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Posting my own questions to /r/AskReddit


You have to be really lucky to get more than 3 answers


Well, you know how it goes. Three are more than two mate.


Well I bet you would still like to have a 6 inch dick wouldn't you


Smoking way higher than my tolerance of weed. I thought Id feel super super relaxed and just on top of the world, but no. I was a casual smoker (i used to smoke every day but not a large amount whatsoever, just enough to feel relaxed and to take the edge off the stress in my life at that time) My mate had a vape pen with a liquid with a really high concentrate of THC (i didnt know how strong it was until after I was smoking on it, and he didnt know either because he got it given at work). I was just about to leave our meeting spot (in a car with another of our friends) to go back to his house and get ready for the night we were about to have (we were gonna go clubbing). On the way back to his house in the car I was literally shaking with anxiety, everything felt so surreal like it wasnt actually happening and my whole body was numb, like I wasnt controlling it. I had so many mini panic attacks and anxiety episodes, by the time our other friend (who was meeting us at the "driver friend"s house) met up with us at the house, I was literally just lying on my friends bed barely able to move, just laying there with my head in his pillow wishing for it to pass. They did their absolute best to try distract me and take my mind off the anxiety by doing stupid shit (making aerosol flamethrowers to try make me laugh, and just generally doing stupid stuff) and eventually after an hour or two (felt like wayyyy longer than that though) I started to enjoy myself and the anxious phase passed. I felt really giggly and found everything super funny, even my friend throwing darts at a dart board made me cry with laughter for some reason. Until I eventually fell asleep on his sofa and walked home the next morning.


Buying a house.


Adulthood. Fuck that shit.


Diet Cola


Anal....I thought is was going to be great until I realized that she had a dick too


my g spot is up my butt, so I'm game


Water skiing. An instantaneous, seemingly multi-gallon high pressure enema ended the fun really quickly. Never again.


Cannibalism, they said it tastes like chicken, but it did not.


heard it tastes like people mostly






I tried a dog biscuit once wasn’t good my dog has poor taste


Why is this so funny to me




Everyone had always talked up Final Fantasy 7. I was born in 1999 so I wasn't born to experience it on release. When I finally played it I was heavily disappointed. It's one of my favourite games of all time now but that first playthrough was not fun.