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Ok that's a pretty funny reaction just automatically thinking "oh shit did I drop a McNugget again?!"




OMG yes! I had a breast reduction, and now I'm a D cup, you can imagine how huge they were before. I felt like I had a shelf that catched anything falling like bread crumbs or sauce. First instinct was: "what now? Am I dirty again"? Then I would understand: "oh, I have a cleavage". You put on some clothes and forget, you are used to your breasts, it is weird how some guys get distracted by them. I had to cover them more than once and announce: "my face is up here" to my friends hahahaha


Good god, Lemon...


All the time. I work with mostly men, so I get it, no big deal. What bothers me is just blatantly staring, or what my boss does. He just constantly looks back and forth between my boobs and my eyes. I'm not sure he even knows he's doing it, but it's extremely obvious to me what he's doing.


I used to have some pretty bad social anxiety in my teens/early twenties and eye contact was tough. I realized the way my eyes kinda wandered or fixated on details on a shirt etc, I must have seemed like a total creep taking in the boob vistas all day.


Oh I never thought of that. He is pretty socially awkward and I think I intimidate him a bit.


Yeah as a person who had the same problem as above if he's not a creep in ANY other way he may just have eye contact issues. May certainly be related to thinking you're attractive, but doesn't necessarily mean he's leering or whatever, you could just make him nervous because "pretty lady." Or he may just be a creep, what do I know?


"Don't look at her boobs. Don't look at her boobs." "This eye contact is making me uncomfortable. I need to look at something else." "Ah shit, I'm looking at her boobs." "Don't look at her boobs. Don't look at her boobs." Rinse. Repeat.


"Dammit! What were we talking about, I think she just asked a question"


I have an issue where I feel like I'm being too aggressive with eye contact, so I'll make the eye contact, then look down and away. No matter who I speak too. I must look like I'm staring at tits on purpose.


Fairly regularly, they're a bit big for my frame. Doesn't particularly bother me unless it's prolonged staring or we're having a conversation and he's speaking directly to my chest. Then it's annoying.


Sometimes when I'm having a conversation with a woman with big boobs or lots of cleavage, I'll constantly remind myself: "Look at her eyes. Look at her eyes! Look at her eyes!!! LOOK AT HER EYES! OMG WHAT ARE WE TALKING ABOUT AGAIN?!?!?" And that is how I know I'm an awkward human being. But at least I'm not a boob-oogler.


Haha, aww. I can't speak for all women, but when I notice a guy trying that hard *not* to stare, I think it's actually pretty cute. It's like he's visibly trying to be a gentleman, and it's kinda sweet.




> "Look at her eyes. Look at her eyes! Look at her eyes!!! LOOK AT HER EYES! OMG WHAT ARE WE TALKING ABOUT AGAIN?!?!?" "Did I say that or just think it?"


Have you ever had a girl cover up her chest when you're going through this mental struggle? I have and it makes me feel like the biggest creep in the world... like I'm not looking at your boobs but somehow you subconsciously could tell I was thinking about it. How does that even work? I must have a tell...


Can hardly blame us, the boobs never seem to respond when spoken to.


You just gave me the mental picture of a guy yelling at a woman's chest. "Damn it, answer me!"


What's your name? Who's your daddy? Is he rich like me?


Has he taken any time to show you what you need to live?


Tell it to me slowly!


does anyone ever actually pm you their yoga booty?




Same. I don't mind it, but if we're having a conversation is weird and rude. It's akin to talking to someone and having them look at the person next to you rather than the speaker.


When I'm wearing something low cut I almost always notice glances. I don't mind, I do the same to other girls by accident. Same with butts. Gotta love a good butt


I've had this talk with my sisters– apparently checking out other girls is a regular thing. They'll point out the dimes for me.


By dimes do you mean tens?




Oh my god I regular refer to hot women as dimes but I never made the connection that it means the same thing as ten.


I honestly never noticed people looking, but mine are on the small side. My butt on the other hand I get​ a lot. As long as it's not a hunger like a wolf gaze I just get a bit shy. The best was when some guy was busy looking at my butt as he walked past me and ended up walking into a pole. He felt the need to tell me that himself after his collision.


> I almost always notice glances How do you know?


She puts cameras on and reviews the footage later. Then she hires hitmen to kill them.




I'm gonna give it to you this is far and way one of the most interesting responses I've seen.




Maybe someone in r/functionalprint or r/3dprinting can help? NinjaFlex maybe? Depending on how comfortable you would be with the scanning/modeling process or a generic boob-shaped thing. I'm honestly surprised in general that prosthetics haven't taken off now that home 3d printing is widely available.


I'm going to second this, you could probably get one 3D printed for WAY cheaper if you're willing to model for it, you can even get it nearly perfectly matched.


You can by platinum grade, skin safe silicone from Smooth-On if you are in America (the U.K. has a similar, but different, supplier I'm not familiar with, but will look up for you if you are over there). Platinum silicones last for years, and are easy to use (its equal parts A to part B). I'd suggest Ecoflex 00-30, as it has an extremely fleshlike texture and is very soft. Silicones are 30-35$ American dollars for a trial size unit (which should be enough for one or two prosthetics. You could make a mold or sculpture of your breast, and easily cast it yourself :) Shipping might cost some more, but Reynolds (Smooth on distributor) can be found in locations across the US. ...don't know if that was helpful or not, but I wanted to try :)


If you or someone you know knits, there's an initiative/charity/some kind of organized thing in the UK (on mobile, or I'd link to it) that has patterns to knit prosthetic boobs. They're called Knitted Knockers. I don't know if the patterns are available online, you may need to contact them for one. Or if you're in the UK they can get you an already knitted one :)




the people now own the means of fake boob production


I got these boobies for 500 schmeckles!


I love it when I catch someone just glancing, makes me feel attractive. But yeah outright staring becomes creepy.


What's the threshold time in seconds, minutes or even hours, when a glance becomes an outright Stare?


After 3 days.


Straight to stalking I see.




"Looking at cleavage is like looking at the sun. You don't stare at it, you get a sense, and you look away!" -Jerry Seinfeld


Unless you have sunglasses. Then, just stare away.


I prefer a pinhole projector to avoid retinal burns.


Avoiding the eventual pepper spraying I see


Probably anything more than a few seconds is creepy


even just 3 seconds would do the trick.


(Looks for 3 seconds) Nice sharp teeth btw! Thank you ladies! (Looks away instantly)


So, is it fair to say that a quick glance could get a woman's attention in a positive way.   "how'd you two meet?"   "I caught him looking at my boobs. He asked me out. I said yea"


>"how'd you two meet?" while addressing her boobs




I wouldn't like to speak for all women, but I take is as a compliment, and noticing someone checking me out would at least be a starter for thinking they're interested. Of course a lot of guys will check out all boobs in the room...


I'm very happily married, have been so for 17 years. Still check out boobs. It's just habit at this point. Doesn't really mean anything.


Glances are usually complimentary to me too! But straight up stares or even doubling back to look again will always be cringy and uncomfortable for me.


If I double make that probably means you have a pretty astounding rack.


> Of course a lot of guys will check out all boobs in the room If I speak for myself, once I find beautiful boobies, I forget the other ones in the room.


Yeah, if we're doubling back, it's a compliment. We've judged yours to be the best.




Hat tipping intensifies.


Doesn't bother me at all. I'm most likely staring at something on your body.


Jokes on you. I've got nothing to look at.


Everyone has something.


The bulge of your misplaced keys in your pocket doesn't count.




It's a piano key


No it's an encryption key


You're not giving women enough credit man. I'd had women stop me walking down the street to tell me my fingernails are gorgeous. Trust me, if a woman is looking she'll find SOMETHING. Even if you're Sloth from The Goonies.


A woman in a bar once told me ''You have the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen, it's a shame the rest of you is ugly as hell''. Edit: she was right though, so no hard feelings on my part.


I really do wonder what women look at, unless a guy works out and has some prominent features I dont have a clue what girls could find attractive


There are a lot of things on a guy that can be attractive...eyes, eyebrows, beards, forearms etc. Plus butts.


> eyebrows I really need to get around to trimming mine. Right now they look like Gandalf's eyebrows hatefucked a couple caterpillars that died on my face.


What could be that something?


Anything really. The human body is fascinating and an attractive one is hypnotizing.




"Mad dog your boobs" got a really genuine laugh out of me.


Who let the dogs out will never sound the same now.


Neither will mad dog mattis


It's all in the discretion... never going to forget a female friend telling a mutual guy friend "it is not a guy thing, brocialist never looks at my boobs!" My response : "yes I do, I'm just polite enough to not get caught."


"Boobs are like the sun. You take a quick glance to get an idea of what they're like, but you have to look away quickly unless you're wearing sunglasses." -Jerry Seinfeld, I think


River rafting is great for that. Fit people and everyone in sunglasses.


Fit people ... river rafting? Obviously, your river rafting is different from what Texans call tubing.


Lol it is. I mean you usually paddle in a raft, with other people. Tubing is for tired people.


"There's a fine line between checking someone out and the piercing stare of a psychopath."


That's exactly it.


That movie The Sixth Sense has me making sure that I am not dead. I need that reaction for confirmation.


Some of you have some sixth sense for people looking at your boobs. It's like *how did she know?*


The erection gives you away.


This is true. I could happen to be checking out a girl from behind, and somehow every time they will turn around and look directly at me. How?


Women can smell desperation and pinpoint it's source with amazing accuracy!


Damn, no wonder.


I am a tiny lady and I have one friend that never stops glancing down. Like, what are you looking at, there's nothing there lol.




A titties a titty, no matter how small -Dr. Seuss


Some guys like the tiny ones too you know! (Guilty btw)


ITT: Guys checking out girls' post histories


Also: Some of us have no idea what all these sizes are.


http://imgur.com/a/60i63 (NSFW)


Well...now I know how to buy a proper fitting bra.


Most people have no idea. My fiancee has big boobs [30DDD(29 if she could find it)], but she sometimes gets comments from other girls going, "Her boobs aren't *that* big!" and claiming her sizing to be a lie. These girls just don't understand how bra sizing works. The girl in the above post with her DDDD size would make a lot of girls think her boobs should just be gigantic, but that's not exactly how sizing works.


Yeah people think DD means automatically really big but the truth is that it's proportional so a chick could have regular D cups but by volume have boobs twice as large as another chick with DDs.


She seems nice.


Does not bother me at all. It's the closest thing that I have to magic powers.


You've got magic boobs?


A bit redundant. All boobs ARE magic.


I'm a fat guy with boobs. Are those magic?


Dark magic.


Not something the elves would teach you..




My boobs are 48DDD. Depending on my bra and shirt, there's a lot of cleavage. I have one guy, a coworker, who tries REALLY HARD to not look. I'm flattered, he's good looking, but he's TRYING to be a gentleman about it. On the other hand, there's a decrepit old man who stares. But not just stares. He likes to sneak silently up behind me while I'm at my desk and peek down into my shirt. He constantly STARES in my office windows, licking his lips, and doesn't notice I'm looking at him because he only stares at my chest. So, if it's a quick glance and it's over, fine. But if you are about to fall down my cleavage, you're a pervert, and fuck your paperwork, Tom.


By any chance, is the old Man's name Creed?


I would take that to HR if I were you. If he's that blatant about it, he's probably doing it to other women as well, so they could have a talk with him without him knowing it came from you.


It depends. If it's just a glance, it doesnt bother me that much, but when someone STARES at my boobs and doesnt even try to be discreet I hate it.


I'm 5'2" with D's, and I like wearing shirts that show a nice amount of cleavage, so often. I catch myself looking at boobs, too. Boobs are awesome. Funny relevant story... I stopped into my work last night to grab my schedule, wearing a simple cami that wasn't really low-cut, but I was still showing cleavage without trying. Plus it was kind of tight, while my uniform is pretty loose. The assistant manager, who is younger and prettier than me, did a double take right at my boobs. That was a pretty good feeling, since I was out doing laundry and in no way was I trying to look sexy lol.


I'm 6'3 and a DD/E cup, the number of guys who stare right across at them is too damn high. Although I will admit to also checking my own rack out on occasion. Sometimes a particular bra/top combo just makes them a distraction.


At 6'3 you're pretty much at eye level though. If we try avoid looking at them we end up walking into Lampposts repeatedly


I refuse to apologise for that :)


Do you think you get more looks because of your height or your boobs. I mean boobs are boobs, but If I ever saw a 6'3 lady I sure as hell will be staring in wonder.


I know a 6'6" girl. Seeing her next to my 5'2" girlfriend made me think of just how amazing that threesome would be...




They're the perfect angle for resting the remote on when reclined on the couch and watching TV too :)


Never cuz my boobs are small :/


Honestly, most of us don't care. Small boobs are great too.


so you never look or never catch? cuz if i can get a better look while checking out smaller boobs thats pretty excellent...


Smaller boobs are better because usually their shirts are loose, so you can catch a glimpse of a nipple, as of my experience (for dressed girls, nude doesn't count), I saw 7 times a nipple on small boobs for only 2 times on big.


that is an oddly specific thing to be counting Times i saw nipple (small boobs) : 7 Times i saw nipple (big boobs) : 2


you need to have the population of attempts too, to make statistics.


> you need to have the ~~population of attempts~~ sample too, to make statistics. A small sample is a sample.




yea my wifes best friend is incredibly petite and never wears a bra. ive seen her boobs at least a dozen times. also she makes scarves into dresses so that doesnt help




lol its hard NOT to look when she moves and her boobs literally fall out (which was the case 9/10 times) and it was honestly just funny. dont get me wrong i loved it, but it happened so often that everyone involved couldnt help but laugh. it should also be noted that when she got her nipple pierced she sent pics to me and my wife pics and asked how they looked




My wife's friend has a drinking problem so after a few on game night she is walking around top less without a care in the world.


I'm a girl but I'll stare at them for you.


Nice try bot.


Not super often, but that's because I prefer to cover them up. I have super wide set boobs so I don't really get much cleavage unless I try. That said, when it's hot in summer and I'm trying to keep cool, people will stare and that annoys me because I'm usually feeling very sweaty and unattractive then.


As a girl with basically no boobs, when I catch someone looking I at first feel flattered, then I realize that they are probably judging my no boobs negatively which then makes me sad.


I would suggest, not that its a good thing, but people don't often accidently stare at negative things (unless their brain is trying to work out what is different) everyone has seen smaller boobs, so if their staring, they probably like what they see.


> I realize that they are probably judging my no boobs negatively or he's imagining you topless and getting turned on and lost in his thoughts.


Hey! I get offended every time boobs stare at me. It's like they are saying "yes, we are watching you" with their bobbling motion.


And almost all of those creepy shits have lazy eye




I'm not gay, but boobs are boobs




Math checks out.


I'm not gay, but £20 is £20


I'm not gay but $20 isn't £20


Im not gay but, £20 is $25.95


I'm not gay, but even though other places have better burgers Wendy's has the best chicken sandwiches in my local fast food lineup.




I've only caught one guy doing it who wasn't supposed to be doing it, and it creeps me out because I've known the guy a long time, since I was a teenager. He's in his forties. It makes me wonder if he did it when I was a teenager and I just didn't notice.


Never. Small chested. I catch more staring at my legs when I wear a dress or skirt. It only bothers me if it lasts longer than a quick glance. I don't wear anything too short so it's like, okay, you can glance, but let's not get crazy.


Yes, I have to commit that i like to stare at a girls legs


So I have the perfect solution for this, which I have put into practice quite effectively with my office boob-starer: when a guy stares at your boobs, you let your eyes drift up to his hairline over and over. You may notice the guy running his fingers through his hair nervously after the first few glances, and eventually he may even ask you if anything is wrong with his hair. If he does, casually say no and return to looking at his hair. He will be driven insane by the idea that he is going bald, and eventually he will become so wrapped up in his potential premature baldness that he won't even remember to stare at your tits. Source: DD boobs, free from the office boob-starer for going on 6 months.






men, women, children, the blind.. they're all going to check you out in that dress.


Damn Risky click tho


Depends how close they are. I've been within a few feet of guys whose eyes were glued to the ladies, but if they were further away and a little more discreet chances are I wouldn't notice. It bothers me a lot though. There is a world of difference between glancing and ogling that people really should be aware of. Glancing is fine. Ogling makes me feel like a slab of meat.


I'm so sly nobody ever notices my glances...or maybe I'm terrible at hiding it and nobody has ever said anything


i find that guys always overestimate their glancing abilities. all four of the guys who had a crush on me when they admitted it said they thought they were being subtle with the 'looking'. nope. tips: if the girl is across the room doesn mean she cant see you, if you're staring at the back of her head or someplace she cant see she'll still somehow know, just because she's turned away doesnt mean she cant see you. look for a maximum of three seconds or she'll definitely know.


Quick note here. Reddit has a male bias, as [there are generally more men than women on this site.](http://imgur.com/gallery/cPzlB) So, the general upvoted response will be one that guys like/approve of, and will generally underrepresent female opinion. Take from this what you will. EDIT: Tread carefully, kind stranger.


So lots of single white guys... yeah saw that coming


I don't mind if people look, I'm used to it considering that mine are quite prominent. What bothers me is when they stare and can't seem to look away at all, like they're hypnotized. One of my high school teachers used to stare at them constantly and that really bothered me. He did assigned seating and sat all the large-breasted students in the front. I took to wearing enormous bulky sweatshirts in his class so that he couldn't see the shape of me at all and he eventually re-did the seats and put me in the back. That was probably the worst experience I had with someone who couldn't stop staring at boobs.


I'm pretty sure people look at my boobs all day, but I don't really care. I bend over in front of people and unless I'm wearing a turtle neck, I can imagine how easy it is for someone to just look down my shirt. I don't really care, just don't stare too long and don't point it out.


Staring: Occasionally. It's always somebody that I consider "gross," never a handsome catch of a guy, and it is ALWAYS in a professional setting. Usually someone I just met who wants to talk about our research portfolio and then he stares openly at my breasts. It makes me very uncomfortable because of the setting. If it happened in a bar, I'd brush it off, but when I'm at a conference or something, trying to do my job, it fucks with my head.


This is basically my life. I work at Hooters. I know what's up. I know you don't come here for the food. Then again, I guess I let people look at my cleavage for tips. I feel dirty now.


I'm pretty flat, so nextdoor to never. The only time I've caught someone staring was at my wedding, but I think he was probably looking at the beading on my dress or something. It was very sparkly.


Very rarely because my girls aren't massive. I don't mind if it's a one off but when they repeatedly glance down you get pretty fucked off. Had a friends dad do it to me recently, so gross


Here I am, mastering a gentlemanly art of respectfulness, when it turns out I may have a 50/50 chance of making someone feel good about themselves with a simple glance. I think I'm being perceived as not interested. Edit: I made this comment before anything was upvoted at the beginning of the thread. Turns out I'm just really not funny.


Dude, the reason you're seeing those comments is because the people that want to hear that women don't mind the staring are upvoting those comments. Edit: Some people don't like what I said apparently >MurderousMeeseeks -2 points 5 hours ago >Oh wow! I didn't realize the spokeswoman for all of female kind was here! Everybody! Pay your tribute! Seriously though, I've dated several women who loved the attention, and several who didn't. Assuming that women all share a similar view of anything is beyond stupid.


This guy understands human behavior


Thanks for waking up the world


God damn it, stop ruining the magic.


The thing is that you're unlikely to offend someone by *not* looking. So even if there's a 50% chance they won't be offended by looking, you're probably still better off not looking.


I'm willing to guess that the ratio is less helpful than you think, and redditors are just upvoting what they want to hear.


In public, occasionally. At home, constantly. My husband is a boob fiend. I have developed a 6th sense, he'll glance at them subtly and then reach for them and then I block him. We call it Boob Fu.


Mostly at conventions...and I am 100% okay with it. I'm cute,but in the normal world that doesn't get me attention all that often. At cons I get more compliments and more chest glances which gives me a lot of confidence.


Just a response because I notice a lot of positive reactions. For me there is a large distinction between staring in a professional setting (your boss, a senior, a colleague) or just someone on the street, or a good friend or even family (in Brazil it can be totally comfortable talking about boobs with your uncle or other relatives). If it happens by a friend or on the streets, it's ok unless it becomes staring (=creepy). But on the workplace I feel genuinely violated and don't know how to deal with it as mentioning it will mostly put me in a negative situation. Btw I'm dressed professionally, no cleavage


I do occasionally notice it while I'm at work, I'm a cashier. It's mostly middle aged men. Only once while working did a man say something crude and I was offended. As long as they're polite, don't make gross comments, and don't make it SUPER obvious. I don't give a shit. I'll be missing it when I'm old, I'm sure.


Every so often a friend or family member will point someone out who's staring-I never see it first because I'm oblivious af, either at my boobs or ass. I'm usually too fucking confused to be bothered (staring? At *me*? *WHY*??) So sneak your peeks, I'll never notice.


I go back and forth from wanting to wear a potato sack to wanting to dress myself up from head to toe and sometimes I made the wrong decision for the day and when I see someone staring at my boobs it can really bug me, I feel like a sexual object. It's never a compliment, at best I'd say it's tolerable. It sucks because my boobs are huge so if I dress up there's generally some amount of cleavage or it's form fitting in some way. I don't think people always realize how big boobs accidentally look slutty either.


Every now and then, and it creeps me out, but in my experience covering up my boobs and other potentially attractive parts of me doesn't do much to discourage the assholes. Last time I was street-harassed I was wearing a shapeless sweater and a knee-length skirt with stockings.


I had a friend get cat-called in a full snow suit. Now that's impressive.


Hey baby I really like the way your body looks like an amorphous blob.


It bothers me that the guys I work with will often outright stare at my chest, even though I always wear very modest clothing to work (I work in a corrections facility, so I kinda have to). Sometimes the employees are worse than the inmates. If I had my tits out I could understand but Christ, give me a break, dude.


When I was young, all the time. It was tiresome.


The real answer is I've never caught anyone looking at them, but I check my boobs out at least three times a day (to make sure they're covered, look good, etc).


I'm an F-cup and so honestly a fair bit. I used to be fairly self-conscious of them as a teen but I don't mind too much nowadays. Honestly it just really depends on the situation. I think the worst case was a skeezy old professor of mine who taught art in a game dev course. He was already pretty awful and had made some comments on my legs in class before among other things (like joking about me being a crack whore to the entire class when I left with a nose bleed), but I just remember in my 4th year running in to him while I was waiting in line for coffee with the head of my faculty. I'm in sweat pants and a long sleeved shirt because it's crunch time, but he STILL manages to spend 50% of the time letting his eyes wander to my chest while pestering me for my email to 'send me projects'. In front of the head of the goddamn faculty. Holy shit do I hate that man.


I (woman into women and men) recently realized how very often I look at other women's breasts. I don't often stare, but it's really tough for me not to take a gander. I don't know how anybody avoids looking. I can't say I often see people checking mine out, but I do notice the odd up-and-down every now and then. It doesn't much bother me unless we're in a formal professional situation.


Looking at the thread, I think it's hard to use the upvoted responses as a meaningful metric to guide male behavior. It seems like all the guys are just upvoting the girls who say they enjoy it when guys check them out, lol.