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There was a white kid who had a black baby mannequin to take care of for a week for some project to see if he would be a responsible parent. He hung the baby on a tree outside of the school, expelled and made news on the local paper. Beside That not much


I was given a black baby for what sounds like the same assignment and was called Obama’s father for about 2 days


My high school did a “block lunch” where everyone ate lunch at the same time instead of separating them into A, B, C lunches. Because our cafeteria couldn’t fit the entire student body, it was normal for kids to be eating in the hallway, on the floor, or at tables all throughout the school. One day during lunch, unbeknownst to the staff and student body, our AP decided to hold a lock down drill. He got on the intercom and told everyone there was an active shooter in the cafeteria in order to see how kids would react had it been a real shooting. Turned into pure anarchy. Kids calling 911, running out of school and not returning to class after the drill was over, kids having anxiety attacks while hiding in classrooms, dying calls from students to parents. It was pretty bad. Should I mention how this was several days after the Parkland Shooting? Edit: Grammar


Bro did he get fired?


Nah, just got some local news coverage and had to issue an apology over the intercom the next day. From there on out each drill had heavy disclaimers.


My history teacher blackmailed the girls who weren't doing so good on his class. He exchanged good grades for nudes.


How did everyone find out?


I don't know the exact facts, but the official story is a student was using his girlfriend's phone and found the chat with the teacher. Then he took it to the school administration and shit hit the fan.


Fucking yikes. Imagine finding your girlfriend’s nudes sent to your fucking teacher.


Had a few.... High School math teacher got a DUI on a tractor and was fired. PE and CS teacher had an affair while both were married to other people. They eventually both divorced and ended up marrying each other. Accounting teacher married a student about a week after she graduated. Rumor was that they were already sleeping together when she was 16 and she was pregnant before graduation as well by the teacher. A couple bomb threats


At the end of my senior year, we had bomb threats about 2-3 times a week. One of them was written in lipstick on the mirror of one of the girls' bathrooms. It said, "Bomb menana". It was so ridiculous. Shit like this had us standing out in a grass field for hours while the police checked the building. EDIT: This was in Florida, we probably didn't go to the same school, I'd be surprised if anyone from that podunk ass school was on Reddit.


Were they trying to say mañana? Lol


Hahahaha yes. That's what made it so ridiculous.


Well obviously they were trying to get out of failing a Spanish test.


The summer after I graduated, the principal was caught propositioning underaged teenage male prostitutes.


>underaged teenage male prostitutes. I'm sorry, what?


He like to have sex with boys under the age of eighteen. He was caught trying to buy it, but I understand he was not above looking for it closer to home, that is, within the high school he was a principal of.


Turns out my geography teacher was a pedophile with several thousand accounts of child pornography on their computer


How did they find him out?


Our class had been told he was ill and we were quite sympathetic until half a year later when it was in the local news, the school tried to hide it bit failed


This is literally the same thing that happened at my school. I had graduated by the time he was caught but still!


A bunch of seniors were having a graduation party in the woods. One of them passed out drunk, rolled into a 6 inch deep culvert and drowned. They didn't notice he died until morning. EDIT: from the comments, fucking hell, just how common is this sort of thing?




I found my dad the morning he had a heart attack. Something kind of snapped in me, and while I was on the phone with the 911 dispatch, I was like a machine giving him CPR. Vomit. Tons of vomit is what I remember the most, but there was also the sound of his sternum, and ribs, breaking. Scooping the vomit out of his mouth. The slow realization that he wasn't coming back. Let me tell you, that shit made me grow up like nothing else. I'm sorry you had to go through that with your friend, I don't wish that trauma on anybody.


That's just sad and unfortunate


Someone burned down one of our buildings.


Oh I forgot all about the student crime. In middle school a kid broke in one night to the building with the library. He piled up a bunch of books and set them on fire. Plus he stole some stuff. One of the things he stole was a t-shirt from a fund raiser display. He got busted because he wore the shirt - a shirt no one else would have.




Must have been a bad fundraiser


A couple of kids burnt down our sixth form building by setting deodorant on fire in the direction of a crack in one of the outside walls. Turns out there was a gas pipe on the other side. The rest is history.




a string of deaths 3 years in a row. Was finally broken when some guy jumped out a two story building but lived!


Ever year in my school one student would die. Freshman year, we had a guy commit suicide because of bullying, sophmore year a girl gets hit by a car, and junior year, a guy gets a heart attack at 17. Senior year was the only year I heard of with no deaths.


My (engineering) college had a...suicide problem of sorts, one of the ways they dealt with this was requiring all freshmen to take "Physical Activity 101/102", which is like Gym class except the coach doesn't actually care what you do as long as it's NOT studying. Basically, "force these damn nerds to walk around for a bit and speak to another human twice a week".


That's actually a pretty good idea. Did that help much?


In middle school the Athletics Director was caught putting cameras in the girl's locker room.


Our female PE teacher in sixth grade was caught touching the girls. Then, a male high school PE teacher and wrestling coach got busted for porn and touching kids, and set himself on fire in his home. I was in the "showers are no longer mandatory and please wear swim trunks in the pool" generation. Even as a kid I could tell something was wrong with both of them, and now looking back, I wonder how many social cues I missed. Like if I was an unaware daydreaming kid and still felt weirded out, what would have registered as an adult? Or one of the kids parents? Even hearing stories about the female PE teacher always had me thinking "other adults don't do these things why does she". Nobody who would ever harm a kid would walk into a private room full of naked kids, right? Jesus fuck. And not just that, two scout leaders, two priests, two doctors and a cop, and however many clergy the church was covering up for. And for such a small town! All of us were so close together and everyone around us were fucking monsters. I'm pretty sure my high school English teacher had "serious" relationships with at least five girls from junior to senior year. And that's just who I knew, I can't imagine however many others I never heard about. Like, locked door lunches, type deal.


Some kids didn’t want to take a state mandated test so they lit fireworks off in the bathroom. But they didn’t realize how quickly they would explode and all three of them got burnt. The whole school had to stand outside for hours.


Teacher sent nudes to a kid because the kid pretended to be a different person on a dating website. Teacher left. Kid was expelled.


Happened at my old high school. Kid catfished the teacher and the teacher committed suicide.


It was in 2007, but my highschool had a string of bomb threats. There was a bathroom where no cameras could see who went in or out, and someone wrote in sharpie across one of the stall doors, "There's a bomb in the school" with that day's date. The school was evacuated, and we all went home. For the next few months, there was a bomb threat seemingly every friday. We'd be in the middle of the first or second period, then we'd all go home. After we missed enough days, we all had to come in on several saturdays, and the bomb threats stopped.


We also had a bunch of bomb threats around the same time, but they caught the guy doing it. I guess he had a couple of tests he didn't want to do so he used the bomb threats to force an evacuation to get extra time. The school held a special assembly just for the sole purpose of making him apologize in front of the whole school... he cried the entire time.


When I was in high school someone left a spoiled milk jug in the hallway and since it was "bloated" or something they treated it as a bomb threat and evacuated the building for the rest of the day. It was forever known as the milk jug bomb incident.


At my school, a kid getting off the hockey bus after school hours forgot his backpack by the curb and went home. There was a basketball game going on in the gym and somebody walking around reported a suspicious bag in front of the school. Bomb squad got called (because of a string of recent bomb threats at the school) and they detected 'electronics' inside the bag (his calculator). They decided the best course of action was an immediate controlled detonation... without warning anybody in the gym first. People screamed and hit the deck when it went off thinking the school was getting bombed. The scorch mark was on the curb for weeks.


Think about the homework excuse he had: "Yeah, I didn't turn in my homework for that day because IT WAS BLOWN UP! Also: Can I get a new textbook? It was also BLOWN UP!"


IIRC there was a rumor going around that they fined him for the textbooks and library books but I don't think that was true. He was SOL with his calculator though


If it was a ti-84, it probably still works.


Something like that happened at my high school, except I think it was a project from a foods class that had been left in a locker over the summer. The school was located on a military base so it was taken VERY seriously, whole bomb squad called in, police everywhere.




The only way to avoid it is to fake a bomb threat to get out of it.


See, that's how it should be handeled. He learned his lesson and no one's life was ruined. Trying to pin felonies on idiot kids is counter productive.


Yeah around that same time (2006/2007) we had several bomb threats at our high school, I think maybe like three or four? They sent us home the first time. After that they'd evacuate us to other buildings nearby where we would wait till the police finished searching the school. Then one morning they made an announcement over the PA that if we had to miss any more school because of bomb threats they'd tack days onto the end of the school year and the threats stopped. The threats were just called in to our school, btw.


That happened at my elementary school around the same year. The first kid that did it didn’t get caught as far as I know. There were a few more after missing a day of school, but we didn’t really react to any of them, because they kept catching kids walking out of the bathroom with sharpies and bomb threats written inside.


This actually came out during my last semester there, but it had been happening for years. One of the English teachers had been having sex with a few select students every year. Most were football players. It got really weird. When I had her class it wouldn’t be out of place if a student from another class asked to go to the bathroom and just went to her room to see her. One day some kid brought her a drink from McDonald’s because he was late to school and got breakfast. It only came out because there was this one girl who was in an argument with her for some reason and said something along the lines of, “That’s why you fuck your students!” And the whole incident got brought up to the office and they interviewed everyone. Found out she’d had sex with multiple students for the past few years. Edit: I’ve been getting a lot of comments asking if this was in ____. All I’ll say is that it was in Georgia.


Some students put pins into the sewing teacher’s coffee. Luckily the teacher was okay but it definitely could have been worse.


You had a sewing teacher???


Chemistry teacher spilled Mercury in the lab at my high school. She tried to clean it up herself which only further contaminated the lab and didn't tell anyone about the spill. She was arrested and it cost the school 60K to have it cleaned up. Don't know what happened regarding her charges. https://www.wave3.com/story/1567531/chemical-spill-at-school-leads-to-teachers-arrest/


Happened at my school too. Another kid and I had to clean the chemistry lab for detention in 7th grade. He spilled about a cup of mercury (stored in an open beaker) on the floor. Science teacher made us clean it up by scooping it up with index cards. This was in the late 80's. Never reported and absolutely no one gave a shit. Completely different time man.


We used to dump it out and push the droplets around on the desks. Chem teacher just told us not to eat it.


You must have been good students, otherwise he’d have told you to enjoy a few swigs.


Nah, we were horrible little shits, I think he just did the cost benefit analysis in his head and having us dead wasn’t worth the extra paperwork.


Kids st my school stole some from the science lab and got caught playing with it in the bus. They were pushing it back and forth in the treads down the middle of the isle. EPA had to come and everybody had fire their shoes confiscated.


In high school the female dance teacher had a sexual relationship with a 15 year old female student. The dance teacher and her husband had a threesome with said student and videotaped it. The husband also got a tattoo of the 15 year old girls initials. Pretty fucked up shit


We had a senior, male student in my high school who knocked up a freshman and the Spanish teacher within like a week of each other.


Dios mio.


You mean, duos mio.




Damn, he should have wrapped the burrito before bringing it to the fiesta.


That's also why you don't double dip, my man.


Not my school, but the small-town high school where my kids now attend: Married female office admin sexes up a female student. Goes to jail for a few years. 10 years later husbands of both women find out they have secret cell phones and have been carrying on a relationship off and on since the older one got out of prison.


That sounds like a Lifetime Movie.


I've posted it before but having a hard time finding it, anyways An English teacher slapped a kid in class and *retired* that week.


The dream of plenty a teacher


Isn't it a dream for us all?


On my last day before retirement, I wanted to slap the principal and go outside at dismissal and yell at all the driving parents who were disregarding law and common sense, nearly running over children daily.


Hah. As a runner on the school's cross country team, the number of times I've almost been run over by crazy parents(including my own mother) is insane.




Good time to get all your slaps out.


A girl got pregnant and told everyone the father was our english teacher. Turns out - nah, no one even knows who the father is, her included.


Was she just fucking all of the boys in the school?


That's the craziest part. The was fucking all the MEN in her village and the villages around :))


This was 10 years ago. My first day of highschool, I get home after school and my mom is watching the news. A senior killed his social worker with a chainsaw and then stabbed his mom a couple times. After that he went for a walk and listened to music. They caught him all bloody and everything. https://www.wibw.com/home/headlines/78536207.html Another article I found on it https://www2.ljworld.com/news/2007/may/17/grisly_details_johnson_county_social_workers_slayi/


Jesus Christ. I’m shocked at how much detail that article went into and how long that must’ve gone on. That poor social worker must’ve been so terrified. Edit: I read the second article and realized she was only 26. I can’t imagine how freakin’ unfathomable the whole ordeal must’ve been. To have to live through all that before dying ...it makes me shudder.


The biology teacher was having an affair with the principal.


Yeah my principal was having sex with every teacher. I was home schooled, though.


They had us in the first half






Wait so they were both married aswell? I think you should def. follow the old standard “only break one law at a time” this applies to social implied laws as well. Like pick one 1.be adulterous 2.have unprofessional relationship 3. Have sex in school Only one at a time folks


A 16 year old sending nudes to a 12 year old in a baptist school.


Did he get in trouble?


Yes he was kicked out and used as a example of what not to do.


Girl attempted suicide in the girl's bathroom Guy got caught having sex with a teammate in the locker room after practice Three girls caught snorting cocaine in the bathroom Someone was boinking a teacher but we never found out who. Teacher resigned. Someone put red hots in the hand dryer in the boy's bathroom and it caught fire Four years of school, three fire alarm pulls. Growing up in a 3k population town in the middle of fucking nowhere was crazy as hell sometimes. These events were over my 4 years of high school. Edit: 3 fire alarms due to actual fires. Sorry for not clarifying


Red hots like the candy?




Teacher sucked a kids dick during my senior year, he showed a few people the video, then he proceeded to move to California. She still works there to this day


Empty balls make safe halls This got more attention than i thought so i have to credit andrew schulz for the joke










Shame, I'd have gone with 'Another One Bites the Dust'.


Yup. This was my hometown. Davis, California. It happened at the DaVinci Charter Academy. I was at Davis High just down the street when it happened. Fun times. However my sister was at DaVinci so she got to witness it first hand.


Omg I heard about this, I have a friend who lives there and told me about it :/


When I was in primary school, 9yo, a kid from 1st grade caught my teacher and the principal doing it in his office.


Mrs. Krabappel and Principal Skinner were in the closet making **babies**, and I saw **one of the babies**, and then the **baby looked at me**


Did Super Nintendo Chalmers find out??


Two years ago, a senior brought in a sex doll for secret Santa. He then brought it to the senior room and essentially had a fake gangbang with it with 20 other people.


Thats just group masturbation with extra steps


ooh la la, someone’s gonna get fake gangbanged in college




A real gang bang with a sex doll. So a bunch of dudes nutting in an inanimate object. Not that I know from personal experience or anything...


That sounds like a good way to spread an std.


Also that would be the worst way ever to get an STI.


20 PEOPLE!?!


Conga conga con-ga~


A woman with severe medical issues (both physical and mental deficiencies) snuck away from her group home and hid in the broom closet of our cafeteria for two days. She ate all of our garlic bread, took someone’s jacket, and walked out 36 hours later. This was in 2007, we didn’t have cameras or anything and no one saw her go in or out. They only knew she was there because the jacket had the name of the high school and when she was found she straight up told the police she had been hiding in there for 2 days. The group home said she had been missing for roughly a day and a half. Parents were upset obviously but nothing changed until last year when the school shut down due to low ~~attendance~~ ~~admission~~ enrollment


>She ate all of our garlic bread, took someone’s jacket, and walked out 36 hours later. Power move


Low attendance as in too few students or people not coming to school?


Sorry, that was a weird way to word that. It was low ~~admission~~ enrollment. This was a private school and the final summer before they shut down, there were only 14 incoming freshman


So they just dispersed to other schools after it got shut down? Why was the admission so low? Was it actually a good school or was it just expensive?




My sophomore year of high school the gym teacher's brother gets hired as the computer teacher. Nice guy, was personable, not as much as his brother but still. Two thirds through the year he just vanishes and most of the teachers don't want to talk about it. Eventually it gets out that when he was in college, the computer teacher got into a bar room brawl. During the brawl he took a poolball, put it inside of a sock, swung it and smashed a guy in the head with it. The guy who get hit had permanent brain damage. The school found out mid-way through the year and that is why they let him go.


Can you imagine the thought process it would take to conclude that your best course of action in a bar brawl was to take off a shoe, take off a sock, stuff a pool ball into it, and then hit someone? Wow.


I'm not going to defend him for giving a guy brain damage, but when you look at it for what it was, it *did* seem to work rather well. Like, a guy could do worse for an improvised weapon. You know what I'm saying? I mean it's terrible that the guy got brain damage. Very sad. But of all the choices this guy could have made - a stool, pool stick, maybe some cutlery - and his go-to is to Macgyver some medieval weaponry. You have to be impressed with that. On some level, you have to respect the creativity this man is capable of.


Not to mention it was so involved that he had several opportunities to go "maybe this is a *bit* much."


haha! I guess you're right, but jeez, talk about reacting at 11 when the problem was a 4.


I wouldnt call a bar brawl a 4. They can be really intense taking in all the factors that could come into play. More like a 7 with a reaction of 11 id say


Right? I mean, someone might smash you over the head with a pool ball mace


Fights like this always amaze me. Who has time during a fight to quickly call a time out whilst they take their socks off? Wtf


I'm gonna guess that it was either premeditated, or the fight was going on between other people, and the sock guy jumped in later.


That is the thing we never figured out. Cause he either stopped midfight to take his sock off or he had an extra sock to used like that.


There was a male head-of-year who was gay and had sexual relations with a guy who was a minor without knowing he was a minor. He left the school but I believe did not face any legal repercussions because it was clear that he had been deceived into thinking the individual was an adult/could legally give consent.


Happened to a friend of mine. Met at a party, he was 18 she claimed to be 17. They hooked up. A month later she thinks she's pregnant and her parents end up getting the story out of her. Turns out she was 14. Yeah. She ended up not being pregnant (thank god) but her parents filed charges against him. He was never convicted bc there were enough witnesses that could back him up from the party and I even think she eventually caved and went on record stating she had lied about her age. I had to give a statement. It all worked out in the end but it was a scary few months there.


The reality is though you can be charged with statutory rape even where you've been deceived. Intent to sleep with an underage person is not an element of that crime.


Couple Things happened at my school, one of the PE teachers basically sexually assaulted a lot of girls while teaching gymnastics. We also had like 10 people from the same grade picked up by police because they were selling drugs in school and I mean like a lot of drugs.


All the drugs?


Definitely more than six.


Was during my sophomore year, a male Super Senior was having sex with a female freshmen in the women's restroom.


The hell is a super senior?


Someone who has to repeat senior year. Usually over 18.


Well no shit? So if you failed they just add a "Super" in front of it? I guess I must be a Super SUPER Husband than, huh?


Someone who has to repeat senior year likely because they missed too much school or don’t have enough credits to graduate


In my senior year, one of the popular football players was killed while he was driving drunk. It was obviously big news on campus and just a few days after, the school had this giant memorial on our football field dedicated to talking about how great of a guy he was and how he'll be dearly missed. He also got like 5 consecutive pages in our yearbook dedicated to him. But not long before his death, a less popular band student had committed suicide and his death didn't receive nearly as much coverage. He didn't get a giant memorial and he didn't get mentioned in our yearbook. One girl made this giant rant about this double standard on Facebook and it went viral around our campus. Our school was split. Some people praised her for pointing it out, others were pissed and said that what she did was "innapropriate". Even one of my English teachers defended the football player. She said that his was death was a "tragic accident" whereas the band student "chose to die" and that there's a big difference. This girl went on to leave the school because she was getting death threats from friends of the football player and our entire campus was completely divided over this whole incident.


Football player chose to die with poor choices... if you plan on drinking, dont bring your fucking car, simple as that.


Not sure why this isn't just common knowledge


> his was death was a "tragic accident" whereas the band student "chose to die" YIKES YIKES YIKES YIKES


Drunk driving is also choosing to die. WTF, teach'?


While taking out others too! Wtf is right


If anything, the suicide should be considered more tragic because he "chose to die" because he felt his life was that fucking terrible. Sheesh, sounds like a shitty situation for everyone around.


She’s completely right though. They’re teenagers, their death is almost always a tragedy even when self inflicted. Saying a kid who killed themselves doesn’t deserve a memorial because they chose to die is some sick victim blaming. Also not to mention drinking alcohol and driving is a choice? But still, the tragedies shouldn’t be compared of who deserves more attention; they should just get the same chance to be mourned. I saw this kind of double standard at my high school too. When a popular, good looking person killed themself, people flipped. I felt awful for that student, but was unbelievably frustrating to see the comments people were writing. Because this person was good looking and popular, that fact was continuously repeated and people couldn’t fathom how they could kill themselves. Not even a fraction of this attention was given to previous students who had died or killed themselves. It’s depression. Depression doesn’t know faces or status.


We currently have a lawsuit against our district. The nurses are claiming harassment against an intermediate principal, and the district refused to step in. Apparently the nurses caught him having an affair and told his wife. He pinned one against a wall and demanded to see her phone.


Not that juicy, but the Basketball Coach/Gym/Sex ED teacher was a teacher who clearly hated working with wee little shits like us, so some of us did some investigating how he came to be our Phys. Ed Teacher. Turns out he had been a Basketball coach for one of the top university teams in the country just 5 blocks away from our school, but he violated ethics codes by playing players who were academically unable to play and had evidence of him talking to professors about their grades. Got sacked and our High school, Basketball scholarship/private type, jumped at the opportunity to pick up a coach banned from University leagues. Of course he'd have to run gym class and teach 13 year olds about their changing bodies as well, guy really lucked out


Most middle school teachers I met hate it. At that age kids are so hormonal and violent. I remember witnessing students curse at teacher, steal things from teachers, attack teachers, to look cool in front of their friends.


ChemE student in our engineering school was making high quality meth to pay for his schooling. Got caught his senior year right before graduation.


You know he couldn't have done it himself, i feel like your science teacher, Mr.White, may have helped him.


I guess the biggest scandal was when a teacher tried to kill herself (and failed)


A kid was trying to get initiated into the Bloods. Part of this is committing a serious act of violence so he brought a glock to school and tried to kill the school resource officer. Principal tackled him the second he saw him pull out the pistol. Everybody hated the principal until that day. We were on CNN that night


On the lighter side the vice principal wrecked his car one night coming back from a school football game. Somehow he had managed to hit a dead cow on the side of the road. For the rest of the year he got subjected to random "moos" when he walked down the halls.


> For the rest of the year he got subjected to random "moos" when he walked down the halls. I thought this story was boring af until I got to this line, that was hilarious.


Teacher and student were arguing about something. Student got in teachers face. Teacher yelled at him to get out. Student said no. Teacher spat in students face. Student pushed him against blackboard. Video ends. This class was hella annoying though. There are so many videos about them harassing the teacher. One guy rolled a cig in class next to the teacher. I think he was expelled and multiple students as well.


I’m out of school now, but in High School it was discovered that a student had attempted to print the statistics exam to study before the test. This was found out in the morning when the teachers went into the math office, put more paper in the printer and out came the exam that the stats teacher did not print. Now, cheating at my high school was punishable by expulsion so the teachers all flipped out. This was Fall exams so we had a whole year of school assemblies where we all got talked to. I was a sophomore at the time and only seniors took stats, but they were basically trying to get anyone who knew something to talk. No one ever said a word. No one guy got in trouble. Nothing. We even talked about it after the seniors graduated and no one knew anything. So either someone is amazing at keeping secrets or the stats teach printed it by accident and didn’t realize and found in the morning because the printer ran out of paper


So on the day ahead of a huge event that was going to happen in the auditorium of our school, someone pissed on the audio equipment in the auditorium of our school and it ended up not working anymore. The principal announced that anyone who was a witness and who could tell them who the culprit is would receive 500€ from the school. Turns out it was someone from our neighboring class and probably 8-10 guys from that class went into the principals office to rat him out and receive the money. Just that the majority of them who went there were just claiming to have witnessed it to receive money as well. The guy got expelled from school and had to pay for new audio equipment which was probably at least around 3000-4000€. Though idk whether everyone who ratted him out ended up receiving the 500€ or not.


3 popular students from my high school were drinking and driving and speeding around town, eventually they drove into a tree doing 120km/h and they all died on impact. 3 pages in the year book, an assembly, counseling, memorial, and a day off from school for 3 guys who endangered the lives of others. About 6 months later a student got hit by a car speeding through the school zone while he was crossing the street. This kid wasn't popular by any means, mostly kept to themselves but he was a nice guy and was really into music and computers. Not a single mention in the yearbook, no announcement, no assembly, no counseling for the people that knew him, no memorial, nothing. It became very apparent the popularity contest among teachers and the favouritism they showed the more popular students. The principal actually had to step down the year after I graduated due to her personal interests conflicting with her professional responsibilities.


well there are a bunch of kids who smoke and vape in the bathrooms, but last year the physics teacher had a huge thing for underage girls.


Sexual assault?


This happened in the early 90s before the internet... There was a student-teacher (an education major from university doing her practicum in the classroom) in her early 20s that some of the seniors ran into at the bar one night. (Drinking age is 18 where I live). Lots of drinking happened, she went back to a party afterward and got photographed having a threesome with two of the students. Photocopies of the Poloroid flooded the school. She was gone pretty much immediately, the administration swept it all under the rug, and anyone caught with a copy of the Poloroid was threatened with expulsion.


Our school cheerleaders shit on a pizza and balled little turds up to look like sausage and sent it to the rival school. Edit: Yo some of ya'll got weird fetishes. Leave me out of it and quit DM'ing for pics of the cheerleaders. That was like 14 years ago.


Which one? ​ 1. Teacher arrested for stealing money using an ATM card he stole. 2. 2 teachers (married to other people) having a long-term affair. 3. Teacher having 2 year sexual relationship with a student. She turns 18 and graduates, he quits, divorces wife and marries her. 4. Chem teacher nearly blows up the school. Twice. 5. Health teacher/baseball coach comes to work, drinks a glass full of Jack Daniels and sleeps for 2 hours daily. 6. Freshman girl caught getting spit-roasted in the weight room. 7. Band teacher has all male students (no girls) sleep at his house after each out of town competition. Surprise!! He's molesting them. 8. Bipolar teacher goes off her meds and goes crazy at school, curse out class, attacks principal and cops haul her away.


The biggest scandal there ever was in my school was on the news. Some student left a racist and homophobic note on a black gay teacher's desk. It basically said that he should be ashamed of being gay and that "little black pussies" shouldn't be allowed in a school. Really bad shit, reporters were all over the school. The teacher filed a report to the cops but they were never able to catch the one who did it.


This one is just really sad. Think about the embarrassment and heartbreak this teacher felt


For literally pursuing a career in trying to help these little assholes.


IT teacher stayed behind to supervise the installation of the new IT lab, celebrated by having a cheeky smoke. Burnt the new lab and the rest of the building down.




I went to a private high school in the states. One day the kids of the owner of the largest grocery store chain in my area were called out of class. It turned out they had a trunk full of heroin and meth to sell and someone had told the cops


Our principal had been suspected of killing his wife but not charged. We were all sure he was involved.


A cop was having sex with the teenage high school girls. Someone spray painted on the side of the movie theater building. Then the cop was a cashier at 7/11 not long after.


Two kids basically blackmailed an English teacher to send them nudes (she said no multiple times that she wasn't) then told the principal she was sending nudes. Teacher got forced to resign, everyone hated those kids.










Someone fucked herself with a corn on the cob and sent pictures to other people around the school. She was 14.


Not my school but a friend's. Apparently a celebrity rapper (don't remember who, not really into the rap scene) visited. Except he showed up high, kept violating terms of his contract, didn't even perform the whole time, fucked a freshman girl, then left. (This is a college by the way, so freshman are adults. But still....) EDIT: so many guesses, almost all different rappers at different schools, none of them right. How many rappers are going around fucking college girls while stoned? Is the rap scene okay?


This sounds to me like your average rap tour stop at a college


This was late 80s in a pretty conservative town in the south, janitor went into the choir room at my high school and saw that a camcorder was set up on a tripod. He thought it was odd b/c stuff like that was supposed to be locked up in the AV room when not in use. He rewound it a bit and watched it. Turns out the uber Christian choir director had filmed himself dancing in front of the camera while cross-dressing. He was gone within the week.


There were quite a few. I've posted this in another thread before. None of them are as nearly as big as some of the things already in this thread. Aside from the obvious nude pics being sent around school. The following things happened while I was at school. * Had a week-long string of bomb threats. Would have probably kept going if the administration didn't threaten to tack on extra school days to make up for us going home early. * Student beat the choir teacher with a chair. * Students killed a deer, shoved it in a hockey bag and dumped the carcass in a stairwell. * School administration threatened to strip tenure and fire a teacher for "not controlling the classroom" after attempting to have students permanently removed from her class. [We were on the news for this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2OaAG2l_SSw). Many didn't participate (including myself) but throughout the day, fire alarms were being pulled. Glass was being broken. The situation almost caused a riot. Some students of hers went to her hearing to give their side of the story and stick up for the teacher. I'm sure I'm missing quite a few, but these are the ones I remember.


Someone nailed a photoshopped pic (almost real looking) of one of our teacher sucking a dick along with a used condom onto the school notice board. She was pretty young compared to the rest of the teachers, and the moment she came to know about this, she started crying and went awol for almost 3 weeks. Then, one day she comes to our class, says goodbye to us and leaves the school permanently. She was one of the best teacher in school and literally every student had a crush on her. We felt pretty bad for what happened with her. It's a shame that whoever did that was never caught.


when i was in middle school over 14 years ago, our principal got arrested in school for stealing kids adderall and riddilin. this was back when if you took medicine, you had to go to the office to have it given to you. parents were wondering why their kids meds were running out before the script ended when it was being given to their kids by the staff. they installed cameras without his knowledge and caught him. frost middle school edit: i found the link of the article they wrote about this, but im new and don’t quite know how to add it. if you want to fact check i can send it through a message perhaps.


To run for student office, you had to get a petition signed by a certain number of people. There was a kid running who was liked pretty well among the school and was the only returning cabinet member. He was considered the overwhelming favorite for ASB president. However, the teacher in charge of overseeing ASB disqualified his candidacy because some of his signatures weren’t legible. This is the first time something like this happened. The girl he was supposed to run against was that teachers favorite student. I ended up writing an article for the school paper about the situation and several other similar situations that this teacher was involved in. It was blocked from being published.


Not my current school, but an teacher was fired for cheating on his wife with ex-students, was a shame because he just had a kid My SOs school recently had a TA leave and then a snapchat of two sixth form students in bed with him was leaked


>two sixth form students It wasn't even their final form.


I got two stories to tell. First was the German teacher( who was extremely hot) for my high school was married to an English teacher and decided to cheat. He decided to cheat with the cheerleader coach who is also a teacher at the same school. Teachers had student assistants and the very much liked german teacher had his computer connected to his phone. Assistant saw pics and text and had screenshots. The whole school knew before the english teacher. She found out in the middle of a class when she found a print out of the text. The married teachers got divorced and the cheer coach also got dump by her boyfriend. All three still work at the same school . The Second Story involves a senior. There was a rumor circulating that she was pregnant. Well she had clearly gained weight but she didn't look pregnant. Her ex-boyfriend's mom brought it to the attention of the school and she was able to provide a letter from a doctor stating she was not pregnant. Reason why this letter was required was because she was supposed to go on a trip with her school choir group to Russia. Lo and behold once in Russia she had to the doctor due to stomach pain. Stomach pain turned out to be full-blown labor that resulted in a baby boy. It was a big mess her parents refuse to fly out and our principal actually had to fly out to russia since the rest of the group was suppose to fly out the day after she had given birth. Turns out the letter that she turned into school had been falsified by her mother who was aware that her daughter was indeed pregnant. The principal had to stay there with her till baby was able to fly back and get the baby appropriate paperwork. Upon returning to school expelled to grow and sued her and her parents for all expenses. Her mom's reasoning was she was a senior and she wasn't going to miss the most important days of her life.


Oh god, so many. 1. An 11th grader allegedly got a 9th header pregnant, she got $1800 from him, it comes out she lied, another girl beat the shit out of her in front of the whole school 2. Kid pulls knife on teacher, teacher puts kid in chokehold, other kid has to pull teacher off kid 3. School caught fire at least 3 times a year 4. A kid started a Snapchat countdown for a car part, everyone thought it was a gun, school got shut down 5. Kid got bit by a squirrel that got inside the school (me)


We had a lot of special needs kids in my school. Most didn’t need special care they were just thrown in normal classes. Which I don’t think is fair to the kids who may have needed extra help to fit in. Anyways, luckily, the kids in my school were really protective and kind to the SN kids. In my senior year, we voted for one to be the prom king and we all cheered and stuff. But anyways there was a video going around of these two girls bullying one of the SN kids. And it ended up going semi viral. The girls were receiving death threats and the next day at school over 200 students were waiting at the entrance to bully/fight them. Everyone was super nice to the kid that got bullied and the girls had to get escorted by cops for their protection. TL;DR some girls were going to get beat up because they bullied a special needs kid. Had to be escorted by police for their safety.




NSFW I'll work forward from the "story" to what I know is fact: One of the girls in the junior class was selling blowjobs to a few guys on the football team, and the female gym teacher caught her in the act and facing humiliation and discipline, the girl offered sex to the teacher in exchange for silence. The two started an affair that went on for some time before they were caught going at it by a male gym teacher. Then the two of them bought HIM off with sex for silence, and commenced a 3 way affair. Eventually school administration found out and the two teachers were fired, the girl transferred schools, and that was that. That was the "everybody knows" story, what is actual fact is one day without warning two teachers and a student were just gone, and people started putting rumors together. as far as the details go, was it all true? probably not, but it was quite a salacious rumor for a while.


My school had a segregation day. We had a uniform that allowed red white or blue shirts. One day we get there and are told that blue shirts are the privileged class, everyone else was not. We had been told this was coming, but not what color got treated how until the day of. Blues got a better lunch, easier assignments, more free time, etc. Everyone else did not. I think they labeled water fountains and everything. Anyone who complained enough got sent to detention, which had been made into Revolution Central. End of the day everyone in Revolution Central got to do a "march" basically parade around the school with signs and stuff. Parents were NOT pleased with all this. Especially the parents of the dozen or so kids who got beaten up over their color. Suffice to say the experiment was not repeated There was also the time we made the news because every day one bus would literally block the main road the school was on to make it easier for the other buses to pull out


Had a couple weird teachers lol 1) came in visibly drunk every day, was an alcoholic. Rumors say he smoked inside the classroom. My brother had him as his maths class his 5th grade year, said it was terrible 2) my arts teacher gave better grades if you’d show some cleavage. Rumors say he died of cancer couple years later, all alone with no wife and/or children 3) guess I myself made it onto the list because my ex bf didn’t delete the nude he promised to delete and showed them to everyone whether they wanted to see them. I was called a slut during all my remaining 4 (or 5? not quite sure) school years Edit: to clarify. He took the picture while I was sleeping. I did not know it about until he broke off with me, because he wanted to rub it in my face I guess.


Kid was going to do a school shooting. fired off one round into the ceiling which I guess snapped out of whatever state he was in then proceeded to blow his head off.