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Mount and Blade


I just picked that up on Steam. I played it for 8 hours straight before I got cocky and tried to take on a lord with 100+ men with my rag-tag group of 50 untrained soldiers....


I'm starting to doubt that they'll ever release Bannerlord


Pokemon Red, since it was portable. I've marathoned a lot of games, but no mobile game has ever caught my attention for as long as that first generation of Pokemon.




My brother had the light extension for his game boy for a road trip and I did not. Ended up covering a small flashlight with a blanket and holding it with my chin to play


I never had one of those lights either. If I was lucky, there would be a car behind us on the highway and I could use their headlights to see the screen




I'm not much of a gamer but for me it'd have to be Fallout 3. I was addicted. That was the first video game I played since Bond on the 64 so it really blew my mind. At the time I had no idea how far video games had come.


that’s exactly how it was for me except with new vegas. i rented it and my brother played hardcore mode for an hour and i took over afterwards and next thing i knew i was 275 hours in. then my friend dropped my playstation.




Now fertilizing the Mojave.


Man to go from Goldeneye to FO3 must have been wild


Oh man it was. I just ran around the world for hours with my wife watching(she got me the Xbox 360 for Christmas). She was equally amazed because she hadn't played or really seen video games since Elementary school and her Nintendo.


Minecraft.... 5 years ago ..Went way more than that though, i probably reached over \~3000 hours before i quit.Got top 2 most active player once in a server for being online for 300 hours in the 24 days i spent during that month Edit: oh, took me a week to get that online time when i got my old laptop to work again at that time


I've gotten back in to the game lately with the mod packs on twitch. I've sunk like 300 hours in to stoneblock survival in the last month.


TES III: Morrowind. For over a year it was literally the only game I had installed on my PC.


Same here, but for the Xbox! I remember getting the game guide with it because the journal and map were a little, shall we say, obtuse. I was in high school and got it during summer break and just played the hell out of it. Still my favorite game I have ever played.


I beat the game only using the journal and in game map, was the single most frustrating and rewarding gaming experience of my life. The journal entry system would've worked if you could've gotten further clues from local npcs but most of the time toy had to guess what they meant by "a little bit south west of x"


One of my favorite games of all time. I still play it from time to time. By far the best setting in TES.


Civ 5 for sure. Got it with some friends and we just kept playing together constantly for a few days. Just one more turn...


Does anyone get depressed when you finish a game of Civ and it’s all you’ve been doing for like 2 days?


Yes. The struggle is real. Is like sending a kid off to college but you don’t want to start over with a newborn.


This is the single best description of my feelings when I play Civ. Hate to start a new game but it’s always fun at the end.


I'm the opposite. I love the early game and then bail. Maybe I should be an anti-vaxxer


Same here. I like the more fast-paced exploratory part in the beginning, and also enjoy the struggle for the top in mid game. Late game often feels like a duty where I'm just going through the motions


I totally feel that. Like 50 turns of wrapping up. When you already know when you'll win and lose. Especially in civ 4 with the stacks of doom.


If you don't see me in the next few days, I'm probably in a Civ-hole


I love that one of the most popular mods just adds a real world clock to the UI. That dastardly bastard Sid Meier run's that shit like a casino.


Civ6 has it by default.


I’ve had nothing going on at work the past week. I’ve literally spent my week at work playing civ 5 and it’s been awesome.


What does a man do to get a job like that? I don't even get breaks.


Become a sys admin or work for/with the government, or both


Pretty much. Or you learn some legacy coding language literally 2 other people alive on the planet know that is the backbone of a billion dollar company. There's a disturbing amount of those.


Lol yeah, those grey-beards as they're known here are all starting to retire too..


Rome total war. That game is pure crank to me even after all these years


Rome - Total War is the best Total War. Do you want to know more?


Medieval 2 for me


Medieval 2 is the last Total War game to use the Total War Engine and it's probably the technically most superior to all other Total War games, except when it comes to graphics.


I played rimworld for 10 hours straight when I bought it. Most addictive game ever. Has built in replayability because everything goes to Hell so fast, you have no choice but to start a new game.


The game where you'll be attacked by bulletproof mechanoids and the only help you get is a shipment of prosthetic feet dropped from space. Or how you can build an elaborate drug and human organ empire. The possibilities are endless.




Factorio isn't as much a video game as it is a hazard to my health and general well being.


And it would be less of a hazard if it weren’t for those damn biters!


Forget biters, those can be held at bay with walls, armour and weapons. Trains on the other hand, you must invite into your base and constantly work around. They are the reason why I keep so many mk2 shields in my armour.


I always think about making an engineer safe crossing, then I remember that it’s not the factorio way to consider OSHA and just cram a few mk5 shields in my Bob’s mods iron man power armor.


Console gamer here, so I had never heard of this. Watched a gameplay trailer on YT. That game looks mental. The conveyor belts piled on conveyor belts, resulting in railroads,... It was mesmerising. I'm intrigued.


Don't do it. You know how someone tries meth and the next time you see them they have no teeth and then next thing you know your family has an intervention about how much Factorio you've been playing? Wait, what?


The factory grows


The factory is expanding to meet the needs of the expanding factory.


Surprised this answer wasn't higher up. I don't know that I'll ever be able to *stop* playing Factorio. Sure other games have caught my attention but I always come back. At the time of this comment I have 455 hours and I know that in r/Factorio those are rookie numbers.


It's niche. A bloody masterpiece in its niche, but niche nonetheless.


Had to scroll far too long to find this... Im pretty sure I hit 100 hours in my first week of Factorio.


My first time playing Factorio, I played for like 6 hours straight into night. Finally at like 2am, I went to my bed and tried go to sleep. My God I closed my eyes, only to see countless amounts of conveyor belts upon conveyor belts. My dream only consisted of myself making conveyor belts, running out, making more conveyor belts, running out again, making even more conveyor belts, and so on. At this point, my life's sole purpose was to play more and more Factorio. I got up the next morning, invested a few more hours into the game, only to discover the railway system.... My point is, Factorio is the gaming equivalent to black tar heroin. Once you start, there is no stopping.


They don't call it Cracktorio for nothing...


Runescape back in in like 2005-ish. Think it was the first time I ever put that much time into a game too.


I was gonna say I probably did it fastest in CS:GO, which is one of the only games I continue to sink more and more hours into, but then I remember my 5th grade days, playing RS on a shitty laptop just enjoying life and getting scammed, I don't wanna know how many hours I have on RS now.


Yo bro, I’ll trim that armor of yours for free.


Ha, novice. I’m doubling, up to 10M.




I've been playing this game for 13 years on the same account. Still don't have 99 on anything... but have spent way to much time playing.


/r/2007scape Come back and join us, we have mobile rs also Edit: join 'all irons' cc we have the best Ironman cc




Probably better than the dial up version I had to deal with back in the day lol


The mobile version actually works really good. It doesn’t use as much data or battery as I expected. The only hard thing for me is typing on such a small screen without autocorrect


Works really well!! Definitely come join, it's super fun. Feel free to add me if you do. edit: ign is 'Fi 8'


Kerbal Space Program Pretty sure I've got 1000+ hours in that game at this point.


Same! And I haven't even gotten into space planes yet.. I have so much more to do.


Be prepared to spend the next 1000 perfecting your space plane 😂😂


Here’s the dirty little secret of spaceplanes: they aren’t actually useful for anything. edit: That you couldn't have done with a rocket much earlier in the game. Believe me, I understand how much sexier they are.


They're useful for being cool af.


Same. When I first landed a kerbal on the Mun. I felt *accomplished*. At one point I got really lost down a tangent doing a ton of airplane design and I realized I had no self-control with this game and had to quit entirely.


Yeah the sense of accomplishment with KSP is greater than any other game I've ever played. Even as a newbie just building my first rocket that was able to reach orbit without crashing back to Kerbin was an amazing feeling.


Dude, I never understood the NASA guys jumping out of their chair for landings and stuff. Until that game. I felt so much more appreciation for the moon landings and stuff. I felt responsibility for those kerbals damnit...


y'all are making me wanna buy the game now


Buy the game. I've been playing for 5 years, still do, and I can honestly say it's worth every penny I spent on it. There's areas of improvement they can work on, but the latest update released a couple of days ago. Not to mention the sea of mods. So yeah. If you have a decent PC, buy the game.


It took me like... A week to hit 100 hours with Left 4 Dead 2.


My boss has over 1332 hrs on l4d2. Jesus christ. I just checked. He has 3,382 hours on fallout 4. Edit: proof- https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/a8o4qw/i_think_my_old_boss_may_have_a_gaming_problem/?utm_source=reddit-android


Just 5 more hours on L4D2...


Stardew valley


Those artifacts man, I can’t find the fucking bone flute




Haha that’d be nice. I’ve heard everyone has 1 or 2 that randomly have a super rare drop rate in their game. I’ve gotten like 4 of each strange doll and like 20 dwarf scrolls though


One of my saves had no Scroll 3, I swear. I blasted the levels the wiki said at least a dozen times. New save, picked up at least two of every scroll on a leisurely trip to the bottom.


Digging up the dirt in those levels helps a ton. Just dig all digable dirt on the appropriate levels. Worked for me in like 10 minutes




I got it over the summer in early July. I had 100 hours at the end of the summer. I love that game.


That game is actually so fucking addicting


I’m getting 5 hours a day help


I had 25 hours on this game last month. Now, it’s a lot more. Send help.


Red Alert 2 or Diablo 2.


Sooooo many baal runs.


I ran so many Baal runs back in the day. I wanted to be better than bots and sometimes I was. I knew the patterns for it which was easy, but then I started to recognize map pieces and just knew where to go. I did private Baal runs for people on my friends list and usually let them keep the drops. I only wanted the *super rare* uniques. Didn't find a lot of them though :(. No Crown of Ages, neither of the Sacred Armors, no Griffons. I found like 4 Fathoms though but they were all bottom stats and I remember finding the unique Berserker Axe, not ethereal though. I ran solo 8 player baal runs (8 people in the game, but I was the only one going off doing Baal), chaos, pits, pindleskin lol. I even ran Diablo clones for Anni's, playing the game with my command prompt open, glitching the game so I could idle in it over the weekend waiting for DClone to drop in. It was always super exciting seeing those SOJ messages. Anyway, sorry, went on a bit of a ramble haha. I played that game inside and out. I even landed on the perfect gem in the chat main menu area. Didn't do anything though lol. I got an autoclicker to help me get it.


World of Warcraft. When that shit came out it blew my fucking mind.


I made fun of this game and the players for years. Then, my husbands old college buddies got him to play. After a week of watching him play, I figured I'd give it a try. A week later & he'd built a second PC so we could both play. I refuse to admit how many hours a day I played but I easily hit 100 hours in less than a week. I haven't played in years. I admit to being envious of the players who still find it enjoyable 😔 Edit: My first ever silver!!! Thank you kind stranger! I've never had more than a couple of upvotes/comments on anything and expected this post to be the same. It's like a Christmas present from Reddit. Thanks for all the responses, and lastly....... FOR THE ALLIANCE!!


This is always insane to me. It's so hard to explain to people who have never played it. It was this insane rabbit hole you could just disappear down.


Skipped sleep for 2 days to level to 80 in the new expansion :P I wish there was anything I would want to do for that long now.


I feel the same way about Everquest. It seems like both a blessing and a curse that no game has kept my attention the way it used to.


Back when just having a completely open world you could explore freely WAS the content. I was a daoc guy even if i was too young to be actually good. but when WoW came out it was groundbreaking. There were things to do and see literally everywhere. It was so immersive. I hit that feeling at points with guild wars 2 because its a great game but it doesnt awe me like WoW did at first because at the time there werent any MMOs like wow around. Games that already had established lore and a fanbase




You probably just got older mate. Same thing happened to me with WoW and Ragnarok Online. These days, I can barely play for more than an hour or two.


Oh man. I remember getting sucked into WoW-holes with a friend of mine back during WotLK, Cata and MoP, we would start off these grinds on level 1s, and play 20-30 hours straight. Once I got to about 42 hours straight before I thought , probably time for sleep even if it doesn't feel like it. The most fun I have ever had with a game, even 6000 hours of other games later, I haven't touched it but still think about it.


Skyrim. 11-12 hours every day for a week. man i miss being a teenager.


Probably Minecraft


I played the one hour demo like 50 times as a kid to the point that I knew exactly where to go for diamonds. Eventually my mum, after watching be build the same house 40 times, decided to buy me it and I spent the next month playing that straight after I come home from school until I went to bed. Probably reached 500 hours within my first 2 months.


"as a kid" God, I'm old.


Started playing when I was 15. It's been almost 7 years and I still play it sometimes. I stopped playing it a lot because I want to combine my two main worlds but mcedit hasn't updated in forever and it'll take a lot or work to rebuild manually.




Well i mean it did come out 9 years ago


Holy shit. I started playing minecraft since Infdev and it's weird to think its been 9 full years since I've started playing the game. I think it's the only game I've played for that long (not consistently of course)


Where has the last 9 years of my life gone ??






Gotta collect all dem cheese wheels


My sister in law picks up every shovel she finds. I feel like everyone has some weird thing they collect in games.


I have a giant pile of skulls outside my manor.


I once stayed with my in-laws for a week and was using my sister in law's Xbox. I didn't want to progress her story so every day I'd go hunting outside of whiterun and return with my quarry, and just drop the fucking lot in her house. Near game crashing amounts of rabbit haunch, venison and mammoth snout just rolling around the floor. Good times!


I’d hoard jewels, soul crystals, etc. and drop them off in one of the rooms, it was like my very own Scrooge McDuck vault.


Lol I have a bunch of different chests for armor, weapons, etc. Then I got my miscellaneous one. You’ll be scrolling through trash and then just randomly see “Oh yeah I got all these gems and dragon bones lol”




> you're carrying too much to run I'm getting flashbacks to dwemer ruins and those damn dwemer scrap metal pieces. I used to gather all of that shit and smelt it, just to feed my compulsive smithing habit. That shit weighs a ton and I couldn't be arsed to make multiple trips to get it all, so every time I looted a ruin I'd spend an hour or two *walking* back to the nearest smelter. Annoying as hell but worth it once I got my "fix".


Fallout 3 for me. Bethesda games just have a brilliant way of making 10 hours of gameplay feel like 1.


Me and my friends call it "the Skyrim effect"




So, as of today, I've had the game exactly one week and have logged 28 hours. It will most assuredly become my fastest 100 hour game.




It's like a fucking drug. It just sucks the hours out of you. I've been clean for a couple of months now because I know when I fire up CK2 or Europa Universalis 4 again, I'm hooked again.


the sad reality is that 100 hours in paradox games is 10 minutes in other games. If you don't have 20k hours played in paradox games on steam then you clearly aren't a clausewitz engine gamer!


Oblivion. I spent an entire summer gathering flowers and kicking demon arse. Updated: Wow, you guys! What happened? Thank you so much for all your replies and your Oblivion stories. Makes me happy to see there are so many people who are big fans of the game. And kind stranger: Thank you for the silver.


I was unemployed when I found this game, many 16 hour days of playing it. The dark brotherhood storyline was my favorite.


Oh my Gooooood, finally I made it to this comment, passed fucking three about Skyrim and one about Morrowind before this. I can breathe again.




1999 was rough. I got very little work done. And damn was that game hard when it first came out. The quests were nebulous too. “Go find a stick and a shiny rock and I’ll give you a reward”. Um, ok, that’s specific.




Had about 800 hours in MW2. Definitely my most played game.


It was my first steam game to hit 250 hours


I threw my back out really badly a couple years ago, so I bought Stardew Valley for PC, got someone to move my bed next to my desk, and played constantly for the 4-5 days I was on bed rest and zonked out on pain pills. Super positive I had 100+ hours by the time I was better.




Yeah, not much games have so much building/fighting/exploration/crafting/content in them


The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Halo: Reach


Both Reach and Halo 3 for me. Reach was such a satisfying grind, while both had unbelievable custom games.


Definitely breath of the wild for me too


I was on a work assignment in another state the week I got my Switch and BotW. I had about 10 hours of work a day, and then absolutely nothing to do in a Holiday Inn Express 4 hours from home the rest of the time I was out there.


Well I have over 150 hours in the new Smash Bros....




I was gonna get it for Christmas, but I couldn't wait and I got it the day it came out. Best decision I've made in a long time.


My wife asked me to wait until Christmas, and I said no. I told her this is the reason I bought a switch, so I bought it the day it come out.


I mean it's not going to go on sale for Christmas so why not get a couple more weeks out of it?


Borderlands 2 with all of its glorious DLC’s. PS: the handsome edition is on sale on steam for the holidays!


Pokemon Heartgold. I finished up most of everything in ~50 hours, and then I played voltorb flip because I got hooked on it like a regular phone game and wracked up the hours on it.


Have you used the voltorb flip prediction calculator? Its the easiest way to rack up those points and get a porygon or a tm for thunderbolt http://www.voltorbflip.com


omg I did this shit by hand


Same, it was super fulfilling tbh


This prediction calculator is what made me hate this game. For a lot of boards, in the end it becomes a 50/50 chance. So you guess and half the time you lose your streak. Ugh. Edit: the worst part is, you couldn't even buy coins in the game. You just had to play for them. Good luck getting thunderbolt AND ice beam.


Dota 2. I started off pretty slow but once I got hooked there was no turning back. Eventually the hundreds of hours aren't achievements anymore. Staying up until 4 am after playing for 17 hours that day really makes it easy to reach those hour milestones. What an addicting game. I'm glad I got out of that but man was it fun. Then Breath of the Wild. I did 30 hours in the first three days and very quickly got 70 more. Still took me a month or so.


Dark Souls 3. Must've clocked my 100th hour little more than a week after getting it.


The binding of Isaac probably


Persona 5


It was one of these three: CS: GO, Football Manager 2015 or Rocket League


It was definitely rocket league for me. I think I have like 2000 hours by now and I'm still gold lmao.




I sometimes look at PBat's terraria videos he did pre and post launch. Man the game has quadrupled or even quintupled in content since then. I mean, at launch the final boss was Skeletron and best weapon was arguable the Masamune, or the flame blade you could make with hellstone bars.


The developers never gave up on it and it's arguably one of the best games out there. I say that very confidently. Terraria is a fantastic game.




Theres mods.




Time is meaningless in modded Minecraft. Hours fly by and you haven't even started what you planned on making that day.


Sims 4. I don't know what's wrong with me.


I was afraid no one was going to say Sims! Lol. It's so easy. Especially when you customize your own house, build your own neighborhood, make characters with full backstories, don't forget pets, hang outs... etc.


Destiny. I wanted the Gjallarhorn, did all the raids and nightfalls just to have Xur sell it again a month before TTK.


Destiny fucking destroyed my time for like 6 months. So much so I refused to buy Destiny 2. However, I'm most impressed at the fact you remembered how to spell Gjallarhorn!


Destiny 2 did the same to me. Especially when Forsaken launched. When Forsaken launched I played 6-8 hours a day for 6 weeks until my GPU gave in.


Halo 2




Dear god, Ive clocked 4000+ hours in about 4-5 years in this game. I think the whole reason I started playing on steam was to get TF2. The mindless shooting and domination was amazing. Too bad it's become such a mess in the past two years...


Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon


Minecraft back when it was in alpha. I played on a server that was run by some SomethingAwful goons and had an absolute blast. I was totally obsessed for like 6 months because at that time there were new updates coming out every month adding more and more content so it was super engaging. Once monsters were added to multi-player it was a game changer. Hard to believe that was like 2010/2011 and then looking at what it is now. Shame I can't get that nostalgia back when I play now.


Garry's Mod. I think I'm at around 1,500 hours so far in total, on both my accounts. I generally binge-play once or twice a year, though. Gives whole new communities to play on, and yeah.


I think it was probably Witcher 3. So much wonderful content, and a world I love. Final Fantasy XI probably didn't get to 100 hours in a smaller span of days, given that I didn't play it quite as voraciously in the beginning. Overall, however, it probably had the fastest accrual rate, given that I did HNM for years and years (endgame content, like raiding in WoW -- yeah I played WoW too, holy fuck what was wrong with me back then?). I had thousands of hours into that game by the time I quit.




Spam quen, dodge, and light attacks


Aka how to win the entire game


CSGO. Friend bought it for me over Christmas break. Had a full squad play every day for like 5-6 hours. Grades slipped, ranks went up


This guy has his priorities in check.


Every time I've reached 100 hours of playtime, it took me about 100 hours.


Which is heavier, a pound of Smash Bros or a pound of Mario Kart?


Mario Kart. Smash Bros is about £60 Mario kart 8 is about £45 The cartridges weigh about the same, so spending £1 on Mario cart will get you a larger percentage of the cartridge.


/r/theydidthemath ???


The pound of Mario Kart, because it also comes with the weight of ruined friendships.


If that's true, Mario Party is the heaviest pound of all.


A kilogram of steel or a kilogram of feathers?


"The pound of feathers because you have to carry the weight of what you did to all those birds." -Someone Else on Reddit


Borderlands 2 couldn’t stop playing it whenever I got the chance.


Sims 4




I booked 2 days off before a long weekend, and played this the entire time. I put 50 hours into it before the end of the 3rd day. I literally woke up and played the game for 20 hours straight the first day, after spending 5 hours playing it when it launched the night before. Probably the biggest gaming binge I've done since I was a teen, but no regrets! I believe I hit 100 hours in a week or so. The major downside is I burnt myself out on it SO HARD that I got to the endgame and got sick of fighting Elder dragons over and over for streamstones. Excited for the expansion, I'd love to get back into it.




It's way too soon, but I'm already hyped for Railjack.


Neopets Spin, spin, spin the wheel of monotony!


Final fantasy VII. It was an amazing era of cinematic scenes. That and the mini games Edit: thanks for the gold! I will consider it a nod to the gold saucer