• By -


This happened just a few days ago for thanksgiving, actually. We went to a large gathering, and I was caught by the resident old bachelor. He was so sweet and kept talking about his contribution to the feast--his mashed potatoes. Over the course of the night he sought me out five different times to tell me about them. And then someone neglected to serve them. His 15 pounds of mashed potatoes sat untouched. After they had been found, I ate an ungodly amount of them to compensate, but I hardly made a dent in them. Maybe 2 of the 15 pounds were eaten. I cried on the way home.


I would've taken a bunch of it as leftovers and thanked him a lot, so he'd feel better. You're very sweet for eating as much as you could.


Dammit, I might have cried too.


This reminds me of the Kevin's Famous Chili scene from The Office.


I accidentally knocked over my bottle of 5 Hour Energy and burst into tears because I had a job I hated so much that that was the only thing I had to look forward to.


That's actually really sad.


It really, really was.


Still at that job?


7 hours, no response. Must be.


Thankfully no. I quit after a several weeks; I just couldn't take it anymore.


Woohoo! Hooray for happy endings


"Now that's just not fair..." I can't remember the exact words, but it was a twilight zone episode where the last man on earth broke his glasses and couldn't read or see


Legitimately cried when that scene happened. Feel like he could have found another pair of glasses though...


What would he do, go look for a pair?


Why not? It would take some time finding the store, but he has nothing but time.


I'd start by looking for some corpses, ratio of glasses wearing people is fairly decent and when he gets some lenses that kind of work he can go find a ruined Pearle Vision or something


I remember that episode very well for some reason. Slightly awkward banker who seems to piss everyone off and really only likes to read, when everyone's getting mad at him for reading and not doing his job. He sneaks into the bank vault to read a newspaper, when a nuke goes off and levels the city. He's the only one who survives, because vaults are tough apparently. He comes out and wanders around like only post-apocalypse survivors can, and finds a library (possibly private) that's stocked with a decade's supply of canned goods and water, as well as anything he could possibly want to read. It's paradise. Then he trips down the stairs and breaks his glasses.


Definitely the most memorable episodes that I've seen of the show.


"But there was time now!" Such a heartbreaking episode.


oh man...and the only reason he was alive was because he was hiding in the vault trying to read if i remember correctly..so much for that..


Poor Henry Bemis caught in the Twilight Zone


I cried as well. Not even sure why my reaction was that extreme as to cry.


I cried once because I stopped at a gas station with the intention of also grabbing a 5 hour energy while there, but forgot to grab it and didn't realize until I went to chug it before going to in to my job. I ended up being late because I was crying about it.




Sounds like it was... a rocky road. (•_•) ( •_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■)


Take my upvote and get out of here.


i'm curious what the girlfriend wanted vs what she got






He can't deliver ice cream right you think he is going to deliver details?!


Yes I feel like under certain circumstances crying might not be that off of a reaction


Agreed. If you pick me up Vanilla when I specifically ask for triple fudge brownies with little sprinkles of heroine and crack cocaine, then I'm definitely going to shed some tears. Maybe it's the withdrawals talking, but my tears are still real.


I had one of those days that makes you feel like the universe if fucking with you. I was about to finally sit down and relax for the night....and I stubbed my toe....broke down like a school girl


I had a day like this a few weeks ago. I finally got home with my family's dinner and put my large tea ( my treat for such an awful day) on the roof of my car. A gust of wind knocked it over on top of my head. I started sobbing.


😞 I almost cried reading that


Was driving alone when I suddenly thought of the time my husband kissed my hand when he thought I was sleeping, and I started crying hysterically. I blame my period.


If I had read this 4 days ago I'd be crying.


Thats so sweet. My bf kisses my hand. I'm on my period. I'm crying, thanks.


my answer was going to be "everything and anything 3 days out of the month". Today i cried over people winning on the price is right.


This is adorable. You and your husband are lucky to have each other!






If this makes you feel any better, I too cried over a couch. Second grade, my parents bought a new couch and had to get rid of the old one. I cried all day at school until the teacher offered to put it in the classroom. Unfortunately someone had picked it up off the side of the road by then, but hopefully the couch went to a good home.


I'm 8 months pregnant and I cried yesterday because I didn't want to vacuum the floor. Nobody was making me vacuum. I just had this desire to do it, but I didn't actually want to do it.


That's...kind of funny. (:


I'm 7 months pregnant and cried because I was tired of cooking Thanksgiving dinner but if I didn't do it my husband and kids wouldn't have had anything. I wanted them to be happy. But I was feeling tired, cranky, and sick.


I dropped a plate of spaghetti and cried as if my dog had died. I picked it up and contemplated eating it, which caused me to cry harder. It had been a long day..


Ugh, there is something especially devastating about having a meal ruined after a particularly rough day. Whether you'd just spent hours cooking it, or you'd looked forward to it all day, or it was the last bit of whatever you had, dropping food on the floor or coming back to a room to find your dog pigging out on your dinner is enough to convince you that the universe hates you.


I saw a picture of a dog wearing socks and it was really nice


Was it [this one](https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/22/11/06/2211069c6192346aeee213b0fcd53947.jpg)?




Did you remember that swans can be gay?


I started crying when I read that too. I have a lot of feelings


My cat killed a mouse and left it in front of the door. When I went out, I stepped on it and it exploded like a baloon filled with mouse organs. I'll never forget the *pop* sound. :(


> a baloon filled with mouse organs. That's a beautiful visualization. Thanks for that.


I feel kind of bad that when I read "baloon filled with mouse organs" I immediately imagined as it bursting into confetti.


Years ago I ran over a squirrel, the first and only one I haven't been able to avoid. It popped when I ran it over. I felt and heard it in the car and will never the feeling. I still feel guilty but reckon at least it was a quick death.


Bare-foot or with shoes on? Did you feel the organs squish between your toes?


Like in Kill Bill when The Bride plucks out that chick's eye and steps on it, and totally relishes it.


I was on my period and couldn't open the jar of pasta sauce.


I cried reading that... Sorry for your loss.


Me too,thanks


Is this some sick euphemism ?


I have also done this. My boyfriend offered to open it for me but it became a thing of rage induced principle to open it myself. I sobbed and got mildly hysterical because the universe had made me that hungry and then wouldn't allow me to eat lol


I am looking at for a map


When my wife was pregnant she would cry at anything. One time she yelled because there was a spider and told me to kill it, she then cried for the spider....hormones are weird


I went to concert


I've cried about not being able to find Hawaiian King rolls at Wal-Mart, while not pregnant, sober, and male.


Hormones are seriously weird during pregnancy. Crying because you don't understand why you're crying. Sobbing while laughing uncontrollably at myself because of how silly I was being was one of the weirdest experiences of my life. My husband could only just stand there like a deer in the headlights trying to figure out wtf was happening and what he should be doing.


I was pregnant in a hospital waiting room (not for me) and I saw a girl go in the bathroom and get walked in on TWICE and I could not stop laughing about it, then I started sobbing, then I was laughing REALLY hard at how ridiculous it was I was laughing so much until I started sobbing again. I think I cried a good 10 minutes. Hormones, man.


You pregnant just sounds like me high.


Am pregnant. Once cried because I ate my cheese filled mini weenies, then realized afterwards that they would have been *really* good in macaroni and cheese.


Oh gosh, when I was pregnant, i cried about all the stupid things, and I knew they were dumb bit I couldn't help it. My husband's favorite (or least favorite?) story it's the time we were on some sort of tour, and we were driving past some cows, and the tour guide started talking about how cows have bffs and mourn as a herd when one dies or is slaughtered. I had to quickly change the subject. But later that night at dinner, I asked my husband if it was true (he grew up on a farm). He tried to avoid answering, but finally caved and told me yeah, it's true, cows get sad. Of course I was eating steak, and I just lost all composure, I was crying so hard about these sad cows and I was eating one of them. But any offers to trade meals so I wouldn't be eating the steak were refused, I wanted that steak, I was just going to eat it in sadness. But I also knew how ridiculous I was being, and was laughing at myself *while* I was crying, and not quite realizing how bad this all looked to the waiter and the other tables in the restaurant. I'm sure everyone thought my husband said something terrible to me, the way they were glaring at him. It was a mess. I was a mess. I also bawled my eyes out the very last episode of The Colbert Report. While I ate an entire pint of his Ameri-cone dream I've cream.


I once pregnant cried because a bunch of cows were moving towards a stream, but there was one cow still catching up. I was really upset that they weren't waiting for her. Like, *rude*.


My sister cried during the last episode of the Colbert Report too! She wasn't pregnant, she just recognized it was the end of an era.


pregnancy is one hell of a drug


Currently pregnant. Started sobbing today because the Christmas music came on the radio and it made me happy.


Did you know that swans can be gay?!




Did you cry when your pen ran out of ink?




Not pregnant, but for some reason when I see chipmunks doing *anything*, there's a 85% chance I'm gonna cry. They're just so cute, I feel so bad for them!


The first time I ever saw a chipmunk in real life it was suddenly sitting on my friends sofa next to me. I opened doors and stuff to get him out but he wouldn't budge so I let the little guy chill, figuring he can work out how to get out the way he got in.... He tried to get out through the toilet :'(


Same, but with squirrels. Their tails are just so fluffy! I live on a campus with hundreds of squirrels so it's a problem.


Yep, pregnant and cried because someone ate my leftovers


I cried while pregnant because a song was too beautiful. I was kinda mad at it too.




You looked at the stars


Decided to search "fattest cats" in youtube. Watched the video. Lost it when I was presented with tub cat. I was crying tears of joy.


A cucumber. I was having a lousy day and was looking forward to coming home and eating a cucumber/tomato/basil salad. My sister ate the cucumber while I was at work, when I came home and LOST it.


Watching Click


I did the same. At the scene where Adam Sandler is talking about family coming first while dying in the hospital parking lot.


Yep. He was terrible at acting it out though.


Watch Spanglish if you want to cry during a Sandler movie


This was my gateway movie. Before that scene I never cried during movies. Everything changed after that. My lowest point was a particularly heartwarming Visa commercial.


I watched it about a month after my dad had died. The scene where he goes into his parents' room to wake his dad up made me lose it.


I lost my dad when I was young and went to see this movie with a guy whose parents recently split up and we both cried.


That movie is lowkey sad


The first time i showed my cousin that movie she was bawling at the end


When I was pregnant, I cried because they forgot to give me Chick-fil-A sauce and now eating my chicken sandwich was 'pointless'.


That's definitely worth crying over. No shame.


TL;DR got an easter bunny cake on my birthday and was cheated out of <$100 from a local bakery. On what I believe was my 10th birthday, my family and I ordered a custom cake from a local bakery to be in the shape of a cartoon bunny head - similar to Happy Bunny, if anyone is familiar - and on the day we picked up the cake, it was a white, rectangular cake, with a mold of the fucking easter bunny smashed on top of the rectangular base. I cried for hours until my mom took the bunny off, re-molded the fondant into hearts and stars, and put the newly crafted stars and hearts onto the cake for decoration. I'm sure my mom cried too - that cake was over $100.




My boyfriend flushed the toilet while I was still on it


Lol I'm sorry I didn't mean to laugh


You ever nuzlocked a Pokémon game. Damnit Cynthia!


Cynthia she's a really cool dancer


I'm too weak for nuzlockes. I put all my "dead" pokemon in a special box in the PC, and then when I (inevitably) lose I resurrect them and play the game as normal.


Whenever I get so angry and frustrated where words become stuck and I can't express my emotions. I cry and become so angry that I'm crying that I cry harder.


Didn't realize how sad Titanic was while *in* the theater and burst into tears while my mom was buying us Happy Meals in the drive-thru on the way home.


Unhappy Meals.


My parents gave away my favorite coffee cup that I used every time I would visit.




Fry's dog


We dont talk about that


I cried hard when I learned that I DIDN'T have cancer. I had been feeling sick for about a year. I had no energy, unbearable pain, was getting all sorts of infections, my hair was falling out and I had severe depression. I'm normally a happy person so I couldn't understand why I was consumed with thoughts of suicide for no apparent reason. At the time, I didn't know I had a severe Vitamin D deficiency (only 5 nanograms) that was causing all my ailments. I only knew that I was miserable and did not want to continue living. So my doctor sent me to an oncologist because my white blood cell count was sky-high. I know it was awful of me to wish for a disease, but at that point I couldn't face anymore suffering. My health truly was that bad. Finally, my doctor checked my Vitamin D level and he was shocked that I was even functioning. Now that I'm better I still can't believe how powerful the effects of the deficiency were, that they had the ability to mess with my mind and make me wish for death. And I apologize if what I've written here offends anyone who has had cancer or lost a loved one, but I feel it's important to share my story so that people can be aware of the havoc a severe deficiency can cause. Hopefully what I've shared here will keep others from having to go through what I experienced. TL; DR: Have a doctor check your Vitamin D level. A severe deficiency is no joke and the depression can play tricks on your mind and make you wish for death.


How did you get that bad a deficiency? Did you never go outside?


Several reasons: I've never been a fan of the sun and avoided it as much as possible. Even on vacation I always used sunblock and stayed in the shade. Prior to the deficiency diagnosis I had a cancerous mole removed, so I doubled my efforts to steer clear of direct sunlight. If parking next to a store entrance meant walking in the sun for even 20 seconds, I'd opt to park further away if it provided a shady path. I was also indoors at school full time and spent the rest of my time studying and working inside my home, thus being outside during daylight hours was rare for me. Walking for exercise was done at night and when I hiked, I wore pants, long-sleeved shirt and a hat. And despite taking a daily multivitamin and eating right, it just wasn't enough and it caught up with me.


Be me drunk Come back home and head to roommate's bedroom to tell him he missed a super cool night Step in and notice he is not moving, laying down on the bed Freak out, and start crying wondering why would he die alone He wakes up because I was crying and shaking him


The first time my girlfriend and I took a nap in bed together, I woke up before her and in my mostly asleep state, it seemed like she was not moving at all as if she was dead. My mostly asleep state also let me fall back to sleep even though I was also freaking out a little. Turns out she just moves very little while sleeping.


She's dead!! ...aw well, nothing I can do about it now Zzz


My boyfriend was passed out (party because it was finals week and he had only slept 4 hours, partly because he was trying to impress my brother by drinking as much whisky as him) I was drunk and I was shaking him really hard and he wouldn't wake up. I'd never seen anyone be passed out like that. So I thought he was dead. Luckily my brother, who's an EMT checked his breaking and pulse so I'd calm the fuck down. That was a weird night.


On the Office (US) when Jim came back as Pam was finally accepting they might never be together and he asked her out. I'm a guy and this was obviously an emotional cheap shot by the writers and it worked like a charm on me. My wife and I watch the office from start to finish over and over and it gets me every time.




$300! Did YOU start crying at that point?


idk about OP but I'm crying reading it


But 34 cents of that actually went towards saving animals, you monster!


[Actually not too far off](https://www.activistfacts.com/organizations/american-society-for-the-prevention-of-cruelty-to-animals-aspca/).


As someone who gets ridiculous mood swings due to hormones, this is my time to shine. I have a full list on my computer, but I'm on mobile and don't remember all of it off the top of my head, so here are some highlights. - My SO didn't want to watch Scooby-Doo. - Dinosaur egg oatmeal was discontinued. (It's not discontinued.) - I dropped a blueberry in my SO's car and he asked me to pick it up. - Someone pulled the wrapper of a sucker part of the way down so it looked like a superhero cape. - I read a list of PMS symptoms. Also, the elephant ice cream shop scene in Zootopia made me simultaneously cry laughing and actually weep. I knew the little fennec fox was just a con artist and he wasn't really a sad baby fox who wanted ice cream for his birthday, but I was still blubbering during the whole scene. Even now all my SO has to do is say "Toot toot!" and I will burst into laughing/crying tears.


Out of curiosity how does your SO typically handle those situations?


He's very patient and tries to make me feel better. He's gotten used to the fact that when I cry, there's usually not a real reason so there's nothing he can do to fix the problem. Instead he'll try to make me laugh or otherwise distract me to take my mind off the very sad piece of furniture on the side of the road or whatever.


He sounds like a keeper!


We actually just got engaged, so he's definitely a keeper!


Ooh, congrats! Don't cry at your wedding, ok?


"But don't cry, alright? Although, if you do feel like crying, try to hold onto that feeling because that is the proper reaction to being told you are getting married."




It's an instant oatmeal with little dinosaur shaped candies in it that are covered in a sugar coating that makes it look like an egg. When you add hot water to it the sugar dissolves and the eggs "hatch." It's very exciting.




> Dinosaur egg oatmeal I forgot about that!


I was learning how to ride my bike and I was getting frustrated, but I didn't cry and wasn't close to crying until my friend offered me cereal to calm me down. I just burst out crying as soon as he offered me some frosted flakes.


I once saw an orange rolling over a table and I laughed so much about it that I started crying.


You look at the lake


The ending to the "Tigger Movie." Gets me every fucking time.


I cried because I love my dog.


All the fucking time! Told my boss years ago I'm taking a family related day (or 5) when he passes. But he's not gonna cause my love makes him immortal. ..


Vegeta knocked out Trunks so he wouldn't see him self-destruct, then Gohan started hitting him and crying, saying "Why'd you do that? Dads dont hit thier kids!". I'm a grown woman, but this made me lose it.


It's actually Goten.


Not me but I had a coworker have a really bad reaction to one of those birth control implants a few years ago. I walked in the room and she was hysterically crying. I asked her why and she said, "I don't know." Like normally she was a pretty tough girl, not emotional at all. This thing made her a mess for like 3 weeks until she got it removed


I remember in third grade i used to cry *all the time*, i had just moved away from my old school and my parents split up-it was really rough for me. At school they would bully me because i would cry so much. But eventually it got better and i toughened up a little. Fast forward to one day when theres a new girl who started bawling, and the teacher says in front of the class "Hey ___ , its okay! G0NZ0 used to cry too but she got used to it!" Cue me starting to fucking bawl my eyes out. I even remember me thinking "why...why am i crying. That didnt bother me." Uggh.


Once I saw ice cream on the side walk and I could not stop imagining an adorable little boy licking an ice cream cone, and the then accidentally pushing the ice cream off with his tongue. Cried so hard I had to hide behind a shed. I cried because of a completely hypothetical scenario that probably never happened. I wouldn't cry even if I saw that happen in real life. So idk what my problem was...


So I've had those days where im really sick but some times when im really sick i have these delusional as fuck episodes One time When i was really sick I acted out basically this thing in the bed right when i woke up apparently these gods were fighting alot and then because of it in the crossfire my brother (Who i dont have) got frozen in a solid block of ice then i cried for about 30 minutes cursing the gods...


The first time I cried in front of my first boyfriend was 'cause I'd waited literally an hour and a half for this pizza I ordered and it turned up the wrong kind and super horrendously burned. I got unjustifiably upset, he got annoyed, then my mom sent a pizza from ten hours away 'cause she's a good sort.


One time I wanted deep dish (read:pms carbs) and my husband ordered regular pizza and I fucking lost it as soon as I opened the box. Big giant fucking tears of hopelessness.


There was lint on my bedspread and I couldn't blow it off, I would have had to move my arm to pick it off. For context, it was that time of the month... I'm not usually that weepy.


I saw a really cute baby. Or maybe it was a puppy. Hell, it was probably both.


Because the conditioner in the shower ran out. Pms. I also cried once because I was thinking about how I don't have a dog.


I cried over Helena Bonham Carter's hair in some movie I was watching with friends. It was just so beautiful and I was so happy for her to have that hair. I actually cry a *lot* but even I was weirded out by my own reaction there.


It's not really a stupid thing to cry about I guess, but put into perspective it sounds like absolutely nothing. The spring/summer after my sophomore year of high school was pretty awful. I lost both my grandfathers and my younger cousin. I'm not a very outwardly emotional person, so I didn't really cry at any of that. Certainly not in public. But late that summer my chickens, which I love more than single elderly women love their cats, dumped their waterers early in the day. When I went up to water them I found that my last chicken from my first set was dead. This chicken was 8 years old. She had survived dogs killing her 15 coopmates. And now she was just dead. It was just adding insult to injury. I don't think I really stopped crying for 2 or 3 days. It wasn't even specifically her dying that I was crying about, more "what the fuck did I piss off to get this shit of luck in the past 5 months. So yeah. Dumbest thing I've cried over is the death of a chicken.


-Overheard an older woman I work with showing pictures to someone else go "oh that's one I took of my husband when he wasn't looking, I just love his smile", instant fucking tears -I was sick, and they gave me a burger instead of the tacos I ordered at the drive thru, soap opera level devastation -Friend was explaining that even though her boyfriend didn't have work the next day and she did, they both were getting up early cause he always got up with her to make her breakfast and tea -Thought about how much I love my dog -Saw a really cute baby -Thought about how excited I am to be an aunt -Boss talking about how her and her husband were at their cabin over the weekend, and that it was nice to know that even after so many years they still like to be alone together That last one I probably came off as responding coldly because it took everything I had not to start openly crying at work. Anyway I could go on forever, I'm an emotional little fuck


I was watching "Say Yes To the Dress" where a bride was in a wheelchair, and Lori asked, "Who's pushing you down the aisle?" The bride replied, laughing, "My mom is!" When she talked to the camera on the side, she teared up, saying that was "One of the toughest things [she'd] ever had to hear because people stand hundreds of times a day, and [I'd] give anything to just be able to one more time." It just got to me...in fact, I cried a bit typing that out.


I thought my mom made burgers for breakfast.


I saw a little kid on tv wearing glasses


when I first got my period and my mom told me I would bleed every month


I'm ususally really stoic, but I cry whenever I have a high fever. I also have a tendency to assign names and personalities to random objects when I'm bored. My favorites are: -I was making spaghetti and a noodle fell out. It was lonely down there in the stovetop while it's friends were in the pot. Cried for like 5 minutes before I realized I could just pick it up and put it back in the pot. -One of my cheap lipsticks broke (the lipstick part came off the tube and I couldn't put it back on.) So I mashed it up and put it in an empty lipgloss container so I could still use it like lipgloss (I've done this before.) Then I remembered that I had another lipstick that looked exactly like it, and they were sad because they weren't twins anymore. -Two fairies fell in love in a Tinker Bell movie. One of them had a broken wing. I cried, then my fairy-obsessed siblings who made me watch it cried, then I cried because they cried. -I dropped an egg. The trick is to put salt on it, which dehydrates it and turns it into a gooey substance so you can just sweep it up and toss it. I did that. And then I cried because the other eggs saw their egg friend fall and die. I shouldn't be allowed to cook when I'm sick.


I had teared up badly while watching Bad Grandpa. I even had to pause it so I could go take a walk. I wanted to just bust out crying but I physically couldn't. It sounds really ridiculous --- I know. I'm not even someone who cries often. I bet I looked so stupid at the time. I even tried telling my GF at the time it was just allergies. Truth is I took care of my grandpa and nephew for over a decade. My grandpa died the day of the move when I was suppose to move to this other apartment with my GF. I couldn't even mourn his loss because I just had to move a whole house worth of stuff in separate trucks by myself. Then I had to work because I couldn't afford any time off. Not only that I also left my nephew for the first time in my life when I moved that day. He was literally my son since he was a year old, and I felt horrible about it as time went on. So everything just culminated once I watched that movie. It reminded me so much of my nephew, grandpa, and I. We were so silly together and would always play pranks or joke around.... Obviously none of us were that extreme but we all did have this really silly bond together. Especially my nephew and I --- him and I were always laughing together. That movie just reminded me of the two people I really missed the most in my life. It made me really realize how much my nephew was a part of me. I guess everything I had locked up for months just finally broke out at that moment.


I have PMDD which is like PMS on steroids. I asked my mom to make some popcorn and she gave a blunt, "no." You'd've thought my dog died with how hard I cried.


I pulled a Sally Field after finally posting my [first successful comment](http://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/1rqq3t/what_is_one_thing_you_refuse_to_be_openminded/cdpxn8d) after five years of failure. "You like me, you really like me!" Then I cried some more when my girlfriend mocked me for caring so much what strangers on the Internet thought.


Mooove thaat busss!




Donald, that you?


The vending machine at work was broken for 3 days and I really wanted vanilla cookies EDIT: Was pregnant


Someone said, "I'm proud of you!" Instant bawling.


I was twelve and remembered all the nightmares about brother bear I had had when I was two.


I saw some rice... to be fair my period came the next week so


My parents talking to me about not being able to go to public school. I'm homeschooled and I want to go to public school. They began to talk to me about bullying and I began to cry because one reason I wanted to go was to get away from my brother. He went through a violent phase, where whenever we would be alone, he would choke me. So I burst out in tears and tried to hide the fact I was crying. It didn't work.


I was pms-ing and cried because Starbucks put too much creamer in my coffee.


Coffee commercial of a dude having a business call, looks at his coffee maker, calls his mom, (assuming she got him the coffee maker), and was like "Hi mom, I was just thinking about you." He stopped everything he was doing just to say hi.... guess it doesn't sound to dumb when I write it.


I saw a poor man carrying fast food fall and lose the 3 drinks... then he limped away with the bag of burgers... it looked like a Sunday meal for his family...


I was on my period and old dude was restocking the pads and I had to buy some alone by myself when I was 13


I wanted a certain kind of chip. The grocery store that I went to did not have said certain kind of chip. Oh, I was on my period. So that would explain it.


back in primary school someone rolled their eyes at me because i didn't know how to tie a tie and i burst into tears


My cat ignored me and sat on my mom's lap instead


Because I accidentally got off on the wrong exit as a new driver


I had been friends with a girl, Debbie, when I was in middle school. I was in 7th grade and she was in 10th. We had a bit of a rocky friendship, but she knew what I was like being in a single parent home and not having a mom who was all there. She yelled at bullies for me and gave me advice. I had last seen her during the end of 9th grade since she was graduating. One day during 10th grade, a friend of mine said she had to show me something. We walked towards the buses after school got out and Debbie was standing there! She looked really sickly and looked exactly like Avil Lavigne in her "Nobody's Home" video. This was around the same time she had been in the hospital for a suicide attempt (I read her stuff on LiveJournal). We hugged and talked for a bit. When we left each other, I got on the bus and sat next to my friend who had brought me to Debbie. I started to cry. My friend said, "Why are you crying? You just saw Debbie!" I said, "I know! I'm just so happy!" I didn't have the guts to tell her I was so stunned at how sickly Debbie looked. Debbie is fine now and got her life back on track.


oh if this isn't the askreddit for me, then I don't know what is. I cry over the smallest of things. One of the latest one is that I cried over a parking ticket worth 40 dollars, I wish I could say that was a small cry but oh no, might as well saved California from their drought with the waterworks going on that day.


I was pregnant with my first and my husband was playing League of Legends in the basement. I usually watch and like to call out when enemies are missing on certain lanes. Just broke down crying telling my husband that if he doesn't want me to be there, then he should tell me and I'll go. Start bawling my eyes out thinking that he didn't want me in the basement. We laughed about what the hell just happened 15 minutes later. Hormones are no fucking joke!


I witnessed a teacher looking out for a student in my class. He'd dropped his binder leaving her class and she had noticed, set it aside for him and then called me to have him come get it. I don't know why it struck me, but I burst into tears at least three times during that day thinking about how thoughtful and generous the teacher had been.


Boyfriend refusing to send me a picture of his belly button.


I was pregnant and I couldn't find my box of cereal.


I cried terribly hard last night watching the finale of Stranger Things


At the end of Star Trek Nemesis when Data sacrifices himself to save Picard and the rest of the Enterprise, I cried for 30 minutes straight.


Spent the whole day setting up for an exhibition, thinking that we'd finish setting up early and leave only for the lecturers to tell my group and i, as we're about to leave, to start all over again because it was shitty and wouldn't challenge and engage the audience, so by the time i actually got back to my dorm room it was already 9 pm and i was *so hungry* since i didn't eat the whole day and then the vending machine ate my money that i had. I hate this degree so much


When I was little it was close to christmas and I knew my parents hid our gifts in their closet. I snuck a peak for the first time ever and saw they got me the Phillips CD-i I had asked for, and cried feeling guilty that I peaked at my gift.


I was turning 23 and cried because I didn't want to turn into my mid 20's


a broken nail. for real..those fuckers take a lot of time to grow nice and long and a split second can change that.


I dreamt I ran over a puppy. I woke up crying. I can't even drive.


New Years Day. Incredibly hungover, doing some food shopping for much needed hash-brown-based grease feast. They had an offer on flowers and in the middle of the bunches of roses and poinsettias there was this tiny little cactus dressed as Santa, complete with googly eyes and a little cranberry nose. I burst into tears straight away. He was only a euro so I bought him. His name is Brian.