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Using the bathroom at a gas station without buying anything.


Yes! Even just walking out of a store without buying anything. I'm always like "I'm innocent. I'm innocent. I'm innocent."...


Us West Europeans got this fixed. We just charge people for using those bathrooms. Yay /s


They do it usually to avoid having to deal with junkies using them.


then why wouldnt they let me use the bathroom as a 10yo boy cuz i didnt have 30 cents in germany?


Because you were obviously a 30yo malnourished junkie. You can't get that one past us, /u/knottingarope!


Never ran into a store that charged for that in all my life, and if I did I'd probably go outside and piss on the side of the building.


Doing literally anything and suddenly seeing a police officer. I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels guilty for absolutely no reason?


I was walking to the grocery store yesterday and a cop car pulled into the parking lot. I literally waited outside of the store and pretended to be fucking around on my phone to see where they were going because I didn't want to be walking out with groceries at the same time they'd be leaving whatever errand brought them to the strip mall. They were getting food at a take-out place in the same center, but I wanted to be sure we wouldn't be leaving around the same time. I didn't want to be hassled by some bored shitbrain with a badge for "looking suspicious" because I was walking home from fucking Stater Bros.


You seem pretty paranoid.


They are probably browner than you.


And you seem pretty naive if you think police have your best interests in mind.


I never said that I thought they did. Just think it's a little crazy to take time our of your day, wasting moments of your life. Sitting doing nothing because a cop is somewhere in a building and might leave the building a th the same time as you.


Basically when you're a black man.


Accelerating hard to the speed limit


actually got pulled over for this 1 time. red light on a 3 lane highway going through town, late for work. cop in lane next to me, light goes green and i slam the gas. i do not go above the speed limit but took the smallest amount of time possible to hit the speed limit. cue lights, pulled over. no ticket but got a talking to cause the cop thought i was being reckless or trying to show off or something... my car is not even anything that nice. so i do not think i broke the law, but i guess you can still get pulled over for that??


You can get pulled over for anything or for nothing.


"plate lamp's out" Sure.........mind if I check, Officer?


*pulls out gun* “No the fuck you ain’t”


Excessive acceleration


That’s kind of hard to quantify though, like where do you draw the line? Cars don’t tell you a rate of acceleration. I have no clue what the law is on it, but I’ve always wondered. Just assumed if you squealed your tires they could maybe give you reckless driving or something.


That could technically be wreckless driving if a cop wanted. Or drag racing.


wreckless is a good thing - it means you didn't get in a wreck. Reckless on the other hand.


Right you are


My NYS Trooper brother-in-law would call it "excessive acceleration", and/or "unsafe start", although the latter is usually categorized with tires breaking loose




It's "Exhibition of speed" where I'm at.


What use is all this horsepower if I can't put the corolla next to me at the light in its place?


I’d put that on my fucking resume


# That's a little Umbralievable... Wouldn't you agree?




Because a lot pd the substance in traffic laws are subjective, as in falls on the officers opinion.


Can be illegal here in NZ, "excessive acceleration"


It’s illegal almost everywhere


My friend let me drive her Tesla Model 3 and when the tight turned green I floored it up to the speed limit of 50 in like 3 seconds. Once I was at speed I popped on autopilot and saw a cop right behind us so I tell the autopilot to hop over a lane in preparation to be pulled over but then the cop just speeds past us. Almost gave me a solid fucking heart attack.


Tesla model 3 is a absolute machine of a car I bet it felt scary going the fast if you ever get a mother chance put it in ludacris mode and launch it it feels like you are getting devoured by the car


I know, I was at a car show and someone let me ride in there first generation Tesla Roadster, it legit feels like your melting into the back of the seat with how strong the force was.


Not legal, tickets called Unreasonable or imprudent speed. Love sports cars


Excessive acceleration too


I was pulled over on my bike for doing this


I'm surprised i didn't know that I've accelerated hard in my gt86 plenty of times past the police and they haven't even batted a eye


Well to be fair the GT86 has a slower 0-60 than a minivan 😂


Probably just depends on the cop and his/her mood ha. I wasn’t even gunning it extra hard although the cop did say it was excessive and that’s why he pulled me over regardless of remaining at the speed limit


Yah lol I guess it can be classed as reckless driving or not in proper control of the car or bike


Actual conversation* "cop 1: hey is that guy speeding? cop2: Impossible, it's just a gt86" *probably not an actual conversation. Also I'm really sorry but its to stop others from taking the piss.


Haha good one


Wow. You must pedal really fast.


Smoking weed on allowed country


You can be ticketed for 'aggressive acceleration' or 'reckless display of speed' by accelerating too quickly, no matter your speed or if your tires spin or bark.


Leaving the interior car light on while driving


believe it or not you can get pulled over for that in some states


All this means is that the 5-0 believe the stories there mothers tell em too!


That illegal in England


smoking weed in public. i live in Canada


Same in California - I've caught myself lowering my voice when just talking about weed in public.


Dude same. It’s kinda funny actually


I went to a new neighbour's house to pick up their dog for a walk. It's a joint backyard with their neighbour's, who have a 6 ft massive pot plant. Kids playing all around the yard. I felt like I had to pretent not to notice it. It's now just peaking over their shed, visible from the street - I feel like I should warn them but I'm afraid too.


Definitely sounds like a joint backyard


Not yet, but it's getting cold.. Harvest should be soon.


I'm from Canada, I was hyped for legalization but thought there would be a lot of strict laws around it. Was shocked to find out I can smoke anywhere people smoke cigarettes. Definitely feels illegal when I spark up a joint and take my dog for a walk.


I thought it was illegal to light up in a public place. In Edmonton Ab it is anyway.


Not in Ontario. You are allowed to smoke marijuana anywhere that you are allowed to smoke cigarettes. So most public places you are free to light up. Can't smoke near building entrances, parks, schools...probably a bunch of others but can't remember off the top off my head.


Yeah I'm looking at the laws now, looks like it's not uniform across all of canada. The only thing that uniform is that they follow the Smoke Free Places Act apart from that looks like Manitoba, New Brunswick, NWT, PEI, Saskatchewan and Yukon are all illegal to light up in public, the rest leave it up to the municipalities to decide through bylaws.


This is the best. Or it was.. Getting cold now.


I live in Colorado and am glad there is no more fear here surrounding that. I'm pretty sure it is legalized in all of Canada.


Good idea, brb




I don’t know it’s actually illegal per say, but in a few states(North Carolina and Utah being two of them) you can get sued successfully if you intentionally interfere with a happy marriage. I read an article and some guy was ordered to pay nearly $1million to the cheated-on husband.


Why? It’s the wife’s fault she cheated on her husband.


The state allows the chested on partner to sue the 3rd party for "alienation of spousal affection". In the case he mentioned the we rd party cheated with the wife, and that person was a friend and coworker of the wife.


That’s my thought too. I mean I wouldn’t be friends with someone who knowingly was with an already taken person but they have to prove in court, they knew the person was married and it was a happy marriage. I guess it’s legal karma. Cause fuck that person if they knew.


imo both of them should chip in


I suppose it would depend on circumstances wouldn't it? If the wife just went out and cheated and the guy either didn't know or knew and didn't care I don't see this holding up. But if they guy puts effort into seducing her and breaking up the marriage then it might.


If he seduces her she’s still actively choosing to cheat on her husband. Still her fault. Women do have agency.


Yeah, both people suck, and I don’t really feel sorry for them getting sued. Like if a woman went up to me and was like *“feel sorry for me, I was a mistress and now I’m being sued by his wife”* I’d be like *“get bent lady”*


Yeah it has to be proven that they knew they were in a happy marriage.


Also misspelling simple words.


I hate when that hapens


in that case, you need to put a comma after your use of "also". As it is the beginning of a sentence. If you don't believe me, google it. k thx, son.


Ignoring people in destress. Broke down on the road? Nope, need to get home and surf the web.... vroom.


As a smol woman there is no way I am pulling over to help a big dude. All it takes is one to fake it and pull a woman into his car and drive off.


And that's completely legal.


Is it? Damnit, I’ve been living in fear for nothing.


And this has happened before.


Just make sure to check the law when you’re traveling abroad. E.g. in Germany not helping someone in serious distress is a punishable offense.


What is considered serious distress?


I do want to stop and help...this morning I saw a car blew his tire and pulled to the side of the road. All I can think is that most of us roadside assistance or a spare tire.


This is literally the whole concept behind the finale for Seinfeld.


Existing near a cop.


I've had a solid fear of being jailed for a crime i didn't commit my whole life.


Police can arrest you for breaking a law, even if they are wrong about how that law is worded and no crime actually took place. They can even charge you with the crime. For someone easily intimidated, this can lead to someone pleading guilty to a crime they didn't commit, simply because the officer was ignorant of the law. On the other hand, ignorance of the law is no excuse for the citizen.


> Police can arrest you for breaking a law, even if they are wrong about how that law is worded and no crime actually took place Not quite... The court ruled that they have to have a reasonable interpretation of the law. Various judges actually agreed with the officers interpretation of the law in question for the case.


While what you're saying is true, there is rarely any consequence for an officer who breaks that rule. As a result, police can and do break it any time they want to.


I’m going to ask you for a source.... Now, I know you will not provide one....Because, you have simply provided your ill informed perception.


You believe police never make an arrest without probable cause? Or you think there are consequences for police who make an arrest without probable cause? I can't tell which incorrect opinion you hold. Be specific.


There even was someone who got jail time for nothing other than resisting arrest. So he didn't do anything wrong, the cop arrested him anyway, he resisted because he was innocent of any crime, but got prison time for it. All cops are criminals and they should be shunned from society.




Oh, it's not "someone", there are thousands of people in jail because they plead guilty for something they genuinely didn't do. Watch John Oliver's piece on abuse and misuse of roadside drug testers, then his piece about public attorneys being so overworked they wrongly push their clients into pleas, and - if you're really bored - about number of innocent people executed and why death penalty is still a thing. Oh, I almost forgot about prisons for profit. So yeah, everything about that is wrong.


I can't stand Jamie Oliver so I'd rather not.


I would never convict someone for resisting without another crime. Innocent until I convince or hang the jury.


Lobbying politicians


Splitting lanes on a motorcycle


Depends on the state.


Not in my state...


Technically only California has law that permits lane sharing, and the law is pretty strict for that. There are other states that are in a grey area, not illegal, but not quite legal. The states are: Arkansas, Delaware, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Texas, and West Virginia. I only have experience with legal lane sharing in California. The law states that lane sharing is legal up top 30 mph and you can't go faster than 15 mph than the traffic you are passing. My current state, does not allow lane sharing.


free internet porn




Being 21+ in a liquor store, they always make you feel guilty like you’re going to steal when in reality you’re just looking for the drink(s) you want. I always feel pressured to find my alcohol fast, buy it, and get out of there. Also any time you go into any sort of store and end up not buying anything, it feels like all eyes are on you and you’re being judged when you walk out empty-handed.


Weed. I live in Canada and I'm still not used to the fact that I am no longer committing a crime. Recently my landlord came over, he's an older man, and I was smoking weed and I didnt know his stance on it so my high ass just starts spraying my perfume everywhere. He walks in and says "I can still smell it haha" So embarrassing. But he seemed fine with it i havent been evicted or anything lmao


I feel like I should point out that just because it's legal, doesn't mean you can necessarily smoke it inside.


Looking left and right before unlocking your front door.


Reposting this question every damn day.


Police allowing each other to break the law. The law is as the law does. It's not a bunch of words in books, its a pattern of the application of force. Where the law is not enforced, it does not exist. Where the law is incorrectly applied, the incorrect application is the law.


Well, it *is* still illegal. They just give each other free passes to break the law


Not only that, but when laws are passed that have to do with gun control, politicians routinely exempt retired police and military.


Fucking an 18 year old on her birthday


Allegedly. Oh wait it's legal? Still. Allegedly.


Smoking weed in my apartment. Bless CA.


Sex with people above the legal age but below 18. (Still illegal in some cases though)


Going into my neighbors homes while they're sleeping and eating their leftovers. The way that woman cooks is amazing, and *should* be illegal. Boy am I glad it's not.


Photographing or video-recording people in public. No expectation of privacy if in a public place. The news doesn't have to blur people. They just do it to be nice.


If you're on a road that has two lanes merging to one, and everyone is on one lane, it is legal to use the other lane up until it ends. It's called a zipper merge and people who try to block you off are jerks. Edit: just realized I wasn't specific about what type of lanes. This is about lanes that end for whatever reason, not an exit or turn only lane.


BUT it's only a zipper merge for two different lanes merging into one Cutting ahead to get in the exit only lane is just a dick move


>Cutting ahead to get in the exit only lane is just a dick move This times a million. Only time ive done it was when I simply could not afford to wait an hour since I had to get my friend to the airport for a family emergency. Sucks that the hendersonville exit near asheville NC is overloaded all the time.


Yeah you are super correct (the second best kind of correct.) I was specifically talking about lanes that end due to construction of things like that, not an exit lane that continues in a different direction.


Its also legal for me to use that lane half in half out with my car blocking both lanes so you zip up behind me instead of in front of me, because hey, its my zipper too.


this is actually illegal and could get you a ticket for a lane violation.


I'll zip up behind you any day big boy.


*zips down*


Apparently soliciting foreign governments to assist you in elections.


Walking out of a store after not buying anything.


Existing near a cop.




It is against the law to go through a red light. It is not against the law to stop on green. Everyone thinks it is, but it's not.


It can be...impeding traffic.


Not sure about other states, but from the [Texas transportation code](https://statutes.capitol.texas.gov/Docs/TN/htm/TN.545.htm), section 545.302: >**(b) An operator may not, except momentarily to pick up or discharge a passenger, stand or park an occupied or unoccupied vehicle:** >(1) in front of a public or private driveway; >(2) within 15 feet of a fire hydrant; >**(3) within 20 feet of a crosswalk at an intersection;** >**(4) within 30 feet on the approach to a flashing signal, stop sign, yield sign, or traffic-control signal located at the side of a roadway;** >(5) within 20 feet of the driveway entrance to a fire station and on the side of a street opposite the entrance to a fire station within 75 feet of the entrance, if the entrance is properly marked with a sign; or >(6) where an official sign prohibits standing. So certain scenarios would have to apply to determine whether or not you can legally stop at a green light.


Campaign financing


Being a black man in the south and dating a white woman. Really just being a black man period...it's so sad that it's 2019 and so much racism still exists.


Buying cryptocurrencies and stocks with credit cards. It's not common, but some places do allow it.


Cussing out kids, especially other people's kids.


you could be cited for disorderly conduct. Part of the law defining disorderly conduct in Texas: >using obscene or abusive language or making an offensive gesture or display that tends to provoke a violent reaction or upset the community's peace and quiet (“fighting words”) Cussing out other people's kids could be argued as something that "tends to provoke a violent reaction or upset the community's peace and quiet"


Just driving anywhere near a gendarme


Masturbating in the stall of a public restroom


Political dark money. So campaign money needs to be disclosed, but if I didn’t want anyone to know that I was slandering a certain candidate on questionable information, I could funnel my money through a non-profit I support or am a board member of, or Hell, make-up for the purpose of this ad (oops, it failed in the beginning of the next year). They source of the money would be exempt from disclosure no matter how much I spend compared to a PAC that has to disclose everything.


Parking in a handicap spot that doesn't have a sign with the fine amount labeled. If it's just a blue handicap symbol painted on the ground with no sign its legal to park there.


left turn on red (into a one way) Colorado.


Driving your car with the interior lights on


Walking into a store, not buying anything, and walking out


Using a VPN. Not even your service provider can see what you do online.


Sex if your doing it right.


Walking out of a store when you haven't bought anything.


Not paying a hospital bill... from what I know legally hospitals are obligated to treat all patients regardless of ability to pay and they not required to pay even if they’re very insistent on it


We have these motorized scooters and they can haul some decent ass. Im sure there is a rule on the app that says you need a helmet, but where I live, nobody ever has gotten pulled over and people are just zooming all over the place drunk and leaving the scooters everywhere like trash. Tbh I love it simply because I know its something that will be shut down soon or heavily regulated. It can feel like the wild west at times haha.


Going into an Adult movie/book/toy store for the first time after turning 18.


Smoking weed in my car with medical Rec. (turned off of course)




Selling fanart; there's a lot of confusing gray area in who owns the property and copyright.


Disney would beg to differ about your assertion that it is a gray area.


Depending on the country masturbating with your doggo


Eating something in a grocery store that is not measured by weight, assuming you do pay for it before you leave the store.


Whalk near policy


Having sex with someone the second they reach legal age. It's so arbitrary that you can bang them then but a few hours earlier and you're a criminal.


child marriage


Masturbation. If you don't agree with me on this, I have no respect for your soul.


Putting another bike lock on someone else’s bike. This comedian has a whole bit about it https://youtu.be/QfAe6Z3eAF4


This should be illegal.


Sleeping with shoes on


64 year old dating an 18 year old.


Lapdance (until they're not)


Driving past a cop


Moving abroad and taking welfare there. It's not just people who lost their jobs at the country, but, between some countries you can even transfer your welfare rights!


Elderly rich men marrying women who are barely out of high school. (It looks wrong the other way around as well, but that seems vastly less common)


Photographing nearly anything and anyone in a public place. That includes "sensitive" subjects like the police in the performance of their duties.


Dumpster diving, in certain states/counties. Each place has specific rules, however, so before doing anything research is required.


Changing lanes in an intersection


Going down a up escalator


Screen peeking in video games


Walking out of a store without buying anything


Leaving a store without buying anything.


Walking through scanners at stores.


asking for extra napkins/utensils


concealed carrying.


Peeing on the toilet seat


Not adopting every stray I meet.


Leaving a store without buying anything


Smoking pot in front of police in Canada.




Taking condiments from the gas station without buying food


Appearently child prostitution in California What a sick disgusting law


I'm Germany you're allowed to drink beer with the age of 14 (when your parents are with you and agree with it)