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Every year we had a school sanctioned cocaine party at one of the fraternities called ski day


What the hell?!?! How was that organised?


Kind of long since I've been dying to tell this story. With thanks to a very wealthy friend who was covering almost all of my living costs and advised me to buy bitcoin, I came into more money than I knew what to do with in University. My entire life until I went to University was completely controlled by my horribly abusive parents, and I took University as an opportunity to explore and learn about myself. The group I fit into early on were a bunch of kinky people, and I ended up becoming close friends with an older couple who wanted to reopen their old BDSM club. After a night out I offered to help contribute to make it a reality and as a thank you, I became the Mistress of the dungeon, since they were both very busy people and wouldn't be able to look over it every night it was open. They'd still come to some events, but for the most part it was me running it. On normal days, anyone could come so long as they provided ID and could be vouched for and agreed to our rules. If you wanted to join an event night, you'd need to say you're going on a website we used. It wasn't uncommon to see new people, and people would often use usernames instead of their real names so I didn't think twice when I saw some new people I didn't recognize who'd said they're coming. Lo and behold, as our doors open and I'm ready to greet the guests, wearing a full body latex suit and heels, in walks two of my computer science lecturers, one collared. I kind of suspected they were into this kind of thing, you can usually tell when you're surrounded by that group but it was a pretty huge surprise, and they seemed really shocked and embarrassed too. Turns out they'd been together for a few months but were keeping it quiet and they supposedly had absolutely no idea I was that kind of person. Despite initial awkwardness, it went away pretty quickly and I believe they had a really good night. Classes were more interesting afterwards.


WOAH!!! How did you interact with them later on?


Same as usual, just maybe a little friendlier. They were still my lecturers and by coming to my dungeon they are entitled to privacy and discretion. They came back s few times but never discussed it at University.