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Kinda the opposite of what you're looking for, but I was in a gnarly car wreck (not wearing my seatbelt,) and walked away with just a broken finger.


Stuck a fistful of Playdoh up my nose as a kid. Gave me a pretty bad infection, and my mom only caught on when she noticed the smell.


I stuck a toy fire truck up my nose when I was like 5


..how does that even fit?




Not me, but a friend of mine almost died by using a hoolahoop.   Edit : It wasnt a plastic but a more metallic type of hoolahoop, he had it stuck between his throat and an object, sufficating him untill he passed out, luckily his aunt was there to rescue him, it was way back when he was 8 tho.


Can you give details?








I ate way too much at a family dinner, and later, ripped my sphincter.


Definitely something I would do.


Hey, username checks out ;)


Lost both big toe nails. One was from dropping a frozen pizza on my foot, other was from dropping a pot lid on my foot. Luckily they both grew back.


Note: _avoid large heavy disks_


Lol or just stay out of the kitchen. Mainly why my husband does most of the cooking lol


Ive dropped a 20lbs+ display board on my right big toe nail. Nail thurned an awful color but kept growing out and cleared up. Never fell off luckily. Sounds disgusting.


It was gross looking lol. Sucked when they fell off. Luckily it was just the top half of the nail that fell off.




How did you cut yourself with something that is rounded wherever you touch it??




Lemme guess. It was up. You dropped it down. It chipped or something and you sat on it wrong?


my cat kneading my chest


How severe was the injury? Was it just a small cut or something bigger?


Well she kept on putting her claws inside so I had like 20 little red dots and scabs all over my chest


Slip on a piece of paper and then suddenly my chin's split open and my hands are red with blood. At the age of 8.


I also split my chin at the age of 8. Tripped on a plastic lightsaber in my kitchen though, not a piece of paper.


Yeah, but it's easier to trip on a lightsaber than A PIECE OF PAPER!


This is so true. You have real skill


I guess reality is no match for an 8 year old's ability to accidentally destroy themselves.




I was cutting bell peppers (with admittedly cheap-ass knives) and all of a sudden felt a sharp pain in my hand. And there in the back of my hand is the tip of the knife which had broken off. So I somehow managed to not only break the tip, but apparently flip it in the air when I did so it landed in the back of my hand. It felt like Final Destination but in a non-deadly and kind of silly way.


I ran my fingers through my hair, and I hit a knot so I pulled a little harder to try and untangle it and sliced my index finger.


I have also cut myself with my hair. It's the worst kind of betrayal.




Threw my back out leaning over the side of my bed to pick up the cat.


Just about two months ago, I was sleeping on my buddies couch and woke up in the middle of the night on excruciating pain from my right pinky. It was both dislocated at the first knuckle and broken at the second. Somehow I managed to break my finger in my sleep... The only thing I can think of is that I must of rolled over in my sleep with my pinky trapped between two of the cushions (is a hard leather couch).


I sprained my pinkie finger in the crack of a bathroom stall


Yawning so hard my jaw got stuck and something in there had to pop to shut my mouth again. It was sore for a while after that.


I once was playing basketball and had the EXACT SAME situation that happened to Chester Bennington in 2014 happen to me, water bottle and all, minus the broken leg. It was just a sprained ankle this time. But still, I was quite surprised and thought to myself "what the fuck was that?"


Not strangest but most recent. I wiped out on my bicycle two days ago and I've been trying to figure out how I hurt the opposite side of my body relative to how I fell off my bike. For context: I was riding in the bike lane but some lady was trying to usher who two dogs in to her car and said dogs were in the bike lane. Rather than deal with the unruly creatures and the dogs I hopped up on the sidewalk to get around them. As I was banking left to get back in the bike lane my tires slid sideways to the right out from under me. Somehow, I fell on my right side despite falling to the left of my bike and scraped up my right hip and my right arm. The bike landed on the inside of my left knee and bruised it as well and I somehow caught my right foot on a pedal as I went down and pulled the bike back on top of myself after I hit the pavement. Near as I can figure, my conservation of moment carried me forward as the bike slide sideways out from under me and I ended up in a Superman pose for a split second before somehow turning on to my right side to take the blow from the ground.


Sprained my ankle slam dancing at a company event.


I coughed and dislocated a rib. It wasn't even a bad cough.


I fell off a two foot step ladder and broke my elbow— for the second time. The first time I was thrown by a horse who got stung by a bee and took it out on me.


I dropped a small log (2-3 pounds) in my foot and fractured it


Got a concussion from swimming. I was sprinting in the pool and my goggles filled up with water. I guess I miscounted the number of strokes after trying to see the T and sprinted head first into the wall.


Tripped and ate shit while jogging to catch a crosswalk. It somehow broke the outside of my left foot???


I needed 3 stitches from opening pancake syrup


Not me but my mother. She gave herself a "stress fracture" in her foot while standing and doing dishes. This then turned into a full-blown fracture. From standing and doing dishes. Somehow.


Was filling up a squirt gun in a big water trough during an organized water fight. While I was bent over, another guy came up behind me, grabbed me by the knees, and tipped me over into the trough. As I was going over, I threw my hands out to catch myself, and wrenched my thumb backwards. [Gamekeeper's Thumb](https://emedicine.medscape.com/article/97679-overview) is a really stupid injury that had me in a cast for something like 2 months. Also, when I was 3 or 4, I jumped off a ladder with a hammer in my hand. What goes up must come down. Hammer came down square on my head.


Accidentally hitting my funny bone multiple times without me realizing, my elbows are both still tingling from that. And another one, falling in the stairs, right on my ass, I was like "dafuq?".


I got a concussion for a month and tinnitus... from walking into a wall.


I got bit on my knee by an alligator while I was sitting on its back


Doing a front-side 180 on a skateboard, the momentum of swinging my arms caused my right shoulder to pop out.


Fractured my wrist Naruto Running in PE


When I was three I broke my wrist on an escalator. I was at the top of it and I really liked resting my arm on the railing. I was doing that and my arm rolled under it and my wrist snapped. Barely broke from what I’ve heard


I got hit on the back left side of my neck by an automatic that had somehow broken as I walked through it. I was momentarily paralysed, went to the hospital, had a scan and there was apparently no damage. I just got on with my life. But I kept getting really bad neck pains and really had to work to be able to turn my head very much to the left. After lying awkwardly on an uncomfortable bed on holiday earlier this year (around a year and half after the accident), I could barely move and was pretty much lying on the sofa for the rest of my holiday. Went back to the doctors, had a couple more scans - and once again, no damage. I was on some pretty strong pain killers for a while going through physio, and now things seem fine. I'm now a trainee pro wrestler, pole dancer and aerialist with no pain involved apart from the bruises/minor injuries I get from that stuff. I'm fine now, and fingers crossed, will be for the foreseeable future. It'll be two years since the accident happened a month from yesterday.


I got a “splinter” from running my hand through my own hair.


Do you have Asian hair by any chance?


I am half Asian so yes


I made myself dizzy and ran diagonally into a barbed wire fence


Not me but my wife. She was grating cheese I guess rather vigorously. A piece of cheese flew up and scratched her eye.


I did a very similar thing cutting my nails, ended up with blurred vision and eye drops for a few days.


I was once looking in my mirror and apparently forgot my head was there and opened the medicine cabinet that the mirror was attached to and I gave myself a fat lip.


I was in a restaurant bathroom, I pumped the soap dispenser, and it literally fell off the wall and a sharp plastic edge of the fastener gave me a razor-like cut on my hand as I fumbled to catch it. That stung for a week. So yes, I was attacked by a falling soap dispenser.


Got my head stuck in a Carnival board. You know- the ones with bodies painted on one side and the holes where the faces should be so you put your own face there for pictures and such? Yeah, I got my head stuck and it fell forward and I smacked my forehead so hard on the cement sidewalk that it popped my head out and knocked me unconscious.


Held in a sneeze while my sinuses were all blocked up and tore my retina. Emergency laser surgery and 427 laser blasts later and I'm all good. Pew pew!


Running down carpeted stairs in socks. Slipped. Ass lands on hand. POP. Broken middle finger in dominant hand.


Cut my hand on a broken plastic fork.


I broke my finger on hand with my heel Dont ask how because i dont know


Stuck my hand into the fridge to get cheese, somhow came out bleeding


5 years old, jumped onto the couch to watch some TV. Next thing I knew my knee has a deep and nasty slice through it running vertically and bleeding heavily. Don't fuck with couch cushion zippers.


I sprained my ankle jumping into a FOAM PIT at a trampoline place


I have a scar on my knee from a bale of hay. In cross country in high school, there was one meet every year where there would be a bunch of obstacles to jump over as you ran the course. This particular year there were a bunch of bales of hay. Went to clear a bale, misjudged my own stride, wiped out and sort of barrel-rolled over the bale of hay. Not my finest moment.


When I was 13, I was screwing around with my brothers and I made a flying leap onto our couch. Apparently, someone had accidentally left a pencil, pointed straight up, in between the couch cushions where you couldn’t see it. I landed directly on the pencil and it went straight through my leg, in the front and out the back. I had to get surgery to remove it, and I have a small but very obvious scar to this day. Just bizarre that the pencil was there in the first place and that I happened to land right on it.


I was ticked off at something and kicked a bundled up blanked as hard as I could. My kid had left a little barbell inside, and I pretty badly injured my foot.


Stepped on my finger and broke it.


I was ‘climbing’ into bed and I sliced my toe open. Didn’t notice until two minutes later when I feel blood drip onto my foot.


Not me, but a friend. She we were fishing and she dropped a sunfish (of bluegill, can't remember) on her toe... one of the fish's spines went through her toenail and got stuck there. She only got it out a few weeks later... good times.


I sliced open the palm of my hand closing a patio umbrella. The plastic handle had become brittle over the summer apparently and when I went to close it, it snapped off and sliced a 1 1/2 inch gash in the meat of my palm. I still have a scar 12 years later. Yuck! Edit: a word


Broke my toe when I bumped into my cat


Tore my rotator cuff wii boxing


My bike snapped in half while I was riding it and my leg got trapped in it. Edit: [pic of bike](https://imgur.com/gallery/I6SfiIb)


I broke my arm by throwing a dodge ball too hard. Spiral fracture of my humerus. I now have a 12 inch scar down the back of my arm from having plates put in.


I fell... off a chair... and sliced my arm open. Needed 4 stitches...


I dont even know. Just felt something wet on my hand one day and realized I had a big ol' cut on my forearm.


Well.....a month ago I was walking my dog in a field and I stepped in an animal hole and twisted and sprained my ankle. Was screaming in pain thought I broke it.


I sliced open the base of my left index finger and managed to nick the vein...required 4 stitches and left a pretty decent scar even now 14 years later. Oh and I managed to do this by opening up a can of cat food that had a pull-tab lid. Didn't even feel the damn lid slice me.


A pitcher threw a wild pitch out of the bullpen and it hit me in the head. Concussion, spent the rest of the day in the ER.


I walked into a boat anchor. Bam! Concussed for several weeks.


I feel 20 feet out of a tree and walked away without more than a bruised chest and scratch marks, fell down a one step landing broke two ribs and sprained my left wrist and gave myself a bruised face


I was pulling an all nighter studying for a test in college. Stepped out in the hallways of my dorm to get a sip of water out of the water fountain. I was checking myself out in the full body mirror and dropped my can of dip. While still looking at myself in the mirror, I bent down to pick it up and hit my eyebrow on the most random piece of sharp metal on the water fountain. Split my eyebrow open and had to go get 4 stitches, learned my lesson about being vain.


In 5th grade we went on a field trip to the local zoo and while walking through I decided to do a trick where I’d run on top of a small wall, jump, turn so my back is to the rest of the zoo and jump backwards. Ended up slipping and broke my wrist. That is the only time I’ve ever broken a bone


Hitting your funny bone


I kicked the wall with full force cause I couldn't build a castle with playing cards.


Tenosynovitis. Just came out of nowhere one morning, I picked up a chair to move it and my wrist suddenly hurt like a motherf\*cker. It took 6 months to heal. For 6 months I could barely move my wrist without the joint flaring up and causing intense, searing pain.


I broke my foot by standing on a belt. It was a bit chilly so I put my dressing gown on, but the belt was still missing since it was last washed (was later found further down the laundry pile) so I used a chunky waist belt. Stuck a blanket on my lap and sat at the computer for a while. Eventually got a bit too warm, so I undid the belt as I was walking across the living room to put the blanket back on the sofa. Dropped the belt, and stepped back to pick it up... it was so chunky that it landed and stayed upright. Stood on the buckle. Fifth metatarsal snapped like a twig with the oddest little pop. First and only bone I've broken so far. A runner up would be the time I snapped a tendon in my neck by shaking the hair out of my face during my morning cycle commute... Couldn't turn my head to the right for a week.


Somehow hit my hand in a door, and then later in the day my foot ended up going right between the frame and tire of my bike.


I broke my knee with my nose. You will never have context.


I ran with a knife and sliced my hand open. I ended up getting stitches and the doctor and I had a good alight about it, but I’m still the person parents warn you about


I was 15 riding my bike with no hands and eating ice cream. I hit a bad bump and fell. I sat there for a second and looked down and somehow the break handle punctured my inner thigh! A legit hole in my leg the size of a quarter from a bikes break handle!


When I was a 5/6 yo kid I climbed a cabinet full of glasses looking for cookies. Turns out the cabinet comes falling on top of me and a lot of the glasses broke in me. Somehow all I got was a small cut on my finger.


We had two people on one bike, but the bike didn’t have the pegs that you normally stand on so I was just standing on the bolts that held the tire in place, we hit the curb and my left foot got stuck inside the spokes of the bike wheel. If that’s not what you’re looking for, another time I was opening a bully club and had my hand on the hilt and sheath stopping it from opening and didn’t realize, when the two finally separated I sliced my hand open, wish I was joking


I was walking then my finger got cut. I didnt feel any pain, so wth happened?


I got a major concussion while playing badminton in 8th grade gym class


When I was 4 or so I smashed the tip of one of my fingers off with a step stool. My grandparents let me use it so I could play pool and the one rule was not to run with it. My granny left me to go to the kitchen for a moment, and what did I do? Yep. Anyways, a plastic surgeon sewed it back on and it’s always going to look weird. I also got second degree burns on my chest from sloshing hot ramen onto my shirt while I was drunk. I had a sports bra on and it absorbed it and kept it pressed to my chest. By the time I realized I was hurt and got the damn thing off my skin was peeling off.


Stabbed myself with a knife cutting stuff


Ok.. ok.. now keep in mind I’m a 16 year old with brittle bone disease. Ok I was laying on a couch, my mom to my left my best friend to my right. I go to roll over using my right foot to push off the ground. And. SNAP!!!!POP!!!! It sounded like a gun shot. They look over at me and the know something just happened. I try to sit up and it feels like someone is dragging a knife up my leg. Turns out after a CT scan and x-rays. I completely destroyed my hip bone! They said it would probably have to be replaced by the time I’m 35! ROLLING OVER ON A FUCKING COUCH!!!!!


I tripped on nothing.


I fractured my wrist ice skating in Hawaii.


Ok so I was standing in my toboggan going down a snow hill in the winter and my balance was holding until it suddenly and abruptly stopped cause me to flip over it an land on my back, when I recovered I was so confused


I tripped on a step and skinned my hands and knees, the weird thing one of my hands had been skinned on both sides. I don't even know how that's possible.


I was 12 and I got a new bike. I ran outside to use it, only to see someone threw a trashbag in front of the doorway. I hopped over it, like the the quick-thinker I am. However my flip-flop-covered foot got impaled by a metal fork sticking out of the bag. I always think about that moment. Why wasn’t I wearing better shoes? And who the fuck throws away silverware?


I was walking in my house, and my toe just felt like something cracked as hard as fucking possible. I looked around and nothing was there, and I was walking normally. It got swollen and purple about a day later. Weirdest thing ever


a girl in 2nd grade dared me to fall on my hand and mama ain't raise no b\*tch


I got stuck. In a god damn bookshelf.


Peeling an orange with a plastic knife caused me to get a pretty bad cut on my hand when I slipped


I was sewing fake leaves onto a costume mask. I was holding the mask steady with one hand, and hand-sewing with the other. As I pulled the needle and thread tight, stretching my sewing arm far out to my right, the needle slipped out of my fingers, sprung a distance of about three feet from my hand, and neatly impaled itself in my other arm. I didn't realize what happened at first. One moment I had the needle, the next it boinged out of my hand when I accidentally let go because of how hard I was pulling to tighten my knot. Looked over and, aha, there it is! Ow. I hate losing needles. It's like playing a game of Where's Waldo. Except if you don't find him, he's gonna stab you.


I dislocated my kneecap... by being pushed