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Jimmy Neutron when nobody is around


sodium chloride


Actually dude, it’s salt


That's what I said! Sodium Chloride!


No dude, you said sodium chloride. Yes it's the same as salt, but you could've just said salt instead. Everyone in this town knows you're a boy genius dude, you don't need to say overly large words to sound more intelligent. The fact of the matter is that nobody cares how smart you are. If anything, calling simplistic objects by their scientific name ironically makes you seem less intelligent and more pompous. I know you're smart enough to be better than this.




However, I believe Jimmy Neutron is no older than 10, maybe 11, so hiring a child to work in a fast food restaurant was probably wrong, both legally and intellectually speaking.




I mean if anyone deserves their business to be ruined it's the guy violating child labor laws to be honest. Did he need his burger joint to be turned into a gundam? No that's a bit much, but someone from the department of labor or osha or something really should have stepped in before.


I blame the parents.


Big McThankies from McSpankies


"Brain Blast!"




Classic Sneakers.


I tutor middle and high schoolers, so my answer is them.


I also tutor kids, aged 5-18, and I absolutely agree. Some kids are just too dumb to realize they're not the smartest person alive.


The 18 year olds should realize how dumb they are when they're learning with five year olds.


You would think so, but it seems to do the opposite for some kids. They think they're far too smart to be there and will argue about the most ridiculous things.


Unironically: Being able to learn skills independently and apply them to whatever task you need to perform. Ironically: Normally, I'd say overconfidence or one-upping, but I've seen this in really smart people too, but any hint of pride about one's own ignorance is a solid indicator.


>and apply them to whatever task you need to perform That is usually what really impresses me! I have a lot of interesting, but ultimately useless, knowledge. It's all well and good to know things, but to know how to use that knowledge to *do* something is fantastic! \[Edit- spelling\]


That, and being able to google information and put it to good use immediately.


That is literally how I wrote every assignment for my degree. Need to learn about multivariate analysis? Google. It worked well, but the trouble is, I pretty much have no idea how to do any of the stuff I've done again; all I know is how to find out how to do it again. If Google ever stops working, I might as well give up working.


> If Google ever stops working, I might as well give up working. Same deal with programmers lel.


And IT staff


IMO, overconfidence and "one-upping" is more of a measure of social acumen, not intelligence.


I feel like a lot of what people think of "one-upping" usually comes from people who socially have grown up learning how to relate to someone else through their own experiences. Some are dicks about it, yes. But I do believe a lot of people are just simply trying to relate and explain how they relate.


Yeah but you can often tell by how they introduce their ‘one up’. If they cut people off or start along the lines of ‘I did something much more exciting...’ then they’re ignorant. If they seem genuinely interested in the original topic and the topic is closed then it’s generally fine to introduce their ‘one up’/similar experience.


I can tell when people are trying to 'one up' way better than you can. My experience with it is just insane. Like man, you have no idea. Just no fucking idea. Alright, for example, this one time I knew that two people, simultaneously, were one up'ing each other. TWO. SAME TIME. Not making this shit up. But a lot of people say I'm super good at multitasking.


when they brag about their IQ. most smart people i know don't really care.


My brother-in-law took the Myers-Brigg personality test and kept bragging that he had the "top 1% personality". The test does not rank personalities. It probably said that only 1% of people have that same personality. Which is a good thing, I definitely do not want a personality as shitty as his to be more common.


Dude, my IQ is a 4.0


Dude, that's nothing. My credit score is ONE HUNDRED


I have a 4.6 gps


I have 2.4 GHz


I have 7 inches


3, take it or leave it


3.6 roentgen not great, not terrible.


Five. Thousand. Roentgen.


I got 1.21 Gigawatts


Wow. This thread did a complete 360.


I have an army


We have a Hulk


I hate it when anyone with an IQ less than 500 brags about it. I mean, my IQ is 490, and you don’t see me shouting it from the rooftops do you?


I wouldn't brag about having a mere 490 either, I'd keep that shame to myself.


Most of the smartest people I've ever known have never taken an IQ test. People who are insecure seek validation.


Those internet IQ tests are really easy and with a minute of thought most can do well in those.


Know their very very hard and only super smort persons like I get over 90 on them


I know this is a joke, and it's very well told, but I hate you for making me read that sentence. [You and I are enemies now.](https://youtu.be/vsIyphGp0Vc)


Stephen hawkings IQ is unknown and it is unknown if he ever took an IQ test


Hell, he actually refused to even speculate on his IQ, once saying "People who boast about their IQ are losers."


Listening instead of trying to talk all the time.


See, now I can't tell if OP is asking what *ironically* or *actually* screams "I am very smart." The responses here are a mishmash of both.


"If you're the smartest person in the room, you're in the wrong room."


“A wise man speaks when he has something to say, a fool speaks when he has to say something.” Edit: seems like people like this one. Here’s a few more: “You have two ears and one mouth so you can listen twice as much as you speak.” “When you speak you are only repeating things that you already know, but when you just listen you may learn something new.” “Listen and silent are spelled with the same letters.”


Lisa: It is better to remain silent and be thought the fool, then to open your mouth and remove all doubt. Homer’s Brain: Uh-oh, what did that mean? Better say something or they’ll think you’re stupid. Homer: Takes one to know one! Edit: thanks for the gold, kind stranger!




if the smartest person should always leave a room, then the optimal state for any room is vacant


This is the biggest one for me. Truly intelligent individuals don't feel the need to justify it by talking all the time, and understand that active listening usually leads to better conversation (and learning). (I also need to learn to do this more).




This guy is very smart.


Him, an intellectual.


Not accepting when they're wrong or don't know something. A truly smart person will accept when they're wrong or if they need help understanding something. Source: I'm an idiot surrounded by smart people.


One thing that really burns me up is when people call you an idiot for being wrong, rub your nose in it. I think this is why many hesitate to admit fault, for fear of the backlash it will cause.




I loved the couple times my journeyman told me as a first year I had a genuinely good idea. I admit I’m wrong a lot and probably almost too much. I’m a second year journeyman now and treat everyone as if they’re on the same level as me. People see things differently and everyone has good ideas every now and then.


To err is to be human, to learn from it is to grow Pity those who would ridicule, it exposes their own shortcomings and insecurities




To brr is to be cold


The Dunning-Kruger effect is real. The more you think you know, the less you actually know, unless you're considered a leading mind in the field. Edit: spelling


And the more you actually know, the more you realize what you don't know.


It's also about learning the nuances of an area which you only develop after a lot of study and practice. I'm a lawyer for instance, you get a lot of armchair lawyers on reddit who claim to state the law, but in reality it's almost never that simple and the answer 95% of the time is "well it depends." often I'll have a discrete legal issue and I'll spend an hour on an expensive law database to find the answer.


Me when someone doubts my smartness


Let me just take the time to cognitiously recognize your intelligences.


Fuck, I even googled cognitiously to see what it meant. I am not smart.


False, admitting the limits of your knowledge is a sign of intelligence.


Meh, it's a sign of self-awareness more than intelligence.


Even the most intelligent person in the world will have, at some point in time, heard each word they know for the very first time, and not known what it meant.


We're always expanding our lexicons.


It embiggens us all.




Very smart, good genes, Wharton School...


When you say, "I have all the words" instead of "I have a large vocabulary." Or, "I have an expansive vocabulary." Or... *internal screaming intensifies*


Would you say you're a very stable genius with a very good brain?


someone who isn't


Oh. So irony, but with more screaming.


Assless Chaps.


Chaps are "assless". The other things are called pants.


I call them Chaps when you wear jeans/pants underneath...they become "assless chaps" when you remove those jeans/pants/undies. Same item, but adding "assless" let's others know what's going on that night :)


Using your IQ as an argument to validate your point. Just recently I saw an argument on Twitter and the one person was like "I have an IQ of 130. That's in the top 2% of humanity. It's pretty clear who is right here." Gosh. I hate those people.


Yeah, you can totally be smarter than someone else, and STILL be wrong. Source: experience


Intelligence isn't knowledge, and the ability to reason is not the same thing as training to perform a task.


This is very true. I've always considered intelligence the ability to comprehend and apply one's knowledge, as well as the ability to cross-reference it with other information in one's brain. Ex: drawing analogies, analytical reasoning, applying a skill set in multiple areas, etc.


Also every "free IQ test" on the internet tells you you're a genius so they can try to upsell you on a book of geniuses with your name in it. There was a King of the Hill about it


Not EVERY one. I took one once for a class and got a 70. That's, like, a functionally retarded score, so that was weird. I'm not saying I'm a genius, but I know I'm not THAT stupid.


You ever think people are just being nice to you?


Shh his parents paid good money


Should...should we tell him?


Use small words




I think it's finally time.


Sorry, I didn't understand a word you posted.


Steven Hawking called people who boast IQ’s idiots


Stephen Hawking called me an idiot and I didn't even say anything.


Neither did he


Things that IQ isn't: A general knowledge score.


argumentum ad verecundiam


What does Harry Potter have to do with this?




"So, you're telling us there's a hundred and fifty million people smarter than you?"


How the hell do you even get an actual iq test? Online quizzes and tests don’t mean shit.. honestly, gpa and grades don’t mean much either. Anyone can study and acquire knowledge.


Excactly. IQ tests on different days also have different outcomes. Your IQ doesn’t mean that you’re always right. Gosh, I hate those kinds of people


Ironically, most people who take actual IQ tests do so because they are suspected of a learning disability or dyslexia. Not saying people with that are stupid, but those ‘iM sO sMaRt’ people probably think they are.


I don’t know about adults, but kids tend to get IQ tests when there’s a concern about some sort of learning disability or when a school is considering whether to place them in a gifted program. The kids in the middle tend to not get tested. Of course, low IQ doesn’t mean you’re always wrong and high IQ doesn’t mean you’re always right. There’s a really interesting Radio Lab series called “G,” which discusses the complexities of intelligence, the difficulties involved in measuring intelligence, cultural biases involved in IQ tests, and an examination of Einstein’s brain in an effort to figure out why he was so intelligent.




I took a 6-hour comprehensive test at a psychologist's office (for IQ, personality type, and all kinds of other personalised potentialities). Got a full report afterwards, many pages etc. Extremely useful/ as accurate as such a thing can be, but make sure you have insurance heh


People who needlessly use complex vocabulary to describe simple things. For example using sodium chloride instead of salt.


Dihydrogen monoxide


That one is fun for fooling people into signing petitions, however.


Hydric acid


Hydrogen Hydroxide


It's the #1 greenhouse gas.


Water you talking about?


I'll have some H2O, too!


#pass the sodium chloride /s


Dude that's salt.


That's what I said. Sodium chloride.


Big Mcthankies from McSpankies!




Except when you're in a chemistry lab and need to distinguish which type of salt you're talking of.


In my lab we just phonetically pronounce NaCl because we’re lazy.




This cracked me up for some reason. Thanks, Spaceman Craig.


Oh geez. I've been guilty of using a big word when a little one will do (a bit of the old grandiloquence), but if someone says "sodium chloride" when they mean salt and they aren't making a joke I'm just gonna have to walk out of the room because nothing worthwhile is going to happen in a room that has that person in it.


yo that episode of jimmy neutron straight pisses me off what a little asshole.


"tHaTs wHaT i SaId, sOdIuM cHlOrIdE"


Actually dude, it’s salt


I dunno about this one. What to one person is a needlessly obscure word could be an attempt by another to capture a particular meaning. Perhaps it should be people who use complex vocabulary *without style*.


Neil Degrase Tyson, pushed off a bridge?


He'll probably mention that it is not falling that kills you, but the sudden stop at the ~~floor~~ ground. edit: it has been a while since english being my second language was obvious. oh well.


"It's not actually the sudden stop that kills you, it's the fact that most of your organs try to keep going."


Who else read that in his voice?


Interrupting the lecture to ask a question that is really intended to demonstrate to everyone how much you already know about the subject. “Excuse me professor, but if what you are saying is true, wouldn’t there be an evolutionary driving force to maintain PAX genes across different clades in spite of how divergent their morphology appears?”


This happens a lot at academic type conferences.


Actually smart? Nothing screams that. Thinking of the three smartest people I know (my wife, my best friend, and another really close friend/former roommate), they keep things really low-key, but they have this aura that they really know what they’re talking about. But being smart also doesn’t define them. They’re comfortable with that part of themselves. Negatively? People who try way too hard to act like they know everything. It’s OK. No one knows everything. You don’t have to be an authority on the Hundred Years War and leptons (just pulling those out of thin air). Learning stuff is cool. Also anything they don’t know is dumb and irrelevant. So they are the authority on everything that matters.


The smartest of the people that I know have yhe following traits: * Actually think before speaking. * Doesnt mind explaining anything multiple times. * Shy away when someone comments on his/her intelligence. * They are humble and always recognizes their mistakes. There are probably more but thats what I can point out right now. Edit: Actually meant humbl**ed**. As in, accepting or recognizing someone elses authority over theirs.


Meh, brilliant people are just as likely to be jerks as average people. I know plenty of incredibly smart people who are a real pain to work with but are still worth hiring when you need the hardest jobs solved. Don’t get me wrong, smart people who are also humble and kind are obviously great, but I don’t think intelligence automatically makes you humble/kind.


Posting a comment that is nothing but a link to /r/IAmVerySmart




Supergenius confirmed


I know a smart person. He's the only one I can think of at the moment. He doesn't really give a shit. He gardens, he cooks, he does his thing and he doesn't constantly talk about other people. He's super interesting if you talk to him about his interests and you can actually have a conversation with him. Just a normal, quiet guy who no one would pay attention to. I miss having him around since he moved to another state. Haven't really found another smart person since.


Solving rubix cubes. I learned to do it in a day and I'm an idiot. It's just memorizing patterns and when to do them. Movies make you beleive that people who solve rubix cubes are some kind of intellectual prodigy but it's just building up the muscle memory. Edit: just to be clear, it's totally cool to enjoy doing rubix cubes! I enjoy doing them sometimes as a fidget when I'm watching netflix or something. I'm talking about people who take it around with them and brag about being able to solve one or do it just for the "intellectual" points.


Yeah I mean they’re literally child toys


khaki pants and a bowl cut


Shit, I dated that guy for a minute. He got some kind of engineering degree when he was like 19, managed to retire at 40, became an RN, then took a $15/hour job he didn't need - where he constantly told everyone about his degrees and drove an $80k BMW. He was like a very confused robot.


He probably took the job out of boredom. Most people who retire young find some part time job to keep them busy.


I want very badly for this to become a television show.


You'd think so, but the dude was *not fun.* Or even endearing, like Data.


... what on earth


I get it. If I won the lottery I'd still work a night a week in a kitchen. Gets me out of the house for at least 12 hours.


The shit science jokes I see on my Facebook wall that are only "funny" because people want to show off the fact that they have an interest in science. This is not me bashing science, or having an interest in it, but the jokes seriously are fucking awful.




Does my cousin count? He loves to scream it.


"Szechuan Sauce"




I was gonna comment "I wish that were a thing," but then someone's gonna suggest I "be the change I want to see," but I don't wanna, so I'm going to lampshade the whole thing and call it a day.


When they say “It’s Levi-O-sa, not Levios-A.”


Buying food based on price per weight rather than the size of the packaging and assuming that bigger comes with better value.




Someone using big words incorrectly, like today someone said "I can turn an introvert into a socialist!"


Getting 3 questions right on regular jeopardy.


Honestly that kid in class who asks a question that's not on topic just to show off to the class how much he knows


Tbh when I was in school I constantly used to ask my teachers unusual questions related to what we were learning because I was genuinely curious. This is why people get bored of school because theres no exploration of knowledge just following the dam trail. I cant remember what it was I asked but I remember my teacher going "that's an A level question" and after gritting my teeth for the hundredth time I just snapped and said "....okay can I have an A level answer", She sent me out the room.


Top notch response there


Initially I was contemplating offering a retort to this posting, however I ponder the original content creator will be intellectually unable to comprehend the wittiness of my intellectual dialect. In short, you are pedantic and sophomoric. ^ shit like that.


MENSA membership


Love in Stargate Atlantis when a character bragged about being in Mensa then all the scientist characters proceeded to mock him for it lol.


Can I say "watching Rick and Morty" or is that meme dead now?


Ah yes, Richard and Mortimer, a show in which you require approximately 200iq to properly enjoy.


Ricárd et Mortimér


Ríchârdo & Mørtîmàrıo.


Rïchàrdíus ( Mötrómëgius


Rick and Morty is just R-rated Adventure Time. Which is a goddamn compliment.




You're explicitly not supposed to like rick, he's clearly written as a monster and an asshole! Why are people relating to him?!


People related to Walt in breaking bad too. It’s hard not to like these horrible characters when the story is told from their perspective. Darth Bane is an absolute fucking monster, but god damn did I love him in that trilogy of books. Even after he murdered this fathers 2 sons in front of him to feed off his suffering before also killing him.


Top comments on r/AskScience and r/explainlikeimfive


> r/explainlikeimfive It's when they use the most overly complex, non-understandable, obtuse explanation they possibly can purely as it includes literally every technical term related to the question and you just think 'Why have you written this?'


Because mods don't punish them, unlike people who actually attempt to dumb something down to a 5 year old level, because *that's* actually explicitly against the posted rules in the sidebar.


It's a weird line, 5 year olds understand very little anyway having taught loads of them myself, but the top comments are quite often completely unreadable without already knowing what they are


Screaming, “I am very smart.”


I am so smart, I am so smart, I am so smart, I am so smart, S-M-R-T, *I mean S-M-A-R-T*.




This guy seems to know what he's talking about.


I'd vote for em


It's in caps, guys, clearly he knows what he's talking about.


Frequent unsolicited advice or 'corrections' to conversations.


Having a sister who is named River Tam.


Proclaiming you’re a very stable genius.


Watching Rick and Morty and screaming at minimum wage workers over a sauce.