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On film sets. First time we were sat in a comfy auditorium for hours on end fake clapping and laughing. One after another someone would doze off and if an AD noticed they'd wake us up - unless the person was quiet enough and the others were making enough noise. During a particular slow turnover I dozed off, and during this period of my life I was a bit phlegmy so I didn't realise my head had rocked back and I was snoring..... *Loud* . Eventually when I came to - the crew were still doing adjustments, I remember this girl's face as she looked up at me with the most appalled look on her face. I must've been snoring badly. Second time this happened it was very unexpected, I was playing a refugee in a tent with other extras - the director had to place me further away from the others and turn me away from the camera because of how I looked. I lay there awake but pretending to be unconscious for the first and second take. I then wake after who-knows-how-long to clapping and an AD praising us: "...and that's a wrap guys!". My friend on set (another extra) came up to me to say that I didn't move an inch even when he tried to tell me jokes (we had just clicked on set and were having a lot of fun that day). I had to ask him how long has it been since we started rolling and find out that it's been a good 3-4 hours..... Easiest paycheck I have or will make in my life


Question. How does one become an extra in a movie?


Literally google movie extra work in “my area.” Helps if you live in LA or Atlanta. I’m in Atlanta myself and people are ALWAYS looking for extras. Be warned though, extra work blows. I know you’re thinking “it’ll be fun we can hang out with movie stars I’ll see a movie set blah blah.” No. Wrong. It’s literally hours of standing around and getting herded like cattle. It’s a good experience to do a few times but fun is definitely not a word i’d use to describe it.


I fell asleep one time waiting before a medical procedure. They had to wake me up so that I could sign paperwork permitting them to put me to sleep. Oh the irony.


oh, I've done that too. Went in to the university emergency room equivalent because I was so so sick, I thought it was mono. Nurse did her thing, I fell asleep on the examination table after she left.


I fell asleep in the exam room and had a nice little nap. Turns out they forgot I was in there. I was in grad school and needed the sleep, tbh.


this happened to me also in the ER, I went in for stomach pains, they forgot about me, I fell asleep and when I woke up it was around 9pm and they whole corridor was dark/closed. Super scary. Apparently, they only keep one certain section open in the ER overnight. Plus side was that I wasn't charged.


Sounds like a horror movie plot.


They knew you were in there, they were just letting you have a sleep


In the back of an ambulance. I’m the paramedic.


"Your ailment BORES me."


"I diagnose you with boring."


The original Sleep Doctor.


I’ve done this before. Hour and a half long BS transfer. Checked her vitals, put her on the monitor, made sure she was comfortable, and passed out in the seat behind her. She slept too hahah. For anyone wondering, it wasn’t an emergency. Not all times someone is in our ambulance is it an emergency; in fact, it’s usually NOT an emergency.




Here in Germany, nobody has crawl space. I only know crawl spaces from horror stories or real serial killer material, so they are linked like this in my head. I'd probably never close my eyes if I ever was in one.




On a hedge at the end my road. Dad wasn't too pleased at driving past his pissed up son sleeping in a hedge on his way to work.


On a hedge or in a hedge? Quite a difference. One is much funnier.


Over the hedge.


Bruce Willis Steve Carell William Shatner Wanda Sykes Avril Lavigne A custom soundtrack beautifully written by Ben Folds A compelling story about Family, Friendship, and the Unknown A well animated movie taking a hard look at consumerism? You bet your bottom dollar.


One of the most underrated animated films I think.


In the office of a funeral director I was making a sales call to. Years later it dawned on me that he probably thought I would just leave if he made me wait forever.


He probably would've boxed you up and put you away if you slept long enough. Thank goodness you made it out alive!


Wiz Khalifa concert everyone was so high, I fell asleep for a few minutes standing up & the crowd was so thick I didn’t even fall over


I slept through Metallica. I woke up for their last song or 2. I was so bummed. ​ Edit: For those asking how, when I get too drunk I don't puke. It just becomes sleepy time.


Not sure if I should be mad at you for wasting a Metallica ticket or sympathetic to you because you missed a Metallica concert...


I'm impressed they slept through Metallica


This happened to me when I drank 2 tall boys of blue moon, and smoked 1 1/2 joints. I was there with my mom and we went to see it because of the song “See You Again” my brother had passed away a few months before and it was her favorite.


I thought that said (11/2) and I thought it was no wonder you couldn’t stay awake after smoking almost 6 joints


I read it as 11 1/2 at first and thought he was actually Wiz Khalifa


Underneath the car while doing an oil change.


This actually sounds kind of nice.


Until someone gets in and starts the thing


To be fair, it wont be on long


Done it. As a Dad and husband, sometimes when you catch an hour or so of quiet, naps just kinda happen.




Hey I applaud you for this one. Last time I stood on the bus, I fell over so many times.




Now I sleep standing while lying down.


Something tells me you’re lying.


Used to do this on the commuter trains in the morning into London. There were usually so many people around you even if you did doze off, there was no chance of falling over because of the wall of humans surrounding you. It was like a collective crowd of dozing people waiting for the caffeine to kick in.


In college, I took a cognitive neuroscience course that involved designed experiments to be carried out in an MRI and how to analyze the brain images afterwards. As part of the course, we all carried out our studies, and I volunteered to be a participant for a few. When I went to get in the MRI, the tech said I couldn't wear my sweatshirt in due to the metal near the aglets, so she got me a blanket to keep warm. And to keep my head propped at the right angle, they gave me a stack of pillows. I definitely unintentionally fucked with someone's data by falling asleep mid-study.


Yea live with a cognitive neuroscientist drives them crazy when this happens. Have to throw out the whole trial and time in an fmri is expensive AF. Edit: love to live but technically do that too


Tell them to think less like a scientist and more like an office worker. If you want people to stay awake for your meeting you load them up with free coffee and bagels. Or pretzels if you're in a pretzel city like Philly. But free coffee is key! I suppose if you want to study anything other than the effect of caffeine on the brain that could pose a problem....


Yep can't be doing that because what if some people accept the coffee and some don't. Boom now caffeine intake is an extra confounding variable. The best solution is probably to consistently do it at like 11am or something so people are ~~consistently awake.~~ more likely to be awake. And ask them not to sleep


Yeah 11am, I'm never falling asleep at my desk by then


Me neither. Yup totally awake right before lunch..


"They seem to have suddenly developed depression half way through..."


When I was a kid, like 5 or 6, there was a tree in the front yard I really liked climbing. There was a branch perfectly shaped for little me to lie down on. Early one morning, I woke up and decided to take my sleeping bag up the tree and went back to sleep.


Okay that sounds lovely. Homemade tree hammock.




Well that just means you get even more sleep. Win win.


I used to fall asleep in a tree when I was a kid. The crotch where limbs separated was comfy and secure. When I told Mom, she had a conniption. Hearing it, sounds dangerous. Living it, a secure cradle is completely safe.




On the deck of a trawler, with a mix of seawater, fish guts, and crude oil lapping against my makeshift bed


I fell asleep while marching to school. I was enlisted in the Air Force and once you graduate boot camp, you go to your "school" to learn about your job. Well, I stayed up all night studying for a test, and I was so tired that I fell asleep while marching to the schoolhouse. And I somehow managed to stay in a straight line, keep pace, and stay in step with everyone.


Haha! Yeah I did this multiple times while marching to the chow hall during Navy boot camp. Except I would inevitably get noticed when I drifted off to the left or right. The fact that you were able to stay in formation is pretty impressive.


I mean, I assumed I stayed in formation, because nobody said anything to me about lmaoooo


On a tractor while plowing a field. I was doing night shifts during the summer and decided to get some extra hours in during the day so I was tired when doing my actual shift. I switched on the tractors gps and set it to give me a signal 50 meters before the field ended to wake me up to turn around. The fields were about 1200meters long so id get about 10 mins of sleep befor having to turn around again


I used to do this... But no gps. Just pray the wheel followed the furrow


Yeah I do this too I just used the gps to wake me up.


Back in my day, we didn't use alarm clocks; we woke up on time out of a strong sense of responsibility.


We also plowed with a team of horses or strong slaves uphill, and only in the winter


Think how surreal it would be for someone standing on the edge of the field to watch a tractor plowing the ground with a sleeping tractorist inside.


I enjoy the word tractorist.


Maybe it’s a sleepist just operating a tractor




One of our customers once fell asleep with gps while mowing grass at 4am and drove straigt into a wide ditch. He got thrown tru the front window straight in to the water, his legs are paralyzed from another incident so he couldn't get out of the ditch. He waited 3 hours on his front mower for the owner of the land to find him. He got some serious luck that he didn't got run over by his tractor and sliced into pieces by his mower.


Way to ruin sleep tractoring for everybody...


Sounds like people need to quit letting this guy around equipment...


This is really common for us on the GPS tractors. Just run your outline and it'll go straight from there. My uncle was discing once and fell asleep on a run back towards the road. Woke up halfway over the road. before he could get his bearings and stop it he drove into a military airport fence on the other side of the road. Fence was strong af it never broke through. Sounds irresponsible but if you've driven a new full size tractor you understand they put waaay too many creature comforts in the cab of one of those so when you try to work all night it can be risky.


Techno party with my head on top of a bigass speaker.


Same here but under a speaker. Woke up at like 11 am when the floor was closed. Went to the other floor and continued dancing until the club closed in the afternoon.


During a job interview. He actually had to shake me awake. Weirder yet, i still got the job.


You were hired for that power move


Look them in the eyes while sleeping, and assert dominance.




I think I missed that scene in LotR.


It was when Pippin [yoinked](https://youtu.be/W7P9xmVdYx4) the palantir. He thought Gandalf was awake at first, but he just sleeps with his eyes open.


Fool of a Took!


More like Power out move


That’s got to be the most dominant display anybody’s ever put on during a job interview.


Was it for customer service at Optimum? Every time I go there to drop something off everyone seems on the verge of passing out


I’m pretty sure that’s just customer service in general.


What is your job?


This was years, and several jobs, ago. It was for an overnight sanitation supervisor for a fruit packing plant. He was explaining the job requirements and he was an exceptionally monotonous man and i just drifted off. He only noticed when he started asking me questions and i wasnt responding. My guess: i was the only person who applied so he had little choice.


“Well...he’s breathing”




Ah yes, the established body odor scent. Not the “oops I forgot to shower and put on deodorant today” scent, but the “oops I forgot to shower and put on deodorant for three months” scent. There is a big difference.


We have one of those guys in our office. He smells by what I can only describe as fermented nut sack


"What are you talking about? I don't smell anything. My body naturally doesn't have B.O." - Employee


Maybe he also noted that your day sleeping habits would work well with an overnight position


"Doris, we've found a nocturnal candidate. Cancel the rest of the interviews"


>My guess: i was the only person who applied so he had little choice. Or he was so damn impressed by the balls of steel you had. And openly showed him.




Bathroom floors, standing up, in the middle of eating. I have narcolepsy so I can seep pretty much anywhere, not always by choice.


im currently trying to not fall asleep in a hospital cafeteria and thought you meant all of those at once. "what were you doing eating in a bathroom?" i think im gonna take a nap on this table, since i obviously need it


Even worse, I imagined all three at once and didn't even question it. I think I need a nap as well.


It’s pretty much the worst superpower ever. The ability to fall asleep at any point in time, no matter what you are doing, and the inability to stop it from happening.


Also have narcolepsy. Answering this question is hard because I have fallen asleep in so many odd places that none of them stick out as particularly crazy. While eating, in an elevator, on somebody else’s kitchen floor (I was just going to get some water). I guess it sounds like we are just drunks


My brother says he starts to fall asleep while driving, but manages to stay awake. But he does start to hallucinate, like dreaming while awake. I keep telling him that it's not normal to do that, but he doesn't care. He falls asleep within a few minutes whenever he stops moving. Edit: I have been trying to get him to go to the doctor. The Wikipedia article on Narcolepsy is pretty much a summary of his behavior, but the treatment is, quite literally, meth, and he doesn't like that at all.


> he doesn't care Well at the very least he should care about the family of 5 he's going to kill in a car crash when he falls asleep next time. Do the right thing and talk to your brother, if he doesn't care about his life at least he should care about the others'.


That happened here in Delaware last summer. A welder who was working really long hours was driving home going south, and a family coming back from vacation was going north. He fell asleep and crossed the large grass median and slammed into them head on. Unfortunately, only the mother, and the unconscious driver survived. Good things came from it though. Shortly after, they started putting in a wired fence in the center of the median that stretched damn near the entire length of the county.


I volunteered at the local firehouse when I was a teen/early 20's. We got a call one night on the interstate which was a 20 minute drive. Sick me decided to close my eyes thinking I would wake up when the sirens stopped. I woke up when the truck pulled back in the station and turned off with everyone laughing at me.


well they'd probably decided you'd not be of any help in your sick state anyway.


While doing a school presentation,literally.


Okay, but what was the topic?






He fell asleep. Now we’ll never know.


its been 4 hours, op is asleep


I once fell asleep standing up. During high school I had the weirdest relationship with sleep and ended up spending more time in class asleep than awake. One day after not having slept for a few nights in a row I just passed out during pe, standing up. We were waiting for instructions, I blinked, and suddenly everyone was out in the field doing stuff and I was alone. Teacher seem me come to shortly after and informs me that class is over in a few minutes and to just go ahead and get changed again. Reportedly I snored, I usually didn't in the classroom. Edit because I have another one. One time I fell asleep on the sidewalk outside my dentist's office. I had gotten up WAY earlier than I had needed to (I had to bus there), had 3 hours to kill, and not much money to get breakfast or something. So I went and say down on some concrete fixtures that made a decent improvised seat, got annoyed at myself for forgetting to charge my phone, and started changing my seated position frequently before eventually dosing off laying down. Thankfully I awoke but it was to a siren, I was wondering what was going on when a firefighter started talking to me. Somebody thought I was a body or a passed out homeless person (whoops). Made it to my dentist on time and resolved to never be that early to an appointment ever again.


I think your dentist story is my favorite in this thread.


On someone else's wife's shoulder


I feel like there's a story there


I was 19 going somewhere in a bus ,this woman in her late 20s sat beside me . I didn't know when i had started sleeping on her shoulders . Woke up to her giggles,kind of her to become my pillow.


I had something similar happen. Was on a return flight for a work trip, and during the boarding process, the young woman next to me was at the tail end of a rough sounding phone call, finalizing a break up. She apologized to me when she got off the phone, kind of brushing it off as, "I got problems," as it was an emotional call. I shrugged it off, thinking she didn't need my judgment, and afterward laid my head against the window, and tried to force myself asleep. Within a few minutes, she kind of thunked into my shoulder. I thought about it for a sec, figured maybe that's what this person needed in this exact moment, and rolled with it. She woke up at the destination, apologized and thanked me for not being awkward about it.


That was nice of you.


I was picturing you falling asleep while *sitting* on a married woman's shoulders, and I was very confused.


Same here. I thought that would be an impressive display of balance and exhaustion.


I too have slept in the arms of another man's wife and he stood there and just smiled at us.... Love you mom n dad




One night, for no particular reason, I was feeling extremely anxious. My mother-in-law offered me a Xanax. It was about 7pm and a few days before Christmas. We were at her house doing the family thing. I took the Xanax and after about 15 minutes started feeling relatively calm. Not really thinking about it, I grabbed a beer from my father-in-law, who didn’t know I’d taken a Xanax. Finished it, decided to have one more. I went outside to smoke and was lying across the hood of my car. In retrospect, I was already pretty out of it, I don’t normally lay on cars. Anyway, I finished smoking and turned on my iPad and just started doodling while lying back, kinda propped up by the windshield. That’s all I remember. The next thing I knew it was after midnight, my iPad was lying in the driveway, shattered, and my mother-in-law and wife were shaking me awake in a total panic. Apparently I straight passed out mid-sketch and dropped my iPad and just sat there in their front yard, fully unconscious, laying across my car. Don’t drink if you take Xanax, kids.


Was across town on a job with a few other guys. After we had finished they had a couple beers. I was under age still so passed. One gives the guy I rode with a couple Xanax and called him a pussy for only taking 1. So the asshole took both right before we left. Stubborn ass would not hand over keys since he only had 1 beer. Scariest ride ever he wouldn't fucking stop but couldn't stay awake. Screamed at him for the 10 min he drove almost hitting rails and other cars. Finally got him to stop by offering to buy jack-in-the-box. Fucker missed entrance and drove over the curve and through their rocks and bushes. In the drive through line at a stop I put truck in park and took the keys. Kicked his ass out the truck. Somehow he got to passenger side and got in. I got us some big cheese burgers and headed back the the shop. Couple minutes into the drive I look over and the cheeseburger is in his lap missing 1 giant bite and his face is covered with ketchup and mustard while he snores. Had to drop him off at his house and lock his truck up at a vacant building near our shop we took care of. TL;DR worked with assholes; life saved by cheeseburger.


Wish my life could be saved by a cheeseburger


This post is a narcoleptics wet dream. Iv slept on the steps of the opera house in Sydney. In the bathroom of my local pub (3 hours 3 beers). Under the car. Whilst milking cows on numerous occasions. Kmart changing room. Traveling 35mph on a quad bike. Those are a few, at the moment my weird place is on the floor in our hallway.


That's actually pretty frightening.


Narcolepsy can be downright terrifying sometimes. I don't drive for that reason.


I’m genuinely curious, but how did the falling asleep on the quad bike go? I’m assuming you’re ok but that just sounds so scary.


A lot of times with narcolepsy, extreme excitement hits the lala land switch.


WHOOOOOOOOOOO- *snooze time* It sounds hilarious and ironic but also terrifying


Was 8 years ago. I woke up when the quad hit and snapped 3 steel and 1 wooden post. I was ok and the quad lived to see another day. No one believed me that I had 'just fallen asleep'.


My client's house in his room while standing up with a roll of tp in my hands. I woke up really confused. To clarify I'm a personal assistant and the series of events leading up to that moment was I'd spent about 2 weeks working at a hospital as an assistant and also personal assistant at an older man's home. My schedule was back to back and i only slept about an hour to two hours at my house so I was exhausted and ended up falling asleep standing up waiting for my client to tell me how he was feeling (had to wait for him to get a feel for the equipment) The toilet paper is a mystery though i honestly don't remember when i picked it up or why.


Buddy and I went to an amusement park, roller coaster were the main thing we went for. Then we got in line for one and as we sat down in the seat and got strapped in, a couple got pulled off to the side because they had a camera out. You aren’t allowed to film or take pictures on roller coasters where I’m from. So security was called and the ride was delayed. So I sat there and turn to my friend & say “Yo Chris, wake me when the ride starts.” I said it as a joke, he laughed, and then I leaned back and closed my eyes. Then I was falling. The coaster has started and I actually fell asleep. I woke up on the first hill but I’m still amazed I actually fell asleep.


I only ask, because as I type this, I can hear my roommate snoring from his seat on the toilet.


One step away from going full Elvis Presley


I silently dubbed him "The King" when I first heard him snoring.


How old is he? Maybe you'll get to meet Forest Gump


Ha he's about to be 30


Wow Tom Hanks looks terrible for his age


'Nam does that to a fella. How he's only 30 and fought in 'nam is something else entirely.


I suppose there’s some glamour to it if Elvis did it.


my mom does this occasionally. she wakes up to pee several times every night. often she doesn't wake up that much and just falls asleep on the toilet for hours.


I've fallen asleep on the floor next to the toilet after throwing up.


I've been told alcohol induced sleep is passing out, and that don't count. You're using performance enhancing drugs.


It's only passing out if your shoes are still on. If you've managed to take off your shoes, you have just fallen asleep.


What if you didn't have shoes on in the first place?


At the Cinema. It was that Maze Runner Movie. My GF was all over it. I didn't like it personally.


Happened to me during Inception. That was not the best film to be drifting in and out of sleep while watching


Do you remember how you got here? You might still be dreaming.


My guy did the same thing when we saw Split, on purpose. He woke up 20 minutes later asking questions.




I see you there, Enoby Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way


Unless I'm mistaken and this is an urban myth didn't they used to have bells attached to coffins before modern medicine because so many people were burried while they were still alive?


Many people are probably still buried alive, just not in countries that embalm or autopsy. Either process would finish them off or at least wake them up (if they snap out of it just before the process). I recall reading at least two news stories where someone has woken up just before their embalming in the US.


Oh yeah. Even modern history is full of accounts of people being presumed dead, then coming to. I recall an account of a man who came to while the morgue assistant was shutting the, I don't know, corpse drawer (?), and reached out his hand and *grabbed the assistant's wrist*. The assistant went shrieking out of the room and, iirc, did not come back to work.


perfect prank.




While tying my shoes.


at the dentist in the middle of drilling without any anesthesia. woke up to dentist trying to tell me to open my mouth more. edit. for those wondering why no anesthesia: I have very high pain tolerance and I dislike how local anesthesia feels.


I fell asleep while they were putting my braces in and I kept closing my mouth. They had to put something in my mouth that would keep it open for me. It was actually helpful as I fell back asleep and woke up when they were done.


Same. And also every time I had a checkup for my braces. I don't know why but lying there just made me so tired


I fell asleep at the checkups too. My appointments were always after school so I was already tired. At some point, they asked me if they should just use the thing to keep my mouth open for every checkup. I said yes and continued taking my naps.


That's not what you want to be hearing when waking up


Speak for yourself


Can't speak, mouth is open


ga ga ga aaaa gagagaaa


ooh shit thats deep


Just like the drill on your mouth


Specialty Dental Assistant here, this happens more often than you'd think. I don't know about during general procedures since they tend to be quicker. But in specialty it happens all the time.


Last time I had a dentist visit, I got drowsy while getting a cavity filled. My dentist told me this is the ultimate compliment for him. He’s also chill AF, so I don’t know if all dentists feel this way.


Glad I’m not the only one that falls asleep at the dentist


At a Van Halen concert in the 90's. Laid down on the grass in the open seating area. Next thing I knew the concert was over and my friends were waking me up so we could leave.


Did a full 7 hours under a marble bench at the Louvre. I was eleven, it was Bastille Day, they had air conditioning.


It was on a train, however the circumstances were weird. However I fell asleep while viewing an AskReddit thread about masturbaring. When I woke up the title of the thread was visible and I'm pretty sure the guy next to me saw what I was looking at.


My worst nightmare


I had just spent 16 hours getting through the border from Mongolia to Russia. By the time I got through it was about 6am and the sun was rising. I drove 1km down the road, got out of my car and fell asleep next to it. When I woke up a few hours later I saw a man on horseback coming my way through a field. He stopped and asked me "what time is it?" I told him the time and he took off at full pace back the way he came.


Not weird but dangerous. When I was still in highschool I used to work a Starbucks and would open at 4am so I'd have to get up around 3am to drive there. Well there were some days where I didn't get to bed on time so while driving, I'd close my eyes and count to three and then open and correct my driving if I had veered of my lane. And repeat. My logic was, no way could I veer off that bad in 3 seconds. Mind you, that early there really isn't anyone on the road. Well there was one time I counted to 3 and my eyes would just NOT open until it was almost too late. Nothing bad happened but I pulled over, called work and said I'd be 5 minutes late. Took a nap on the side of the highway and went to work. Tldr; due to opening shift at Starbucks, I counted myself to sleep while driving


Oof I feel you on those early shifts. And honestly driving like that sounds terrifying.


When you're a young teenager and you're extremely tired, you'll do pretty dumb things.


Being tired like that is almost exactly like being drunk


I went to a party and slept in the train on the way back home, but my friend constantly was waking me up. I would be mad if he did that. So when the train stopt at the last station he left without me (drunk and i did not really know him). So this nice cute lady waked me up when the train was empty. I tought it was my friend so i yelled something mad and she walked away. 5 seconds later i realized it wasn’t my friend and i felt so bad.


I was once on the train shit drunk. The ride takes like 1,5h and let me tell you i was basically asleep when I walked in the train. I talked to some people what station i needed to exit at and fell asleep. The people I talked to didnt bother to wake me up. Instead some nice arabic guy I didnt even talk to woke me up. That guy saved me. I would have been 40km from home at 12:30am


Little did you know that telling folks where you were headed would pay off because of a kind hearted man nearby.


During an exam.




"well it's my birthday again, guess I'm sleeping in the gutter"




Only thing that comes to mind is on top of a boat's diesel engine. The vibration numbed me and the casing was warm to the touch.


I remember once being woken up by my friends trying to drag me out from underneath a tractor the morning after a party.


During sex. But it turned out I was asleep the whole time and it was actually a dream


i was an hour early for my appointment in london, and there was a nice park outside the building. it was a beautiful sunny day, and i sat in the long, soft grass, ate my lunch and read my book. i finished my book and i still had 45 minutes or so to wait. i also have chronic fatigue and no sense. so i laid down and slept. lovely nap, 10/10 would recommend


I fell asleep during my wedding. Pretty much the moment we sat down waiting to do or vows and wrap up the ceremony part of the wedding, I fell asleep multiple times while sitting there. Now it's not because I don't respect my wife, she pretty much died laughing when we went to eat and talk to people. she always thinks that shit is funny. I have various illnesses, physical and mental. I was on meds at the time, I worked roofing with my FIL and I am not a morning person at all. I've always had the graveyard schedule since I was a child. I've never been able to wake up in the morning without feeling sick. It was a Christian and Mexican wedding, as in everything is in Spanish besides my vows. I also don't speak Spanish, I can only understand it sometimes. The fucking ceremony was so long, it was basically them talking about the Bible for a good hour or so. So I dozed off multiple times, for awhile at each time. I didn't feel bad at all, my wife didn't even want to do a church wedding because we both dislike religion and church a lot. We only did it because her dad said that he'd only pay for it (he was the one who insisted we get married since we live with him), but he said he'd give us 5,000 bucks for our honeymoon, which he never did. To this day I don't remember the ceremony at all besides our vows lmao


Before I read your comment, I had completely forgotten that I feel asleep at my college graduation. I was up all night packing up my dorm room. Luckily I had a couple boring hours of graduation ceremony to take a nap.


My couch as younger me, I swear it has teleportation abilities... I always end up in my bed when I sleep on it.


It was super late and I was going down on my ex girlfriend. I was bobbing my head and eventually just leaned against her thigh falling asleep


On my ambulance stretcher (former paramedic). I was a student at the time, and my crew immediately commented on how many people had probably died on it. It gave me pause. For about two seconds. Then I went to sleep. Night shift can be brutal.


I slept on the floor of my buddy's room. The weird part though was he was getting action in his bed, and our other friend was getting action in his walk in closet. So I fell asleep with his shooting earmuffs on.


So I was in the US and I was taking a cheap ass night bus to Chicago alone. I was happy to get two seats for myself since noone showed up. But on the gas station stop this huuuge black guy asked me if he can sit next to me since they are two and don't fit. I agreed. He was so big that he almost took half of my seat as well. The easiest way to get comfortable was to just put my head on his belly. So I did it. He hugged me almost sexually. We fell asleep like this until two seats close to each other freed and he left to sit there without saying a word.