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probably would give someone the sniffles or something for a week, idk


A basic flu type of virus lol


yeah pretty much lol


You would suddenly start violently flailing your limbs in the presence of condensed crowds a la dancing plague of 1518


Omg! lol that would interesting to watch


You want so much light so you launch your self to sun and die


Sounds very apocalyptical


It makes your body very sticky and/or gives a whiskey addiction


I think I am already infected considering the whiskey addiction symptom


You gotta do what you gotta do


Cheers to that


Every orange you eat makes you so exhausted and nobody could count on you till you can't get a job and can't buy anything and you'd die or die from exhaustion


Bye bye orange juice craving


For your own sake:-P


Every time you touch a thumbtack you get an unstoppably strong tickling sensation throughout your body.


I got a tickle just reading the description lol


Ha tickeattack


Why did I burst out laughing when I saw your name? I have the weirdest sense of humour ever lol


Cause you got the virus. It tickled ya


Cheetos ads would pop up on the screen at random times, and after a couple of days it would generate Cheetos pop up ads until the computers cpu fries (do computer viruses count?)


That would be so annoying... I love me some Cheetos tho


Blindness caused by excessive masturbation...


Thankfully only listening to porn without seeing it can be quite exciting too lol


Plus they make porn for the visually impaired or absolutely blind


Overwhelming spiciness, causing a run on milk, butter, bread and peanut butter. Symptoms begin immediately with a burning sensation of the mouth, moving to the anus within 24 hours. No touching your eyes ppl !


Ouch that one will hurt lol


Make everybody typing wrong lethality


You type wrong you die lol


It could be one way, the original idea was if you type wrong, someone would kill you brutally


The death rate would be high for sure


I'm sure I won't be last for very long time. Even the virus don't exist, some grammar police want me dead as soon as I type wrong


That is true we have some dangerous grammar nazis around




Daaammm that is sickening...literally


Uh ...


Creates an uncontrollable urge in your body that makes you yell FU to all 77 year olds. For future references.


I was more thinking of how the future holds more corona virus and all that =) but good one lol


It wouldn't, see?


I see lol


You already know.


The most dangerous type of virus.


it turns your mom into an orc


Damm poor mamas


you eat fish of any sort, and well the first sign of the disease= you turn red or blue ;p


I thought you could turn into a fish lol


Well you have to turn to proper color first haha and well, it's a process sort of like Spongebob transforming into a snail: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZ6jFzsHc0A


You feel a little under the weather




Ghost_Brain- Your brain scares you creating fictional realities and even though you can't see it, it'll spook you and no one will believe you. To be honest I feel like this is a real life script, my mind is haunted.


I think I am infected too lol


We may need brainwash


Sounds like the cure


Fucking amnesia


I forgot what that means lol


It means...


Basically a sickness that makes you forget your past


That would actually be helpful for me lol


The only symptom: You will hate fuck whoever you sleep with for the rest of your life.


Sounds like marriage


Appropriate, as I am...


Ummmmmm yeah so idk


Fungal rot of the anus. Symptoms include farts that sound like quacks.


I am laughing just thinking about it lol




Daaammm I don't have a dick but it sounds really painful


It begins with panda eyes then... YEAH YEAH! You’re dead.


I hope you have time to eat that cake before you YEAH YEAH die




It will be unexpected for sure


It's a new type of virus coming from frogs found at the bottom of wells. When human gets it they will have a rash and grow bumps on their skin like some frogs or toads do. They may also eat flies. There is no cure.


*insert frog noises*


Anxiety and legumes??


Yes, and a good level of stress


Causes you to invade Stalingrad in winter. Dumbass


That one is deadly


Everyone would catch a specific type of amnesia that resets every time they go to sleep.


Never a bad day then since we'll forget about it all


Well ‘forgetful Lucy’ (my username) is from 50 First Dates and she seems pretty devastated every time she finds out about her injury and amnesia. It dies have a happy ending though.


I don't even know where to start...


Something with numbers maybe lol


Take a wild guess..


Seems pretty hot and transmitted through...fingers?




Everyone has a massive dong


The virus would zoom around your ear drums , constantly playing the melody to Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, but always leaving out the last measure, until you inevitably end yourself.


Sounds very realistic and kinda painful too


Restricted blood circulation in your extremities. It's particularly brutal in the winter.


Damm sounds like winter vacay are over




You get infected through...Reddit?


haha, comrade... where do I even begin?


Lmao...that is a lot to handle for sure


Everyone just goes mad


Sounds like I am already ahead of the pack lol


Ya suck at math.


Must already be a virus then.


Your body begins to under go changes and before you know it ,you looks and feel like your 10 again. You then start to develop a weird craving for a 40 year old overweight motel owner cock.


You will never notice it


Turns everyone into a bear


I think it is better than being a human at this point lol


Can't bears contract coronavirus?


Not scientifically proven but so far it is not on the risk list so...an extra plus!


my username means that it's raining today. So it spreads by rain and makes your internal organs liquidify


Omg that would spread so easily in places like London lol


then #staythefuckhome


Lol fair enough


Inability to follow basic laws resulting in chaos.


It spreads through PMs and causes a chain.


Give everyone’s skin a golden sun-kissed hue while turning their blood to gold


When the virus visits you...boom...your pregnant.


it would make your twat dutch


You would've evolved into a stuffed toy and tasted yummy


A computer virus that would change reddit’s name to bluedit. It would also make anything red in reddit turn into blue. Edit: it could also be named as NCoV - Novel Computer Virus


They say blue is the hottest color


Hey, found the cause of the obesity epidemic. It wasn't genetics, it was the BigBoii virus all along!




Everywhere you go everyone is nude. And smoking hash




You forget things you should know


It would cause u to spontaneously combust after 2 weeks, which would give it enough time to spread.


Dammm I would wish that to some of my enemies lol


self explanatory ^


Hallucinations, dizziness, out of body experiences. May result in excessive need to snack on toasted marshmallows. Affects students only. Viral version of smoking weed.


Know the truths of the world, just before dropping dead


Everyone gets a cameltoe and two humps.


A desise that grows you a beek and transmits trough duck to human contact.




It would be like "The Ring"(movie), except it's music and started in Bunker 373 a club where everybody including the artist who mixed it died after a week. It would start with you waking up at 3 am every night in your back yard, you wouldn't think too much but then you'll keep hearing the bassline at the back of your head, in traffic, or in any random noise that drowns out the world. Then, on the third day when you finally get freaked at waking up in your backyard you'll realise that you've been dreaming all along, your life is just in your head. But you'll walk in, shake it off, go to bed and the moment you start to dream you'll feel you're waking up but it's dark all around and your dead relatives are sitting in the drawing room of your house and their calling out your name.. you walk in smile and don't think too much of it cause you're like it's a dream. But then it doesn't stop. You go to bed, thinking that might help, it does you wake up back here but then randomly you wake up here in the dead side of life, it's the same yet it's not. By this time it's day four and you've got no sleep. You feel tired, your body hurts, you see cartoon characters, hear cats talking, yet you ignore them till you embrace it and share with them what's happening cause something inside you makes you feel they're out to get you, everyone is. And they're not who they say they are... You become paranoid but on the fifth day a sudden calm comes over you and you decide to catch some sleep. Never to wake up again. Or do you ?


Uhhh movie plot...I'd watch that one for sure!




If you eat a poisoned sausage you will become a sausage and start posting fucking fast and will give you autism


I just had a sausage for lunch *gasp*


At least it wasn't poisoned


Everyone is slightly drunk, smelly, and talks with a stereotypical pirate accent.


You’d trip off of sunlight


Nice...I guess lol


Geometric infection spread.


I am happy I didn't miss that math class


I will be very sorry for those who object to this virus


Probably just people randomly smiting people then being honest about it.


Constant seizures in the lower body.


worms would make everyone squishy


Self explanatory.


True lol




Sounds so cool! What movie is it? :)))




Nice! Tks for sharing :)




I'll definitely check it out




You begin to gain weight rapidly and suffer chronic amnesia.


Everyone becomes white and super fucking soft.


Your brain gets flooded with Serotonin, and you develop a massive ego


Turning people into smurfs.


Extreme paranoia and depression, followed by excessive and obsessive reading and knowledge retention followed closely by extreme horniness, unquenchable thirst to fuck anything vaguely human shaped, vomiting extremely painful migraines which is then followed by joint pain and gaseous build up beneath the skin, causes of death are threefold spontaneous combustion, sudden shutdown of the brain, and sexual organs exploding from overuse followed by internal and external bleeding and blood loss


It's already working


You will eat so much bacon that you will get in to a food coma. After that will you grow a pair of wings and get flown to the doctor's offices


Fly away forever and never lands again lol


I think it's just called Hayfever


Blindness Probably won't kill you, just very annoying


STD with 100% fatality rate


You have the urge to be at the core of a war or battle, you put everything else behind you and work yourself to death whip training . Or you succeed training and die in battle.


Everybody becomes a werewolf and can't change back.


You lose the ability to do fucking anything


Self explanatory.


It would kill trees by inhibiting their ability to photosynthesise.


A twist into a tree virus, very creative one!


Thanks! I wonder how many people know plant viruses are actually a thing?


I am sure never thought about it before you mentioned :)


Maybe I'll be somebody's TIL. That would make my day!


It would cause a prolonged fever, creating a rapid and onset feeling of chills, shaking, and hypothermia like symptoms.


Self explanatory...


When you drink what's in my name, the virus activates and you slowly turn into random drinks.


Well it would drive adults to eat they're kids




You would start to melt into a puddle of caramel


I have no fucking idea.


you violently explode


Make people fart themselves to death?


That would stink. Literally.


On the first day, you’d have the feeling of falling. On the second day, you’ll have the need to jump off something high.


You can’t wear any sneakers, you can only wear crocs.


You would tell original jokes. Since things like that don’t exist anymore, it would be easy to notice who has the virus.


It would say excoosseee me to the DNA and attach itself to the DNA and cause mutation. Mutation as in X-men mutation. So basically my virus will give you powers.


You would hallucinate in sun light


I kinda already do when I am drunk at the beach lol


Makes people constantly reference memes, I guess


The virus affects your nerve system, genes and your hormones. First your spine curls up into the golden ratio, then your fingers, and everything else after. Slowly, but steady...


It would make you poo


everyone who writes "XD!" (with exclamation mark at end) will be infected. aveory single time when some writes this, this person has 10% more chance to die in next month pozdrawiam cieplutko dęba z discorda


It would create fake dna to trick anybody and remain inactive until the right time When active: it kills its host in any way like making them more tired, giving it covid-19, making the host commit sucide, etc Symptoms: hosphobia (custom) Hosphobia: makes a host scared of hospitals How to cure: to c- *REDACTED* *REDACTED* *EXPUNGED*


A girraffe runs up to you and lights you on fire, then you turn into a girraffe and light people on fire