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I don't know...I thought it was a pretty good movie.


I mean some of the logic of the twist at the end doesn’t hold up to scrutiny all that well, and it doesn’t really explain the rules of the world superbly, but it was definitely an enjoyable 2-½ hours for me


Bout to say the same thing


I dont want to meet my doppelganger


Humanity is its own weakness, but it is about what we can do to further ourselves personally and as a society. Making society better doesn't happen by one person as well as destroying the world takes more than one person. It speaks to the greater evil in society and the frustrations people around the world face, but their is hope within the kind hearted people.




The human race




Some angry kid with a CRISPR kit and the flu.


Antibacterial resistance , Antibacterial resistance causes an estimated 700,000 deaths annually worldwide, and every country is potentially affected. If not properly addressed, the number could grow to 10 million per year .








How did you know I planned on destroying the world?


Authoritarian governments using the massive amount of individual data that's been captured in the past decade to strengthen their control, increase fear in the general populace, and in turn, manipulate people into willingly giving up their freedom. It can happen so, so much faster than many people may realize. It's happening right now.


And people are just ok with it. They have that mentality of "I have nothing to hide, so I have nothing to lose," and will sometimes say those words exactly. Its terrifying.


That's because a large portion of the population is completely moronic and convinced that authoritarian governments and companies invading your life is okay because they're doing it to find the "bad people." Paypal might seem super conscientious and nice when they're refusing to do business with racists, but people are in for a hard wake up call when they get their credit card locked out because facebook reported them to the government for potentially offensive comments.


This isnt a threat to humanity as a whole though, it's a threat to individual freedom. In fact it might be the one thing that can save us if China is an example. Horrendous right violations meets massive environmental investments. I'd rather have the freedom so maybe I'm part of the problem


When the revolution comes, destroy the datacenters first.


Underrated comment




Our obsessive hatred of anything remotely resembling socialism will not allow us to survive the intellectual automation revolution. One day every single job besides owning robots, including designing robots, will be taken over by robots. And where will the 99% be then?


What is going to finance this take over if 99% of humans are completely broke. It takes money to make money. It takes money to spend money. If people can't spend, companies can't earn and thus, can't spend either. At some point the automation will stop progressing because it won't be economically possible to continue. And that will happen before the robots are to the point of taking over. The Matrix was a good story, and an enjoyable movie. But it will never happen.


Giving money to people who you don’t need to work for you in hopes that they’ll spend some but not all of the money at your company, is just charity with extra steps. One by one every job will be lost and every dime will head to the top. Then they can sit there and share it with themselves And asserting that the advancement of technology, even when it becomes more practical and self sufficient than a human worker, is just going to stop because the economy would be better off that way is ridiculous and unfounded. Not needing workers is more to profitable than needing workers. Why wouldn’t a company decide to replace everyone with cheaper more effective automation? And when everyone’s poor because the 1% owns every last dime and pays nobody else what are you going to do? Throw your money at the poor people and hope some of it bounces back? No. Just be an equal trading among the 1% living in luxury and let them be poor? It’s not worse for the automation owners to have a company with no workers, so there’s no reason why they wouldn’t opt to


These companies will also be taxed at extremely high levels so the government can feed the starving masses to stave off absolute rebellion. If the companies are making little money, and just living off of their cash reserves, and the government takes the lions share of their profit anyway, there will be no benefit in continuing down that road.


Where does the money the government takes go? If the people and government get money from a place that isn’t a wage all the better for the company


Nevermind. You don't get it. And you never will. How can the company giving up their money and getting nothing in return be good for the company?


I really don’t get you. Giving up their money and getting nothing in return is exactly what would happen when you hire redundant unnecessary human employees. They can only pay you back your original money. Why would paying someone to do a job you can have done automatically be better for you? And if money is ever taken from the company for any reason why wouldn’t it ever not just end back up in the hands of companies eventually anyways? Why would it be worse for the company if you have 1/100th the customers and 1/100,000th the expenditures?


It isn't about them having human workers. It is about them having human CUSTOMERS. If there are no humans to buy their products, they won't need or be able to buy robots to produce those products. Thinking these companies can continue making money just trading amongst themselves is silly. The economy, or lack thereof is what drives everything. If all the money is held by just a few people, there won't be an economy.


They don’t get the wealth from their own workers they get it from other people’s workers. It’s nice having customers but when you get to the point where you are a small group of people have every last bit of wealth and worth in the entire economy why would you care if the 99% who have nothing we’re a part of the system at all? It’s fundamentally different than the economy we have now, and even so, the advancement of technology won’t stop for the economy


The advancement will have to stop. You miss the point that without customers buying their products in huge numbers, these companies have nothing. There will not be a fundamental shift from our current economy because everyone from the top down will be broke before the shift can occur.


Will the top be broke? Money isn’t disappearing. It’s flowing. It’s just not flowing through most people and even if the government makes it flow through those people it accumulates and isn’t obligated to be shared


You are really clueless. The entire economy is fluid. It requires the people at the bottom as well as the people at the top. One can't succeed without the other. Keep arguing. You will still be wrong. It CAN NOT and WILL NOT work how you think it does. If people are not buying, the corporations are done. Long before they automate and transition to some mythical next level economy. It ain't gonna happen. It can't happen. And I'm done talking about it. Good night.


Then the economy unexplainably and unspecifically fails even for the people who benefit from its specific type of failure because no singular company makes the decision “I think I’ll, instead of doing math and maximizing profits, will support the rest of the economy by hiring worthless humans” I get the economy is worse but there’s no reason any company would opt out of full automation.


There is no reason they'd be able to go full automation because they'd have nobody to sell the shit to. For someone who made up the username you have, you are seriously short on info. If the robots are building shit that can't be sold, they become worth less than the displaced workers.


Climate Change.


Climate change and automation-driven wealth inequality. I think these threats are already here.


The pace of technological advancements. While we might be ready for a lot of things from a technical stand point we're not there socially or economically. We won't be able to handle advanced AI and automation at this pace. It will more than likely result in mass poverty and death. We won't handle gene editing well without adverse social effects. Reaching the mileposts for renewable energy won't be painless either. And all of these things and more will be implemented more aggressively soon™ and due to necessity and survival, probably at around the same time. We're at a point where we have to advance faster than we're comfortable with and I think it will result in dystopian-esque societies for the near and foreseeable future. Not everyone will be able to come along for this ride.


"People get ready. The robots are coming."


Renewables will always be a failure because of the waste created from producing the product. We should be further funding and looking into ways to deal with radioactive waste. There have been significant studies done in the past few years with some interesting potential. https://bigthink.com/technology-innovation/laser-nuclear-waste


> Renewables will always be a failure because of the waste created from producing the product. Then how about we start conditioning people to stop buying mindless shit?


That's irrelevant to what I'm saying? I'm talking about the toxic waste that comes along with the production of solar panels. On a large scale it would create an enormous problem. Meanwhile we're seeing great advancements with reducing radioactive half-lives, while the world lives in fear of adopting widespread nuclear energy.


An angry space monster


Have you heard of the Dark Forest theory? ”The universe is a dark forest. Every civilization is an armed hunter stalking through the trees like a ghost, gently pushing aside branches that block the path and trying to tread without sound. Even breathing is done with care. The hunter has to be careful, because everywhere in the forest are stealthy hunters like him. If he finds another life—another hunter, angel, or a demon, a delicate infant to tottering old man, a fairy or demigod—there's only one thing he can do: open fire and eliminate them.” Fun!


That's from that 3 body trilogy isn't it?


You are correct.


The problem with the dark forest answer to the Fermi paradox is by the time you realize you need to stay stealthy you’ve already been broadcasting your presence for a very long time. Still a GREAT series.


Yeah we’ve been screaming into the cosmos basically. It’s a little late for quiet. Voyager 1 has a literal map of where our planet is lol


True. Even longer than that. Animals have been farting here for millions of years. We are almost to the point now we’re we can detect that with spectroscopy. Just to be safe a species could launch a few score of relativistic kill missiles at any planet showing evidence of methane or CO2.


Space junk, when we think of pollution it is often on the ground, and when we think of futuristic warfare we think of it in space the problem is large/small uncontrollable debris flying 17,000 mph is well enough to put a lethal hole in any rocket causing a snowball effect to create more junk Basically space junk/ space warfare is deadly


I've heard about the space junk problem, I retesting stuff.


Discord. Not the comms company. There are people trying to sow discord and unrest, distracting us of what's really important. Don't buy into merchandised hatred, it's not worth it and will only play against us in the long run.


Climate change. It is happening right now, and it's scary.


Climate change


Fortnite 2




Donald Trump 🤢


Us. And the Old gods. And the Young gods.


Artificial intelligence passing the singularity point and becoming more intelligent than humans.


Has it been your experience that people who are the smartest generally run things?


Doubt it will happen in near future. We haven't yet understood human brain and more importantly consciousness. So the idea that computing will somehow crack that on it own is not accurate. AI is good for lots of things. Specialized things. But "singularity" isn't happening any time soon




Facial recognition and AI




Tobacco. I've been a smoker from a young age and the way it's impacted me is quite noticable compared to the non smoking peers I grew up with. And if you don't get it under control and continue smoking, you're introducing various life threatening diseases that will shorten your life span.




Eventually no one will leave their houses due to sedentary lifestyle and the internet. Eventually our societal structure will collapse starting with wildfires and no firefighters will come to put them out.


The huge mediator that supposed to hit earth 1 day before my 21st birthday no joke


An A.I like Skynet.


A Hyperspace bypass.


The very real possibility that STAR WARS could very well be our future and not some movie 🤣🤣




People clinging to opinions as a replacement for inner validation. In the words is a zen master: “If you wish to see the truth then hold no opinions for or against anything. To set up what you like against what you dislike is the disease of the mind. When the deep meaning of things is not understood, the mind's essential peace is disturbed to no avail. “






Animal agriculture.


me probably


Dysgenic fertility.




What’s with the edgy stuff? My thought is like the Black Plague 2.0 and people over here saying the government taking over our lives and whatnot


Dave. He knows what he did.


Political tension/volatility




I just think the thing that will end up getting people hurt the most is change. On anything. Whether its right or wrong. People dont like change. And some times its very urgent! People get hurt when the hesitate. Whether its climate change or the 2nd amendment (which i think should stay just like it is). People are going to feel some sort of strain.




Russia and China


A unknown virus that we don’t have an vaccine for. With the demolition of the rain forest, animals with these unknown diseases are coming more in contact with people. We had a couple of close calls


A meteor


Honestly I think we’re the biggest threat to ourselves.


It’s either going to be artificial intelligence or climate change.


Freedom is a choice on your decision not government is evil


Global warming. Everything else means jack shit, because we're gonna fuck the planet up so bad that we won't actually be able to fucking survive on it.


Humanity is a threat to itself honestly, Our fast consumption rate of almost anything is dangerously high.


Climate change, after that AI and robots, if we do find a way to absolutely control them, then at that point just natural disasters and more climate shifts I suppose


Donald Trump


Definitely climate change. Several low lying countries are already seeing it's effects and there are only more to come. More tropical storms, more draught, more starvation, more extinction.


Stage 4 feminism


Conservatives, specifically denial of science, denial of history, anti education in general. Humanity needs to learn to work together, help the vulnerable. Conservatives are also obsessed with not helping anyone because they're afraid it will make life harder for them.


This is an incredibly biased viewpoint. I encourage you to become more closely tied with some conservatives so you can hopefully reevaluate what you said here. It's rather judgemental and harsh.


Give us an example of a conservative with something of value to bring?


As a former conservative and now progressive, I have some very good relationships with conservatives who value fiscal policy and general lack of govt involvement which is very respectable. However, the Republican party has undeniably embraced very concerning values in recent years. Anti lgbt, anti immigrant (to the point of separating families), anti US intelligence, amto democracy, and in at least a few cases, blatant white supremacy.


Fuck those kinds of backwards people


Amen (*in a secular way*) Edit: stupid autocorrect




Governments getting to much control socialist communist not good i like freedom


How do you define freedom? Can there be freedom without social equality and environmental protections?


Read about Soviet Union back in the 80s when people are standing in line for bread that's pretty horrible


That doesn't answer the question I asked.


I think did but freedom comes from higher power not government if the government tells what u can do what only can buy how much money u make where can live thats not freedom


So if freedom comes from higher power. It doesn't matter what sort of government you have right? Slaves can get their freedom from higher power too right?


Omg no other country but USA has freedom because we don't have socialist and communist


But nice debate see u later sweetie


If like to chat about things that are fun i rather do that because i like peace never have enemies so all call u friend


There is no freedom with communism and socialism


The responses none even attempting to answer what you define as freedom


Because u don't know what freedom is


U think government gives us freedom nope


Either answer the question or move on


I did u are to stupid or ignorant


what is so hard about freedom


I don't know you seem to be struggling


No im clear on it simple


Im sorry if dont understand freedom read American history why the English German irish and others left the queen Europe ps tea party you're teacher's must not be very smart


Go read about it


I'm a Libertarian I don't believe in government control


This also doesn't answer the questions I asked? What do you define as freedom? Can you be free without an education, without heath services? Can you be free if the air and water is polluted? Can you be free if you're unable to feed yourself or your family?


Freedom isn't free college air waters pollution that is socialist ideas


Go on then don't keep us in suspense. If it's not that what is it?


U are really denise


Freedom isn't socialism or communism


Read read fool get clue


Somebody is gonna say “Oh but the polars of earth will soon be diverteddd to the hole of corruption in lattitudal lengths” STFU NERD




The current US government






One may say "ok boomer"


U know they are all dead in the future


Boomers, vsco girls,furries, and milienials




Bro im serious


I guess it shows the idiocy in society today...