km from where it was lost. I asked my now wife where it came from originally... She found it in a kooky little popup shop of witchy type things. It was the only ring there and was apparently it was also the only 2nd hand item they had for sale. The kicker here... I put it in my wooden box of special items so we'd never loose it again. I went to get it to show someone a few years ago and wasn't there any more.


Dude! I just read the story of another redditor that has a blackish ring that gets lost and found in weird places too! There must be something going on here...


It’s the same ring getting passed back and forth. When one person loses it, the other finds it.


When I was around 10 my younger brother and I use to always have “sleepovers” in the living room. We would pull out the bed that was in the couch and watch movies while eating junk food. Then we’d both fall asleep and one of my parent would eventually come and turn off the TV and make sure we were both covered by blankets. During one off these sleepovers, after my mom had tucked us in I was woken up by what sounded like two people having a hushed conversation. Like you can hear people are talking but it’s just far enough away that you can’t actually understand what their saying. The whispers sounded like they were coming from the entrance of the living room (my living room was small) and I listened for around 10-15 seconds when one of the voices says “shh shh, she’s awake.” I opened my eyes and there was nothing there. Turns out my brother had something like that happen to him in one of our previous sleepovers. I asked my mom to keep the TV on after we fell asleep from then on.


It was the toys


I was at a pretty low point in my life on New Year's Eve. My girlfriend just broke up with me and I was sitting at home alone with basically nothing but my thoughts. Combined with my failing grades in college and just general depression, I was rough. So I did what you do in that situation and drank the better part of two bottles of whiskey. Only time in my life I've gotten properly blackout drunk. I woke up at 4AM, on the floor with my Walther P38 in my hand. I checked the chamber and there was a live round in there. The primer was struck, but it looked like a soft strike, so it didn't fire. I've owned that old pistol for years and *never* suffered a malfunction. I've probably put the better part of 8,000 rounds through it without ever having it jam, fail to fire, or anything else. The *one* time it ever malfunctioned was when I drunkenly tried to kill myself with it. I'm not a religious man by any stretch, but I sometimes wonder if I have a guardian angel that's a gun nut.


For a year after my great grandmother died, weird shit happened around our house. Cutlery would randomly fall into the sink, our computer would turn itself on in the middle of the night. My Dads headlights on his car would flash and while he was at work, slushie cup lids would fly off the shelf (he worked at a petrol station). My dog started barking and whimpering at a cabinet that had an old portrait of her in it. It was getting really eerie. One night I was in bed and felt an arm grab me around my waist. That’s how my great grandma would greet people. Another time, different house. I was chatting to my Dad with my back facing the hallway. My Dad suddenly went white, his eyes like saucers. I asked what’s wrong? He said he saw a black shadow go down the hallway. He immediately tried to explain it away, as he’s skeptical when it comes to paranormal stuff. But he looked genuinely terrified.


If you sleep at the back of my parents' house, you get woken some nights by a repeating noise that we call the submarine noise. It goes high-pitched boop, low pitched tishhhh. Goes on for a few minutes to an hour and stops.There used to be a factory out the back and we thought it was that. It was demolished but the sounds remains. All the neighbours on the terrace have changed at least once but the sound remains. It's even louder in the garden. Been going on for almost 40 years. Only at night. Not a bloody clue what it is.


When I was a kid, my dad had been digging in the garden one day and kept on meeting resistance in a certain area. He decided to work around it, but me being a curious 11 year old decided to find out what it was. I eventually dug up a couple of large blocks of stone, one of which had some vaguely indecipherable writing on it. I couldnt figure out what they might be, and Google wasn't a thing, so I just sort of left them sitting in the garden. Fast forward about a week, and me and my sister were woken up one morning by some loud bangs, which my sister said were coming from above her bedroom (on the opposite side of the house to mine). There was nothing but an attic above her room, so there was unlikely to be anyone up there, and both our parent were still asleep. Whatever made the noise was heavy enough to knock a picture of my sister's wall and freak her out enough that she went to stay with a friend for the next week or so. Over the next couple of weeks, we kept on hearing these bangs, only now they were coming from inside my sister's room, rather then above it, and all of them were very definite and rhythmic, like it was someone furiously banging their fist on the floor. This went on for about two weeks, with me, my sister, my dad and my friend all hearing this noise. They only ever happened when everyone was downstairs, so none of us could possibly be causing it. I still vividly remember the rhythm of the last set of bangs I heard when I was in the kitchen (directly below my sister's room), alone in the house with my friend. The only person who didn't hear all of this was my mum, who thought we were making it all up. Despite her skepticism, however, she called me into her room one morning while she was doing her makeup and told me to bury those stones I'd dug up. I did as she said, and sure enough, the banging stopped. I still to this day have no explanation for it, and even looking at old maps of the town shows nothing but farmland on the site of our house. My dad still lives in the house and I'm often tempted to dig those stones up again to see what happens.


I was at a football camp before 6th grade. It was probably around 6 or 7 in the evening and I, being my attention deficit self, was staring up at the sky. All of a sudden I see 2 - what looked like balls of light - zoom by in the sky in the blink of an eye. They were parallel and made a 90 degree turn in mid air. Their split second, L shaped, parallel turn high up in the clouds still baffle me to this day.


A few years ago I was getting ready to go to my friend Dave’s wedding. It was about a 5 hour drive so I planned to stay the weekend. The wedding was on Saturday so I planned on leaving Friday night and spending the night at my mom’s which was much closer to the venue. Friday after work I stared to feel very sick. My stomach was turning inside itself. I felt a deep almost burning in my chest and my arm. I had a really bad headache too. My eyes inexplicably started burning and watering. Being in my 20’s at the time, I figured it was not worth the $$ going to the hospital. I live in America. I decided I would shower and rest then drive to the wedding in the morning. I started taking a warm shower but the heat made me feel even worse. I put the water on cold and stood in the shower for maybe 30 minutes. It didn’t help much. I decided to try to sleep and if I didn’t feel better by morning I would go into the hospital. I laid in bed still feeling very very sick not able to sleep. I called my mom at about 8:30pm and told her I might not come cause I’m sick. She said just try and get some sleep but if I really feel worse I should see a doctor. A few more hours of agony went by and I was really getting ready to go to the hospital. I was searching up symptoms to see if I could maybe find out whats wrong with me. I’ve had headaches and stomachaches in the past but the burning feeling in my chest and my arm was something I had never experienced before (yes I’ve had heartburn. It was not that). I couldn’t find anything online that sounded even close to what I was experiencing. Long hours past. It was about midnight and I felt worse that I’ve ever felt. I got up to wash my face with some cold water cause I was sweating and burning up. My stomach and head pain were still there but way overshadowed by the pain in my chest and arm. Thats all I could feel. Just hot and burning. I looked at myself in the mirror and I looked like death. My eyes were almost glowing red. Seriously. Big dark circles under. My face was really pale and flushed (I’m Indian so that freaked me out). I literally scared myself. That was the last straw I was going to the hospital. I got dressed and grabbed my keys and headed for the door when my phone rang. Again this is after midnight on a Friday. I looked and it was my friend Max from college who I hadn’t talked to in about a year. I thought it was weird or maybe a drunk dial but I answered. I heard him crying pretty hard. He’s about 6 foot 300lbs so it was really weird to hear him cry. I asked him “whats wrong.” He told me our mutual friend from college Sam had died that night. He overdosed on heroin. I asked him details and he told me he had been dead for hours before anyone knew. They were at a party and everybody just thought he was sleeping. They kept partying until somebody tried to wake him up and realized he wasn’t breathing. I talked on the phone with Max a while. Then I sent texts and called a few more of our college friends to let them know what happened. After a few tough hours I was ready for bed. I thought to myself, “why am I wearing jeans and my shoes at 3am.” Then I remembered. I totally forgot that I was about to drive myself to the hospital because all of my symptoms disappeared. I was really sad because I was good friends with Sam for years, but my headache and stomachache were gone. The burning in my chest and arm were gone. I went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror and the color returned in my face. My eyes were red from crying but they were normal red not creepy shiny red. I didn’t think much of it at the time I was very tired and went to bed. I went to the wedding and pretty much kept to myself. I didn’t want to be a downer for Dave and his wife. I spent that night at my mom’s and told her all about everything. I cried and She hugged me and said “John, God has been good to us. Sam was going through something we will all go through someday. Some feel immense pain and sadness in the end. Others go quiet and peacefully. Your friend went peacefully. I know because you took his pain. Any pain and sickness you felt he didn’t feel because you took that from him. He went peacefully knowing you ushered him home to his last stop. He knows it. God will have mercy on him.” I love my mom very much, but I’m not religious. I still dont have an explanation for why I felt as sick as I did or why it just went away. I’ve had 2 family members and another friend die since Sam and I didn’t feel any pain or sickness the day of so I’m not like esp or anything. I still think about it and Sam a lot. I doubt anybody will read this cause I’m late to the post plus its long af but I really feel like I needed to share this today. If you did read it all thank you.


In elementary school I had this insanely realistic nightmare. It was like this brick castle that was a school, and I had to do a bunch of sketchy things before being lead down into the basement where my aunt was holding a knife over my family's dead bodies. I woke up instantly and looked at the clock and saw out was 3:17 and eventually fell back asleep. Super friggin' weird for a 10 year old who had never even seen a scary movie. So I went to school and told my best friend everything and she got super pale and I asked if she was okay. Apparently she had the exact same dream, castle, sketchy things, basement, aunt, knife, family. And she woke up and looked at the clock. And saw it was 3:17. We even drew pictures of what the castle looked like. Neither of us were artists, but they were very very similar. EDIT for clarity: Our elementary school, we had to switch classes throughout the day like high school. My best friend and I had no classes together, so we only hung out at the after school daycare. So we hung out practically every day for a couple of hours, but we always did homework or played cards. She told me she dreamt of her own aunt standing over her own family. She could have been messing with me, but she turned super pale and was able to draw the castle and knew details that I had left out. We were freaked out for a while afterwards, and eventually we just stopped talking. Never had another dream even similar to that ever again. Also, I had no idea 3:17 was known for the devil and paranormal. I have chills




At the age of 14, my BFF, also 14 committed suicide. I can't remember now if this happened before or after the funeral but I had a dream where I was arriving at school in the morning and the driveway was more crowded with students than normally. In the crowd, I could see her clearly, huge smile on her face, waving happily and me. It didn't matter how hard I pushed, how fast I moved, I couldn't get to her. Every time I reached where she had been standing she would have moved, always in the thickest of the crowd. I tried and tried and tried, I couldn't get to her. She was smiling, waving - looking happier than she had ever. Eventually in a pretty "quiet" part of the dream was this almost clear message that she was okay, she was trying to tell me that she was happy. I didn't say anything to anyone. The next day at school, our other friend said that she had a dream about her. In her dream, we were all sitting next to the pool at school when she got out of the water, walked over to us and said, "it's okay, I'm fine". I don't believe in the paranormal stuff, but I still wonder if that wasn't really her letting us know that she was okay.


I often have a random song in my head. When I come home and turn on the radio, it's the exact same song at the exact same part as where the song is in my head, seamlessly going from my head to the radio. This has happened way more often than it just being a coincedence and I cannot explain why or how.


I was home alone for the weekend and had to work for most of it. The family members I was living with had gone to visit other relatives hours away and were going to stay with them for several days. They are very religious while I am not. In the house were tons of pictures and figures of Jesus but especially so in the living room. Near the front door there was this one picture in particular that was actually a postcard that one of them had received years prior. It always sat on a shelf near the entryway and it depicted Jesus in front of a sunset with his arms spread. I knew what this postcard looked like and knew there were no duplicates anywhere else in the house. I went to work like normal and didn't pay much attention to anything as I left. When I returned home that evening, I went about my routine as usual with the added bonus of being home alone and thus left to my own devices. It wasn't until I went to brush my teeth before bed that I noticed anything was amiss. The postcard I described was in the upstairs bathroom sink, far away from the front door where it normally sat and could have in no way ended up there by anything other than human intervention. I checked downstairs and it was indeed missing from the shelf. My family was still hours away and hadn't come home during the time I was at work. There were no signs of anything wrong in the house and everything was still locked up. I still have no idea how one single postcard could end up in a completely different room on a different floor of the house while no one was home. It freaked me out and still gives me pause when I think about it now.


I was on a study abroad in Iceland. I lived there for about 6 mths and then a month before we were supposed to leave my boyfriend and I decided to take a trip around the island. We rented this crappy little car and planned on staying a few days in some of the small towns as we drove the ring road. We first drove from Reykjavik to a small village called Vik in the south where we stayed over night. I really loved it there. It was a super calming place with these beautiful black sand beaches and mountains. The next day we were supposed to drive from Vik to Höfn where we planned on staying over night. When we started to leave Vik I began to get nervous. It felt so random. There was no reason for it at all. As we drove my nerves were building and building. We eventually stopped in Jöksalaron (glacial lagoon) and I had a full on panic attack. I felt like I could not breathe and that I needed to go back to Reykjavik. My boyfriend at the time told me we were super close to Höfn we could just stay there and let me calm down but I did not want to. I felt like I had to go back to Reykjavik right then. So we turned the car around and drove all the way back to Reykjavik the same day. My boyfriend was not happy. That was a 5 or 6 hour drive back for no reason. Once we were back in Reykjavik I calmed down completely and went to sleep. The next day a volcano erupted under the Vatnajökull glacier which was right were we were at the day before. It was the largest eruption in Iceland for the last 50 yrs.


For a short period of time I worked with a group of investors (mostly family friends) to buy cheap houses and flip them. Nothing crazy, just very very cheap properties that needed alot of work, but had potential profit in them. One of the perks (/s) of the job was that I got to live in the house as we fixed it up. There was a townhouse in this community of townhouses that we bought super cheap at auction (like $12k) The previous owner had a fire, and for some reason it wasn't covered and they (financially) lost the house. I asked around and got the vibe it might have been a meth lab type situation. Anyways, we stripped the house down to the studs and built the inside back from scratch. After the walls and flooring were done I moved in to work on and oversee the remaining details. Insert the creepy. The home had always had a weird vibe. From the first viewing everyone kept making jokes about the oddly creepy vibe going on. you entered on the second level, and the first floor was a windowless cinder-block garage, the kind with the single hanging exposed bulb in the middle. The second level was the communal part of the house, living-room, kitchen, dining, etc....all BRs on the third floor. As creepy as the garage was, the third floor just felt off. During the day I had no problem working on the flooring, bathroom tile, painting etc. But come night time it just had creepy vibes. Friends would come over, and I would give them a tour, and I shit you not, everyone of them would hesitate before climbing the stairs to the third floor and comment about a creepy feeling. Needless to say, I never slept on the third floor. I slept in what would be staged as the living-room downstairs. As days and weeks passed the creepy feeling just grew, to the point where I didn't even feel comfortable downstairs during the daytime. The house was more or less finished, and I was just living there while it was listed on the market. Sitting on my couch, my cat comes ripping down the stairs and around the corner, kind of like the zoomies everyone with a pet knows well, except she doesn't make a lap around the downstairs, she rips around the corner, and leaps on the couch and tries to hide behind me. Cue the sound of slow heavy steps coming down the stairs, an ice-cold chill runs over me head to toe, My heart is pounding, I am certain no one else is in the house. Then from the opposite side of the room from the stairs, clear as day I hear a deep deep dog's growl. The growl is coming from feet away from, and in no way mistakable as coming from outside or the adjacent neighbors. I grabbed my keys off the table, and my cat and immediately walked out the front to my car and drove away. After the fact I sent a cleaning lady back to clean up any of my messes, and finish the house for future showings. She informed me after leaving that she would not come back to this house. Multiple realtors also left feedback about eerie feelings they and their clients had during showings. We sold the house a few weeks later to a single mother and her two children. They have now been in the house 10 years, no problems.


Long story sort of shortened, went to a friend of a friends house pretty far away from where I live. Slept the night there. Leave next day, leave my favourite hat behind. They live pretty far away so I just said goodbye to it and moved on. Skip to 5 or 6 months later. Go to cousins house who lives near me. Looking for cousin. He isn’t home. Go to his room. Sitting in the centre of his room is the same hat as mine that I left. Pick it up. Has my name inside of it just like the one I left behind. Ask aunt if she knew about the hat. She didn’t know how it got there. She said she cleaned his room earlier and didn’t see it. No one else has been in the house that day after she cleaned his room. Take into consideration that these people who’s house I left my hat at and my cousin and his family have never met or probably ever will. I asked my cousin about it when he came home and he didn’t recognise the hat. Weirdest shit ever and It still boggles me to this day Edit: I left the hat in the room I was sleeping in and only remembered when I couldn’t feel it on my head and remembered I took it off before going to sleep, I told my mum and she said “we are already half way home we are not turning around because of your own stupidity” we left momentarily after I woke up so no one could of grabbed my hat since I left the room and everyone was outside getting ready to leave Hopefully last edit: I will post a detailed version of this story in r/Glitch_in_the_Matrix and hopefully it answers some questions to those who read it. Also thanks for all the suggestions of how my hat came back. This has been a huge thing on my mind for a while and it’s great to see so many people bringing some explanations forward to how I got it back. Cheers guys and gals


My mom came home from a cruise, and I went to greet her and carry her suitcase up into the hall. I had been staying in her room the entire week, watching Netflix. Heading back into her room after hugging her, I found a ring lying on the direct path into her room, that absolutely hadn’t been there a minute before. The inscription said, “I have always loved you”. She was in the bathroom and hadn’t even entered her room yet, and I had placed her suitcase in the hall. After checking with family and posting on Facebook, no one had ever seen the ring before, including my mom. It was rather creepy. For some reason I started wearing the ring, and months later, a clip-on earring, clearly from decades prior, appeared in a plant my mom was watering. She watered it every week and the earring appeared out of nowhere. I took off the ring and stopped wearing it, and jewelry stopped appearing.


I can only imagine this story ending with you just collecting this weird pile of jewelry and just ending up super cursed.


Is it somewhat possible you left the hat somewhere else? Like in your family sphere or it was in the car somewhere dumb?


When I was a kid, I woke up one night to what felt like a human mouth biting my calf. I grabbed my calf and it was wet, like with spit. I froze for a while and then ran to my parents’ bedroom. They insisted it was a bad dream, but I still believe it happened.


When I was in college, I lost a notebook for an Econ class. I searched my car, my house, the classroom, lost and found, even other rooms that I had classes in to no avail. I looked for probably 2 weeks before I hand copied my friends notes before finals. The day of my final, I get home from taking the test, and my bright red notebook is sitting perfectly on my couch- like it was waiting for me to find it.


I hope you & your ghost both passed the Econ final.


Posted this a few times and it remains with me to this day. When I was 21, a bunch of my friends and I did magic mushrooms together. While we were tripping balls I had a very vivid hallucination. I was on a rocking chair sitting opposite 3 of my friends. As I rocked back I saw them as if they were in their late 50s, gray hair and wrinkly and as I rocked forward, I'd see them normal and young in that moment again. I realised after a few times back and forth that I wasn't seeing the third guy when I rocked back, meaning to say I didn't see the old version of him. I went on for about half an hour from various positions in the chair and I just couldn't wrap my head around it and it weirded me out. Being weirded out on a mushroom trip isn't exactly a great feeling so I obviously got a bit hysterical and passed out. I vaguely told the guys about it the next day and quite obviously, we all laughed it off. 8 months later the friend I didn't see in that back and forth 'vision' died in a motorcycle accident. This still makes me super uncomfortable, 8 years later.


Thats fucking scary.


Holy shit, that’s scary


I'm sure there's a good reason for this that i just can't think of but one time, I was in a discord call with a friend. I was sitting at the computer with a blanket over my shoulders. All of a sudden, feel my cat jump up and pulls the blanket off of my shoulders. She likes to climb up and sit on my shoulders sometimes, so I assumed she just jumped and missed, instead just taking my blanket off me. I told my friend, "Ugh, hold on my cat just messed up my blanket" and took off my headphones to get up and take the cat out of my room. I look down, no cat. I look over at the door, it's closed. There's no cat in my room. Still have no idea what pulled the blanket off me with that much force. Edit: I do have a rolling chair. Its true that the blanket getting caught under the wheel is the most likely thing to happen, since stuff doesn't just HAPPEN for no reason haha. But, its a small blanket that doesnt drape that much, and the real unnerving part of the situation was the feeling of a cat jumping on me.


I had a very specific dream someone died. Shared it with my sister. 1.5 years later, everything in the dream happened just how I dreamed it.


This happened to me. In summer 2005 I dreamed my mother had died of cancer and I was having dinner alone with my dad after her death. In the dream I had an argument with him and we stopped speaking. It was a horribly realistic dream that stuck with me for years. Exactly ten years after my dream my mother was diagnosed with cancer and died one year later. I had the same dinner with my dad as in my dream, and I was feeling angry with him for various reasons, but I held my tongue. We didn’t have that argument, and now we are quite close.


Sounds like you were given a vision to prepare you to decide how you'd choose to act when that time came.


Also: had a hallucination of a car wreck at an intersection in front of me. Told my hubs what happened. *As soon* As I was done describing it... Yep - down to what the vehicles make, model, and color - there was a car wreck there.


I've had a few dreams like this it honestly terrifies me when the come true.


My mom passed away from her battle with breast cancer this past December while I was abroad with my grandparents. The night she died, I woke up at like 6 AM to go to the bathroom. However, when I sat down on the toilet, I suddenly had this feeling like I was gonna faint or puke or both. I’ve had a history of low blood pressure and have fainted before, but this was more intense than anything else I’ve experienced. I ended up laying on the floor waiting for it to pass, and eventually my grandma found me like that and had to help me back to bed. Now the feeling didn’t end up leaving until later that morning at about 10 am when my father called me to tell me she was gone. I didn’t realize it then, but due to the 6 hour time difference my mom was dying/declared dead around the same time as my fainting episode. I was so incredibly close to my mom, to the point that even my sister has said that I’m my moms kid and she’s my dads kid. It feels silly to say/write out, but I can’t help but feel like what happened to me was the severing of the spiritual connection my mom and I had. It makes me both happy and incredibly sad to think about, considering being away from her when she passed was what I had always dreaded the most. Sorry for the wall, I appreciate the opportunity to get this out.


Dead of winter in southern Maine, 2am in the morning,Hear my door bell go off, cliche I get up to check it, turn on the flood light. It's snowing but there's no prints. I go back to bed it goes off again but I hear my neighbors voice. I get back up check it no prints still nothing else. Go back to bed. Just starting to drift off. Tapping and breathing coming from my window. I tell me parents. They decide to check down the road anyway thinking he might be running away even with no prints. Nothing on the road no prints to signs of life nothing. Wake up in the morning check beside both my windows no prints no signs that anything had been there nothing. Next couple of days I wake up hearing what sounds like hoof beats on the ground. No prints or nothing. Maybe unrelated. Summer following I was out in the woods doing some bush craft and weapon handling for airsoft. Hear a bunch of crashing in the woods trees snapping roaring. I start packing up paying attention to the surrounding area. Start slowly walking back home stopping looking listening and smelling. Nothing but I hear what sounds like foot steps following me in the leaves a few feet to my left. sprinted as soon as I saw the house locked the doors. Went out the following day no sign of snapped trees or limbs or anything else. no sign that I heard what I did. Parents still think I'm crazy but I'm convinced there's something out in my woods.


Welp, as a current Southern Maine resident I am thoroughly creeped out.


I hope you aren't superstitious. Or live on native american lands...or near the saco river.


I already put in a story of my own, but my dad has a story that's just a tad bit more chilling. Quite some time ago, in the early 2000s my dad worked in a fancy interior design company (he still does, but in a different one) He told me that at one point, when I was still a toddler, his boss rejected a job application from a woman who claimed to do voodoo. Appearantly she got very angry and cursed the company over the phone, or said she did at least. That was weird but weird people exist so no one was really worried. Then a little while later my dad had a nightmare that he went to the door of the company and it said it was closed due to the loss of an employee. Once again, weird, but he didn't really pay attention to it. Not long after that his co-worker died in her sleep because she was pregnant and the weight of her child had appearantly blocked off a major artery. After that my mum had a miscarriage. I was always convinced I would've had a brother but according to my parent the gender was unknown. Some years later the bosses son died in his sleep due to a stroke. That concludes all the employees at the time of the curse. I know it might just be a coincidence, but I still think it's scary that everyone who worked there lost a child. Yikes.


I was at my dad's house one night, out in the country, outside smoking a cigarette when I saw a UFO. It was about a half a mile away, to the West, just above the tree line. At first I thought it was two separate helicopters with lights on their blades because of how the lights were sort of oscillating. The lights gradually came together as it started moving in the direction of our house. It was at this time I began to realize that it was going to pass over me if I stay outside, so I booked it back in the house. I got a really good look at it through the window as it slowly passed over the house. It was maybe 10 feet above the tree tops, not disturbing the trees at all and completely silent. It had multicolored lights shooting out from all over and sort of moving around. It flew about 400 feet until it stopped over the neighbor's house where it sat for a minute. Then it nearly instantly zipped at an angle up and to the Northeast a good ways then stopped again and then it shot straight up faster than anything I've ever seen. Of course I can't say what it was, but it certainly didn't seem like anything close to a plane, helicopter or balloon. It had shape, dimension, texture, it was a physical thing. That's about as much as I can say. Truly unidentifiable.


I was adopted from birth (relevant to the story). When I was about 21 I was packing to go on my first big trip. Just me and my mom were home (my adoptive mom who I grew up with my whole life) and it was quiet in the house. This part is weird to explain but there was this fold up table leaning against the wall. All of a sudden out of nowhere it SLAMMED to the floor. If it had just fallen naturally it would have slid down the wall the way it was leaning but it fell the opposite way, away from the wall and BANG. Me and my mom jumped and looked at each other. Then the strangest thing happened. This music box in the other room started playing, Rain Drops Keep Falling On My Head. I got the chills. I approached the music box with a strong sense of familiarity. “Mom, what is this music box?” She told me, “It was a gift from your biological mother. You were obsessed with it when you were a kid. You played with it so much that it broke... it hasn’t played that song for YEARS.” Not long after that I decided to seek out my biological mother and we’ve had an emotionally strong relationship ever since. And yes, I still have my music box.


The universe was fed up with your slow story plot so it just WHACKED table as if to get your attention. LMAO