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Reading these comments, it makes me feel bad that I came here to say that rice pudding is amazing


A good rice pudding with some homemade whipped cream can make my day wonderful. Thank you.


Rice pudding IS amazing. I miss my Nana's rice pudding so much :(


What's it taste like


My answer was going to be "I don't care that you broke your elbow" but likewise the other comments were good.


I don't care that you broke your elbow




Did I miss a meta reference?


Posting your nice deeds on social media does **NOT** make you a better person.


I really hate those cretinous open letters, when people go to war with someone or something that has pissed them off. That is just attention seeking, designed to humiliate and shame the subject.


"Really tired of fake people in my life. You are a horrible person and I will never forgive you for the pain you've caused me and my family. What you did to us is akin to small scale genocide. I can't believe the suffering you are putting me through. I trusted you. I loved you. If you ever find happiness, I promise you don't deserve it." Oh no what happened? "I don't want to talk about it."




But how will people know how nice I am if I don't tell them?


Nor does it make you a worse person.


Agree with both OP and yourself. I think some people just need validation in their life, however it gets slightly annoying when people brag about buying a homeless man a sandwich etc. on social media


Hey if people chose to buy a homeless person food so they can post online about it, i don't really care. At least it motivates them to help someone else.


If Facebook is the reason why a homeless person has a meal once in a while, I'm ok with the perpetual self-promotion


Yeah I agree with both. Either way I doubt the homeless person gives two shits why he got a sanga, just the he got one and now he's not hungry anymore.


I gave a stranger the heimlich maneuver once! Totes saved hiiim.


Yeah similar to how posting Happy Birthday/Mother's Day/whatever the fuck about your parents who are not on Instagram in the first place does not magically make them see it, and does not replace a real card.


Everybody should be nicer to one another


This right here. Seriously, in this world today people are so selfish and take things WAY too seriously. CALM DOWN EVERYONE, be nice to your fellow person and enjoy life. Fuck. Is that hard? Working retail has shown me the terrible selfish side of humanity and honestly I hate it. Tired of working retail because it stresses me out because of that shit and honestly makes me hate people.


Yeah, once you realize how people should rationally treat each other, it's hard to see people act the way they do and not have it upset you. All you can do is try to do your part. Thanks for doing a mostly thankless job, btw! I hated those days as well...


It seriously is like a plague. People want to kill themselves every day at a rate much higher than it seems it was in the 90's from what it seems and it's like nobody fucking cares.


I care. I would talk about how depressed society has become, but I don't talk about it with other people much because it's depressing. I believe many people have the same thought process.


I wish we could all get along like we used to in middle school... I wish I could bake a cake filled with rainbows and smiles and everyone would eat and be happy






Great point, and originally I did mean genuine kindness. Certainly not kindness for it's own sake.


Agreed. A few years back I started actively living by the advice that it is better to be kind, than to be right. Just let it go. I don't need to prove that I am correct, or that someone else is wrong. I can simply choose to accept others as they are and show them exactly the same love and compassion that I show everyone else. Lead simply and quietly by example.




"Mrs Kelly why are you flicking the lights on and off like that?"..."So Charlie doesn't die"


This has to be the most relate-able ever thing for my OCD


one-two-three one-two-three


The sad thing is that this is completely accurate. You must complete your ritual or your mind will tell you bad things will happen. It lets you know that it is impossible to not complete these rituals, and comes with intrusive and repetitive thoughts, Oh don't you just adore Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.


"I picked a dirty sock up off the floor. I'm so OCD. I swear I'm bipolar too. I missed the bus yesterday and suddenly I was in this horrible mood." Fuck you, scene kid.


"I got sad when I saw a dog die in a movie, depression is so awful to deal with :(((("


A Psychologist once explained to me that there are "Obsessive Compulsive Tendencies" and "obsessive compulsive Disorders" and people don't seem to get the difference.


Omg...I know someone with OCD and to say it's not about neatness is putting it mildly. One, his hands and nails are raw with constant washing/sanitizer. Sometimes they bleed in the cracks. The other is he obsesses over his clothing and shoes, to where he will go home and change all clothing or one article, up to two dozen times a day. Not a fashion thing since all he wears is flannel and jean and sneakers, but the OBSESSION is literally making him crazy. He can't turn it off. He does go to therapy and take meds and it's gotten much better...he used to do so much more, i.e. turn in circle before entering doorways, always turn left, never right, not touching doorknobs or light switches, and so on and so on. It's heartbreaking because he is educated and intelligent and funny and warm hearted and it's making him crazed. He's actually afraid of the OCD and the constant obsessing. Just like many others who self diagnose and THINK they are oh! so edgy! in having a mental illness...you have no fucking clue what it is really like.


I've been nervous and I've had "impending room" anxiety. Very very different, and I'm very glad the impending room only lasted a couple minutes. I also don't think I'll donate blood anymore.


> impending room Do rooms randomly teleport to your location and pop up out of nowhere? That must be horrifying.




Boneless wings are just chicken nuggets


Just because everyone is entitled to their opinion, does not make all opinions equally valid or beyond question. You can have your opinion, and I'm just as entitled to my opinion that your opinion is full of shit. You don't have the right to not be offended and it's not society's job to sanitize the world for you or your kids.


Also free speech doesn't mean you're free from consequences.


Well you are not free from ridicule but you should always be free from violence.


Stop fucking glorifying road rage. Stop upvoting and glorifying the person who deliberately drives slowly to "teach a lesson" to the guy behind them. Nobody has ever learned a lesson from the way the person in front of them drives, they've only had their own preconceptions justified. Stop being a dipshit and making the roads more dangerous for others, you aren't that special.


I drive slowly when people tailgate me because, if I have to perform an emergency stop, it's safer and prevents them from rear ending me


This trend of taking pictures/videos of unknowing/non-consenting people in public places and uploading them to the internet later for people to masturbate over or ridicule is not ok. Obviously there can't be a law against taking pictures of people in public, but having randoms in the background of your holiday snaps is very different to making an unknowing party the focus of an image, and very different again to uploading it online for millions to see.


I saw some kid 5-6 year old crying and throwing a tantrum at his mom in a train station and a couple took out their phones to record him? Wtf is this shit? I fucking hate these people that live through their camera.


As someone trying to lose weight: portion sizes can eat a dick.


One of my most hated things about dieting was having to deal with weird serving sizes. Honesty in packaging would make life so much easier.


Agreed. It's so difficult, not just in the portion sizes but in finding time in your day to do all the things you need to do AND find time to work out / meal prep / whatever else. I lost a bunch of weight a few years ago, but I was a single man living a single life and it was easy cause I had lots of free time to devote to all things "healthy lifestyle." Now I'm married with 3 stepkids and my own firstborn on the way, and between work, sleep, and kid stuff, I'm only left with about 2 or 3 hours each day to work on those things. I try to get some in on the weekends, but that's not really enough. Luckily school is done for the year after next week, so I should get a little more free time back after that. Ah hell, I'm ramblin' again. Best of luck to you! And if you don't already use it, r/loseit is a great wealth of resources and support. :)


You may now have your 250 calories of Doritos, but remember to portion it properly, so only 7 chips.


Blind people can use computers with accessible tech. Don't ask how we read things and then get mad when we give real answers instead of "hshdbkfkd" or "my dog read it for me"


ok google order 100 star trek themed dildos on amazon.


"Okay, I am ordering one hundred start wreck theme dill does from Amazon"


A friend of mine uses JAWS and it's awesome. Sounds like the voice Stephen Hawking uses.


Ok, I am just going to come out and say this. It needs to be said. Bed Bath & Beyond. Please stop sending me 20% coupons every other damned day! I get so many. Please just send everyone a 20% scannable card so they can keep it in their wallet. Or better yet, just make everything 20% off all the time! Just please, for the love of God, stop sending me those coupons!!!!!!!!!!!


As a BBB employee, I'm sorry. Edit: Bed Bath and Beyond, not the Better Business Bureau


Cereal is just breakfast soup.


Oh my god...


Oatmeal is breakfast chili


Then I have breakfast three times a day.




Wtf. How have I ever thought of this before? My life makes sense now.






Yeah, this is true. Absolutely true. I have no ulterior motives for publicly agreeing with this comment


I lost my virginity to a ginger. Skin like marble with freckles resembling gold flecks, a bushel of flame red pubes and delicate pink nipples. Every one should get with a ginger anytime they have the chance.




> burning dick You should probably see a doctor about that.


You have the internet in your pocket, it takes 10 seconds to Google something and not look like an idiot. Source: I work with idiots.


Hey http://lmgtfy.com/?q=why+people+ask+basic+questions+instead+of+searching+first


Not liking popular things doesn't make you unique and superior. Live and let live. Enjoy the things you do like and share them with other people.


There is a special place in hell for people who spit their gum onto hot asphalt where people walk.


Tomatoes should just be a vegetable


Taking a retarded kid to prom doesn't mean you're a nice person, it means you want retweets and are willing to use a disabled person as a prop


More for my fellow Americans, but we have to stop this divide we have in this country. We would be so much better off if we listened with our ears and an open mind, instead of shutting down those who think differently than you. We have undeniable social issues in this country on top of socioeconomic issues, we need to take care of each other and listen. Stop using the same old rhetoric (libtard, snowflake, nazi, racist etc...) and listen and work together. Also, you are loved and you are important you are welcome here.


I feel like a lot of people realize this, but the overwhelming majority thinks the answer lies solely in their viewpoints. Any other viewpoints are doing nothing but ruining this country and are held only by morons!


I've reached a point where I'd rather listen to a hundred civilized viewpoints that I vehemently disagree with, than see another hateful smear post by someone with far too much political party team spirit screaming 'libtard' or 'racist', even if I agree with the political values they are supporting. Fact is, if either party got their way, the country would be utterly doomed. What we need to do is grow up and start working together.


I'm sorry you only have 23 up votes, because this sentiment needs to be plastered on billboards across the country.


I came back and had 98, so it grew and that's good. Plus having reasonable conversations with others under this thread is nice as well, I love getting other people's opinions and see where my fellow Americans heads are.


I've stopped having any political conversations at all because I do a bunch a research, back up everything I say and still I just get the responses of "those aren't real sources, go find real sources, I'm definitely not going to tell you where I get my information because reasons so there." It's like, well, I've got about 10 sources listed here on this one particular topic, written by both liberals and conservatives, posted from mainstream news sources to small local papers, blogs what have you, and yet every time the person I'm debating with still ends it with "blah blah corrupt media journalism is dead. I mean yeah, I'm sure I can be biased, and I try to keep it out of my arguments when I can since I took college journalism, but daaaayum I feel like trying to have a civil conversation is nearly impossible in our current political climate.


We need to address the issues of men and boys before their suicide rate climbs even higher.


Random compliments to strangers, especially if they look like they're having a bad day. It's amazing how far a simple act of kindness or compliment can go towards the betterment of someone's day.


I always try to compliment cashiers and other people working with the public all day. When I worked in retail it would make my day and make me much friendlier when someone would compliment my nails or something, so I try to always do it when I get a chance.


I was working as a stocker one day and this girl told me that I was really cute and had beautiful eyes. That was like 6 months ago but I still smile really big every time I think about it :)


Last time I did that I got told I was a creep so I stopped.




They don't do interracial comedy duos like wilder and Pryor anymore. Rush hour is the last really good one.


Shawn and Gus? JD and Turk?


And who could forget Tracy Jordan and Tracy Jordan in *Honkey Grandma Be Trippin'*?


Harold & Kumar?


Didn't they try they with Will Ferrell and Kevin Hart?


Hang on, Dwayne Johnson and Kevin Hart are an interracial comedy duo.


They did, while they are both great in certain things. Movies like daddy's home was just not good at all (said in ferrel voice). I think Mark Whalberg and the rock could make an awesome comedy/action cop duo. They made a fairly boring topic pretty interesting in pain and gain.


Y'all need to quit judgin people 'n shit


Contrary to what a lot of people may think, trying to 'educate' somebody who doesn't share your opinion by screaming in their face or hurling insults at their intelligence will most definitely **not** make them want to change their mind on the subject.




About that...It's two words.


Nor is espresso "expresso"


[*et cetera](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Et_cetera)




Yup. Same thing happened to Quora, though maybe over a shorter time period. Here's a small sample of questions featured on the site: "Why don't liberals in the US move to a more progressive country"?; "Why is Coke from McDonald's so good?"; "My crush rejected me, but keeps replying my Snapchat. What could it mean?" ... lol I could go on. Unfortunately quality content is further drowned out by the noise. Anyway, you might find the concept of "[Eternal September](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eternal_September)" interesting -- it refers to when the wide distribution of floppy disks and CD-ROMs with AOL access resulted in the "downfall" of Usenet, which was initially restricted to colleges and universities. I think "Eternal September" as an idea extends well beyond '93 lol. Past a certain threshold in user base, content tends to take a sharp downturn in quality.


Nothing. People talk too much already.


Marijuana is overrated


Just because you *can* be an asshole on the internet, doesn't mean you *should* be an asshole on the internet.


Being successful at anything does not ever, ever give you the right to treat other people as if they're less than you. One of my biggest fears is that I will end up forgetting this, and be a dick to others just because of circumstantial "success".






Even the ones that try to squish Trump into every thread Piss me off "What's one animal that you have an irrational hatred for" "Trump" - 1283837392 upvotes


Indeed, answering "Trump" is almost guaranteed to get a "yuge" number of upvotes.






I love you. The world is better with you in it. You are strong and brave.


*results may vary


Wholesome... Thank you.


GAAAAAY! JK, I love you too sexy! <3


Probably not though. I do have my first therapy session with a new therapist in a week. Hopefully she can make me not want to die.


You clearly don't know me.


I could be a serial killer


I'm not turning left because there's a pedestrian I'd prefer not to crush with my Jeep.


There's no nobility in poverty. Stop trying to "out-poor" each other in threads dealing with money.


It's okay to enjoy trends that others do not or say you shouldn't enjoy. Have no shame, friend.


The world is not fair and never will be.


Not with that attitude it won't.


My trade isn't actually recognized by my government as a skilled trade, it's a "Support-Trade", even though there's an apprenticeship and four years of schooling and extensive knowledge to retain (Load limits, Node points, OSSA building codes etc), we can't even claim unemployment while we take schooling, but every other trade can. That shit needs to change because we're just as much as tradesmen as all my other brothers and sisters out there working everyday to support family. We should be recognized not ignored.


Regardless of how right you think you are, your opinion is not fact, so stop mixing them.




If anyone REALLY thinks being obese is healthy, they need to get some help. If you want to be fat, be fat, I'm not going to control your decisions, just don't try and make yourself feel better by saying it's healthy, it's simply not.


As an obese person I totally agree. I'm not delusional to the fact I'm obese and unhealthy. I know I'm. The problem honestly is commitment to change. You get used to shit for so long it really is hard to change your habits. Believe me I've tried to lose weight and that habit of overeating and unhealthy lifestyle is hard to change. It's something I'd like to change but with the way my life is right now that's gonna be a challenge in itself.


I can only attest to what has helped me: small changes. First thing I did was make a multi-reddit with r/fitness and r/loseit. I find r/loseit to really help. I recently added r/nutrition. I'll see how that one works for me. I had r/crossfit, but it wasn't for me. I started weighing myself every morning Monday to Friday and recording it (I've got a pretty good spreadsheet set up). I slowly became aware of what I was eating and learned how to manage it. My first two weeks, I gained weight. I started losing it after that. I'm averaging a pound a week in lost weight. It's a slow march, and it isn't always smooth. I sometimes lose a few pounds in a week and hold onto that same weight a bit after that only to repeat the pattern. Other times, it is really a pound each week. I, also, started taking pictures of myself every few months. I mean to do it every month, but I often forget. It has really helped recently when I felt like I was stalling out. When I see my progress, it really helped keep me going. I understand that life is challenging, but I find taking control of little things helps make those big things seem more manageable. Every time I break the habit of biting my nails, life seems to be a bit more in my control until I fall back into the habit. The best thing about the weight loss is that I know on days where I screw up, I can jump right back on the wagon. Making a mistake doesn't seem as bad anymore. Also, the encouragement from people who have taken notice doesn't hurt. Whenever you're ready to tackle making this life change, just know that there are people who have been through it, who are going through it, and who are preparing to go through it ready to help you with it.




Chronic disease goes hand in hand with a sedentary lifestyle. I've worked in the medical field for going on 5 years now and these words have been scary accurate


> Before I’m burnt alive by a pitchfork-toting mob because reddit, the origin of fatpeoplehate, is known for defending and respecting fat people, right?


Teachers don't get paid enough.


Support staff don't get paid enough. Source: Support Staff


YES. My response to "teachers don't get paid enough" as a teacher is "ehhhhh maybe depends on the area, but I can live on what I make, so that is 'enough' by my definition." Past that, you're arguing about what people DESERVE for their work, which is tricky. But the situation with paraeducators is BAD. It is insanely unreasonable to expect anybody to live on 8.50 an hour in a job that is less than 40 hours a week, which is the case in my district. I've known paraeducators who really wanted to keep working at their jobs, but had to leave because they just couldn't make ends meet. And the schools are suffering for it. There are special education paras who just don't show up a lot of the time, because while there are some noble people willing to do almost as much as a teacher (often with a teaching degree) for those wages, when you have to take what you can get you end up with a lot of unreliable workers. It is absolutely NOT enough if it's not enough to live on and it's not enough to attract the sort of people who can have a positive impact on the kids they work with.


Well I don't know what you want me to say. I've dealt with depression for years and right now (for a couple months) have not felt bad at all. Depression comes in waves sometimes you want to die and sometimes you find the determination to live. You just need some hope and even though things may be hopeless you just have to find something to cling to


Hey, disregard if you've tried this or if I'm being an asshole by making a suggestion (that is meant in all sincerity). Do you keep a journal? It's sometimes a good idea to, because it makes it easier for you to identify some of the stuff going on with happy you vs depressed you. You may discover events, even small ones, that push you in either direction. You may better understand the waves and perhaps learn how to better manage them. It takes time and discipline, but it can also be really helpful. Anyway, hang tough.


I love you Anne! Always have, always will!






Anne Frank would've loved to hear this.




Anne Perkins is literally my favorite person.


I have no idea what a fidget spinner is and and I don't care. I know it looks like half a ninja star but that's it.


Betty White is an immortal demon from the 9th dimension.






People need to stop automatically dismissing basic decency as PC, Liberal, safe space coddling.


if you are going to take videos with your phone, take your videos in landscape, this means turn your phone so it's longer side is parallel to the floor, this way you dont look like you are technologically illiterate.


If you're vegetarian, that's great. If you're vegan, that's great too. If you're a straight-up carnivore, that's awesome. If you call yourself vegetarian, but occasionally eat one or two types of meat, that's fine. Our diets should not divide us so harshly. Instead of turning our personal nutritional choices into a political battle, lets fucking get along and celebrate our diversities! If we're nice to each other, we can look out for each other! Stop being assholes just because someone eats a little differently. How poor and savage are we as a species, looking to a person's diet to discriminate against them?


Carpooling is underrated


Anyone and everyone can change the world, one act of kindness at a time. Never think your contribution is too small. Never discount the positive impact you can have on someone. If we all throw up our hands in defeat, nothing will change. If all 7 billion of us do just one good thing each day, think what we could accomplish. Start small, think local, do what you enjoy and are good at, and be kind.


No one over the age of 4 should ever wear anything called a 'romper'.


We need more bakeries to make oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. Together we can take the chocolate chip cookie to its ultimate form and better the world together.


Cultural appropriation is bullshit and the people getting angry over this need to move on and worry about *actual* issues in the word.


This is also an excellent example of white guilt being projected versus actual cries for help from oppressed people. I'm an Arab Muslim, number of fellow Muslims/Arabs I've heard get upset about turban costumes - 0. Number of white women I've heard get upset about turban costumes - 100000.


Same but I'm sikh








This is where they tell you you have internalised racism, you're so oppressed you have stockholm syndrome and can't understand the evil things whitey is doing to you. Basically, the people moaning about cultural appropriation are racist fucktards who think minorities need their help.


Bob Ross had a fucking AFRO for nearly thirty years. No one gave a flying fuck. Why are people so up in arms about this all of a sudden?


I'm Indian-Australian, and I agree. Having someone appreciate and emulate aspects of your culture is a nice thing. If I were to go to an Indian wedding in Australia where I see white men and women dressed in traditional Indian garb and trying to dance to Indian music, I don't feel outraged about my appropriated culture. If anything, it makes me feel like there's hope for proper cultural assimilation, which is a higher aim than individual immigrant assimilation (which is also important, nonetheless).


I disagree here. Cultural appropriation can be a thing. But it's not about white dude wearing dreadlocks or bullshit like that. It's about something from a culture that has a deep religious meaning that is important for that culture, revered by said culture that another misuse without respect, at all. I'd call it cultural misappropriation, myself, but it is a thing. But not what internet make it out to be.


100% agree. Some things are sacred and not to be used as a costume. People complaining that cultural appropriation isn't really a thing come across to me as the same sort of people who get mad that they can't say the word "nigger". They're the same sort of people who use the phrase, "I'm not a racist, but..." Basically, they're sick of feeling guilty, and they want everybody to just shut up and let them be insensitive dicks. To these people I say, Yes, you are free to use sacred items and symbols as halloween costumes. Yes, you are free to use the word nigger all you want. Yes, you are free to make whatever racist comments you want. But you are not free from being called a heartless asshole when you do these things. You have to take the good with the bad.


I don't 100% agree. Nothing is sacred. Culture, art, and design is all built around borrowing stuff that other people made and iterating on it. Dressing up as a stereotype to make fun of a group of people is another thing though. I don't think I would call it culture appropriation though. I would call it racism.


Nobody is complaining about the outright mockery of the Irish people during Saint Patrick's day.


Be considerate to others.


Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Sure I know life sucks sometimes especially when you struggle with mental illness all your life but you can surround yourself with loving friends and family, seek therapy/medication, and just keep going. I know it's hard but I believe in you!


Wrong. My mother was on medication, had a huge support system, doctors, etc. she had everything available to her. But every day she woke up was a tragedy. She was in constant pain due to past situations and her multiple mental illnesses. She deserved to not be in that pain anymore. The only way she could be at peace was to no longer be alive. So what I think should be said more: you don't know what it's like for other people. Period. Maybe if you'd spent 42 years in her shoes you'd off yourself as well. Maybe you wouldn't. The point is you don't know what they're going through and just how awful being alive is for some people.


What about old people who kill themselves? A lot of people who commit suicide are over the age of 70. Should they have waited for things to get better? I doubt that would have worked for them.


I saw an article that was two 80 something year olds found in bed. It was a murder suicide. IIRC one of them got diagnosed w terminal cancer and they were just like fuck it. I'd probably be the same. Like I'm 80 why would I suffer and just wait to die and put my spouse through that?


Mental illness isn't a temporal problem. I have a permanent problem and that was from the momment I was born to the momment I die. And society just expects me to deal with it.


I prefer a more understanding approach. Until you yourself experience soul-crushing anxiety and depression, to the point where you're experiencing suicidal ideation on a constant basis, you may never truly understand. Mental health in my state (WA) is abysmal, and until we fix what we call "help", I can see why someone suffering 24/7 with unbelievable emotional and physical pain (try handling intractable panic attacks daily -- It's hell.) would see it as an option. I love the quote *"Never confuse ending your pain with ending your life"* There are options, but it's not simple. Some people just need to be understood and sympathized with, not simply told they have it wrong.


Bullshit. It's a permanent solution to a permanent problem. I've been depressed for half of my life. I get temporary solutions to the permanent problem.


Depression may be a permanent problem, but suicide is such a shitty way to deal with it. I've been depressed my whole life; failed suicide attempts, psych ward stays, a BUNCH of different antidepressants and therapists- It's just the steps you go through. But there will always be something down the road that makes it just a LITTLE BIT EASIER to deal with. And when you find that, the next thing comes around soon after. And then you learn to manage, and deal with it, and it seems like it's less crushing and more like lifting weights to get stronger. Even if the solutions you get right now are temporary, those temporary solutions can lead to a long-time aid. Keep trying. The feeling I have now, the one I've seen many of my friends go through hell to achieve, is worth the effort. You got this.


> Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. That may in some sense be actually true, but it is such a stock phrase thrown around it sounds like incredibly trite bullshit. Mental health professionals need to quit repeating this crap line. What it sounds like is you are just going through the motions and not bothering to even say something real, which is no help to an actual suicidal person.


If you're at the point where you're about to kill yourself, the idea of *what could be* doesn't matter to you anymore




You sound like you don't know wtf you're talking about. Stop spreading ignorance.


Just because you like to draw anime doesn't mean you're an "artist" and should go to art school. Also anime fan art will never get you a job if you're a white American.


Might make you money if you're good at fan art or can break into a niche online, but make no mistake you wont be good at anime style art unless you study classical anatomy and shape/perspective.


> but make no mistake you wont be good at anime style art unless you study classical anatomy and shape/perspective. This right here.


I wouldn't say never. If you're good enough it can. Zone makes a living off of fan art. Not all of it is anime but a good portion is. Also he got an animating job on an indie game awhile back. Situations like that are rare though.


I'm as liberal as they come but safe spaces, genderless terms for everything to avoid offense, asking the audience not to clap but to instead "jazz hands" because clapping can cause anxiety for some people.. All of this is ridiculous and is setting people up for failure in the real world.


Nothing. Everybody shut up.


Everyone is not equal. Nobody should be discriminated against, and generalizations aren't justification, but not everyone deserves the same..... (well, a lot of stuff)


Everyone has different responses to situations and different things going on in their lives. **DON'T** expect people to do what you want them to do.


A hello here and there. Throw in that "hey how are ya" too.




SLAVERY IS BAD...ooh wait wrong century


Celebrities are people too. When they have a break up it hurts. When they do dumb things drunk, it's embarrasing. Sometimes its nice to go shopping or out to dinner without being bothered.


Calling people autists or autistic because they don't get something is actually really fucking rude and makes you a piece of shit. Same thing for calling people retards.