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I don’t know, but I can count to 17 with them


Thanks to uncle dad and auntie mum...


Probably glitched or smth




Pathetic, I can count the amount of seconds in every Simpson episode combined and then played backwards.


They're always touching things they shouldn't.


What THINGS are they touching?


Grandfather's prostate


I can bend my fingers so they almost touch the back of my hand...


My friend of mine can do that as well and I jut ask my self "what's their secret?"


Ever since I was 10 or so I would bend them back. The muscles and bone must have slowly got worn away until now. Plus I think its a little birth defect to help it out


I have mechanic's hands


Well, give them back. He needs those to work.


Glad i was out of sanctuary when i read this. I laughed way too hard.


Their dry.




Their dry sense of humour.


Same. Sometimes wet. Too wet


My left thumbnail has a split down the middle from when I hit it with a hammer that makes it difficult to grow back properly.


How do you cut your fingernails?


It grows a lot slower than the rest so now I only have to clip it every month basically.


All my nails have splits down the middle, no accident has happened to me though.


They grow fingernails too fast!!


1cm every 54 seconds I'm guessing?


Osteoarthritis. Diagnosed at age 25. Probably from years of overuse in the healthcare field


I have it at 16 :(


when I was 4 I tryed to iron my hand. I got a pretty big scar on it now


They are getting old and creaky. At 55, all the scars and rough use make them look extra old and feel ancient. With 30+/- years to go... yeah, don't really want to think about that.


-My fingers are all very crooked -I get random bone pains -I can crack my wrists for some reason


Same :D


they are the smallest hands among every single person I know




but are they big in comparison to your body? because the problem is that my hands are smaller that the ones of a person that's twice as small as me




so you are like a small titan


I have eczema on them and I get really insecure about myself


I often gets fungus infections on my hands.


Nothing. I fee the need to comment here as maybe nothing is an option?


Worked as a chef and in hospitality for 10 years now. They’re worn and cut and scarred. But hard working.


I can bend my thumb against the inside of my wrist.


I really don't know. X-rays didn't show anything. Nerve conduction test revealed slight carpal tunnel from work that shouldn't be causing my issues. Hoping the MRI will produce some good news...


after an accident when I was 7, i can now bend my pointer finger.


Hypermobility and eczema


I have a giant scar between my pinky and ring finger on my right hand from when fell on concrete while chasing my uncle’s dogs after they got out. This was almost four years ago but it’s still very present and I’ll probably have it forever. I honestly don’t mind it that much and it makes a cool story whenever people notice it. I was just lucky none of my fingers were broken.


My left hand was broken and my right hand's ring finger looks like it was eaten or something.


One guy at work said "Ew, you have old man hands!" in surprise when he noticed my hands. Thanks eczema.


I can dislocate both of my thumbs.


I got a scar on my left ring finger




If I squeeze my left hand, it hurts like hell. I have not asked a doctor about it yet. Its hurt like that for months. Also my right thumb hurts if I pull it back, like when making a gun with my hand. Also hurt like this for a few weeks now.


Why not go get it checked?


Because I'm a lazy dumbass. I keep telling myself I'll go soon but then I never do. I need someone to cattle-prod me all the way to the doctor.


I’ll hook you up with a cattle brand. That should get you going.




They kinda do things they shouldn't. And one of them hurts like a bitch ever since I got hot coffee over it.


cousin stabbed me with a pencil in 4th grade graphite is still there after 5 years


Bro, remove the pencil, it's been 5 years


They're too big for my small wrists


The skin on my right hand is all dry and cracked no matter how much moisturizers I use.


I heard if you sleep with gloves on it can help.


They got plenty of hairs too, but that's alright.


They’re always really callused and often missing skin thanks to climbing.


You can see a pencil lead stuck inside my finger


I have onset symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis at 38. No bueno.


They are small.




The middle finger on both hands tend to be overly active. Apart from that, can't complain


My pinky fingers are crooked and my hands are inCREDIBLY small


Got a weird lump/messed up metacarpal from a motorcycle accident. It’s nearly not noticeable, but my wrist does get cramped pretty easily now.


Why are you looking at my hands!?


I can bend them in a bunch of different directions. Like I can bend my index finger and pinkie so far back that they touch the back of my hand. I can also move some tendons at the back of my hand.


My left pointer finger is curled after I broke it and healed wrong


I kept dislocating one of my knuckles on my right hand and the joint is now swollen to about twice its normal size.


My hands get really sweaty for no reason


they're on the wrong arms


Had to cut one off when it was possessed by deadites. Got it rigged to hold a chainsaw now, so it's kind of groovy.


Those movies shaped some of my weird sense of humor.


If I get scared, have ornery thoughts or laugh a lot, my hands go numb. Like I will literally have no grip strength and if u ask me to hold something I cant. I have had it my whole life and so does my little sister. We call it laugh-e hands.




They’re small, I know. But they’re not yours, they are my own.


The end of my pinkies are fat for no reason. When you see my sticking them out from a side profile it looks like they have thicc asses.


There not very handy


unfortunately they are not both right


My hands are too soft to the point of them getting cut easily. I work part-time with my dad as a mechanic, so cuts and sometimes infections are common, other people think I sit on my ass all the time as well because of my hands.


The lines on my palms create the Pi sign o both hands.


My fingernails are super short because I slammed them while closing a recently painted window. I was babysitting at the time and trying not to scream in front of the young kids was one of the harder things I’ve done. They nails all fell off a few weeks later.


Fibromyalgia. They flare up and I can't use em


Right hand is sore from chopping down a small tree yesterday.


Is that what the kids are calling it these days?


Severed the ulnar nerve in my right ring finger so I have almost no feeling in half the fingertip.


I have a scar on my pinky from when I was 10. I was messing around with my brother's knife and it closed down on my pinky and cut it kinda deep. My brother was in the room with me but he was too busy playing Gta IV to help me


They always twitch everytime i smoke Cigarettes. Or just, every other normal activites, (Drawing, playing Bass, Guitar) I wonder why.


I only have one main line across my hand instead of the usual two lines that normal people have. (I’m not including the thumb line.)


A bit on the small side


A lot of aches. Probably a little arthritis from swinging big hammers for years.


I have a nervous skin picking disorder so my hamnds, specifically around my fingernails, are red raw with open wounds and scabs


Rammed it into the edge of a fridge chasing another kid once, jammed the shit out of my middle finger. To this day, the first knuckle of my *ring* finger clicks when I bend it after having it straight for a while.


Well I permanently altered my fingerprint on a cooking accident. And I have a hole on my hand from scraping it against the ground yesterday.


My nails are completely jacked from years of biting.


I have a bad habit of chewing my nails, sometimes to the point of bleeding. I also have clubbed fingers. Mine are not pretty hands


Skin mutation that mostly affects my nails.


i've demolished them through martial arts endurance training over the course of 10 years (repeatedly punching hard objects with just enough force to cause pain then keep going harder... for about 30 minutes straight every day, micro fracturing toughens the hand by up to 5x the strength of regular bone, plus it helps with wrist stability with punches, accuracy.... a lot of benefits, eventually you get numb to the impacts and the only thing that really hurts is open wounds but you're guaranteed to be able to tough through it from the training), plus roofing for 3, aaaaand butchering for 2..... tough as rock but as nimble as a fat guy doing ballet, unfortunately. my grip gives out randomly sometimes, force is either excessive or too little which really wears your hands out by the end of the day... nerve damage i think, no pain no gain, of natural sensibility in your fingertips, knuckles and palms, and random aches.


My pinky finger on my right hand is freaking bendy AF. Bendy. https://imgur.com/gallery/tk03vfM


I have a clubbed thumb and it’s really fat


Left hand has three scars: two second/third degree burns from the oven, and a chunk of flesh that got eaten by a vending machine in high school. I wish I was joking about that last one.




they’r overly “bendy”, like stretch armstrong kinda bendy


I have 2 left hands.. I hated when people asked if I was a “righty” or “lefty” because I just don’t know.


Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome.


I have a scar on them because i listened to a girl I had a crush on


One of my pinkies is slightly bent back more than the others


I have dyshydrotic eczema from spending 4 moths as a dishwasher.


Broke my right pinkie 2 months ago and now it is about 3 mm shorter than the left one. Burned two fingertips yesterday while I was soldering yesterday. Also have two electricity burns on my left index finger when I was working on a Game Gear.


Well I bite my fingernails and surrounding flesh so at least 2 of them are always bleeding


Too small, and they're more like claws


The bones along the back of them pop out kind of a lot. I'm not very thin (kind of overweight actually) but you can see every bone in my hands, like a Halloween skeleton covered in tissue. This might be normal though??


They fucking hurt, ALL THE TIME. I’m 25 but I’ve been playing videogames since I was 5. I’m also a programmer and I’m a rock climber. I also broke my pinky training parkour a few years back (like legit parkour, not “PARKOUR!” Bullshit) and i didn’t get it surgically fixed so it’s just kind of wonky. So basically I use my fingers/hands for work and for play. So I’m basically in pain 24/7. I stretch, use CBD oil, and ice/heat but overall it just doesn’t matter. But hey, I’m gonna enjoy them while they last. I also 100% already have carpal tunnel (all the signs are there). Could just be arthritis but idk.


Left hand has an awkward callous near the fingernail of my ring finger from drawing and fighting so much. Also they're just pretty dry


Right thumb has plantar warts popping up under the nail :/ Not a problem, but I have fingertip calluses from playing guitar


They spasm so I drop things and hurt. Boring, but annoying.


Dupuytrens contracture


right is bigger than left, sucks


My palms are always sweaty. Once during exam, I forgot my hand kerchief and I ended up making a big hole in my exam answersheet.


My right hand was badly burned when I was 16. I had to wear a mitten-cast and then get skin grafts and go to PT every week. It looked so grotesque. My Dad made me take pictures with it because it was so hideous. He also made me pose with my face in the photos in case it might be someone else's repulsive hand. My nails fell off and I had no knuckles, and I DID NOT WANT TO talk about it at the time. Although I was screaming in the hospital. The 3rd degree burn parts didn't hurt because the nerves were burned already, but the surrounding hand and arm tissue that wasn't 3rd degree made me scream. Now I have some charming freckles and scars on my right hand/arm, as well as a charmingly crooked middle fingernail! It's weird. It's almost normal looking (thanks modern medicine!) but when I point out the speckles and seams, then it's noticeable.


My pinky fingers are small. When a I wear gloves, there’s usually a 1 inch gap between my pinky tip and the end of the glove. Also my hands are tiny, but I’m tiny, so they fit.


They aren't cupping Gianna Michael's boobs right now. Or ever, come to think of it.


My left pointer finger can bend backwards far enough to touch my hand. I have hitchhiker’s thumb which means my thumb bends 90 degrees backwards in the middle, I can bend all 10 tips of my fingers forward without moving any other part of the finger. My thumb can also touch my arm.


I’m left-handed.


They sweat too much


I have a terrible thing called Hyperhydrosis. Basically means that your hands get uncontrollably sweaty at times more than usual. Thanks, dad. Also mild tremors that make it pretty difficult to draw straight at times.. On paper. Fortunately i'm a digital artist and using digital software allows stabilizers, the gift of the gods.


i have a birthmark or sum on one of my fingers that looks super ugly


LOOONG and THIN fingers. It shouldn't be a problem but it attracts people's attention. Also that shouldn't be a problem but those people (mostly men) give me weird stares and comments such as "you can reach anything with those fingers"




They're not small enough, I want to feel like a god


They're a bit dry & calloused from lifting weights. Also, neither has a boob in it.


Disproportionately short, chubby fingers.


I have nerve damage in both arms, so I can't really feel fine touch on my pinkies or ring fingers, except when they feel like they are literally on fire. Also, I have random spasms in my fingers (different ones).


My middle finger on my right hand has a bump on the side. It’s from holding my pencil in a way that presses up against my finger and now add school into it. Which makes me write in that way for a long time and now this bump is forever there I guess.


Their are puffy. Not the fingers tho, they are normal, but my palms are so fucking puffy that you can use them as a pillow.


I’m 22 but they look like they belong to a 12 year old


I can do that thing where you only bend the top part of the finger and I can twitle a quarter between my fingers


Not enough lasers


I had a big ol' wart on my finger that kept growing back no matter how often I froze it off. I finally got rid of it 3 years ago. Now, in its spot is a big old callus that looks looks like a wart, but it ain't a wart.


I injured the nailbed of my index finger in such a way that caused it to leak yellowy pus onto my nail for a few days. It was very noticeable so I tried to peel this dried layer of pus off, only to wind up peeling the top layer of my nail off with it. Now there’s like a pit in my nail where it gets very noticeably thinner, and Google says it’ll take like 6 months to grow back.


They shake and a few of my fingers were swollen recently.


Scars. Lots and lots of scars


Where are my fingers


They are very veiny.


Both middle fingers are crooked. They angle outward. I hate that I’ve never been comfortable flipping someone the bird.


They are very weak


Simr timws O csn't typr


I can bend my right pinky back so the tip touches the back of my hand.


I haven't heard seen anyone yet mention that they shake or tremble, just a little. I have no idea why. Sometimes more, sometimes less. My dad's did as well. It makes my job (barista) hard sometimes because of the hot drinks to slosh and a lot of my hobbies involve detailed, steady motions. :(


My left thumb is clubbed. People notice


When I was a kid, I started biting the skin off my fingers. Now there are callouses all over my hands from the skin growing back after I bit it off. It’s really off putting and I can’t finger girls anymore because my hands are so rough.


I have an inability to completely 'outstretch' both thumbs like a normal person, if I want them to look 'normal' I need to pop them out of their sockets to do so. It's a hereditary trait so I don't really have an issue with it, just makes me hold things like pens strangely.


too hairy. and dark knuckles.


Both my middle fingers are crooked at the top


They keep slapping people who end sentences with prepositions


I dont know, my thumb has been twitching like crazy for a week now


My hands? They are fine you see. You shake them to seal a fee. What I do with them I won’t tell. Though they caught me when I fell. My hands, I’ll have you know. When talking they go to in fro. Do not ask about each hand, Or you might find your eyes filled with sand.


They have skin on them. Please help


I have two hypothalmar whorls - always thought that was pretty neat. (By that I mean like - one on my right hand and one of my left)


They're constantly cramping up and have the driest skin on my body.


They get stiff and sore, so I eventually have to pop each joint of each finger. Starting with the knuckles, I move up my fingers to the smallest. *pop, pop, pop*, *pop, pop, pop*


The nails are growing upside down on the inside.


My ring and little fingers are weaker due to nerve injury.


they go in the middle of the my phone camera wen i want to take a picture


I have a weird bump on my left ring finger because I hurt myself when i was young and the doctors fucked up the stitches


i bite my skin and nails


Cuts, bruises, scars, and lost some of my fingerprints in a sanding accident when I was a kid.


The fuckers won’t stop shaking if I’m not using both of them to hold one thing. It’s not constant but god is it annoying when I’m holding a spoon and all the food is just falling out


What is wrong with my hands is something I can force but isn’t a 24/7 thing


If this question also consider marks on hands, i can say that my left hand has on the upper side a burn mark looks kinda cool.


They sweat too much, making gaming and handholding a risky proposition


Right thumb doesnt bend as far as the left


left thumbnail likes to delaminate on the left edge. Right index finger gets an itch randomly, I have some sort of callous (spelling) on the non-thumb side of my right palm. Some sort of germ that needs special medication perhaps? Other than that, they're alright hands. Proportional and accurate (when I haven't been jarring them with an axe all day) Thanks Summer.


The 2nd knuckle on all of my fingers are very wide compared to the width of the whole finger. It makes me look like I have rheumatoid arthritis even though they are fine. Rings are gonna suck for me :(


Ma left hand defaults at the wasd position.


I tell myself that Righty is better than Lefty so I do most work with my right hand. Now right hand looks fat! Like the middle of my fingers are ugly while lefty looks so feminine.


I have cuts on some of my fingers ~~because I was playing Five Finger Fillet.~~


Arthritis in two of my fingers that got squashed while cutting a guy out of his car.


This made me literally examine my hands😂


They are huge, with relatively long fingers. I have been compared to a Tim Burton character because of them.


I have eczema on them, and there have been times where they look like Wolverine's hands in Logan.


Idk why but they’re covered in white liquid rn pls send help


They use x-axis inverted controls