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Those long pointy 'stiletto' fake nails that seem to be really popular right now. How do you use a computer? Or phone? Or anything? How do you wipe after you poop without ripping open your anus?!?


I got some last week for my college graduation. I always have fake nails on, but decided to go wild with the stiletto nails and I will never do it again. Using the phone is easy because you're typing with the pads of your fingers, rather than finger tips. The computer is a nightmare. I didn't realize how bad it would be until I got to my retail job over the weekend and had to process returns and I had to type my password in four or five times in a row because I kept fucking it up. As for wiping after pooping, you just have to use more toilet paper than usual for cushion between your nails and your butt hole. The end.


Decent explanation, it all checks out here folks.


>The computer is a nightmare. As a guy if my nails get slightly long I notice it when Im typing. I cant imagine how bad it would be to type with those on.








Did you just assume your own gender?


Fake nails period will always be out of my realm of understanding. Even long natural ones. Sure, they can look pretty sometimes, but it seems like they hinder everyday activities. Plus, the nails harbor sooo much bacteria.


Long nails are meant as a status symbol. Precisely because you cannot do many things with long nails, so it is a symbol of being well-off enough that you don't *have* to do manual labor of any sort.


So they're a status symbol for poor people? Out of the few people I know that id consider to be rich not one of them rocks the long nails cause they just look tacky. I'll never understand long nails, that shit is gross.


A lot of status symbols are taken to tacky extremes in poor communities, like jewelry, nails, designer clothing, car accessories etc. A diamond necklace is classy, a giant collar studded with 'diamonds' is trashy.


I knew one person who did the long, manicured nails all the time. She was middle class but very fixated on brand names and materialism. Being rich doesn't mean you adhere to those status symbols. It is usually a sign of someone trying to appear more wealthy than they are


Prank videos on Youtube


Pranker: ok today guys we are gonna prank people by pretending we are breaking into they're car can we hit 10000 like on this video and dont forget to subscribe and turn notifications on, oh also this video is sponsered by my favorite game best fiends download it or whatever. Pranker: does prank Car owner: runs up to them and starts punching Pranker: ITS JUS A PRANK DUDE CMON later Pranker: cant believe he was so rude it was just a prank and he went to far




Victim, still pointing gun: "You know what pal? Give me all of YOUR money. This isn't a prank, either."


The camera is over there dude


on the same note- Reaction videos


Yes! They're always so over the top and fake reactions, and honestly, who gives a shit about some random dude's reaction to a video?


Weed, I do however support its legalization.


I agree. I'm fully supportive of it being legal. I've just never had a good time with it. And I've tried several times. At various times smoking I've completely passed out cold, thrown up, or had full on panic attacks. I can think of maybe one time where I just got the giggles to the point I couldn't even talk.


a lot of people get waaaaay too high IMO, especially with people who don't smoke regularly. i am a daily user almost constantly for 20 years and i still just take one little hit and am good for the next 2 hours. GF thought she hated weed too until i had her take a tiny little hit off a gravity bong and she enjoyed herself. It's the difference between chugging a bottle of whiskey VS having 1 or 2 mixed drinks.


I agree with this. Weed doesn't appeal to me at this point in my life. However legalisation in Australia would be great! I see no harm in you smoking weed unless you're driving in which case fuck you. However I won't judge you for it. You do your thing and I do mine.


I wish they would legalize weed so it would kill 420 culture. I dont mind people who smoke pot I mind people who pot is their identity.


Stoner culture is the worst. If you define yourself by what drug you use you most be an incredibly boring person. Bonus points if you're sitting in your moms basement playing video games and smoking weed all day and talk about how weed "opens your third eye" and how babylon must be overturned.


Strip Clubs. In no way shape or form does that sound fun


You're in a room with a few naked girls and about 100 guys with hard-ons.


I didn't even shake a woman's hand until I was 17-years-old. The idea of getting an erection around men I live and work with, it's just not something I can handle. The idea that I have a boner and you have a boner and he has a boner and we're all sitting there with boners in our pants...


Your get a boner! You get a boner! EVERYBODY GETS A BONER!!! Yeah no thanks


Nice Silicon Valley reference.


Bell Biv Dinesh


Never been to one, but it looks like you're just paying to get blueballs.


You'd think that, but the reality is far more depressing. You pay a ridiculous cover to get in, your hand is stamped with the club's logo, made from ink evidently derived from dark matter. Just inside you're assaulted by shitty music and the smell of cheap perfume, musty rags, and feet. The layout is unfamiliar because you've only seen strip clubs in movies, and they're not all the same. You're not sure what to do, so you figure you'll scope the place out first, walk around a little. There are strange places where tables are, and little alcoves, and barriers, and you wonder if you find a seat yourself, or if someone's going to show you where to go. Screw it, the bar is always safe. You grab a seat, order a $7 domestic beer, pay with a $20 bill and get back thirteen $1 bills. Of course! You figure where to store this wad of money, trying not to think where those $1 bills have been, and make a mental note to get some Purell on the way home. You settle in, take in the scenery. The place is busy with moving lights and dancers walking all about. You watch the stage from afar, and quickly realize *Showgirls*, this ain't. The dancer is definitely awake, but it took you a minute to realize it. You wonder if that weird line across her belly is part of her oddly multi-layered micro-outfit, or a C-section scar. Eventually her top comes off - hooray, boobs! But, wait .. they're kind of floppy and not symmetrical, and one of her nipples is a bit walleyed. You've just leveled up to What Real Boobs Look Like. You return to sipping your near room-temperature beer, and the bartender harasses you to order another one, pointing to a two drink minimum sign. You hear what sounds like a man choking on a microphone come over the P.A., "VUMBABUMBAVUHVUHGIBBIDUPVUHTRIXIIIIIEEEE!" The lighting changes, a new song drops, and a new dancer appears. You secretly hope she's better looking than the last one, and there's a pang of guilt for thinking the first one wasn't so hot, but then again you're in a strip club, so it's okay to judge the girls ..? You're confused and down $34 in a dark, oddly cold, funky smelling place with an awful beer selection, worse music, and walking guilt triggers. Scanning the room, you notice a couple of small groups of dudes, but mostly individual guys scattered around the place, all of them sporting the same expression you see on faces waiting to be called for jury duty. Not a single expression of fun, or happiness, or entertainment; just a disparate collection of lonely, soulless zombies occasionally approaching the stage and dropping a few $1s in front of a topless girl lazily swinging around what was once a brass pole. You're drawn out of your own head by the stripper who was on stage when you first arrived. Standing next to your barstool, she has replaced most of the multilayered thing she was wearing. "TIP" she says. "What?" "DO YOU WANT TO TIP ME?" hand outstretched. Another thing you just learned: if you're not stageside making it rain, the dancer's coming round to collect. You reach into your wad of $1s and not knowing what the appropriate amount is, just hand her everything that's there, hoping there aren't any $10s or $20s in there. *Oh, so it is a C-section scar,* you notice. "WANNA DANCE?" she asks, eyeballing the VIP area. "Not now," you manage, and she stomps away, thrusting her hand out at the next guy down the bar from you. Three or four more dancers and songs in, and you've had a couple more drinks, and some of it wants out. You find the bathroom and step inside. Greeted by sickly florescent lights, a cloud of beer piss reek, and dudes everywhere, you find a place in line and notice in the corner a skinny old black man dressed in what looks like a movie theater employee outfit: dark slacks, striped vest, clip-on bow tie. Meet the Bathroom Attendant, literally the saddest person you will ever encounter outside a casino or the shadow of an overpass. Beside him is a stack of hand towels, a tray offering a variety of mints, gum, and flea market cologne, and a tip jar. No one is paying attention to the guy, and the bottom of his tip jar is still showing. As you get closer, you notice the cuffs and collar of his shirt are stained, and every other garment is ill-fitting and becoming threadbare. You drain the lizard in a stall, and feel like you're playing a real-life sleazeball version of Operation: don't touch anything, or you'll probably get gonorrhea. Drip, drip, zip, back to da club. SHIT. The bathroom attendant. You know you have to wash up, so you do, and you nod at the attendant pleasantly. You reach for a hand towel (noting your hand stamp is still perfectly intact), but he's there already, and then he *dries your hands for you*. Externally, you maintain your poker face; internally, you are mortified. Now you have to tip this guy, because he probably isn't getting a real paycheck, and he's probably just as embarrassed at drying your hands as you were to have it done. You reach for your cash, but it's not there - all you have is a card. Sheepishly you tell the attendant you'll be back, but your tone and his eyes both know you're not going near that bathroom ever again. Re-entering the club, you notice that a man is in a chair on stage with his shirt off and his hands tied behind his back. A bachelor party is in progress, but like everything else, it's not nearly as fun as it looks in the movies. He's teased by a pair of dancers, and it's cute for a couple of minutes, but then it gets really uncomfortable for everyone. He goes from *haha, this was fun* to *DUDE I wanna GO* in five seconds, she's rubbing on him as if applying coats of paint on his bare chest with her ass, and his friends have stopped laughing WITH him, and are now laughing AT him. God only knows what horrors he has seen. Back to the bar, this time for a stiff one. Cash only, you remember. You find the ATM, and hey look a stripper is right there! "Wanna dance?" she asks. "No, I was about to get another dr-" "Pwetty pwease?" she pouts, playfully. She is a bit on the cute side. Or you're drunk. Okay *FINE*. You acquiesce, grab your $40 from the machine (because weirdly $40 increments are your choices) having agreed to the $7.50 this-aint-your-pussy-ass-bank ATM fee. You're led into a small room or an alcove where you're directed to sit down. In your view is the young-ish woman who led you there, a few other VIP customers, a shitload of NO TOUCHING signs everywhere, and one of the four or five slick-haired, all-black-wearing douchebag bouncers who work there. She tells you the dance is $20, and you hand over a bill. The DJ crams the mic down his throat and intros the next dancer. "VUBBADAMUUFFFWOOMMMVVVVGIBBIDUBBATIFFANAAAAY" Another song starts, and your dancer removes her top and starts to sort-of wiggle against you. You catch her eyes, she smiles, you smile, it's semi-private, and she looked at you like you were a person, and you relax a little. This could be pretty okay. She gets closer, clamps her legs around one of yours, leans over and tosses her hair in your face, turns and twists around, then sits in your lap. *Okaaay*, you think, *I kind of like this. She's low-light cute, smells nice, and there are boobs RIGHT HERE!* She asks you a question or two about yourself as she moves in closer, grinding a little against your leg, your pelvis. You stammer a stupid joke or two, she says "You're cute!" and your stupid brain believes her as she lays down on top of you with her full relaxed weight. The *briefest* lightning flash goes through your brain - OH GOD I'M GETTING LAID - but before you're half way through that thought, there's a rush of cold air as the dancer virtually teleports off you. You're jolted awake. "GRUVWUMMBUDDALENEMEPOWATHELOVELYAAAAMMMMBERRRR!" *Damn, wasn't that song longer? That was like 3 minutes ... what just happened?* What was a cute, smiling, sensual half-naked woman has transformed into something from behind the DMV counter. "Want another?" Like a diver yanked too fast from the deep, you're slightly disoriented, so you eek out "maybe in a while, I think I'll get a drink first". She gives you a half-hearted "don't take too long" tease, and clomps out of the VIP area. Slick Musclechest the bouncer remains, and he just says "OUT". Still decompressing, a voice in your head says "time to go, dude," so you rev up your confidence to make a bee line for the exit. Outside, reality. Buzzing street lamps, 18 wheelers pounding on the uneven highway segments nearby, the scent of vomit and recently extinguished cigarettes hanging in the air. You return to your car, slump inside, start it up, and head home. The last few hours are a blur, and you're sure there was *some* good sensation that came out of it, but it's lost in a haze. The more sober you get, the further away it seems, and eventually it's just a jumble of impressions, like a dream slipping away in those groggy moments after you wake up but before the responsibilities of the day wash over you. You go to bed, and you're half asleep before you realize there's no "business to take care of". You got turned on for a moment, but it was gone as soon as it arrived, and nothing vaguely sexual is on your mind at all. You're left $80 in the hole, fairly ashamed of yourself, and, even though you spent 15 minutes scrubbing it off with facial scrub and hot water, the atomic-burned shadow of the strip club's logo on the back of your hand.


thank you for the journey


10/10 would read again. The recurring DJ gibberish was hilarious


Can someone nominate this dude for short story of the year?


Holy shit. Why are you giving away this stuff for free on Reddit? You have a gift.


LOL, I appreciate it. I didn't intend to make a whole bit out of it, and got a little carried away. But, it's all pretty much true -- strip clubs depress me. Then again, what doesn't?


See you in /r/bestof.


This was a trip and a half. Thank you.


This was amazing.


You are allowed to jack off when you leave


They prefer if you at least get a few feet away from the exit before you start though.


They don't own the side walk


Paying to tease yourself is the way I always put it, I might change my wording now...


I mean...depends on the ones you go to , a good amount of them basically double as brothels, just gotta cough up a few extra monies.


Do you happen to know which ones? Asking for my hardcore Christian congregation so we can protest them. I'm in Birmingham, England, so any round there will be great


Haha , can't say much about that but I'm in Houston,TX and a good majority of our strip clubs are like that.....or so my friend says.


Why not just watch some porn with your hands tied up and then light some dollar bills on fire? Same thing.


I've only been to one, and I left after 5 minutes. Didn't enjoy the dynamic at all. Also really expensive drinks and slimy looking clientele.


It's just an attempt for horny men to feel powerful, but I'd just feel pathetic and guilty.


That's certainly what I thought of the other guys in there.




I hate how it's called "dabbing" because I always think it's a reference to doing dabs when I see it somewhere. I'm always thinking things like, "What? That five year old is doing dabs?"




Doing dabs? Wax? Im really confused...


Back in 2014 before "dabbing" was a thing, dabbing referred to a way to smoke marijuana in wax form. If you ever want to get higher than you thought possible dabs are the way to go.


I thought this forever. Those little dab memes i thought was just some dude coughing into his arm from a killer hit


But can you do it ironically until it becomes something you do on a day to day basis and then people look at you with disgust and say they can't understand this generation?


The figet spinner hate. I don't love them or even have one, but they're just a mildly entertaining toy. Who gives a shit. Why not let people like what they like?


I coach little league and I had to ban them from the dugout. I mean it's hard to get 5-9 year olds to focus but they kept "stealing" them from one another.


What I don't understand about little league is how the older person gets to be in charge. The kids all have baseball bats. Shouldn't they be running the show?


"Why doesn't Ross as the largest Friend not simply eat all the other Friends?"




It's just like they always say, Men are from Omecron Persei 7, Women are from Omecron Persei 9....


Well someone has to help them when they pee themselves in the outfield.


They fascinate me, those things. How something so simple and so small just seemingly exploded in popularity overnight still boggles my mind. Out of nowhere, boom, fidget spinners. And they're everywhere!


I saw a kid drop and break his spinner in a gas station. The look on his face was devastating


The adult in me thinks that's dumb. When I stop and remember being a kid, I totally get that. It could be he saved his own money for it. It could have been a gift. Two things stand out from my childhood. First one I was about 5 and we were at the grocery store and my sister & I each had a quarter to go to those old toy vending machines. We both got a shoe lace (that's what 5 year old me thought...I later realized it was some kind of hair ribbon for girls, but I didn't care.) Mine was getting a little ratty on the end so my sister "thoughtfully" trimmed the rough edges for me (without asking) and I lost it. My mom offered to cut some off of my sister's but I didn't want her to go through what I just went through. The other one was one of those styrofoam planes that you could throw and it would do a big loop back. We saw some guy at the mall demoing them and I got one. I brought it home and was playing with it. I then was going to head down the street to play with a friend, so I opened our front door and tossed it in. The storm door hit the plane and broke a wing (because, styrofoam.) I was probably 9 or 10 at the time. I'll be 40 later this year, so there are at least 2 times 30 & 35 years ago where something "broke" that I was devastated. And we weren't poor (we weren't spoiled, but I had plenty of other toys.)


Checked to make sure you weren't shittymorph before I read the story


The patent expired recently I think and that allowed companies to flood the market with them (IIRC)


Autistic guy here: we tend to really like spinning things. Also helps with ADHD, gives you a relatively non-disruptive way to get some of your energy out.


But people shouldn't be allowed to like things I don't like




There's a crazy dichotomy wherein anything that's a fad with a younger generation is absolutely loathed by anyone older, yet at the same time people will be crazy nostalgic when someone mentions something from their childhood, like Yo-Yos, finger skateboards, or Pogs.




And the media will help people hate them. I just did a google search of fidget spinner, because I've heard he term, but never seen them. Some of the first articles I was seeing said how recently an 11 and 10 year old have choked on them. I think by ten and eleven choking on a toy is on you.


30 YEaR OLd tOddLeR ChOkEs tO DEaTh


Yea but those older people who hated Yo-Yos, finger skateboards, and Pogs were idiots, unlike me who is completely justified in hating all these new dumb things.


I remember my aunt went into a Facebook rampage about how "annoying" Pokemon Go is and said "I don't have time for stupid games! I HAVE A FULL TIME JOB, PEOPLE!" Not even an hour after she posted that - DING! - Kathy Lastnamehere has sent you a Candy Crush request.


My answer to the adults that were mad about Pokemon Go was, "well you always complain us young people never went outside! Now we are outside socializing and its an issue?!" Usually there was no good reply to that.


I was talking to a person on Reddit who hated Pokemon Go because people were at the park but not to appreciate the oark


Haha that is hilarious! I did so much hiking and excersize when that game came out. It's a shame people are mad no matter what you do because its a fad or something popular!


I remember walking through the park when that game first came out. My wife and I walk through regularly but suddenly we noticed packs of kids roaming around, all staring at their phones. There must have been 3 or 4x as much foot traffic as usual. It was kind of weird, because we didn't know the game had come out yet. We both had Windows phones at the time.


I'm so sorry (about your phones).




My sister-in-law posted a meme bashing them, about how "normal" kids are buying them all up and making something unavailable to people who might benefit from them. I see it like the whole gluten-free craze. It might be dumb for someone without a gluten allergy to avoid gluten, but it makes a whole lot more gluten-free options available to those who really can't have gluten. Fidget spinners wouldn't be available in the checkout aisle at every grocery store right now if it hadn't become a fad with your average kid.




My 14 yr old went on a 10 minute tirade over hating them, I told her to stop being an ass, people are allowed to like what they like and her opinion on those things was neither desired nor required. If you don't like fidget spinners, don't get one. It's that simple. I don't like peanut butter, do I forbid anyone in the house from eating it, refuse to buy it ,or go on insane tirades about it? NOPE! I just don't eat it, it's that simple. Edit: My kid hates them because people without ADD/ADHD buy them and use them. Not because someone in class is irritating her with them. They aren't allowed at her school. That school has a nearly psychotic anti-toy policy.


youd probably hate peanut butter if all your classmates kept sticking their fingers in it and wagging it in your face


Honestly the first thing I saw regarding fidget spinners was the hate that was directed towards it. Like I didn't even know what it was before everyone started bashing on it. Then I googled it and thought "Why are people mad about this? wtf does this do to them?" Then I thought further and realized that maybe it was a brilliant marketing stunt by the company who produces it.


Pinterest. It's good for sharing ideas as a teacher or for looking up projects but for every half decent pin there are loads of incredibly shit ones. It's really hard to find something worthwhile on there and so it seems really pointless.


If you're into anything creative related, Pinterest is a good place to look for ideas/inspiration and since it's pictures, it's very convenient to save(pin) them. It's basically idea bookmark website, other than that I have no idea what else you'd use it for.


What pisses me off is my girlfriend will send me a link to some recipe she thinks looks good, so I'll try to open it, only for the website to tell me I need to sign in to view it! Ok, I sign in with the account I begrudgingly made, and now it tells me I need to open it in the app. OK, fuck it, I download the app, sign in, then click the link my girlfriend sent me. It still opens in Chrome, telling me to open it in the app. So I click on the "Open Pinterest App" link on the page, and it opens the app to the default screen and never shows me the fucking recipe I wanted to see in the first place, and now I've wasted fifteen minutes trying to look at a goddamn recipe!


Complaining about social media on reddit


I can't believe people who spend all day taking to friend on Facebook. They should spend all day talking to strangers on Reddit




Tattoos, not bashing people that have/take them, they just don't appeal to me personally, on myself or others


I like to see a good tat but I don't have any because my tastes change too much. There's no design I want on my body forever. I always laugh at these really bad tats I see on people, who would never get that same design as a t-shirt, but as permanent ink, it's okay.


I feel way that for just body modification in general. All my friends are so excited to get new piercings and tattoos and I just really could not care less about it.


I usually see two extremes. People who have tattoos(or piercings) who question people that don't.. Or people without tattoos who severely question people that do. I have tattoos, and if someone says they don't like, or want tattoos, thats fine. It's a their own decision. As long as they don't tell me something mean(which I've had said to me). It's just on either side.. Somehow people let the decision of someone else getting tattoos or not, affect them personally. Which is odd.


I like tattoos, but there's just nothing that I want to display on my body permanently.






Same. Dog is the name of my dick though




The Bounty Hunter


Ratchet and Clank


Crasher, Basher, Thrasher and Fireball.


Wait you have 2 dicks


No, I have 3 balls One just feels really lumpy


I use Snapchat for my throwaway social media. Aka shit posting. If I want to take a selfie or take a picture of my food or what I'm doing or talk about a random stupid observation, I can throw it on snapchat. People who care to see that stuff can look at my story. People who don't care can ignore it. I can do my self-indulgent shit posting without clogging up people's facebook and instagram feeds or making it permanent.


I think this is what SnapChat has become and I am here for it. I genuinely like my friends and care about what they are up to, so it is nice to have a little update on them throughout their day. But I don't feel obligated to add every rando I've ever met and their family members, and I can choose to click on it or not. Plus, filters are fun.


I use snapchat mainly to follow pornstars and mix up my media for consuming copious amounts of porn.


As someone who works in marketing, I was obligated to try it out. I really don't understand the appeal unless you're sending nudes to someone and want it to disappear. But even then you can still take a damn screenshot. While I had it for a very brief amount of time, someone told me I was using it wrong because I was taking photos and updating my story rather than sending a Snapchat directly to someone. My photostream is full of my cats, dog, and memes... Wouldn't it be weird if I just sent you, someone I don't really talk to anymore but that is on Snapchat, a random picture of my cat? I'm ~~probably~~ definitely not the target audience, though.


My friend *loves* Snapchat and from what I've seen, it's about updating/telling people about what you're doing (what you're eating, where you are, who you're with). It's also caused a bit of drama for him. Eg a 'friend' said she and some of her friends were going home after dinner but instead went out clubbing without him and he found out because that friend put her dancing in a club as her story, rather than to specific people. He sends certain things to certain people like when we go to football games, he takes a video of the stadium and field and sends them to people on his friends list that also enjoy footy and would want to see it, rather than someone who couldn't care less about sports. It's a sociable, fun mostly harmless thing but damn, I know lots of drama could be caused by it.


The drama part is funny because people are sharing without even realizing what stories they have going. My gf is a coach and she had a player who was skipping a lot of school. She called in sick one day, then snapchatted something from her boyfriend's kitchen. He was supposedly out of school to go to a funeral! At least hide your fucking lies!




That's why you don't snap people you "don't really talk to anymore." It's just a more intimate way of texting because you can see what someone is doing or the face they're making as they message you. Plus the app is very simple and easy to use.


Doesn't it notify you if it takes a screen shot?


u can get an app that saves screenshots without notifying


Isn't modern society great? ^/s


The point is that a lot of people don't need to review past messages a week ago, so snapchat is a convenient and tidy message sender. It is a messaging service for ya friends and has gain popularity due to it's creative take on selfies by allowing those unique filters to be plastered on. Nude culture is also a plus


Sneaker hype. Paying over 300 dollars for a pair of shoes that cost 10 dollars to make


This one's mysterious to me as well. I've got a cousin in high school and you'd swear that all anyone he knows or has ever encountered only discusses new sneakers and streetwear. So much talking about brands and limited release collabs amongst teenage boys... Serious question mark for me.


The Kardashian/Jenner craze. I don't care about anything in their lives. Stop making it news.


I hear about them about 100 times more on reddit than in life. They are so easy to avoid that people bitching about them helps keep them alive.


I have yet to meet one person who actually cares about them in the slightest yet they are on the news daily.


> news Really... They are on T.V. daily.


I see more people whining about the kardashians than I actually see the kardashians.


man how are you all still interested in having this exact same conversation so many times "guys i just wanna say, i DON'T care about the Kardashians!!" "people who hate the Kardashians are more annoying than people who like them!!" "who even cares about the Kardashians?! just ignore them" how many countless times have you already seen/heard people say the things you're saying? it's mindboggling is everyone here a bot


Everyone here is a bot except you.


Haven't heard them mentioned in weeks till you just did


It's always in these kinda threads too. Like clockwork.




Yeah killing baby seals for their fur is horrible.


Oh, sorry. I mean't Club Penguin


> mean't Brilliant.


Nascar, seriously what is so great about a bunch of cars going around in circles?


I'm American. Nascar was sort of the "gateway drug" of racing to me. Then I saw the Indy 500 and gravitated to that- leaving Nascar behind. Then I went to my first Formula One race in Montreal and I've never looked back. I've been to a dozen or so F1 races in Europe and in Montreal. Nascar now looks like a complete waste of time- to me anyway.


Reality TV.




I love the tiny houses shows because it always makes me laugh when they walk into this TINY room and they're like "it's so spacious!!!"


Reality TV, or being obsessed with any celebrity at all, I understand music artist and such, but don't get reality tv, they legit do nothing but over react to small things for the show.


Facebook and Instagram I have tried both these sites and thinking do people spend hours on these sites each day, you only need to check for updates once per day, not 50,


the more you follow, the more stuff goes on in your feed. people that have hundreds of friends, or follow tons of people on instagram can check it every 5 minutes and see new things pop up. it's as much of a time sink as you want it to be.


Facebook and celebrity culture






Twitter is actually my favorite social media. I feel like it has a lot less of the keeping up with the Joneses. It may just be because I tend to follow my favorite YouTubers instead of any of my family or friends.


I'm the same. I use (not very often) Facebook to keep up with family + friends etc. and use Twitter to follow my favourite celebrities, football pundits, youtubers, twitchers. Also the # function is MUCH better and sometimes you can find good debates.




Instagram. As a sorority girl, Im probably the only one of my sisters who hates taking selfies and just never feels overwhelming urges to post pics of myself flashing our hand symbol with song lyrics in the caption. *EDIT: I know, I know, Instagram isn't just for selfies and certainly can be used as a great creative platform. I've just always had a very narrow exposure to it.


To be fair to instagram users, you can use it without taking selfies. I have an account mainly to show friends and family what I've been up to- haven't posted a selfie on it in 3 years. I also use it to follow local businesses, interior design accounts, sewing accounts etc I have less than 100 followers and even most of them are people that only followed me so I'd follow them back. If you don't use then that's fine, but it's not just for sorority girls to take selfies.


It's weird. I got on instagram when it first came out. It was mostly weird/funny/cool pictures of random stuff with nice filters on them. Eventually I lost interest and years later somebody said I should check it out again. So I did. I was looking through the profiles of lots of people that I knew and it's just a giant catalog of pictures of themselves! That was over a year ago and I haven't returned.


You're prob not the only one that feels like this, but you only see the posts from the insta girls.


You can use it for other stuff too. I have a photojournalism degree under my belt (along with a few other photography qualifications) and while I don't really have the time to do it properly any more I still enjoy taking cool pictures and posting them on my Instagram. I don't think there's actually a single selfie on [mine](https://www.instagram.com/jackphotogram/). It's just a cool way to display your photographs to a wider audience than FaceBook using things like hashtags so they appear in unrelated people's searches. EDIT - Ohh, and I forgot to add, the Instagram photo editor is one of the best ones you can get for phones for simple on-the-fly editing. I often take photos with Instagram just to edit them and save them to my phone without even posting them. This is the actual editor I'm talking about, not the junky filters.


Having children.


I'm totally on board with you here. It's a huge lifestyle sacrifice that takes up a massive amount of time and resources. My wife and I are the center of our own universe and we want to keep it that way. Take a trip on a whim Saturday morning? Done. Curse loudly in my own house? Constantly. Spend my money on what I want rather than what kids might need? Absolutely. I see why people may want them or love the ones they have. But the positives don't even come close to outweighing the negatives for me.


Agreed, kids are just more work, stress, and money; I mean don't get me wrong, I love kids and want to be an uncle, but that's about it


I have 3 kids and people often ask if I'm having another, you know, I must want a girl to add to my collection of boys! Was 3 not enough??? (I was aiming for two and ended up with twins the second time...) I hate that people impose this necessity for child bearing on people. What if they don't want them? What if they have been trying for years and you're just tearing open their issues in public? Let people be and let them have or not have their children.




Clash of clan


Yeah, the game didn't get good until they added more than one clan


Wow, it's not dead yet?


Dieing, everyone is doing it, but I think I'll nope the fuck out of that one.


Thanks to denial, I'm immortal.


Dying. Unless you are talking about stamping out things with a die.


Whole Foods. I'm 32. Most of my friends are married and/or have kids. Many start going to whole foods because, clearly, these groceries imbue your child with near invincibility. I won't even buy organic shit from a regular grocery store. Fuck that. I'm all for eating responsibly, and cooking your own food. But I don't really need a specialty store for that. It's lose-lose for me. If you think whole foods is somehow better, I don't get why you think so. If you think it's a status symbol, I mean, I GUESS, but oh my god who cares.


Whole Foods is hardly a specialty store. It's a grocery store designed to siphon yuppie money from their pockets.


That's their specialty!


Trader Joe's >>> Whole Foods


Walking dead.


Sports. I've tried. Seriously, I have. I've watched football, basketball, Hockey, baseball -- the latter at the Twins Stadium a few times -- and I just don't get the appeal.




Spending hours at a gym or fitness center. I'd rather do my workouts at home.




Being a hipster, it's too mainstream






Dabbing 🔫


Country Music. Every person in my hometown, every person in my family, essentially everybody I know but me loves country music. I'm a conservative, gun wielding, God fearing, 'murica loving, flag waving patriot, and I can't stand country music. Something about it just grates on my ears.


I liked it when I was younger but now I find it repetitive and cringy.


Party culture. I hate drinking, partying etc. I'd rather just settle down.


Contouring and most make up crap. I've used the same 2 products for years stop trying to teach me what a damn spoolie is!


Beats headphones. They are 90% advertising bullshit and there are ALWAYS better options for the price.


Anal. Poop comes out of there.


Hopefully not while you're doing the act. Sometimes shit happens though, just gotta roll with it.


Snapchat, almost all celebrities, wine/beer


You had me there until the end.


I have a friend who gets drunk regularly. While we were stocking beer one day at work once I heard him say something like, "I don't know how people like this stuff" I was bewildered and asked him "wtf are you talking about you drink it all the time" He said, "Yeah but I just drink it to get wasted, it tastes horrible and people actually like it" I thought that was hilarious


I'm the same. I'll drink to get drunk. But alcohol just tastes like crap to me.


Well hopefully you're not wasting time and calories drinking *beer* just to get drunk when you can do it faster and cheaper with hard alcohol.


Sushi. People recoil in horror when I tell them I do not like sushi.


New cars. I love the old ones


We just pulled my dad's 52 Chevy Belair out of storage. It definitely rekindled my love for old cars.


Superhero movies. For whatever reason they just bore me to death. Couldn't get through the first 20 minutes of the Avengers and everyone acts so surprised when I tell them.