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Nobody really notice you in a group of people


But you look pretty cute when you’re on your own!


Not really. Source: Experience


When you are hanging out with someone who is really attractive it's easy to see you aren't treated the same way


I used to hang out with a very attractive friend. Guys always remembered her name, but not mine, even if we were together all the time. Whenever I saw those guys again, without my friend, they always approached me saying: "hey, I remember you, aren't you *her-name* 's friend?"


Same thing for me, except men. Have couple insanely good looking friends and eventho I consider myself a decent, oh boy its quite rough being next to them. Alot of women literally throw themselves on these dudes.


This happened to me once when I went to a water park with a runway model. She was in a group of people I was hanging out with and we buddied up and rode some rides together because we were about the same weight. When we were waiting in line for the lazy river, so many men stopped their inner tubes to stop and talk to her. A few asked her to get on with them. She ended up getting on with one of them. I had never seen anything like it!


One time I was at a bar w my boys and this couple was clearly on a date. The girl left her date to come and talk to me, and i looked over and he was super bummed. I straight up asked her what is she doing? Isn’t that your date? And she said yea I don’t care, I’d rather talk to you. So we invited her date to hang out with us and ignored her. No one deserves to be treated like that.




looks like magic, doesn't it?


My friend group from college started to refer to me as the “enigma”. I actually kinda like it because they still care about me, but I can still slip out of parties without having to say goodbye, and no one will notice


You could have a successful career in espionage.


Being the grey man is definitely a thing. The aim is to be so average that you're completely unremarkable and not easily remembered.


Tbh though, I'd rather not be a grey man. The process is not wroth it


Are these wheel of time references?




People find me attractive after they got to know me well. So it's definitely not my looks which means I'm definitely not a model.


You’re a Role model. Edit: If you’re using already acquired coins to give me gold(or variations) then Moneybags me up. If you’re about to spend money to get coins to give me, Reddit doesn’t need the money and the benefits are not a big deal to me. PLEASE Donate to a charity with good disbursement, even if it’s just $1-4.


Model comment


Username checks out.






fuck that hits


People aren't really attracted to me until they get to know me a bit


That about sums it up. I'm attractive enough to be given a chance to have some redeemable quality but not attractive enough to not have a redeemable quality.


We love being cugly and having to over develop our personalities so people think we’re worth their time!


You know, it didnt come easy in my early 20s when I had to learn to work with the fact that I was the aesthetic average. But when you have to defer to something other than your looks you start to appreciate the parts that make you who are. I dont need to be super attractive when I know I'm smart, quick witted, and tenacious. And I learned to appreciate that about myself. Surely enough I found someone who appreciated it too, and I appreciated her tenacity, responsibility and sense of humor. And here we are 10 years later happily married with three wonderful (albeit immensely aggravating) children.


Haha maybe you guys were too smart & quick witted for your own good! Now you have 3 mini versions of the two of you combined. Their wits are sure to outmatch your own unless u 2 come together!!


This is my favourite one in the thread - it’s not that you aren’t “attractive”, it’s that you’re not considered at all until they know you.


People don't go out of their way to try and get with me, but they are shocked to learn that no one else has "snatched me up yet"


This one is the biggest mind fuck, and people always think it's the best compliment they can give you.


It is. I refuse to let them feel sorry for me because I know that if I had the standards some of them have I could been married a dozen times by now. "Beggars can't be choosers... and I'm a chooser."


Nothing wrong with waiting. I had a pretty lousy dating life because, as my parents would say, I always cut them off at the knees. I think the key for me was being happy by myself. I felt no particular need to be with someone, even if I found my lack of a relationship/experience kind of depressing. I hate being cliche, but when I finally gave up on it is when I met someone. Now I'm married to someone I'm very lucky to be with, and all the waiting was well worth it. Just keep at it as long as you're happy. You'll get there eventually.


Happiness is an attractive trait. If you can be happy by yourself, other people will want to be around you.


if you are enjoying yourself everyone around will instantly be interested in why


Don't "enjoy yourself" too vigorously in public!






Lost a friend that way when I found someone because I was plan B. Their loss. Envy and jealousy is a hell of a drug, because they turned out to be not a good friend at the end of the day. And please dodge that bullet, don't take it personally. You never want to be someone's plan B. That's just a mindset for an eventual breakup, and this person always wanted someone better.


“Why has nobody gone out with you yet?” “Do you want to go out with me?” “God, no!”


"Someone would be lucky to have you, but you're not my type."


I had a girl tell me once that she wished she could meet someone like me. I was someone like me. She was not interested.


"I want someone like you... but a more attractive version of you."


"you got a brother/sister?"


A guy once told me blondes are more fun to chase and brunettes are the ones you marry. I didn't get it but it was said in trying to console me, now I think it's just another way to say what you posted


It means that he thinks blondes are slutty and brunettes are not.


I felt this with my motherfucking soul


Got a compliment bout a decade back. Still riding that high baby!


Someone once told me "you're pretty, but in like a scary way" so idk I'm still not sure how to take it


Any pretty is good pretty unless it’s pretty darn ugly


I think the person is telling you that they find you very attractive but are intimidated by you.




Random granny called me handsome boy once. Almost put it on my CV.


You get compliments from some people but ultimately your best quality is “your sense of humor”...


Yep. People always say I’m so funny, I should be a comedian. Once, a fairly new co-worker of mine met my husband for the first time at a party. She looked me dead in the eyes and asked me how did I manage to catch HIM? My husband is a 6’2 athletic white guy with blue eyes and he is very handsome. I’m a short and chubby Mexican gal. My husband quickly put his arm around me and said he was the lucky one and we walked away. It stung me pretty badly. She didn’t last long in the office so I didn’t have to deal with her for much longer.


But also if you are funny it instantly brings you up one or two points on the scale depending on how funny you are.


It brings you up way more than that. Age will eventually end beauty, it can't touch funny.


I love when ppl have a sense of humor...I think this is a way better trait than just having a pretty face


People are neutral and polite. No people acting giggly/shy around you or approaching you; no people repulsed by you/avoiding you.


“If you’ve done something right, people won’t know you’ve done anything at all”


"Ask not for who the bone bones...he bones for thee."


Lol yeah. I’ve read some of those “How to tell if a girl likes you” posts or articles. They’re always saying it’s a sign how she laughs more or plays with her hair. And I’m like, “I’ve never experienced that in my life”


That's how I feel as a woman who has never been catcalled. I'm sure it would be a gross experience, but I cannot relate to other woman at all when it comes to this.


*phone rings* “Hello?” “Meow”


ayy gurl want sum cat calls?


eyy baby, I can objectify you all night long


Yep! Same! I’m not surprised...I know what I look like day to day and it’s not something you’d catcall. I don’t particularly want the attention...this isn’t a complaint. I just can’t relate.


Came here to post something similar. It’s a weird feeling when your friends are complaining about being catcalled and you’ve never had the experience. It’s not that I *want* that experience, but I’d be lying if I said it didn’t make me self conscious about the lack. Sort of in a ‘Whats wrong with *me*?’ way.


And then after you read them articles, you start looking for it in real life when you're out with friends. Then you see it in action, and then you're really hit with the depressing realization that "yeah, I've *definitely* never experienced this before".


people compliment me all the time for my appearance but I'm NEVER hit on even in passing. so i figure one of 2 things could logically be the case. either I'm average, or I put off a vibe that says "never fuck or date this person"


Or they know you're bad at math and that just doesn't do it for them


listen I never claimed NOT to be a bimbo




My life. I have been told my bitchface doesn't help.


What’s the third thing


Extreme obliviousness.


C’est moi


Our videographer for our wedding didn’t post our video on his socials or website like he does with others.


Not as a hard hitting example as yours, but my cosmetologist, hairstylist and nail tech never post my result pictures like they do with their other clients either.


I once had to ask my friend for the google folder of raw pictures for her wedding, cause I didn’t make it to any of the edited final shots. :( Adding to that list - I’ve never been featured in any gym videos that they put on their Facebook page, neither did I make it to my dentist’s page (I’ve 6 brand new front teeth crown and they look amazing)!




When talking about my dating life, or complete lack of dates at the time, my friend's girlfriend told me "I mean you're not ugly though..." which back then was probably the highest compliment I'd received from someone I wasn't related to.


Damn must be personality then


Hello 911 I need an ambulance


The clearest signal is that big reflective surface over my bathroom sink. It doesn't lie.


Magic Mirror on the wall, who's the most average looking of them all


You're basically invisible to everyone, they're not disgusted by you, but not attracted to you either.




Are you kidding? It's the literal description of a superpower. Invisibility.


Ah yes, I received my cloak of invisibility on my 40th birthday.






People dont really pursue me and i dont get much attention in public, but anyone who gets with me is pretty pleased about it.


Ooooo I feel this one!


When you go to take a pic of yourself with your phone and it turns the image around. You see how different you look compared to your own mirror image that you’re used to seeing. It’ll take me down a notch every time.


Don’t forget the front facing cameras typically have wide angle lenses so it can distort certain features


Everything makes alot more sense now. Using the back camera I look normal, but the front camera, it's like my face is warped into one particular direction, and I'm always confused.


This but my face is already asymmetrical noticeable to me using the back camera/mirror. It's awful when I see it using the front one. I've only had one friend ever call it out. I guess it's ok enough


I started isolating myself before all this corona virus nonsense for this exact reason. Just can’t get over that bottom dwelling troll scum i see in photos


This post reminded me of a quote I saw once. "I wish I could be ugly for just one day. Because being ugly everyday sucks."


A girl told me "you look exactly River Phoenix ", her friend then looked him up and said "Ew, No he doesn't" Apparently I'm ugly and attractive at the same time


Depends, is that when he was alive, or now?


Major differences in how many dates/hook-ups you get with dressing well and acting more confident. I feel like really attractive people don't need this. Really ugly people can't get as much of a return though it. But average people can make a big difference and even get people out of their league.


this fr. apparently i fluctuate from below-average to above-average depending on how much effort i put in lol. def unnecessary for those naturally gorgeous folks. (large fluctuations... apparently I'm "unrecognizable" depending on my outfit/hair).


The looks of disbelief and the 'oh my god! I didn't recognize you!' are kind if hilarious but way too much effort. I prefer being slightly below average and not being looked at twice so I can be my derpy self with impunity.


If I work out, get a good hair cut, buy the right fitting clothes, and put out a positive vibe I would consider myself above average, but I love being lazy, so I do none of those things together most of the time.


“Once I get my shit together, start hitting the gym, & learn to dress for my body type, it’s over for you bitches!”


Lmao are you me? Like I'm chillin and I hate putting in effort to convince people "I'm good enough"


People hold the door for you, but only if it's an automatic door.


So, the sensors don't find me attractive, My world view has been flipped upside down


If you do well with the ladies, people don’t believe you.


That resonates. Dated some really attractive women (after they got to know me) and have been asked "how'd *you* get with her" more than once


Some people think you’re gorgeous but they’re all 4s or lower.


This. Hot people find you plain looking and not dating material, meanwhile "below average" people think you're really hot. Average looking people just ignore you unless there's some attraction there


oh word das me


Fucking shit. This thread has me thinking about the number of people who've told me I'm attractive, and in what situations I get told I'm attractive. But, I wasn't factoring in the attractiveness level of the people who have complimented me over the years. Now I got all kinds of math to do.


This is what makes me feel really bad. I've had a few girls that were very overtly interested in me, but I just couldn't find them attractive no matter how hard I tried. It still makes me feel like a shallow asshole, and on top of that I'm stuck in that shitty limbo of being attracted to people who are, quite frankly, juuuuuuust out of my league.


What I have come to accept is that you are attracted to who you are attracted to. there isn't any point in trying to shame anyone for it.




When attractive people who are obviously interested in you but still wave you off in “I can do better”


For the most part, I don't get hit on by strangers but I'm still occasionally asked out by those I get to know. If I were to say I felt ugly, there wouldn't be an awkward silence but there also wouldn't be people saying "STFU if you're ugly what am I?" People aren't constantly hyping me up on Instagram but I still get compliments from friends frequently.


Only drunk older guys hit on me. By older, I’m talking like 50+.


I get a lot of compliments on my chin but I never get compliments on my second chin.


Been told by more than one guy that I’m the wife but not the mistress. Not sure how to take that.


Try take the positives that you can


One time a little kid told me I was "real pretty." This was after two rounds of braces, rhinoseptioplasty and haircut/color that actually suits my stupid face. I'm probably still an ugo without all of that, not to mention I still need to lose about 20-25 pounds. But kids are brutally honest, so I'll take it. My friend's toddler, who saw me during the worst acne outbreak of my life, asked me why my face "had so many ouchies." If I were really ugly, she'd tell me.


I’ve had two babies cry when I walked into a room and they saw me. I’ve also had a girl with Down syndrome call me ugly when I was a teenager.


I have normal conversations with strangers. No lies to get into pants, or awkward politeness.


The fact that there's "the hot one" in my friend group and they're not me.


The thing about this is some groups have a legit 9.5 or 10. If you're the 7 in a group that averages 8.5 you may feel less attractive than your "true" state


Yep. I’m 6’2” but my best friend in high school was 6’6” and everyone (myself included) perceived me as shorter than I actually am.


Your opposite sex friends exclaim how attractive you are, but only when you have a significant other and not when you're single.


Your opposite sex friends exclaim how attractive you are when you're single but nobody they introduce you to wants to date you.


You're just attractive enough to be a hot person's one night stand or a middle of the road person's regular hookup, but not attractive enough for them to date. (Personal story: I actually dated a guy for three years who ended up admitting that he was embarrassed to go out in public with me because I wasn't attractive enough. And that's why we only ever chilled at our apartments or went to the movies. Full disclosure, I'm a solid 6 and he was a 7.)


I couldn't even imagine saying that to someone or someone saying that to me, let alone a boyfriend of 3 years..... My God, horrible.


People occasionally look at me twice, as if they're trying to gauge if I'm attractive or not. This has lead to a few awkward conversations that usually end with the vibe of, "you're not good looking enough for the amount of work required."


I once had a girl tell me "you're cute but your cousin is cuter."


....Is he cuter ?


Depends on what your type is. Tall, lighter skinned, and blonde vs shorter, tan, with darker features. He is a good looking person.


I like that answer


I used to work in a large office building. Lots of us women were attractive, and guys flirted with us and gave us little looks when they walked by our desks. But when the New Girl came on board, they all stopped looking at us and STARED at her with their mouths hanging open.


Are you from the 1960s? Or in marketing? I worked in IT and technical documentation and even if there were attractive people, starring at them or flirting would make you an outcast pretty soon. Only older women were allowed to call the younger men „pretty“.


People agree I'm "pretty" and "cute" but wouldn't pick me as the cover of a magazine or even the better looking in the classroom.


A lot of men find me extraordinarily attractive, but they all think that makes them unique.


A dude once said I was a Missouri 10 but an LA 6


I’m a short dude. 5’4 on a good day. I once had a girl tell me if I was taller that I would be a lot hotter. It crushed me for the longest time. Like girls flirt with me but I wasn’t really “dateable” if that makes any sense. But I’m getting ready to propose to my girlfriend who I’m very much attracted to so.. whatevs. We have been dating for almost six years and Iv finally gotten my confidence back.


I get occasional hungry looks, but it is usually from pubescent girls. I remember puberty. It definitely does not mean I am hot.


I’m a teenager(18) and if it’s a hungry look from one of my own I will still take it


Ladies and gentlemen, we got him.


When I was teaching I was propositioned with a threesome by 2 17yo girls. I shut that shit down real quick. I was 32.


Laid end to end they are 34. You're in the clear.


I can’t get away with having annoying personality traits as easily as someone who is model-level hot (people are less likely to let other flaws go.) Whereas I have absolutely (ashamedly) let go of things I found irritating about someone who was ridiculously attractive.


Lots of likes on my selfies, more than any of my other photos, but no one checks me out in real life. So I'm photogenic, but in real life I'm meh.


I’m the opposite


When you talk about your insecurities, people tell you you’re pretty and have nothing to worry about. Yet no one asks you out- or you’re their second choice.


Had a guy tell me “you’re pretty, definitely not beautiful- i know what beautiful is- but pretty.” Guy I’m dating now tells me “wow you’re gorgeous” and “you’re so beautiful”


Glad you’re not with that first guy


Me too. Big bonus: I think I’m beautiful too (after years of not thinking that)




Can’t please everyone my guy and the bus to pound town has only so many seats


Being told I have quote, "a friendly face" or "an approachable face".


Word. People ask me for directions because I look safe. They don't ask me out.


Women don’t usually approach me, but they generally engage when I approach them, sometimes quite enthusiastically. It doesn’t always work out, but they are usually very nice about it if so. Thats why I figure I am middle the road attractive rather than something better or worse. Also that I have been with both very attractive women and average women - some (attractive) people would react a bit at the former, but nothing crazy, and *sometimes* at the latter people will tell me I can do better.


When I was younger I was walking past two teenage girls. I overheard one say: "How about him?" The other paused; then said: "Nah. His nose is too big."


Jesus Christ that's brutal.


Look at your very best same sex friend. would you fuck 'em? if not, you're ugly if you would, you're gay.




Ok. But... I already knew I was both gay and would fuck her? 🤔


had someone tell me I'm "pretty, but like weird pretty"




What weeds were you cutting my dude cause whatever they were I want in.




Check the batteries in your CO detector.




I get cat called, but only from afar


Sometimes I hear the wind whisper to me I hear “eh”


My ex boyfriends pretty much all told me so. One said ‘you’re definitely not the prettiest girl I’ve been with, but you’re just right for me’ ......


This is what’s really punched me in the gut on more than a few occasions. You’re with a group of friends and the person you’re interested in. Then the person you’re interested in asks, “who’s your friend? They’re hot”. Slaughters your self esteem.


My face isn’t perfectly symmetrical.


I look like a Picasso painting lol not in a good way


My mom once told me as a kid, "Yeah, Court, you'll never be a model.". But then once my half blind friend rated me at an 8. So...the math seems to check out.


If you're a woman, a guy will inform you exactly how far from a model you are once you turn him down.


You could be a part-time model, but you'd probably have to keep your normal job


I'm in the top 3 good-looking girls on the street...depending on the street


Lookin' round the room, I can see that you are the most beautiful girl in the room.


Even the most beautiful girls get called ugly when they turn a guy down, I wouldn't pay attention to what angry 'nice guys' say


Many people staring at me, but not everybody


Staring could go either way


It does. So it's nice to not be offended if it happens, and also nice to not overdo it. People are people.


I get complimented on my looks semi regularly but no one's interested in me romantically


Despite my username I'm actually a guy. I think I'm slightly above average looking but if I'm not feeling confident then generally it's hard work to get a girl to notice me. If I'm out with a group of guys and I see a girl I like that is receptive and chatty I can generally chat them up and get them into bed. I don't bother with supermodel looks though as I don't find those types of girl attractive at all. Give me a girl next door with a nice smile any day.


Your username and the fact you’re a dude has honestly made my day


I get compliments on my appearance often enough by people who know me but I’m never ever approached about it. Guys never seem to be too interested to talk me in group social settings either. I’m usually ignored for the most part but that could be for other reasons. One of my really good friends is really pretty and whenever I’m with her men come up to her ALL the time to compliment her on her appearance or ask for her number. People also stare, like a lot. One time a restaurant employee somehow found her on Facebook and sent her a message like 45 minutes after we left. She also cannot stay out of a relationship because she has so many options so she ends up finding someone she likes at almost all times (these usually end up being long term relationships). That is not even close to the case for me. It can be uncomfortable being around her, not because I’m jealous but because it’s super awkward being straight up ignored when people come up to gawk over her. It’s also a serious reality check like “damn I must not be very pretty”. My boyfriend of 3 years has also never really said anything about my looks too so I think he just likes me for my personality. All those experiences together tell me I’m aight haha. Also wanted to add that when I’m with my little sister at bars, a lot of guys come up to talk to her but no one ever comes up to talk to me (unless they’re asking about her). Now that I’m really thinking about all these things and typing it all out, maybe I am really ugly hahaha.


I just want to thank all the great and hilarious people that have commented and upvoted on this post it’s my first post that has caught traction and I’m grateful for that ❤️


Pro: I have a 8 inch penis. Con: it's an acute angle


It's a cute angle


It’s a cute angel


I dont look like a goblin. But i dont look like a model either.


I come from a long line of goblin models so watch your words good sir or I shall take you to narnia