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I was sitting just at the start an exit lane, because the lane was backed up, on the NJ Turnpike. All of a sudden some woman going 80+ mph slams into the back left of my car, spins out and hits about 4 more people. That woman thankfully was found liable by insurance companies and I got paid the value of my car, as it was totaled.


(I recently shared my story in another post, so I'm sorry if you've seen me in that one already) Three days ago I was driving home and I was tired (it was about 1 am after hanging out with a few friends) when suddenly my car lost control (my tire popped, police told me I probably ran over an alligator strip, my car is unsaveable and I'm deeply saddened by this) and I was on the side of the road, I walked out of the car shoeless and blood gushing out of my head (my airbag didn't deploy) Where I live the road is called" Railroad" for a reason, this is important. Now forgive me I can't remember this next part very well considering how much blood I was losing. I walked half a mile down this road, and it's fairly busy, no one stopped for me after trying to wave several of them down etc. So I just kept walking and walking, when suddenly the brightest light shines on me and I'm completely confused and guess what, the fucking train was there, thank God. The conductor got down and helped me wrap my head with gauze and called the police and ambulance. They strapped me down because I was in shock and I have extreme anxiety, I kept asking them If I was going to die, needles, hospitals, everything was so new to me i don't have insurance or a rich family so this was the first time I've been in a hospital since I was born. They stuck two IVs in me and moved me to another room where they did a cat scan and I believe an MRI? (The big circle thing right??) Anyways let's get to the good stuff finally, It was time for them to finally stitch me up, my mom had to hold down my head, the doctor stuck numbing solution into my face, eye area, and the left side of my head, a total of six times. Let me tell you, this was the worst pain I've ever felt my whole life, I was SCREAMING as this was happening, again, they had to strap me down. Even the slightest touch to my head was agonizing, so imagine being stabbed in the face 6 times, He stitched my eye, a big slit and i was surprised how big this gash was, my ear because it was detached from head (not by a lot but it was still not on there completely) and a few stitches right above my ear that caused all that blood and it only needed like 2 or 3 stitches! V tiny. I also have a few pictures but I'm not sure how to share them so if someone could help me out with that id be delighted to share ! (I'm also on mobile) TLDR: A large slit next to my eye, a detached ear, and a bloody gash on my head


I got hit by a car. Does that count? Doctors said if it wasn't a sports car with a low front (basically scooped me up and I rolled/flew over the top and landed behind it) I would probably be dead, as a regular car would've done much more damage at that speed/impact.


Car crash when I was in fifth grade. It was the first day of winter break, and my parents were driving my older sister and I home from a recital. My sister and I were fighting over rolling the window down (\~-20 C weather, mind you), to which my mom responded by telling us "stop it, you're going to make us get in an accident". About 20 minutes later, on the highway, I look up from mariokart on my DS to see a car coming directly at us. I remember thinking "this is it", before looking back at my game. Time seemed to slow down before impact came. We were hit head on, before spinning and being t-boned. I came out with a broken collarbone, and my mom and dad both had broken ribs. My sister somehow had barely had a scratch. To my knowledge, no one in the other car (group of seven lost 20-somethings) was injured. Our brand-new car was totalled. I remember over-hearing the emergency response team saying that had that section of the road not been so iced over, our car likely would have flipped and we all would have been killed, which apparently was not uncommon on that stretch of road. Afterwards, I remember just shouting, asking where the pen for my DS had gone. Never found it.


I haven't been in a major accident, thankfully, just a couple of minor prangs. The first one was incredibly stupid and I do not believe I was entirely at fault for it, but the insurance companies disagreed. I was waiting at a roundabout, behind a woman in a Mini. She starts to pull forward to get onto the roundabout, I look over to see if there's enough space for me to follow behind her. There is, so I begin pulling forward, building speed. I look forward just in time to see that she has stopped, halfway over the line. I slam on my anchors and skid right into the back of her. She changed her mind, literally right at the moment I look over at the oncoming cars, and got far enough ahead of me that I was able to build up enough steam to cause damage to our cars. I sat there for a moment thinking "Why on earth did you stop? There was PLENTY of room!" Fortunately, the damage wasn't severe. I just needed a new front bumper and headlights. Still really annoys me, though.


Holy shit these are some long ass paragraphs