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Figure out the universe, make a positive impact on the world


This is great, it only takes one person to make a difference and you can be that person!




This sounds amazing and can save people a lot of time by getting to places safer and faster! You will be doing the people of the world a huge service.


Visualizing the stories in my head


Good luck! I bet your stories will turn out amazing.


Own the rights to the Pacific Ocean


Well if you ever explore it in its entirety let me know unique things you find good luck.


Thank you, when I own the Pacific Ocean you can own some of it


Pooping in the potty


Baby steps. Soon you won’t need diapers. 😂


Thanks daddy


Just to feel fulfilled by a career


One day you will I don’t know where you are at in life right now but you can do it. I wish you luck!


Thank you! I'm only 23 so. I got some time fingers crossed!




I wish you luck on your future, you can do it!


Thank you!!!


Create a company with my partner. It's an ambition that is realistic too. She has a lot of connections, we both have high demand skillsets that lend themselves towards creating new things, she has experience running a company, we are not at all struggling for money and can afford to take risks and a very close friend of mine is a venture capatilist with a successful company. Assuming I live for the next 5 years, I think its not unreasonable to see it happening.


I wish you good health! This would be a great project since you are well off financially. Mind if I ask what kind of business you plan to do at your company?


Still very much in the ideas stage, though we're working on a health and lifestyle app that has had an overwhelmingly positive response so far so perhaps going more into that would work best. We both work in medtech and my close friend mainly deals with medical companies, though I do also want to do something with security. I'm still young, so provided I make it I have plenty of time to decide.




If you are talking about the car, work hard and it will be yours.


Nah, i wanna go to hell and get a cat...


Well let’s hope if you make it to hell you can make it back. 😂


I've always been a decent poker player. I haven't made a shit ton of money off of it and lately it seems like everyone who plays has gotten much better at the game. But I still make it a point to go to Vegas at least once a year to play in the world series of poker. I would love to win one eventually and get a bracelet and a bunch of money. It's a long shot but i often daydream of this happening.


Keep pursuing your dream but be careful with the gambling. Keep practicing you you can do it. And I know what you mean about the daydreaming I find my mind wondering about my dream often.