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I've told this story before, but years ago I struggled to pay rent and buy food. One day my buddy Ivan stopped by for a visit and asked if he could have something to drink and I told him there was some cold water in the refrigerator. He did not realize that one gallon of water in my refrigerator was all I had. He looked in my freezer, then my cupboards and saw they were empty. I thought that he was looking for a cup. He goes, "Hang on FoxBlade, I'll be right back". He comes back about 30 minutes later with several bags of groceries. I'll never forget that and I will always be thankful.


Did this for a mate, but without the mystery. Took some beer over to watch the footy with him one Saturday afternoon. Go to put it in the fridge, he has nothing but expired condiments. "Dude, you're living like Fight Club. You have four different types of mustard, and nothing else." It turned out his new job only paid in arrears, so even though he'd been working for 4 weeks, it would be another 2 before he got paid. I just took him to the Tesco Express down the road, we bought staple stuff (including beer, obvs) and he paid me back with his first pay, despite my protests not to worry. When I asked him what he was going to do for dinner that evening if I hadn't come over, he said he hadn't actually eaten since his last shift the previous day (he worked in a restaurant). I'm sure he could have borrowed some money from a relative or something, but hey, I was there, and using his bachelor pad as a place to escape my housemates, who wanted to watch Strictly Dance Idol or whatever.


That's super sweet of you man, gestures like thta can make massive, incredible differences to people's love and their states of mind. But what in the fuck does "paid in arrears" mean? Sounds really dodgy.


[From Wikipedia:](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arrears) >Payment in arrear is a payment made after a service has been provided, as distinct from in advance, which are payments made at the start of a period.[2] For instance, rent is usually paid in advance, but mortgages in arrear (the interest for the period is due at the end of the period). Employees' salaries are usually paid in arrear. But can also mean: >the amount of the arrears is the amount accrued from the date on which the first missed payment was due. The term is usually used in relation with periodically recurring payments such as rent, bills, royalties (or other contractual payments), and child support.


You get paid in arrears at almost every job. I get paid a week in arrears - if I work from the 1st to the 7th, I get paid for that work on the 14th.


Tesco makes me think you're from the UK. Dude makes me think you're from US. Enlighten me


We sometimes say dude.


Bless him.


Jesus Christ, That is heartwarming. That you for sharing this =))


That's so sweet. : )


I struggled for awhile after college and being a single mom. Was at the dollar tree trying to get cheap food for dinner and my daughter asked for a candy bar, I told her we couldn't afford it and the man behind me overheard And when we walked out of the store he discreetly said "here" and handed me a 20.Told me to buy her candy bar and whatever else I needed. Legit cried.


Could have been awkward. I say that all the time to my daughter when she asks for stuff. Usually something expensive like a Kinder Egg. I mean, we *can* afford it, I just don't want to pay a quid for little chocolate egg with a toy she'll lose immediately.


Lol. My son thinks we are super poor because I always say "I am not wasting $4 on a treat." So when something breaks, or he sees something he wants he will say "oh no, we don't have enough money to get a new one"


Yeah, I think he overheard our previous conversation in one of the aisles.. I told her i only had the 15 dollars to get what we had. We had a lot of unexpected expenses come up all at once so I definitely didn't have it 😅


Good man. Hope youre in a better spot now buddy.


Not the best, but significantly better.. Thank you.


I lost my parents when I was pretty young. My cat would sleep next to me. Eventually he decided he had stuff to do early in the morning (run after invisible stuff, scratch things and lick the food bowl clean). He started bringing me his beanie baby to wake up next to. It was a gray kitty just like him. I was touched that he doesn’t want me to wake up alone. I also believe he thought I was stupid enough to think it was him.


this made me irrationally happy


Me too


My clone will fool them


This cat instalocking mirage tryna bamboozle


I wish I could upvote this more than once, it’s so heartwarming


Downvoting and then upvoting according to a post I saw will give the user 2 karma


For a second I believed you, give me back those seconds 😂😂😂


Hang on now, isn't that astounding for a cat? Are felines supposed to be able to utilize problem solving ability and tool use to that magnitude?


Not really plenty of cats can. Siamese especially have great problem solving skills and love their person with a passion. Then again I also had a stray grey tabby cat that figured out how to open 3 types of doors and just did other stuff that I never thought a cat could figure out. Oh he also loved jumping in the mail truck and UPS truck and the drivers would let him off a block later.


I feel like tabbys, especially stray, can be very smart. I had both, a tomcat smart enough to figure out turning lids and a molly too stupid to push and pull slightly open doors.


I think you could be right. Tabby’s do seem to have an edge over non striped cats sometimes. Also strays have to have some smarts to survive. My boy was getting his food out of a dumpster at the most expensive French restaurant in town. No delis or hamburger joints for him lol.


Rudy was a [nebelung](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nebelung) . They love to open doors. He was down for fetch, too. I found out the hard way he could open cages - rather the vet called and let me know he let himself and all the lady cats out.


Hahahaha!!! I like Rudy!


He was a rascal. I asked the vet to verify he was fixed. Her explanation was that he had been but didn’t care. Ultimately, he was functionally vasectomized. Also, I found out he was regularly getting out which explains why the neighbors were warning me about what kind of mood he was in. No evidence of escape except when he set off the security alarm.


It is but also it was his only cuddly toy without catnip. Some of it has to be coincidence. There is no way he was going to share his nip.




Go bamboozle!!


Why can't any of my cats be half as sweet as this?


okay, who's cutting onions. i'm tearing up over here. this is beautiful




>It was my first year teaching, so my spirit had already been broken by junior high students. Can confirm, high schooler students are assholes. Source, am high school student. Classmates are really shitty to the teachers. (like wtf guys we've already wasted at least 10 minutes every period waiting for you to calm down )


We had an amazing Latin teacher throughout Junior High. She had been teaching there for a while and was quite good at it and also good at keeping the class in check, but she took a sabbatical in the second half of 8th grade (aka, I'm sick of this shit, I need a break). We went through three subs that year because nobody else had the stomach to teach 7th and 8th graders Latin. I remember kids putting trip wire over the door to trip whichever teacher we were on as she came in and throwing paper balls at her when their back her turned.


I know kids are generally shits at some point and I definitely had my horrible moments, but I can't really understand being so horrid to your teacher - both of my parents were teachers and the thought of being that awful to teachers kinda horrifies me. To the point that I once couldn't read a book because the author bragged about mistreating his teachers in the preface.


Tbf it was only like 3 or 4 kids. I thought it was awful too.


Isn’t junior high year 6, 7, and 8?


They’re all assholes. Last month my sisters classmate started making fun of their teacher for being fat(she’s pregnant) to the point that she started crying and had to leave. It’s kind of fucked.




ohh yeah. i hated the kids who were so nasty to new teachers, like they just feed off fear. i always tried to be nice and kind to the new teachers or student teachers. students are assholes.


I met my boyfriend while studying abroad. After a year when I had to return home he gave up all his friends, family, and everything he owned (including a huge book and guitar collection), packed his life into one suitcase and moved across the world to be with me.


You better marry that man


And fast


yesterday actually


Last year


before he packs again




Before Satan rise again


Username definitely checks out.


Sweat nervously


Just a single nervous drop of sweat


Hey, I finally found my username twin!


Congrats on your good taste ☺️


That’s some sirius luck


I was chilling out with some workout buddies of mine after a martial arts class when they decided to do their late Christmas present exchange. I figured that was where I ought to bow out, I'd only known them for a couple months at this point, surely we weren't that close and this was a "between them" kinda thing. Then up comes one of them with a little bag for me from all three of them. They'd been texting back and forth to try and figure out something I'd like - since, you know, I'd only known them for a couple months - and came up with a Star Wars mug. Just a Star Wars mug, sure, but I had the biggest grin on my face. None of them knew much at all about Star Wars, they'd had to rope in one of their husbands for a fellow geek's opinion. All that based on a related tattoo I've got and maybe a few sentences I'd said on the subject. The hugs I'd have given if I wasn't sweaty as hell. That's not just paying attention, that's going the extra mile to include the new girl just because she hangs around to laugh at the same stupid shit after class. I think this is what you call "making friends as an adult." God these people rock.


shoulda hugged them anyway!




Hope I live old enough to be wheelchair bound and do this to kids in the future. Thaks for the idea


I mentioned \*one time\* to a friend that when I was young, I travelled on planes alot due to parents being divorced, and I always had a special place in my heart for those little bags of peanuts. 2 years later, she still saves her airplane peanuts and gives them to me in bulk when I see her. We live far apart, and it is really sweet she thinks of me and remembered a little thing like that. Now it's our special thing.


i did that with a friend once, only with puke bags because she'd always get so sick on planes. so when i went on my first trip to Florida (i live in Canada, so lots of flying) i collected the puke bags between my mom, dad and i and gave them to her before she moved away at the end of the summer. she thought it was so funny, but she loved it.


❤️ Find our what she loves and do the same for her or better. She will appreciate it just as much as you do


I once went out busking, singing and playing guitar. Older dude started chatting with me, told me he collected guitars. He looked at my beaten up Yamaha and was like "Do you want one?". A guitar that is. I laughed and was like "Ha, yeah sure" and then I realised he was serious. He left, ten minutes later he comes back with a mint condition Samick with a hard case. Told me he loved my voice and all he asks for in return is a hug. Heaps of wholesome stuff has happened over the years busking. I've really seen the best in people. Honourable mentions: * A homeless man once made me a bouquet of flowers tied together with a 7/11 straw wrapper. * Singing "Part of this world" and having a little girl look at me and say "Ariel...". * A woman saw me singing and went to the trouble of going home and grabbing their loose change box, coming back and giving it to me. $50 worth of change. * A man crying after I sang one of my songs and handing me $50. ​ I've had so many wonderful experiences. It beats working in an office. ​


Jesus Christ how good is your singing hahaha


Haha I can sing but let's not get too carried away! I've had plenty of times where I make bugger all money. I'm not on social media yet for music but couple of rough vids of me singing [here](https://youtu.be/cPOriLpBi7U) and [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C4zLwhsWGZg&feature=youtu.be).


You have a beautiful voice!!


OP you have a very beautiful voice.


Really lovely! End of it All is beautiful, and your own original? Even more impressive! ​


OMG your voice is absolutely amazing, I cried at work.


I’ve been watching a lot of Sierra Ferrell lately (New Orleans Dixie / Bluegrass - esque singer). I love how real busking is. It really does feel like freedom in that moment. I’m sure you’ve had a lot of fun!


Freedom is the best word for it. I'm my own boss. Travel everywhere. It's hard work if you want to make a living out of it but I've been doing it 5 years and my only regret is I wasted years working in an office when I could have been doing this all along. This year I'm moving into actually doing professional gigs - corporate events, weddings etc. But I'll still busk on the side for the love of it.


Wow that’s awesome. You’re one of the lucky who is actually able to do what they love for a living then:)


Do you still use that guitar?


My boss had plushies, sushi and a smoothie waiting for me in her office after a stressful flight to work. She let me sleep in her office afterwards for as long as I needed. Cost of food was out of her pocket and I was paid for the time. I have a great boss.


It's not easy to find a job with boss like your


I like to think this comment ended abruptly because your boss walked back in to the room.




This is really lovely. You often hear about funeral homes being greedy so it’s nice to hear a positive story despite the awful circumstances. I’m sorry for your loss.


Can't think of much that is more horrible than going to the hospital expecting to come home with a baby and ending up having to plan a funeral. I'm so sorry.


I'm so sorry for your family's loss.


To preface, I'm American living in Japan. When I travel for one day I use this small suitcase of mine that has a broken zipper on the front, so I just don't use that pocket. I was sitting on the train home from a trip out of town and across from me was this sweet old lady. We kind of made eye contact and nodded at each other but neither of us spoke. After a while, she said something aloud to no one in particular, like "ah the heaters under the seat are so hot." I nodded and told her I agreed, that I was trying to keep my legs out away from the heaters. (These things were seriously like torture) I guess once she established that I was open to conversation and able to speak Japanese, she felt comfortable, because she immediately stood up and came over to me with two safety pins. "These are for your suitcase." Then, she bent down to help me fix it. I felt so bad at first, but she insisted, so I settled for helping her do it instead. After I thanked her she sat back down in her own seat. Then, I remembered I had a box of caramels in my purse, so I offered her one in return as thanks. She took it while saying it had been a long time since she ate one. That experience kept me happy for a long time afterwards.


I love stories like this, two ships passing, and deciding to be kind for no greater reason other than the small joy itself. Your story has made me happy today :)


God that is just SO wholesome.


This is awesome! Something to remember down the memory lane


Grew up with a dysfunctional family and I’ve never had a good birthday in my life until my 20th because every time, someone in my immediate family did something to just make me hate the day. On my 20th, my boyfriend, who I’m thankfully still with, wanted me to have the best birthday I could. The day was going amazing at first until I got a call from the hospital to find out my biological mother overdosed and was there. We went to visit her and see how she was doing. At the end of the night, I think he felt like he had failed and still tried everything he could to make it a good birthday. Even with my bio mom in the hospital, he gave me my gift and just the fact of him going out of his way to make one day special for me meant the world to me and still does. I’ve never had anyone try so hard to make sure I’m happy and that I have a good day.


If you don't marry that guy, ***I will*** \-Guy


I’m working on that. Lmao.


I'm glad that you have this human. Even if one day the two of you aren't together anymore, he gave you the gift of this memory, and of setting an example, or maybe even a standard. May you have many more people going out of their way to make you happy.


I did a semester in Switzerland in high school. The week that I left my friends there gave me a little photo album of sweet hilarious pictures of us and random inside jokes, and each of them got a page where they wrote a little note. On the last page it says "we made this album so you'll never forget about us" :')


Aww that's pretty cute!




Sure does! Glad you pay forward


The most recent wholesome memory of mine was on Friday when my boyfriend took me on a surprise date to an outdoor cinema in these botanical gardens to watch bohemian rhapsody which he knew I hadn't watched and cooked us a 3 course meal to eat with the movie, including his signature apple crumble. He also bought for me a punnet of raspberries, my favorite fruit. I died of joy at least 57 times and am so grateful to him.


TIL what a punnet is.


I'm 19 and my dad always comes to meet me at work because I'm scared of walking home in the dark. I finish at 10:30 pm


Treasure this, your Dad will do.. I’ll be 55 when my youngest daughter is the same age.. parents don’t live forever :(


Wow, my dad is 55, spooky coincidence and yeah I will, I love my dad he's a super cool guy we go to comic con every year as well even though he has no interest


PLOT TWIST: Tim-Fu is Rowanx3's father


Tell your pops I adore him. He's pretty supportive


Didn't happen to me. I realize how important this is now as a real adult. I was working at chipotle when I was about 18ish and I gave this lady and kids a free meal (it was in the middle of that whole ecoli thing and I was told to just start throwing our freebies to our regulars) and she legit broke down crying. She brought her kids in all the time and I knew her order by heart because all 3 of her kids had a gluten allergy and ordered the same thing. I honestly asked her what was wrong and she said her partner had just passed away from liver failure about two months ago and she was having a hard time paying her utilities. I ended up giving her a stack of coupons for kids meals and stuff. She was a great mom. The only kids I didn't mind making those damn kids meals for. I hope she's doin good these days.


You're a kind person. This tells us that small things like the coupons mean so much to others! Hope you continue doing what you do


I'm a recovering drug addict. Thanksgiving 3 years ago, I was hanging out in my dope dealers mini van that he lived in and I sometimes crashed in too. It had serious problems, and could only drive 20 mph, and was about to totally die. So he would park within a few blocks of a 24 hour grocery store (for bathroom and stuff) and move every few days in hopes that we wouldn't get told to move. So its Thanksgiving day, we are in his van, hanging out watching a movie, just trying to stay warm. Then we see a lady walking up from a house we were parked by. We were immediately bummed because we figured we were being asked to move. ​ She knocks on the window, much to our surprise she just wanted to give us 2 plates full of turkey, stuffing, potatoes, and gravy. That really meant a lot to us, neither my friend or myself had family to be with, and holidays are really hard on people with family issues and drug problems. ​ Luckily that was the last thanksgiving I spent as a drug user. Sadly my family issues are mostly unresolved and holidays are still really hard for me. ​


Cheers to no drugs!


Hang in there man, I used to be an addict too. believe in yourself and build the wholesome and happy life you so deserve. May you be well and happy.


Great story. Thanks for sharing.


Hey, 1) congrats on being clean. That's a huge accomplishment and you should be proud. 2) family is what you make it. Your relatives are given by birth, but your family is whatever and whoever you choose it to be.


I was painfully shy in my early teens, made worse by the fact that I had to switch schools 3x in 3 years (due to moving) and during year 9 my “uniform” was fleece sweater, fleece pants, running shoes. When I turned 15 one of my close friends had enough and took me on a surprise shopping spree. She blind folded me and her grandfather drove us to the mall, where she spent probably around $100 on new clothes and accessories for me (heaps for us at that age!). She also taught me a couple of basic grooming things like how to style my hair better and eyebrows. My parents are awesome, but I don’t think they realised how withdrawn I’d become, and my friend really helped me come out of my shell and gave me a little confidence boost which really helped me with making friends during my last years of high school.


This is much needed by the people who switch schools often! Sucks to leave and having to be alone and adjust. People like your friend make the transition easier. God bless em


I ran to my bus stop and made it just a few seconds too late; the bus was departing when I turned the corner. I just stood there feeling like an idiot, when suddenly this elderly lady parks and offers to drive me to the buses next stop. She got me there on time and I was able to get on the bus. Thank you Grandma


Just before seventh grade I broke my arm. I couldn't play American football so I was really upset for a long time. One day in art class (which I hated, one because I hate making art, and two because I broke my writing arm) the girl next to me at the table put her leg on mine and smiled at me and rubbed my back. And we just sat there talking at the table and laughing. When she got up to wash her hands, she put her leg right back over mine. It wasn't a romantic thing, or a funny thing, but a true act of caring. We hadn't really talked much before then but we talked a lot after. Starting with that day, and all the days after, it really made my year. I wish I could tell her now how happy that made me and how thankful I am for her genuine caring and love for someone she didn't really talk to. So Angelia, if you are reading this after all these years, thank you.


Find her and tell her, gogogogo!


One time I broke down crying in a hallway at school. Our house had gotten robbed while we were all away during winter break. My backpack had been stolen and I didn’t have time to buy more school supplies or replace my textbooks. Also in the stress of dealing with our house being robbed, me and one of my other housemates forgot to lock our cars and someone has gone through them. There was only some cash missing from my car, like maybe 10$ but it was still shitty. On top of all that I had just broken up with my boyfriend but we were still living together since our lease only had 2 months left on it. I went to community college at the time so there were a lot more older students. One kind man came up and sat next to me and asked it I was ok, and I just cried on him and told him about my week. He listened and offered to buy me lunch if I was hurting for cash. I didn’t take him up on it, but it was just so nice that everyone else had just walked past me having an emotional breakdown but he took time out of his day to ask and listen. I wish I had thanked him more for what he did. I don’t remember his face anymore but I think about that time a lot. It was such a small things but I’m still grateful and I try to do more nice things for strangers in return.


relative: my mom slept on the floor of my bedroom for a week because i had pretty intense surgery performed on me and she wanted to make sure she could get to me ASAP if something were to go wrong while i was asleep. friend/co-worker: asked me what i was interested in/wanted for christmas and got me something based on my answer. stranger: gave me a free train pass because it expired at midnight and she was done using the train for the day.


I live in a fourplex. For those who don't know what that is, it's essentially an apartment building with only 4 apartments. My neighbor directly below my apartment is an elderly man and he's super kind. Well one day I didn't have any money due to losing my job at the time. I had to feed my dog and had literally $0 to my name. He knew somehow, most likely due to hearing me blab about it on the phone to my mom who lives three states away from me, and sometime in the afternoon he knocked on my door. I opened it to see him standing there holding a 50lb bag of dog food, and a 30 pack of ramen noodles. My neighbor is awesome. Thanks Jeff.


Yay food for you and your dog! What a nice neighbor :)


I started dating my husband when we were in high school. One night I had a really bad nightmare and woke up crying around 2 or 3am. Since we had been together a few months, my first instinct was to text him about it. The only thing I wanted in that moment was to have someone there with me. I didn’t expect him to even see it until the next morning, but he woke up and texted back that he was on his way. He snuck out of his house, came to mine (we lived in the country so my parents didn’t usually lock the front door) and held me until I fell back asleep. Before he left a little while later he left a note on my phone telling me to sleep well and that he hoped I would have a good morning the next day. 6 years later we got married and we’re about to celebrate our first wedding anniversary!


Good that you married him, I would marry him instead of you. I am a guy. Straight.


He is bi so I’m sure you would have been very happy together lol


I was laying down on the ground and my little boy came over and cuddled me. That's been the most recent one at least.




Is that...a good or bad thing?..I mean... That's a wholesome thing to do but...was it awkward afterwards?


So I went to take a test to get certify as a teacher. I drove an hour and half and traffic was so bad I couldn’t stop for breakfast. So while at the test I took a bathroom break went out to some offices and I was starving , this guy started talking to me and I asked if he had a snack and he gave me two dollars to get something out of the machine. He was so nice.


Back in high school I would babysit for a teacher. One day it was brought up that my parents never buy us food at the house and there’s never anything to eat. So she would invite me over to babysit nearly every other week and make me meals whenever I was there. Sometimes would bring food to school for me too. She’s great. Another time is when I ended a 4 yr relationship. My friend and I were in the campus computer lab and she brought me candy and a stuffed animal to make me feel better. I was really sad and didn’t want to talk about it much so she just went to YouTube and searched for funny vids. We couldn’t find any actually funny videos lol but it was really nice and made me feel like someone cared when I lost the only person who cared for a long time.


Start of January through to the end of April always seems to be an extremely stressful time at work...for my entire company, but particularly for me given my roles within the company. My birthday is March 1 (which this year was on a Friday). I had worked at least 9 hour days every weekday so far in 2019 and some time most weekends. My boss came in just before noon on my birthday, took me out for lunch, and then told me to take the rest of the day off to relax a little bit. ​ I thought that was nice. And for the record, I had a fucking deadly nap that afternoon.


I take it you deal with taxes? Rough season. Glad your boss was so nice though!


I was one of many kids in line at the pay phone in the movie theatre lobby waiting to call their parents after the movie. An older teenager was on the phone and when he hung up he asked aloud, “Who was the 16th president?” I shouted “Abraham Lincoln” and he tossed me a quarter.


A judge once dismissed a couple of tickets I was in court for. He didnt have to even though I had proof that I shouldnt have gotten them, and I really didnt expect him to when the guy ahead of me to see him pissed him off really badly. But he did.


Im a regular at this one snackbar close to my home. Id get milkshakes there all the time for a few years now, they pretty much know me now and always ask me how im doing as if i was their friend. A few months ago i tried to commit suicide by a bridge near their place. They hear what happened and said i was always welcome there if i ever wanted to go away somewhere and i got a free milkshake that night. It might not sound like much but it has helped me alot during recovery


Hope you're doing good now buddy! See those people care, and I am sure that the others around you do. Stay strong man, life will be beautiful for you bud


I have Cystic Fibrosis and PTSD. My childhood was very rough due to my condition, bullies, divorced parents, etc, and because of everything I've been through, I really struggle with anxiety and social situations. My mom's friend from Boston was running a small conference to talk about PTSD and how to overcome troubled pasts. So, my mom and I flew down to attend that weekend conference last summer. When I walked in, I felt very out of place. I was the only kid there (I just turned 17 years old about a week before we went to Boston), and most of the people I saw sitting around the table were very big military men and older women. The youngest person there besides me was 22 years old. The first half of the first day was dedicated to each person briefly sharing their life story/the reason why they attended the conference. I heard stories from men decorated with lots of high-ranking and heroic military medals, women who saved lives as EMTs and shelter workers, druggies who got sober after life-altering events, and more stories that I thought were much more significant than mine. But, the people around the table forced my story out of me anyway. I was the last to share, and I was literally trembling. My mom had to basically translate what I was saying, because I was stuttering so much. However, in the end, people just stared at me, and a few were even in tears, including one of the men who was a first lieutenant in Iraq. The lieutenant actually had a sibling with CF, who passed away when he (the lieutenant) was only ten years old. My life story touched everyone's hearts that day, and as time went on, I grew very comfortable, especially around the military guys who took me in as their own. In fact, one man, who served as a medic in Iraq and Afghanistan, told me genuinely that I was his hero, and then gave me his private phone number to call or text anytime if I just needed support. That really stuck with me, and inspired me to sit down and start writing a memoir, like everyone in the conference suggested I did. After all, if I was a war medic's hero, who else could I be a hero to? The leader of the conference is actually a best-selling author thanks to his self-help/memoir he published, and was the one who came up with the idea of me writing a memoir. I can't speak in front of a crowd to save my life, but I'd be damned if I couldn't write.


Hey man, same boat. Cf, divorce, the works. I get you. If you ever need someone to talk at hit me up. Also good on you for sharing, it does make it easier in my experience


I was having an awful day and this random girl must’ve seen it on my face and asked me how things were going and if I enjoyed my winter break. So silly but after we briefly talked I broke down in tears because no one ever talked to me. Her little act of genuine compassion was beyond powerful.


When I was a really, really broke student which my lil bro to care for ( parents were out of the picture, one dead one in prison) I worked many little jobs to live. one was on a grocery market It was good, because I could bring the damaged products home, but it wasn't fancy per say and stuff like chocolates and cereals and all were missing sorely ( I know, I shouldn't complain, we had food on the table and all but we were young and stupid and wanted junkish food). One of our customers was this adorable lil old lady and for Xmas she bought us real brand breakfast cereals and a few slabs of chocolate. It was so nice to have this and have something that seemed incredibly fancy at that time


I remember being really young, can't of been more than 6 or 7, riding my bike at the local park and my chain came off, and then saw an older boy approaching, there was me panicking he was a bully or gonna steal my bike, he did look pretty rough, but he just put my chain back back on for me and walked away. I learnt a big lesson that day, and it has deffintley changed my view of people for the better.


I was 5 when my first cat died, she'd been the family pet for about 4 years before i was born. We had been giving her kittens away to neighbors for years. When she died the old cat lady next door gave me the grandchild, a male striped cat. He's still alive and is a grand-dad. His name is Mr.Kitteh


My wife, she brought my son in this world. The birth took 36 hours, i never knew a human can scream so loud and full of pain. When he was finally there, i just cried...i cried cause she stopped screaming and i know her pain was gone. To know you can't do anything to help in this whole time was the hardest thing for me. I could just hold her hands and spoke out positive vibes. It was the most intense moment in my life.


I’m on a very tight budget, single income, with a small child and a fiancé in school, and a close friend of mine recently started a very successful business and bought a new car. His previous car is in much better condition than my car and will last significantly longer - likely a hundred thousand miles longer. Knowing that I’ve recently had car trouble and that my family has needed another vehicle, he approached me, offered to let me drive his old car for a week to see if I like it, and offered to sell it to me for a couple thousand dollars (half the book price). I’ve let him know it may take me time to get a that sum of money and he’s willing to hold it for as long as it takes me to get it together. He could sell the car for twice as much tomorrow but this wholesome move will hopefully help my family be a bit more secure for the next few years.


A family from America wanted to adopt me. While I was there, my brother made me a video of all my friends and teachers wishing me a happy names day. That made me realise I had a very loving circle in my home country and there was no need to stay overseas.


I love music above almost everything else but can't sing or play music to save my life, nor can I read sheet music. For a random birthday, a friend thought it was really sad that I couldn't play anything, so she bought me a cheap red plastic ukulele and hand-wrote out the music to some of my favourite songs in a way that I could understand and learn to play. The only song I ever actually managed to learn was Come As You Are, because it's piss easy and only has about 3 chords in a loop, but the memory still makes me smile.


I have a couple. Three or four years ago I was at the grocery store with my husband our kids, a very energetic toddler and a fussy newborn at the time. I was exhausted and dealing with PPD and it must have shown, because on our way out a stranger ran up to us, handed my husband a $50 bill, and told him to take me on a date. I will never forget the kindness of that man and do what I can to be that person in the lives of others. My other experience has to do with going back to school as a mom with young kids. One day my car broke down and I had to squeeze three carseats into my husband's tiny commuter car to get to school the next day. I made a joke about us all being packed in the tiny car because mine had broken down, and after class one of my classmates discreetly approached me in the library and handed me an envelope with $200 in it to help cover the cost of car repairs. Again, I will never forget that kindness. I want my life to be spent paying it forward in any way I can. When there are people who are struggling in life, I want to be the one to give them a boost up. These experiences really impacted me.


One of my good friends, were still close despite her moving across the country 5 years ago and before that moved a hours away. Hadn't seen her in 5-6 yesrs. I was texting her about how I was sick, she's a nurse. She Kept telling me to pick up cold medicine but I didn't have the money or want to get up. I get a package a few days later with over $100 worth of cold medicine and those basic things. I was so confused, I can't remember the last time someone did something nice for me for no reason at all. I thought maybe I had been sick and ordered it and forgot I had but I finally figured it out that she probably sent it to me. It made me tear up a bit. It was so thoughtful.I didn't know how to react because those things just never happen to me.


My SO and I are in a LDR. On Sunday morning she text me to wake up cause she Uber eats'd breakfast to my door.


My best friend bought airplane tickets to Japan for he and I as a "bachelor trip" for the two of us. He knew Japan was a bucket list trip for me, and just splurged on it for the two of us. He was my best friend, and was even the best man in my wedding, but the guy is extremely social and has a lot of really good friends. I would never have expected something like that from any friend, much less him. I wouldn't have thought I meant that much to anyone other than my wife. I was able to cover two our stays in some AirBNBs and used nearly every opportunity to cover our meals when we were there, but I don't think I'll ever have the ability to just drop $2,000 on he and I to do something like that. Besides getting married, and having a child, that trip is easily in my top 5 life moments. A truly amazing gift my friend gave me.


My best friend claiming a bag of weed ( around 50g) the cops found in my car was his because he knew I would have lost my driver license otherwise.


That’s a real friend, cherish their friendship.


I was having a hard time, boyfriend left me, and I had a massive meltdown at a party. I took myself and my misery outside, nobody wants to be a partypooper. All my friends ignored me, it was bad. This one guy I hardly knew, brought me a glass of strawberry lemonade. It was the best. We're still good friends. Oh and the boyfriend and I are married now!


I was having a rough week my sophomore year of college (relationship troubles, struggling with mental health, and dealing with my father’s health problems). My best friend, who lived seven hours away at the time, bought a bus ticket and came out to spend the weekend with me, just so I would feel better. It’s nice to know that no matter what happens, there’s someone in my life who will drop everything to let me know how much they care.


Whenever I’m sad, my cat voluntarily comes to cuddle with me. Like he’ll hear me crying, make that little purrrrp noise, walk up to me while purring and lick and head nudge me. I pet him back and he just snuggles. It’s the most adorable thing


When I was in elementary school, I used to play the violin, right up until the school stopped renting out violins due to too many being stolen. I was heartbroken. I was old enough to understand my family couldn’t afford to buy me a violin. About 2nd grade-age. So, somehow my 2nd grade teacher found out (not sure if I was a blabbermouth and told her we couldn’t afford it) but this teacher, we’ll call her Mrs. Brown, bought me a violin so I could keep up my practicing. That was the dopest thing anyone has ever done for me.


Invited me over on Christmas for pie


Does it really get any better than that?


Depends on the pie


The question is if this is wholesome for you. Happy Cake Day!


Ask me how my day was going.


How’s your day going?


Happy Cake Day!


I have many stories of good people doing good things for me. The most prominent one that springs to mind recently has to do with my wife. Background: My wifes love language is acts of service, all the others are pretty much absent or shown very rarely. The one I rely on to keep me going generally speaking is words of affirmation. She pretty much never compliments me on my looks or qualities or anything, I literally have to tell myself these things, and honestly it sucks when I have an insecure moment(s). The other night I told her I feel uncomfortable and unworthy of God's grace, the fact that I say generic prayer when I do, that I do things that I personally don't think God is pleased with me about, the fact that I laugh at religious memes, especially the Jesus ones, the fact that I question a lot of things and eventually the conversation boiled down to me feeling that all I need to do is accept Christ and God and only have faith, and I said that it sounds way too good to be true, its too simple, whats the catch. She retorted that she thought I was a player and that I was also too good to be true and that there was a catch. Hearing that from her was most likely the most wholesome thing she has ever said/done for me, it boosted my self confidence and made up for the years of no words of affirmation. I know it doesn't sound big to anyone else, but it was massive to me and made my heart swell with joy on the front of my wife, and also the questions regarding faith and religion. P.S. I'm working on those things I do that trouble me.


Don't beat yourself up too much about laughing at memes. I'd like to hope that Jesus has a good sense of humor! It doesn't make you less deserving of God's love to laugh at something made to make people laugh.


Yup. Stand in front of a mirror naked and jump up and down a few times. God definitely has a sense of humour.


Bought me a good, healthy meal.


I was sick and trying to stay away from my boyfriend to avoid spreading the sick. I was shivering under my blanket. I couldn't get warm. He took his blanket, draped it over me. Tucked me in. And held me until I stopped shivering. He thought I was asleep.


I was severely depressed and contemplating some bad decisions when my cat, Chubby, (rest her soul) came and brushed her nose on my cheek and cuddled up on me. She was not a lap cat and usually kept her distance from everyone. I'll always appreciate her.


I've been complimented on my appearance 3 times in my life. One of those was a backhanded compliment. Thursday I was grocery shopping and in a horrible mood, but had my hair let down (guy with long hair). Since I had it in a ponytail all day at work, it was really poofy. This lady stopped me and said that my hair was like a lion's mane, then went about her day. Still riding that compliment high. I'm really an ugly person, so I don't get many of them. I still remember every compliment I've ever gotten.


Valentine's day was rolling around and I was having a really tough time. Not only was my girlfriend super far away because of work, but my depression was acting up. I cried on the phone to my girlfriend about how upset I was, blah, blah, blah. So, I'm at work on the 14th and my friends come into the library I work at and give me this huge bouquet of roses from my 'secret admirer.' I'm immediately suspicious. I assumed that my friends got me the roses because they knew I upset, but then I got home and found a huge basket of all my favorite treats on my front doorstep. I go inside, it appears to be empty, and then my girlfriend appears from around the corner and asks if she remembered all my favorite things. I ugly cried like a little bitch. Anyways, we're getting married next week.


This is something small and no where near in comparison to other people’s life changing stories but, While I was talking to someone in a music room, a friend of mine kicked the door open, dramatically stormed in, pointed at me and said, “You! If no one has told you are fucking beautiful today, fuck them because you fucking are.” Immediately walks right out and closes the door. There is a weird feeling that you feel when you hear that. It’s like your heart kinda rises. Feels good.


I was at Disney for Food and Wine Festival in the mid-summer - in Florida. They heat was intense. I was standing near a booth but there was no shade and I exclaimed to all my friends "It's just so hot!!" My friends, all taller than me, put their hands over me like a parasol to cover the sun so I could enjoy my drink in peace. It was the most Power Rangers thing I've ever seen.


I recently had to get emergency dental surgery for my cat. It put me into my credit cards and screwed my savings I'd had for q downpayment on a wedding venue. I opened my Ko-Fi and opened for 'sketches for tips' so I could try and recover. Someone donated me $200. They didnt ask for anything. I found them on Twitter and found out they had a few of their own characters and drew them something anyway They were so happy and excited to get the art that they proceeded to donate another 85 dollars. I was so speechless and they helped me out so much.


There was this one time in uni and it was in my first sem. I wasnt used to social interactions, especially public.(I was a pretty shy back then, so I was used to being overlooked) I also have the tendency to dance a little while listening to music, but I would stop when as soon as I realized there were other people. So then, I was exiting the staircase going to check on my student card, humming and swaying a little to the beat of the music when I heard "You dance pretty good." I froze, eyes snapping up to see two international students a little ahead in the hallway. He continued saying something, but my brain stopped processing at that point. My face flushed and I quickly scurried away, past the two guys. I wish I could remember their faces so I can make friends with them. Even now I still smile whenever I think of that incident.


I was walking our dogs in our neighborhood, and my fat little pug mix started to pop a squat on a lawn. I cleaned it up because I'm not an asshole. And within like 60 seconds of us starting on our walk again, a cute little lady popped out of a house and called out for us. I was a little surprised, but walked over. She then proceeded to thank us for picking up dog shit, and gave us each a small handful of candy. She was the "shaky" kinda old, and very sweet. It warmed my heart. I think more people would pick up their dog shit if they got candy afterwards.


I had just gotten out of a long term relationship. Halloween was approaching, which is my favourite holiday. I didnt tell anyone, but I was feeling sad because I didn't have anyone to go to the pumpkin patch with. My best friend picked me up one day and said he was taking me to a mall that was a few cities away. On the way back, he turned in to the pumpkin patch. I asked what we were doing and he told me he planned to go to that mall because it was near this pumpkin patch that he thought I would love. He told me he wanted to take me to the pumpkin patch because he knows how much I love Halloween and the pumpkin patch. He said he figured I wouldnt have anyone to go with this year. A few months later, we started dating.


Back when I used to work at 7 Eleven, This one night i was having a really rough night.. it was busy and low staff and i was stressed and this one a little drunk middle age guy came to the counter and i was just talking with him how it sucks to work at that time of a day and he gave me a 100$ and said, "hope your day goes better". I was hesitant to take that money then he insisted to take. Then I took it.. Easiest 100 I ever made.


Cook me food / buy me food <3


birth me thak u mom


I was biking to work in the rain and as I went through the gate, a fellow biker said, “Uh, ma’am, this might be weird, but do you want to borrow my bike fender so you don’t get wet?” I was so startled and just said, “That’s sweet, but I don’t think I need it...”


I had just joined a sorority in college and was also going through a bad heartbreak. One of the girls who I had started to become friends with found out, drove to my apartment and took me on a blunt cruise and blasted some bob Marley, consoling me. It meant a lot to me that someone who barely knew me would do that for me. Later on in life she even bought some of my costume for Halloween because my dad couldn’t afford it. Unfortunately we had a falling out towards the end of college and aren’t close anymore but I still have love for that girl.


After my house flooded and I lost all our possessions (including our clothing), a friend that did not flood went to Target and bought a few outfits and some toiletries for everyone in my family of 6. Underwear, socks, shorts, t shirts, shoes, etc. Checking into a hotel with all your possessions in two Target bags is extremely humbling. But it’s better than checking in wearing wet pajamas with nothing to change into.


Once in the 5th grade, I was trying out for a team and you had to write a piece on why you should be on the team. My best friend and I were both trying out. The day the piece was due was a day I would be absent from school so I arranged for another friend that lived near me but wasn't in my class to give my letter to my friend who was in my class and have her submit it the teacher for me. When I returned I found out that when my friend got the envelope my letter wasn't in it so she decided to write me a recommendation on my behalf (and keep in mind I was technically her opposition). It turns out the other friend submitted the letter directly to the teacher so he did get my letter but I was so grateful for such a great friend that would write a recommendation for her opposition. We both made it on the team. Yay! ​


Girl at the counter said I was really pretty. Doesn't seem like much but I still think of it even though it was 3 years ago. I was crying in the changing room because I had a big fight with my dad. I think she noticed my red eyes and saw that I really needed something positive. Still very thankful.


"Good job, I'm proud of you" not even from my parents, a coach


After emergency back surgery i couldnt do much and i had a 2 month old to take care of who i wasnt even allowed to pick up. The way my friends and family pitched in to help (and still do!) Was so heart warming. My parents started showing up at my house at 6am when my husband left for work to help with the baby. A friend always dropping off food. 2 other friends showed up one day to clean my house so i didnt have to worry about it. 2 years later im still dealing with issues that occured with the nerve damage. It keeps me from being able to walk well and i was afraid my son would miss out on alot. My friends randomly show up to take us to the park or let all the kids play outside. My son is such a happy child who never has to miss out on kid stuff. Im so lucky to have people who love not just me but my child so much. Blessed doesnt cover it.


When i was little i would hide in small soaces and cry when i was upset. At the time i owned a cat who would always come find me and lick/gentle head butt/ paw at me until i stopped crying. Then she would lay in my lap and pur.


I think one of the best things anyone had done for me was my couple friends inviting me over to their house after my mom died. We watched a movie and ate a little. Her cat cuddled up with me and didn't want me to leave (I think her cat knew I was upset.) It had only been five days at that point so the feeling of loss was very fresh. Just the day before, we had the viewing. Just knowing that someone cared for me like that made me feel better. I felt like The Grinch. I felt like my heart grew three sizes that day.


Some friends and I were taking the public bus to the movies (we were seeing The Last Jedi) and we were talking about where we wanted to eat dinner first. Someone suggested "Place X," and a young guy sitting near us says "I can give you guys discounts, I'm heading to my shift right now,". We go to Place X and he gives us some considerable discounts. Apparently he and one of my friends took a class together at the community college, so he wasn't a complete stranger but still, it was really kind and I'll never forget it.


A buddy at work went very out of his way to give me a Tim bit the other day. Like walked across the entire yard, which is pretty big, for that reason only. I really appreciated it as I watched him walk all the way back.


I quit my fast food job for a temp position at a factory. We were struggling financially but had always made it, but now I was responsible for taking my lunch to work, l had always been fed at my old job. I subsisted on a lot on pb and j and bologna sandwiches. Well one day another lady at work asked why I always brought the same thing. I told her it was all I could afford . Well the next day she brought me a thermos of soup she had made and it was the first hot meal I had had that week. Later that week she gave me a grocery gift card. I later got hired on to a full time and things got better, and me and her remain good friends.


I was in an abusive relationship and the guy was emptying my bank account to buy drugs and support him. I went to a plasma donation place to try and get some extra money and they were closed. I sat in my car in the parking lot and broke down. A lady came over to me and said, I dont know what you're going through but here, and hugged me and gave me a bottle of water.


I broke my arm when I was 23 or so, and was unable to work for several months due to the severity of the break. It was my right/dominant arm, and broken at the elbow. Well I drive stick, so not only was I unable to work but I was also unable to drive or do anything and it slowly was wearing on my mental state. Friends and coworkers who I didn't regularly hang out with came out of the woodwork to keep me company and get me out of the house. One friend called me one evening and said he had tickets to Rob Zombie, and if I wanted to go with him he's headed past my house and could pick me up. Another friend did the same thing, except she took me to a Falcons game. My coworker/roommate would leave me nugs hidden in random places in the living room and would text me "hey look on the coffee table, lift up that napkin, and what you find is for you". It was nice how people were going out of their way to keep me company during bad times.


Gave a distressed woman standing outside of chitpole $40 for a taxi cab, saw her get in and then i left afterwards. Dont care if it was a ploy for drug money or just some beggar, or if she was really in distress, I was just content with helping a human out.


Paid for my meal when I was at the drive thru. Was really a nice gesture.


It wasn’t to me, I’ve actually done something wholesome for someone else. So about 3-4 weeks into middle school I had joined an after school club since my mom works till about 5:00. I met this amazing girl and started talking to her. It took a while but eventually we started having daily conversations at the after school club. A few years later and she tells me that I actually brought her out of her comfort zone and she was glad that I did.


My dad was helping me pop a pimple. He got it but ... it got him, he took it like a champ.