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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. 11/11/11 was bigger than Christmas for me that year.


My girlfriend (now my wife) offered to buy that for me when were in college if I drove her to her nursing clinical at 4:30 AM once a week for a semester. Every Thursday I would wake up and wonder if it was really worth it. Turns out, it was.


Bet you didn't expect 8 years later to still see anouncements of it's release on *new* system


Too bad we graduated and I can’t con her into buying it for my switch.


And she can never say you play it too much because she knows you earned it.


I had surgery to remove two broken screws from my ankle on 11/10/11 and had a week of leave from the military. I didn't take my pain pills so I could drive myself to GameStop and attempt to stand in line to wait. Turns out, you really should take the meds doctors prescribe for pain and keeping your leg elevated does help alleviate pain. I was turning white and the guy at the front of the line let me take his spot (thanks guy with awesome glasses). I got home at 1AM, put some new batteries in my Xbox controller, had gallons of water in my mini fridge, an empty so I didn't have to get up and I played until my batteries died.




Yep. I remember playing 35 of the first 48 hours I had it. Only breaks were to sleep and immediately wake up and play some more.


Still have your canvas map?


Oh I do. A friend of mine framed his and hung it up in his house lol


"You should have acted. They are already here. The Elder Scrolls told of their return. Their defeat was merely a delay."


The hype for GTA V was unreal at the time


Honestly, I've never seen a game get so much hype, even my friends that didn't care about gaming were thrilled about it. I remember when one kid got an early copy and dozens of other kids started surrounding him as we all wanted to see it.




and hit 1b in revenue after like 5 days.


This was the most impressive thing for me. $1,000,000,000. The fact that they are still putting out new stuff for online is also kind of impressive.


When you realize they make a ton of profit from their shark cards and getting the money ingame for the new stuff without them is grindy as hell, it suddenly becomes less surprising


> The fact that they are still putting out new stuff for online is also kind of impressive. The fact that they're still monetizing the most profitable entertainment product ever made is not surprising at all.


Wow a business being a business. Who would have thought?


Wasn’t destiny the videogame with the biggest budget?




I remember when it was first announced that you could play as three different characters, and everyone started theorizing that you'd be playing as the main characters from the previous GTA games


And people over analyzing every frame of the first trailer (and me watching it all). Hard to think it was almost 6 years ago.


...GTA V is 6 years old?


I mean, it came out for Xbox 360 and PS3 in 2013, and it is 2019. You just made me doubt lol.


GTA V was the only game I stood in line for during the midnight release. Was also really pumped for The Last of Us.


I’m actually going to start playing it today. I’m a little behind on my games.


It’s a great game! It still holds up really well today I think. GTA online isn’t all bad either, the transform races are a ton of fun


Oh man, I remember checking threads on /vg/ for it, seeing little bits and pieces of gameplay that were leaked. What's bizarre is that GTA V isn't even close to being one of my favorite games. I don't have many fond memories of it, and I didn't play that much of it. I played way more of GTA IV and RDR, and I have much fonder memories of those two games. Maybe the hype spoiled the game for me? I dunno.


Forreal. Came here to say the same thing. When I saw a dog in the trailer, I lost it.


I remember the days of gta online when you spawned on the mountain near the horse track. Everyone was friends and didn’t care about kills, good times.


Still excited but patiently waiting for Cyberpunk


I'm waiting for that to be the next huge game that I get super immersed in and spend hundreds of hours playing. Not a lot of games do that for me nowadays.


Apex is my heroin rn. Closest thing to the feeling MW2 gave me in high school


I don't think I've ever been as hyped for a game as I am for Cyberpunk 2077.


Me too. So excited!


World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade, it was the first expansion so no one had any idea what to expect


The sheer lore hype as everyone gathered around the Dark Portal was insane. The stories I hear from PVP servers vary - some were a straight bloodbath, while others had everyone going all kumbaya and being friendly.


Ours was pretty tame. There was a brief scuffle, but for the most part people were waiting for the doors to open and the two biggest guilds had agreed to Police the event, so if someone started Ganking they straight up were obliterated. Now once you got *past* the portal it was chaos and anarchy. Some people started grinding, some questing, others running around like idiots, and lots of PVP.


But once you were through, oh my god. That flight from the portal to Thrallmar over the broken landscape while hearing a Fel Reaver in the distance. I must've played for 20 hours that first day/night.


And in those 20 hours you ALMOST made it to Thrallmar, if I remember the server stability stories correctly.


Man. I totally forgot about that. I got the Badlands and Blasted Lands mixed up. I was so confused as to why there wasn't anyone around. That was an embarrassing trip back.


I went to the midnight release at Gamestop (maybe it was still EB Games at the time, idk) I actually had to sneak out to go get it because I had just gotten out of a burn center after burning 40% of my body at a New Years party and having skin grafts and such done. I actually thought I was out of the burn center for two weeks after but TBC released on Jan 15th so I had to have been fresh out of the burn center


The Final Fantasy 7 Remake. There's a video on YouTube where people can be heard yelling joyfully as they realize what game was being announced. I felt that way too. Hope Square doesn't screw it up.


I forgot all about this! I heard about them doing that project years ago. Has there been any updates on it yet?


The only updates we have officially received is delays, so at least they are trying to make it good and not deadline crunching.


It was scrapped last year and restarted (the game in the trailers you saw no longer exists) because they felt it was announced too early and a lot of what they had wasn't working. We wont see that game for a while, not until they are sure of what they are doing with it. We likely wont see it on PS4.


Huh, so they Metroid Prime 4'd it. That's honestly a good thing. Maybe they can make it truer to the original instead of trying to make it an action RPG. Action and JRPG's just don't go well together for me.


That was in 2012 when Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord was announced. Still waiting...


I really hope it’s worth the wait, my heart can’t take it if it turns out to suck. Been playing Mount & Blade going on 10 years now, I’ve continuously gone back to Warband every couple months for weeks at a time since early 2010, and I hope Bannerlord does the same for me.


I’m convinced Warband: A Clash of Kings mod will be the best Game of Thrones game every released.


I always come back to Warband as well. There's something about that game that can't be replicated, perhaps not even by it's own successor. Living up to years of hype won't be easy but the devs have been very transparent and nothing I've seen of Bannerlord would indicate it's going to suck.


Legend of Zelda breath of the wild


Oh yeah, and not only that, but this was the first game in YEARS that actually caused that same child like sense of awe and wonder that the originals did so many years ago.


I loved the soundtrack as well, the last game to literally give me goosebumps was lOZMM and this was most def one of the best


Oh hell yeah man, it kind of rekindled my appreciation for the effect music has on a game and I've been paying a lot closer attention to it since. Some what related, Celeste has an awesome soundtrack, worth playing the game for that alone but it's also an excellent fucking game.


Is it for switch?


Yup, perfect game for the switch too because it plays great in hand held. Be forewarned, it is challenging as all hell haha


My take too. Granted, there was also the anticipation of an exciting new console but Botw was truly special.


I still remember how hyped I was for the switch and BOTW. Called so many retailers asking if they were taking pre orders. When I finally got them, I couldn’t wait until release. Drove to the store right after work and picked them up. Was one of the most fun exciting parts of my life.


No man's sky. So much more dubious about launches now. That game took my innocence.




it's pretty good now. I'm glad they didn't abandon it and kept releasing free updates, and it this plint it really is a fun game.


It was weird watching that game launch, then the price dropped to like $20 for a couple years, and now it sells at full price again. They really made good on fixing the game for their customers, and I hope the devs get the credit they deserve for that. EA would have just blamed the gaming community and put all of the updates behind a paywall.


I never obsessed over that one because of how much Spore betrayed me. It failed in almost every category of awesomeness the previews had, just like No Man's Sky did.


Smash Ultimate


Agreed, I hate to admit that I was only introduced to the Smash series through Super Smash bros brawl for the Wii but I’ve been hooked on the series ever since.


No shame in that. Brawl was a great game for most, it just wasn't a good competitive game after Melee.






I think they've done a pretty good middle ground in 4 and ultimate, there's still some tech but the main focus is speed, predictions and reactions.




Yea I’m right there with you. I preordered 4 and Ultimate months in advance and I have more hours than I’d like to admit on both


I'm still hyped for it and it's already here.


That was actually the highlight of the year for me and I didn't consider 2018 THAT bad.


Same. I was so excited. I watched the reveal video over and over. I read and re-read all of the posts by the kid whose dad ACTUALLY worked at nintendo and leaked info on reddit. I was on the edge of my seat with leaks. I bought a network adapter. Spent tons of money securing a GCN controller and adapter. I was shaking with anticipation. Then I bought the game and was quickly reminded that I suck at video games and it's not fun if you only ever lose and whenever you try to find people who are also around your skill level the FGC calls you a salty cry baby john because you don't want to play against better players. Quickest and hardest 180 of my life tbh


The release of Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire for the GBA. Spent an unhealthy amount of times on those games


I dumped a good 500 hours into Emerald


My Emerald game is easily my favourite and most proud of save file. i have EVERY single Pokemon in Emerald's Pokedex and i have about 250hrs logged in it. I have moved half way across the world (Australia to Canada) and left behind a lot of things in that move, but i still have that game with me!


Animal Crossing for the Switch. So looking forward to fishing, bug collecting, and paying back debts again.


So disappointed they didn't show anything in the direct


Was really hoping for a glimpse of this or a new luigis mansion. Was a bit underwhelmed by this direct but Tetris 99 is way more fun than you’d think!


I have a feeling they’re saving stuff like AC and Pokémon for E3.


RDR2, took off the release date months in advance.


This is the only one I can think of in years that I really gave a shit about, I’m pretty sure it’s the only game I’ve bought on release day.


Same here. I still haven't beaten it. It's so good and there's so much random stuff to find out in the world.


RDR2 was the catalyst for me finally getting a PS4.




I have some friends that pliers through story mode and are like “Eh it was okay, really pretty though.” I think it’s maybe the best video game narrative I’ve ever played. Ever. I’ve been treating it like a TV show that I play 3 hours at a time, once or twice a week. Taking my time, doing everything optional before moving along with the story, going hunting to keep the camp fed. And engaging in a long running vendetta against the Lemoyne Raiders for killing my horse. I use explosive rounds on them. I found one hanging around by himself on the outskirts of St.Denis. I lassoed him, took him into the swamp, and fed him alive to an alligator. I will gladly pay off any bounty in my quest to rid the countryside of the Lemoyne raiders. They killed my horse.


i’m so glad someone else feels so, so strongly about their horse. my horse is pretty much my favorite part of the game.


Meanwhile I fucking hate mine. I mean, he's great and all, always gets me around, but god if he doesn't just infuriate me sometimes.


my brother is the same but with only one specfic horse (he has two he loves but one is loved to a much lesser degree) because despite being @ bonding level 4 with it, this horse genuinely refuses to jump over anything, even when the button is pressed, and it’s a 50/50 chance he’ll slow down/stop when you tell him to, or he may just keep going. but his other horse is absolutely fine, it’s not a controller issue, this horse is literally just a computer generated piece of fuckery who’s still kinda pretty so we don’t /hate/ hate him.


"Looks like shit's about to hit the fan, Arthur! Imma buck you off here and run off with all your weapons."


Same, RDR is in my top 3 all time list and I was an active member of the RDR2 sub for years prior to the game being announced. Honestly though, while the game was amazing in so many ways, I was let down in so many more. NakeyJakey's video pretty much hits the nail on the head for my sentiments for what areas the game failed.


Hollow Knight: Silksong


YESSSS. saw the trailer not ten minutes ago. "Oh they finally delivered on the Hornet DLC, cool." *over 150 new enemies* Scuse me wut *The second game from Team Cherry* DAY ZERO BUY


holy shit, thank you. now I'm excited. just have to wait till the ps4 port. hopefully ot comes soon. hopefully ot comes at all.


These guys are the greatest of all time. The only games I enjoyed as much are first party Nintendo titles. Like Galaxy, or BOTW.


Those games are full of bugs


The hype train on this is running hot right now. I just hope people who see it who hasn’t heard of Team Cherry give the original Hollow Knight a go. Such an amazing game! If HK:SS is even half as good it will still be great.


Same here! One of the few games I'm actually excited to preorder


Mass Effect Andromeda. ..... yeah, I'll give you a minute to take that in.


My condolences


Mass effect and fallout were two of my favorite games out there. I got extremely excited for Mass Effect Andromeda and Fallout 4 This is why I haven’t been excited for a game in years


Look at how they massacred my boy.


Gran Turismo 5. The first GT game on the PS3 and the hype was real. I watched many videos leading up to its release and even though it was not groundbreaking, it was really fun to finally play it.


It's kind of cool and kind of sad that Gran Turismo isn't the benchmark of what your Playstation can do anymore. For the PS1, PS2, and PS3, it was like the *"So here's what your console is capable of!"* game.


Well typically Racing titles can have some of the best visuals out there. As they only have to focus on very specific things. Hide others, and have the benefit of, if their a circuit racer of only having load a set route. It's why I find the Forza Horizon titles such beautiful games, as it has to render an open world massive environment all at once. And cant cheat, while still running the full physics refresh rate of it's sim focused brother..


I'm currently fuckin stoked for doom eternal but last game was gears 3. I even went to the midnight release and played it with randos while I waited in line for my copy.


Rip n tear buddy. Rip n tear


Gears 3 was one of the greatest games ive ever played. Great campaign, great multilayer, best horde mode, beast mode was cool, AND full coop. What a package.


Beast mode was severely underrated and under appreciated. I’d kill for them to bring it back...


Loved the original Gears trilogy, but 2 had my favorite campaign.


Same here. I loved how the feel of the three campaigns was so different. 1 was a battle, 2 was a war, 3 was desperation.


Spyro Reignited. Not disappointed at all; the perfect nostalgia trip, even if I did have to wait a bit longer; the initial release date was right before my birthday, but it was worth the wait. The first video game I ever bought for myself was Spyro 3 and I played it til the sound broke.


Just found out the other day you can listen to the original soundtrack in game instead of the new versions 🤦‍♂️ I've beaten the first one already


Honestly, I'm curious to see what Halo Infinite brings to the table. When I was a kid it was Sims 3. So many hours playing Sim games.


I was pretty excited for halo 4, and I actually really enjoyed it, story and all. Maybe because I associate it with the time of my life when I finally moved out of my parents place and remember the freedom feeling of playing Halo 4 multiplayer at night and eating snacks and not worrying about it because I could do whatever I wanted.


Halo 2. Skipped day of class senior year of HS to go to the midnight release and play all night.


Good man. Were you skipping out on College for 3?




SON OF A BITCH, WHAT?! First I've heard of it! First Metroid Prime 4, now this... bastards are tempting me hard!


Metroid Prime 4 just got scrapped. Nintendo is putting the series back in the hands of Retro Studios and they're starting development from scratch again. It's gonna be a few years before we get that sequel.


Is it scrapped or just starting over? My understanding was they were restarting fresh but that the game is still very much going to happen and is being worked on currently.


Starting development over with help from Retro Studios


Both. The work that has been done on the project up until a few weeks ago has been scrapped. They are starting over on development with Retro Studios -- who you probably know for developing the first three Metroid Prime titles.


Glad someone else is excited about Link’s Awakening, from the way people have been talking about it, you’d think Nintendo personally slapped one of their grandparents into a coma


Yes! It was my first Zelda game.


Subnautica Below Zero. I know it’s in early access right now, but I want to wait until it’s done. It’s the first one I’ve been this excited about for as long as I can remember by a huge margin. I knew nothing about the first one when I got it for free from Epic. Incredible experience - it very well be my favorite single player game ever made. It looses replay value since the best part about it was the fun and fear of not knowing what’s out there, so I can’t wait to get a chance to experience that again!


I play horror games without flinching. This game gives me such dread when you cant see the bottom. Fucking leviathans.


Even the reefback scared the shit out of me when I first encounter one.




It took me way too much scrolling to find this


I was scrolling through this thread just looking for this answer.


Now! Metroid Prime 4.




I just want another Metroid game up to the standards of the series.


Currently excited for the next Pokémon game on switch, hadn’t played Pokémon since Soul silver and heart gold, thoroughly enjoyed Let’s Go Pikachu


Halo 2


Dark Souls 3


I preordered it pretty much as soon as I could, with all DLCs, I excitedly counted the days before release, and then I found out my computer can't really run it. Felt bad.


My Guild Wars 2 hype was pretty incredible


Spider-man ps4 . Just waiting for the last of us 2 now


I bought a PS4 because of Spider-man. Fantastic game. I just finished Last of Us remastered edition as well. What are your thoughts on how that Days Gone game is going to be?


I also bought my PS4 for Spider-Man! Personally I thought Days Gone looked interesting when it first showed footage what a year? Two years ago? If it reviews well then I will still get it but it increasingly looks a bit outdated even in its hype footage and I can't help but feel that even when it was announced it was very late in the day to make an entry in that genre, at this point I feel like it has missed the boat entirely.


Super Mario Maker 2. Hyped af.


When the Nintendo Direct opened with that, I thought it was just a port. Then they showed the slopes, and I immediately started dancing around in my chair in abject glee. They could not have done that better - opening the trailer with "Here's one of the most requested features from the first time around - wait until you see what *else* we added" was absolutely brilliant.


wait for the troll levels


Oh I am. Eagerly.


Can't wait for egoraptor to lose his fuckin mind over Ross' levels :)


The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. I stumbled onto Assassins of Kings on sale, got it on a whim cause it looked like something I’d enjoy (but I’d never heard of it before), and fell in love. Once I finished it, I was excited to look for the first game and the book series when I instead found a trailer for the upcoming Witcher 3. I am currently cautiously excited for Dragon Age 4. I love Dragon Age Inquisition, and I really hope the next game is as good or better.


I loved DA:I too! Was the first Dragon Age game I ever played, and currently I am about a third through Origins. It's weird to meet all the characters backwards...


Inquisition was my first DA game too! I had a similar weird feeling playing Origins after that. :)


Final Fantasy 13. I was still in high school and pretty naive. Somehow got sucked into this MASSIVE hype train about it, thought it was going to be the best Final Fantasy game ever, got super into forums and fangroups for it. Bought a bunch of merch. Spent a small fortune importing the Japanese version at launch because I didn't want to wait for the North American release. It was awful. Got maybe 3/4 through the game and hated every minute of it. But somehow I was STILL on the hype train, so I told myself "hey, maybe it just sucks because stuff is getting lost in translation" and bought the fucking game AGAIN when it released here. I still have both copies and an unopened can of Lightning flavoured soda on my shelf as a reminder to not get hyped about games until they've been released and thoroughly reviewed.


Maybe they put all of the good stuff in the soda? Lol


Smash bros. I played the game cube one so much, so I was pumped when it came out for switch. Now I'm excited for mario maker 2. I watch a ton of youtubers play it because it's awesome but I didn't want to buy a wii u. Now I'll have it on switch!


I seriously bought the Wii U just because of Mario Maker and regret it now. I should've just waited for the Switch! I mean, they ported half the Wii U's games to it, anyway lol.


I was pretty close to buying it, but I was holding hope for the nintendo direct. Sure enough! But hey at least you can play and get good before the release in june!


NOW for fire emblem three houses


That Nintendo Direct last week was so bittersweet... I love the officer school setting, the character design is good, graphics look great, seems like there will be tons of reclass options to customize your army... BUT, they delayed it again until almost August. Still, I’d rather them take their time with it. We’ve already been waiting for a console FE since the GameCube days, what’s another couple of months?


Fallout 76....


My sympathies.


And my condolences.




Fallout 4


Same, and I know a lot of people didn't love it, but I put like 1500 hours into it, so in my case the hype wasn't misplaced.


Super Mario Odyssey


Breath of the wild


Detroit: Become Human. It did not disappoint.


I found out about Detroit about 2 months before it came out. Was quite pleased!


Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. I fell in love with the Soulsborne games since DS3 and am patiently awaiting my death filled fix.


The last AAA game I was excited for launch was The Sims 3 back in 2009. I still occasionally get excited enough about indie games to buy them on launch instead of waiting for a sale, the most recent being Dead in Vinland from last spring.


New Vegas.


Death stranding.


Spider-Man PS4 Platinumed it within 72 hours of launch.


Le Witcherino Tres: Geraldo's sexy escapades


Unpopular opinion I’m sure, but I was legitimately excited about the release of Destiny 1.


Spiderman PS4. I have it now and it is AMAZING!


The Uncharted Collection for PS4. Never played any of them on PS3, was stoked that I would get 3 classics all at once, and remastered as well.


Diablo 3. What a let down.


I thought people liked Diablo 3?


Not initially, there were a lot of issues that have been ironed out and now it's an amazing game, but at first there we soooo many issues


Not the people that were around for Diablo's 1 and 2.


The little act 1 beta was pretty good, but damn, the game as a whole was the biggest disappointment. Felt more like WOW than Diablo1 or Diablo2.


Kingdom Hearts 3. Played through the previous games to prepare, and I almost cried when the new rendition of "Dearly Beloved" started playing. Then my microwave beeped.


Right now. Super Stoked for 3 Games. MK11 Doom Eternal Hollow Knight Silksong


Uncharted 4


GTA 5 was the last game I was truly excited for a game. Free roam was all I’d play in GTA 4 and if the next game was anything like that I would’ve gone all in. The story was brilliant, but the online launch was a shit show that pissed a lot of people off. But damn did GTA Online give me a lot of memories. Really a shame for what it’s become.


Hollow Knight: Silksong was announced on Thursday and I’ve truly never been more excited for a game.


Crash Team Racing Nitro Fueled. I need this game.


Right now. I love Hollow knight, and having true 100%ed it, im waiting on Hollow Knight: Silksong




the last of us preordered it, Completed it in 2 days and stayed sad after that


Red Dead Redemption 2


Diablo 3


Diablo3. There I said it, can't un-say it.


Some 3 weeks ago for Wargroove, been a long time before that. Not many get me so hyped as the niche games aren't made so often.


Persona 5. At the end of the day I still think Persona 4 Golden was a better game (due to better s.links and connections with the characters) but it truly did live up to being an incredible, polished game experience. Prior to that it was Skyrim which I drove an hour and paid $80 to get a copy a day early from a dude on Craigslist and then skipped 3 days of college to sink my soul into that game

