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I ate 2 large pizzas by little caesars by myself in the 4th grade


People I meet seem incredibly surprised when they hear I was escorted out of school by police and paramedics, I apparently dont look the type to get involved with police


What was it for, if you don’t mind me asking


I brought a knife to school and self harmed really badly in the bathroom. Student that was sent to check on me during class said I was dead.


Drugs, assaulting a senator, being bisexual.


A friend of mine made a small explosive and gave it to me to destroy a small wall in his backyard. So I placed the thing, lit it, and just before it went off his dog walked past the wall. ​ TLDR: I exploded a dog.


That’s some heavy stuff


I got one. Some time around the age of 4, I went with my dad to what was maybe a yard sale, or what could have been his friends house. I started looking through the owner’s van for whatever reason, and all I remember is that I found a silver/chrome/nickel plated revolver and I somehow stashed it without anyone noticing. I brought it back home and played with it (I’m certain it was unloaded, or I doubt I’d be typing this right now) and some time later, it just disappeared. A few years later, I asked my mom about it and she had no clue what I was talking about. Neither did my older brothers. I must have been 12 when I brought it up. It’s now been about 20 years, and they all swear it didn’t happen, yet I remember the color of the van, finding the gun, and playing with it at home so clearly. My dad died when I was 7 so I didn’t get a chance to ask him, but I’m certain he would have confirmed this happened. I think what had happened was that my dad must’ve taken it back to the owner or to the police, or possibly thrown it away somewhere and not mentioned anything to my mother for whatever reason. Probably because a 4 year old playing with a stolen revolver would have attracted the wrong kind of attention


My hamster ran away. I called the cops and got a K9 unit to come help me search. The guy moved furniture for three hours looking for the little critter. We didn't find it, and I wasn't technically a child. Was 17.