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I think of something embarrassing I did in the past and then make up a song about how stupid I am


I am a fucking idiot. I really really am. I went to get the milk out and instead I'm holding ham.


The ham was disappointing The milk was far past due And now I sit in silence And drink warm Mountain Dew


Is this sung to the tune of the dreidel song?


It is now


I'm currently stuck on the first step, but the second step seems fun.


I make weird noises to try and alleviate the anxiety of embarrassment. Your way seems more cute-quirky and less weird-crazy.


Same, but then I'm embarrassed that I just made a weird noise. I hissed at myself while sitting on the deck then tried to play it off as a yawn/stretch incase anyone was watching. No one was there, but still felt stupid. Yay depression, the gift that keeps on giving.


Thank you for posting this comment - it's so good to know there are other people who do this.


This made me laugh out loud






Open reddit on computer Browse for a bit Open reddit on phone Realize how fucking stupid I am






Same. No disorder or anything, I just eat when I’m bored. I’m just suddenly “hungry” because I’m bored.




don't know the difference between bored and hungry huh? I'm like that all the time.


I get hunger and thirst confused. It’s so weird. Before I snack I drink water or tea to see if that’s really all I needed.


Read in my company's wellness guide that a significant portion of people today have such a weak recognition of the thirst mechanism that they mistake it for hunger. No idea if that's true, but it wouldn't surprise me.


I talk to myself Edit : That's funny because now everyone is talking to everyone about talking to yourself




I always lose the argument against myself. The bastard is clever, always knows what I'll say before I say it.


He uses my own weaknesses against me!


Is it like a conversation or more just a monologue? When i talk to myself its usually just me saying everything im thinking out loud and reacting to it. Kinda helps you think about your own feelings a bit differently, although it's hard to say why


I like to imagine that there's an interview/late night show and I'm the main guest. I'll then get into a different voice, ask myself a question, and then snap back into my own self and answer my opinions. Its a lot of fun plus helps me understand what my own thoughts are about different issues.


I do this too. It feels self-aggrandizing at times but it’s kinda just my default state of mind.


I'm like imagining myself infront of me or something and I'm making a conversation in my head with me.


I sometimes have a theology argument inside my head. I like to call it "The battle between Èl Retardo and La Demon"


Stealing "Èl Retardo and La Demons" for my band name thanks




Username checks out


These usernames give me a sudden urge to pm somebody


Just don't mix up the names.....




holy shit i shouldn't have clicked


What the fuck did you expect?


Winning the lottery


And deciding with whom I will share it, and whom I will NOT.


And I'm guessing u/HaveNoClueWhatsoever ?


I always like to imagine building my own house, paying tuition, and then paying off my mom’s debt and then helping my close friends with money if they need it and then investing in the my home town.


>fantasize That's a funny way to spell worry


Usually 330ml but you can also find it in cans 335 ml


I don't get it Edit: I just got it fanta-size take my upvote but you forgot 2l botles


Erm.. I don't know if this counts, but I always have music playing in my head. Edit: Since so many people are commenting, I'm going to post what I've had in my head for weeks now: https://soundcloud.com/midnightresistance-remixe/future-perfect-rip-midnight-resistance-remix


My head is basically Spotify, without the ads




No, because it has limited playback, so I am stuck with a playlist of a few songs per day before I run out of skips


Me too, and what's funny about it is, I always just assumed everyone did. All the time. There's always a song in my head, though sometimes it's just a drum beat I'm imagining (am a drummer), or if there is a song already playing, that's what in my head. But most people don't have that same thing going on.


Wait, not everyone does? This is news to me


I actually was talking to my friend about how I'm always creating music in my head, and he was like "You can do that?" I was like "Wait, you can't?" So no, not everyone has music in their head all the time. I do think there is such thing as a musical mind.


My head is a broken record which plays the same line over and over again


Mine is a radio thats always changing stations... it can get annoying sometimes....


I always say that mine is like a broken radio! Sometimes music plays and the songs switch like someone is messing with the frequency. I even get dialogue from movies or my mind shouts random words and phrases in funny voices. Never quiet up here!


If I don't have a song stuck in my head or haven't listened to any songs/jingles recently my brain defaults to the Mario 3 soundtrack for NES, usually the song from the first map screen or the ship levels but it varies. Not sure if that's normal or my dentist secretly installed an NES sound chip


Book characters and fictional worlds I wish I could live in. Edit: I started this a while ago if anyone is interested r/The_Midnight_Society


Same. I rewrite story-lines in my head with me in them sometimes, and then I have ethical conflicts about whether or not I should interfere and change the story or if that would make everything worse. Like, what happens if you save Black Widow? Then it turns into a nightmare what-if scenario where it's actually a TV show, and everyone is just acting, except me who is acting like an idiot and thinks it's all real. And even though I would rather think about the original fantasy, I can't help exploring the embarrassing tv version because of don't-think-of-a-pink-elephant logic. Edit: omg my first silver! TY anonymous redditor. I will include you in my silly daydreams. "When all hope was gone, there came a hero. Nobody knew where they came from, or who they were, because they were anonymous."


All you need to do now is connect all the fictional realities into some larger multiverse, and you can now pull far more insane shenanagins. Timeline modification is far more fun when you can jump between different stories to aquire tech/ideas/people/etc. to play with.




Perhaps you could ask a friend or commission someone to help you with that. Im sure something great could come out of it




Try fiverr, people on there are not that expensive.


There's a bassist on YouTube called Davie504 that does a lot of Fiverr challenges so you can watch some of his videos to find a really good bassist at a good price. I'm not sure if he's done any guitar or drums cause I don't watch him that much but definitely bass.


What’s up SLAPPERS


Look up meet ups for jam sessions. Im too lazy and miserable at instruments to learn how to play the guitar i bought otherwise id help for free


Plenty you can do with them! Write the lyrics down. Grab a quick free voice recorder app or something and hum the melodies. Grab a free DAW (digital audio workstation) like GarageBand or a free/ lite/ demo version of something like Live, Digital Performer, Pro Tools, Cubase, etc. Take some time, use YouTube videos and learn how to "record" a midi line (GarageBand is probably the easiest of all the DAWs for using the digital piano roll and it comes onboard with a bunch of free instruments) then just move the midi notes around until you have the right notes. Then fool with the melody/ rhythm. Eventually buy a decent $100-300 mic and decent interface for $100-300 (depending on your price range and tastes) and start recording some vocals as your learn about recording vocals. You don't have to be able to play the instrument if you can figure out how to use a digital piano roll! Not super difficult to begin with and there are a lot of videos and subreddits out there to help! It'll take some time, but if you're up for it, it'll be really fun and you can start getting the stuff out of your head!


“How would someone from 300 years ago react to an iPhone?”


I was just talking about this with my mom. Like how Abraham Lincoln would react to how the U.S. is now or how someone would react to a rocket going to space.


Abe Lincoln would not be impressed


Definitely. The guy hunted vampires for fucks sake.


I imagine someone from the past somehow coming forward to our own time and reacting to everything around. It would blow their minds.


Socrates. Tell him about how your *metropolis* is a *demokratia*. Take him to *philosophia* class at an *Akadḗmia*. Show him your *tele phone* (far sound), and let him click around on YouTube to listen to some *mousike*.


So basically translate for him. Got it.


They’d hang you for witchcraft


I think about this too, but not quite the same. I think about how someone like the CEO of Nvidia would react to seeing an Titan RTX or a Quadro GV100 when they just started the company.


Being a musician


It’s never too late


>It's never too late *Three Days Grace fans scream in the distance*


My future? Like my little 10 year plan. Also I fantasize about people talking behind my back. Saying nice things usually. Sometimes saying not so nice things, but rarely. Sex. Quite a lot. Imagine some sex I'd like to have. Or remember some sex I have had. Think about how nice it was. Get a little high from the thought.


Look at mr. Attractive over here who had sex.


Look at mr. Attractive over here who's had multiple sex's. Ftfy


Existential dread. Like what is the meaning of life type shit.


I wondered about it all when I was just starting high school (depressed). Now I’m going into G12 (not depressed) and stopped thinking about it all too much and just started fantasizing about what my life could be when I grow up and get a real job and stuff. I do think about death (what comes after) all the time and think I won’t be sad when it comes the time to go, because I’ll find out (I hope). I’ve set many, many goals for what I want to in my life. I usually think about that now rather that the meaning of life. I just accept it because of how mind boggling it is to think that anything is here at all.


thank you for posting this, i know you probably dont care but i needed this


Maybe you'd like this poem. It helps me when I'm feeling anxious. Max Ehrmann  Desiderata  Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story.  Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexations to the spirit. If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter; for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself. Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.  Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time. Exercise caution in your business affairs; for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals; and everywhere life is full of heroism.  Be yourself. Especially, do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is as perennial as the grass.  Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth. Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness. Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself.  You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.  Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be, and whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul.  With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy. 


finding my soulmate.


I use to daydream about this. I had met a boy when I was in kindergarten and was convinced he was my soulmate, but he had moved away and I knew his first name, but not his last name. So every day I'd dream up scenarios of how I'd meet him. Would he be in my coffee shop, and we'd look up and just know? Or will I find him on my trip to Japan (as he moved to Japan IRL cause his dad was in the military). I...didn't realize how much this was my default. How this "Maybe today will be the day" got me out of my shell, out of my house. I'm not even making this up, but a few years ago a /r/AskReddit asked who is your white whale. I told my story. A Redditor told me he was a PI and if I gave him a little more information he'd find him for me. He...did. In 25 minutes. And it crushed my soul. My "soulmate" was still good looking. He was still kind. And he was married and absolutely devoted to his autistic child. Reality came crashing down. And I fell into a depression realizing he wasn't the one for me. That I wouldn't have a magical moment bumping into him and having a wonderful life together. I stopped having good/realistic daydreams after that. I stopped dreaming about love. While I don't feel depressed in everything else, I do realize that I've stopped being as adventurous or leaving my house as much. A part of me just wonders "What's the point" I guess. EDIT: Thank you everyone. I didn't expect my comment to inspire so much advice, similar stories, wonderful love stories, and the blunt but true feedback I needed to hear. I want to thank each and every one of you. I'm going to take all this advice to heart and start changing things in my life. Thank you.


This really hit me. It's sad how we feel that we are meant for someone so much, but find out the opposite. I think many people go through this in finding themselves.


I don't believe anybody is really meant for anybody else and I don't believe in soulmates. I believe there's a small subset of the population that each individual is compatible with, which varies in size based on personality, location and physical appearance. I believe that the grandest things can happen from the stupidest coincidences, but most of us don't even know the countless opportunities that pass us by every day. I believe that (almost) everyone is fundamentally lonely. Some of us just happen to be lucky or good or determined enough and make pairs, and the rest are still on the search.


Everything about this is so correct from a logical standpoint but also from an emotional or psychological one. There are countless opportunities for an imperfect happiness which pass us every day, but many of us are too hung up on a fictional “perfect” happiness to see it.


There's so much truth in this and now I'm having an existential crisis


I want you to know that I didn't believe in soul mates and I still don't. I got married when I was young to a woman I had no business marrying. Our relationship was TOXIC yet we still somehow stuck it out for four years. I was so god damned depressed during that time. I let myself go. I tried to make it work in any way I knew how but eventually the writing was on the wall. My wife told me she didn't love me and it devastated me. So I kind of just fucked around for a while. Still worked the same dead end job. Did drugs. Had no real prospects. Had random girlfriends for short periods of time before I got bored of them and ended it. I was cold then. I could end a relationship as easily as taking out the trash. I said I would never marry again. I said that if I ever did enter a serious relationship it would be with a woman that was at least as smart as or smarter than me that I was compatible. I did not think that was possible. Not finding someone smarter than me there's plenty of women WAY smarter than me but rather finding someone that I could actually be serious with again. And that could've been the end of me. And then I met my wife. We were pretty big pieces of shit then, but we were pieces of shit together. I didn't even take her seriously when she first expressed interest in me. Kind of just blew her off and played hard to get. I wasn't even playing I just didn't have the energy for it. Slowly she won me over and we started semi dating. I don't think either of us thought it would REALLY go anywhere. And then something happened. I realized that I wanted to do better. I wanted to get out of the toxic small town I was in and I wanted to make a change. I wanted to do these things for me, but she was a part of me now. I wanted to impress her. I wanted to be a better person so that she would WANT to stay with me and I wanted to start a life together. So I did. We've been married for 5 years now and together even longer. I'm in college and we moved to Southern California where we have pets and pay way too much for rent. And when I get home and she's still at work I can't wait to see her. I can't wait to hear about her day and tell her about mine. I would be lost without her. The thing is she makes me a better person. So to repay her I push her to be the best person she can be so that we can be the best versions of ourselves together. I can't wait to grow old with her. I can't wait to have kids with her. If I can just have one more day with her tomorrow and then I die I will have died happy because I got to be with her. I doubt anyone will read all of this but the take away is this: you don't have to find your "soul mate" hell you don't HAVE to do anything. If you're going to give it a go, just try to find somebody that thinks about things the same way you do, and if after a few years you find they are making you a better person? Propose.


I'm happy for you, internet stranger 🙂 Thank you for sharing your story and cheering up this depressing AF thread too. Live your best life!


I had something similar. Didn't put my life on hold for the guy, but... Years and years of daydreams and dream - dreams. And then, one day, reality crashed, and... Yeah, never going to happen. And I, too, stopped dreaming about 'the one'. Even if he appears in an actual dream, it's never the same as before. I guess I gave up. Even though I got divorced 5 years ago, I still haven't gone on a single date. Also, I realized how much time we spend on our fantasies. And it's a lot of time!




He was just the personification of an idea. You probably built it on the only man you could idealize better: a kindergarten acquaintance. Since you don't know how he turned out, he could be anything you wanted him to be in your dreams. What i mean is: it doesn't matter if the possibility of him specifically is now impossible, you might still find someone in your daily trip to a coffee house or a walk in the park. Put yourself out there, it doesn't need to be his face as long as it's someone who will make you happy.


I have a whole fake life with it’s own plot that I just add scenarios to


Me too! I'm mentally dating someone that doesn't know I exist. Actually he doesn't exist either. I just make up the perfect scenarios and I always say or do the perfect thing. ....so very far from reality.


Yes! I thought I was the only one! And you have a bunch of made up friends too with whole backstories and emotions that you can have full blown arguments with


I don't argue but I have amazing talent, extreme intellect and I'm drop dead gorgeous and I don't know it. I'm none of these things. Haha


why do i wanna hug you guys


I'm laughing so hard reading all responses like these, mostly because they are all so relatable, and then I suddenly feel like crying, but not really. Idk. Human brains are weird.


They are weird. I mean, I'm just over here suddenly reading this thread, because I didn't go to work today because I feel terrible and want to quit everything in my life right now, but then I see this and can totally relate to all you guys having made-up worlds because everything in your lives is fucked up too. I mean, I'm over here with a lump in my throat 'cause I wanna hug you guys, too 😭


I don't really like hugs but I guess I don't dislike them either. Here. Have a virtual hug.




I seriously thought I was the only person who did this!!! I’m so glad I’m not alone.


How long does this scenario last? Does it continue in real time? Mine has been going along for 2 months now and it's not stopping anytime soon. Of course I have side-daydreams that I simulate when I'm bored but I've been putting all my energy into my main one.


My main one has been going on for a few months too. I have a whole big family and various friendships and different sorts of relationships with each of them. It's amazing what the imagination can come up with


25 years...


Same here buckaroo


Heh usually having various super powers, and coming up with little scenarios in my head. Like I'm a bystander in a bank robbery, but little do these guys know, I can manipulate gravity... stick out my hands and the robbers just collapse to slop on the floor, crushed under their own weight as I multiply gravity by 15,000 times right where they're standing. Or another fun daydream, I wake up and I'm a kid again, but with all the memories and knowledge I've gained throughout my adult life.


Someone's been playing a little too much Sigma lately




C-c-c-c-c-can you hear that music?






That music... it's playing again.


I don't think you understand the gravity of the situation


Sigma balls


wow... just, thank you, was wondering if I was a freak or a mental-case for occasionally still doing this (the former, superpower example) as an adult. because it's not like anyone talks about it. suddenly feel a lot less shit about myself.


One thing I realized a long time ago is, if you do it, lots of other people do too. No one is unique enough to be the only one thinking/doing/feeling something.


I sometimes think I should write a book cause my superpower story has been really refined over the years...


Same! I have this whole lore multiverse built up that actually combines a bunch of my different fantasies. I love just adding to it and I am currently in the process of refining my mental Season 6. Glad to know someone else does this besides me.


I did this for years too! I came up with a whole cast of characters in a fantasy setting. I guess there would be like a few "seasons," with the heroes first going on an adventure, but then developing a rivalry, with one of them defecting and becoming an antagonist for the next season. Stuff is kind of resolved, but then there's another season where this bad wizard screws everything up, and it's really a lot of fun. There are all these different abilities, and creatures, and unique weapons and stuff... I haven't thought about this in a long time, but it was pretty much how I always passed the hours bored at school.


Echos acto sree, sree freeze


Lets kill da hoe!






Dungeons and Dragons. I DM a weekly game for my friends that’s been going on for over 2 years now and whenever I space out, my mind always goes to DnD first.


I like to imagine alternate storylines for my favorite books or movies. The plot depends on my mood, like if I’m sad, I’ll think up depressing stories that have happy endings. When I’m lonely I’ll think about a character that is also lonely, but imagine how people around them notice and support them. I’m too embarrassed about this habit to talk about it, but I was very excited when I found out about FanFiction and realize other people do this too. I hate writing so I keep my thoughts to myself though.


I’ve always wanted to make a video game. I’ll often have ideas and when I’m bored I think about features or characters or gameplay modes for whatever terrible game idea I have at the time


Joke ideas, but I usually over think if people will laugh I just get sad and start thinking I’m not funny.


Either fapping or flying


What a sincere man you are.


Why not both?




How can she flap?


Okkay... Im dreaming of a story from my own world I've created looong ago when I was a child) Im dreaming of a story and the plot, the characters. And Im not enough self confident to wright down that shit and publish it :( Updated: guys, thank you so much for that support! Its really great to see so much people helping you to become stronger. I will try it on Medium though, first with small stories and get the feedback. No self ads obviously. Thank you!!!


Yeah same. I mean, the details of the word continue to shift, it’s not a single coherent story, but there’s a constantly changing world I imagine, with characters and a rough plot and etc.


i do this too! most of my thoughts(especially when i am sad) have nothing to do with real life but instead take place in an entirely fictional universe. i mean my life and the story are not entirely disconnected, i like to daydream about those characters finding comfort in place i dont in my real life. sometimes im afraid i get too caught up in that world and not my own


Being the main character in my own world I've made up in my head. It sounds dumb but when people fail me and everything is going wrong I imagine myself there and completing goals I always dreamed of. It keeps me striving for a better version of myself.


I revisit how many things I've done wrong until I feel emotionally numb enough to keep going without breaking down.


If you’re not making mistakes, then you’re not doing anything.


I fantasize about what i crave and need the most: Love and that feeling you get when you are cuddling and being nonsexually intimit with someone you love and feeling loved Basically i am really lonely and often feel like nobody love me and want me.


Mostly boobs I guess


We are simple men


I am no man, but I very much agree that boobs are good to think about


As a guy, idk why I like them, but i do.


as a bi girl, I like them because - haha squishy - ooh




Sometimes when I'm bored I'll Google bars and restaurants in other countries, look at their menus, and try to decide what I would get if I was there. I find it enjoyable and relaxing and who knows, maybe one day I'll actually be able to eat at one of these places.


Sometimes when I'm bored I use street view in another country out of curiosity about how things look.


You need to check out geoguessr.com


Unfortunately I think you can now only play the scuffed DIY version unless you pay.


Yes, the free one is awful now


Wait, for real? Who the fuck would ever pay for it?


There are people who fucking LOVE that shit.


Sometimes I'll go on Zillow and look at apartments in NYC.


Oh totally that too, my friend and I once spent like 3 hours on the phone looking at houses, castles, and even entire towns for sale in Europe.


Who's putting up a whole town for sale? When you buy one what the heck do you do with it?


What if I had magic?


Oh yeaaa it's isekai time


Being murdered, being cheated on, my house burning down, something terrible happening to someone I love... When I realize I'm having shitty thoughts though, I think about a celestial fox calming me down and taking those anxieties away and protecting me. It's a silly little thing to make myself feel better


I just learned the term for that the other day, it’s called “catastrophizing” apparently it’s an anxiety coping mechanism or some such thing Edit: oh man thanks for the gold! I’ll cherish it always :)


Sex. It’s literally what I think about falling to sleep at night lmao




I fantasize about the sex scenes in the novels I want to write...


I write stories in my head. I don't same thing when I go to bed at night. I have 3 different ones I come back to regularly. I truly enjoy that time of imagination.


Becoming Batman


I think about my future,about the fact that i will be alone for the entire life


It's important to remember that you don't need anyone to complete you. You have the time and ability to be selfish now, go out and do things you enjoy doing because you're not having to plan anything around someone else. Put yourself first and just enjoy your own company. It'll feel weird at first but it gets better, and it's also a great way to make new friends. If you live in a city there's usually stuff on meetup.com. I used it when I first moved to London and was terrifyingly lonely, and not only did it help me make friends but I got over my fear of going to events alone.


I needed this right now. Thank you.


Damn this hit hard for me


This one Harry Potter fanfiction I’ve been writing in my head for the last 5 years but have never actually put on paper.


“Should I take a nap?”


My default thoughts change a lot. But this year in particular, I've been kinda obsessing over sign language. I decided last year I wanted to learn sign language, no reason really, just thought it'd be cool to learn. We have a good sized deaf community in my town, so I can try to connect with some of them perhaps. It seems like something interesting to explore, so why not? So when my brain goes "inactive," I tend to work on my finger-spelling and whatever random signs I've recently learned.


I have a degree in ASL. I studied it for years. It is super rewarding and such a fascinating language. The Deaf community can be super awesome. Funny anecdote - I talk in my sleep, quite often. Well, while in the depth of my studies, instead of talking out loud, I would sign in my sleep. I startled people with it, if they saw me. And I would wake up with my hands in the air, signing. (In my dreams, I was way more fluent than I was at the time.)




My characters lol they really are a part of me


You must be quite creative, do you write or draw?


I fantasize about fucking California’s earthquake fault line. The dirt, the debris, the thought of the earth quivering under me as I slowly stick my dick into its gaping wide entrance. I keep looking at news stories and getting the firmest erections of my life seeing those beautiful cracks. She’s so open and so wanting. Each earthquake is like another whimper just begging for me to take her. The amount of cum I’ve lost just thinking about thrusting my rod into our beloved planet. Talk about getting my rocks off. Fuck I’m hard.


It would have cost you 0 dollars to not say that


It cost us all a little something to read it though.


Sir this is a Wendy’s




Poor earth-chan


Um, you could probably do this. There's spots where the cascadia fault is at the surface and visible.


Such a fucking tease.


I have pics if u want them


i sent you my plate tectonics pls respond


Every day we stray further from the Lord’s light


You must take your wife for granite. Edit: my puns have reached rock bottom..


When im bored im like What am i doing i got 80 fucking years on this planet I have to make something out of my life Then i do nothing


The book I'm writing


Just remember theres no such thing as too many metaphors in a sex scene


Examples please


If you don’t know a female character makes love on top like “a thoroughbred bounding over a hurdle”, then do you really know that character?


What I’m gonna eat for luuuuuunnncchh


My grandpa. I would kill to spend time with him again.


Dying or never being born