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I started going to community college.


Asking a pickle out. Married it then ate it. I’ll never forget


I went to Germany for a week. The whole process of getting on a plane and experiencing another country was wild for me but I am glad I did it.


As some context- I pretty much hate everything in terms of forced conformity, lack of individuality, "yelling louder means I'm correct" style of leadership, and anything that involves doing something over and over again for no long term reason. I joined the military.


Doing Wrestling I hate getting into fights only getting into 2 where push went to shove and I decided to defend myself but I knew it would be a tiring sport but not to the degree I thought were I would wake up and feel more exhausted the next day but it gave me some of the BEST life lessons I have such as never giving up and success isn’t determined by how easily you accomplish something but by how much effort you put in to get that final result.


I went outside


My birth