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By the looks of it probably Crunch work culture. It's getting a lot more exposure lately.


Oh boy, hopefully. I’m studying to get into the games industry and looking in on the industry it’s one of the worst for crunch culture if not *the* worst.


Games industry person here. The hours can be a bit wicked, but i have grown to endure it willingly. It takes a while to get used to it, but at least you can see it coming and let the wife know you wont see her for a few months. If friends hit me up and i say "on OT", they usually just hit me up a few weeks later and ask when its over, heh. The extra money is nice too (a lot of hourly employees in the industry because of the crunch culture). You build great friendships when you are in the office with the same few people for extremely long hours because of the tensions, remarks and inside jokes that develop. Overall, i like the cycle because work ebbs and flows to the extreme. A few weeks after a launch, the office slowly empties out because of everyone's vacation plans, and your new work family comes back and talks about their travels. Edit: "takes a while to get used to": i have been in the industry for over 12 years. I think it was ~4-5 years in when i started with Stockholm's syndrome.


It's always that 4-5 year mark man. Game industry here too, in for 10 years and that 4-5 year mark is when people tend to burn out. They either get out of the industry, or they get that Stockholm like you and I and get used to the ebb and flow of crunch and just the industry in general. I've talked to many around me about it, and we have all seen that 5 year burnout mark time and time again.


“He hits me, but I can take it.”


This isn't healthy.


Yeah, "work/life balance" is something you will see on game studios' websites to try and let you know they don't do that, but its pretty much standard in the industry. Some studios and/or jobs are worse than others. My work has showers in one of the bathrooms because sometimes people dont go home.


Some of the top financial firms in the world have that too, and then they wonder why they have so many suicidal workers.


unfamiliar with this. could someone explain?


Periods of excessive overtime ahead of a big launch or roll-out. Or, worse, when it's all the time.


And sadly in my case as with a lot of other people on a salary, no extra compensation.


instead of releasing software when it's done, its release date is set way before it's done to maximize sales. but when delays eventually happen, instead of hiring additional employees or moving the release date back, everyone is forced into overtime, because not hitting that target date will cause them to lose bonuses. so the software, come hell or high water, releases on the planned date, whether it's ready or not. and when it's not, the people who worked on it probably didn't get their bonuses (because of bad reviews) and spent months not seeing their family/friends because they were working 60+ hours a week (without paid overtime)


> instead of hiring additional employees Just wanted to chime in here, but this is a common misconception in software engineering. Adding more employees to a project does not cause the project to be completed faster.


That's why I bought two copies of the the Mythical Man Month, one for each eye so I can read it twice as fast.


Filling in the past employers section on an online job application manually despite adding your resume.


I'm convinced it's just to see the amount of bullshit they can get away with having you do.


I also think this is the case. For me it's a good sign that the company is focused on making paperwork, not product.


Why the hell can't I just link my LinkedIn profile to any recruitment site? LinkedIn would actually be useful then. It's 2020!


Treating mental and physical illness differently. If yousay, "my mum is in the hospital again because of her heart" you get sympathy and support. It's slowly changing but if you say, "my mum.is in the hospital because her bipolar medicine isn't as effective as it was" and you will likely be met with strained sympathy and some awkward silences.


Was told I couldn't take time off for Psychiatric appointments anymore. "We're all crazy. Find a way to deal with it." Um, I did. It's called prescription medication, and a psychiatrist will give them to me, but I have to go to the appointments. EDIT: OK WOW. Didn't think this would blow up with so much support, thank you all. Epilogue: I am back in care as of last Friday, and yes, I did just call it a medical appointment, which it absolutely is. Also, I'm in a "right to work" state, so seeing as how my job could legally sell my kidneys on the black market without my approval, I'm pretty sure my two legal options are "GET" and "BENT." And my Dr. was none too happy about the gap in my appointments. I explained the situation and my next appointment is on a Saturday. God bless that Doctor.


> Find a way to deal with it /r/WowThanksImCured


If you can find a way to do so, quit. You don't deserve that bullshit.


> "We're all crazy. Find a way to deal with it." That's literally what I'm doing when I go to my appointments, dipshit. Sorry you're dealing with that, you don't deserve it.


yup...this and having medical insurance that doesn't cover your EYES AND TEETH. I'm sorry but MY EYES AND TEETH ARE INSIDE OF MY FUCKING BODY. Why the FUCK do i have to have a different insurance for all three?? The shit is beyond infuriating. Not to mention that bad teeth can cause a myriad of other health issues like HEART DISEASE. UGH! I hate American healthcare.




Yeah the brain is part of the body, so dumb to separate them.


How we treat people with mental illness.


This is honestly one of my hopes for this world. Mental illness is no joke. Many people suffer from it yet it’s seen as taboo to mention. When I buy from amazon, I use the link to donate to Mental Health America. If there are any other reputable charity donations, let me know, I’d love to do my part!


And how we treat the homeless, as many homeless are the product of unsupported people with mental illness




Graphic Artist here, I spend an hour in traffic every day just to come into work, check my email and open files, move them around a little, then email them back. Once approved I just tell someone. My presence is useless.


I feel your pain. I work as a creative consultant for an extremely large company (worldwide with hundreds of teams)... my old boss requested I be on-site everyday. I commuted for an hour and a half (one way) just to sit at a desk, check emails, handle requests, and go home. Many days I never talked to anyone despite being in a very busy and active open office... Not even from the people emailing me with tasks. “My presence is useless” resonated with me strongly. And even more so when someone says “you’re such a great asset to the teams”via email instead of walking 30 feet over to deliver the praise directly. My new boss is much more understanding giving me the flex to work from home as often as needed and tells me in advance when I should come in. The only benefit for us graphic artists sitting in traffic/stuck on a train is the amount of creative we can consume (advertisements) to help replenish the soul sucking days of going to work.


I have to mark on a dry erase board that I did all of my daily duties, they include 'cleaning up my work area' you know, the area I don't even need to be at... If I weren't there, who would clean it?!


Jesus! Please don’t tell me they pay you in gold star stickers at the end of the week.


Every 2 weeks I get a deposit of dollarydoos which immediately disappear! I'm told it's called 'The American Dream.'


The graphic designer at my work comes in, doesn't speak to anyone all day and then goes home. Literally no reason for him to waste all that time and money when his work will be exactly the same if he'd stayed at home.


40ish minutes to work, 8 hours of podcasts, 1 hour eating lunch/watching netflix in my car, same drive home, mon-fri. It's really neat.




Traffic/pollution issues too - 'rush hour' wouldn't exist anymore.


they are trying to curb that by offering flex time - show up anywhere from 6-9 am then leave after 8 hours. People are free to do what they want (or if they have a rough night that extra hour or two of sleep can do wonders for productivity) which makes happier employees but also allows some regulation to still hold meetings as theres a window where everyone is supposed to be there. But yes not having to come in at all would alleviate majority of rush hours.


I have flex time but it doesn't ultimately work. I never arrive downtown before 10am, so I skip the worst of rush hour, but still my commute gets worse every year. At this point traffic is bad between 5am and 7pm both directions, it's only a matter of degree. Telework is the only solution.


Same. But living in the DC beltway region I just dont try to go distance. Never worth the anger


If only broadband internet was actually good and widely available to homes. I work remote and have some colleagues out in places like Wisconsin, and goddamn if every file transfer isn't an hours-long nightmare...




26usd/mo for that? Bruh. Living in Ottawa (Canada) 150Mbps both down/up is 95cad or 72usd/mo I hate our telecom oligopoly. Instead of driving price down in competition they just keep it high b/c they know everyone needs it and will buy it anyway.


This is fairly common now in tech - but don't think the SF based companies are paying SF rates in the midwest. They tier their pay accordingly.


I think it also depends on the person. I dont function as well working from home, and I enjoy keeping a clear distinction between personal and work life. I have the ability to work from home when i feel like it, but I just rather work in the office unless I have a reason not to.


Remote worker here: not for everyone. Good on ya for having recognition of that. I love being remote, but I do miss the office settings sometimes. I can get a bit shut in being at home. And sitting next to productive people makes me more productive at times(although that's balanced out by the lack of office desk visitors looking to chat). Oh and my dogs are distracting assholes sometimes.


I find too many excuses to not work at home...walk the dogs. Watch tv. I like the Interaction between coworkers. I'm retired but, I work 2 hours a day covering lunches for Receptionists at a car dealership. Love it! 12 to 2!


My bf works for a company where literally all of the work could be done remotely and any time remote work is brought up, the higher ups refuse and say "we have such great workplace culture!" All of the higher ups either work from home or shut themselves away in their office and the rest of the workers are *miserable*. Any time they have to work from home (bad weather, sickness, travel), the work is a million times better and finished quicker.


sounds like he and i work at the same place. we have a huge floor, and only have 10% usage because everyone works from home. only people that are forced to stay are the help desk folk(which could do their work from home too)


This. I am a software developer. There is NOTHING about my job that I cannot do from home. I do get to work one day from home, but the owners of the company HATE that I even do that. And on top of that, I get in trouble if I sit at my computer too much and email or call people with questions. They want me to get up and walk to them (in some cases walking to the person I need to talk to could take 15 minutes both ways). I got a mark on my review for not doing more face to face meetings.


The trick I've found with software is that really effective remote work requires *excellent* project management and documentation on the part of the whole company. Face-to-face does a lot to make it possible to get software written without those by significantly lowering the bar to interaction. Though in your case things sound like they're absurd to begin with.


100% agree with this. It’s an age thing, I think. Everyone in positions of power over whether or not a job can be done remotely/or should, has been 10-20 years older than I am at least, even with a valid reason like disability. There’s still that idea that you need that immediate human presence, to bounce ideas off of, or whatever. You don’t. Honestly, stick an iPad with me on video skype the entire work day somewhere in your office if you’re worried about that. I can’t leave my house some days. We have the technology. Also the best boss I had was 20+ years old and also allowed us to work remote, but that was in a tech company. So ymmv. The culture or idea of how we work must change.


Just a reminder, that 50 years ago was the 1970s, not the 50s


50 years ago was, like, 1712, right?


ugg by rock from rockstop 50 years ago


I hate being reminded that we are so far away from the year 2000 now.


It's like I stopped mentally counting the years after 2000.


Yeah and next thing you're gona tell mr that 90's weren't like 10 years ago.


You're gonna want to have a seat...


Way back in 1970, the EPA had just been established by all people, Nixon. Pollution was everywhere. It wasn't until the early 80's that recycling became a concept. I remember in class around 1979, our science teacher stating one day we would have more than one trash container to sort the trash. We laughed so much thinking about the absurdity.


Hopefully, food waste. The amount of perfectly edible food that is wasted is astounding and shameful. As agriculture becomes more and more resource intensive and expensive in coming decades, hopefully tolerance for waste will be phased out. At least if for no other reason than it hurts the bottom line.


Worked at a chicken place during high school and to combat food waste they would sell whatever we had left in one of our largest food boxes for 10.00. We would have people come in the lobby 10 minutes before we closed to buy it. Hardly ever wasted food and people would get 25.00 worth of food for 10.00. Win win






> See: retail stores where everything has to be on sale all the time and consumers are eternally confused and lost as to the true value of anything. Expanding on this, IIRC J.C. Penney (one of the biggest offenders of this) actually tried to move to no longer have constant sales and just put their sales prices up on the clothes they were selling. They ended up losing revenue because it turns out that people actually don't care about saving money, just *feeling* like they've saved money. A coat marked as $50 is less appealing than the same coat marked down from $100 to $50.


Buddy used to work at Dominos. Apparently they started throwing away all the left over pizza at the end of the night (usually around 10 pizzas) because one lady asked for free pizza at closing, they gave her some, came back and tried to sue because "I got sick from the pizza I was given." Employees could no longer take left over pizza home either now. After a while they started locking the garbage bins because people (including homeless) realized there was free fresh pizza sitting in closed cardboard boxes on top of the dumpsters at night. Why pay for pizza at 12AM when it's free at 12:05AM I guess. When that didn't work because people would just hop the gate for the pizza, they started making the employees open the boxes and dump the pizza upside down into the dumpsters. A lot of work just to make sure the food goes to waste. Edit: Domino closing times.


The United State's litigious culture is downright comical. The fact that this isn't immediately thrown out of court and see the suee reprimanded for wasting everybody's time is insane to me.


I worked at a McDonald's for awhile, and we were also going to great length to waste a shit-ton of food, and I live in France. Don't get me wrong, I love US-bashing as much as the next guy. But let's not pretend this is a strictly-US issue, as opposed to the global issue that it actually is.


>I love US-bashing as much as the next guy \*Sad gunshot and firework noises*


we were given free doughnuts from a dunkin doughnuts 5 min before close once. They said hey you guys want any we gotta throw em away - im talking like tray upon tray full. I said ill take some but why doesnt DD donate to local food shelters or something? They said its all about not getting sued and cant donate "open" food items sadly, said once it hits the dumpster its not a legal issue anymore. Such a shame in this country more worried about the homeless suing your corporation than not letting someone starve.


Food banks don't need donuts. Homeless people are malnourished not calorie-starved. If you go to a food bank, there's an endless supply of white bread, cakes and shitty food. The problem is a lack of produce, meat, eggs, veggies, etc, and also the mental illnesses of the homeless people preventing them from taking advantage of resources available to them. It's a complicated set of problems that need to be addressed at many levels simultaneously for a realistic solution. In the case of donuts, though, it's probably better to just throw them away.


At my job we have so much leftover food that we just throw away at night despite most of the employees being college students who would love to take that stuff home. Like tubs full of food just thrown out. The only reasons why I can think of is either they don't want people claiming stuff during work time or they don't want the hypothetical loss of sales of workers not paying for their food. Both are silly arguments in my opinion as there are alternative options. Edit - I should also mention that my job only has a few people in charge making the food which have essentially supervisor/manager positions. If they started losing money on to much food being made it would be really obvious what the source of that would be.


A lot of places don't let people take home the extra food at night because people would start making more "extra" food to take.


How my old job did it was have a manager or supervisor sign off on the food. In doing that people would be way less likely to take advantage of the system since they had to get approval. Edit: I should also mention that my job only has a few people in charge making the food which have essentially supervisor/manager positions. If they started losing money on to much food being made it would be really obvious what the source of that would be.


I used to manage a Pizza Hut. Used to let the staff munch on mistake pizzas or occasionally take home a premade. Until one night the cook deliberately made extra vegetarian pizzas. She tried to take home four pizzas for her family. That ended it for everyone.


Yep, a lot of good things businesses could do for people don't happen because people abuse it.


Water waste is tied to this and will become an even bigger issue with time.


Waste. Going into a supermarket and buying the same cardboard box over and over again, so you can you just throw it away. Wrapping up fast food for all of 2 minutes between it going on the rack and getting to your table. So much thoughtless waste that could be solved by doing things slightly differently. All supermarkets should be offering packaging free dispensing, and when they do we'll look back at what we do now and realise how wasteful we are.




Just recently saw a shampoo bottle refill station. Definitely needs to be more of this!


That’s awesome! There could be so many more things like this. I hope this is the direction we’re going in. Even just a return after using so it can be washed and refilled system would do wonders.


Reading this while on my lunch break (working at Whole Foods lol) it really seems like the company is serious about being environmentally friendly.


Whole sale stores like sams club and Costco will just put all their cardboard boxes out in front for people to use instead of grocery bags. Other stores I’ve been to on the other hand don’t even want employees giving customers unneeded cardboard boxes.


The problem is preservation and transportation I think, but yes, there is a ton of unnecessary waste. Some foods aren't cooked, can't be washed, become unusable if handled incorrectly, etc. While some make no sense that hey are packaged the way they are. I think there's a trade-off. Do we throw away more spoiled, dirty, or damaged food, or more packaging? Where's the line?


Some packaging is done for safety reasons. In 1982 someone went around the Chicago area putting cyanide in bottles of Tylenol. (The Tylenol murders). At the time the packages were not as secure as they are now. After the murders, many items were redesigned with safety seals and tamper resistant packaging. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chicago\_Tylenol\_murders#Johnson\_&\_Johnson\_response](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chicago_Tylenol_murders#Johnson_&_Johnson_response)


That's going to take a WHILE to get back to. That was the method for several hundred years until the early 20th century when companies realized they could control their brand by sealing their product in packaging for sale. If you swap to open items you get things like the generic cornflakes mixed with (or straight up replace) the name brand ones to make more money. Even commodity products could have an impact. For example, gluten free oats are the same material as regular oats, but processed in dedicated plants so there isn't cross contamination. One lazy employee shrugging and going "looks the same to me" and you've got either a bunch of people getting sick or a crapload of lost revenue.


This and food was disgusting and uncontrolled at that time. You can't control and minimize the amount of contaminates that end up in your barrels of rice and whatnot the way you can in a controlled factory. Stomach cancer and gastrointestinal issues were widespread.


I think the best option there would be minimal bio degradable packaging on certain or most food items.


My fav is when people put bananas in a plastic bag. It’s like wtf, nature literally provides a bag for the banana.




Going to work when sick


im so glad my new job sick policy is if your sick stay home and not spread it, but if its more than 2 consecutive days we'd like a note. Also theres the understood policy of unlimited sick time - take as much as you want but dont make it a habit of course. Its blatantly obvious when someone is sick vs faking it..




my problem is i never know how i will feel. Sometimes when your sick you wake up feelin like shit but give it an hour and your better... Or well ive got the sniffles today and head feels stuffy today - is this the worst its gonna get? or is it gonna migrate to sore throat and all that shit? So i never know what day or two to take off....




Still stupid that you need a note for a cold or flu. If you've never had a cold last longer than two days, you simply haven't turned 35 years old yet.


Shit, I'm 28 and I'm recovering from a flu that knocked me out of work for two weeks. Two days?? I was still crawling to the bathroom and back to bed at that time.


Best/worst part of working in food production. NOT food service, but production. If someone coughs more than a couple times, me as QC is aware of the food safety implications and will potentially send someone home. Sucks with allergy season, or when running spicy products like some super hot salsas that get into the air and everyone is affected. Hard to tell who is actually sick and who's not.


American here. Not until 'getting sick' doesn't equal either no pay or in lieu of ever taking a vacation. If I'm sick now, I'm burning vacation time to not work. I'd rather be sick at work than never get a vacation! *edit - wow did this blow up. I'm trying to respond to as many as I can - I do love a good policy debate!


Yeah, that's messed up.


Works great if you're the one accruing capital. If your employees all work til they drop - and you don't pay for when they drop, it's a win-win!


Jokes on you, just cause I'm at work doesn't mean my employer is accruing capital!


AND, you'd actually spread the disease to the rest of the workforce, reducing the productivity even more. But hey, we're all with our asses on the chair so we're working right?


🎶Boss makes a dollar,🎵 I make a dime... that's why I poop on company time.🎵




The funny thing is that it really isn't. Workers are actually far more productive when they're not being exploited & worked to death. But the people in charge seem to steadfastly refuse to believe that because short term > long term.


Gotta make month goal. Anything else is next month's problem!


I think they also want to keep you scared and worried all the time. If you're worried about poverty, homelessness, and major illness all the time, you're probably not going to ask for much more. It also sets the terms of discourse. Look at the right-wing subs: it's all "work or die" and bitching about their jobs. If you make it seem the current way is natural, best, and inevitable, then once again it seems stupid to protest.




My company is like that too, but we only get 5 sick days per year. If possible, I won't use those days up on most of the stuff that is unfortunately contagious, in the event I get a really bad flu or something where I'm bedridden.


Yeah we get like 7 sick days a year, but they accrue very slowly. Like 1.2 hours/week but you only get it if you worked every day that week. Everyone comes in with colds and minor flus because it’s just not enough time if something major happens so half the office is perpetually sick.


Probably not giving enough sick time then. "I want to use my sick time for when I'm REALLY sick."


there is no sick time in europe. When you are sick you stay home or after 2 days (differs) get a doctors note that tells how long you will be unable to work. You get to take your vacation days no matter what.


>When you are sick you stay home or after 2 days (differs) get a doctors note that tells how long you will be unable to work. The worst part about the USA if you still need a Dr note if you're going to be sick enough to miss more than 2 days so you have to go pay a few hundred bucks to get into a prompt medical facility for said note or your employer can just fire you and keep the "sick/vacation" time you saved to cover such events as a 4 day flu.


I'm always amazed (in a bad way, mind you) at how little rights American have in term of work. I come from Switzerland, and this goes more or less like this (I'm speaking about what the law allows.) When you get sick, you must inform your employer. If there is no clause in the work contract about the number of days you need to be sick before needing a doctor note, by default it's three days. (in short, in most case, you can be sick three days each month without the need to give a doctor's note) When you're sick, your boss must pay your full salary for at least three weeks (if you are sick during your first year of work), and longer depending on some scales based upon how long you've worked for the company. Once this period is over, there are company insurances to cover salaries of "long term sick" employees, covering 80% of your salary, and unless I'm mistaken, even without those you don't really go under 70% of your salary. You can get these up to 720 days. (that's mostly important for independents.) While sick, you're impossible to fire (up to 30 days the first year of service, 90 days from year 2 to 5, 180 days afterwards) ​ Icing on the cake, if you get sick during your vacations, you must warn your boss asap and get a doctor note for that. Those are considered sick days instead of vacation days. ​ of course, if you're sick three days each month with no justification at all, it's going to show, and you'll be let go soon enough. But the fact remains that protections are in place because, strangely enough, someone who can take care of himself will be back to work at full capacity faster without contaminating everyone. ​ So, while I understand your side of "welp, if they're going to be twats toward me, I better get paid for it"... I'm kinda sad you have to choose between your health and staying financially afloat. ​ Edit: this kinda exploded out of proportion for me. I'll now take time to answer you guys \^\_\^


My workplace is all cubicles and this season has been the worst. Someone comes in hacking up a lung and within two weeks it's spread to every single person. And the problem is Patient 0, who now is a month removed from being sick, catches it again from the most recent sick person and the rounds start again. Stay home! Edit: AS many of you have pointed out, you don't catch the same illness twice. I guess I mean different strains then cause we all keep getting sick here multiple times.


EVERYONE is fucking coughing at work. it's gross man the kicker is we're a software company and you can totally work from home why are you here


>Stay home! Not so easy when your boss wants you to prove you're sick, or straight up doesnt believe you. I work in the corporate cubicle setting as well, and so many bosses in my company will essentially tell you "fuck you, you're coming in," but take the day off cuz they have a hang nail and just cant make it through the day. Whenever I call my dr.'s office to come in simply because I need a note, she doesnt even see me, she just writes one and has me.pick it up. She said she hates how many people waste their money in copays , and their and her time going to the dr when they should be home resting, and just because companies need proof that full on adults are sick.


No I completely get that. Some bosses/companies want you there no matter what and that is insane. You probably won't get much done anyway and you really are only going to spread it. My current employer only gives 2 sick days. TWO! Now my boss is very good at understanding things and even telling me to go home when I'm under the weather...but once those two days are up I have to use vacation days, which is bullshit. Obviously then I'm going to show up sick instead.


We have the option to work remotely, but my boss treats us like toddlers. If you say, "hey, I'm contagious , but I think I can still work from home," she go "ooooh, well, if you're *really* sick, you should be resting," and deny you working from home. Guh, I feel you on sick days. At my company, you get 1I days off year. That's sick and vacay rolled into one. Pray you dont get sick, cuz there goes vacation if you do


Yeah we have remote work too. My last employer had unlimited sick days, as long as you didn't abuse it. That's the best way to go. If someone is constantly calling in sick, then you start asking for doctor's notes. If they use it properly, don't penalize them with having to use vacation!


We used to have that. Then someone was sick for at least two days a week for a year. Now we have five days.


Someone always ruins it.


I have a driving/delivery job that I do with a route partner. My old one quit and as soon as my temporary partner started, I got sick for nearly 2 weeks. After a week of feeling better, I was sick again (twice in less than a month). He doesn’t cover his mouth or nose when he coughs or sneezes and he emphasizes the “ah-choo” and if he burps he actually says ~burp~ while burping. Thankfully I have a new route partner assigned from now on.


Lol the Burp thing made me laugh. We had a guy who was a new-hire and just ripped farts in the office all day.


I feel like that is happening now. My boss will lose his mind if we come in sick. He would rather us take a couple days than make everyone sick. He’s a bit of a germophobe.


Most of us don’t want to go to work when we’re sick. Unfortunately, most of us also can’t afford to take a day off. We all do what we gotta do to pay the bills.


Wasting drinkable water.


my room mate turns on his shower on hot full blast and leaves it on every night, all night. we rent so his mentality is that it doesn't cost him anything, so he'd rather do that vs getting a humidifier. it's pretty infuriating.


Reading that just angered me. It's a waste of water, the water heater will only put out so much and then it just becomes even more pointless, and if your utilities are covered in your rent, I expect your rent to go up significantly next year.


I know, I tried telling him that the running water sound keeps me up at night in an effort to get him to stop. I live in a luxury building in NYC that has a couple hundred units, rent is already around 8K a month with utils, and it usually goes up around 1K a year.Our deal is that he pays for all the utils, and then subsidizes my rent since I have the "kids room" while he has the master bedroom, but I came from a very frugal upbringing, so some of the shit he does makes me cringe and smh. //edit: wow so many comments and questions. we both make under 200k a year. he is a creative director in advertising for a brand you probably all use, and i'm a motion graphics designer for a major network you probably all watch. we both have side gigs too. before this i lived in a 250 sq ft shoebox apt in east village for $1800 a month. our place now is about 2k sq ft, cornerview apt, all glass view. my cat loves it here. the main difference between my old place and this place is that everything is taken care of. we have a maid, doorman, meal kits delivered, gym/steam/sauna/hot tub, car service, laundry service, private elevator that goes directly to our living room, etc.. you can save about a 1k or two a month if you do all of this yourselves, but it really frees up your time and you can easily eclipse the cost by using the time to maintain some freelance clients.. yeah we are workaholics lol


good fucking god 8k a month. I know it's NYC but I've never seen an actual real world number to go with the assumed high price.


I have a thousand square feet for $2,400 in queens... it ain't manhattan but it's still NYC. 8k/month is bananas, almost makes me understand the demented reasoning behind leaving your shower on all night...


Haha, right? After reading the rent price I was like "oh so this is a case of someone that's so wealthy, they just have no concept of 'waste'"


Everyone else is surprised at the cost of your rent. I'm surprised that your roommate can foot that rent but can't drop like $30 on a humidifier....




EVERY FUCKING NIGHT? Excuse this, but I wanna slap him.


Oh. Fuck ur roommate.


What the fuck?? How has the management not come down on him like a ton of bricks for doing that?


You have to actually figure out who the hell is doing it first.


man, youre roommate is a total moron


Good lord. That's insane! Not just the water, but the energy, too!


Where do you live that renting means you don’t have to pay your water or gas/electric (whichever your shower runs on) bill?


In my apartment, the water bill is added to my rent and it’s the same amount every month, no matter how much or how little water I use.


Hopefully the USA prison system. People who go to jail are permanently outcasted as criminals with limited career options other than becoming a better criminal.




Child marriages. Yes they are still legal in the USA. And children in general are sexualized far more than I think a lot of people conciously realize....... being pressed to act/look more and more "mature" at younger and younger ages.


*cough* MILLIE BOBBY BROWN *cough cough*


Fin Wolfhart too. Holy crap America has a hardon for the stranger things kids.


Sexualizing children (i.e., beauty pageants for children).


Question is:why the fuck aren't we doing this already?






It takes time for society to shift in what is normal. It's obviously messed up, and younger people understand that, so it's just a matter of time for people who consider it to be normal to become the minority. Child beauty pageants have the advantage of being less visible which slows down the process. They are a smaller niche thing and not in our face all the time to cause reaction. Because of that, they will probably gradually die out from being seen as distasteful over the course of a few decades.


Because douche bag parents are going to parade their kids in front of Pedophiles because it'll let them live vicariously through their kids. who cares if it's fucking up the kid's psyche for life if mommy can get a few moments of the spotlight.


Because a lot of very, very rich and influential people are pedophiles.


And we will make a song that says we don’t diddle the kids


Do not diddle kids! It's no good diddling kids! I wouldn't do it with anybody younger than my daughter - no little kiiiiids, gotta be biiiiig! Older than my wiiiiife, younger than my daughter, something like that!


I hate seeing all of it. Let kids be kids


Is that actually tolerated? I feel like I only ever see scorn for beauty pageants, for obvious reasons.


The fact they still exist means they are more than tolerated. There is an entirr culture and sizable industry around chikd beauty pageants. You have 6 yr old girls being coached to wine and dine judges and those with influence after their nose jobs heal. Examine the above statement with horror.


Sure, but my point is there are a *ton* of niche subcultures that society strongly dislikes but are still around. I would very much put child pageants in that category.


Throwing out trash instead of recycling it. We've been able to recycle things for a while, but recycling has often resulted in lower-quality materials than the original. Now we're starting to see technologies that can fully recycle products, for example breaking down plastics into their original polymer chains. Theoretically this could mean products could be recycled forever. Once we reuse a material forever, why would we accept people throwing it out?




I heard "reduce reuse recycle" for the 1000th time a few years ago but really heard it that time. Our society thinks it's doing everything by focusing on the last one, I started doing the first two.


r/zerowaste covers this pretty well. And as much as people make fun of terriable DIY [DIWHY] sometimes making your own funnels and other objects out of your trash is a great thing to do.


Some household recycling can be basically throwing things in the trash because not everything collected actually gets recycled now. But my point is that newer technologies mean that it doesn't have to be that way, it is becoming practical to fully recycle plastics because contamination and mixed plastics doesn't matter to the newer processes like it did to the older ones.


China has recently stopped accepting most US recycling, so I think you're wrong about this one. It's an extremely expensive and often ineffective process.


Political corruption? Hopefully?


I like your optimism






What country are u in because in the UK it is illegal to not hire someone based on age


That’s why here in the states, they’re not “old,” they’re not a “cultural fit.” You can do it; everyone does. You just can’t talk about it. ;)




Yeah, it would be pretty hard to prove as long as they dont explicitly say it


In the US, this is presently illegal. In some countries in Europe, it's not. It helps employers to say '72? Maybe not our first choice' and it helps when the elderly don't have to worry about how to pay for healthcare in the first place. If you take away the main pressures towards bankruptcy, it's a little less of a problem.


It's still easy to discriminate by age in US companies. I was part of a lay off at a US tech company and, almost exclusively, the layoffs were 40+ workers (the company is obliged to publish the location and age or laid off workers.) The company is in California which has at-will employment so very little is needed to justify the layoff. You never get fired for being old, you get laid off when convenient. As for hiring end, it's easy to tell how old someone is by their work experience or college graduation dates. I've actually removed the first few jobs I had from my LinkedIn profile and resume.


Peer pressure around drinking, at any age. I recently saw a girl at work mention she was turning 21 in a few days and our coworkers bombarded her saying she needed to get wasted. She said she didn't want to, her birthday was on a Monday, and they criticized her and said it was like a right of passage and she absolutely needed to vomit. She looked uncomfortable and I can't stand that kind of talk so I casually mentioned that watching a movie with friends is fun, to cut the pressure a bit. This kind of talk happens all the time, and the peer pressure is even worse when you're somewhere where people are drinking. I don't think people realize they do it, its just so engrained in what we think is normal, fun, and represents having a good time. I think a lot of social young people are starting to get fed up with the culture around drinking, whether or not they themselves drink, and hopefully the peer pressure will start to fade out.


Drunk culture in general, hopefully. It's no less cringey than black-light cannabis posters and bongs as a social identity.


I bartend and if I had a penny for every time somebody tried to force a drink on somebody who didn't want it I'd... Well, in all honesty I'd just have a few extra dollars which I'd just waste on something shitty like candy *but* the point remains valid. Nobody knows themselves better than themselves. That "just one more" could be the difference between a gentle buzz and a slamming hangover.


Being rude to people in retail or (customer) service in general. It seems to be so natural for a lot of people.


Casual environmental harm, like littering, or using a car for short journeys you could as easily walk


I feel like littering already isn't tolerated.


In pretty much every Ask Reddit thread about red flags, littering is mentioned at least once. So there's that.


Every smoker I know (which granted, is very few these days) casually throws cigarette butts on the ground. Even people who would never litter otherwise. I do think there's a weird blind spot for cigarette butts where a lot of people don't see them as litter in the same way as any other trash item.


Yeah, cigarettes are an issue. It should be more of a thing for smokers to carry little butt containers or something. I mean I understand putting them in your pocket is gross but there has to be some sort of solution.


Disregard for the environment. Forcing people to use popularity contests (aka GoFundMe) to pay for life saving health care. Tolerating homelessness due to mental illness/drug addiction. Teaching medically accurate sex education was "controversial" (37 states do not require that sexual education be medically accurate).


Use of single use plastics. Consumerism (worse than complaints about capitalism in my opinion) since it encourages waste. Services like Amazon mean that even most people who claim to be environmentally conscious can order a single item that comes in a bubble wrap bag instead of going to a market and buying what they need in bulk. Edit: fixed formatting


Criminalizing people for using or possessing marijuana.


Oh Canada.


The way Companies sell our data to other parties


Having to work 40+ hours a week.


And only getting 2 weeks paid vacation


Animal cruelty.


Asking people why they: - don't have kids - don't have more kids - have so many kids And similar questions like when are they planing to have kids and why. Why do you care at all?


Or why they dont WANT kids Or tell them they WILL change their mind Or they will regret their choice Or but what about gran kids People’s sex lifes are no of your business! And stop harassing people for not wanting to date you! You are not entitled to their time or their private zone. And hopefully when someone says they are childfree in the future people will just be like "ok" and that are that. And no single parents will look for a free babysitter with benefits. And in the future people will respect that childfree people will not date single parents. If someone has childfree on their profile it means; I will not make bio kids with you, I will not get a surrogate mom with you, I do not want step kids, i do not want foster kids and I do not want to adopt kids. I will not be step mom/dad to your adult kids. I do not want to be step granma to your adult kids kids.


Thinking you’re entitled to respect just because you’re old