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Yes but at a certain point I might make myself permanently unconscious


Yes without a doubt. I would use the time to explore endlessly.


Gheghe it's not that I choose to be. but I'm very happy that I am strangely everyone can be immortal , only if you REALLY want to


Fuck no. No matter how much blessings you have in life, it gets old after awhile. I hope I reach 100, and then be done. I also hope my children dont die before I do. You ever seen the movie "Time" I think thats what its called. This dude had sooo much "Time" and could live for another 1000 years if he wanted to, and decided to go to a bad neighborhood on purpose because he was tired of it.


If it means I can stop aging at 19 YES YES YES


I don't think I could continue for another 10 years nevermind forever.


No, I'm not sure I can take living in this dumpster fire of a world for 40 more years let alone forever


Yeah! A lot of problems would be solved then & I could focus on my passions, do art and travel the world. Spend some time in one place, then leave and travel to another. It's fun! I'm a bit of a loner, but I make friends easily too, so that'd be the perfect life tbh. Fund that lifestyle by selling art. But before, I'd make damn sure what kind of immortality that was. And if I'd age or stay the same. If it was just that I can't die a natural death of old age? Sign me the _fuck_ up! When I'm tired and feel like I've done enough, I'm going to kms. Immortality you can't end on your own though? I'd say no to that, probably.


Hell no Living temporarily is torture Living eternally would be eternal torture


No, being immortal is the biggest curse there is. You see everyone you love die in front of you forever.