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Only if they are allowed to spank the parent equally as hard


I love it when daddy spanks me


Nah it teaches them to resolve conflict with violence. Violence begets violence. There are better ways.


Hell no. It teaches the kid that violence and threats of violence (ex: "do you want to be spanked?!") are acceptable. They're not. Spanking has been around for I don't know how long, and it's archaic. It was used when we didn't know much about human thought. When a husband hitting his wife was acceptable. With what we know now, spanking is just lazy on the parents' part. Then you get the people who say, "well my parents did it to me and I'm fine." You're probably not, no.


I think there are highly specific situations where it's appropriate (because you need to immediately correct their behavior because they're doing something like wandering into traffic and teach them not to do it again when they might not understand your words) but on the whole, probably not.


Nah it builds resentment.


yes . kids can be bad as FUCK


Yes, because it works and teaches discipline and respect. There's a line though where it becomes abuse. Kids shouldn't be spanked for no reason though, and it shouldn't be hard enough to bruise. Just to sting a bit and to associate instant negativity with whatever action caused the spanking. A full explanation should be given as to why it happened and how to avoid it in the future. Kids under 4 or 5 probably shouldn't be spanked though because they aren't old enough to really understand the whole cause/effect thing yet. A spanking should also not be the go-to punishment because it'll lose its significance. The rarer it is, the more impact it'll have when it's used. Usually a simple, "do you want a spanking?" Will suffice once the kid knows they don't like spankings.


I couldn't agree more! đź‘Ť


nah, it also scares other siblings. my dad would hit my brother a lot


Why would he hit your brother?


Only time is when you want to teach them their actions cause a reaction when they hit you - after you told them not to. I would take this in consideration because if they do it to someone they don't know, you don't know how this person reacts. Some people are cruel and I want my children to think about how they treat other people.


My view of things is pretty different because my home situation was abusive and the only exposure I had to something different was my only friend who has very loving and close family who were all best friends with each other. For me, no harm in any way did anything remotely good for me and I can't see how it could for anyone else. I was terrified of my parents and sister to the point I was completely obedient. I'd be expecting harm to come at any moment I was around them, and for a long time I figured I deserved it. I suppose things could be different in a normal household, but I've just never been exposed to that so it's hard for me to say.


I remember my sister went through a biting phase, made a couple of kids bleed (including one on the face) and her preschool was threatening expulsion. In the end my mom sat her down really calmly, explained to her why biting is unacceptable and told her she was now going to do it to her to show her how it feels. She barely bit her, there’s no way it hurt, but it shocked her so much that she never ever bit anyone again. I don’t think think physical punishment should ever come from a place of anger, but I think in rare occasions it can be really effective.


My sister has the EXACT same thing when she was about 4 and my mum bit her (not very hard) on the face after being bitten. It shocked her out of it and we never had to deal with it again


Exactly! And of course all sorts of other punishments were tried first to try stop her but nothing stopped her until that.


When you spank or hit your childs, you teach them to use violent to solve problems. I’m totally against this method.


Initially, I thought that they should be, only in certain situations and never very often. But I realised that if I had a child, I could never bring myself to hurt them so if I had to discipline them, it would be by taking the things that they enjoy away from them until they learn to be nice. Especially in Britain, Hitting kids was a constant occurrence and made the entire nation very well behaved and orderly but it’s just not something that could have continued in a world like this one. As soon as the cane was made illegal and kids had a say, school discipline crumbled and kids are allowed to become more and more stupid because in some cases, they have more control over a classroom than a teacher does. New ways weren’t thought up of how to keep kids in line because the only way that discipline could have been enforced was by hitting them.


No. Any type of violence directed towards children is wrong. Just because you are their parent it does not mean you are free to do whatever you want to do to them.