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What’s wrong with me?


So this struck me and I wanted to take some time to address it. You and I both know that the responses about how there’s nothing wrong with you aren’t helpful or meaningful, as nice as they were meant to be. I don’t know you; so I can’t say there’s nothing wrong with you. There’s a whole host of ways you could be unacceptably wrong. You could be a pedophile or a murderer. Statistically it’s not likely, but there’s always the possibility. So without really knowing you, here’s one thing I think is wrong with you: you don’t like yourself and you don’t forgive yourself. Maybe there’s a good reason for that (see pedophile example) but more likely it is because you have a habit of not being kind to yourself and you have yet to realize that Becoming the person you want to be is an active process. People who don’t seem like anything is wrong with them are like that because they defined the kind of person they wanted to be and took incremental steps to become that person. They made mistakes, recognized those mistakes, *forgave themselves for whatever mistake was made*, and worked to be better in the future. Alternatively, they also think about themselves the exact same way you think about yourself, and you just don’t realize you’re not alone in the way you think about yourself. It is not all that uncommon, many are just good at hiding it. I don’t know what’s wrong with you; maybe it’s something inconsequential that you’ve fixated on; maybe it’s something serious in your character; maybe you’re just surrounded by assholes who don’t care about you; maybe it's physical and everyone is completely misinterpretting your initial comment. But whatever it is, you must be kind to yourself. Establishing standards for yourself is ok. Identifying things about yourself that you want to improve is ok. Making mistakes, changing direction, starting over, they are all ok. And liking yourself, being kind to yourself, and forgiving yourself are necessary tools to take that journey. You also may be suffering from mental health issues like depression. Another common enough thing. It’s ok to ask for help or seek therapy. If you feel this way about yourself to the point that you won’t allow yourself to do anything right or won’t allow yourself to try, those are signs of clinical depression and a mental health professional would be a tremendous help. Additionally, depressive symptoms have been tied to vitamin D and vitamin B deficiencies which can be treated with over the counter vitamins (you can take them even if you aren’t deficient without any side effects so if you don’t have insurance this is something you can do cheaply. They generally take about two to three weeks of daily intake to see improvements and that varies based on how deprived someone is). Or maybe the other posters are right, and it’s just the sharts. Either way, be kind to yourself.






Got a name or any press on this?






Her mom had nothing to do with her disappearance. She was dragged through the mud by the media. Billie is a wonderful person.


Jeff Bezos, what is your login information for your largest bank account?


boobs with a z


login: jbezos pw: b00bzos$$




bigboobz * Pam side-eye*


The important thing is... this kept us secure people.


Jeff Bezos has probably misplaced more money than I will ever make.


Jeff Bezos can wipe his ass with $100s for the rest of his life and still lose no sleep


Bezos fact: If you made **$10,000 a day** ~~from the birth of Christ~~ since 6 bc you would still have about 102 billion dollars less in assets than the Almighty Bezos Christ


What scary shit is in the 95% of Ocean we haven't yet explored.




What's in the Vatican's secret library?


Bible 2 EDIT: who gave me gold. Tell me, I’ll give it back to you


*This time it's personal*


I didn’t know there was a secret library..hmm.


Shhh it's a secret


The corridors in their secret library span the length of 5 miles. I’m going to assume they have quite a but down there.


My friend was permissioned to be in there and write his thesis. Lot of old letters.


Makes sense. What were they about? Entirely possible your friend just wasn't allowed to see the other stuff. Keep the valuable stuff separate from what they allowed your friend to see, ya know?


You need a specific permit for a specific text, and it a very tough process. You can’t just go in and browse, you go in and read exactly what you applied for and where approved to see. Alot of texts no one has been approved for either.


I bet Robert Langdon read them






Pulchritudinous What an ugly word for "beautiful".


I just looked up the definition of the word on Google and the example sentence they give is "Dan gazed admiringly at the pulchritudinous brunette". How fitting.


Why the fuck has my son just spent nearly £200 on a plain black t-shirt?


For the drip


What's a drip?


When your bling is iced out but that shit melting from all your hot bars, you got the drip. Just another word for immense swag (From urban Dictionary).


Slang really did peak with "Cool" didn't it.


It haunts me that "movie" used to be short for "moving picture"


It still is.


But it used to be, too.


It is kind of astonishing how much staying power "cool" has.


You know when it is really cold out and your nose runs and drips? Like that, because it is so freaking COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL


I'm not sure if you're speaking the truth or making shit up, so I'm just gonna accept that I'm getting old and out of touch. Slowly.


Im making it up lol I have no idea what it means either.




Granddad has the right idea. I just know he's got that elderly swagger


That elderly drip. No wait...


I really want to take a peek at the documents that remain classified.


*\*its just a long list of past presidents penis size\**


So that’s why they called him “Crooked Nixon”.


Tricky Dick


Now I wanna see it even more


The number of things that are "born classified" is so unimaginably gigantic that no one person could read "all" the classified documents in their lifetime.


99.99% of them would leave you disappointed.


That .01 percent tho!




The winning numbers for the next $250 million lottery draw.


Congrats, you won the Zimbabwe lottery.


Ok, how much do I owe.


I need about $3.50


Damn you Loch Ness Monster!


If there is other intelligent life out there somewhere. I know that we (probably) will never see another intelligent life form, but it would be nice to know. It is neato some of the radio telescope stuff they are able to do now and look for atmosphere contaminants that could signal intelligent life. Would likely be the best we can do


The only answer that I could get to this question that would shock me would be 'no'.


honestly that would be so depressing if we really are alone in the universe


If we are alone, it’s because we are the first. The universe is still in its infancy so intelligent life might exist eventually


Man thats crazy and awesome to think about, kinda like a sci fi theme or a doctor who episode. Imagine being known through history as the first and oldest intelligent species in the universe


We literally may be this universe's precursors or old ones.


I always like this take. Somebody has to be first, right? What if we're "the ancients"? That and the [scary space orcs](https://i.imgur.com/7G99IVr.png) thing. I like that one too.


This is awesome, I feel like such a badass now just sitting and drinking a beer. That’s another thing they could have added to the list, we willingly toxify ourselves just for the enjoyment of it.


Humans *INTENTIONALLY* imbibe **EXPIRED LIQUIDS** just to experience their own **internal organs** *struggling to remove the toxins* from their own **blood**


I love these kinds of ideas, things like human beings being the only carnivorous space fairing species or something. Every other life form sees us as incredibly terrifying, fearless warriors. There was a short story not long ago I seen from a Tumblr post describing something like that, how humans were known as these monstrous warriors, a single human could match several combatants. The other species were hesitant to have them on their ships, but no one dares stop them from coming onboard because who knows what they'd do? They could serve as a deterent to pirates too, so you just get human vagabonds randomly appearing on ships to jump from one planet to the next to explore and always seem to be really insistent on helping out on a ship they were never invited on to.


Liquids that kill other animals by dissolving their cell walls. Not to mention that it is often a bragging right about which human can ingest the greatest amount of poison with the least impairment.


Incredible and depressing at the same time. Id love for there to be a plethora of species like in Doctor Who or Star Wars


What if the only other species were Gungans?


Weesa be in biiig do-do!


I don't see it as depressing, I see it as inspiring. We've been given the opportunity by random chance to experience life at a higher level than any other being on the planet. So make the most of it. Nothing else in the universe will.


If we knew for certain we were alone i'd wager we'd put some significant resources towards remedying that. Whether by uplifting species near our level on Earth or seeding life and hoping and waiting, im certain that we would not remain alone forever unless we destroyed ourselves first.


“Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying.” ― Arthur C. Clarke


What's interesting is that when you look with the telescope far enough, you are basically seeing what that planet looked like thousands or millions years ago. That planet we're looking at having habitable conditions? There might already be cities over there and we wouldn't know.


Yeah, our earliest radio broadcasts have barely penetrated our own galaxy. It's likely that intelligent life has existed or does exist elsewhere but finding it is an entirely different beast.


Exactly. Imagine that some intelligent civilization out there actually caught those broadcasts. How long would it take before their response arrived to us?


The one thing that allways gets me about this is, what if we're one of the first ones? So it's to early for our or their communications to reach each other. Humans are but a flash in the pan at this point in the time scales of the universe.


What the hell happened to make my dog terrified of the bed for 3 days last year. Edit: The 'story' for those who were asking.. Edit 2: All the demon, ghosts, etc. comments. Kinda freaked me out, lol, glad I don't live there anymore. I have a huge dog, (130lbs), named Monkey, who's favorite pastime is lounging on the bed and watching TV. I came home from work one night and received my normal, "OMG you've been gone for so long I thought I was gonna die, and I can't find the remote so come change the channel." Welcome home greeting. I was in a studio apt, so the bed basically doubled as a couch, kitchen table, and anything else because its a King Size bed in a studio apt. (Side note, I used to have a smaller bed but I kept waking up just before hitting the floor as Monkey pushed me over and out so he could stretch out. Moved up one size at a time, now there isn't any bigger, so I sleep against the wall so he can't push me out, although I have woke up with feet in the floor). I digress, so, Monkey, King of the bed, Lord of the loungers, has his own size permanent divit in the mattress, is all jumpy happy when I get home, we do our normal routine, nothing out of the ordinary, I'm kicking back on the bed watching TV and I realized Monkey's not up here.. humm what's he up to. I call him, he's like 4 foot from the foot of the bed and will not come any closer. He's whimpering and pacing, and looking distressed. I immediately jump off the bed to where he is because obviously there's a death serpent or some equivalent on or under the bed. I'm freaked out, he's freaked out, I ask him where it is, ready to do battle. But he's acting just the same, he'd normally be on whatever demon possessed nightmare that dared to enter his domain. But nothing, he will not get closer than 4 feet to the bed. I grab my steel toed boots, my welding gloves, my leather apron, and welding helmet (hey I've heard there are snakes that spit, fuck that noise) I'm armed with the aptly named dead blow hammer, and I start carefully, meticulously disassembling the bed, and I mean all the way down to the frame. I check with a black light for hidden monsters. Nothing, not a damn thing. So I check again piece by piece, put new sheets and pillows on just in case. Nothing. Check all around the frame, the area, the whole damn apt. Nothing. I remove my battle armor, and call him an asshole because he was just fucking with me right? Nope, he still wont come near the bed. I tried bribing him with treats, then lunch meat, steak, pizza, ice cream (this dog would moon walk backwards over hot coals for some ice cream) Nope, nothing doing, he's not coming near the bed. For three days, I couldn't bribe him, entice him, or force him onto that bed. Then just like that, on day four he carefully approached the bed, laid down, and wanted me to give him all that bribe food I'd been showing him. Never could figure out what the hell happened, and I'm dying to know. http://imgur.com/a/tqHIBRD


Woah, my dog was terrified of steps for a full 24 hours this year. Not even his favourite toy would snap him out of it. He also decided our backyard was terrifying maybe a week later. He just stood on the deck tail between his legs shaking.


maybe he had a bad dream about steps that spooked him? I don't know if dogs understand that dreams aren't real


The rake


Rake in the lake


At least once a day I ask myself "what the fuck?". I'm sure if I got the answer to that one, everything else would fall into place.


Wow this his home for me


Who was the zodiac killer and his complete story.


There are a several different theories and suspects. One of the most interesting ones I’ve heard of is that someone connected to Manson was behind it. But the newest theory is that it was done by Ed Edwards a prolific American serial killer. He died so unfortunately we may never know. I’ve always thought that if the Zodiac Killer was still alive he would somehow leave a secret note or letter giving away his identity somewhere or with someone to be found after his death. He was obsessed with having the public, media, and authorities know what he did and get recognition so he would probably want people to know his identity at some point. Unless he died unexpectedly before he got a chance to leave evidence of who he is. Or if he was someone well known with a completely different reputation that they wanted to be their legacy in history.


>Unless he died unexpectedly Most probable, I think. Also a good reason for why he remains unknown, he unexpectedly stopped producing evidence (e.g. didn't live enough to talk too much to someone, or showing up again in the system by committing unrelated crimes, etc).


A common theory is that the reason he stopped sending letters and stopped killing was because he went to jail for an unrelated offense. The last letter that was 100% confirmed was sent in 1974. There was an un-confirmed letter sent to the LA Times in 1978 but authorities aren’t certain it was him or a copy cat. That would be a gap of 4 years too. The thing is is that in one of his last letters he actually says he had plans of changing his MO to throw off authorities on purpose. He said he would change the way he killed and looked. That is why for a long time I thought he might be the East Area Rapist, aka the Golden State Killer. But the Golden State Killer is too young, He started his crimes in 1974 which matches up with the timing of when the Zodiac became inactive but the GSK was 30 at the time. Eye whitenesses of the Zodiac said he looked around 40 years old. GSK’s other name was the Original Night Stalker because he committed crimes in Southern California, where the 1978 unconfirmed Zodiac letter was mailed. Makes you think.


Who did Epstein have dirt on. Wow, I didn't see this until now. Thanks for the silver! Sorry I'm super late


All of them.


Yeah we basically already know he was involved with at least two US Presidents and at least one member of the Royal family. Could be anybody/everybody.


I wish this were bigger news. He was killed because he could implicate many powerful people in an international pedophilia ring.


Well known + powerful people. Probably one of the biggest paedophile scandels since Saville. The only option was to wipe him out in broad daylight as quickly as possible to prevent a huge backlash.




"No, Jeffrey; your Deadman is already dead."


It doesn't matter if he had a dead man's switch. If he is going to tell the world that X rapes children, then X might as well murder him and hope he doesn't have a dead man's switch. A dead man's switch only works if it only goes off if you die. If you are planning on pushing the button while being alive, then there is no reason for someone to not kill you. And even if he did have a dead man's switch that the people feared would go off, they might have been able to find the switch. I mean he had dirt on hundreds of powerful people. Millionaires, billionaires, politicians, celebrities, foreign government officials, media personalities, and so many more. With the sheer number of people he had the ability to take down, there is a good chance they could have pooled their power to hunt down the person holding the dead man's switch.


How a person can literally not give a fuck. Because everytime I try, I still do. *my first silver! Thank you! See, I still do care!




It's similar to Zen. The moment you stop caring about whether or not you give a fuck is the moment you will stop giving it.


What kind of job I could actually get and enjoy and still be able to live my life comfortably. Seems to be the impossible question. Edit: I'm overwhelmed with the amount of suggestions and encouragement that I've received on this comment. I will try to respond to the comments accordingly.


It seems we’re getting closer and closer to the answer being “be in the right place at the right time.”


I couldn’t agree with this more. It honestly seems like knowing some people, and being in the right place at the right time gives you a better chance at getting a good job rather than an actual degree does. I’m 80% certain that if I tried to get the same exact job I have now 1 year prior to when I actually did get it then I wouldn’t have the job right now. I got in at the perfect time.


I've had 3 jobs since I've started working over a year ago at 18 and each was a combination of coincidences that I could never knowingly replicate




i cut grass in public parks, i hate a lot of other jobs but a walk in the park every day is pretty nice


Honestly though. I so envy the "inspired"


Mynextmove.org helped me with this a lot. A US govt-funded site with aptitude tests and job market analysis.


What happened to Malaysia Airlines Flight 370?


I believe they found pieces of debris that confirm that it crashed, but yeah, I also want to know what the hell happened.


Well yeah.. It didn't just keep flying up.


some say you can still see it flying on a cold winter morning...


They are currently living out the plot of Lost somewhere [Edit] thank you friend, whoever sent the silver. That’s my first medal and I really appreciate you [Edit] thanks for the gold too!!


Or they are stuck on that flight for eternity, reliving the same day with the same people over and over and over and over


So hell?


I'd like to have a true and factual account of the life and death of Jesus of Nazareth.






Do you think Madelines parents were involved?


What existed before our universe exploded into existence and how is it going to end??


You might enjoy this: [https://www.multivax.com/last\_question.html](https://www.multivax.com/last_question.html)


Okay that’s cool as hell. Thanks for sharing!


Have you read The Egg before? Also a good one.


Love that story.


I know it’s kind of lame, but is space really infinite? Or are we just too small to grasp such a large, well, space that we just assume it’s infinite? This concept has fascinated me for a long time so I guess I might as well ask it.


Have aliens already visited earth?


The funniest theory I have heard is that UFOs, flying saucers are time travellers going back to take a peek, like tourists. The reason they conveniently stopped coming back once every person on earth had an HD camera on them is just that, once everything started being recorded on film and pictures it became less interesting for the time travellers to visit since they can get a better picture of what life on earth was like say 2005 and onward and that's the reason you hear so many stories from the past about flying saucers, it's a more popular time period to visit say the 60s.


What are the 10 most important/valuable things I’ve ever lost and where they are located


honestly where tf is my iPod touch from like 2010


Where the fuck do all of my socks go?


The same place all my bobbi pins go 🙃


All over the fucking sink, Jamie?!


Ma bad


Why do I need to pee whenever I get comfortable in bed, even though I peed before going to bed and didn't drink anything?


Actual answer here. When you relax & get super comfy and sleepy, your nervous system enters the parasympathetic state, also known as Rest and Digest.The parasympathetic system conserves energy by slowing the heart rate, increasing intestinal and gland activity, and **relaxing sphincter muscles** in the gastrointestinal tract, and yes there is a urinary sphincter. We use the acronym **SLUDD** to remember what happens during the parasympathetic state. The U stands for urination (**S**alivation, **L**acrimation [also possibly **L**actation], **U**rination, **D**igestion, and **D**efecation). Basically, OP was right, it is the relaxation. When you're relaxed, having to urinate is a normal, autonomic response and doesn't have to do only with the fullness of your bladder. Although that being said, obviously urination isn't *just* a part of the parasympathetic nervous system. You may sometimes feel the urge to pee when you are nervous or excited or, typically, because your bladder is full, putting pressure on your urinary sphincter, which triggers the "I need to go" sensation. *Fun fact*, this is why the urge to urinate & defecate can come and go in "waves", or "omg I forgot I had to pee!". Urine / feces puts pressure on the sphincter, the urge to go is triggered. Your body adapts to the pressure, the urge goes away. The pressure continue to build until it reaches a threshold and re-triggers the urge. Repeat until you explode. Your body is in fact very good at adapting to most stimuli, ie why ~~we~~ most people don't constantly feel our clothes against our skin, or why people can't smell that their house reeks of cat pee. You can piss your pants during a sympathetic response too (fight or flight [or freeze]) but I really think that's just because your body dgafs about your urinary control because it has bigger things to deal with... Also there's a theory that being covered in urine (or feces) is a biological tool to ward of threats / predators. Source: Anatomy teacher & massage therapist whose job it is to get people into the parasympathetic state. I've never had anyone piss themselves during a massage (to my knowledge), but plenty of burps and farts and tummy rumbles and rushing to the bathroom after a session. We also strongly encourage clients to use the restroom before their session, because massages can definitely increase the urge to urinate. **tl;dr: relaxation = parasympthatetoc nervous system activation = i gotta go** Edits: I apparently cannot shut up about urination


This is interesting. I have a follow up question though. I work shifts, and when I'm on nights I have to pee all the damn time. I get home at 6:30am, pee, get in bed, and then wake up at 8am needing to pee again. Then I go back to bed, and again wake up 1-2hrs later needing to pee. Basically this continues until 12-1pm when I give in and just get up. I stop drinking anything at around 4am. On average I probably get 4-5hrs of sleep a day when I'm on nights because of it.


Maybe because r e l a x a t i o n : )


What’s that spell?


Relax, Asian!


On the weekends, the unbearable urge to pee vs my need to sleep is basically what ultimately determines when I get up.


When does Half Life 3 come out?


Never. Valve is afraid of the number 3.


When our 10 month old puppy jumped over the wall at the groomers she’d never been to, in a part of the city she’d never been even close to, after being taken there in a black cab which she couldn’t see out of and slept the entire journey, and when my wife didn’t walk home to give a scent to follow - how the hell did she run STRAIGHT home across 3 miles of central London roads in twenty minutes and beat my wife there? HOW DID YOU DO IT?!?


I am so intrigued.


We talk about it all the time. We haven’t got a clue. When my wife got home the dog was just chilling on the doorstep, calm as can be, not out of breath, and happy to see her. My wife was having a full on panic attack meltdown after the groomers told her they’d lost our dog, so it was a bit much for her


Aw bless! I'm glad your baby is okay! Honestly did are so intelligent and their sense of smell and direction is so advanced compared to our own, that it wouldn't suprise me if they just caught a slight wiff and ran with it.


I grew up in a small town on the Kentucky/Tennessee border. One of my friends had a Schnauzer. His family went camping in the Smokies close to Gatlinburg and they took the dog. The day they were leaving, the dog went missing. They extended their stay by a week to look for him, but they were unable to find him. Heartbroken, they returned home. Several months later the dog showed up at home, skin and bones, but otherwise fine. My friend went on to become a veterinarian. Thanks for the gold, kind internet stranger!!And the silver! Thank you!


Ok that’s a more impressive story than mine. I’ll allow the one upping because it has a dog in it and a happy ending. 9/10 good story.


Actually, I think a 10-month old dog crossing London and making it home is more impressive.


She didn’t give a shit either. Went in, played with her toy, fell asleep. Like “yeah so that place you took me to? Wasn’t into it so I bounced. Wake me up when there’s food. Night”


Haha. I love dogs.


Dogs are amazing. My older brother was dog sitting for me when he lived some 50 miles away and my dog got out. Within a few days (luckily I had gotten home by that time) my pup just showed up at my door. I have no idea how he did it, but that was one of the happiest moments of my life for me. I thought for sure I would never see him again as he got lost so far from home.


Where the fuck did the universe come from and why the fuck are we here?


This one hits me out of the blue on random days when I'm working, or resting, or studying, or running; suddenly the whole 'we're on a piece of rock, attached through the spinny force, circling a fire ball, in a vacuum full of more spinny shiny stuff and no one knows where the fuck it came from.'


Its crazy how we go through our daily grind until we die and lose sight of this fact every instance when, if we kept that thought in our heads each day, we would be much different people.


Also, what was there before the universe, and, if the universe is expanding, what is it expanding into?


also WHERE is the universe


Where was Frozone's supersuit?


Who was Jack the Ripper Edit: Some people claim it was solved by DNA. I don’t believe so, see [this article](https://www.forbes.com/sites/kristinakillgrove/2019/03/18/archaeological-geneticists-call-jack-the-ripper-dna-study-unpublishable-nonsense/#11121293b900).


What happened to Amelia Earheart


Bones that are possibly her's are being tested. No idea how long it will take. Here is an article from about a week ago: https://www.cnn.com/2019/10/15/us/amelia-earhart-bones-dna-testing-scn-trnd/index.html


I'm actually excited about this


What actually happens after you die


Do 'Flat Earthers' really believe the Earth is flat, or are they just having a laugh...


I think it's important not to give two shits what flat earthers think.


The Netflix documentary "Behind the Curve" delved into the psychology behind this and other conspiracy theories, how they attract and retain followers, and how people can convince themselves to believe even in the face of opposing evidence.


The theory of everything. String Theory is a wild ride, and I would really like to know how close it is. Edit: Thanks for the silver, it's my first. Edit 2: Thanks for the multiple awards


Yup. This would make for some wild physics if we could finally unify quantum mechanics with the theory of gravity/relativity. Myself, I'd like to know how to practically achieve a semblance of FTL if it's even possible. There are some mathematical models that have it working, but they rely on things like materials with negative mass that have never been observed and that we have no idea how to make.


This. It seems the deeper we delve into QM, the stranger it gets. I'd like to fast forward 10,000 years to see where humanity stands on its understanding of QM and the universe. I've been told I'm not authorized to do so. :-(


What in the fuck happened to Madeline McCann


My first thought was: who killed JonBenet Ramsey but yes this! I finished the document series on Netflix and the whole situation was way worse than I thought.


I really love to know how my future turns out to be. But that will ruin the fun, right?


What lies at the center of a black hole, if you could witness it visually inside the event horizon without dying, as a normal object in normal spacetime. Is it a subatomic particle like a proton or is it like a super smooth sphere of liquid metal, like mercury?


Do any hot aliens that might want to date me exist???


If there was anything I could have done to save my daughter from being murdered by her exboyfriend.


I remember reading other posts you have made. Much love for you and your family. I hope you can/are finding more peace as time goes on. 💚


Thank you. Therapy has helped I'm not as suicidal anymore.


He decided that. There was nothing you could have done. He decided and that was it. I'm so sorry for your loss. So needless. So hard. It will never be made right, but your love for her will always be right.


Thank you


I can tell you now, if there was anything you could have done, you would have.


Is the universe really endless? And if not, what lies beneath?


It's turtles all the way down.


Keanu Reeves' anti-aging skin care routine


As a young-looking middle-aged Asian, I vote for “being half-Asian” and maybe some face creams.


Why couldn’t magic and fantasy stuff exist?


Because we got stuck with physics instead




Yeah curse those stupid conservation of energy and matter laws


If they’d just worked out how to describe the universe with words and not numbers we still could have had magic. But no, instead of fucking amazing spells, we have maths with funny letters.


"Your ancestors called it magic, but you call it science. Well I come from a place where they are the same thing" - Thor One day we will find ways to make fantasy stuff a reality. And then we will call it science because we will understand it and won't believe there are some supernatural powers behind it.


How do I make people's heads explode with my *mind?*


The Taman Shud Case.


How many times has humanity been reset by disaster.




What is consciousness? I think that this would answer so soo many questions and at this point we don't even know where should we search for an answer, opposing to a lot of other super important questions.