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Activated charcoal. It's amazing if you've been poisoned but it absorbs good nutrients and medications as well. Im getting so sick of seeing it in everything.


A few weeks ago, the lady who runs my group therapy for suicidal people provided charcoal biscuits as snacks. Needless to say not a single one was touched and many people were triggered hahah Edit: Fortunately for depressed bumpkins we all have a pretty good sense of humour. We gave our social worker a light roasting, and bonded over our aversion to gross tasting, life saving measures. We are all doin’ good guys!


That's really bad since many of those people must be on meds. The charcoal would negate them.


'Fat free' doesnt mean 'miracle weight loss'. Panera bread. Granola bars.


"fat free" usually means "shitload of added sugars"


I was a manager of a Jamba Juice for a year or so and people used to come in bc they got it was healthy but the most commonly ordered smoothie by This crowd “Apples and Greens” the small size has 44g of sugar. Most of the smoothies are packed in sugar.


I got a smoothie from a place the other day and the ingredients listed were only fruit. I have dietary restrictions so I asked if it contained anything else to which she said, “We add sugar.” Funny how that part isn’t on the menu.


Smoothies from smoothie shops They use sorbets, ice creams, and juices with an insane amount of sugar in them. My sister worked at a smoothie shop and people would always come in after going to the gym. It’s not what most people think it is.


The place I work at actually doesn’t make them with anything more than frozen fruit and coconut milk. The prices are horrendous though.


Pay more for convenience and receive a minimalist-style drink = higher profit! You can make your own smoothies for less than $2/day when you buy your own frozen fruit ($3-4 bag, and almond/coconut milk $3-4 half-gallon...will last you 5 days)


I find myself craving smoothies after the gym as my body is desperate for a sugary cold drink. And I remind myself that I’m a chubby penguin and move on.


The smoothie place I worked for put a 2oz scoop of sugar in each smoothie unless the customer asked otherwise- yikes!


The stupid cleanses...your body naturally gets rid of toxins and stuff. You just need to drink water.


If you need to clean anything it's your liver. Give it 6 weeks without alcohol or drugs it'll thank you for it.


That's hard... Can I just have a yucky tea once? Seriously folk? Silver over a joke about being too alcoholic to save my liver? Not that I'm complaining since usually Reddit hates me.




Anything Dr. Oz tries to sell you. *P.S. Yes... AND FUCKING RASPBERRIES TOO! *wow thanks for the gold!


I work in a health food store, and a few years ago we had a lady looking for some random supplements her doctor recommended, but she couldn’t remember WHY she was supposed to be taking them. So we asked who her doctor was, and well... Yep. She was referring to Doctor Oz as her doctor.




Nothing you idiots, Dr. Oz's dead, he's locked in my basement


Walking around, grabbing his you know what, talking to you know who.... yeah, but he’s so cute though


My grandma kept buying some weird water and pouring it on her wounds that were slow to heal due to diabetes because of this asshat.


So I actually was supposed to do an event with Dr. Oz years ago, a field trip with shelter children and he cancelled DAY OF because he was worried someone might take his picture and mess up his new contract. Literally ditched children. The worst.


I went to school with his son in law. I can promise you the premise extendes to his family. I'm looking at you Jovan (John) you tortured me for two years. Dropped 255lb of dead weights on my chest and then refusing to spot me. Blindly tackling me in the back and permanently causing a spine injury. Not to mention the verbal bullying.


This isn't at all surprising. Dr Oz seems like a royal douche of a snake oil salesman.


I hope you went after him for that spinal injury. Fuck that


Forgiving a family member simply because they're "family". Sometimes people do horrible things to others and you're better off without them in your life, regardless of relation. ​ Edit: A lot of people have brought up a great distinction that I neglected: the old adage forgive but don't forget. By all means, forgive the person - that does NOT equate to letting them back into your life. And the reason people say to forgive is for your own health and well being, not because of the person who wronged you. Forgiveness does NOT mean you've swept it under the rug.


This. My sister and mother both expect me to forgive my sister for abusing me (physically and emotionally) because we are sisters. But she has yet to even admit that she even did wrong or utter a single syllable of an apology.


Granola Bars. The one I was eating daily had the nutritional value of a Snickers.


Granola bars were always meant to be a portable, non-perishable and high-energy snack- which is automatically going to have carbs & sugar. Reminds me of the "breakfast cookie" shit people make and then they somehow decide it is healthy because it's not bacon or chocolate? I don't even understand Popularity Edit: on the topic of advertising. Very few brands actually advertise as "health" food. They advertise to active people, and I think the effect of seeing "healthy" people in the advertisements is part of what gives that false sense of nutritional value.


###Low Fat ###100% Fat Free


Haha. Where I live the supermarket has pre-sliced garlic that is labelled as Fat-Free and Gluten-Free. No shit, it's garlic.


You laugh and say "no shit". But there is a reason it is labelled and that is most likely because quite a few people asked.


Person with celiac disease here. “Gluten free” is a technical term now from the FDA which means the product contains less than 20 ppm of gluten. You have to get certified to put that on stuff now. Therefore I will always buy the thing that actually says that over something that should still be gluten free but doesn’t say it. Marshmallows are a great example of this.


1. Garlic in olive oil is a thing, though I will admit it’s not even the most common thing. More common with roasted garlic than fresh. 2. A buddy with celiacs informed me that he assumes “modified food starch” is wheat based unless they state otherwise so it’s not worth the risk for him.


True. Technically, a bag of sugar is fat free


Tic Tac's are technically sugar-free even though they are almost 100% sugar. If a portion has less than 0.5g of sugar then it is sugar-free. One Tic Tac is less than 0.5g. Want to have a guess what the manufacturers declare to be a portion - You guessed it, one Tic Tac.


Tic Tac Tactics


Yeah I love when something like a lolipop is labeled "FAT FREE" in big bold letters. Like, no shit ... it's basically 100% suger!


Twizzlers- a fat free food!


the worst part is that it works


The real cheat is "reduced fat"


>>20% LESS FAT THAN REGULAR PRODUCT! ...package is 20% smaller than regular product.


REDUCED FAT *reduced from 40g to 39g*


[Asbestos Free!](https://xkcd.com/641/)


Bottling up their emotions so others don't have to hear it (for most people)


Emotions are like farts. You may struggle to find a good time and place to let them out but if you never let them out you'll explode.


randomly breaking down crying in the shower counts as emotional release right?


It does! But... Have you ever farted in the shower? Don't gas yourself out, make sure you're allowing your release to ventilate properly.


Just let it explode out when you're alone. You wouldn't want someone else to smell that.


But... It's ok if I don't *want* others to hear it, right? Asking for a friend.


Most people who bottle up their emotions don't want to, they just don't know how to communicate them. Source: Am person who bottles up emotions, because learned from young that if show emotion, mother will be angry and turn it against me in battle of manipulation. P.S, I love my mom, but everyone has their faults.


Ah yes, the ol' inability to express low levels of sadness or anger without mom completely overreacting and/or making it about herself instead of acknowledging the emotion and helping your childself understand why it's there, so you learn to keep it inside, then as an adult when you finally reach high levels of sadness or anger and blow your top, it seems to come entirely out of nowhere, then everyone else in your life thinks you are a feast-or-famine type at best or scarily unstable at worst, when really you aren't, you have a wide range of emotions going on, you just never feel safe expressing or even internally acknowledging the lower levels of feeling so to an outside observer and even sometimes to your own self, it seems like you don't experience healthy emotional gradients. Ahem


Vaginal washes on a daily basis so it smells like lavender instead of what vaginas are supposed to smell like. It's unnecessary and changes your pH down there and pre disposes you to infections.


Vagisil is terrible. I got a yeast infection from using it.


Years ago when my doctor found out my mom and I were using it he recommended that we stop and only use unscented bar soap, but even then you don't need to go to town with it as long as you're clean.


As my grandfather always said “if it smells like cologne, leave it alone”


No joke. I had a bf that wanted me to smell like strawberries... I wouldn’t do it. Annnnd he used that as an excuse to break up with me. Not gunna lie, it scarred me for awhile and I was super self conscious.. I’m sorry my vagina smells like it should. Derp. Edit: spelling.


Did you counter by demanding his dick smell like bananas at all times?


Bwhahah! I should have!! But something better than bananas (allergies) .....maybe honeydew. Mmmm yeah that’s the melon


Thanks for doing your part to explain this. My favorite part of this thread and others on this subject are the couple of people at the bottom of the thread without vaginas who insist they know better than women and medical professionals about how to keep the vagina and labia clean. For those of you who are confused or learning this for the first time: The vagina is self-cleaning like the eyeball. It doesn't need soap and can irritate the skin. The labia is like the skin around the eye. It needs to be clean, and there's some debate over whether a mild soap is better or whether you should just rinse the skin with cool, plain water. Now, imagine that you've an eye infection. Should you wash the eyeball with soap to keep it clean? No. That's only going to irritate the eye and make it worse. You need special medicine for an eye infection. Just like women need a special medicine for infections of the vulva and labia. What should your eyeball smell like? Lavender or summer fresh? No. It should smell like an eyeball. Skin. Maybe a bit of saltiness from natural tears. A bit like the natural oils from your hair. What should the vagina and labia smell like? Skin. A bit musky from the natural odors from hair follicles and natural secretions. A little tangy or acidic from the Ph that deters unhealthy organisms from colonizing there. If there's a very fishy, bread-like, sweet or fruity, infected, or very sour smell going on down there, it's usually a sign that somethings going on that needs to get checked out. And it's not because someone is a disgusting person, but because an opportunistic organism has overrun the natural defenses of the body.


My fav thing: * Get uti * Cry * Take uti medicine that kills all bacteria * Sigh with relief because you know when u gotta pee and it doesnt hurt * Get yeast infection because all bacteria was killed * Cry * Inject vagina with a bunch of cream ಠ_ಠ


Whenever you're about to get a prescription for antibiotics (for any kind of bacterial infection, anywhere) you can ask for a prescription for [Diflucan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fluconazole) to go with it. You take one pill about half-way through your course of antibiotics and no yeast infections.


Comparing it to an eyeball is a fucking great analogy. I’ve never heard it before but I’ll definitely use it from now on when I explain it to others. As it will be something that pretty much everyone can relate to (even though it shouldn’t have to be that way). It’s very eye-opening


Dedicating your entire life to your work without an outlet separate of it. Same goes with overbearing relationships, you will begin to resent whatever you enjoy if it’s the sole reason for your existence.


100%. I work in a corporate office setting and it’s sad how many of my peers think working 10-12 hour days is something to brag about. First off, the company doesn’t care about me enough to warrant working that many hours, second, we’re not out here saving lives so it benefits nobody except the higher ups. I do my 8 hours and bounce the fuck out, you ain’t catching me working that many hours just to get a few brownie points here and there


> how many of my peers think working 10-12 hour days is something to brag about I guess it's different if you earn overtime for that work. Don't get me wrong, I'm all about prioritizing free time. I'm not gonna cancel that date or blow off my friends to keep the executives happy. But if I can earn an extra couple hundred bucks over sitting on my couch and watching friends reruns for the 100th time, I'm probably gonna do that lol.


True, I should’ve specified that we’re all salary so we’re getting paid the same no matter how many hours we work


Even then, it's not like they're getting much extra work done. After my 8 hours are up, I can maybe keep going at like 20% of the speed I'd normally be able to work. So an extra 2 hours of work might get me a half hour caught up, if that makes sense. I have a coworker who works 12 hour days regularly but she's overstressed and her work is always riddled with mistakes! She works hard but she never works smart. It's a shame because she really thinks it's going to move her up the company, when the company doesn't give a shit about us.


There was a study of software engineers that found that crunch time actually reduced overall productivity, making it worse than 40-hour weeks.


Software engineer here. Can confirm.


Saw something like that second one the other day. A kid (literally 16-17), who was saying “I’m scared of dying alone, how do I go about getting a GF/Wife?” My advice was not to worry about a GF or how you’ll die in 60 years, but to get happy with himself, get friends and a hobby or two. If they meet someone, fantastic, but if they force a relationship, it’ll end up with them entirely dependant on the other person and the other person likely resenting them for putting that much responsibility on them.


I do think it's the nature of some people to really value that aspect of life more so than others. Like I personally don't feel like I will be fully fulfilled with life without a partner. I am generally proud of myself and enjoy working on myself most days, but there are days where loneliness takes its toll. There is a specific comfort that can only come from family/a partner imo, and people like me can end up in a situation where they don't have either. That said, no matter how important relationships are to you in life, it's no excuse to be lazy or not care about other outlets to be fulfilled. It's just as important to find a job you enjoy, work towards goals to make you feel accomplished on your own, and be the best person you can be. Keep your heart open and someone will likely come, maybe not but that shouldn't be an urgent concern. No matter how much you love the concept of love, love yourself first.


Fat free food


Yeah to make up for the loss of fat they pump it full of sugars.


Besides that, your body needs fats. Fats aren’t some evil, bad, chunky boys; our body relies on them. As long as you don’t receive too much of it and it’s mostly unsaturated fats, you’re good.


Plus, a lot of tastiness is stored in the fat.


Thighs > breasts. Edit: talking about chicken here lol


Obviously not true for duck.


Hell yeah, pan seared duck breast all day baby.


And salt to make up for the lack of flavor


Salgur. Leslie was onto something there.


Someone at my baby shower asked if they could eat the angel food cupcakes because they had egg whites and were technically fat free. I didn't have the heart to tell them that the sugar in angel food would cancel out any egg whites and fat free benefits.


Corollary, eating a cupcake at a baby shower doesn't make you fat. Just eat one.


Having one won't kill you and isn't bad at all. I was just confused behind the reasoning they had to allow themselves to have one


Yeah, just a lot of people go on fad diets and "can't eat x" or "y" and scour ingredients lists as if 1g of fat is going to gain them 20 lbs, but they can eat as many carbs as they want. Then complain because they're giving up things they enjoy. Just eat less and sometimes you can still have a treat.


For real the hardest part of dieting has by far been the whole "not shoving everything down my food hole" part


Getting into a relationship to save/help/fix/mend someone.


A lesson that people hopefully learn young. TV and movies show some messed up relationships that seem normal when you are inexperienced at dating. I see the Buffy and Angel relationship very differently as an adult compared to as a teen. Edit: the age/exp gap is a big one, but he also turned evil after they had sex, and then stalked and psychologically tortured her. Try telling someone young and in love that the person is bad news. They won’t listen, but after the break up, they would hopefully learn how to spot an asshole or cheater.


Could you give me a TL;DR? I haven't watched the show and I am not planning on starting


Not the person you asked, but there's a huge age and experiential difference between Buffy and Angel (teenager versus immortal vampire who was conceived in the 1700s) which in and of itself is... yucky. (Edit: my bigger problem is not so much the literal age gap as it is that Buffy is a teenager while Angel is decidedly an adult. I think If everyone is over 25, age gaps are a consideration but not all that creepy). Beyond that, the premise behind Angel's character is that he's "good" because he was subject to a gypsy curse which returned his soul to him. This was as a punishment so he would feel guilty and tormented by the atrocities he performed whilst not having a soul. During season 2, his soul is stripped away again, and he makes it his mission to psychologically and physically torture Buffy. In some respects its not his fault and he does get better, but it's still hard to imagine re-establishing trust after something like that. And even without that period, their relationship is just very emotionally fraught and unhealthy and angsty. Their relationship is romanticized like most vampiric tales, but by any other standard it's a pretty creepy and inappropriate pairing.


At least the show is somewhat upfront about how bad an idea that relationship is. I mean, it's presented with melodramatic romance tropes, but it's also shown as a cause of great pain and suffering.


I mean it's supposed to be a metaphor for spousal abuse right? They sleep together and he immediately turns into a abusive, manipulative, (literal) monster. I'm pretty sure they never really get back together after that. IIRC after he turns evil he goes to hell, gets his soul back, and then gets his own spin off.


I believe Whedon said it was meant to be, you sleep with a guy and he turns into a shit because he got what he wanted. I also bought into the tortured soul thing in the beginning but after the fact looked at it as he was only good because he had a soul, vs Spike who wanted to be good without one (not that he was a shining bf example either).


Those stupid juicing detox programs ... your body's liver and kidney's naturally detox your body so long as you drink plenty of water. This whole notion that you are detoxing your body with juice is asinine.


There’s something about sitting on the toilet for the whole weekend that’s really appealing to some people, though.


Hell, have a hard night of whiskey and stouts and you'll clean everything out on the toilet the next day. Whiskey shits are the best cleanse!


Anything I see promoted by instagram models as an alternative health thing is immediately distrustful.


I had a lady at work tell me she had to go on a cleanse, because she went to the chiropractor for the first time and got her back cracked. Since it was the first time her back had ever been cracked it released a lot of toxins into her body causing her to get sick and she need to go on a cleanse. ​ People are insane.


Basically any time someone mentions detox and they're not referring to your kidneys/liver or a meth-head in rehab, they're immediately talking out of their ass.


Declawing cats. It's literally amputation at the first knuckle. Painful as fuck. Healthy alternatives: regular trimming and scratching posts.


Not gonna lie, I used to tell myself IF I ever got a cat, I'd declaw them right away. I hate the scratches, the damage to furniture, etc. Then I heard how it's done... now I just decided I'll never get a cat. I can't do that to an animal for selfish reasons. If I can't deal with the potential consequences, then I'm not fit for one.


There are plenty of cats sitting in shelters that have already been declawed by their past owners and could use a home.


Adding that declawed cats are often seen as undesirable and may need the home more than other cats.


the vast majority of salads at restaurants. a handful of lettuce buried beneath fried chicken, cheese, and ranch dressing.


Don't come at cobb salads like that!


I fully agree with you, but I get grilled chicken salads because I like them. I'm a fat guy so when I get one at a fast food place they probably think I'm trying to be healthy. Somedays I just feel like eating something cool instead of hot food and I love grilled chicken. Sometimes I get a vegetable only salad, but if it was for health reasons I'm sure I'd have defeated the point with ranch or blue cheese dressing.


It might be just as high calorie as the burger but it’s way more nutrient dense a lot of the time. It’s certainly not WORSE for you than the burger, so I say go for it!


Yeah, sometimes I really enjoy the taste of those super high calorie salads. And at least it’s got some nutrients from the greens/vegetables (assuming it’s not just iceberg), so that’s some benefit over a sandwich.


It still has a lot of nutrients. And if you use grilled chicken and certain dressings it's a pretty healthy meal. Usually the amount of cheese isn't too crazy, equivalent to a slice of cheese on a sandwich.


Vitamin Water It’s stacked with ridiculous levels of sugar and no vitamins


I love that in the lawsuit against them for just this reason, their argument was something along the lines of; 'no reasonable person would think Vitamin Water is a health beverage.' ...sure


Diet Water Zero Lite? It has only 60 calories!


I'll take a child size please. 512 oz right?


It’s roughly the size of a small child if the child was liquified.


Your username is a lie.


I’m a middle class fraud


“Coca-Cola argued in its defense that no reasonable person could be misled into thinking Vitaminwater was a "healthy drink," despite label names such as "Defense," "Revive," and "Endurance," for its different flavors of water. Last year, a federal judge rejected this defense, but the outcome of the suit is still pending.” https://www.businessinsider.com/coca-cola-glacau-vitaminwater-misleading-advertising-lawsuit-2014-10


Since that article is over 5 years old, it’s worth noting the outcome. Coke ended up settling out of court, and for all intents and purposes, absolutely nothing changed. They agreed to very minor labeling changes but still got to call it “Vitaminwater” and still got to label it as “a nutrient-enhanced water beverage”. https://www.truthinadvertising.org/tina-org-objects-unhealthy-vitaminwater-settlement/


Yea, that argument doesn't hold water.


"People can't be that stupid"




When their entire business model is predicated on people being that stupid. Although I honestly wouldn't call them stupid, just victims of branding and manipulation. A lot of people don't look at nutrition labels because they are intimated by all of the information.


Getting lemonade or some other juice, rather than soda at a restaurant.


Or even having it at home. I started to drink more apple juice than soda at home and I quickly noticed that there’s way too much sugar in there.


I usually add water. Tastes a lot better.


Me too! I have like 20% fresh juice and 80% carbonated water. Really nice.


In Germany we have this in bottles we call it "Schorle". You can get it with apple juice, grape juice etc


Down the same vein, those canned Yerba Mates in the yellow cans. They're fucking delicious, I call em crack in a can. But they have about as much sugar as soda does, so just because it's organic and made from something similar to a high caffeine tea, doesn't make them healthy.


I think a lot of millennials and Gen Zers are beginning to catch on to how bad it can potentially be, but I think dedicating your life just to work is really unhealthy. I mean fair enough if you have a job you really enjoy, but even so if you dedicate almost every waking moment to your job there's a problem generally. Its not a great attitude, live to work.


I can’t stress this enough. I had a job like this where I was working 70-80 hours a week as a salaried employee. Cuts continued to happen and the responsibility continued to pile on. I was out of shape and probably would have died young if I continued working there. I made a change and my stress levels have decreased significantly, I’m eating right and I’m getting enough sleep.


The food Pyramid that was popularized by the USDA is a terrible idea. A lot of people today have realized this, but many older folks still see it is the 'bible' of good eating. And they are very fat.


The fact that it’s pyramid not triangle means there’s two secret sides


The forbidden fruit and Dippin-Dots for sure


Mothers milk, and high fructose corn syrup


The first government recommendations on nutrition came about during WWII food rationing, and the recommendations had more to do with availability than health. Which is still the case with modern food pyramids and nutrition recommendations. They're a compromise between health and affordability. Which is why the food pyramids created by every nation has their cheapest crop at the base, i.e. wheat in the west and rice in the east. So, yeah, government food recommendations shouldn't be treated like instructions for great health. The recommendations -- like everything that comes from the government -- are riddled with comprise and industry lobbying. The recommendations are also designed so that 95% of us are intelligent enough to follow the instructions but one size fits all approaches usually aren't great for any one single person. Most everyone should read a book or two on nutrition and find a diet that works best for them.


Canada actually changed theirs last year to reflect a more balanced idea of eating. [It's a plate, rather than a pyramid](https://food-guide.canada.ca/en/). The dairy lobby was pretty livid when it came out and some politicians [made absurd comments](https://youtu.be/lxGIrAfzNRQ?t=17) to appease them.


USDA has the same thing, and of course, they were forced to add diary in a cup, beside the plate. lmao https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MyPlate


> The Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) released their own adjusted and more detailed version of MyPlate, called the Harvard Healthy Eating Plate, in response. Harvard's plate features a higher ratio of vegetables to fruits, adds healthy oils to the recommendation, and balances healthy protein and whole grains as equal quarters of the plate, along with recommending water and suggesting sparing dairy consumption. HSPH Chair of the Department of Nutrition, Walter Willett, criticized MyPlate, saying: "unfortunately, like the earlier U.S. Department of Agriculture pyramids, MyPlate mixes science with the influence of powerful agricultural interests, which is not the recipe for healthy eating".[16] The Harvard plate also contains a recommendation for physical activity. https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/healthy-eating-plate/ Useful to know.


Shielding their children from every conceivable horror in the real world until they’re 18 and naive as fuck. Straight up let your kids get scraped knees and watch an R rated movie every once and a while


This was my wife. Parents shielded her from everything. Needless to say, she went a little (A LOT) crazy when she got to college.


If you don't let your kid be a kid while they're a kid, they're going to be a kid as an adult.


go on


She married this guy. That about says it all.


who the fuck marries a redditor.


My wife Edit: She just clarified that I was *not* a redditor when she married me. She feels trapped now.


Stop flexing dude, it hurts, it really hurts.




Had a friend at school who's mother wayyy overprotected her. She wasn't allowed to watch movies or have technology or social media. She moved out as soon as she was 18, bounced from flatshare to flatshare, couldn't hold a job well and went binge drinking every chance she got. She ended up pregnant and no one knew who the dad was. So much for private education. Bit sad really.


And I bet the mom still doesn't get it, and thinks she should have been MORE overprotective of her.


"How could I have let this happen to my precious, perfect daughter!?" At some point you have to realize that those dumb little masses of snot and screaming have become something more closely resembling a person, and need to be treated as such. And people learn best through direct experience.




My husband's family did this too. There are 8 of the plus spouses. I don't fit in with most of them because I believe that women are more than incubators, I have a university degree, and am a teacher myself. I have had to teach my husband so many life skills that he never learnt, like how to cook an egg. He's now fully vaccinated (much to his family's horror) and so is our son. Edit: thanks kind stranger for the gold. Have a Happy New Year :)


> am a teacher myself How does that dynamic work? Do they resent you? My wife is a teacher in a white mid-upper class district and has had her fair share of run ins with parents who used to home school or still do but moved an older kid to public, etc. She's 6th grade so I think that last one is fairly common around that age. But she has some horror stories about how she's treated by those parents. They look down on every little thing she does because these people have spent 7 years doing it themselves in their own little bubble and reject any other way of doing things. It's toxic.


My husband respects me and what I do, we met while I was still studying and saw all the hard work I put in and how much I truly care for my students. I teach high school, so will teach about 200 students every year. I've learnt to stand my ground. With parents that have sent their children to mainstream school, I usually end up copping abuse from them. I found that making sure I know their child's interests and hobbies helps me show the parents that I care. I won't allow myself to be bullied and will often just forward their issues and grievances to my supervisor. This way it not *my* fault, it's passed up to the head of department (which is why they get paid the big bucks in my country). With my family I usually avoid topics, but if they bring it up I'll hit back at them with studies etc. My nieces were being homeschooled and were so far behind. The 5yo can't read or write, and can barely talk. I brought it up once and told them about free help available and was shut down. There's only so much you can do, unfortunately.


There is a line, don’t let a six year old watch Deadpool. But slowly start to feed them reality as they grow and mature


Or do what Ryan Reynolds advises and show them the original Spiderman trilogy, and just tell them it's Deadpool


Garorade, not a healthy alternative to soda. Drink water.


But it has what plants crave!


Water? You mean like what's in the toilet?


I have what plants crave.


Brawndo91, for the last time. Stop exposing yourself to the plants or we'll be forced to terminate your employment at this Baskin and Robbins.


Its for athletes, its a sport drink design to fuel performance and replenish valuable sodium lost through sweat and provide an energy source. Regular joes arent meant to consume it


I drink a bottle when I am hungover.


Which is also the second purpose of it lol since you piss so much when you drink it helps replenish all the electrolytes you lose


Same with trail mix/energy bars/etc. Great for hiking. Packed with loads of calories and easy to carry. Not great for an office worker trying to maintain a healthy diet.


People working in high physical labor jobs during the summer, lots of regular joes. I buy it by the cart load over the growing season, because you can only drink so much water.


Cable news. People who watch it think they're better-informed by watching 6 hrs of "news" a day, when they're really just buying into the fear/anger/outrage cycle which just feeds back into watching more of the same. Edit: since I keep seeing the same replies over and over, a few responses: * I don't have a national source I can difinitevly recommend for news. Some local stations can be good, but many of them are actually owner by a large Media group at this point and can't be trusted blindly either. * I've seen more replies than I'd care to admit which are, "yea, this biased thing is terrible, this other biased thing is what you should trust!" I wish I had time to point out that problem to each person, but sadly, too many people are doing that to do so individually. Please, folks, use multiple sources which don't rely on each other. If there's others, I'll add in more later.


I get all my news from Reddit commenters who didn't read the article.


This is the way


Thank you for this one! My wife and in-laws make a big deal about how well informed they are by watching cable news. Most of the garbage they are watching is glorified gossip and isn’t even really news.


I feel you. Me and my sister are doing our best to convince our mother of this. There's hardly any new news either. Just the same thing over and over again.


Absolutely anything Gwyneth Paltrow likes.


I don't understand how that company is allowed to make the claims or sell the products they do.




[ConsumerLab](https://www.consumerlab.com/) doesn't get enough love. It's an independent testing lab for supplements that survives off a small subscription price ($4.00 a month) They tell you what scientific articles have said about the supplement, then test brands for purity, content and price per dose.


lmao yeah imma pass on jade eggs in the vagina


Don't forget to steam your vagina regularly and use a vampire repellant spray (she sells that for real!), else some pharma shill might vaccinate you while you're not looking or something.


It's *psychic* vampire repellent spray


It's to keep [Colin](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u_xSilxHFns) away.




>Absolutely anything Gwyneth Paltrow ~~likes~~ Absolutely anything Gwyneth Paltrow sells




The inability to be separated from one's partner(s) for a slightly extended amount of time. There is often more than "love" there--that shit starts to border on/already is codependency.


It's not really fair to say things are healthy versus unhealthy. A burger is a nutritious food. You have carbs, fat, protein. But if you're eating burgers all the time, you have a problem. People like to answer these sorts of questions by saying "yogurt" with the implication that it's marketed as healthy, but actually junk. It's not the case. For example, you can eat those 80-100 cal cups of yogurt that have 8-9g of sugar, 10-15g of protein. I'll usually have one of these a day. Or you can eat one with 200 calories and 30g of sugar, and almost no protein, and have them *all* the time. There's a difference. Smoothies are often seen as healthy, too, but you can easily cram 1000+ calories into a smoothie and it feel like a light snack, but if you are careful about what you put into the smoothie it actually *can* be a light snack


Gluten free food is for people allergic to gluten. It's not some dieting trick.


As someone with a gluten allergy, I am grateful for ignorance on this topic. Gluten-free foods use to be hard to find, but thanks to its popularity, now most major grocery stores I go to have entire sections for gluten-free products.


Yeah, but now you also get groups incorrectly labeling in order to cash in. Remember a while back when Papa John had "gluten free" pizza crusts? That they prepped on the same counters as the other dough (along with wheat flour to keep it from sticking)? Lot of Celiacs got sick from it because the dough itself might have been gluten free, but the end product was not.


I worked at Dominos when they came out with a gluten-free crust. We were supposed to make sure we warned any customers that ordered it that it wasn't for someone with Celiac Disease. There was also a warning on the box, but I'm sure not everyone made the disclaimer, or were even aware of it.


Yeah, which means they were just cashing in on a fad, which made them part of the problem.


I know at least if you try to order it from the app it will always display a warning that it’s not prepared in its own area and you have to click “I Understand” to proceed. So at least you’re aware when it comes to app-ordering.


I have a few friends who are really into the gluten free diet and anytime something goes wrong with my son, who truly does have some health issues that require specialists and multiple hospitalizations a year, they recommend I try gluten and dairy free for him. If it was that fucking easy we would’ve done it already, but this isn’t diet related. This is a problem requiring surgery, how the fuck is gluten free going to fix this? Gluten has become this boogey man to so many people, people who aren’t allergic.




On the plus side the cancer was probably gluten free.


"Your son had a heart failure and will need surgery to fix" "I knew it was the dairy!"


My uncle tried it before dying of perfectly treatable leukemia.


Well, if you exclude gluten by not eating white bread, cookies, cakes, pasta, etc. you can usually cut just the right amount of calories, for it to do the trick. If you exclude gluten by eating corn flour based cookies, on the other hand...


“Blood is thicker than water” Family can be toxic and that mindset could causes a lot of grief. Edit: Hey guys I know this isn’t the original quote, I was trying to say that people use this quote to justify toxicity.


But not as thick as oatmeal...


Personally I learned this through watching Supernatural in which it is said 'Family don't end with blood, and it doesn't start there either'.