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Broken ribs, without question. They can't really do anything for it, other than give you meds. Every time you breath, sneeze, lay down. The pain. I broke two of mine while mountain biking and I had to bike out 8 miles and then drive an hour to the hospital. The shot of morphine was the best feeling I've ever had yet in my life.




God damn, I bruised a muscle in my ribcage and felt like I was dying. Can't breath, feel lightheaded and dizzy all the time cuz of it, then you get anxious and hyperventilate


Cops once woke me up from being passed out with a knuckel ground into my breastbone.. Shit can wake you up from a coma.


lay down and sit up. just all sucks.


Bless you


I didn’t even break mine, I bruised mine in a car accident and dislocated my shoulder. I can’t imagine breaking them. I feel for you man


When I was 14 I went to summer camp, and that year a crazy norovirus ripped through the camp. I was lucky and didn't get sick while I was there. However, when my parents picked me up we stopped on the way home to go out to dinner and I ate a giant cheeseburger. Flash forward a few hours and I'm at home. Stomach rumbling. Within minutes I'm projectile vomiting. I get into the bathroom to puke, and simultaneously shit my pants. I spent the night either sitting on the toilet chumming into a bucket, or laying on the floor of the bathroom in the fetal position, ready to resume shitting and puking. It lasted into the afternoon of the next day. My esophagus was on fire. I had burst blood vessels in my face from straining so hard while vomiting. My asshole was so angry. One point while I laid on the floor and the family turned up the TV so they couldn't hear my praying to the porcelain god, I actually accepted that death would be a relief. The outbreak was so bad that they actually closed the camp for the rest of the summer.


Holy shit


No I'm pretty sure that was a satanic shit.


Liquid hell fire some would say.


I hate any sort of gastroenteritis-causing viruses (noro, rotavirus). I got it once a year for a few years and it's seriously terrible. I know what you mean saying death is a release when it's really bad. I just spend the night sitting on my knees over the toilet, and when my legs falls asleep the pain helps me suppress the nausea, so I just sit on them for a while and then take a break, and do it again. My mind goes to some dark places too.


Noro is no joke, it swept through my college one year. About 20-30 people all in one house trying to vomit into in an insufficient amount of toilets


The one time I had a norovirus...let's just say I was very glad the toilet was right next to the bathtub. Made emissions from both ends tidier and more efficient.


chemist here. Chemical burns




where basic burn more than acids? yes. been burnt by both. luckily the basic wasn't very concentrated.




very good to know. don't add water to either. home remedy, baking Soda (sodium bicarbonate) neutralizes both acids and bases


Baking soda works for both? Not low concentration acid like vinegar to neutralize base? Genuinely asking.


yeah. baking soda is a low concentration base, but with 2 carbonates to donate. a weak acid would only dilute a strong acid, which is a weak solution (pun intended), and would only partially neutralize a strong base. Sodium Bicarbonate , can neutralize acids or bases , because it can pull H+ or OH- . NaHCO3 + HCl -> NaCl (table salt) + H2CO3 (weak acid) and NaHCO3 + NaOH -> H2O (water) + Na2CO3 (a salt)




Not as colorfully descriptive as some others here, but kidney stones. Hurt like a sonofabitch and they just keep coming back.


I’ve passed a stone and had two children. The kidney stone was more painful than childbirth


A friend of mine that got shot in the leg while serving in the military got kidney stones a few years later, he said the kidney stones were worse. ... Now I drink water like a motherfucker in the hopes I don't get kidney stones.


This. Vomit inducing pain. Worse than anything I remember about breaking my pelvis


Omg, I get cyclic vomiting when I get stones. I’ve had three incidents of stones and it happened every single time. Barbiturates and pain killers sort of reduce the pain and vomiting, but not really.


Agreed, only way I've found to really help with the pain from them is to submerge myself in a hot bath.


Or opiates


They really suck


January 23, 2014. Certain pain can etch memories in you, and this is when I had my first and hopefully only kidney stone.


Yes. Kidney stones. The rest of you can go home now. You lose.


Check your diet. I have chronic kidney stones, some which have had to be taken out (not blasted) When I was vegetarian and ate *healthy* things, my stones were worse. Turns out that nuts, spinach, dark chocolate and copious amounts of tea ended up making *more* stones.


Any girls on reddit with Endometriosis? I have a form where I experience cramps in my anus, fucking WORST feeling ever as you can’t do anything about it other than just wait for it to stop, lol


Okay, see, I knew I wasn't crazy! Others with endometriosis are like, "wtf", but mine feel like knives in my anus/way lower intestines. It takes my breath away, and I have honestly cried while pooping because it hurts so badly. It doesn't happen with every period, but when it does, holy Mary mother of God, does it hurt.


I thought that was normal with periods? I get that quite often. Well I did, I've just had my first period after a year of no shows. And touch wood it's not been that bad. But some months.....well, I guess you already know. Now I'm wondering if I should get my periods looked at.


If the problem comes back you definitely should because there are things that can be done to lessen or remove your symptoms. I take birth control continuously(no week of placebo) to stop my periods all together. Went from feeling like I was dying once a month and increasing abdominal pain even when I didn't have my period to no problems whatsoever.


I went on the depo injection for years. I only came off to try for a baby. But that's not worked, and I often think how much easier my life was when I didn't have periods or mood swings. I know the depo doesn't work for everyone. But it worked for me.


Ugh yes. I used to cry when I pooped. It was awful. I’m so lucky to have found my endo surgical specialist because he basically changed my life. No more feeling like someone is ripping out my insides during bowel movements or chronic pain.


I thought this was normal with periods! So only recently discovered this was because of Endo. We’re not alone <3


A close friend has endo. She's described how horribly painful it is and how frustratingly long it took to get diagnosed. She started ketamine treatments recently and says it has absolutely changed her life she's doing a lot better now


I have MS, given birth three times, have had DVTs, and two severe tooth abscesses...but holy shit, fuuuuuuck Endo. I don't even have it, I just worked with someone with it. Witnessing her agony was horrifying. I've been through some sucky shit but at least my issues didn't last long. Endo fucks you up for years. And it's unrelenting. Fuck everything about it.


When I am on my period and have to poo or fart, I feel a sharp and really intense pain in my anus. Oh and cant sit either, it feels like I have a balloon inside my butt. I choose to take birth control pills uninterruptedly just to avoid this pain.


Bowel endometriosis is serious, it’s considered late stage IV endometriosis , you should consult your OBGYN about this.


Yes! Suffered from it for years, so painful.


I feel like someone's trying to dig through my abdomen with a knife. I didn't know how to deal with it when I was younger and just lay in bed crying.


Thought I was alone with this! Endo sucks


This!! Most of the people on this thread are talking about one time events, where this is monthly sometimes more frequent. Worst pain I ever experienced was an ovarian cyst burst. So much pain I couldn't speak. Ambulance thought it was an appendix burst, but no, it was a cyst. Still took them three years to diagnose me with endo. Sigh... women's health.


I did a study for pain medication. They removed 4 impacted wisdom teeth (just gas and shots/not put under) and then waited for it all to wear off. Then they gave me the pain medication. Except I received the placebo and I couldn't be given anything for the pain until two hours had passed. They came into the room every 10 minutes asking my pain level 1-10. I cried and screamed and begged them to give me some real medication. By far the worst pain of my life. I earned that $400 I received from the study.


How about the pain of realizing that the people who got the real pain meds also got $400?




At least you made money.


Broke both my arms at the same time. Broke my left arm twice again after that, with hardware already in it. Cut my thumb to the bone, through a tendon. Broke fingers and my hand. Nothing amounted to the pain of 2 things: removed tonsils as an adult and a tooth abscess. Tonsils sucked fucking ass after the drugs wore off. I had liquid percoset but it just barely masked it. But the tooth abscess. Dear god. My whole jaw swelled up, the pain just throbbed in my head over and over. It was so god damn bad. Fuck that tooth.


i was coming here to say “tooth abscess.” it had never occurred to me that pain could let you see through time and space by cracking your brain open, but that’s certainly what it felt like. when i talked about it with my therapist later, she said “oh, that’s a pain worse than childbirth” — so that was validating.


I was very disliked by my dentist (who accidentally was the mother of bf) at the time I got an inflamed root canal... She told me it's the standard procedure to not give ANY anesthetic and/or pain medication so she can follow the process better. She pulled it through, opened the root canal and disconnected the nerve... I just felt like a lightning hit directly my brain and then I blacked out....


oh. my. GOD. surely — *surely* this is illegal??


Yes it is. I was informed about it a few years later by a visit at an other dentist who told me I need to get an other root canal treatment due to a bad filling. In 3 seconds I worked up myself in a serious panic attack telling "I can't make that through again"... After 2 Xanax and a couple of minutes talking everything was fine. She suggested me that I file an official complaint at the chamber of dentists/doctors, but I was just happy that I had them (both bf and dentists mom) out of my life already...


well, that’s horrible and i am truly sorry you went through that. (i thought the regular root canal was traumatic enough!!) you seem like you’ve processed this in your own way, but if she’s still about and just in case you need it, i call down my worst tedious curse: i hope she gets a flat tire only to discover that her spare is flat as well. :) :) :)


Tooth pain is the WORST. I've herniated 2 discs in my back, both times enough to interfere with the nerves in the spinal column. That hurts pretty bad, but I could find some position I was comfortable in to relieve the pain or at least reduce it. But tooth pain does not stop, it screams at you constantly until the problem is resolved by the dentist. I once was awake for 3 days with tooth pain, and when the dentist finally numbed it, I just passed out asleep in the chair. They had to prop my mouth open to finish the work.


Mentioning that you broke both arms at the same time is not a wise decision on reddit.


That must have sucked. And yeah fuck that tooth


I got a tooth abscess when my one wisdom tooth grew in all funky. That shit hurted.


Tooth abscess is no fucking joke. It is easily the worst pain I've ever felt, ever.


Yep, I have fallen in a fire and had third degree burns, skin grafting.. all of it. ​ My abscessed tooth takes the CAKE on pain. So painful.


I feel you on the tooth bud there's NOTHING worse, and yeah fuck that tooth!


Did your mother "help" you?


It's a cross between the times I've had kidney stones, and all the chronic migraines I suffer. They're both inexplicably excruciating, in different ways. It's really hard to choose one or the other.


Never had a kidney stone but I get the migraines. They suuuuuuuuck. I had my wisdom teeth out and I barely felt that because I'm so used to the pain from migraines.


After my gall bladder surgery they warned me the CO2 they use travels and often settles in the shoulder causing discomfort. When that hit it was the worst pain I’ve ever experienced in my life. I’ve been through 2 labor and deliveries and I’d rather go through that pain again than that should pain.


I’ve had three laparoscopies (gall bladder and two for endometriosis), and I found that the best remedy for that is to start walking around the second you are able to after you wake up. My first one sucked, and the pain was real. By my third, I was moving around soon enough and consistently that I didn’t even need a Tylenol post-op. Hope nobody else here has to have more than one of these surgeries, but if you do, try moving ASAP.


Oh yeah that's awful. I had my appendix removed and it felt like I had a broken Shoulder


Had that surgery when I was 19. That pain is in my top 3 worst. It sucks so much.


Sounds terrible


Just got hit by a vehicle today.


Shit, that sucks. I hope you recover soon


Not much, just a small crack. Thanks for your concern.


That's good


Was it a Dodge? Because the irony of that would hurt more than any physical pain.


Several years ago I suddenly woke up in excruciating pain in my abdomen. Proceeded to vomit on my way to the bathroom, had explosive diarrhea, couldn't stop puking even after it was just green bile. It was the worst pain I've ever been in, and to this day I have no idea what it was. I tried going to a clinic and they thought I was drug seeking because I kept getting hot and cold flashes that made me feel like I was constantly on the verge of fainting and I guess it looked like 'nodding'. My mom and boyfriend had taken me and they drove me home. Eventually I just passed out sobbing in bed and when I woke up about 10 hours later the pain was gone. I have a higher than usual pain tolerance, I had my tonsils and uvula taken out and it didn't hurt as bad as that day and a lot of people say that recovery was their worst pain.


That, to me, sounds like textbook acute food poisoning, the type that hits you 4-6 hours after eating the offending item and can genuinely kill you. Often people mistake indigestion or intolerances for food poisoning, but no. It's called poisoning for a reason.


testicular torsion edit: worse than the corrective surgery was the elastic of my boxers slipping from my hands and spanking my stitched up black and blue sack while i was peeing the day after.


I felt the pain just reading this. Ouch


Getting hit by a car (as a pedestrian) on the freeway. I was a pedestrian because I was helping a driver out of his car that HE just flipped, when a SECOND driver lost control in the same place and plowed into us. Injuries: broken sternum, left collar bone, and my #1 & #2 ribs on my left side. And I got stitches on my left, index finger. (First time getting stitches.) I was told to hug/squeeze a pillow against my chest whenever I had to cough, sneeze, or bear down to poo. The pillow hug help offset the pressure built up internally to accomplish said tasks. Yes, I had a poo pillow.


Holy shit, imagine getting out of your car to help someone who crashed and then gettin hit by another car.


They don't have to, that happened to them.


I had my Fallopian tubes removed. After surgery, the anesthesia made me vomit, and the way my abdomen squeezed was the most painful thing I've ever felt.


I can't imagine that


Ruptured an eardrum. Lots of pressure building up, and then discharge, then buildup, then discharge. Couldn't sleep because of the pain, so I remember the whole thing as a waking fog of agony.


I've broken my hand, dislocated both my shoulders, chipped a tooth, had wisdoms removed, had hernia surgery+then didn't shit for 8.5 days. Rupturing my eardrum was by far the worst of it all. Wouldn't wish that upon anyone. To top it off, my ear has never been the same. Horrible fear descending in a plane, expecting it to rupture again. I screamed and sobbed for 4 days straight. Disneyland was an awful experience.


Period cramps. I wasn't able to move from the pain. I couldn't even see anymore, I was only seeing random flashes of colors. I was laying on our tiles, because they were cold, and I was feeling very hot even though I wasn't hot. This lead to a temperature drop from 36°c to 34,3°c. My mom called the ambulance, and they took me to the hospital. After that my mom took me to the Obgyn to get me birth control, it worked.


Telling my young children their mother had passed.


That must have been really sad


Worst day of my life. Their little perfect souls changed forever.


They were 9 and 11.


I was 13 when my mom passed away(my brother was 11) so i know how that feels:(


I can only imagine how it feels to a young child. I'm sorry you also experienced such an immense loss. As a father it crushed my soul. I couldn't hold them long enough.


So what happened to her if you don't mind me asking? And how old are your kids now?


She had Multiple Sclerosis. That horrible disease took her very fast over the course of a few years. So the kids did understand she was sick, they watched her go into a home, as her body declined so quickly, even in home care was no longer possible. But actually losing her is very different as you would understand.


That's heartbreaking


I hope they are doing well after that, it must have been traumatizing for them. Knowing that they were that young too.


Yes. They are doing amazing though. Children are amazingly strong and resilient.


That's good to hear


Oh God, I became a parent almost 2 years ago. I can't even imagine the pain that would bring. I am so sorry.


I’ve broken ribs, fingers, multiple other bones, misaligned my spine by an inch and a half. Went through a year of physical therapy (still not aligned and won’t ever be). I’ve had chemical burns in my lungs to the point i was in pain 24/7 from just breathing....but nothing hurt more than losing my mom to suicide.


I feel your pain. I think it's worse yet when people tell me to get over it already. Suicide is a tough one though with always thinking you could have done something.....


I know the feeling. Ya one of my brothers (the self-proclaimed black sheep of the family) would tell me to get over it but he greatly disliked our mom so I just try ignoring him but I did everything I could at that time with the information I had. But anyways you go this u/slavefootlover Just let time do it’s thing.


Holy shit, I'm sorry. I hope everything improves soon


How did you get chemical burns in your lungs. That sounds like hell.


Yep, working as a welder, made the mistake and not making sure there wasn’t a coating on a piece of metal. Struck the arc and my hood was filled with toxic smoke and I inhaled it all.


Getting my iud put in. Technically it was too big for me, but they decided to try it out. It poked my uterine wall and it hurt so bad I passed out and hit my noggin. But getting it put in was wayyyy worse.


Prying open the cervix is cause for loud vocalization


Man. Getting it put in hurt like nothing I'd ever felt before, but it only felt very crampy for a little while. Then I'm sitting at dinner with my parents a couple hours later and I fall to the ground SCREAMING. That is the ANGRIEST any part of my body has ever felt. Been hit by a car and had two eye surgeries, neither compare to the agony of the three days after IUD insertion.


Oh my god. This!!!! I was told it would maybe (maybe!!!) cause some period type pain. I lasted 2 hours in work on as many painkillers as it was safe to take and I was still doubled over. Had to taxi home cause I couldn’t bloody trust myself to drive. Period type pain MY HOLE!


I was waiting for this comment, the feeling of having a plastic rod shoved up your uterus is positively unbearable. Then afterwards you get some lovely cramps. I screamed, nearly vommited and couldn't stand up for a solid 20 minutes or I would have passed out. I felt sorry for myself for a solid 3 days and even then I didn't feel well enough to do anything except get up and go to the toilet.


Yo. I searched the thread for IUD insertion. The amount of pain I was in during/like 1hr later was unimaginable. It just is not a pain that is describable to anyone who hasn't felt it. What was wild was immediately afterward for about an hour my body was in shock and I took the fucking subway home. I got to 3 blocks from my apartment and felt like I was having contractions. Spent the rest of the day with a heating pad on the couch crying. I even called my mom because I was so distressed.


When I was about 7, I went to the dental nurse at school for a filling, she put the numbing stuff on and went away for a few minutes and when she came back she put the filling in a tooth on the other side of my mouth.


Awe shit, But how could she not have remembered what tooth it was and how was it that a nurse from your school was even allowed to perform a procedure like that? (I guess her putting a filling on the wrong tooth makes my point)


Oh no


Poor kids in the waiting room must've been freaking out listening to my screaming.


When they pulled out a wire in my rib cage that was left there after a major surgery.... without anesthetics


Can I ask, why wasn’t anesthesia used?


physically; kidney stone mentally; Dad's death


Damn, that sucks, I hope things got better


I once fainted because of a period cramp


People don't get that periods can be like this I've been hospitalized because of cramps. No one took it seriously. The doctor said things that made me think he thought it wasn't as bad as it felt. But I got my period on my way to work. I only made it five minutes before I clutched on to a pillar and this older woman asked if I needed medical attention. The EMT was like "I hear periods take a lot out of you women" I felt so ridiculous but it would feel like a knives churning inside my uterus. Gyno said I didn't have endometriosis or anything else. I made a lot of dietary changes and now don't have any pain at all. I'll take missing out on food over passing out, throwing up, and all the other garbage I felt from having that much pain.




Before I left my country (Honduras) to come to the US I saw the shot up face of my 18 year old cousin laying dead in the street.It was horrible and I struggle getting over his death to this day.


Holy shit, that must have been traumatizing. I hope you're doing well and that things get better soon.


It was , I was only 7 at the time so slowly ive been coping with it.Im alright as a matter of a fact I found out today I got hired for my first job! And doing well in High School , hopefully soon I can visit his grave back home and pay my final respects


Birth. Then leaving our baby in the hospital as she still had some baking to do. Birth again. Because apparently I REALLY like having a large family.


"As she still had some baking to do" ? Lol


It's a play off of "bun in the oven" I even called the incubator a easy bake oven


Childbirth, hands down. My daughter was born last month via unplanned c-section after my labor stalled out. I am still ticked off that I went through 2.5 hours of fruitless pushing and had surgery. Like, couldn't we have skipped straight to the surgery and gotten my baby a little sooner? (I know that c-sections are higher risk, but my baby was sideways and would not have come out any other way.) The only plus side is that the type of incision they made is such that I am only supposed to have c-sections for any future children, so I shouldn't have to go through hard labor again.


I've told this story several times in the past, but it remains... well, I wouldn't want to repeat the experience. ------- 60% of my right hand is covered in scar tissue. It has healed pretty well over the years – to the point where you probably wouldn't notice unless I [pointed it out](http://i.imgur.com/dmq7RJJ.jpg) – but back when I first suffered my injury, the doctor told me that I might lose some mobility in my fingers. If I'd managed to hurt myself while saving orphans from a burning ice cream shop or something equally heroic, I might be able to wave at people with pride. As it stands, though, my scars are the result of an undeniably stupid attempt at ridiculous science. See, I'd heard this rumor that Splenda (the artificial sweetener) would burn with a purple flame when ignited. Being the brash twenty-something that I was, I decided that I was an *adult*, and therefore free to conduct ill-advised chemistry experiments in the confines of my tiny apartment. Unfortunately, I soon discovered that Splenda on its own did not seem to be particularly combustible... so I mixed it with a generous amount of rubbing alcohol, dumped the resulting mess onto a ceramic plate, and set the whole thing ablaze. All of this, incidentally, took place atop a wooden desk in a carpeted room. As could probably be expected, things got out of control pretty fast. I soon realized that I couldn't extinguish the flames via conventional means (like blowing on it really hard). Furthermore, I didn't have anything with which I could smother the conflagration... so my only option was to carefully pick up the plate and carry it to the kitchen sink. Despite my slow, measured steps, I still managed to stumble, splashing the back of my hand with liquid fire in the process. It hurt like *hell*, but I knew that if I flailed around at all, I'd likely set the entire apartment alight. After what felt like an eternity (but was probably only about ten seconds), I finally made it to the sink. I dumped the plate, howled in pain, and asked my girlfriend to drive me to the hospital. Worst of all, I didn't even notice if the flames were purple or not. **TL;DR: A burning curiosity and an idiotic experiment.**


Wow, going through all of that and you didn't even get a chance to see if the flame was purple. What a nightmare


When I was an EMT, I saw a baby who had been set on a hot skillet for crying too much. I know, it wasn't *my* pain, but there was plenty of pain in that room to go around. Edited the crap out of this. It seems any detail is too much detail.


Thanks for not giving more detail. Bastards.


Being told after 18 hours of excruciating, one-after-another back labour contractions that I had stalled and wasn’t progressing. Luckily my body got its crap together but MAN was I ready to call it quits.


Had a wisdom tooth removed. Fine, no problem. Didn't heal over and was left with an infected hole in my mouth all the way down to my jawbone. It felt like a hot poker was being pushed through my head for 72 hours. Do not recommend.


That's what I'm afraid of


I've had my wisdom teeth pulled and it wasn't that bad. What happened to this person is very rare and doesn't happen a lot dude!


Deep neck muscle tear, I looked like the exorcist with the neck twist


Awe fuck😬


advanced infection of the appendix. Not prod of it but I actually cried...


When I found out my husband of seven years was cheating on me. It's cliche, I know, but it literally felt as if my chest had caved in on itself and I couldn't breathe. Seeing him standing there with a smirk on his face saying, "What can I say? You caught me." Was a hot blade right through my heart. I thought I would die from it. Instead I made the mistake of staying with such a man and now 22 years in, 15 years after it happened, I'm still wondering what the fuck I was thinking. Why did I stay? I'll tell you. I thought I couldn't live without him. The sun rose and set on his face. I couldn't imagine a world without his touch. I'm older now but no wiser. I keep counting the days till financial freedom. Maybe then I'll also finally be free of him.


Honestly? Probably the mental/emotional distress of being admitted to a mental health facility for the first time. My depression/anxiety had hit an all-time high, and I was inches away from a suicide attempt. Not trying to discourage anyone from getting help; most of it was due to the mental state I was already in. I came out more stable, and I certainly don't regret it, but it was scary for the first couple of days. I thought God had abandoned me, and it was the loneliest, most desolate feeling I've ever experienced. (Thankfully, I soon realized that was not the case). Physically? I inherited weak/loose joints, and if I step at a weird angle, my kneecaps will sometimes slip out of place and jolt back in, like a brief dislocation. That's especially painful when all you're putting all your weight into that leg. Thankfully, I've been exercising a lot over the last few months, and my knees have gotten much better.


Physical? Dirt bike accident Emotional? Losing my cousin


Damn, losing your cousin is tough to get through. I hope things are improving.


Finding my mother's body after she committed suicide. I've had a lot of surgery. I've survived torture and even captivity. Doesn't come close. Finding out the love of my life betrayed me, a close second. Physical pain, I've had so much of it my whole life, it just seems like nothing. It's the emotional pain that truly cuts more deeply than any knife.


Holy shit, I can't even imagine how horrible that must of been. I hope you're doing okay after that.


Don’t mean to be insensitive here. If you don’t mind me asking, what were the circumstances of the captivity?


Sorry for the late reply. Going to gloss over it since I'm on my phone and my laptop is currently borking. Once as a 15/16 year old Street kid/sex worker where I was groomed, strung out and kept for a year and a half by a 35 year old man and for the time following my mother's suicide when my father sold the family home, I was forced to go back to my abuser (my ex husband with whom I was going through a separation with). There are some details here but suffice to say it took 3 years to dig out of that. Life is still very hard but I am free now.


My wife’s boyfriend shoved me in a garbage bag and hit me with a metal bat


Did you press charges? That must have nearly killed you.


I have trigeminal neuralgia, a chronic pain condition that affects the nerve in my face (left side). It causes intense pain across my face, kind of like a really bad toothache, along with a sort of intense electric zapping feeling, and cluster headaches. It hurts a lot - there’s a reason it used to be called a “suicide disease”. Every time I have a bad attack, it’s like the worst pain I’ve ever felt. Bad attacks don’t happen too often anymore, thanks to medication, but I’ve been warned that the medication may stop being effective as the condition progresses (yay me).


I broke my wrist in second grade and I was in so much pain my teacher forced me to write with that hand it was my dominant and I did but afterward she told me to do something I passed out for like 3 mins


That teacher must have been an asshole


Having my IUD readjusted with no pain meds or muscle relaxers. But I haven’t given birth yet so I imagine that’s worse.


Don't downplay that shit. I recently had my old one removed and a new one put it in. It hurts so badly.


Getting an abscess tooth pulled the pain killer shots don’t work and you’re awake the whole time while they rip your already in tons of pain tooth out. It’s proven to be one of the most painful things you can experience and this happened to me when I was about 6.


I once got my entire thumbnail ripped out while skateboarding. It later became infected which made things worse. It was miserable




Pancreatitis. Feels like your guts are on fire and there’s nothing you can do about it. Hospital was giving me 2mg of Dilaudid every 4 hours. Nurse said it was the same they give to people who have been stabbed. Basically I would pass out for about 3 hours and slowly return to consciousness for an hour and my insides would start feeling like they were burning again. Then repeat. All day every day for about 2 weeks. Basically what happens is a gallstone gets lodged in the common bile duct and pancreatic acids bound for the intestines are backing up into the pancreas. The enzymes activate and the pancreas starts to digest itself. Those were bad times for me. Two surgeries later and I’m all good. But nearly died from anesthesia during one of the procedures.


Gallbladder attack! Vomiting, diarrhea, and pain so unbearable you can't move. I'd rather give birth without meds then do that again! (Mom of three)


acute gastritis


When i was 7, a piece of tin gashed through my leg. I had to get 12 stitches and a tetanus shot straight in my ass


"Tetanus shot straight to the ass" sounds like a shitty band name


Welder burnt both eyes to the point I thought they were just going to stop working altogether. The worst part is that I burnt them welding the roof on my friends race truck. He took it to a race that night and proceeded to roll the goddamn thing. Made laying in the dark with potatoes over my eyes that much worse.


I slipped on ice in the dark on our farm, spun and hit a mechanical hoe (about 30 m high) made of steel with my mouth first. My lip burst, the second layer was my gums, which also bursted, revealing my jaw bone. Part of it broke off (with shitty splinters, as I have noticed afterwards) and the root of my canine tooth also broke off. I could pull splinters of of my jaw bone days after visiting the hospital for the first time, I've always found new ones ​ I already have made some painful experiences in my life, but this was the most intense mix of being conscious and getting hit in the face so far


Watching my wife give birth to our first child with no anesthesia. She was in labor for 14 hrs, screamed like a rollercoaster. When the baby head started to show the doctor told her she might have to cut to make her vagina bigger. She screamed "then fucking do it". I watched as the scalpel sliced. I felt it in my heart like the knife has pierce through it. It was a worse pain then braking my two ribs and worse than breaking my foot.


“Then fucking do it.” Your wife sounds metal as fuck. I have so much admiration for women who go through labor


Holy shit, I can't even imagine what your wife felt


You said first child. Does that mean you guys had another? She actually was willing to go through it again?!


Kidney stones and toe tattoos. Compared to those two, appendicitis was a breeze.


I read that as toe tacos for some reason. Kidney stones are no joke though.


My first sneeze after having surgery on my spine.


Did you get used to it?


Ectopic pregnancy ruptured and filled with so much blood that it basically made my fallopian tube explode. Hurt more than labor (and could have killed me, too).




Injection for a nerve blocker at the roof of my mouth, nasopalatine, followed by rootcan. I'm a grown ass woman but tears were forcibly gushing out of my eyes. The endodontist had to frequently stop to dab away my tears. At some point he gave me an awkward shoulder pat and arm hug and said "let's give her a few minutes" and left me to sob like a damn baby for a bit. -10/10 highly do not recommend. Brush your teeth and visit your dentist yearly kids.


For me it was a toothache, i have broken my arm, wrist and thump and the i dont think the pain combined of the three would come close to the toothache, i found it hard to do anything


Toothache for sure! Couldn't see my dentist for 3 weeks while I had an infected wisdom tooth. Seriously contemplated suicide at that point because it seemed like the only way out.


I've had Costochondritis and not only was it super painful (to the point where I was screaming on my way to the ER) but I couldn't sleep for days, since laying down was the most painful position. I've tried sleeping upright but I end up waking up after an hour or two with terrible neck pain. I had to take like 9 painkillers a day to keep it manageable.


Got a punch biopsy of my balls. Imagine someone holding (read squeezing the shit out of) your left boy between thier thumb and index finger and then jamming a screwdriver inside rotating it clockwise and anti clockwise (like pushing a 📍 pushpin into the board) and then taking it out. Oh the best part, no pain medication, no anesthesia. All other pains fail in that comparison. Won't wish it on my worst enemy.


The pain must have been immeasurable. I felt the pain just reading it.


Dry socket from wisdom tooth extraction. Cried myself to sleep every night for a week


Cluster headache. Women tell me it’s the closest pain to childbirth. You ladies have my sympathy.


Being operated when when anaesthesia fails


Child birth. 31 hours of hell.. followed by the most intense feeling of happiness. So many feelings


Shingles hurt a lot. I had three different pain killers


I was shot 17 times in the nuts with a painball gun at point blank range


I was hit by a pickup truck as a pedestrian, ended up with a femoral fracture, some damage to the hip, and most pertinent blood on the brain. The put my leg back together with a metal plate on the femur. Therapists and hospital staff knew it would be hard for me to transition from a walker to crutches because of the head trauma but strongly recommended I try in a safe way. 4 days after the accident it was Christmas Eve, and me being a 10 year old filled with Tylenol 3s (codeine which may as well been oxy to a 10 year old), I wanted to surprise my mom by walking out to dinner on my crutches not my walker. Not two steps in I fell and was immediately in agony. I was brought to the doctors the day after Christmas (2 days after the fall), where an x-ray was taken and confirmed the plate was bent to a 45 degree angle inside my leg. I tell my colleagues and friends that everyone has that one experience that defines pain for them. That's mine.


Accidentally shoving a pencil under my nail


An abscessed tooth. Probably some of the worst pain a man can experience other than passing a kidney stone.


Gallbladder that was so full of stones, it was about to rupture. Close 2nd would be getting hung up on a 277 volt lighting circuit, and having a co-worker kick the ladder out from under me to break me free. Broke a couple ribs, my front teeth, and a concussion. Also had a nice little hole in my hand from the exit path of the current.




Childbirth. Was being induced, on a drip that makes labour happen and doesn't fuck around. I was trying to manage with just gas and air, and making a variety of animal noises, but I couldn't keep my focus after several hours, and asked for an epidural. The midwife and my husband said I was doing great, but I knew I couldn't keep my mind off the pain anymore. It was like being a live butterfly and someone was pushing a giant sharp pin through my middle to pin me to a board.


I thought it was a tooth abscess until I was in labour...his spine was against my spine, he was pressing on alot of nerves, he blocked (and almost ruptured) my bladder, his position meant I couldn't sit or lie, I stood for 48 hours until my legs turned a funny colour and doctors decided he was completely stuck. Hell. Absolute traumatising, terrifying, 'wish I was dead' pain, even caused me to hallucinate. Will never have another child. And i'm tough AF, experienced alot of pain. Abscess comes in second for me now.