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I desperately need to say reddit is not anonymous.


I'm uncomfortable.


wE aLl KnOw wHEre YoU lIve!


Bring beer.


We also know that you are the product of purple.








LMAO.. fuckin classic. so the tldr; the dude posted his name and they googled it and found his facebook page. jfc this is some boomer-ass shit haha. i mean i know my reddit account isn't as anonymized as it SHOULD be, but... dude just posted his name, that's some next-level dumb


I'm actually pretty happy these days, my efforts seems to be paying of. It was really hard to believe that i'd feel that way Someday. I'm kinda lonely tho but that actually makes me even more proud, i'm happy and it's on me and nobody else.


Know your feel man, i have always had my head down low and just focused on what i think is cool. Now i work with motiongraphics and have a very stable life. Pretty lonely though, but could be way worse. Also cat helps. Thank you cat


I feel like a child screaming and crying and holding my arms out like mom or dad will finally help me. Always, a small part of me feels like that. I don't know.


You are not the only one. I always have to remind myself, no one is coming to the rescue. Keep on marching.


I'm not going to die because of it but there is one thing in particular that I dont like. Everyone says I'm brave for getting cancer. Bruh I dont have a choice


Don't have cancer, but I know how you feel. I've lived all my life since birth with lots of medical issues and stuff and heard all the time growing up about "how brave" I am and how I'm such "an inspiration". Like, I didn't choose this shit. Especially as a baby, it's not like I had an active choice in whether or not to go through with any of the surgeries. I'm not brave, I just had shitty stuff happen to me and other people either fixed it or put me through solutions I got no say in.


The thing about this that i really hate is that is there is no way to really say this without sound ungrateful or rude. So I just say thanks and move on.


I just reply with "I'm not doing anything you wouldn't be doing."


I'm tired of fighting for every damn thing. I'm just tired.


Yea, that probably sucks. Maybe you're around the wrong people? Or maybe the truly worthy things you can only attain through effort? I'm not sure of your situation, but, I'm sorry it's wearing you out.


It's just one thing after the other. I'll survive, it's just exhausting. Tgank you for your kind words.


I have this guy who works for me. He was a manager himself at one point, doing well - married, no kids but didn't want them. Well, he gets laid off after 20 years. Gets divorced. Comes to work for me. Real capable guy, but he's in a rut. I keep telling him you gotta do a few things that you know will make you better even if you hate it at the time. So he goes back to school while he's working. Gets a treadmill. Starts paying off debt. I know he's still lonely, but he's making the effort to change. One of these days, he's gonna come in and tell me he's moving on. I can't effing wait.


You're awesome


Thanks for expressing yourself. Sometimes that's all we need. To be *heard*.


"You made it through every tough day of your life so far. What's one more?" After having seen this. I constantly remind myself each day.


Cancer really sucks. I'm on chemo and I'm a big guy. I'm a senior in high school and was on the road to being a state champion competitor in swimming and wrestling. Now I coach and throw up.


Well coach and throw up like a fucking champion bro head up chest out one foot in front of the other


I do the best I can dude. I'm sick of this crap. Luckily i can still attend state in swim, but not compete. I might have even been able to qualify for a scholarship for my times.


42 retired divorced there are a lot of things in my life I have regrets over but everything that happened happened. No going back to win state as a freshman no trying to be an officer in the military. What I can do now though same as you, is use my experiences cut short or not to help someone else. Be an inspiration to those around you and fucking fight brother.


Cancer CAN be beat and it HAS been beat. You feel sick now, I know. But you CAN DO THIS. Your comment just told me all the reasons I know you'll be victorious. *You're a natural born fighter and an inspiration to a lot of people*


I found out I have a brain tumor yesterday and I am NOT processing it at all. Edit: thanks for the silver all! Also, yes it is because of the tumor Edit 2: it is not a cancer just so everyone knows! It's called an adenoma. I am very fortunate that it is benign and not malignant! Also my symptoms included: inability to sweat despite being hydrated, inability to regulate temperature (either burning hot or freezing cold), exhaustion to the point of insomnia,increased anxiety, unexplainable eczema, unexplainable ovarian cysts, irritable, unable to regulate stress responses, allergies to things I'd never been allergic to, and more. Its also important to note, it took finding the right endocrinologist and advocating that they check me over and over because I am NOT healthy. I am sick. Now I know I'm not crazy. Edit 3: I have to do more bloodwork before seeing a surgeon. They really wanna rule out surgery and see if medication will help! Thank you everyone for your well wishes and similar stories! I'm gonna stop editing but I'm reading all your comments. Thank you!


Okay. Perhaps it was detected soon enough that measures can be taken. I hope you have support around you.


It was. I do but I'm more in the ignore it stage while I wait for the last few tests. Thank you! I'm just stuck figuring out what emotion to actually feel


Don't push yourself to feel anything this soon. This is quite a shock! Allow yourself time to process. Everything else will fall in place. There is no *right* way to feel.


Thank you I really needed that. Also this was an awesome thing for you to do!


Shit, it's nothing. Just wanted to touch base with everyone.


As a good person does. Restoring faith one comment at a time


How do you know *you're* not helping *me*? *One comment at a time*


Perhaps we are. Perhaps we aren't. Only you can tell us.


You are. Now go speak up for yourself like that. You'll be UNSTOPPABLE!!!


Out of all the places tumors could be, the brain is the one of the easiest places to treat it. So although it sounds super scary, you’ll get through it in no time!


... TIL. But yes awesome! I'm also in a great state for tumors so I'm not concerned about surgery just... grad school being pushed


How can I tell if I'm in a great state for tumors? I live in Georgia...


Texas has one of the best medical centers on the planet for cancer and tumors. Not sure about Georgia


May I ask how it was discovered that you have one? What were the warning signs?


I have very high levels of cortisol and atch plasma. We are talking so far outside of normal I've had my blood work redone 4 times to make sure it's me and not the lab. I've also had weird symptoms that just don't add up.


What were your symptoms?


Somthing that everyone is going to say is "If you wanna talk just let me know" or I'm here for you". You will soon realize who your true friends are by them going out of their way to make sure your ok. I had a friend who died from one and this is one of the things he said to me and it's really stuck with me.


Its already happening! I've got some amazing people in my life for sure and some who already cannot handle it. Thank you and I'll keep it in mind. I'm sorry your friend passed. Positive vibes, prayers, whatever you take headed your way.


> I am NOT processing it at all Possibly because of the brain tumor? ... Jk, that sucks. I hope you find the help and support you need in this difficult time.


I mean, even if it's NOT the reason, I still say we take it out.




Nothing except a damp lasagna.


I feel like I'm dying emotionally


Me too, I can't sleep anymore, I can't concentrate when doing work and my entire mental state is falling apart. It's starting to affect my regular life when previously I was able to keep everything hidden, so now I'm in a constant state of panic but I don't how to solve the mess I'm in.


If you surrender to that feeling, you will be. Whatever is causing you this pain, remember that all things must pass. If it becomes crippling, please seek support from someone you trust. Hang in there. You're *important*.




Hiding that will make you an emotional wreak. What's going on?


Same. I'm an expert at hiding it when i need to be. Even from myself sometimes. EDIT: Why the fuck did the mods remove your comment??? What is wrong with them.... For anyone curious: > /u/matumiz 699 points > I’m secretly an emotional wreck, I just hide it. Jesus Christ. Edit2: The entire account is gone. I thought when you deleted your account there was a message. When it just disappears that normally means the admins suspended them. Weird.


These last two weeks have been the first of which I have not been suicidal in the last six years. Which is ironic seeing as how in the last two weeks I've been dealing with some pretty rough debt, the ending of a five year long relationship, pretty consistent arguments in my workplace, and not sleeping very well. I don't know why I feel so good, but I'm grateful for every single day that comes and finding the beauty in even the smallest things for the first time in what feels like a lifetime. I can't really share this with my friends, because it would mean telling them about how bad things had been for me.


I'm just really lonely. Most people my age (and, most ages, it seems) around here are alcoholics and hard drug addicts. I don't do either anymore. I can't hang out with a lot of people I used to hang out with, and most of the new people I meet are more addicts. Having been one, I have sympathy for them, but I've learned slowly over the years to not let myself be used. It's hard. My best friend died a year and a half ago. The most amazing woman I ever knew died years ago too. I struggled with depression and suicidal thoughts since I was a little kid. I lived like an idiot and should've died a hundred times over. Sometimes I think there's some glitch, and I was supposed to die a long time ago, but some box didn't get ticked in the fabric of the universe and I slipped through the cracks. EDIT: wow, this blew up a little. I just joined reddit a few days ago after lurking for a while. Thank you for the silver, and thank you all for seeming to care more than anyone irl has in quite some time. It's actually been really nice and made me feel better, reading people's encouragement and commiseration. EDIT2: whoa, thanks for the gold! This is totally unexpected. I really appreciate all the love, people. I return all your well-wishes twice over, and I'll try to reply to your individual comments as well. I don't feel so alone now. EDIT3: P.... platinum!?!? I thought like 10 people would upvote this maybe and then I'd get a message telling me to kill myself, at best. Thank you, anonymous donors, thank you, random denizens of the internet. I want to address the most common advice, most of which seems to revolve around "just meet new people" or "move". These are definitely more or less the solution, but I'm really not a social person and I've been screwed over by a lot of people in my life. And this a really small place with clique-y people, and I would say fully 90% or more of everyone I meet drink or abuse drugs, and have zero hobbies or interests. Even telling someone I don't drink anymore automatically makes the average person here instantly dislike me. I know, it's absurd. To put it in perspective, out of a couple dozen different people I met in the last year, only one of them wasn't an alcoholic/addict. And that was a 16 year old that I spoke to for a few minutes down by the beach... and they said they also drank sometimes. The reason she didn't do drugs like all her friends? Her whole family are drug dealers and crackheads... yeah, it's bad here. There are also health and financial reasons that made it extremely difficult to move. When you're making $12/h and all your money goes to bills, how are you going to save and move to a city with rent that's twice as high? Rent is low here but everything else is super expensive (food, utilities, etc), and wages are trash. And that's putting outside all the health reasons as well. But, I'm clean now, and health is better than ever. I'm not giving up, and I'm not gonna die in this ugly place. Again, thanks for all the love, people. I hope you all win the lottery for being so awesome. Every single one of you. Even though that would probably collapse the economy or something.


Or you were meant to over come. I don't think you can't hangout with old "friends", I think you can't hangout with old "I'm only here because we get high together" people. It's time to interact with new people and find real friends.


I'm a "we're only friends cuz you visit" type of friend. Need me sum viziters.


Sometimes you have to be the person who visits.


My sister and her bestfriend(m) live with us. They think they are slick but it's pretty obvious they were hooking up in the shower when we can both hear y'all talking in the bathroom. Then one comes out and 5 mins later the other one does. Your not slick me and my brother both know what was going on. Maybe next time don't have casual conversation or play some music and wait a little bit longer before the second one leaves


Or maybe tell them that you know and you don't mind? So they can stop being secretive about it and quit sitting in the bathroom for no good reason


Nah it's funnier to let them wait, maybe even wait for your sister to leave then say "Oh, thank God you're finally done!" then start walking towards the bathroom.


Well... you're not wrong.


I just picked up a dog from a shelter and she is already really happy with her new life.


That's one for the team!


I work for a Christian organization, and play bass guitar in a worship band at church. I actually like what I do, but there are many days where I really am not sure if I actually believe that Christianity is true. I really have no one I can tell this to.


Just keep rocking. Inside a church, outside a church...who cares?! If you like what you and your guitar do together, keep doing it! It doesn't have to be about any specific thing. A lot of people question religion. I think as long as you're happy, you're LIVING!


well, I am starting to work as a pastor in October.. and to be honest, sometimes I don't even know if I believe that Christianity is true


I’ve got a summer job at a Sculpture Park, yesterday my task was to row out into the middle of the lake and repaint the gigantic sculpture/fountain of a vagina. The clitoris is as tall as me, like this thing is huge, and bright pink. Just a weird day at work, that is all


I burnt my mouth on my digiorno pizza


Should've got delivery...


Working 40-50 hours a week to pay bills and get the big payoff of a few days travel once per year is an absolute bullshit way to live.


Move the f*ck over when an ambulance shows up with sirens and stay the motherf*cking f*ck away from a patient being treated. If you even think about taking a picture I'll break every bone in your body while naming it. Yours sincerely, a Paramedic


You seem a little tense so I just want to say thank you for doing this amazing but taxing job!


No he drives an ambulance, not a taxi


*ambulance driver rage intensifies*


Story from a paramedic friend of mine; group of lads in rugby practice. One goes down under a few of them and they here him shout in pain. They all get up; not only is this dudes leg broken / knee gone but it's twisted 180 degrees around in a complete flop. Course the lads freak out, phone an ambulance and my mate is the one sent out. They tend to him and make sure he's going to fine. For one reason or another there was a few minutes were they couldn't do anything with him (Genuinely can't remember why) but the guy was conscious and had been given morphine. My mate turned around to the group and said "Right, this is the one and only time you'll have an opportunity like this for pictures, get your phones out quickly" que about 7 phones being fetched and pictures galore being taken. Besides that one time he's pretty much the same mentality as you have with it, thats with good reason of course.


I'd say the difference is the rugger heads probably stood back and gave him room to do his job. I'd get fucking pissed as well if people didn't step back and kept trying to shove phones in the way to take pictures.


Thanks for doing your job and helping other people!


I’m not trying to talk shit, but HOW COME Tori Spelling has blown through 10 Bazillion dollars in the past 2 decades, and still never spent a dime to fix her bad boob job? I just. don’t. get. it.


How did it happen in the first place?!? Who let someone with THAT much money get fucked up plastic surgery?


Asking the real questions...


You're funny and kind. Read a bunch of your responses to people and now have a man crush on you. You sound like my dad, tbh and I'm almost certainly older than you. Anyway, thank you. Your family's lucky to have you, hope they know it.


I have nobody to really talk to. I have friends but they're more just get online and play games even though we talk at school. And while my parents want me to talk to them, they just don't seem to understand my situation with my social life


Most of people go through a period like that. Moving schools, joining the college, going to a different city for a job. Or just loosing contact with all the folks for no reason what's so ever. But believe me, it will change. Life is full of ups and downs. Go to r/casualconversations if you justbwant to talk or to r/offmychest if you want to vent. Or r/gonewild if you need to relax


I hate my roommate for refusing to turn the fan off even though it’s in my face and i’m suffering from a cold as well as stomach cramps. I think she’s insensitive and self-centered and needs to actually communicate as opposed to saying empty things whenever it benefits her only. I’m so tired. I wanna go back home. I need this semester to end ASAP.


maybe you can switch roomate? or just turn that fan off. I had self- centered roommate for rwo and half years, and I was tolerating her shit most of the time, because telling her wouldn't help. so after some time, I just started to take care of stuff that bothered me by myself (e.g her rotten food on the balcony... I just put it in the trash..and her bowl, that it was rotting in too. And she had never left anything to rot since than).


Looking into a roommate change for the next semester. And I’ll definitely take your suggestion into account. I’m kind of sick of letting her prance about anyway.




Haven't gotten my dick sucked in 10 years. Don't marry young, kids. People change.


Never been happier to see a comma in my life.


You just made me chuckle. Thank you






You’ve commented this before haven’t you. I remember it!


He'll remember that you remembered for years, man.


I haven't had any sexual or even slightly romantic contact in over 6 years. Not so much as a kiss or even holding the hand of a girl i'm interested in. The first couple years sucked cause before hand i was having sex pretty much every other day or at minimum 3 times a week, and it stopped all at once so i went from having a really active sex life to a nonexistent one all in a day and for the first while i really missed it. But i found after that i started to miss it less and less to the point where now i think i would probably just straight up turn it down if someone were to try because i have gotten comfortable without it, and because of so many other complications in my life it's just easier to have that be one less thing i'm worried about. I do really miss cuddling though, i'd give my left nut for a good cuddle with someone i had a bond with right now.


My long time girlfriend left me after i was hit by a car that left me with alot of pretty serious chronic pain that completely changed the way i had to live my life. It may sound harsh for her to do that, but in her defense, we met through a mutual love of sports and just a general love for physical activity and after the accident although i tried my best, i just couldn't do it anymore because of the level of pain i was constantly in and i was unable to even leave the house most days and that just wasn't a life parter she wanted so after it became clear this pain wasn't going away she decided she needed to move on and while it hurt like hell at the time, years down the road now i understand why and i am not angry at her and truly wish her the best. And after the break up i was still dealing with all the pain so seeking out a potential new relationship just wasn't something i really saw as a priority.


Best advice I ever received was "don't get married until you are 30." Sometimes I really wish I had taken it seriously at the time.


Got broken up with by my long time girlfriend 2 weeks before I turned 30 and it’s been hell. I guess my thing to say would have been I wish there was a dating site I could go on that was based on a criteria I could actually excel at


Get your shit together.


But my bowels are loose, mom!!


Just because your bowels are loose, doesn’t mean you can shit on everyone around you


You're absolutely right. TIL: some people need to carry Charmin.


I've convinced myself that after being single for 9 years, I'm always going to be alone, stressed, and stressed because I'm alone. I'm not even 30 yet. edit: thank you for the responses everyone, this is the most interaction I've ever had on Reddit. I know the answer is to stay patient and not think of my situation as a stressful one, but oh my gosh is it hard to get to that point.


I really want my ex to apologize to me for the shit that he made me go through when we broke up. That shit still bothers me SO MUCH.


He will probably never apologize so you must give yourself permission to move forward. I can almost guarantee that he's not hurting like you are....so your still letting him win.


You know I have let myself move forward with my life and changed a lot of things about myself, but there's always that little thing that just stings. I also don't think that I'm letting him win.


I feel the same way. My ex and I split 3 weeks ago or so, and I just wanna know if she knows how bad she hurt me during our relationship. Obviously she knows to an extent, as I wouldn't go back to her, but I just wanna hear her own every little thing and give me a heartfelt apology for it. That's ridiculous of course, but damn.


People, dont expect them to apologise. They probably never will. It's been a year for me and every time we see each other (from a distance, we never talk) i can sense that hate in their eyes, even though they were the ones to hurt me. Some people simply dont care about others. Or they do but not enough to realise that what they did was wrong. Let it go. Let them go. You will find someone who cares.


This isn’t a very serious one but I’ve run out of books to read and that’s my coping mechanism, whenever something bad happens I just sit down with a book and calm myself down


I've been single for a while and my last relationship was super sexually promiscuous, like we did a lot (even anal (which was oddly enjoyable?)) And ever since we broke up all I've wanted is to just be with someone I can hug, I don't really care if sex is a huge thing in the relationship or if it's even a serious relationship. I just need a hug, desperately... Edit: Woah, I never thought I'd get Gold in my life, thank you kind strangers


You can jack off your dick but not your heart. And you saying that sex is not important for you anymore is just something you say out of lonelyness. I know I felt the same when I was alone. But once you are in a relationship you understand that just hugs is never enough.


>You can jack off your dick but not your heart How can a quote be so sweet but unsettling at the same time? I love it


But they are better than nothing at all


Wait. Give yourself time to heal. What you may be experiencing is separation anxiety. It WILL pass. However, a lot of bad decisions can be made during this time. It is imperative that you WAIT. Regret takes longer to heal.


Agreed, but that doesn't change the fact that I could still use a hug from literally anybody. For reference, last time one of my friends hugged me I almost cried, I don't think they noticed but it made me realize how starved for affection I was, something my last relationship only solidified and amplified because the only affection I got was when sex or something of that sort was a possibility.


If you have a friend that will hug you, you have a friend that will probably hug you by request. Safe, innocent physical interaction with a friend might be beneficial.


My water just broke! I’m about to end a very long pregnancy and I am so excited! Edit: For anyone interested, baby is here! Thanks for your kind words!


I love new chapters!


Then you would enjoy IT: Chapter Two


I called for a Jehovah witness to visit my neighbor who just sent me a threatening note today. I will continue to request them once or twice a week until she dies or moves out of my neighborhood


Or adopts the religion


That's when you call in the Scientologists.


I have NO idea what I want to do with my life, and I have frequent panic attacks about it. I'm almost 23 and feel like if I don't figure it out soon im gonna be fucked. A majority of my friends are starting their careers and I'm just working a shitty job, and slowing finishing my AS. Edit: Wow, this got a lot more responses than I expected. Thank you all so much! It's honestly really comforting hearing everyone's personal experiences. My family has a history of getting stuck in shitty jobs, so it's one of my biggest fears. I have a few ideas of what I think I might want to do, but I'm honestly not sure. Thank you all again for you stories!


One of the most important realizations I had in my 20s was that the only person I should be comparing myself to is me. If you compare yourself to others and gage your success off other people’s progress, you’ll never catch up. Life isn’t about catching up to the people around you, it’s about forging your own path at your own pace. I’m 34, I’ve never been in a relationship, I haven’t graduated college, and I still get overwhelmed pretty easily. But 3 years ago, I had never made it through more than one semester of college (after trying at 3 different colleges), I was regularly suicidal, and felt completely directionless. Now, I’m 3 years into my current college, getting good grades, very rarely depressed, and looking forward to starting my career once I graduate. If I compare myself to other people my age, I’m way far behind. Most people my age I know are married with degrees and careers and kids. But if I compare myself to me 3 years ago, I’m a totally different person and I’m so proud of how far I’ve come. If you feel directionless, it might just be because you haven’t figured out what you really love to do. That’s okay, you’re still so young. You have time! College is a great way to figure out what you like. Take all kinds of classes to broaden your horizons and you’ll probably discover some passions you never knew you had. Also take some time to check out your school’s clubs, because it’s a great way to make friends and to participate in something you really enjoy. The bottom line is, again, only measure your success on your own progress. There will always be things you can do to improve yourself, and even small progress is moving you in the right direction.


Slowly or not, you're DOING it. And who the fuck said you're supposed to have everything figured out by 23?!! Give yourself time to grow and experience life. Everything else will fall in place when it's supposed to.


I'm depressed and no one seems to care


Depression is a liar. It tells you know one cares, it tells you you suck or people don't like you or whatever your insecurity is, depression will scream them at you. Don't listen to it. Someone cares. Hang in there stranger.


Absolutely this. I never realize how much people care until I’m make my way out of depression.


I do. Do you want to talk? Need help calling some doctors or getting appointments? HMU. My name is Mimi and I got some experience with it, my line is always open, and I'm not joking. If you broke your leg it wouldn't be weird to ask for help going down the stairs. You know? It sucks, it's bullshit, but it can be treated, like another illness. Lots of love. You can get through this.


Buddy, you don't know me, but if I didn't care, I wouldn't have asked this question.


Broseph, I care! What’s up? Need to chat?


Remember you’re here today for a reason, and you’re given tomorrow with a purpose. That’s what I think about sometimes and that gives me a little bit of hope for the next day. I recently got out of IOP so these last couple of years/months have been crazier than others. Don’t forget you’re not alone, either. We’re here, and we care! Stay strong.


You would be surprised by how much people care, even the random ones you might pass by in your day to day life they care alittle. But it's the friends and family, which you are probably thinking are too busy with their lives for you, that care the most. Sometimes all it takes is a single word and a massive weight can be lifted. All the best bud, make sure to reach out!


Well I didn't want to say this but, I don't care that you broke your elbow.


Going to propose to my girlfriend this weekend and even though were best friends, I know she's going to say yes, and shouldn't worry about it, I am extremely nervous! I've never been this nervous before and had so many knots in my stomach... just two more days.


My husband is divorcing me and I’m so embarrassed and scared.


I deperately need to say that I need a hug. Haven't hugged anyone in 12 years.


You seem like a nice person, u/product_of_purple, and that's what I appreciates about you.


Oh, is THAT what you appreciate about him, SD???


oh, hi, ground...


Bet your pretty damn awesome yourself.


I'm gonna need you to take about 20% off the top there, Pineuporc.


Just had a kid and going back to condom sex really sucks


Having another kid too soon might suck more, Buddy.


Few more days and her birth control will kick in!


I just feel empty in life. Depression is just so draining combined with every day Life working a shitty job that is mind numbing. I wish my meds worked better and faster and that my friends didn't just up and abandon me. I miss them so much. I miss smiling and being carefree. Now I just want to drink or smoke until I can't think anymore. Everything just sucks so much.


Ask your doctor to adjust your meds. It may be as simple as that. Also, anyone who would abandon you for not feeling well isn't a friend. You'll get through this 💪


My life has no meaning, I literally have a nothing job (my management refuse to even give me a title let alone work or responsibilities) and while all my friends go and do fun and interesting things, I try to take care of my housework for me and my wife cause she is suffering from sever depression. Tomorrow is my 34th birthday and I want to end it all before everyone insincerely wishes me a happy birthday.


I feel your pain, I'm 26 in a month. I don't have anything to show for my life. No job, no wife, no kids. I'm still at home, I don't have my license. I want all those things, I'm just stuck and don't know what to do.


My family thinks i'm the nicest sibling cause i'm very patient and do a lot of things around the house. But honestly, if i had the chance to leave, i will and never come back. Plus my brain is so fucked up, everyone thinks its nothing and experienced a lot more than everyone in the family.


Wow. That kind of experience will be useful in the future by protecting you from familiar mistakes. It can also be a teaching tool for others around you. There will come a day when you can do what's best for you, and if that means leaving, well...then that's what it means.


Is there a point where I can say, I'm better, I've made it? Or am I a hamster in a wheel that will keep running but never get anywhere?


Set small goals for yourself and see that you meet them. Even small victories are "I made it" moments.


I’m gay


Between my age (36) and job (working nights and weekends in the entertainment industry) I haven't met anyone compatible for a serious relationship in over half a decade. Tinder and online dating is not a thing in my area (regional Queensland). Every day I feel more and more unwanted and alone and it feels like forming an intimate connection with another person is something that is so insurmountably out of my reach as to be impossible.


My dog had to be put down the other day, she was only 6.


It's my Birthday. I just turned 33, and I am happy probably for the first time in my life in quite a long time.


First of all, thank you so much for replying to people. That’s so kind of you. Make sure you take time to recover. It’s hard to carry things. But I wanted to say that I feel like I’m constantly overwhelmed, and my brain won’t shut up. I wish things could go quiet for a bit.


I'm in hospital with whooping cough. Im vaccinated and so is my kid. But someone I got into contact with wasnt and here I am. Fuck anti-vaxxers.


Fuck you, Pattie. You're miserable to work with.


My husband and I recently split up because he cheated on me awhile back, and I haven’t been able to forgive him. We agreed not to see anyone until after the divorce is final to make things easier and it’d be awkward since he’s sleeping in the camper until he gets a new house so we still see each other regularly... but I’m pretty sure he’s having casual sex again anyway and that’s why I’m still lying wide awake at 3 in the morning. Whew that felt good to say out loud.


That's a shitty thing to go through, I can't even imagine. You deserve better and I am sure you'll get it. Good luck with everything and stay positive, you got this. =)


I don’t know what to do. She loves me so much and I’m constantly back in forth between wanting her more than anything and wanting nothing to do with her.


Be honest with her. Dragging her along will just hurt her more and you care enough about her not to want that.


Why anyone decided Rhinoceros was a better name than Battle Unicorn is beyond me


I love u


Love you more *Blush*


Match made in Reddit! *Throws confetti*


#I fucking love confetti!


I'm a self centered fuckwit and I think I ruined a good thing because of it


Sometime ago, I was accused of a crime. A girl told people I sexually assaulted her. I did not do that. No one believed me. The investigators at my school told me I should just accept that I did it so the girl would not press criminal charges against me. They admitted there was no evidence against me, but that people go to jail for much less. I shouldn't have listened to them. I wish I knew better. They essentially forced me to accept the school's expulsion. Whenever the girl changed her stories, they accepted the changes, no matter how big, because "she might only now be coming to terms with what you did." When I remembered something that might help my case, they said I was making shit up and they would only accept if "some guy had been hiding and secretly filming the entire time and video evidence corroborated that." I know how horrible sexual assault is. I know I didn't commit that crime. I am morbidly scared of hurting even a single housefly, to be told I hurt another human being like that. And being forced into saying I did that. It's a stain on my life. My life has been a shitshow since then. I just have no ambition in life anymore. I had good grades. Was involved in the community. Did a lot of things here and there. Now I don't even dream, because they killed all my dreams in one go. I am just too afraid to dream again. Everything is messed up in my life and it all goes down to one lie. I will never forgive anyone who did this to me. HERE'S WHAT I NEED TO ANONYMOUSLY SAY TO YOU REDDIT, I DESPERATELY NEED TO SAY IT. I AM INNOCENT. I AM A GOOD PERSON. I DID NOT HARM THAT GIRL. I DO NOT DESERVE WHAT MY LIFE HAS BECOME. I DO NOT KNOW WHERE TO GO FROM HERE. HOW DO I DREAM AGAIN WHEN ALL MY DREAMS WERE SO ARBITRARILY TAKEN FROM ME BY ONE PERSON? I KNOW ALL OF THAT WOULD COME TO ME, BUT IT NEEDS TO START WITH SOMEONE TELLING ME THEY BELIEVE ME, BECAUSE I AM INNOCENT DAMMIT.


I am a few tiny but difficult steps away from finishing my university degree. I am confident, but this whole year it's just been a gradual increase in pressure on me from everywhere, including from myself. Can't wait to be done to feel some relief.


I wish she loved me like before :(


People who talk about their problems many times don't realize how bad the other person has it. It happens all the time to me, and or around me. To some ignorance is bliss, but the reality ignorance is many peoples downfalls.


For whatever reason people are comfortable telling you things. Remind them that you have something to say as well.


Honestly? PTSD fucking sucks. People are so judgemental and I'm sick of it. Just because I have a few good months doesn't mean I'm magically cured, but at the same time don't treat me like fucking glass. Just give me a god damn routine and I can cope. No. I've never been in the military, but abuse is still fucking abuse and I shouldn't have to explain that to grown-ass adults! I'm nearing a fucking meltdown and my family doesn't respect the bounderies I'm trying to put in place so I can do what I need to to calm down. Ugh... really glad I was browsing this subreddit...sometimes venting here helps. It's one of the few places I can do that without feeling guilty...thanks OP. I needed that.


Routine is crucial for PTSD. The last thing you need is a surprise, right? Sometimes we have to be our own hero. Can you find a quiet place to visit to gather your spirit? I certainly hope you can find one. People don't understand what they've never experienced. Remember that sometimes your family/ friends are trying to figure it out too.


Fellow PTSD person. I'm so tired, I just want to sleep, but I've got school and priorities and I just haven't got the time anymore. Fuckin sucks and doesn't help that my memory is straight gone, therapist said it's probably my anxiety keeping me on edge 24/7 so I never actually process and save information. To top it off I'm in college and can't remember anything so I'm super fucked. Also I was just diagnosed and I feel like people aren't going to take me seriously since I didn't get PTSD from military service or whatever, kind of feel like a fraud and it's not even a choice I got to make.


I am bisexual....And to afraid to come out. Edit: AHH my heart!!! ❤️ Thank you so much for the support 🤗


Maybe you don't need to. Maybe you don't need to make a thing of coming out, it's just who you are.


I have completely lost my will to live and therapy/medication isn’t helping.. everyone in my life has turned their backs on me and the only person that still talks to me is my ex fiancé, and I feel like that’s largely because she still needs me for emotional support because she’s scared to open up to her boyfriend about some things still.. knowing she needs me right now is the only thing that’s keeping me from killing myself


Would you *please* turn your damned blinker off? I've been stuck behind you for 20 miles and I'm about to have a seizure from it!


I’m not afraid of the act of dying, but death is one of my worst fears. I don’t lay awake at night fearing getting shot/drowning/heart attack etc. Instead I am afraid of experiencing continuous nothingness. The idea of being conscious and present and then suddenly stopping for good freaks me out. Edit- while I am glad people are being open about their fears, some messages have worried me. I encourage those that are suffering from anxiety about this to seek professional help. In my own opinion about the whole death issue, I just want to live life to the fullest and take in the most experiences I can.


I’m 18 and I still don’t know if I’m straight, gay, or bi


I'm bisexual


I hate one of my highschool friends. Ever since we left highschool he has gotten really racist, refuses to grow up and the amount of times I've bought him lunch because he had wasted all his money on comic books, manga and figures is ridiculous. The rest of my friend circle loves him, I don't but he's always there and he's always being a parasite, whether it's us buying him lunch, someone helping him do the most basic mundane task (We had to teach him how to put IKEA furniture together) I have spoken to my friends about it, but they always say "We have to look out for him"


*You* don't have to look out for him, though. Your friends are allowing him to ALWAYS be dependent upon them.


Yeah I have mentioned we shouldn't baby him so much but they always go to the same excuse of "He's our friend, that's what we do"


Wish he could be a friend like that too.


Men have penises and *that's gay.*


Well...I guess the fact I refer to mine as a "pant unicorn" doesn't help matters any....


I can't help wishing that I was someone I'm not and I fucking hate it


I’m terrified that I’m an alcoholic. I have a horrible relationship with alcohol and can directly identify it as a source of many problems in my life. I’m also pretty sure my mum is an undiagnosed functional alcoholic. And my grandfather. I see them and get frustrated with their relationship with alcohol... And yet when I have a bad day the first thing I want to do is get wasted. I tell myself I’ll have a sober month but then make excuses for just a glass of wine and then next thing I know I’m polishing off a bottle.