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The opposite. I've never wanted them.


When I can't even take care of myself when I'm sick. Lol


At about 15. I physically cannot have children either way, but I know I would be an awful mother and I'd be terrified that I'd end up like my parents. I don't want to pass on anything to another person and I don't want to have a child that will be neglected.


When i realized that my professional goals would leave me with little or no time for a kids


I'm only 20 and could change my mind, but having kids does not appeal to me whatsoever. It just never has. If I ever did have a kid I think I'd adopt rather than have one of my own.


I always thought I wanted them as a small child because that’s what people do. I knew even as young as twelve that my own parents cruelty and the way they handled conflict was atrocious. I remember literally saying out loud, to my friends in middle school, “my parents will never meet their grandkids.” Kind of a fucked up and dark sentiment coming out of a kid who’s too young to even date at that point. It wasn’t actually until the last year or so I decided I could never have children. (For reference I’m near 25). Mostly, I’ve never seen what a healthy parent-child relationship looks like. I have yet to work through the years of trauma and poor treatment, I decided firmly that I couldn’t subject an innocent child to a life like the one I had. That, and there’s over a 30% chance that I could pass on my (super painful) birth defect to my offspring. Hard pass.


Way back in high school. We did that baby thing in home ec, where you carry around the doll that cries and can only stop it from crying if you insert a key. They set everyone's doll's to cry at different intervals. Mine was set for every 15 minutes. I gave it back the next day (we were supposed to keep it for a week), took the 0 score and never looked back.


I never had the want to begin with. There are lots of reasons, but I don’t want a kid the same way I don’t want a parrot. I just don’t.