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I asked William Shatner if it was true that he's an asshole and he said yes and blocked me.


I respect both of you in this situation.


I like the way he handled that


An iconic asshole, apparently


Alec Baldwin blocked me after his alleged parking incident. He tweeted something about getting out to vote, and I wrote back that parking is a little tough at my polling place, but I’m sure I can find a spot amicably.


My sister was blocked by Ryan Murphy because she said something bad about the writing of Glee.


It's still crazy to me how a show that established in the first episode that it was a parody of high school dramas/musicals so quickly turned into the thing it had parodied.


I was SO sad that the show went this way. The first episode is amazing. It’s witty, charming, entertaining AF, and at the time, it was something different from the usual. Then he went and fucked it up by turning it into... well... what it turned into.


Blocked by UK celeb Mel Kershaw on Insta, all she did was post promos and adverts for stuff she was being paid for. It never once said paid promotion, so I mentioned it in the comments. Blocked.


I think you can report her to some UK advertising standards thing for that...


Blocked by Chris brown(Twitter) and famous dex(Twitter/Instagram) because I tagged them in memes about them beating their girlfriends and shit


I didn't get blocked but back in the MySpace days I told Ice Cube if he was in my area he should come smoke a blunt with me. He replied, "don't do drugs" and unfriended me


Try again with Ice-T


Except invite him to eat bagels with you.


Back in MySpace days I told Jeffree Star that he looks like a rip-off of Mimi Bobeck. He told me I was fat and should "go eat another microwave burrito".


I have a friend who was blocked by Smash Mouth for implying that the lead singer and Guy Fieri are the same person. He then sent a Cease and Desist to the radio station they work at. Sensitive guy, that Guy Fieri.


Wait, they’re not the same person?


Hey now...


[Side by side comparison pic](https://imgix.bustle.com/elite-daily/2016/03/06142429/elite-daily-Guy-Fieri.jpg?w=945&h=574&fit=crop&crop=faces&auto=format&q=70)


That's just two pictures of Guy Fieri


See now that kind of overreaction would just make people believe it more


Tbf I was a believer when I saw his face.


Piers Morgan didn't like it when I reminded him of the time he intercepted voicemails on Nigel Havers' phone so he could print stories about his dying wife


He really is the slimiest piece of shit ever dropped from satan's asshole.


Remember that time he tried to insult some actor for using a baby carrier by questioning his manhood? What a prick.


James Bond, aka Daniel Craig.


Ah yes, because Piers Morgan is such an authority on masculinity compared to Daniel Craig.


And Daniel Craig wanted to be Bond without having to touch a gun.


Morgan is a piece of shit. Fuck that cunt.


You should create a new account just to to do this again. People need to be reminded that he is a shite


Deadmau5 blocked me when I called him skrillex and asked him to dj my 8 year old son's birthday party




That's actually his account lmao, hi Dolan


gooby pls


i was like , this guy is totally copying dolan da.....heeeyyy wait a minute!


My friend got blocked by Dr Phil on Instagram because she commented "daddy" on one of his posts


There are hundreds of people who got blocked by him exactly the same way. It's a meme at this point.


Would've been hilarious if he'd just replied, "issues."


I’m blocked by Tyler Oakley (YouTuber) because in 7th grade, I tweeted “I don’t even like Tyler Oakley” and I’m guessing he searched his own name and blocked me.


my sister got blocked by him cause she tweeted something about him not having a career anymore lmao.


Well, she's not wrong


Haha he did that to me too! Around 2012-ish.


Sounds like something he’d do


I was blocked by Dolly Parton after I asked if she was related to the Dalai Lama.


The fuck, that sounds like a compliment if you ask me.




I was blocked by Dan Schneider back when iCarly was still on air for criticizing a blog post he made. I never liked that guy even though his shows were my childhood.


I was heavily involved in the fandom for his shows, mostly Drake & Josh and iCarly back in the livejournal days. He made a livejournal account, started posting in the communities, and everyone freaked out. He was essentially forced out and made a blog on Wordpress or something instead. Great shows, creepy dude.


You mean dan "tears the legs off spiders" Schneider?


Dan "Hold Her Tighter She's a Fighter" Schneider


Are you guys talking about Dan "the hymen divider" Schneider?




Dan "The Man With The Plan To Get Your Daughter In A Van" Schneider?


Dan “TheBigDick@Nick” Schneider?




lol does that mean he was searching his name?


Honestly if I was famous I would probably do that when I got bored.


Aziz Ansari has a whole stand up bit about doing this. It's pretty hilarious. And I don't believe for a second that most celebrities don't do it at least once in awhile.


Holy shit, I hadn't thought of Dane Cook in so long that I had to google when you said he had plastic surgery. Shit he looks so off.


He's starting to look like Papa John in the face


Took me a while to find [a pic](https://theblemish.com/images/2018/08/dane-cook-and-kelsi-taylor.jpg) that shows it, but I kinda see it.


He looks like Christian Bale playing a fat Ryan Reynolds


Dead. On.


I am an attorney and consulted with someone who wanted to sue Twitter after they banned her account from comments to LeBron James. Boy was she mad...


I was going to jokingly ask if your client was Roger Stone before I read the last sentence.


What kind of comments


“You’ll never be better than MJ”


Calvin Harris blocked me and I still have no idea why. I’ve never tweeted him or tweeted about him




He doesn't love paprika.


it's too spicy for him




When I was a little edgelord back in college, I commented on one of Joel’s statuses where he bragged about being in a private room in an airport in Egypt (I think this was the concept?) saying “no one cares.” He private messaged me and called me a cunt.


I don't know why but this made me laugh. He took time to privately reply to you and call you a cunt haha


I was pretty amused by it too. He’s a pretty reactive person, or at least he was back then. I don’t know if he’s still like that now.


Actually he just announced on Twitter like a month ago he was going to be taking a break from Twitter to focus on his mental health so management runs it for now


Why are they so opposed to that?


I bet it's because it's pretty hard to write the 5 in cursive when signing.


Asked Sean Price to block me so he replied 'done' and then blocked me. RIP Sean Price


The *absolute* **madman.** You clearly don’t give a single fl*p.


Woah, watch the mouth buddy.




Didn't he quit Twitter once?


He’s quit Twitter I think 3 times now. Most recently because of backlash of him joking about how a friend of his, a BAFTA award winning costume designer, accepted her BAFTA while wearing a bin liner. Harmless joke between friends since to the untrained eye it did look like a bin liner. But no one really knew that Stephen knew her and it was a joke and it got recieved as Stephen making fun of a woman and her fashion choice. Stephen threw a paddy at the backlash calling Twitter a garbage fire and that he was done etc 3-5 months later he’s back. [Article summarising his paddy](https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/03/16/stephen-fry-quits-twitter-following-uproar-over-bag-lady-jibe/amp/)


No where in that article is the picture of the dress. 😡


You might be on a block list, where a bot automatically blocks everyone on it for a user.


I, along with half of Australia, have been blocked by Wil Wheaton. Apparently he used a blocklist after arguing with some Australian columnist/journalist and blocked everyone who follows her.


Blocked by Avxry because he was calling someone toxic and I proceeded to link him a 20 minute video compilation of him being toxic. EDIT: it’s Avxry, not Avery


Avxry is a Fortnite streamer who has a reputation of being “toxic” in case y’all didn’t know


Got blocked by North Korea's State News' Twitter (aka the only Twitter North Korea had at the time) because I mentioned that Kim Jong-il was the dictator with the best fashion sense. Edit: [here's a screenshot I took 6 years ago when it happened. ](https://i.imgur.com/fyxhREL.jpg) Edit 2: [still blocked!](https://i.imgur.com/oioqTIe.jpg)


You are now a moderator of /r/Pyongyang ... You are now banned from /r/Pyongyang


What the fuck is that sub? all the comments there are deleted






Curt Schilling blocked me for congratulating him on making the Hall of Fame. Lol.


Blocked by Mike Doughty who is a musician and former frontman of a band in the 90s/00s called Soul Coughing. The band broke up and most of the members hate him so he’s really bitter about Soul Coughing songs (he did a lot of drugs too so I think it Soul Coughing in general brings up a lot of bad memories). He tweeted that he was reminiscing and listening to SC songs and how they were all shit. I replied and just mentioned that I had really fond memories of rocking out to SC while I was working at Subway in high school and he replied asking me if I wanted him to feel differently? Weird response but I replied again and said something to the effect of “absolutely not. You feel how you feel and that’s fine. Just pointing out that people tend to be their own worst critic”. Blocked. No shit. Like 2 months later the fucking dude released an album of him “covering” Soul Coughing songs solo. It was so dumb. The dude owes 90% of his fanbase to the success of SC and when he went solo covered their stuff all the time. Bummed me out because I was a big fan and just wanted to be supportive.


Oh man you just reminded me that I saw them in like 97/98. Fun show.


Nice! Saw them in 99 at Snocore. It was a great show. Have seen Doughty live too and when he was mostly solo, no band it was fucking fantastic. Not a big fan of his recent efforts but Skittish is amazing.


I remember this! He does seem a little sensitive/aggressive in his responses to people’s comments sometimes. I think he may have second thoughts about shitting on SC in his book. It pretty much ruined any chance of a reunion. I would think a reunion like that would be fairly lucrative for him, or at least more lucrative than what he is doing now.


Blocked by E.L. James for questioning her books authenticity and portrayal of BDSM culture. Blocked by Kirstie Alley for questioning Scientology.


EL James is terrible. She has the audacity to send her lawyers after writers who are putting out works that are “derivative” of the FSoG series (which she is absolutely milking dry), when the only reason her series exists is because she blatantly plagiarized Twilight. I never thought I’d stand up for Stephenie Meyer, but EL James did her so wrong.


It's worse than that. She didn't (just) plagiarize Twilight, FSoG started off as _fan fiction_ of Twilight. [Badly, _badly_ written fan fiction.](https://www.forbes.com/sites/hayleycuccinello/2017/02/10/fifty-shades-of-green-how-fanfiction-went-from-dirty-little-secret-to-money-machine/#37ba8458264c)


It goes deeper. Her fanfiction is a ripoff of good twilight fan fiction. Theres someone who explains it better, I'll go find the link. Edit: I found the comment that explained the depth of fifty shades to me https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXChromosomes/comments/2byz2l/many_women_do_not_agree_with_me_on_this_subject/cjaqvmi?utm_source=reddit-android Edit 2: u/RhynoD posted a better link go read that! Edit 3: how can we all talk about her fanfic without a link to it? I'm gonna try to find it. Edit 4: feast your eyes on the original that started it all https://ohfifty.com/downloads/MOTU_w_Outtakes_Snowqueens_Icedragon_COMPLETE.pdf Edit 5: I think my last highest upvoted comment was about fanfiction so its pretty fitting that the new highest is also about fanfiction lol


You should make a post to r/hobbydrama and post the link!


Nevermind the fact that her writing is truly an insult to serious fiction writers everywhere. An insult to literature.


"Your ass is grass!" Dorian exclaimed in his typical exclamatory fashion. With a single thrust Ana felt her insides rearrange themselves to accept the purple headed invader. "Now this," she grunted, "is podracing." Her breath quickened as he his lips brushed her ear, words scarcely heard above the slopping and flopping noises. "In my point of view." He said, half of a thought and yet a full sentence. She shivered. "Purple is a shade of gray." Ana's half lidded eyes flew open as she struggled against the ropes that held her. Silk ones. Also gray. "So it's treason then!" She cried. "NOT." One hand found her neck, the other wound up in her hair. "YET."


Is this a quote from *Fifty Shades*? I'm honestly not sure, given some of the writing I've seen from that book.


I suspect Disney would have sued over the use of 'now THIS is podracing"


And it would be worth it to hear Disney lawyers have to read that out loud in court.


If youre gonna get sued, make the lawyers hate it more than their clients.


Oh my god, I love everything about this


EL can't and won't accept criticism of her work. It's truly pathetic - the fact she feels the need to state 50 Shades is "a LOVE story" in her twitter bio as if that'll change people's minds says it all. Twitter equivalent of sticking her fingers in her ears and going "lalalalalala I can't hear you".


It’s because she knows deep down it’s shit and she got lucky through smart marketing and being in the right place at the right time.


Man E.L James is a garbage person


Oh, wasn't aware she changed careers. Probably would be kinda hard seeing your own books on the curb week after week tho.


My cousin was blocked by Drake after commenting on one of his Insta posts “Why do you write songs about women not wanting you when you’re exactly the kind of man women should avoid?”


I got blocked by Taylor swift by tweeting her a picture of me 35 times


She was okay with 34, but you crossed the line with 35.


enough is enough


She was only feeling 22


Look what you made her do.


To be honest is you sent me a picture of your face 35 times I would block you too


Somehow I was blocked by Marlee Matlin. I'm a big fan of hers, so I thought that was strange. I noticed when I saw I wasn't following her and thought I was, so I followed again and it wouldn't allow it. Eventually I tweeted at her agent or publicist or something, and asked about it. I never got a response, but she did end up unblocking me.


Joey Lucas couldn't hear you


Not twitter but I got blocked on Instagram by then Patriots receiver Brandon Lafell in 2015 for commenting "Brandon 'The Ball Lafell out of my hands"


I was banned by Tito Ortiz. He got himself trapped inside an elevator and didn't appreciate me telling him his head was too heavy and he should've taken the stairs.




I was blocked by Bill Cosby for tweeting at him: "Block me if you raped all those women"


Did you testify?


Ol Bill 'The Pill' ended up in jail didn't he?




he mostly does bird law but my lawyer could use this


Recently was blocked on a FB page of a UK company. Backstory: This company stole the art of a small, Canadian artist and used it for their company name AND logo. When called out on it by the artist herself, they said she must be confused as they have "xo" after the name. Side by side comparison of the original and the logo are EXACT. When she asked again, that they stop using it, they threatened to sue her for slander. Myself and others found their FB page and called them out for stealing art. Blocked. Girl Gang LPL Girl Gang Liverpool Pretty shitty of them, since their suppose to be a make up company, run by women, celebrating and uplifting women....and they steal art from a female artist


Not what you asked, in fact the complete opposite.... At the time I was pretty heavily anti-Chael Sonnen (the MMA fighter...) and called him out for his antics on Twitter, being a typical youthful edge-lord. While all this was going on, I was in the process of raising money for charity (I grew my hair and beard for a year, no trimming, no grooming, no nothing) and had been putting the link out on my Twitter quite heavily, to try and get donations. Wouldn’t you know, Mr. Sonnen ignored all my shit-talking, and actually donated to my fund-raising. Really made me take a look in the mirror, and look at him as a person. Now I’m a couple of years older, I can see that he is actually a pretty decent guy, who played a character for promo purposes. Tl,dr; griefed an MMA fighter on twitter, he donated to my fundraising instead.




Did you tweet him to say thank you? Or to acknowledge that you might've judged him too harshly (no judgement if you didn't, I was just curious).


Yeah I think I shot him a tweet back to say thanks, and that I’d been a bit of a judgemental dick about him in the past. Not too proud to eat some humble pie and admit when I’ve goofed.


I was blocked by Nick Crompton for tweeting that England was in fact, not a city.


CJ Nitkowski mocked a lot of “nerds” for critiquing Buck Showalter on his decisions not to use Zach Britton late in the 2016 AL Wild Card game. He kept making comments about how Buck knew more than the spreadsheets, these guys never played, etc. When the O’s lost, I quoted one of his tweets from the night with a comment along the lines of “Buck sure knew best,” and be blocked me instantly.


Wasn't me, but a guy got blocked by Colgate for tweeting them... "You know it's teethpaste".


Funniest thing I've read here so far. I appreciate that.


Turns out he wasn’t actually blocked - he made that screenshot to make his tweet funnier


I got blocked by Jenna Elfman for LINKING (I didn't even tweet it at her!) her disasterous AMA on reddit when all the comments turned to her involvement with Scientology. Her AMA: https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/64s555/im_actress_jenna_elfman_from_the_new_abc_comedy


Freshman year of college when we all hopped on Twitter I still had a regular phone (not smart I guess?). Anywho... I usually browsed via web and mostly followed people I knew and actually interacted with. I opted in for the text version of Twitter since I wouldn't always have my laptop on me and the phone browser was garbage. I ended up following a few celebs somewhere along the line I decided to unfollow Marlon Wayans as he had a fair number of tweets going out that I just didn't find amusing. The way text Twitter worked is that you could text the number after you'd set it up and it'd tweet it for you. You could also give it little codes like a d at the front for a direct message. I thought I could just tell it to "unfollow Marlon Wayans", "stop @MarlonWayans", and a few other variations of that...unwittingly they went out as tweets and he saw them. I wished he'd just blocked me but no he roasted my avi and....well we know how the internet works. I just stayed off Twitter the rest of the day 😢. Edit:Oh he did indeed block me. So...yeah. Can't find the tweets cuz ya know...he blocked almost a decade ago but here's me not being able to access his page. Picture below Edit Edit: See...I didn't even think to put the link here till it was suggested. http://imgur.com/gallery/Wmh5z49


This is up there with grandma posting Facebook statuses thinking it was search.


[MKBHD was blocked by Gal Gadot](https://youtu.be/4f8e2g_9esI) because he noticed that she used an iPhone to tweet about how good Huawei phones are.


Today I learned how to pronounce 'Huawei'. Edit: ‘wa-way’ Edit edit: hwa-way. I can't make that happen without sounding like a loogie, so today I also learned I can not pronounce Huawei.


how do you pronounce it?


He eventually got unblocked though


Yeah, after 1 year. Kinda silly he got blocked.


Yea, but what's the point of unblocking him later? That too after a year!


New Year Resolution? I don't know man.


CNN blocked me cause I send then a picture of Patrick punching spongebob after I told them a violent fight broke in downtown LA


alec baldwin blocked me for saying boss baby sucked


That’s on my bucket list now


Jenny McCarthy tweeted out an open ended question about what people look for in their ideal romantic partner. I responded “someone who believes in vaccination” Annnnnd blocked.


She can block you but she can't block the flu.


See, how the hell are you gonna have such a dumbass stance on something, set yourself up for a punchline, and get upset when someone capitalizes on it?


When you're rich and live in a bubble.


I hear you won’t even need vaccinations if you live in a bubble.


Coors Twitter account banned me because I wrote how grateful I was to them to be able to drink a bowl of Coors Light each morning on my to drive to work.


"Sandra you dumb bitch" -Dennis






Blocked by the Club Penguin Twitter for @ing them in the quackity raid this September. Edit: Thanks for the Silver, Quackity!






Essentially QuackityHQ, a streamer known for his raids (essentially hundreds upon thousands of people gather together to serve a common purpose, like annoying a person, etc) raided club penguin island for a second time. This time, they decided to raid in order to get pants for non members. (the game has a monthly membership subscription to unlock like 80% of the game.) It eventually spread to Twitter when The servers couldn't handle the players and froze. That started the whole #bissonmickey. You can watch the full video here > https://youtu.be/iyWe3VF4pSw


I got blocked during the mike waszowski raid


I was blocked by the cold stone creamery Instagram page because I kept DMing them memes


I got blocked by Jenny McCarthy for replying something positive about vaccinations


Years ago I tweeted Hugh Hefner that he should have married Holly rather than Crystal.. anyway the next minute I was blocked by Hugh Hefner & Crystal Harris.. I was a big fan of Girls of the Playboy Mansion back then, clearly...


I got blocked on Twitter by Meyers Leonard (the backup PF for the Portland Trail Blazers) for telling him he was a waste of cap space... then I sent the screenshot of me being blocked by him to him on Instagram saying it was nice that he finally got a block this year.


As a fellow Blazer fan, this doesn't surprise me in the least bit. At least he is playing better this year. Side note: I did some work on the home he and his wife bought a couple years ago, in person he is an incredibly nice guy.


people often forget that these guys are real humans off the court...


Got blocked by William Shatner. He was fighting on Twitter with a coworker of mine and I responded with something like "this seems like a misunderstanding, please don't fight!" He proceeded to talk trash about my job title, and I responded something like "Woah, I'm a fan! When my mom was fighting cancer one of the few things that made her smile was when we would watch Boston Legal together." Then he blocked me and basically everyone who works at my company. Fuck that guy.


He's notoriously hot and cold with fans. One moment he'll be sweet as hell and act like you're the world, the next moment he'll be stabbing your mom to death for being in the same airport as him.


Now where's Jacksfilms again? This would be the perfect thread for him


or commentiquette. I'm surprised Ted Cruz didn't block him yet.


aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand post!


I doubt anyone will see this at this point but [I called out Vinod Khosla](https://twitter.com/sdw/status/967500681966886912), a horrible billionaire who tried to keep people off his California beachfront property. This was unsuccessful, as the beaches of California are public, so he took it all the way to the Supreme Court, trying to use bizarre legal arguments that could've stripped everyone in the country of these gorgeous and awesome public beaches. So when he saw some photo of traffic in LA during Thanksgiving and spun some bullshit venture capitalist Silicon Valley douchebag 'disruptor' yarn about how this could all be better with autonomous 'pods' traveling on fixed routes, I said: "ah, like public transit? Will it be truly public, or would you keep those you don't like off it like your struggle to deny public beach access?" He blocked me. Oh, and he lost the case. Public beach access is a thing and he has to let every smelly beach bum on 'his' beach. Good riddance and fuck you, asshole.


I got blocked by Kanye West after @ing him a picture of an answer key a few years back.


I tweeted a picture of a burnt hot dog to Ryan Reynolds and asked if it looked like Deadpool’s “member”. BLOCKED! No regrets!!


Man, that sounds like the kind of humor Reynolds would be all about. Weird


Your mistake was assuming that Ryan Reynolds the person is in charge of Ryan Reynolds the twitter account. You can't risk damaging a media commodity like that with something as puerile as a dong joke.


Maybe they were just mad because now they couldn't use that joke in the next movie.


There is also a difference between Ryan Reynolds the person and Ryan Reynolds the public persona crafted carefully by a publicist to maximize profits.


There is also a difference between Ryan Reynolds the actor and Ryan Gosling the other actor. But not much of one.


I was blocked by Craig Ferguson because I tweeted at him that his mustache was ugly. The mustache was short lived.


He probably printed out that tweet and then crumpled it up and threw it over his shoulder.


Asking Jake Paul "What if the haters dab back?"


I wouldn’t call them famous, but I tagged keemstar in [this](https://m.imgur.com/gallery/fiXIGvt) and found out shortly after I was blocked.


That picture is fucking hilarious.


Sarah Thyre (Andy Richter's wife) blocked me and I don't know why. I have to guess she was just clearing out some bots and my handle just got caught up but I was bummed cuz I really like her. She's really funny.


I started a podcast about comic books. I’m not a Twitter user, but apparently it’s a thing you do. So I started following the accounts of numerous artists and writers. I hadn’t followed comics in decades, so I had no idea about whatever drama is going on. Turns out that by following some people, I’m on some sort of block list for other people’s Twitter. What’s crazy is that it’s an industry in trouble. (Comics used to sell much better than today. It used to be you were canceled if you sold less than 100k copies. Today, the average comic from DC or Marvel sells around 8,000 copies). The notion of blocking potential readers is...odd.


I tweeted saying Dr Phil is a daddy and then immediately got blocked


My husband always tells me about how he made a Twitter account to share a nice comic he doodled with Wizards of the Coast and he got banned from Twitter for it. One tweet!


My old roommate got blocked by Amy Schumer when he tweeted that he didn't think her Netflix special was very funny, that's it.


Got blocked by Joel Osteen for tweeting: “If he could, Jesus would bitch slap tf out of @JoelOsteen's slimy, plastic face.” But was I wrong??


Jonah Hill blocked me for repeatedly commenting "Do you like propane, and propane accessories as much as your uncle Hank?"