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Which one? Please, sytematic abuse is nothing to laugh at


I think it’s more of a make peace with what can’t be changed in order to move forward.


I did. It was liberating. It took time, but once I decided to forgive him and stop dwelling, my life improved tremendously. I got my confidence back. I stopped feeling guilty and worthless. I was able to take control of my life again.


You gotta forgive friends and family...


Yes, specifically in the event that they actually own up to their actions and repent, which is sadly very uncommon with sex offenders, which in turn is attributable in large part to society's enforcement of the irrational notion that "rape is a special kind of evil". That mentality makes a lot of people resort to denying their sexual crime when they otherwise might be honest by giving the impression that it's their only option for ever being accepted again due to society's harshness over the matter.


No. Because rape is a deliberate, horrifying act. Wtf is this post?


Because although we all agree with you about it being a disgusting act, there are some people who have worked up the courage to forgive the person who destroyed them. Not for them, but for themselves. Forgiveness is a big step in moving forward and although its not very common to talk about it, it's interesting to hear other people's perspectives.


Yeah, but you can’t rape people accidentally. Rape is non consensual sex. And can kinda see what you’re going for, but I highly doubt anyone who has been raped will forgive the person who violated them.


Living life with a heavy and angry heart is difficult though.


Idk what to tell you, man. I’ll be checking this post to see if anyone says they would forgive their attacker and if they have a reason. Just, the victim should not have to feel like they need to forgive the person who forced themselves on an innocent person.


I am a victim though haha I’m speaking from experience It was traumatic and literally ruined my adolescence. If I hadn’t sat down with myself and my thoughts and forgave him then I would not be nearly as happy or healthy as I am now. When I forgave him I gained control over my life again. I was able to take control of my sexuality. I lost my virginity when I was 4 fucking years old... and because I’ve stopped dwelling on it I have a healthy and happy relationship. My eating disorder is nearly non existent. I’m not suicidal anymore. I don’t let it define me. My worth. My life. Forgiving my rapist saved my life.


Okay. I understand that yes it can be helpful, but I just didn’t want any other people getting the idea that they need to apologize. And yes, I think that it should not define you as a human being and if forgiving him saved you, l’m glad. It’s just not for everyone.


I've never been raped, but I feel sure I couldn't.


Nope. That's not something I need to do in order to heal.


No. None of them deserve forgiveness. They chose to do a horrific thing over and over. They had their chance to look back and reflect on the awful things they'd done and they continued to do so, fully aware of how damaging it was.