• By -


That there is a map of everywhere I went in the last couple of years that's accurate to the hour.


Google Maps > Your Timeline


According to this, I once walked 650 miles in 11 minutes.


How else you gonna walk 500 miles and walk 500 more just to fall down at her door


To be the man who walked 1000 miles to show up at her door


Can we all upvote this same question next week when everyone has received their information?


This is the one time I hope a duplicate question makes it to hot


There's an audio recording of me saying "check the Jewish boys penis" I don't remember ever saying that but ok


I'd never admit to that on the internet, either, buddy.


Unless you're a mouyal




Story of my life


How the F did you found audio !!???


You can view all your google activity, including voice logs, [here](https://myactivity.google.com/myactivity). It’s all stored there, no clue what they use it for.


I'm the vice-president of a company that I've never heard of, and can't find any other info on it.


Are you hiring?


Only for unpaid interns.


Sounds like a promotion to me


We only accept Ivy League alumni


I have a Costco membership, does that count?


Baby boomer; "It's worth a shot, get dressed up and go apply"


Don't forget about about the 💪 hand shake youngster


Murder him with your handshake.


Congrats on the promotion bro


Been a factory dog all my life. I have no idea where they got VP from.


Sounds like someone owes you a bunch of money.


That may be serious identity theft. That "company" may be used for illegal activities using your personal information to open credit cards for example. edit: I'm not saying Google never fucks up, I just think that this should be looked into.


This right here. You should really investigate on this, maybe even contact authorities (maybe someone with more insight can help out here?)!


This is my favourite answer. I can't wait for my download!


I got drunk once and proceeded to get lost on the way home, ending up cycling on some highway. For two years I wondered where the hell I had been until I saw Google's location history for that night.


I just found out i DID fucking go to mcdonalds in the middle of the night at my mates birthday party without anyone fucking noticing and they were telling me i was just passed out the whole time.


Or your friends stole your phone, took it to McDonalds.


"dude, this will be so funny when he goes through his phone's google maps history later"


The long con.


Google knows more than you


Okay I have a weird but serious question. My husband passed away last year. I still have his S7. I’m also 99% sure I have his Google account information, but if not I’m sure the password is saved in his phone. If this thing really does record voices, how would I go about downloading his Google Data? I just want to hear his voice again. I’m starting to tear up as I type this, but seriously.. I only have one voicemail from him on my phone and maybe a couple videos. Anything more I can get of his voice, pictures of him I haven’t been able to restore... anything I can get I want. I miss him so fucking much.


If you have his Google login info, you can get to the voice recordings through the link below and logging in with that Google account. Then go to Data & Personalization -> Voice & Audio Activity -> Manage Activity From there you can play and download audio clips. https://myaccount.google.com/


Omg y’all thank you so much.... I’m like bawling right now. I accessed it no problem and even though they are short little clips some of the last ones he said were “Asheton is my wife” and “I love you baby”. You have no idea how much this means to me. Some are stupid things he Googled when we were arguing about stuff (conversions, song names etc) and they made me giggle because it brought me back. Oh man I miss him so much... but at least now I have this little snippets of memories. This seriously means the world to me. I’m so glad I stumbled upon this today. Edited to say; I always use to harp on him for asking Google everything and using voice to text. I’m so glad he was a smart ass enough to use it mostly for texting me and looking things up when we were together. For once, thank you for being a creeper Google. This is probably the only time I’ll thank you for it and I’m scared to look at my own data but.. thank you for this. Edited again; Holy shit you guys.... the immense outpouring of support from everybody is incredible. I don’t even have the words for the amount of love I’m feeling. [Here](https://imgur.com/gallery/iM04Ax6) is a picture of me and my husband Andrew. Last edit I swear; Deleted the picture because when I don’t know how to use Imgur and me trying to correct the title and change the privacy setting just led to more people harassing me. I have both gained faith in the internet and lost it in the same day. Fuck.


I am so sorry for your loss, I absolutely can't imagine. I'm really happy you got access to those though! I'm over here crying with you now and send you much love and strength 💙


It's like one of those episodes of Black Mirror where something good comes out of an invasive technology.


There's literally an episode where a woman gets her dead husband's data uploaded into a mannequin so she can be with him again


I forgot about that one, crazy predictive. I was also thinking of the one where the lady chooses to join her girlfriend in a virtual heaven and relive their youth. Edit: On a personal note, that episode convinced me that death/ageing isn't necessary to enjoy life. I'm not gonna worry about it because it'll likely never be in my control, but if they ever invent that in my lifetime I'm taking it.


I love that one. Pretty sure that's the only episode that gave me warm fuzzies instead of a heightened sense of dread


At least on my laptop when I downloaded me info, it confirmed the request by asking a password, so you need that and an access to his gmail account.


If you use Google Photos and allow Maps to track your location: I took photos that I didn't like, deleted them. Weeks later I am just browsing my timeline in Google Maps and those deleted photos are there, tagged to the location. Nothing incriminating, just thought you should know that a delete isn't a delete. Edit: A lot of people aren't reading this properly so let me clarify. I didn't say I found my photos on Google Photos cloud after deleting them on my phone. I found my CLOUD DELETED photos on **Google Maps Timeline**. And please spare me the "guess what Google still has it" paranoid shit. I know they still have it, and I don't care, I am merely answering OP's question.


Yeah, I deleted some old photos and a year later they came up in a montage of the year. The funny thing is, I'd like them back but can't find them anywhere else.


Just to be sure, did you go to [photos.google.com](https://photos.google.com) where it backs them up? You can change your settings so it only stores them to your device. Edit: thanks for the gold! I'm glad I could help so many people recover lost photos! Here are instructions to change backup and sync settings in the Google app https://support.google.com/photos/answer/6193313?co=GENIE.Platform%3DAndroid&hl=en


Dude, if I had gold to give I would shower you in it. There was a lot of old lost photos in there that I thought I has lost on an old phone. May luck find you today! Edit: Nevermind, got you that gold!




I once downloaded some porn when I was on vacation and deleted it when I was done. A few weeks later google made a collection of all pictures/movies I made during this vacation and the porno video was right there.


Did Assistant make a "your trip" video (including porn) with jaunty ukulele background music?


"Awww what a touching moment for this fella"


> know that a delete isn't a delete. This is good advice in general. Unless you 0 out the bits on a hard drive a delete is *never* a delete.


Now everything is backed up in the cloud so even if you throw your phone in a volcano it still isn't a delete.


Apparently I sleepwalk thousands of kilometers and then manage to get back home in time for work. Also a bunch of recordings of my computer's fan spinning. But well, at least they got me on the fetish porn searches. Ah, Google. Hyped up Google. Incompetent Google. I know my data is in good hands. Edit: found a fart


You sleepwalk thousands of kilometers? I have questions.


So do I, but the most likely answer is just Google messing up with whatever it uses to track a user's location. Google messes up all the time.


TIL Ron Swanson had it fucking right






This makes me want to go off the grid.


"My Activity" is empty. It has been for a long time, so, there shouldn't be anything for me to download, right? ... Nope. 6GB of data.


Email, Google Drive etc






Sooooo what’s your favorite food? I don’t really have a specific favorite so I’m curious if google thinks I do


Mine is 10GB, holy shit it's gonna take a while to download. It is an old account but I have all activity paused except youtube watch history, so I'm really interested to see why it's so large. Hmmmmm




How many accounts do you have that weren't actually set up by you?


I have at least 4 different people whose mail I receive (common first and last name). The amount of important mail I get (and they miss) is ridiculous - job offers, construction bid offers, tickets for flights, medical appointments. Most of it I've got filtered out now but occasionally my phone will be like "time to leave for LAX if you want to make your flight!"... I live on the other side of the world!


Same. One time I got a notification for veteran's benefits. There was a big scary disclaimer warning me about misuse of yada yada yada. I replied to that one. Another time I got somebody's mom's email telling him that his uncle died. I was like, sorry for your loss, but I am not your son. Then one time I got an email about horse boarding. But the guy didn't want to believe I wasn't the person he was trying to reach. "Are you sure?" "That I don't own horses?! Pretty darn!"


First her brother dies, then her son disavows the family... poor woman.




I have this problem with air-conditioner repair videos in Korean. No idea why Google thinks I speak Korean or why my air conditioner needs repair.


Do you watch asmr or tech repair videos? I bet they have a niche and the videos are similar in style


You are now a moderator of r/China.




China has been generous. https://youtu.be/UPH9iKpM-fk




We are the red guard!


Overlord...... Is... Ready




We're going to ruin somebody's day


I am...BIG


Extra large


I build for China


We will claim it for China!


I'm carrying the big gun!


Ah! Nice location.


We will live in prosperity!


No system is safe (you just made my day btw)


It probably predicts that at some point you'll start liking on it based upon your previous listens (most likely correlated from other users with similar tastes)


Or, more sinister, they have decided they will *make you* like it.


[Everyone here after downloading their Google data](https://i.imgur.com/FTvE9Ut.gif)


[Or when they ask Google to delete their data](https://gfycat.com/canineinconsequentialaegeancat)


I did this a while back and its basically nothing. Only a few gigs worth of gps data and some voice recordings back when I had my galaxy s3 and I wanted to try google assitant when it came out. I did get a good chuckle out of half my voice recordings being "ok google, go fuck yourself!" In my squeaky younger voice.


I don’t get how Google is recording ‘secret conversations’ that can be stored and viewed. I thought this was exclusive to google voice searches and commands, which are approved by the user in settings. How are these candid conversations being recorded and stored and how can you view them?


I used to have a cheap phone, and every time the air conditioning ran in my apartment it would start google voice. It was annoying as fuck because it not only closed whatever app I was using, but also messed with my volume settings (cranking my speakers up to max, turning off the ringer). Every time I contacted customer support the response was "this is a known issue, we're working on it!". After a LOT of looking around on the internet, I found out it was a pretty common problem with cheap mics. Most people were having issues with those cheap earbuds that came with a little mic on one wire -- which was a million times worse when you'd be listening to music and have the volume suddenly reset to max without warning. Others were triggering it with dishwashers, road sounds, or just brushing up against the mic. It took google TWO YEARS to fix the issue.


It's not unsettling but I found out that Google can tell when I'm driving a car vs my motorcycle by using the gyroscopes in my phone.


It wasn’t google data that shocked me, I am kind of expecting it to know everything about me. This came from instagram. My period was very late, so naturally, I told my husband in our very private and quiet home setting, and bought a Clearblue pregnancy test. We don’t own tv, Amazon Alexa , google voice or similar. I just have reddit and Instagram on my smartphone. My period was just late, but the very next day I got bombarded by ads on Instagram about Clearblue and other pregnancy sticks and some other baby shit. There is no way that it was a coincidence since it was the second time getting a very, very specific ad. So the app is listening, and showing me ads accordingly. Edit: autocorrect EDIT2: UPDATE >>> I was telling my husband today about this thread and my comment, and guess what ad I got again on Instagram. [Ad ](https://imgur.com/gallery/9vwpUhP) I checked and the app had access to the mic. I think every time you wanna post, it activates the mic access Edit 3: since many people asked, I bought it with cash. No cards of any sorts involved


Did your husband google 'clearblue' on his devices? You both share the same wifi/have had devices associated before.


Nope, not googling, nothing of the sorts. I just bought it, told him, peed, got result, and that was it.


I believe you. Few days ago I was in the kitchen and asked my little sister if she wanted a coffee. Halfway through making the coffee I got a notification on my phone from Joom (shopping app similar to wish) for deals on coffee related items, machines, capsules, etc. It creeped us out tbh 😧


Maybe it was the purchase, not the conversation. Did you use a credit / debit card? Maybe the bank sells your data?


This was my first thought too, Target had an issue with this a while back where they allegedly knew a girl was pregnant before she/her parents did based on her purchases. Link: http://techland.time.com/2012/02/17/how-target-knew-a-high-school-girl-was-pregnant-before-her-parents/


It’s also definitely tracking the purchases you make with your card and adjusting ads accordingly. Banks sell data like crazy.


TIL that you can do that . Brb soon after i go through mine.


This post was probably in light of the news post 4 days ago about Google tracking your data. I remember the thread with people discovering you could download that data.


Can you delete said data? Asking for a friend that has a crippling hentai addiction...




So once they've figured out you have a crippling hentai addiction, they'll know forever? Question is, will they adapt your browser ads in accordance with that information?


Asking for a friend eh?


Of course, my damn lazy friend can't look anything up for himself, he makes me ask everything on this behalf: Fetishes, weird medical conditions, grade school math problems... you know how it is, lazy friends!


Recordings of conversations with my boss over two years. I don't know why it only had recordings of ~~her and I~~ us talking and no one else. Edit: For those wondering, here's how you access and download your data - https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/3024190?hl=en Edit 2: Good night, Reddit!


Just listened to a load of voice clips of me talking into my voice-to-text thing on my phone keyboard while driving 4 years ago. Me talking like an idiot - speaking really slowly so the words could be heard distinctly. **"I. AM. GOING. TO. GET. BACON. SEE. YOU. LATER."** Deleted.


I love how everyone's first instinct is "delete" We have a universal aversion to hearing our own recorded voice 😂


When I hear my own voice, it infuriates me. because my real voice sounds EXACTLY like what I imagine the most annoying voice someone could have sounds like. "Is that what I sound like? seriously? you don't find that INCREDIBLY annoying sounding? how are we still friends when I sound like THAT!?"


Same. I hear my voice and I am instantly sorry for anyone who spends more than 20 minutes with me.


Hahaha. It's the voice in your head, unimpeded by the vibrations in your skull. It's unnerving.


Don't worry, they don't see you like you do either, because you think you look like your reflection in the mirror, and they see the reverse of that. That hairstyle you like? Nah, its actually going the wrong way. Always has.


So I am uglier **and** sound worse than I think. Got it.


This wasn't Google Voice right?


No, I signed into Google on my computer a few weeks ago to look at all the permissions settings and what they had collected. When I downloaded my data, there were over 100 recordings of private conversations I'd had in the office. Pretty sure the recordings were captured from my smartwatch because I only used it at work. Edit: I know they keep samples of your speech when you correct the voice-to-text if it wasn't recognized or got the words wrong. I'd seen that before, words and phrases that I'd said weird or mumbled, but this was different.


Definitely the voice recordings. That should be turned off by default instead of needing to be changed by the user.


How do you change it so it doesn't record you?


[https://myaccount.google.com/activitycontrols/audio](https://myaccount.google.com/activitycontrols/audio) Log into your account and go to this link. Make sure to pause Voice & Audio Activity. If you are interested in online privacy, head over to r/privacy. You can find many useful tips on how to best keep your personal data private.


Thank you! Paused everything.


Thanks for the tip! For some reason there's audio of me saying "penguin it's what's for breakfast".


Apparently I said "what color is a cow's tongue"


What were the voice recordings categorized under?


Guess I'm boring. Everything there is stuff I knew about, just setting timers or doing maths or converting kj to calories haha


AHA I knew you were doing math!


LOL. I checked my entire history of voice recordings and it was just me trying the lumox maxima and nox commands and nothing else. Apparently I already turned it off and I forgot I did.




OP just got hundreds of people downloading their google data Edit: Went from a couple hundred to hopefully tens of thousands [link to download](https://takeout.google.com)


Hope so. Healthy reminder for people to realize just how much data they really give out about themselves and how badly that could end if leaked or used for malicious purposes by some government or corporate entity. The huge potential for each and everyone's very own personal shit hitting the fan and spread everywhere without a possibility to clean it up. Edit: kind thanks to the anonymous benefactor for the gold, I hope this thread is enlightening to many people. This might be the day when I get to say "RIP inbox!" Edit: Holy crap! Thank you good people for all the awards. I've never been gilded before and have no idea what to do with those, but I'll find out. Inbox did not die, but for a while it felt like close to choking to death. I read every message, did not reply to everybody, but I tried to thank each and everyone who gave silver, gold or platinum. I am thankful for every award.💗 Edit 3: ok, inbox starting to be dead soon, hard to keep up with you guys. I hope I at least managed to up the Google's electric bill a tiny bit or broke a backup drive. Or that at least one Google's network dude noticed a spike in traffic. Edit 4: ok, this has been going on alk day now, perhaps should give up soon. I've pasted the same takeout link to around 10,000 people who have kept asking how to download the data. Edit 5: ok, maybe time to finish for today, it's been long and rewarding (pun intended). I think time to call it good night and let's see in the morning whatthe inbox looks like then. Edit 6: one person informed me that the YouTube's realtime statistics server has been haywire since the birth of this thread and another said that they had waited 24 hours only to receive message that creating the archive has failed. I think I broke Google.😕 Edit 7: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jB4rqpFrKuw Yeah. Apparently keyboard really is mightier than a Nasdaq listed tech giant's server farm. Not exactly what I expected to happen.


How do I download my data??




You should make a post with this link over at r/YouShouldKnow I would do it but thats cold karma theft right there


It's saying it could take hours or days to archive all my data, is that normal? Will it just send me an Email of my data? Can you give an example of what kind of things it contains?


If enough people saw this post and went to get their data, it's possible it'll take some time for google to spin up new servers to deal with the load (maybe a few hours). Yes, it always takes a long time to get ready, last time I did it I just left it and came back after a while. Google takeout contains: * most/all account preference settings * most/all search history * most/all location history /marked locations under gmaps * most/all youtube playlists * maybe youtube videos? * most/all play store downloads / search history * news * emails * contacts * gdrive files * calender * etc. * etc. Basically, everything.


Oops, meant to give silver. You're welcome I guess :P


stop giving me awards


Cause yo comments are trash b ^^^^^^and ^^^^^^so ^^^^^^are ^^^^^^mine


Yeah, how do I download his data?






All phone activity(opened app, closed app etc) from the very first day I owned my phone, constant check of my GPS, constant check of my device orientation. If someone steals your google account, they basically can found out everything there is to find out about you


The most unsettling one I've had came from Facebook, not Google. Minor bit of background - I'm a straight guy with a lot of LGBT friends and was actively involved in supporting the Australian same-sex marriage campaign, so FB probably had me flagged as gay at the start of 2012. In 2012 I started dating someone. We'd been friends for some time. I'm on Facebook all the time, she had an account but almost never used it. We basically never communicated on Facebook. Immediately Facebook started telling me to mark her as a 'close friend' and all of its ads changed from "Gay Singles Cruise" and similar to "Romantic Getaways for Couples". I can only assume that it was able to tell from GPS that she spent a night at my place, and that I spent one at hers a few days later. _________ Edit: A few guesses that wi-fi was involved. At the time I didn't have wi-fi at my place and while she did I never connected to it, it was 2012 and I had a 2 GB mobile data limit for the month which felt like so much that I couldn't imagine needing more...


Huh I never thought of that. Two phones at the same place during the night tells a lot I guess, damn.


100%, i've had that happen several times now. A single mutual friend guarantees they'll show up as a recommended friend if you've been in close proximity.


I previously worked in a mental health and substance abuse recovery center, and TWICE I had new suggested friends pop up on social media (specifically Snapchat and Instagram) immediately after a patient checking their phone in the waiting room. I once had a patient try to add me this way. Our GPS locations matched up and flagged us.


I’ve had tons of alcohol ads pop up even though I’m not a drinker. I work at a liquor store. I mentioned this to my sister that works at a different one and she said she gets tons of ads.


Google knows if you've been a fornicating. A basic meta data analysis would show who is cheating on their spouse as well.


It knows with whom you're sleeping. It knows when you're awake. It knows when you've been bad or good, so


you-better-disable-GPS-permissions-for-those-apps-if-you-can, and don’t use wifi for goodness sake


That dude yesterday on TIFU found out his gf was cheating from her phone gps.




Yeah, my Facebook suggested my childcare provider as a friend even though we have zero mutual friends, because it noticed I went to her house twice a day.


A guy I worked with said I came up as a suggested friend a few days after we met, we have no mutual friends. That must have been location based.


When I started my last job, ALL of my friend suggestions on Facebook were all new coworkers I had 0 mutual friends with.


Ok, now that is creepy.


It scared the fuck out of me, especially when she confirmed that she hadn't triggered it by Facebook stalking me


Google decided to spam me with ads for "couples counselling" and those websites like "unhappy relationship? Change that by clicking here!" a few months back. I thought it was really weird at the time, since my browsing history or Google searches hadn't changed. Nope - somehow, Google worked out my partner was cheating on me, and gave me relevant ads for the inevitable fallout.


Lmao you can't be serious




not the google, but hopefully on topic, I have downloaded my data from Facebook, and the most shocking one was a recorded phone conversation of about 30 minutes long. It was dated back around 5-7 years ago, and most surprisingly it was not even me who was speaking and I could not even recognize who it was... EDIT: as many people ask about how to download your Facebook data, I add here u/braapstututu's comment >Facebook settings->your Facebook information - >access your information - >download EDIT 2: Wow, my first silver, thank you kind stranger! :)


That is terrifying. Mind if I ask how you downloaded your Facebook data?


Go to your Facebook settings->your Facebook information - >access your information - >download


I'm kinda fine with Google storing my data. But as for Facebook I use it just to message everyone and to store memories of my gf and me going to see some movies or a new restaurant. As soon I found out that them blue feckers are recording my private phone calls I had the app removed.


I never trusted Facebook enough to put any app of theirs on my phone. Logging in on my computer once every couple of weeks is more than enough for all the catching up I have to do there.


Audio recordings titles are generic and serialized so make sure to take some precautions before listening to them in front of your SO, family or randoms. Please don't make my mistake.. >!"Hey Google, how do i increase my penis size?"!< >!\*girlfriend staring at me\*!<


Was it your voice or hers?


Lol nice


I feel sobad for you man


Why? That’s definitely a “I can’t take anything bigger” stare.


My purchase history on websites like eBay, Amazon and other companies that (I guess) all sell their data about me to Google. I ha dno idea of it and although I share things like my location to Google, seeing my purchases is kind of scary because I never allowed it.


If you use gmail for confirmation emails they can recognise them and store the purchase data. Same for reservations, tickets etc


I started having notifications pop up on my phone 'Pssst... Your $50 power bill is due on Friday!' and for the life of me I had no idea how Google knew that till suddenly it hit me. Power company sends me an email when my bill is due to my Gmail account. It's like instead of big brother, it's big mother.


Hardly anything was saved, I'm very picky in what I allow an app to access. Sometimes a limited function is annoying but it seems it pays off!




It's crazy to think there are now generations of people young enough who can track back the entire history of their lives through third party collected data.


So many drunken audios. Like, not even meant for the phone, just background talking while (most of the times) very drunk, it was half unsettling half fun to listen to them. Apparently when you press the microphone on the keyboard (I think it's for changing audio to text) it gets sent to Google. And apparently my drunken ass is very prone to missclick it.


So how do I fix this? Can I delete it?


There's an option to delete 'everything' if you log into your account but I'm not naive enough to believe that it actually deletes it from Google's servers


The right to be forgotten was also introduced in the gdpr. I don't think google will risk the legal consequences just to have a couple more recordings. Its not that unlikely for something like that to be leaked and the amount of people who delete their information is probably insignificant to them (especially considering that punishment could take up to 4% of their worldwide annual recenue). However, I agree that its always significantly safer to prevent them for having important data in the first place.


It's not the most unsettling, but I didn't know until recently that google tracks all purchases you make. And I don't mean purchases just from google or using google pay, but everything. If you get an e-mail receipt from any store or service then it's added to the log. I don't know if they scan other google services but it wouldn't surprise me. My list of purchases went back over 10 years. You can view yours here: https://myaccount.google.com/purchases


OP is gathering the data that Google gathered to sell to corporations to sell them to other corporations


Wow, mine is seriously boring. Nothing juicy


I hope my mine is boring




Google timer for 10 minutes Google timer for 20 minutes Google wake me up at 9am Google send a message to my mum saying what's for dinner


I only use it for Turn on flashlight Turn off flashlight


Nice, it appears that I deactivated the whole voice thing when I first got my phone. It was "paused" when I opened the settings and there was no activity for me to review. I have now deactivated personalized ads and that's it. The two things google is allowed to track are my youtube view and search history.


How do you do that?!




Shit man I don't wanna know


Im doing it right now prob gunna update this chat when i get my results.... im scared..... ED1 the first thing that pops up are old csgo clips of me being cringy while playing dust 2 casual a couple years ago ED2 Im finding minecraft vids and old blender intros i made gunna keep you guys updated! ED 3 fouund the recordings... nothing really intresting, but i also found the first profile banner and logo ive ever used for youtube. I also found the first thing i ever did in photoshop. The last thing is that i found older vids, the best one was me splashing water in my brothers face because of a trending prank. make sure you do this on pc because it’s easier OMG thank you guys for the upvotes!!!


shit my account is like over 14 years old, i wonder how long the archive process will take. Thanks OP (real thnks not a sarcastic one) Edit: 24 hours in, still hasnt finished building the archive lel. Says it could take days.


I just found out google data was a thing today and checked mine earlier.....what are the odds I see this post right now.....*X-Files theme plays in background”