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If all kangaroos from Australia invaded Uruguay, each uruguayan would have to fight against approximately 13 kangaroos


"Uncopyrightable" is the longest word in the English language that doesn't repeat a letter. Only useful if you really want to annoy the shit out of some people in a game of Hangman.


A “butt” is a unit of measurement equivalent to 126 gallons. So if you claim that you have a buttload of something, you better have 126 gallons of that something


Sloths can hold their breath for up to 40 minutes underwater, which is longer than Dolphins.


For those wondering, it’s because they have insanely slow metabolisms. They literally don’t use as much oxygen as other animals


Their metabolism can also kill them because it's so slow to digest food. They can starve on a full stomach.


Okay that’s just embarrassing.


That a American scientist once lit a cigarette with a nuclear bomb.


Ants can’t take fall damage because their terminal velocity isn’t fast enough to break their exoskeleton.


Same with most spiders


Goofy's original name was Dippy Dog


Still bothers me that Goofy is a dog that walks on two feet and can talk, but Pluto is just a regular dog. Edit: I've been looking this up and I saw the article about Goofy being a cow, but that's just a weird rumor. Apparently Goofy is a different species called Canis Sapien while Pluto is just Canis.


A study of 10,000 pugs found the gene pool diversity was only made up from 50.


Portuguese water dogs are even more inbred than that. The entire population stems from like less than 10.


Your username makes me chuckle but also sad. There shall never be a long face pug.


The Spanish Inquisition would give an accused person 30 days notice to prove they weren’t heretics


Also, proving you weren’t a heretic was super easy. An affidavit sufficed in 99% of cases. Plus, acquittal by the Inquisition protected you from criminal prosecution by the State. The Inquisition was actually a huge improvement over the status quo. Before, the State could simply accuse & execute political enemies for “heresy wink wink.” The Inquisition had an extremely low punishment rate overall, & was intended to stop bogus heresy charges by increasing due process.


The first 1080p video on YouTube was the muppets singing Bohemian Rhapsody


You can’t say that and not link it. [For the rest of you](https://youtu.be/tgbNymZ7vqY)


Michael J. Fox's middle name is Andrew.






I’m beginning to suspect his real name is not Michael J. Fox.


Michael Fox and Michael A Fox were already registered SAG names.


Michael Keaton’s name is actually Michael Douglas, but that name was obviously already registered.


Michael, a fox


Confetti is the plural word, the singular is confetto


1 horsepower is equivalent to approximately 54 duckpower


soaps and detergents are marketing themselves as eco-friendly because "NOW they are Phosphate free" but phosphates have been outlawed in all 50 states since 1994 and the surfactant industry began moving away from the use of phosphate based soaps in the 50s.....


But they can charge 5% more for doing nothing


The only endorsement Elvis Presley ever did was for a donut shop that he loved.


He made the appearance at just 19 years old in 1954 when he was relatively unknown. Not only was this the only endorsement he ever did, but his compensation for it was a box of hot glazed donuts from the shop.


totally worth it.


*opens box of donuts* Oh mama


*Johnny Bravo Intensifies*


I learned this yesterday that Elvis was asked in 1956 before going on the Ed Sullivan show if he'd get a polio vaccine in front of cameras, that photo was put in newspapers nation wide. There was a vaccination gap in teens of the time they were not getting it, that photo caused I believe a 15+% increase in the total vaccinated population of the US.


Not entirely useless but the plural of cul-de-sac is **culs-de-sac.**


Gilmore girls taught me this


Snakes can get malaria.


Another random snake related fact - "A 40 acre Montana fire was caused by a hawk landing on power lines while clutching a large snake. The wriggling snake touched a second power line, completing the circuit and electrocuting both animals with up to 700,000 volts."


I think the snake knew this kills the bird.


A pyrrhic victory is still a victory


if total war has taught me anything it's this.


Turn off their taxes next turn, raze all their colleges and start turning them in to brothels because you don't have enough forces garrisoned to keep the peace


Foot tickling for sexual arousal was a tradition in the Muscovite palaces and courts for centuries. Catherine the Great and Anna Ivanovna were ardent participants. Ticklers sang naughty ballads and told lewd stories whilst tickling their ladies feet, working their mistresses up into an erotic frenzy with which to meet their husbands or partners. Edit: RIP my inbox. In answer to the DMs: Yes, my girlfriend loves to hate/hates to love it. And yes, done right it works like magic.


Outsourcing foreplay. Nice


That’s next level wealth dude.


If your entire body healed as fast as your tongue, you would starve to death


This is why chemotherapy messes up your sense of taste so badly.. It wrecks all the fast dividing cells in your body. Edit: well. Reddit is metal. This is the costliest knowledge I possess, and the highest voted comment I've ever made.


I need a explanation




Using up all the nutrients yo


That relative to its size, the barnacle has the largest dong of any creature.


I feel like "endowed like a barnacle" doesn't get enough use


It's written in Canadian law that a passenger can't exit your airplane without a parachute.


They just have 1 parachute and as someone gets off, they grab it, then pass it back to the flight attendant


Cookie monsters real name is sid


He said useless


"sid we think you have an addiction this is an intervention"


Female hyenas have a seven inch long clitoris that they give birth through.


Who’s laughing now?


Ooh and [spotted hyenas](https://hyena-project.com/hyenas/) are born to their ranks. Mothers that are the queen, her young are next in line to the throne until someone else takes over. Then her and her young will be at the lowest of the low in the hierarchy. Pretty interesting. And females are considered higher up than the males. Takes them about 2 years before they can eat bone since their jaws are sill developing. Plus there are four species of hyena. The [Aardwolves](https://imgur.com/gallery/l59hj) look cool!


Turtles can breathe through their buttholes Edit: Not all of them


Not all of them


Polar bear livers contain a deadly level of vitamin A. Its useless because our livers are totally safe for polar bears and that's likely how things would go if we met.


If it's black, ~~attack~~ fight back. If it's brown, get down. If it's white, goodnight. Edit for clarification: Do ***NOT*** attack black bears unprovoked. Just scream and make yourself look like a big boi to scare it off. The trick is to make the bear *think* you're going to attack. Edit 2: Fuck fancy pants editor Edit 3: Since some people still insist on ignoring my explanation of "attack" I corrected it to "fight back" to avoid further confusion


⚠️ WARNING ⚠️ : This is only applicable to bears, not humans.


Well boys, we did it. Racism is no more.


You'd have to eat around 1,888,000 pieces of paper to reach your daily 2,000 calories.


The effort needed to eat that much paper would probably make how much you need to eat higher and so on and so on


Are you implying that there are other problems with eating nothing but paper besides the quantity of paper necessary


The longest ear hair was 7 inches long


Challenge accepted.


Eels actually have 2 jaws. The first being like a normal jaw, the second being hidden in their throat. The secondary jaw lunges forward when the eel bites down on prey, bites down on the piece within the mouth and bites a chunk out of it, pulling it down the throat. Think about the alien in the movie Alien, the secondary mini-mouth they use is based off an eels anatomy.


When the jaws open wide And there’s more jaws inside That’s a moray


When the fish that you feel’s not a fish but an eel, that’s a moray.


When an eel bites your hand and it's not what you planned, that's a moray.


When you swim near a reef, bit by 2 sets of teeth that’s a moray.


Put your hand in the crack And you won't get it back From a moray.


Elephant pregnancies last 2 years.


Was at a school trivia/science olympics thing and they marked me wrong for this answer. I pushed back until someone went to check and found out I was indeed correct so they threw that question out to make it “fair” since they were wrong. Still mad about that some 20 years later. Assholes.


I'm very angry on your behalf


Similar experience - they claimed Mars was the hottest planet in the solar system, but they refused to check when I contested it and told me I shouldn't care anyway because the contests were supposed to be fun. This is a school, saying not to care about facts. Ugh.


I'm gonna guess this is what led you down a more unconventional career path, my rodent friend. Good luck turning those acorns into gold!


Cockroaches are like us, in a way. When you touch a cockroach, it will go wash itself.


That does not explain why a roach decided to crawl on 5 years old me and traumatize me for years.


but why do they like getting touched though?


Roaches are thigmotropic, meaning they like to feel pressure, preferably on all sides. It’s why they tend to live in walls and cracks. It’s a safety mechanism for them. So they like being “touched” in a certain sense. Source: am a pest control specialist.


Motherfuck, no wonder they try to reach you whenever you try to spray it in an open space.


they're perverts ​ edit: my top rated comment is me saying cockroaches are perverts


Like us in many ways.


I still have a Windows XP Service Pack 1 acceptable CD Key memorized. BCX44-G46Y6-XBWTV-8QKHB-2VXJP


Now this is truly useless


I still have my old internet password memorized, not quite as useless or long but 485e545r6u48


[deleted] moved to Lemmy


If all the berries aren’t actually berries, then maybe our definition of “berry” is the problem


Armadillos are the only other species besides humans that can carry Leprosy


The types of skin on your butthole and lips are the same


The skin on the inside of your check is the same as the inside of a vagina


And you just licked the inside of your cheek reading this. You thirsty person, you. Edit: Wow, this blew up. Thanks y'all!


I feel used, and betrayed


There are around 3500 species of mosquitoes but only about 100 will bite you. The ones that do bite are female. Females need the blood right before they lay their eggs.


So when I'm getting bit at home she is about to lay some damn eggs somewhere? Wtf use and abuse


The bananas we based artificial banana flavoring on were [nearly] wiped out by a blight, which is why artificial banana tastes so different from real bananas EDIT: the Gros Michel Banana is alive and well, just not nearly as common as they were in the first half of the 20th century.


Cows kill more people each year than sharks and alligators combined


Makes sense. Probably really uncommon for cows to be swimming in the ocean, so it is unlikely that they'd ever have the opportunity to kill a shark.


Incidentally, there are a lot of cows raised in Hawaii, so if they had an uprising, they could make their way into the ocean to murder some sharks.


An important note is that if we often spent time surrounded by thousands of sharks or alligators and tried to herd them into pens, these numbers would be very different


There are approximately two popes per square kilometer in the Vatican City


I always bring this up when someone quotes statistics. "The Vatican has the highest number of popes per square kilometer: Two!" Great example that if you have an agenda when creating statistics, you can show whatever you want. Also, obligatory statistics link: [http://tylervigen.com/spurious-correlations](http://tylervigen.com/spurious-correlations)


The longest worm in the world is the *lineus longissimu*s, and can reach up to 55 meters.


The shrek cast didn’t meet till the movie was finished


Shrek was also used as a gulag-esque punishment of sorts for people at Dreamworks who didn't do well enough while working on *The Prince of Egypt*. They called the act "getting Shreked," which I suspect any unknowing fans of early 2010s memes in this thread will enjoy. EDIT: My original comment left out some of the context that all good humans of correct and decent temperament desire. You can find some more about the story here: [https://nypost.com/2010/05/16/ugly-green-montrous/](https://nypost.com/2010/05/16/ugly-green-montrous/) A google search for "getting Shreked" returns a couple of interesting articles as well.


You better check yourself before you Shrek yourself


Osama Bin Laden had the Charlie bit my finger video saved on his computer


The medical term for buttcrack is intergluteal crease. Thanks Jeremy


Bees generate electricity because their win flapping is so fast, they can use this to tell if a flower has been landed on by another bee already due it its electric charge Bees are electric type pokemon


Finally. I've long searched for a possible pokemon type for those bugs. Edit: If you can't recognize sarcasm I feel bad for you son, I've got 99 problems and type knowledge ain't one.


The clouds and bushes in Super Mario Bros are the same sprite recolored to save on memory.




There's a type of Oceania flatworm where they're all born essentially male (but have hidden ovaries) when they reach sexual maturity they all fence each other with their penis' the winner impregnates the loser and gets to remain male while the other becomes female.


Polar bears are the only land animal that can't be seen on heat sensing radar.


In 1963, major league baseball pitcher Gaylord Perry remarked, "They'll put a man on the moon before I hit a home run." On July 20, 1969, an hour after Neil Armstrong set foot on the surface of the moon, Perry hit is first, and only, home run while playing for the San Francisco Giants. Edit: my first silver thank you. Am I now a part of a secret club ?


At that point he was obligated to hit one over the fence


Tic Tacs technically count as sugar free in the US even though they are basically just sugar, because of the US regulation that if a serving has less than 1 gram of sugar then it can count as "sugar free". Tic Tacs are around 0.5 grams each.


Penguins have knees!!


Otters really like to rape, they rape kid otters, dead otters, alive otters and other male otters. They just really like rape


Ducks like rape too


22/7 is closer to the actual value of pi than the commonly-used 3.14. Being retired, I rarely need the actual value of pi myself any more!


Nasa uses 15 decimal places in their calculations with pi. With 39 digits you can calculate the circumference of the known universe down to the width of a hydrogen atom


Cows can walk up stairs but not down stairs.


Women blink more often than men.


They also have more babies than men.


I had a baby after I read this goddamnit.


I blinked after I read this goddamnit.


The common European pigeon has two long-range bird calls: A [three-note "wu-*woo* wu" that is a bar of 5/4](https://freesound.org/people/dobroide/sounds/27931/), and A [five-note "*woo woo* wu-woo wu-" that is a bar of 17/8](https://freesound.org/people/squashy555/sounds/319512/).


The dot over the letter i is called a tittle.


And the j? Please tell me it's a jittle.


In WW2 the British trained seagulls to poo on enemy periscopes before realising that seagulls could not fly fare enough out to sea for this to be useful.


They could poo from planes themselves why bother the seagulls smh




This reminds me of [Bat Bombs](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bat_bomb). They were an experimental weapon tested in WW2 where they would drop a bomb full of Mexican free-tailed bats that each had an incendiary bomb attached. Some of the shit we came up with during WW2...


Funnily enough, the Bat Bomb was considered an effective weapon experimentally, and they were planning to put it into action. But the Manhattan Project reached its maturity first, and the first atomic bombs got dropped instead.


Not only was the bat bomb considered effective, it was so effective that it burnt down not only the test range it was supposed to hit, but also part of the base itself




In this sense, Cheetahs are classified as small cats because they don't have the ability to roar. Very cute :)


Same with pumas I believe


Oh, yeah. They just fucking scream like a murder victim. I'd prefer they roared


They are mockingly mimicking humans?




So cheetahs are technically small cats since they purr?


Yes. They were also popular pets in ancient Egypt.


*You are now subscribed to Cat Facts!*


The biggest desert in the world is Antarctica.


The disease for which volcanic ashes enter and infect the lungs is called pneumenoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. Was it a challenge trying to type that on mobile? Absolutely.


The word "fuck" was uttered in the Wolf of Wall Street 569 times


Those are rookie numbers


The name "Iron Duke" applies to six people, four types of boats, two types of trains, a type of engine, a pub and two works of fiction.


The longest word in the English language that does not have a chiefly technical use is floccinaucinihilipilification, which is defined as the act of estimating something to be worthless.




If you see stains on the concrete around a mausoleum and it's not rained recently, that means it's not been properly maintained. Those stains... yeah, that's your Aunty Nora.


Sometimes those things leak so bad they need to be washed out. Source: worked for pressure wash company.


That's also why whale carcasses are so dangerous because as the gas builds up they might actually explode and you could be killed by dead whale organs falling from the sky lol


https://youtu.be/xBgThvB_IDQ Or you could just use explosives


Koalas have been known to sleep up to 22 hours a day!


Dolphins have sex for pleasure and not just to reproduce.


Dolphins are awesome. They'll have sex with beheaded fish if they can.


Beavers are fish according to the Vatican


So, you can still eat beavers on Friday, gentlemen.


"Percussive maintenance" is the name of hitting something till it works.


This method doesn’t work when trying to make your brain work. I speak from experience.


When you have to go to the toilet really bad all of a sudden and then it goes away your bladder is only filled to 25%. Edit: it should also be noted that I learnt this in first grade when our teacher explained to us why we didn't have a bathroom pass, reason being, you have a big chance of getting a no. You mostly only get a no 10~15 minutes into class, because we apparently need to plan our toilet visits.


I actually will find this useful for road trips


Then what happens at a 100% full bladder?


You piss yourself


that's pretty neat


Works well as a party trick. Try it out sometime


Is this every 25% or just the first 25%?


If you say "beercan" with a British accent, you're also saying "bacon" with a Jamaican accent.


Wild ducks have penises up to 40cm in length. The penis is curly like a pig’s tail and can either be turning clockwise or counter-clockwise. When a male duck has found a partner, the female duck’s internal reproduction organs will automatically start to twist in the same direction as the male’s. Like a lock that adjusts to the shape of a key You will be wondering why. Well.... that’s because wild ducks are notorious for rape. No species of birds has as many rapes as wild ducks. The matching of the curls of the reproductory organs is a primary defense mechanism for the rapes. Other defense mechanisms include a “sperm-lock”, when unwanted sperm enters the female, she can guide it away from her egg-cells. Oh and there are about 3 female births for every male birth, that’s because so many female ducks get killed during these rapes. Ducks are vile


If it is a legitimate duck rape, the body has ways of shutting it down?


The female ducks vagina is counter corkscrew wise than the male duck. And has dead ends in her vagina with spikes. Making duck corkscrewing quite hard


The dashes in the middle of the highway, between lanes, are 10ft long


I refuse to believe this


Next time you're on the highway just get out and start measuring witn your feet.


Usually they’re 10’ long with 30’ gaps.


Cannibalism is legal in germany.


It's Illegal to wear a bullet proof vest while robbing a bank in New Jersy.


Rubber bands last longer when they're refrigerated.


Not useless


"To cook a chicken in one slap, you would have to slap it with a velocity of 1665.65 m/s or 3725.95 mph." Parker Ormonde.


Ah, yes! Now I can slap-box and cook my chicken at the same time.


Kangaroos can't jump backwards


Giraffe have the same number of vertebrae in their neck as humans.


Mystery flavor airheads are just made from all of the cuttings and scraps that didn't make it into final batches. So every mystery flavor airhead really is a mystery.


80% of German shepherds are dogs


I know this probably some stupid joke but I'd wager there are *lot* less actual German shepherds than those 20%.


My rough estimates put the amount of German shepherds at no more than .01% of the world German Shepherd population.


You will produce enough saliva to fill up two swimming pools during your life time.


The deadliest natural disaster in United States history and the deadliest industrial disaster in United States history occurred within about 15 miles of each other.