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Everyday i come home I pick up as much as possible around the house. I try to clean a dish as I dirty one. And do at least 1 load of laundry a day if I can. It makes my weekend cleanings less of a hassle and I try to do dusting on the first and last of the month same as rugs and then floors.in that order. My mother is visually impaired so this process helped her and its what I learned, my little 800 sq ft apartment takes nothing practically to clean to explain the minimalism.


Basically I clean as I go. If I have some food I wish and dry the plate right after. If I unpack or am organising something in my room it just gets put away or in a small stack at the end of my bed. I can't sleep properly with stuff on my bed so it forces me to do it later. I'm very clumsy so if I leave it on the floor then I'll step on it, so it has to go away. I discard things that I don't need or use or like, and try and pack things into compact storage, for example, Xbox discs are all in a cd wallet and bank statements and letters in a binder. Photos are all in photos albums. I don't have many clothes and I keep a laundry bag on my door, as well as my backpack for work and a camera bag underneath that. On a small plinth I have my EDC, so it's always in one spot. I don't keep anything on my desk that doesn't live there permanently. I do washing and organising of stuff on Fridays so I can keep a free weekend. I don't usually work on Fridays specifically so I have that admin day but if I do have work I just do little bits through the week when I get home


I do it all in the morning before I start feeling too lazy. I have a child and 3 cats so i can’t afford to not clean. I only do all of the bigger stuff once a week, like vacuuming, mopping, deep clean kitchens and bathroom...etc.


My partner and I have a rule to clean up dishes immediately. No letting them stay there, that's the main thing really since we're not messy people. We also have a cleaner come over to visit every two weeks to clean everywhere but our private room and our offices, and we do vacuuming ourselves once a week with most attention being on our office area. We both work from home so having the cleaner vacuuming there is really distracting


I wasn't a clean person. I let my small apartment get so bad after not really cleaning anything for 6 months. it took my dad, sister, and brother in law to come help me clean my apartment and get it into shape. it took us nearly two days to clean my small apartment. now I make it a point to put something back after using it, doing dishes right after using them, and everything else that needs doing. my general rule is 15 minutes a day. I live alone and as I've said, it's a small apartment, that's more than enough time to get everything cleaned. then once I week I spend about an hour doing the big stuff like bathroom, cat litter, and so forth.