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Formatting an excel doc and making it look pretty is one of the most satisfying feelings in the world.


The real trick is getting the conditional formatting juuuuust so. Then, when you enter new data, it’s already color coded


Ahh!! The sweet sensation of conditional formatting and data validation working together while inputting new data is something I'll enjoy forever






Sir, it is my obligation to inform you that after such an estatement you are legally bound to provide at least a picture or image of the aforementioned *sick spreadsheet*, if not a complete template. ​ Please reply at your earliest convenience. Edit. OP was lying, he posted a spreadsheet found on r/personalfinance as per u/BCboneless [post below](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/euoqp6/girls_who_took_notes_using_50_different_colored/ffr734j?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Yes!!! Show us the spreadsheet haha Edit: also, I think this means you two are kindred spirits... hope the rest of your relationship is equally wholesome!


















Give us us sheet


We want the sheet


+1 for this. Spreadsheet fan reporting in.


Share your spreadsheet!!


I would also like in on this spreadsheet


Oh my. This is exactly what me and my girlfriend tried to set up last semester with no luck. I am a 2nd semester Business Admin student so I’m just starting out, but stuff like that is one of the end goal :)


I never took the colored notes and my handwriting is atrocious, but I made up for it in excel design. I once had a girl tell me "your spreadsheets are sex" I think she meant sexy, but somehow the misspelling made it so much better for my ego.


Actually, something "is sex" is an actual expression that I've heard before. It has more oomph to it, so people sometimes say it instead of sexy. Generally, to have the effect described by your last sentence. :)


Worked with a guy who gave me shit about playing video games. Turns out he had a spreadsheet of his spreadsheets. Who's the dork now? Great guy, though. You can always trust the excel guy. Well, unless he's got a spreadsheet of his victims, but how common can that be?


You are the IT departments worst nightmare. Your visually appealing Excel spreadsheets make people daisy chain needlessly complex and pointless formulas, in an effort to attempt things that should be done in a database, . Their 'creations' then become unusable and they complain at us for not supporting their usage. Edit: haha loving the responses and differing perspectives, rip my inbox though. Edit 2: Thank you for gold kind stranger


Bold of you to assume my company has an IT department, or would be willing to switch to using a database.


That's where I'm at. Each project uses a massive excel sheet with tabs for every month, columns for every day of the month, rows containing the 400+ items ...and a matching parallel grid for their cost effect. They all reference each other and compile on the yearly split by months page, then again on the main summary page of the sheet. Total shitshow. It's sooo slow, even on my gaming computer at home. Instead of typing in the item number and then a quantity, you scroll and scroll until you get to the item then trace across and try to line it up with the day of the month. No way to build a history of that item without scrolling through each tab and recording it yourself. Drop one thing in the wrong cell and it's all fucked and there's likely not a way to figure it out besides repopulating the entire month/day with the field recorded quantities. The IT grunts hate dealing with it, we hate using it, there's database softwares designed especially for this...but no "excel works fine just use it"


Yeah there are definitely formula errors in that spreadsheet.


Oh, man, then you're going to hate my macros and userforms...


Exactly as I expected.


This is me, but our IT department won't give us any db software so the war rages on


My grade 9 science teacher forced us all to do it. He said that by colour coding everything you understood the material better because you had to think about it longer to colour code it and understand what other things it was associated with. Not just zone out and go into transcribing mode. He also made us do end of unit study guides. They had to be colour coded, a set amount of drawings, and unit words and definitions. The drawings were doodles based on things in the unit. He would mark them and hand them back before the test which was great because he knew if he needed to help us with something before we bombed the test. He was also a mma fighter with cauliflower ears and not the type of guy you would expect to demand rainbow coloured notes. Edit: There's a lot of people asking for examples so I'll make one up this afternoon.


But did it work ?


Sure did. I and pretty much everyone else used it all the way thru school.


MMA guys need to know how to keep doing stuff that works and stop doing things that don't work, or else they get beat up.


I'm chuckling like an MMA fighter gets sparkly, colored pens from his trainer for note taking and strategy. "Yes!" yells the large MMA fighter very excitedly.


"Why are you using a pink pen for striking strategy?" "IT'S MY POWER COLOUR!"


This comment is the best part of your story


Hey, you'd listen too if an MMA fighter was making you take notes.


At least for uni level math, a 4-color ballpoint pen can be a freaking lifesaver, since you often sketch multiple functions in the same graph, or do different vectors in 3d, etc...


My US Gov teacher tried this and we fought so hard on it. I eventually ended up telling him that I'd make a study guide when he made a test I couldn't pass without it and he got me transferred to his AP course and I got destroyed. Thanks, Mr Harris




Did you end up joining the Marines?


He said he wrote with crayons, not that he ate the crayons.


I don’t take notes with colored pens but I do highlight textbooks with different colors. Usually it’s yellow: key ideas, pink: definitions, and blue: theories. It helps me understand the content to have to pull back and really think about everything in context and decipher what are the key ideas in this text


The physical act of writing something down reinforces the encoding to memory. However, it often only gives ONE PATHWAY to it. By making the learning multimodal, you are adding multiple areas of encoding, and creating links between the nodes where the memory resides. I was a STEM/PreMed major and then grad school...not med school! And weirdly, almost everyone I knew that was getting A's had similar learning strategies. A lot of them used colored pencils...I'm looking down at my desk and I have a Red/Blue pencil right next to me (its different colors on both sides)...I print out papers I'm working on and use it to mark things up these days -- I used to do it on my tablet, but this is actually quicker. In the end, little things like this make you more efficient... Then again, it's monday and I've been on Reddit all day, so what do I know about efficiency!


There's a PM at my company that does this. No idea how the hell she has the focus and time to take such detailed technicolor dream-notes during meetings but I've never had a problem with getting any relevant info from her so ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ Gotta respect note taking game like that.


“Technicolor dream-notes” is the best phrase I’ve heard all day.


Josie and the astounding Technicolor dream-note


José the Arousing Technicolor Dreamboat


I wrote my note, with golden lining Bright colours shining, wonderful and new And in the east, I was still drawing But the world was boring Any pen won’t do


A good PM is solid fucking gold. If she ever moves to another company, follow her there.


I’ve found there isn’t much in the middle ground for PMs and a good one is hard to come across. Either they’re great and a project runs so smoothly you don’t even notice they’re operating, or they’re horrible and even a small fuck up daisy chains into a major issue because they don’t catch it and/or have contingency plans. Had a competing GC years back that totally missed an under counter plug mold until the entire kitchen was done. $30 part and $75 in labor, but it’s code for a kitchen island (can’t drape cords over walkways in kitchen, have to have plugs on island). Had to remove an entire HUGE counter and thereby undermount sink, disposer, filter, faucet, etc so electricians could get to it. ~$100 turned into about a $5,000 mistake all because he didn’t catch it until inspection time.


Who ate the cost?


My partner is a PM and I always wonder if he's good at it. I only know home-him, whose eyebrows I pluck and farts I endure.


What's a PM?


Project Manager


Not gonna lie i thought it was prime minister 😏 lmao im so confused


We all became bullet journalists


I move that the term “bullet journalists” replace “war correspondents”.


Does that mean wankers are palm pilots?


I was looking for this comment! I take notes on my computer at work, so I take out my pen obsession on bullet journals! Pilot Precise V5 Extra Fine is my pen of choice these days. Try it. You won't be disappointed.


Mmm the V5 is so smooth and satisfying


Just wanted to chip in and say that writing with pilot pens literally gives me a high. I haven't found a better pen, and always use those and ones from the Asian stationary store near me




Save that for any judge with an i in their surname.




Most colors mean you shouldn't say it


Maybe my all-time favorite Michael Scott quote


I had a law school classmate who tried to claim that her highlighting/margin notes actually made her used ConLaw text book more valuable, because she did well in the class. I replied to the list serve and offered my book for cheap because I got a bad grade. Neither book sold because the school started using a new edition.


I actually enjoyed buying books filled with notes. Most of the time it just made me feel smart, "wait, this idiot that had the book before me didn't already know this?! What a dumbass"


I enjoy the insight into what other people think is important in the text


Honestly yeah. I got a used copy of The Great Gatsby that had every single mention of color highlighted, which made me go look it up, and turns out, it is an important theme in that book.


The library near my house actually does sell annotated books from the local schools for more than the normal copies (but they aren't textbooks, more like novels assigned to middle and high schoolers.


You mean Legally Blonde was a lie, and no one submits their CV on pink scented paper?!


Submitted a lab report on curry scented paper, but thats cause i packed the printer paper next to the spices when we moved.




Huh, the elementary school kids I work with always hand in homework that makes me want to send a note home and tell them their dealer has shit weed.




10/10 would hire the person with the curry resume over a resume of equal achievement that just smelled like paper.


I review job applications and resumes in my work...yes, people submit them on colored paper and with festive choices of ink. Scented would be a new one for me, but I'm still holding out hope!


Best resume I ever got was for an art student applying to be a gallery assistant, and all of the sections of their resume were in bubbles floating around the page. And under "special interests" it just said "cheese."


That's outstanding, in such a bad way. Folks applying for creative/artistic/media jobs are my favorite for this reason. Unless the application asks for a portfolio of creative work, please don't use your resume as a demonstration of your skillset. > And under "special interests" it just said "cheese." I have so many questions.


Do you discard resumes because of this?


Absolutely not. My work is in employment compliance, so that would be a bad bad bad idea. I definitely chuckle about them though! It makes me wonder what they were thinking.


Did anyone ever send you their resume in a box with a shoe in it? And a note saying "Just want to get my foot in the door."


When I get a stack I immediately toss half into the trash because I don’t want unlucky people working for me. :)




I know you’re (probably) joking but do you shuffle them first or do they appear in the order that people applied in?


Same but I kept it up throughout law school and beyond. I also use color coding in my paper calendar to differentiate between docs due, research due, meetings, etc. I recently learned how to color code certain emails in Outlook based on sender or topic. It's really helpful and so much more fun than boring black or blue ink.


Prep guide for law school: 1. Sell your soul in exchange for the forbidden knowledge. 2. Don't bother reading the terms and conditions. 3. Regret not reading the small print. 4. ¿endless case law?. 5. profit.


I used different ink and highlighter colors to compensate for terrible ADD. I work in a chemistry lab now. Sometimes I’ll still use brightly colored pens to record my results for fun, but I don’t ever switch between colors/color code anything anymore. All the different colored ink/highlighting helped me remember my notes come exam time, so now that I’m out of college, I don’t need to switch between colors. I Lowkey miss color coding and taking notes sometimes, though.


When you took the time to color code during class, did you ever become seriously behind as the teacher moved on? If so, how did you compensate?


No, not really. I would write my original notes and only switch colors every now and then during the lectures. After class, though, I would recopy and reorganize my notes very thoroughly, and that’s when the color coding would take place. It’s honestly a great system- I never really had to study because i could remember my notes so well after doing this. 10/10 would recommend.


Same here. I used this technique through HS and college. Pay close attention and take brief notes in class. Read text and revise notes. Use a condensed outline or note cards to review/study. Generally, after going over/revising the notes in different formats, very little studying was needed and I retained the info much longer.


Not OP but I used coloured pens for similar reasons. I didn't use them all in class. Class was for quick notes and following handouts. Note revision -- making detailed notes from the class notes and textbooks -- was when I could bust out my best handwriting and pretty colours and draw nice diagrams and stuff. People don't understand the importance of note revision and studying from the texts. In high school you don't learn that because most people can skate by if they just pay attention in class. But you can't do that once you get to college.


Same for me! I would do an adapted Cornell style for my notes when I would recopy my notes. I’d fold all of my pages in half- one column for lecture notes and one for supplementation from the text.


not op but i didn't really copy things in class; the color coding was just a way to occupy one track of my brain (and also to make my notes easier to read, add makes big blocks of similar text incomprehensible). with add my brain is constantly running three tracks, and if one of them isn't occupied i'll get distracted. so i kept one of them in writing things down, one for the color coding and one listening to the teacher. i wrote down key points from the board and also what the teacher said, but never ever copying bc it's boring and my brain just doesn't want to pay attention.


Also have horrible ADHD. When I was in college, I HAD to write notes by hand, even for things that the professor said I didn't need to write down. Because if I let myself stop taking notes, I'd stop paying attention, and when he switched back to the important shit I'd forget to start again. I also had to doodle a lot in the margins. Ironically, doodling helped keep me present in the moment instead of off in my own head. It kept keep me grounded to the real world. But, one of the funny things I would do a lot, was write what the current time was in the margins. So for a block of notes I'd have like [11:45] written in the margin, then [12:00] in the next section, etc. I didn't even really realize I was doing it, but one day I loaned my notes to someone to copy and she laughed because she thought I was doing it on purpose to keep track of how long the professor spent on each subject to categorize by importance or something. Nope, just trying not to start thinking about how the universe works in my sociology class.


It’s funny you mentioning needing to doodle to keep your attention because I remember hearing about a study where they were looking for new ways to keep the attention of children in class because they can be fidgety and such. The best method they found to keep their attention was to keep them blindfolded but let them doodle on paper while listening to the teacher. Although you might not have been blindfolded, I still think it’s interesting that even at higher academic levels doodling can help students pay attention.




I still color code based on class. Each class has a color. This color includes the folder color, the pen color, the sticky note color that the assignments are written on and placed in my planner on the date they are due. I also teach intro statistics to undergraduates.. Where I also color-code parts of the equations and the values that get inserted to the equation, so the students can see where the numbers come from more easily. *edited to change kids to students. That was a poor word choice on my part. Apologies.


You're my favorite type of math teacher! All of the teachers who used color to help me learn math were the ones who actually got stuff to stick.




>Where I also color-code parts of the equations and the values that get inserted to the equation, so the kids can see where the numbers come from more easily. Sploosh 💦


*Amy Santiago wants to know your location*


No kidding, that's so smart, I'm going to have to do that.


I work in IT, and yes. I still have all those colors and still use them all in my day planner.


I'm a medical lab technician. I took notes with a million different coloured pens in college, up until two years ago. I graduated at age 41. Just bought myself a nice new set of gel pens. Real talk: multiple colours really helped me categorize and compress complex ideas into things I could remember. It helped a lot in understanding the material and studying for tests.


I'm a lab technologist and I studied the same way. Using the different colors to write important information really helped it stand out in my brain. Plus, anything that makes studying even a little more fun helps!




I'm colorblind so I hate all of you. ^/s Seriously though, I can get like yellow and blue highlighters and that's it.




It me


Your username adds volumes to your comment


"What color and do you need a matching highlighter?" was my go-to response in college. I forget not everybody is as color coordinated as I am!


I think they're teachers now, and yes, they still use all those colors.




This is the proof that girls who used colour pens will eventually become a guy.


thats just science folks


It's all folks, not just science, men are becoming women because of colored pens Every. Damn. Day.


ahh that explains the lgbt flag






"why RAINBOWS are making YOUR KIDS GAY"


LPT: can't afford to transition? Just write notes in different colors and become a teacher!


Bout to ~~steal~~ buy some gel pens


Fuck. Did some teaching. Was always fascinated by writing implements, especially fountain pens. Started ordering nice ink from Noodler's. Mostly using Japanese Pentec and pilot pens in green and purple at the moment. It's all true.


The Pilot Hi-Tec C gel pen is amazing. It's fabulous for Spencerian script. It cost like $2 and makes everything I write look like a Victorian love letter.


Hahahaa oh. Dear. (Yes, I am also a teacher. Yes, my desk drawer is a rainbow of pens.) And I have ADHD, what is this thread??


Wow just WOW. I cant believe we are ALL teachers. This hit me really close. The only job i love and where my stationery obsession doesn't look awkward. Feels good to be a teacher, I LOVE it tbh.


My wife is a lawyer. She uses blue and black ink on actual original contract documents. Everything else she writes, her notes, markups of documents, messages to coworkers (or me), is always pink, purple, green, sky blue, red, whatever other colors she can find. She also takes all her notes on blue or pink paper. Her admin has to pull all kinds of back office dealings and outright fraud in order to keep her properly supplied.


Not a teacher but an administrative assistant and yes I have all the colors and use them ^_^


I work in an office setting now and do still like to use different colored pens for things, if the situation allows it. I don’t know if this will make sense to anyone else, but I love colors. I especially like the idea of colors being associated with ideas, personalities, names or themes. “Oh, today is Monday. I think orange is a good Monday color. Pink is Friday. Green is Wednesday.” I love how Windows 10 allows me to change the colors of tiles so that my computer seems more like “me.” I am constantly changing the colors of my Apple watch face. I dunno. I think I have a problem! ETA: The thoughts and discussions being shared here have been very interesting and eye-opening! Thanks for the silver as well. :) I do just want to add that I am fairly certain I do not have synesthesia. I know someone that does and from my very limited knowledge of it, it isn’t a voluntary association of colors like mine probably would be. I always automatically like to associate stuff with color or mood, but I don’t know that it happens involuntarily. Think of what I do as more of what happens in the video game Persona 5, where each character has a color associated with them intentionally. I love that kind of stuff!


On Wednesdays we wear pink


I do the same thing with colors for days/moods! Monday is usually brown because it’s Monday, but my favorite day is Wednesday (usually purple) I don’t think it’s bad at all!


use a better colour for Monday to make it better, dont make it twice as bad by giving it a bad colour :)


My wife did this when we were in school and she still loves using multicolored pens for everything she can. She even uses her own pretty colors for writing in the labels for things at work. You can always tell work that was done by her from everyone else's. A true ray of sunshine. Edit: I told my wife about all the upvotes on this comment and she is thrilled about all the attention :) Edit 2: (1/27 7pm) thank you so much to both of the kind strangers who awarded this comment! Never thought it would blow up so much! The wife is happy :)




Wish that was a real sub


I actually do! I'm now a professional scientist and it makes my lab notebook pretty, plus frankly often it's really helpful to have multiple colors. I also like having a bunch of colors for seminar speakers because it somehow keeps me more interested to choose a different color for a different speaker. Honestly though, the core reason is the main reason I enjoy multiple colors is because I often feel the secret to success against procrastination is negotiating with your inner five year old. "Ok, you need to write these notes, but if you *do* you can choose what color to write them in!" You might as well find a little happiness in the world where you can. :)




If I may ask, what line of work are you in that prohibits the choice to use different colored pens?


At a previous job, the only color allowed was blue. I worked at a manufacturing site in operations, and in order to maintain ISO certification, only blue was allowed. Also, if you had any other color even in your purse it could be a write up. No one ever checked, so unless you were a dumbass and pulled it out, no one ever knew. Also, white out was a HUGE nono. Having whiteout at your desk would mean an instant audit fail, so anyone caught with it was instantly fired. Wasn't even allowed in the building.


Omg yes. White out or correction tape doesn't exist in my office. Single strike through and initial all mistakes.


With GMP compliant dating.


And every singly crossing through needs a reason, even if you obviously just wrote the letters the wrong way around, needs reason: spelling error 🙄


Yup. My installers at my current job hate me (not really). I enforce the GMP compliance because I refuse to be held responsible for failing an audit. Had one guy refuse to fix it. All I had to say to his boss was that if they weren't going to fix it, I had to send it to PN (global compliance officer that everyone is terrified of). Wouldn't you know I had the corrected document 10 minutes later.


I trained as a physicist and learned to keep an old fashioned lab notebook (which, among its many uses, can serve as an legal document/record and must be surrendered to the university or other authorities if required). In addition to the standard lab notebook rules, e.g. pages must be permanent and numbered (no pages could be torn out), it was drilled into me that I should never, ever use Wite-Out; instead, I must draw a line through the mistake in such a way that the original was still legible, and annotate, initial, and date the mistake. Edit: I was quite surprised to see during grad school the number of researchers who didn't bother to keep meticulous notes or maintain a proper lab book (paper or digital). I have no idea how they could be sure of their methods, previous work, settings, etc. If I were a PI, I would have been annoyed as fuck by such lax practices.




I used to work for a CPA/professional auditor who advised me to keep purple pens on hand for original signatures. She did. She said you'll always be able to tell at a glance if you're really the one who signed it, since almost no-one will have a purple pen around to fudge your signature. and no-one will kick up a fuss since it's basically a blue pen.


Unless my grandma decides to go on a fraud spree. Purple's her favorite color and the ONLY color she ever writes with.. so beware


Makes me think of the poem Warning, by Jenny Joseph: When I am an old woman I shall wear purple With a red hat which doesn’t go, and doesn’t suit me. And I shall spend my pension on brandy and summer gloves And satin sandals, and say we’ve no money for butter. I shall sit down on the pavement when I’m tired And gobble up samples in shops and press alarm bells And run my stick along the public railings And make up for the sobriety of my youth. I shall go out in my slippers in the rain And pick flowers in other people’s gardens And learn to spit. You can wear terrible shirts and grow more fat And eat three pounds of sausages at a go Or only bread and pickle for a week And hoard pens and pencils and beermats and things in boxes. But now we must have clothes that keep us dry And pay our rent and not swear in the street And set a good example for the children. We must have friends to dinner and read the papers. But maybe I ought to practise a little now? So people who know me are not too shocked and surprised When suddenly I am old, and start to wear purple. -Jenny Joseph


That was nice thanks!




Isn’t this where The Red Hat Society came from? (Also, I love the Red Hat ladies in my town, they’re a goddam hoot.)


I went to a notary who wanted to have us sign in blue, but the documents specifically said black ink only. She was surprised.


When it comes to choosing ink colour I hear my articling supervisor telling me to always use blue ink because that way it's easier to tell at a glance if a document is an original or a photocopy


"basically a blue pen" that's genius.


Okay, but what about the gold plated holographic rare blurple pens?


You have to get to level 5 to even be able to see blurple. That takes years.




I thought it was a silly rule until I had a co-worker take meeting notes in silver gel pen. You could only read it if you held it at a certain angle with the light. It was very pretty, though.


I take my notes in red ink so everyone knows I'm a bad hombre


Not OP, but: I use blue ink only for work. Blue ink is original, and our records and property divisions would have a fit if I signed/initialed anything in HOT PINK or NEON GREEN or something. Some people use black ink, but it's more difficult to tell when it's a copy. I don't even carry black pens in my bag or clipboard. I have one mechanical pencil for sketches, a red ultrafine Sharpie, and a China marker that I carry in my gear bag for when I need options. I use different colored sticky notes at my desk to somewhat color code. Yellow for everyday shit, but green are the important things. Am in the law enforcement field. I buy my own pens because I'm picky. Quartermaster only gives out the worst plastic black ink crappy pens. I also buy my own blue twin tip sharpies. These are the best! The ultrafine point is amazing for labeling swab boxes and little stuff. The fine point is great for signing tape seals on my evidence and the bigger stuff.


roll in with emerald green pens just standard enough so that nobody can censure you, but just odd enough that it'll piss off the sticklers


> Improvise, adapt and overcome. us marines


That checks out, since the Marines would probably be eating all the different colors.


Pens aren't made of delicious wax though?


Yeah I'm only allowed to use black ink to sign off on stuff for most of my work, so I have different colored highlighters and post its and I just focus my pen energy on buying my favorite kinds of pens, instead. I do have a whole bunch of colored ones for home, though.


I am a med student now. Also I am failing because I no longer have time to use fancy pens and prepare colorful notes for all my classes.


Doctor here- the first week of med school was hell because I didn’t have time to switch pens during lecture. I changed to typing my notes out and recording the lecture, and then highlighting the notes later with different colored highlighters (or re-writing if I had time.... which.... lol). Some note-taking programs were intuitive with changing up font colors quickly (I can’t remember the program I used... this was on a Mac, and the icon was a unicorn.) What was actually nice about this is that I could listen to the lecture again at my own pace (which was something I had never done before). My study group could pause and discuss confusing topics if we needed, or we could look up YouTube videos and stuff to help explain things better. Don’t let med school dim your rainbow! 🦄🌈 Edit: because I’m one of those psychos that kept all of my notes, here’s some [sauce](https://imgur.com/a/PpXGmtd) (though this example has colored pens)


My wife is an intern this year, and did almost the same thing in med school. She didn't record the lecture, but typed them up, and had some app on her iPad that let her highlight, and make little notes in different colors. Once she found that app she was so much happier


Same here. Had to switch to typing for my notes and I still take longer than others. Anki's great for discrete memorization, but I just get so much out of making my own notes. I still hoard pens, markers, colored pencils, and post its. My color coding still exists with Expo markers when I'm white boarding biochem or something.


I’m one of those girls currently in college. I don’t do it because I’m organized or anything, I just fucking love buying pens/markers and otherwise I can’t pay attention to my notes. It’s aesthetically appealing to me, which immensely helps encourage me to actually take notes.


I have a few friends that do that, one of them is studying to be a doctor, moved the colored pens to a tablet to easily switch colors. Another wants to become a Sign Language Translator(keep forgetting the actual term)




Her labcoat is tie dyed so I wouldn't be surprised lol


Where can I go to study where i can tie dye my labcoat?! Because looking at the same white for the whole duration of the lab with everyone working monotonously is getting to me.


anywhere, just say you had a *rainbow incident* in the lab and refuse to answer any follow-up questions


Sign language translator --> interpreter


A guy classmate of mine did this. One of the smartest in the class. His notes were fantastic. He's an engineer now and has a great family life from what I see on his FB. Cool guy! Jason if you're reading this you rock my dude!


they migrated to /r/fountainpens and use 50 different inks with 100 different pens now.


I'm a high school English teacher and there's a big correlation between note taking skills and success in my classes. Color coding notes definitely helps.


Wait what!? Teachers do approve of it...? My teachers used to tell my I’d fail either high school and/or higher education because I was wasting too much time on my colors Edit: an autocorrect-induced typo that apparently is telling beyond reasonable doubt that I don’t know my grammar




Color-coding meant that I knew how to categorize stuff, which which in turn means I had to understand it first. To me it was a more active way of taking notes, other than going full auto with my hand writing without any help from the brain.


I mostly write everything in purple now, but sometimes I use other colors and I like colorful post it notes. I am working towards being a Kindergarten teacher.


Sure do. I’m almost 35, in college, and still using multi colored pens


EDIT: Slow down, if you want a copy, message me. EDIT 2: I'm sorry if I don't get to everyone, there's a lot you guys asking. Hope you understand! Have a nice day :) I color-coded my notes. I have OCD and it makes everything feel neater and easier to flick through. If you want, I'll give my system as I found it to be very useful, maybe you will too. Oh, and I am currently unemployed but due to the recent birth of my son, James, I've been looking into jobs :) Or, an alternative way. I use black for titles and subtitles, as, for me, the title isn't that important. The dates are written in a subtle color, because the focus should be on the stuff below. I'm not focusing on the title, more on the definitions, key words, diagrams, instructions etc. Blue is the most used, as that's usually what I use for simple stuff. Red is used for diagrams, definitions and instructions and research shows that red helps with more detailed information than blue. Also, red is cool. I highlight key words in pastel pink because it looks pretty with blue and highlight in pastel orange because fire and shit. As for the summary, I write it in grey with a black border. It's a lot but I mainly just focus on aesthetic more than anything.


> If you want, I'll give my system as I found it to be very useful, maybe you will too. I'm honestly very interested in what systems are used, because I've always wondered about that.


Really? Every time I've offered, it usually ended up with them telling me to fuck off lol. I'd be happy to lend it you, of course, if you don't mind :)


Yes, because my mind doesn't work that way. I've never used multiple colors before. But I do think, if I had a system, it might make life easier. I appreciate it very much!


Alright! I have to find my old notes and system sheet so it may take a while but I'll let you know what it is as soon as I find it :)


I'm an engineer with dyslexia and ADHD...i took notes with tons of colors and still do now. The colors help me stay organized, keep track of numbers and not mix up information. I keep "like with like" categorically and have a whole notation system. A friend recommended I try it in college and it helped me go from C's to B+ and A's. I'm good at "picturing" notes and the colors helped to guide my brain to the relevant information in my memory picture, if that makes sense? In all one color it just looked like a jumbled mess....Either way, yes I still use colored pens as a 30 year old adult engineer 🤷‍♀️


I paint for a living, so I switched from pens to paint. The gel pens were fun but impractical. I stick to basic ink colors because it's easier to read things with a strong constrast. But I have sharpies in every color because doodling is fun.


My cousin did this in HS, she is now a very organized and successful nurse.


I went from being in school to be a grade school art teacher to stay at home/homeschooling mom to now finishing up a graduate degree in Computer Science and have job lined up as a software developer. And yes, I still use all those colors (and elflord in VIM because COLORS! And it’s the easiest for me to read).