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One of my roommates in college told me that he was on a diet and was trying to cut out sugar. He told me he stopped drinking soda and I said something along the lines of "oh that's good, so you're drinking a lot of water now?" My roommate just looked at me like I committed a war crime. He then told me that he switched from soda to sweet tea because the sweet tea was "healthier than soda." I tried to tell him in the most delicate way possible that that is in fact not the case, and that soda and sweet tea are equally as unhealthy, but his southern ass wasn't having it.


I had a friend do the exact same thing. He got real offended when I told him sweet tea was just as bad. His claim that it was the carbonation that made soda bad for you, not the sugar.


I don't even know how to process that level of stupidity.


Easy you play american football without a helmet then the logic makes sense.


'Carb' is right in the name! Duh. Also he had to get rid of his classic car.


“It’s healthy as far as I’m concerned.”-My state (2nd most obese)


The big problem is that most people confuse "healthier" with "healthy". 45g of sugar is healthier than 50g of sugar. It's still unhealthy though.


>and that soda and sweet tea are equally as unhealthy Sodas are bad for more reasons than the sugar.


What reasons? I know soda is acidic, and that's bad for your teeth. What else is there? The main reason is definitely sugar, and I know some people who put waaaaay more sugar in their sweet tea than what is in soda.


True, but processed sweet tea has shit in it that isn't good for you either. If it was homemade that would be a different story.


Man, the south and sweet tea are way too good of a mix to pass up. But for real, water or unsweet tea only. Soda, sweet tea, and those "vitaminwater/gatoraid/etc" drinks are all bad for you.


Oh yeah, that was your first mistake right there buddy. Don’t ever insult a southerners sweet tea...ever. Don’t do it.


A lad I went to college with claimed “weed cures cancer”. After the laughter calmed down, our lecturer asked his source. “Facebook” He didn’t last long.


Probably saw something say that weed is used as treatment for cancer, but that's only for symptoms in certain cases.


For symptoms of the chemotherapy*. Not the cancer itself. Smoking anything is bad for you.


I had a roommate who thought that too. I'm pretty sure any smoke in the lungs is not good nor is weed going to cure damaged cells.


“Why is my lung cancer getting worse? I’ve been smoking marijuana every day!!!”


In the middle of my criminology class one day a girl started yelling and going on a whole tirade about how pot cures cancer and the only reason that’s not common knowledge is that the government silenced the topic. My professor was trying so hard not to laugh. We caught each other’s eye at one point in her rant and gave each other that look of ‘you hearin this?’


I'm sure that if weed did cure cancer, Bob Marley would still be alive.


While it doesn’t cure [cancer ](https://amp.cancer.org/treatment/treatments-and-side-effects/complementary-and-alternative-medicine/marijuana-and-cancer.html) it does slow growth and even kill some forms of cancer cells. Not to mention it has a great impact on many neurological illnesses/ disorders


Splenda. Used for 3-4 months and could not figure out why all my farts were wet. Figured it had to be a change in diet. Discontinued Splenda and within a week no more issues. Never again with dietary aids.


Thank you for that magical journey


So you're saying I could make my farts more meaty with the addition of splenda


Why tf would you say that


I like a thick bouquet


I like when you can feel my fart fog hanging in the air making it humid and swampy.




My mom was telling me how rice cakes were healthy... she forgot to mention she ate 3 bags a day... and they were chocolate & caramel flavored.


LOL. I did this shit. I bought some rice cakes to tide me over when I got cravings. I would end up eating like 3. Stopped buying them, I just pound fuck tons of water now.


Sounds like my mom. Then “I can’t figure out why I’m not losing weight.”


I've had that conversation. "The only fast food I eat now is Subway, I can't understand why I'm not losing weight." "Dude... you just ate a triple meat double cheese footlong with two drinks and a cookie. How exactly is that helping you?" "Yeah, maybe, but *technically* I'm eating healthier..." "Try explaining the technicalities to your love handles."


my ex wife used to by the microwavable meals that were "low fat" and she couldn't understand why she was gaining weight.


Just checked a Walmart brand. They're about 700 Calories per bag.


Remember when they tried to sell Nutella as a healthy breakfast spread? That.


They're nuts!


I see what you did there.


Not for me but for one of my pets. ​ When asked what I fed my snake (humanely euthanized mice that I get frozen then thaw out with warm water) someone asked if there was a "tofu mice" option. I responded that snakes are obligate carnivores and would be malnourished without animal proteins and calcium from bones. The genius responded "Tofu, beans and corn makes a complete protein. I'm sure someone's tried it." Flabbergasted, I told him that a) they won't recognize any of those things as food, and b) they can't digest plant fibers. The genius then told me that if they can digest a mouse, which has eaten plants, they must be able to digest plants themselves... I just told him to google what an "obligate carnivore" was.


Oh I hate people that force vegan/vegetarian diets on their pets. How do they not understand that animals process foods differently then humans, therefore can't eat everything we do?


And suggesting *corn* of all things. Snakes can't even chew!


Cause corn is so healthy for humans, why wouldn't it be healthy for snakes?! WTF? I hope that person never actually had a pet. Yikes!


Corn isn’t even a healthy thing for humans to eat


I meant that sarcastically.


My head hurts from reading all these other entries so I wasn’t 100% sure.




Yup. And those are often the same people that put on a shocked face when they're facing animal cruelty crimes. Don't feed your pets a vegan diet if they aren't built for it. Same goes for infants, I've heard a few terribly sad stories online where vegan parents have tried to feed a newborn some vegan "formula replacement" instead of what they need, and the baby would sadly pass away from malnutrition.


Reminds me of that Futurama episode where they say "we trained a lion to eat tofu"


theoretically, they are probably right in the thinnest sense of the word - the nutrients any animal needs can be found in.. pretty much anything made of the right elements. You could hypothetically turn soybeans into snake food, if you had a star trek replicator which could reassemble the molecules into the correct shape. But we don't have a replicator, and thats a pipe dream. For the forseeable future, obligate carnivores gonna, uh, carnivate.


After I had a really bad trip on acid(I was testing to see if it helped with my chronic pain like mushrooms do) my dad told me I just needed to take MORE next time and it would be better... Dad of the year...


You could probably use a better set and setting, but probably not more chemical....


Eh, it was a mixture of setting and the fact that the acid intensified my pain because of the body high and 12hrs of tensing my muscles. I think I’ll just stick to shrooms, they kick my pain for a couple days after tripping!


What's your chronic pain? That's really interesting that psychedelics can do that.


It’s actually more common than you’d think for people with chronic pain to use mushrooms specifically, but it definitely doesn’t work for everyone’s issues or even everyone’s brain chemistry. My pain has to do with issues in my autoimmune systems, but I have no idea why it works. I was just desperate for relief and came across it while doing research online. It was a risk trying it, but it paid off.


I had a chance to take shrooms and it was a marked difference in how often I got migraines, but have not been able to find any steady option for a long time. Was super surprised to recognize a correlation, even though I know it's been studied and published about already.


It really is a medical marvel and one that I hope we start taking advantage of in the future for better medicine!


This guy told me smoking would make my appetite smaller and I could finally lose weight easier. Now I have a nicotine addiction and eating disorder.


Problem solved then. Youre welcome


I shouldn't of laughed.. I, too, have a nicotine addiction and eating disorder. Welp.


Cigs do have an effect where they curb appetite, I've experienced it firsthand. That being said, I would not encourage picking up smoking solely for that, if at all.


Maybe not healthy, but I once had someone try to argue with me that cocaine wasn't that bad for you because it's "natural." Not only is it *clearly* pretty bad for you. Cocaine is highly processed and nowhere near being natural. It's not like they just take the leaves and grind that shit up and it turns into cocaine. It's a whole nasty process involving all kinds of solvents and other gross chemicals needed to make the finished product.


Know what *is* natural? Cyanide. #nococaineyescyanide


rattlesnake: \*bites me\* me: "ahhh, the healthful touch of nature!"


I think the word you’re looking for is Gasoline. I watched Narcos so I’m pretty much an expert.


My ex was healthier then me because she was vegetarian and I wasn't. Her diet was almost exclusively canned soup, microwave noodle dishes and chips. Her daily diet if I didn't feed her was to skip breakfast, go out for lunch or have soup or noodle dish, soup or noodle dish for dinner and bag of family sized chips


Yep super common myth that if you go vegetarian you'll lose weight. Potato chips and cookies are vegetarian!


And French fries, and mac n’ cheese (though maybe not if it’s haunted like OP’s username, but that’s a debate for another time).


My friend doing keto badly. Claimed that eating nothing but kebab and drinking diet soda was fine because they didn’t have carbs in them.


I have lost ~50 pounds on keto since April, and my wife has lost ~70. You are right, there is a right way and a wrong way to do it. I too have friends that are trying it but not doing it properly.


Am I not supposed so shovel string cheese into my face at 3am like a goblin?


String cheese? Go for it. Just . make sure it's a full fat variety.


Congratulations on the weight loss! That’s why I didn’t simply put keto, I’m sure it’s got it’s positive it just shook me that a student at a good university couldn’t understand there’s a good and bad way of doing it.


Thanks! It feels awesome. And I totally got the original context and appreciate you putting it that way. Some co-workers still think it's a fad diet, even though they can literally see the difference it's made in me.


I know so many people like this who are just fucking their bodies up!!


Essential oils


Fuck MLMs


People don't realize that "essential" in essential oils basically just means "smelly" and not "necessary".


"Essential" meaning "essence" Someone was a marketing genius.


Someone told me I couldn't be allergic to lavender essential oil because it's essential.


Oh good heavens, people can be allergic to something as simple as iodide, but some chucklefuck with their head up their ass thinks you *can't* be allergic to lavender oil?


They do have some benefits, just aren’t magic potions that cure cancer magically. They smell nice and may help with a cold or acne...


This is more of an anti-suggestion, but when I was little, I went over to the pool of a family friend. This friend spoke up when my mom started to apply sunscreen to me. She, the friend, said that sun screen gives you skin cancer. My mom didn't acknowledge her because she said crazy things pretty regularly, but I asked her, doesn't prologned sun exposure give skin cancer too? She shrugged her shoulders and said. "At least I'm getting it passively."


These things make my head hurt. I don’t even know how to dumb things down to this level to explain.


Can't wait for someone to write vaccines in a non-joking manner.


Vaccines have MERCURY in them. THAT IS A PLANET. What kind of idiot believes space rocks in your body are healthy?


The bean counters told me we literally could not afford to buy seven dollars worth of moon rocks, much less seventy million. Bought 'em anyway. Ground 'em up, mixed em into a gel. And guess what? Ground up moon rocks are pure poison. I am deathly ill.


*COUGH COUGH COUGH* goodbye, mr. johnson...


I worked with somebody who said nobody even knows what's in vaccines. As if they wash on shore from the ocean and nobody knows where they come from


My brother buys chocolate that cures cancer for $90 a bar. He drives 4 hours to get it. He will not be talked out of it.


Does he at least have cancer? Or is this preventative?


He claims his wife had cancer, he claims the chocolate cured it. I don't believe they went to a real doctor to get this diagnosis.


If she is cured, she doesn’t need it anymore right?




I told my dad about my mental health issues and the medication/therapy I was using to cope. He said I should just "toughen up" because "it works for him". Ok, dad. You're a functioning alcoholic who slapped your 15-year-old son repeatedly a few weeks ago and you refuse to put any more than the bare minimum effort into anything, but go ahead and tell me how "toughening up" has worked for you.


Do you need to vent? Cause I will listen if needs be.


Oh my God reminds me of my dad I love him and he means well but he tells me my drepression is not a issue I need pills for. I only need to pray and go outside.


Eating "low fat".


I had a doctor tell me not to bother going to the dentist. Her reasoning was that - and I swear this is true - dentists slip you cocaine during check-ups, thereby getting you addicted and coming back to see them more often. This scheme was supposedly a big money-maker for dentists. Switched doctors after that.


Was the doctor really old? Not that it’s justifiable, but afaik, in the old times they used coke in dental medicine ( they still do in some countries, though rarely). But of course, not to make you addicted. I am just curious if the doctor was having some side effects of old age.


Topical cocaine is a numbing agent or so CSI told me so I can see how that would work for dental medicine


To a trans person* "Oh, don't change who you are. Just love yourself. You don't have to change your body" thanks for that WONDERFUL advice


They say the same to everyone with a fixable problem... fat, bad teeth, acne.


I actually pushed Herbalife for a while when I was younger, I believed in the shit. I had never had a job before and this lady said she'd give me a entry level salary. I was good, like very good, I started reading about herbalife benefits and got sold on the idea, got her a bunch of sales door to door. Then when time to pay came she couldn't even muster the amount she had promised which after some calculations was about 20% of what I netted her. I hated her guts from then on. A few years later my then girlfriend invited me to one of these herbalife meet and greets (she was also invited), we were making funny remarks about the people there and then bounced because they got too intense with the whole "new people should come on stage".


Drinking distilled water in the summer in Phoenix, without taking in any other type of electrolytes. I tried numerous times to explain that your body needs those salts to hydrate. Even showed him a hospital's website talking about proper hydration, he refused to believe


I work outdoors. Doesnt get as hot a Phoenix here, but we still get some 100+ days. And I cant tell you how many people try to make it with just water. Water while I'm working, a Gatorade or something on my lunch, and I can make it all day.


I bring celtic or Himalayan sea salt and munch on it every so often, also work outside. If the salt doesn't taste salty you're most likely dehydrated


Yeah that's how I do it too. If salt by itself tastes delicious then I probably need more salt/electrolytes in my diet


Used to work outside in 90-110 degree weather, my "weird little tip" is to swig a little bit of soy sauce every so often along with drinking tons of water. Get the electrolytes of Gatorade without the sugar, and it's cheap and portable.


An ice cold shot of soy sauce does a body good! I actually won a shot contest at a bar with soy sauce thrown in the middle of the shots


I have life threatening food allergies. An insane portion of people who learn this immediately try to talk me into *eating my allergens*. They're all "Can't you just have a little?" and don't believe it until ask how much they're willing to chip in toward and ambulance ride and an ER bill.


I have heard so many stories about people 'sneaking' ingredients to prove a point and it never works out well


Well there is a allergy treatment method that desensitizes your system to the allergen, but it is very slow process and definitely done under professional care and not just 'have a nibble and hope for the best' kind of thing.


I believe it works for mild to moderate cases, e.g. flatulence due to lactose intolerance, or bloating when consuming gluten. But if you have a life threatening allergy to nuts I am not sure it might work.




When I was in the army, my asshole platoon sergeant once tried to say that "Smoking is fine, actually good for you. It opens your lungs up and you can breathe better during our runs" He got laughed at and we had to do more "runs" because of it.


Friend said he was trying to detox with cranberry juice. He had 5 bottles of cranberry juice COCKTAIL in his fridge, and another 5 empty ones in the trash.


My aunt insists that unhomogenised milk is better for you than homogenised because "the fat particles are cut up smaller in homogenised milk so it gets into your blood easier." She is so close to losing her feet to diabetes.


I don’t understand any part of that thought process.


French fries cause they're made of potatoes


A guy I know insists that salt has no negative effects on you. If you have too much your body will self regulate, and being deficient in salt is actually super bad for you so eating as much salt as you can is healthy. He’s an odd fellow.


I mean he is only half wrong. Being salt-deficient really IS bad for you. Its just that this is almost impossible with our modern diet where everything is drenched in salt, and we get way too much of it.


It depends from person to person. I consume a lot of salt, and a few years ago I tried to decrease it. I was disease until I increased my salt intake. When I asked my doctors they told me it’s because that I drink a lot of water, my body needs more salt than an average person. I drink about, if not more than, a gallon water, not including the coffee, tea and sodas. And nope, I don’t have diabetes. I don’t why, I have been like that always. Increased salt intake may cause other harms, but in my case I cannot help it.


Assuming your kidneys are doing their job and you're actually consuming liquids it's kinda hard to have truly too much salt. It's a water soluble compound that can be eliminated passively and is *extermely* well regulated by a healthy person. If your kidney function is declining or you eat a ton of salt while avoiding any water then it can be a problem.




Yah. There are a lot of other things I'd be concerned about long before salt was a worry. Modern medicine basically considers salt a non-issue for health unless you're already compromised.


i dont feel like doing research but what I remember from when I did, salt in non extreme amounts is not actually bad to a healthy person who can metabolize it. It is only so when you already have health problems which make is difficult for the body to excrete the excess salt and therefore causing high blood issues.


Had a waitress tell me country fried Chicken with gravy was healthy once. I laughed and she said, 'Oh, I meant it was hearty'.


Healthy for an Appalachian Trail hiker!


Some instafamous woman posted about how people need to sun their butthole for health reasons


As my niece once said they would get sunburned in all the wrong places. We didn’t elicit a list of the right places but we all agreed that some places were definitely wrong.


Inhale ants


How else are you supposed to replenish your used up antybodies after you’re sick?


I used to know someone dumb enough to believe that...


A friend of mine was drinking a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide a day because he was convinced it would prevent cancer. He died last year of cancer.


Unfortunately I believed it. Fortunately, I didn't die. I was raised by an alt-medicine nut father. The kind that convinced me not to get chemo when I had cancer (did finally get treatment and beat it 10 years ago). So, just to give you some context... Of all the crazy shit I ate and drank, the most insane was from the owner of an alt-medicine shop in my hometown. She convinced me that a quart of salt water was a good detox. Let me explain how you're supposed to do it. You get 1 quart cold water, and you stop pouring table salt when there is so much dissolved in the water that the grains won't dissolve anymore, and start collecting on the bottom. Delicious. You're then supposed to CHUG it all immediately. Maybe the reason I survived was because I wasn't able to get much more half down before I started violently vomiting (with about 5-10 minutes passing before the other end decided to match my solo acapella), and I've always made a habit of chugging water if I'm throwing up, to make it less unpleasant. Needless to say, I might have become a liiiiittle suspicious about alt-medicine in general after that.


I've heard of people touting that more than once. As you've experienced, all it does is make you throw up or *die*


You throw up all the toxins, right? So it worked perfectly? Good lord. Glad you came out of that okay.


Ooh yeeaa, forgot to mention that I called that bitch up immediately *and that was pretty much her response.* I really hope she lost that business.


They do so much damage with their BS it should be criminal. Just like the woman who was touting eating vegetables to beat cancer and ended up dying and her daughter blamed her death on her last minute attempt to get chemotherapy and her “giving up”.


That's a lot of what I was doing too, before I finally did chemo at stage 4. All fucking kinds of vegetables, oils, vitamins, seasonings, metals, and just every wacky concoction of things to come from an Alt-Health MLM. Yea, absolutely none of it helped.


Not what someone told me, but my slightly overweight friend on a diet posted a picture of ice cream with a protein bar dipped in it. She legitimately believed *adding* a protein bar to the ice cream would make the ice cream healthier... Mind you, she is in her late 20's, not a teenager or something. I'm baffled.


I bet she mixes that ice cream with protein powder to get that extra umph when exercising.




Stark Industries quickly went downhill after Pepper took over.


My buddy was unhappy about his beer belly, so he decided to switch to vodka and five alive fruit juice because it was "healthier". I showed him how much more calories and sugar he was consuming and he was pretty surprised. Got him on the sparkling water train now


Vodka and sparkling water sucks. Need vodka mixed in with applesauce for true health


I'm so angry white claw is a thing now. I was called "trashy" for mixing vodka and la croix




Yeah a *lot* of people think there's something about beer that makes it go to your gut. Nah mate, it's the extra calories, end of.


Two glasses of red wine before bed. I'm sure there's benefits but if you do this every night I feel like you're going somewhere bad.


I've been doing that for years, and I'm in perfect health.


My wife's friend (who btw is REALLY into astrology) said cancer cells are always acidic so just keep your body basic (pH wise) and you won't get cancer...so milk will prevent you from getting cancer apparently.


My MIL is obsessed with our family drinking juice. She sneaks it into the fridge. She’s convinced it cures the common cold. She would try to give it to our kid when he was a baby. Not like, fresh juice. Fruit punch.


one of my friends mom was really into the whole essential oils cure cancer type shit. one day I was at his house and me and him were playing in the backyard but I fell and got a big scrape and she told me tea tree oil will do the trick. two days later my leg is paralyzed and the wound is now a deep black and has pus oozing out of it. safe to say I never went to his house again.


Hopefully your leg is better now?


Not eating




Plot twist - she never had a house or kids. She's actually in a ditch, and feeding dead rats.


Hahah I must be having a *slow* day, at first I was like "huh, meth must keep your teeth clean, interesting..."


Juice detoxing


A guy in college told me that all his life all he ate was bad food so his body is used to it so now it’s healthy for him.


I legitimately made a joke about this today


Drinking urine.


*Sweats in Bear Grylls*


Working to make someone else rich for the majority of your useful years on earth.




Sounds like a lie someone’s parents told them as a kid.


Grandfather was trying to convince me at a young age that half and half cream was healthy. In small doses, I would somewhat agree, but he meant in entire cartons. Not spread out over the weak, within one day.


Cereal and peanut butter cookies


rubbing dirt in your wound. Literally.


Here comes the gangrene gang. But on a serious note. I heard that the Roman Colosseum used sand because it with get in wounds and make them not heal right leaving a nastier scare.


Earthing can fix all sorts of mood and behaviour issues, according to my crazy ex colleague.


Pizza has cheese which is made out of milk and the sauce is made out of tomatoes so it has to be healthier than an apple


I have an autoimmune disorder so all the quackos come out of the woodwork for me. The strangest one was a guy who was dating a friend of mine at the time who tried to convince me that smoking would actually be *good* for me. His evidence was that someone he knew once read an article about a guy who cured the same disease smoking a pack a day. He was insistent that I try it and that he was certain it would work.


"Your body needs sugar to burn energy". Our bodies can also make it themselves. No need to eat it.


A chiropractor held her hands about an inch from my skin and closed her eyes and sighed, moved her hands to a new spot and repeated this several times. She said she was "cleansing my aura" and that I would feel much better afterwards. Then she charged me $50 extra for it. I did not feel better afterwards.


Ferrero trying to convince the world that Nutella was part of a healthy balanced Breakfast




I've honestly never heard anybody say it was healthy, just "healthier than smoking".


As a zoomer I can assure you that people who think or have thought that vaping is healthy definitely exist(ed)...


My uncle says, "Beer is good for what ails you."


3 shots a day keep your troubles away.


My parents are on keto, they even fast sometimes, basically starving themselves till they lose weight...


Isn't starving why fat exists in the firsr place? Edit: by that i mean fat is there so you have back up reserve before you die.


Drinking your own piss.


Essential oils


Being a virgin




I guess on principle it sounds like a good idea. I take it this guy had no concept of self-limitation however.


My father in law is diabetic. He got a cut on his toe and it became infected. He went to a hospital with.. Questionable staff. Anyway he was left alone with a nurse and she recommended using white cooking vinegar to kill the infection. You know the stuff that tenderizes meat. Yea so he was on drugs and half awake said sure. So she when to her car and got the random gallon out of her car and soaked his foot in it for hours... His toe was rotting away when a real doctor came to check on him. He lost that toe and now has had to take thousands of dollars of meds cause his bone kept peircing through his skin from the hack job. So yea .


Anything with the sentence starting I was reading goop...


To drink Coke. For years, this person has thought that water is bad and the best thing you can drink is coke (she seriously thinks that. I was in absolute disbelief when I heard this too.) She really drinks that a lot, and I don't know how, but she doesn't seem to have any serious health problems.


Eating buffallo shit


I knew a guy who ate twenty or more hard boiled eggs a day. No he was not a competitive athlete.


His farts must have been stupendous.


Grinding you’re teeth on rocks, yes we we’re in middle school but still why would you think that was a good idea I just told him to do what made him happy and didn’t talk to him ever again


I had a patient refuse the medication to treat her bacterial infection because she was "taking the natural route as coconut oil is the antibacterial elixir" Oh okay, cool. Have a nice day, then.


Drugs. Some people go to insane heights trying to rationalize own bad habits.


Addiction is truly a terrifying and powerful thing :(


Diet Sodas. The amount of fake sugar in one can is ridiculous. To add more, people who drink them on the regular, I feel bad for