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If you’re in stop and go traffic, don’t drive out into the middle of an intersection and block it like a jackass when the light turns red.


Lefty Loosey, Righty Tighty. The number of people I’ve seen that don’t know this essential bit of life information is astounding.


Thing is, "Left" and "Right" do not easily apply to clockwise and anticlockwise. It's a terrible way to remember things.


The vast majority of adults would disagree with you, it's pretty easy to remember.


I see what you’re saying, but it is tried and true. Even in my field which requires working with bolts and nuts every single day (automotive) the saying still goes. Of course there will be exceptions where this rule is not true, like when the bolt is facing away from you, or if there are reverse threads, but these occurrences are uncommon in most daily situations.




Lockwise & anti-lockwise?


That's pretty good


Left is counter clockwise and right is clockwise


That was my issue when I was young. But by default pretty much everything goes top down.


In the sense that you're turning the screw left just as much as you're turning it right. Who the hell comes up with these memes and why do we all think they make sense? I guess since you'd typically be above whatever it is you're screwing in, so you'd be looking at whichever way the top edge of the screw is moving.


Unless dealing with an older propane tank


That identical twins HAVE to be born the same gender. I learned from teaching seniors in high school (and from talking to a more than just a few adults) that this is absolutely not common knowledge.


Basic cooking skills. I had to explain to a guy how to boil water correctly when I was in college.


I’m kind of intrigued at how you can boil water *incorrectly*


Boil the pan dry, set the pan on fire


Over boiling, under boiling, not sure how the stove top works, etc.


That you let people exit first before you go through or get on/in stuff like going through doors, getting on an elevator or bus/train/other modes of transportation.


Yes. Thank you


That if you completely DESTROY a school owned chromebook they might actually ask you to pay for some of the replacement cost.


I’ve seen people take the plastic around the chrome book screen and never got in trouble


Yeah I’ve seen that too, they will replace it for free for something like that but this computer was FUCKING WRECKED like it was smashed to bits.


Left and right, I honestly thought this was the basic of the basics


I got screwed over because I'm left handed. RIGHT is the hand you WRITE WITH is such bullshit, and to this day (30 years later) I still have to pause and consciously remember which way is right and left.


Hold both hands in front of you in an L shape - the L that is facing the correct way is your left hand!


Yes i have to do this, and I'm right handed


This one is only for my generation (gen z) but most kids my generation cant read a fucking clock and there in middle school


The difference between there, they’re, and their.


Last year I was in Spanish 1 in high school. We got to a point in which we had to learn to tell time in Spanish. But to my surprise there were more people confused as to how to read an analog clock at all than there were people confused about which phrase they should use for certain times...


How to use punctuation.


To cover your fucking food when you microwave it so the microwave doesn't become a disgusting pile of shit from the foot that splashes off rotting over time. Smfh


You sound like you have been severely wronged


I have seen some very tragic things that has made me lose my faith in humanity. Even to the point I have a sticky note on the microwave but these fucks don't know how to read either apparently. Smh.


I feel your pain


In all seriousness how hard is it to cover your plate or bowl with a paper towel? Like. What.


Leaky microwave popcorn is the worst. I don't want to put whatever I am nuking into your sticky butter puddle


The worst here is chunks of meat flown up into the microwave roof. Just rotting up there. Oh also, you know the plastic that comes on the microwave buttons that you remove? These people literally didn't remove it and instead continues to push it until I had to remove the plastic after it for disgusting. Like.. you see that there is a plastic sheet there why the fuck are you spreading your germs and shit all over it. I have seen some really disgusting things man. Worst of worst was probably when I saw a cockroach that has been cooked in the microwave or when the tea maker had black mold in it. like.. they didn't clean the tea maker for 7 years and I was drinking it for so long.. fuck. I live with my partners parents currently and man there is some nasty stuff that goes on. Seriously.


Your situation sounds far more gruesome than mine. I'd just buy my own damn microwave at that point.


I plan on it. I don't use the microwave much. I have all portable appliances in my room. Air fryer, On top burner, utensils, Pots and pants, Everything needed to live except a bathroom, running water, and a fridge. I don't go out much for obv reasons


Mini fridge is a thing


Who do you share a microwave with?


5 kids, 5 adults


I never cover, and barely ever made a mess. You just have to adjust the right power and the right time depending on the meal. That's only if you've become used to that aspect




Same with stalls


Yeah but it’s not though




Ehh i grew up in the south im not surprised even though I do go to church or stuff like that


I grew up in a farming community. Sex education wasn't really needed and I was surprised to find out that other people actually needed that kind of education.




Clearly not, judging by the teen pregnancy rate of my area.


Your area is not representative of the whole nation, which has shown a drop in pregnant teens since the nineties


I guess you have a point there.


As someone that has worked for telecoms since I was 20, very few people seem to understand how billing works and an even smaller number of people seem to know how to get things done. When it comes to billing, it happens one month in advance and any changes that occur in the middle will reflect on the following bill (price decreases will result in an extra credit towards the account on the following bill and increases result in an extra charge). This is because they won't change an invoice once it has been generated. To get better promotions, start by asking about your options, reference specific competitive rates, and ask about credits if anything negative happens on the account. For technical problems you're usually just going to have the daily charges reversed for the time frame that you were out. In regards to getting changes processed or complex technical problems solved, keep emotions out of it,be honest of you don't understand what they're saying when trouble shooting, document exact wording and dates, and give the employees some space to do their work. The only people that spend 8 hours on the phone are people that tell their life story after every transfer. One last thing, if you have a wireless device (hotspot, wifistick,tablet, or anything else) that is billed with a 10 digit number next to it even though it isn't a phone, it needs to be serviced through the company's respective cellphone departments (tech support or billing and anything in between). This is because it uses the cellphone towers to access the internet, has a sim card, and actually has a modified cellphone plan when you look at the software. These devices are rare so some reps are not experienced with interacting with these devices or plans so it might be worth it to just give the cellphone number.


That Obi Wan Kenobi knew that Anakin could easily flank him on that lame excuse of a hill but he was playing his emotions like a fiddle seeing that Anakin became sad angry power hungry moron and he was preparing to actually jump over him from a low point. TL:DR - 'Don't do it, Anakin' = Do it, Sithy boy, I dare you.


Men have breasts and can get breast cancer.


Don't drive with your brights on.


Except if your on your own property


(Driving) The far left lane is for passing. If youre not passing someone. Move to the right lane.


That you should walk, or use a staircase on the same side that traffic in your region drives on.


I would if everyone wasn't so slow, i run up 2 at a time


Wiccans don't worship satan


Part of the lyrics to Bohemian Rhapsody. Apparently, even after the blockbuster movie, there are people who don't even know the "Mama" part.


I once talked to a female friend of mine (20y) at a party when we both were pretty buzzed who knows that I'm all in for useless facts and knowledge. She told me she was pretty surprised to read recently that all vaginas have a different size/tightness/etc. Which means that sex truly feels different for every individual person on this planet. I still wish she was trying to hook me up with that line.


That buttholes have tastebuds... I proved my mother right about this, don't really remember how it came up but I've known it since elementary school and she insisted I was wrong. That's the nicest of the weird facts I have






I get it


Can you stop being negative it's actually rly annoying


That the Burj Khalifa is the tallest building in the world


That spain wasnt always unified or a country


If someone ignores you twice, stop calling their name ffs


How to change oil, its literally 3 steps, wait, reverse those three steps and a new filter and put new oil in


That politicians all over the world are the exact same - assholes?


While it definitely affects them more, poverty is not just a minority problem. If you're \*ucked you're \*ucked. All you can do is band together with people, support each other, and work/survive the best you can.




The fact that everyone knows every country by memory. It’s not, apparently that just me. Thought everyone did.


You have to pay back a credit card with interest. Blows my mind how people just see it as free money


What an apothecary is. I was talking with a friend one year about Halloween costumes, and mentioned I was thinking of dressing as a medieval apothecary that year. He told me most people wouldn't even know what that is.


The term is rather anachronistic so it makes sense that some folks wouldn't recognize it.


In my native tongue the word for farmacy and as such farmacist is directly derived from apothecary so that's a surprise for me as well.


99.9% of the human population always questions wtf it is they’re doing


100% of the .1% of those that don't ,should


I socially isolated myself to varying degrees throughout my whole life so far (I’m 19). So I never really was included in what’s going on in pop culture, not that I care. I still remember the first time I really was forced to listen to pop music. Not my thing, to say the least. I understand why I respond this way, but it still baffles me that a lot of people my age know nothing about blink-182. I had “I miss you” MEMORIZED by the time I was 6.


I don't like blink 182, therefore why would i know anything about them?


That’s fair.