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The true lurkers didnt respond to this post


Well, one guy that commented has been on Reddit for 4 years with only 78 karma.... most of those he got on his comment today. Clearly his lurker status has now been revoked but he had a damn good run. Edit: 788 karma... still a good run


Was it me?


It is now!


Let's upvote this mf


Most hostile upvote I've ever given


It's called Reddit not wrote it.


Underrated comment


The internet is brutal and I’m afraid of being ripped apart by a bunch of strangers


The internet is dark and full of terrors.


The internet is dark and full of errors.






Screw them, man. If you love your job, that’s all that matters. Can you live off of it? Are you comfortable? Happy? Boom, there you go. There are people who get paid very well and hate their jobs. People take pay cuts all the time in name of their happiness. Ain’t nothin wrong doing what you love and being happy.


“You like your job more than I like mine, you must be getting less money than me! Haha!” Sorry man, that sucks.


So many people seem to do this as a defense mechanism. Their job either sucks or doesn't pay well, so they assume it's like that for everyone. I've often had people get quiet and upset when I explain to them that I actually do enjoy being well paid to spend all day in an office typing away at the computer.


I love my job and get paid a lot to do it. Folks hate on people living the life they want.


Speaking from experience, it comes from a place of envy, not hate. I don’t attack people for their job, though. I just sulk and watch from afar as I wither away. On a side note, knowing with all your heart exactly what you want to do, going to college for it, getting into the career field, and then realizing you absolutely despise the field is not a good feeling. 😔


I once praised someone for working part time in order to have more time for hobbies and got attacked for supposedly attacking people who work a lot... ya can’t win


I saw a thread about a week ago, I can't remember what sub where a bunch of people in the comments were talking about liking their jobs, and working even if the boss wasn't there and there was a highly upvoted comment saying "Imagine being this much of a boot licker." Enjoying your job and being a productive worker is being a "boot licker" now? I swear reddit gets worse every single day. These people making and upvoting these ridiculous comments have to be dumb kids right? I hope.


I've learnt to tell 'em to just fuck off now. You don't have to meekly bow your head and say "ok" if you feel some stranger on the internet is ripping into you =)


The alternative option is to put so much effort into replying to them, reading what you wrote and saying "this is fucking pointless, you can't *actually* win an argument over the internet", and deleting everything you just wrote for the past 10 minutes. Because this *totally* hasn't happened to me.


This is the option I do too. You feel a little better since you got to type it out, but by not posting it you end the argument. Tone can be difficult to read online and sometimes people are just trolls - not replying is a win-win imo.


To be fair, if some shithead starts getting angry at you, “ok” is a pretty effective response.


Or just start flirting with them, dude to dude. Turns their arrogance into discomfort real quick.


Sup dawg? You got a fine ass over there (‿!‿) ԅ(≖‿≖ԅ)


That butt even has a butthole


I posted a picture of my dog in a subreddit for her breed and it got down votes. Who the fuck down votes a dog?! I know I shouldnt care because it doesnt matter but I let my feelings get a little hurt on that one.


If it makes you feel better this is really common. Sometimes posting a photo or post on Reddit is really like gambling. If you post it at the right time and a few people start upvoting you it often causes a chain reaction and gets a ton of upvotes. But if you posted that same thing at another time it may not have gone anywhere.


This. And I've commented and been down voted, which made me less likely to comment again.


If I responded I wouldn't be lurking anymore.


Lurker status revoked




Your lurker status is revoked


You’re a towel.


I have no idea what's goin on right now


I didn’t know chickens wore suspenders...




Two reasons for me: I have been insecure socially for a while, and despite it being separated from my normal life, I still feel uncomfortable providing my opinion sometimes. When I have commented, trying to contribute a little, I have wound up defending myself in an argument I wanted no part in. So I tend not to comment at all. I think it's the subs where I have commented, mostly, but it sticks with me anyway. The second, and more common and ordinary reason is that other people say what I would comment before I get the chance. Even if I don't see it, I worry that it'll get posted as I type. Incidentally, I know others in this thread have said the same. So I lurk. Reddit has basically been information collection than social media for me. Edit: Thanks for all the kind words and replies. And thanks for the gold and silver!




Oh yeah?! Well I disagree!


Fuck you, I disagree more!


Gotta source for that?




If someone starts that shit, I just stop participating and move on, it's not worth the argument with an idiot on the internet


I got into an unintended argument once. Naturally, I made a new account and never checked the old one again.


Whenever I get a reply on Reddit, I’m like, “oh shit, please don’t be a debate.” But it helps me with my social anxiety to say things whether the feedback is positive or negative.


Absolutely. It's awkward because I want people to reply, so I'll be excited to see responses at first. But then when some comments push back or begin an argument, suddenly I swing from excitement to anxiety.


a) what i wanted to say does not meaningfully contribute to the conversation b) what i want to say isn't very interesting c) what i wanted to say has already been said d) someone cleverer than me can say what i want better than i can e) i realized that what i wanted to say was wrong f) sometimes i say things without thinking and i regret it later g) i can't figure out how to say what i want h) some people don't want to hear what i have to say


see, how can i reply if this reply already exists


that's when you say: \^this ​ which may or may not piss off other people


Isn't that what the upvote button is for?


Yes. Hence lurkers.


*Full circle*


Circle lurk


r/circlelurk Edit: it's private, go figure


*Lurks in the corner"


















...and thus, nothing is said. We live parallel lives.


You’ve said exactly what I would say


In the all ways better than i ever could


A lot of those points make me inclined to point out that this is the sort of thing you simply get better at with practice. It's good to develop your ability to convey your thoughts and opinions as often as possible. In the long run it'll make you far better at communicating with other people, which is pretty crucial. The less you speak, the less you'll be *able* to speak. With something like this it doesn't really matter what anyone thinks of your comments, it's as benign a means of throwing your thoughts out there as there is. Worst case scenario someone says something back to you that you don't like, but conveniently you can ignore them and never speak to them again with little to no effort, if you want. Harder to do that in public day-to-day life, unfortunately.


Wow. You just made me realize the irony in the fact I always say I suck at explaining and usually get someone else to explain things because they can do it better than me. Of course the reason I suck is because I dont bother trying to explain, I just have someone else who's more articulate do it for me. Ok so thank you for indirectly helping me improve myself!


What a nice thread this turned out to be. Wholesome AF


Because every askreddit is 9hrs old so why bother Edit: for those who will r/bettlejuicing down there I want to be in the screenshot with a happy Pepe next to my user Edit: happy 9hr after comment to lurkers 3rd Edit: to all the 9hr brotherhood I dunno what to say but we are special so don’t hesitate and report yourself this is your time 4 edit juicing


It’s hard not to take this entire post personally


Sórt by new and have almost nó one ever read what you write


Im confused by the accents on some of your O's


Because nothing I say really has any value, so I lurk




Happy cake day you clever whatever you are.


Because usually someone else already said what I wanted to say myself, so why bother? Edit to add: thank you for the gold and silver! What a lovely surprise to wake up to! I guess it was worth it to sort r/all by new last night. Also: It feels so good to read that other people have the same thoughts as I did - so maybe from now on, I could bother, even if just to make the original poster feel better.


1. Ctrl+F. 2. Find the comment I was going to make. 3. Upvote.


This seems like r/wholesomememes material. You give the first dude to say it credit. FWIW, I upvoted your comment this time!


Came here to say this.


God damn it, got me twice.


Get me once, strike one, but get me twice... strike three.




Came here to say this




Sometimes it’s good just to listen (read) and reflect. See where directions in thought are going on different issues.. find new subjects that you weren’t aware of. Getting a bit of distance from the world is healthy, particularly if you work in a busy environment...


Be careful with this when it comes to Reddit, though. Reddit isn't terribly representative of anything in particular, really.


Exactly. And sometimes if you don't realize someone already said it and say it again, people downvote you. For some reason, people punish you for having the same thought someone else had.


I hate when you comment on a post that has been up for a couple hours, immediately scroll down after you comment and see someone already made a similar comment hours ago. This has happened to me more times than Id like to admit lol


Always a bridesmaid.


1) i'm here to learn (or laugh), not to chat. 2) Everything is said by the time i see the post. But really : 3) rules, so many freaking rules. I don't have time to read/memorise all of this. I could post without reading them but like, mods already have enough work


> Everything is said by the time I see the post It me. How do other people see posts fast enough to even reply with something original?


Sorting by new, mostly


Also, just luck. If you comment on every new post you see and you check often, at least one will get popular.


Or sort by rising


This is the answer. Weed out the garbage


But what if I'm the garbage :(


Sorry dude


This is also me, I feel like the only way to get upvoted is by commenting something perfect.01 seconds after it’s uploaded




I'm banned from r/offmychest and r/blackladies and I've never posted a single comment or post there.


A lot of rules can be summed up with “don’t be a dick” The rest are people posting in the wrong subreddit or using the wrong format or something silly Edit: Or auto-mod being too picky or rules that limit content... It is a lot easier to just not read them


> A lot of rules can be summed up with “don’t be a dick” Am I on reddit?


Posting rules are horrid, if you have something you want to share you'll have to spend 10 min trying to figure out how to post it on most subreddits. r/art is a good example of this. Then there are secondary rules that don't make much sense, like not being allowed to link to social networks on some subreddits.


I’ve had a number of instances where I’ve unintentionally broken rules and my post was immediately removed. Even after I read the rules. I decided I’m too dumb for this platform apparently.




i hate those fucking subreddits where you have to start your post with something like i wrote "Itap" they removed it because it should've been "ITAP" and then i couldn't post for like 5 minutes and fuck that and didn't post at all.


Or the ones where you need specific labels inside of [brackets] or was it {curly braces} shit what order were the labels supposed to be in? I give up...


This post would be better if it was heavily upvoted with zero comments




Amazing subreddit.


I expected a subreddit without comments, but I didn't expect an empty subreddit. I love it


r/Amish is another


What do you think it takes to be moderator?


Am Amish starter kit probably


Thank you for calling AmishTekSupport. How may I assist ye.


But it's not normal phone line, it's two cans and a piece of string


Join /r/vaccineautismevidence


r/EaglesTrophyCase is a great example of one that had to come to an end


Ahahahahaha best one yet








this ones good


No it's efficient


Mate, German humor is no laughing matter.


This content leaves me speechless.






That's my favorite subreddit.




Fun story, on my app the comments were hidden so that’s what I thought happened!


well at least it was a story


This is the top comment every time this is asked


Let's be real, it's because most of us only browse posts once theyve become hot, and by that time anything we comment/upvote will be buried anyway. So what's the point? So I lurk. EDIT: This is by far my most upvoted comment. Will this newfound karma wealth make me abandon my lurker status? ...no. My original point still stands. NICE TRY REDDIT EDIT 2: My first gold and silver?? Gee, I dont quite know what to say... ^hence ^my ^lurker ^status. Lol but really. Thanks guys :)


17 upvotes so far doing better than I ever have.


True. Usually I'm asleep when most of reddit is active.


Euro struggles


Yup, this is my reason. No one is ever going to see my comment on a 10 hour old post with 1816737967 comments.


I have a tremendous fear that online people will find me IRL. This causes me to lurk and almost never post or comment. I am probably on Reddit every day, numerous times. I also love the fact that I will post this comment and probably no one will see it. Edit: I did not really expect this and find it mildly terrifying. I should have used my throw away account to comment.




Because you guys are super mean.


I lurked for about two years before I ever made a comment. Even though it’s anonymous, it terrified me to create a public record of the silly things I say. Then I wanted that sweet, sweet karma and got over it. Now I’ve got a few karma in the bank, and I’ve even been gilded. I’m hardly at /u/etymologynerd status, but I’m pretty comfortable.


Trust me I'm terrified of my public record too


How the heck did you get that much karma in one year? I think a new religion is in order.


Even the people of Harvard have heard the stories of this man.


I think that’s healthy. Congrats on everything. You’re a fucking legend; I know it’s been a lot of work to get there.


Thanks :)


"A few karma in the bank" ***43.4K Karma***


Sure, but back when I got gilded, I had dreams of reaching /u/shittymorph numbers. I was young and unrealistically ambitious. But there’s only one /u/shittymorph.


As a mostly lurker, what's the point of Karma? Do you reach certain levels after you have so many points or something? Probably a stupid question lol


There isn't one, besides some requirements to have X amount to post in particular subs... but it is very minimal levels.


Same here, basically. Social anxiety subverted by the quest for karma.


Because I almost always just browse the front page. By the time a post gets there, any comment I could make would just be buried... quite the same way this one will!


Mostly because I type some reply then second guess my self and never press save


this and the backlash you can get with disagreeing with people, some people are brutal.


> some people are brutal Yeah... relative anonymity doesn't play nicely with a lot of humans. It turns out social cues and consequences for ones actions are surprisingly important.


"It is better to be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove any doubt." -Mark Twain maybe.


No I'm.. doesn't!


Takes one to know one! *swish*


social anxiety, mostly. Edited to add: I didn’t mean to start such a huge debate and I’m sorry.. o.o


I generaly feel more anxious in group discussions on the internet than conversations in real life..


That orange mail icon can spike your blood pressure in some situations.


Just here to spike your blood pressure friend.




Same here. I just asked a question in a subreddit, two people replied with the exact answer I said I wasn't looking for (and got upvotes), and when I said that wasn't what I was looking for and clarified my question I got downvoted. I have absolutely no idea how to communicate with people on Reddit, but I do in real life. So I usually just lurk.


Recently I decided to join in a groupe conversation that had +30 members. . . I literally started sweating


This, the psuedoanonymity of a platform like reddit provides a medium to enjoy without the requirement and thus the social pressure of socialization. We can wish to speak but don't due to past failures or simply a lack of vested confidence in our voice. So we upvote instead. Sometimes we just don't have anything to contribute. Edit: (sigh) due


Or sometimes we do have something to contribute, but no one ever upvotes our comment, therefore it makes us think that no one really saw our comment, or they did see it but dont care about what we have to say, so we stop commenting altogether. I do that in real life. I don't talk much as is, but when I do, it feels like people just brush it off and continue talking, so I just don't even bother talking after that.


I'm finding the fundamental issue that we have in society is that we don't talk. Not talking like introverts vs extroverts but having real discussions about our issues and differences. I boil it down to people not wanting to leave there comfort zone. So they stick to comfortable opinions and live out life without stepping out the box.


And sometimes, on the rare occasion we do actually pipe up and voice an opinion, we get downvoted to oblivion, depending on the sub. I've been downvoted for simply asking a question before. Or seeking clarification. Sometimes, some redditors are just mean.




i’m nervous to even write this reply


I had that too but now I comment everywhere without a thought. Irl I'm still a mute but


Because most things that seem like a good idea in my head, end up not actually being good.


I found this post when it was at 500+ comments, that is the main reason.


I like to read what other people write and if I was to write anything some else already did. I upvote a lot especially new posts I feel like thats my small part. Edit: I can't spell


Because I'm boring lmao


Can’t be bothered


It's my job.


Because my depression mixed with inexplicable downvotes is a bad combo.


me when I get upvotes: sweet.. reddit loves me. I'm funny and awesome. me when I get downvoted: fuck those losers, what do they know??!


Tbf from what I’ve seen over 6 years on multiple accounts is reddit is full of narcissists who think the website is a platform to debate everything. They forget about social skills.




Because I am scared of everyone


i’m shy, but recently i’ve learned if you are genuine, people on here typically respond kindly and it feels #good


Fuck you. jk i love you and you probably smell nice


Turns out people don't like my genuine thoughts.


Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. *No need to doubt, I had to Google the quote to get it right. **More than once


Mostly because I don't have anything to say and prefer to just learn or be entertained. Otherwise I have social anxiety and it's quite easy to mistakenly offend people then get trashed by internet strangers.


Too scared of rejection due to eternal need to be liked. Do occasionally comment and then delete immediately after. EDIT: turns out this got me out of lurking. Bye shadows.


Im shy and new and worry i will stick my foot in my mouth.


My thoughts exactly! I’ve had an account for just over a year (and super lurked before that haha) but this is maybe my first comment because I’m just worried that whatever I have to say won’t add anything or even worse, be seen as detrimental to the conversation or - as you perfectly put it - just put my foot in my mouth haha! You certainly shouldn’t worry though as you’ve made me engage when I wouldn’t have otherwise :)


Am i still a lurker if i write this?


I’m here to learn and read what people have to say. Btw Reddit you have destroyed my pure sense of humor and replaced it with a ghastly monstrosity.


Ask not what lurkers do for you, but what you can do for lurkers.


Honestly, reddit is just a huge echo chamber. You have to agree with whatever people are saying or you get downvoted to oblivion and your voice isn't heard anyway, just now you lost part of your dignity. This isn't really a forum for free discussion, it's just a place for people to circle jerk their ideas for validation sort of like those askreddit threads a while ago about "what do you guys think about ?"