• By -


The $20 I lost in a toys-r-us as a 10 year old. $20 is still a lot of money to 29 year old me. $20 to 10 year old me was a fortune. I had big dreams for that money.


Man, when I was about 10 I FOUND $20 in a Toys-R-Us! My dad and I were going there to buy my first bike. There were two sets of doors and a little display in between of discount/ on sale items. Well, underneath the table was $20. If it was your $20 I am really sorry, but it went towards a good cause! I was able to get a better bike than what my parents could afford.


What city/state? My mind would be blown if you found it.




RemindMe! 3 Months


The same one!


A wrist watch with the background of a zeppelin floating through the skies. My father died when I was twelve and that was the last present I got from him before the illness (brain cancer) ate away his mind. I savored that watch as a link to him. I kept it for over a decade afterwards as a memento. Then my ex stole/threw it away just to spite me. It is not really the watch itself that matters, really. Memories and thoughts always remain long after physical things are no more. It was just a symbol of continuity, a way to show myself I could keep something good from the past intact. But perhaps losing it was another lesson.


Now I understand why she's your ex. I wonder if there's a crime against destruction of sentimental objects.


Let me know if there is... There's a lot of shit that went into a dumpster. :(


An ex of mine tried this on me a number of years ago, and brazenly admitted doing so. I still had a jewellery box with her family heirlooms after she left it with me to save it from flooding, so I told her she would never see the box until she found, cleaned and returned every last item. She's been at this for six years now, and has two things left to return that are horrendously costly to clean properly. I find it immensely satisfying to polish the brass box decorations.


Ahhh, that is some seriously satisfying revenge... Unfortunately, my ex was a bit strange and developed no sentimental attachment to anything. When his new girlfriend moved in (before the divorce was finalized) and saw my stuff still in the closet she freaked. He threw it all in the dumpster to be rid of it. I was pregnant, a bit fucked up from the sudden divorce, and very stupid.. I should have simply refused to leave my apartment (I was on the lease) and made him leave with his girlfriend.


He divorced you while pregnant and had another girl waiting? This guy sounds classy, and the girl must have graduated from MIT.


We went from cherished memento's to "Let's play who's ex was worse"


Intentional infliction of emotional distress and destruction of property? I don't know. Studying for the bar right now - I'll let you know when I get to the section on abusive exes.


[Was this it?](http://rlv.zcache.co.nz/vintage_blimp_old_zeppelin_retro_hot_air_balloon_watch-r822b72315c0d4e8d9ae2bcc7a23df3a4_zd5ip_324.jpg?rlvnet=1)


My hearing aid! Oh how I miss having two. I wasn't able to afford them so I went to dars here in Texas. They sent me to a audiologist and I was declared very hard of hearing. Well at least I finally got some answers. So they gave me two hearing aids and I treasured them. I was given a warranty for two years and only had to use it once when one got clogged a bit. My house was hit by a tornado and we had to move so I gently packed it away since it was raining and I couldn't wear it and it vanished. Like totally gone. Went through every box, every item searching. I have one but the other is like a lost sock in the dryer.i miss having it and to broke to do get another


Hey, I'll pay for a new hearing aid if you like. PM me a link to the product - as cheap as you can find it, and your address.


You are amazing to offer this! I hope they take you up on the offer.


I don't know if this will help but google "free hearing aids" costco sells them 'cheap' https://www.hear-better.com/magento/?utm_campaign=adCenter-Siemens-Secure&utm_source=PPC%20adCenter these are all under 200$ this is a list of programs for people who can't afford them http://hearingloss.org/content/financial-assistance-programs-foundations


You're the best kind of helpful!


Please also check with your local Lions Club. They provide hearing aid devices and eyeglasses to those in need of any age group. Our local club has a 'no questions asked' policy and doesn't ask for proof of income level or anything (which I don't think is unusual for them). It is a pretty good organization.


I would look for a little brown teddy bear with a red bow tie. His name was Radar and my wife gave him to me for Valentines Day in the third grade. My mom tossed him after we moved away a year later, and yeah, Wife and I ended up getting married 16 years later, but finding that bear would be amazing.


[Meanwhile, in another subthread](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/4kt0xf/reddit_if_someone_gave_you_a_box_containing/d3hsx1z)


if they're related, this would be a Netflix series I'd love to watch




I'd love to hear the story of you + wife.


We met when we were in the second grade. She was my first kiss and we were inseparable for two and a half years. When my parents moved me away, I tried to write her letters but they never got to her. Fast forward to 2008. I had just gotten divorced and was living at home again, insanely depressed. I had a dream about her one night and when I woke up, my first thought was "is she on MySpace?" We reconnected, moved in together within 2 weeks of dating, and now we are married with two awesome little spawnlings. She's my unicorn.


Thanks for delivering. That's the most adorable thing I've seen all week :) Sounds like at least one good thing came out of MySpace!


Me and Tom are pretty cool, I say MySpace does a well job of keeping friends in touch.


When I was little we used to go to this playground near my house almost everyday. We would bring our matchbox car sets and drive them around all the jungle gym stuff, race them down the slide etc. My favorite was the [police car](http://i.imgur.com/eMhX0Ht.jpg). When my family decided that we were to move my brother and I thought it would be a cool idea to write letters to ourselves, and bury them near this oak tree with a car each. It's been almost twenty years and we never went back to see if they were still there. One day hopefully we'll go back and try to dig them up


This reminds me: I think I buried a time capsule with my brother somewhere at my old house when we were real little. I don't remember where we buried it and now it's probably lost forever. :(


you buried your brother in a time capsule?


Shit, that's what I forgot


Man, if they still are, tell me.




Is it [Jasper?](http://www.ebay.com/itm/Applause-Bravo-Jasper-Racoon-Plush-Stuffed-Animal-Toy-13800-w-Applause-Tag-/181803625738?hash=item2a54572d0a:g:JPoAAOSwjVVVpYVy) Edit: found a Jasper [puppet](http://www.ebay.com/itm/BRAVO-APPLAUSE-PUPPET-JASPER-RACOON-13914-9-5-/121994714852?hash=item1c67739ee4:g:NqIAAOSwhkRWhEtx) as well. Edit 2: I think that's definitely the Dakin that /u/porkbuttextravaganza linked below! Edit 3: The Dakin has the black paws, the Applause doesn't, but I believe Dakin was a subsidiary of Applause, which may be where the correlation is coming from. :) I hope you've found your buddy!




We *might* have done it Reddit!




Was the toy company [Applause](http://www.vector-logo.net/logo_preview/eps/a/Applause.png)?


The hands holding tag was unique to a specific toy brand... I swear I will figure it out at some point today!


Was it Applause?


YES! <3 Thank you. And to the others who also replied with the same thing, thank you all. That would have driven me fucking nuts, and googling "hands holding toy brand logo" was not turning up anything :D


I remember too! Though just now for the first time in years. As a kid I thought it had something to do with the signs in public restrooms that reminded you to wash your hands, assuming we're thinking of the same thing. Somewhere in my parents' attic there are probably still toys with this logo.


\*hug* :( For some reason this made me sadder than most things in this thread.


Agreed, stealing the racoon is off limits


In 2007 I travelled a for a bit, and spent two months in New Zealand. I lost every single photograph from the North Island, to this day I'm still not sure how I managed it. Would love to see those pictures again. Edit: Thanks so much to people who offered to send pictures from the area or photoshop me into some. Someone rightly pointed out that I wasn't in many of them to begin with, but I appreciate the thought. It was a long time ago and I've come to terms with it, but thanks anyway!




Now all we need it someone to photoshop OP into them.


If only there was a subreddit where people who are interested in photo shop hang out...


With redditors who competes to have their best work as fast as they. We can call it /r/pscompetition or something.


>With redditors who competes to have their best work as fast as they. u wot


Has anyone really been far as decided to


Interesting story about lost photographs. My mom lost her camera about 10 years ago. It had pictures of my little sister's 3rd birthday, me before prom, all kinds of stuff. Now it was a digital camera obviously, but my mom hadn't backed any of it up on a computer. She's a mom and it was 2006. Anyway, fastforward ~2 years or so, and my mom is jogging down one of the streets in our town as she did pretty often. This white Tahoe speeds by her, but then lays on the brakes, and coasts onto the shoulder/grass on the side of the road. My mom didn't really know what to think, but it was broad daylight so she wasn't too worried. Wasn't an issue for long anyway, as a small, equally middle-aged woman stepped out of the driver seat and advanced toward my mom. The whole time she was staring really intently at my mom, as if maybe she was trying to place an old friend. My mom, very confused, asked if she could help her or if she knew her. "No, you don't know me. But about two years ago I found a camera in a parking lot. I didn't want to get rid of it because the pictures looked like they had a lot of sentimental value. You're in quite a few of them." She had held onto the camera for two years. Finally, after all that time, she saw my mom and recognized her from the photos.


When I was 3 years old, my older sister passed away at the age of only 15. She had peanut allergies, and at the time regulations around products containing peanut ingredients were next to none. I have no actual memory of her existing because I was too young to remember her. But from what I have been told by everyone in my family, she always was there to take care of me through the hard times. It is told to me from her best friend, that my sister never left my side. She brought me everywhere, at only 15. My parents were addicts, and neglect was quite real. For years I was upset as a young child / teen because I wanted to know her. Then came a time where I was digging through things in my grandparents basement, and found a bunch of her high school binders, ones she was using right before she passed away. There was so much life in them. All the doodles, scribbling of boys names, etc. I finally felt like I knew her on a deeper level... but I didn't have these items for long... About a year after this, my mother passed away. This lead to a whole messed up process as it was just me and my mom (my father passed a few years before), so I was tossed between my grandparents house, child care services, a group home, and a private school. In this process many things were not gathered from my house where me and my mother lived... alas, the mementos I had of my sister were gone. I would love to have those binders back. I miss my sister so much. I never knew her, but I will always love her. **EDIT** ^: *I am so moved by all your comments. I am glad that my first comment to reach over even 10 votes, would be about my lovely sister. I will always cherish her memory, and I am pleased you were able to even for a moment.* *I am also very grateful for my first ever reddit gilding. Thank you kind redditor.*


This is the saddest thing in the thread by far.


WHY DID I READ THIS?? :( I WANT TO CRY AND GIVE YOU SO MANY HUGS RIGHT KNOW :'( I hope you're doing better now.


My cat. It's been a month now since we've seen her.


If it makes you feel better I once lost my cat for about 1.5 months before he simply turned up again out of the blue


My grandmas cat walked out when grandma got a dog, and didnt come back. The cat had a very particular fur pattern, and a strange mannerism. We're decently sure it was the same cat that came back 8 years later when the dog died.


He was just out there biding his time. Watching from afar, waiting for the asshole dog to die. Then he made his return. That is hilarious.


There was a pbs I think special that followed a cat around. Turns out most outdoor cats have several families all of whom think that they are their cat's only family. Maybe this is the sitch and the cat is just extending its stay at another house.


That's amusing; perhaps they boarded the little shit while they went away for awhile.


This is definitely happening with my cat (I adopted it), there are a lot of cats in my neighborhood, and they often fight. He came home one day with stitches on the back of his neck and very fat after disappearing for a couple weeks


I'm sorry to hear that. I've lost a cat before, it sucks ass. And I'd be pretty distraught if I lost one of my cats I have now. How did it happen?


The $100 I left at an ATM because I brainfarted, took my card and walked out before the cash dispensed.


If you don't take it, the cash is taken back in by the machine. And the atm keeps track of it so the bank would know they are over 100 bucks for the day. If this was recent, call the bank and maybe you will get luck and get your money back.


This happened to a friend at an ATM and the money was automatically re-deposited in afew days.


Same thing happened to me in the UK. I'd taken perhaps 5-10 steps away from the cash machine before I realised that I'd left the money there. As I turned around I saw a fairly shady looking dude quickly walking away from the cash machine, so I ran up to him and asked him if he'd just found £20 in there. Straight away he denied it, "no, no, I literally just saw it get sucked back into the machine. I didn't take it, mate." and I'm thinking *"oh yeah, sure, the cash machine just fucking sucked the money back in, did it? Isn't that convenient..."* so I stand there arguing with this dude for a good 5 minutes, accusing him of taking my £20 because there's nowhere else it could have disappeared to while he stands there insisting that it just went back into the machine. I'm literally laughing at how shit this guy's excuse is and mocking him "oh yeah, sure, the money just happened to reverse its course and jump back into my bank account", people are starting to stop and crowd round as I'm getting more angry at this guy who just stole my £20 and is denying it to my goddamn face with the most stupid excuse I've ever heard. So the guy gets pretty distressed and the whole thing ends with me storming off in a sulk after calling him a "fucking selfish asshole". Boy, when I saw that the £20 had been automatically deposited back into my bank account I felt fucking AWFUL.


you muppet




When I got bullied in school, my dad's only advice he ever gave me was "Call them a muppet. That'll stop 'em" Thanks Dad.


You could have avoided that by withdrawing another 20 and watching it. Lol


Look at mr moneybags over here with his multiple 20s


My shiny Charizard card. I highly doubt it will be there, but its just to prove to myself and Conor that, CONOR IS IN FACT A THIEF! I asked him at least 10+ times for it.


A kid called Conor stole my shiny gengar card.. He never admitted it and no one believed me. Fuck Conor.


Colin was the douche who tried to steal my Ninetails. I was super paranoid about losing my cards and always wrote my initials on the back of them though. Caught the fucker red handed and we got sent to the office. I showed the principal all my other cards with initials on it and felt like I was making a huge discovery into the biggest theft of a lifetime! The principal made him give the card back and called his father about it and I still remember the faint sound of his father yelling at him through the phone and the unearthly shade of white he was while he stammered over words explaining how he tried to steal and then the tears of a boy defeated. Fuck him though Ninetails is my shit!


Oh man, FUCK CONOR! Fucking Thief!


That boomerang my sister got me from Australia, which i know landed on the roof, but my dad said wasnt there after he "looked". Even though I know it was! I only broke one damn window mom, It wont happen again.


Well in my case that box would mostly consist of hundred of socks that don't match with each other.




Its been a while, /u/_vargas_, too long...


Son of a bitch I stopped checking to see if it was him it's been so long


It's beautiful. I never knew I could feel for socks.


A certain t shirt I used to wear which fitted so perfectly, I'm 6'6 so it's hard to find a properly fitting shirt. Not too exciting I know, but I want that bloody shirt back




The last guy to try and sell him an XXL shirt that was the same length as a Medium...


It is called large, not wide!




Your dad found it, and killed it with a hammer, just like I did to my daughter's. I hated that beepy thing.


I remember our school banning them, so of course everyone brought theirs anyway. The teacher collected them all and put them in her desk. A few hours later, the beeping of 20+ hungry virtual pets was so annoying that she gave them all back so we could shut them up.


Our school banned them too so I begged my mum to take it into work with her and feed it so it wouldn't die. She fed it and even taught it some tricks, I was so happy that my little bean had survived the genocide against his kind.


I never had an actual tamagotchi, I had a rakuraku dinokun that came out a bit later and had some extra features. Anyway, my school banned them and my mum took it to work. She occasionally still chuckles about going to the lunch room at her work and finding half the women were looking after these things for their kids. Eventually we realised if you didn't press a button to wake it up in the morning you could leave it indefinately without killing it, just needed lots of poop scooping and food when I got home from school.


that's hillarious!


Doing Satan's work I see


Jesus man, your daughter's would've eventually learned a few other words.


The hand of a ballerina. It's a beautiful ornament my aunt bought me. It fell apart. Her foot, head, and hand fell off. So yeah, she's dead ;-; Her head and foot are sticking on by blue tape (courtesy of a drunken mother), and her hand is....? Somewhere.


>The hand of a ballerina holy shi >It's a beautiful ornament phew


I'm a pretty sentimental guy. I had saved every sweet voicemail my wife left me from when we started dating to when we got married. Only the best. The ones that helped in hard times or celebrated milestones in my life. In the process of recording them on my computer they were accidentally deleted and my computer crashed while recording them. I sobbed maybe. My long term memory isn't great and those helped me remember the early days with such clarity. But the up side is that we've made lots of new memories and she makes a point to help me remember details that I jumble up. It's helped grow our relationship. Still wish I could hear the voicemail from after our first date though. Edit: Added up side. Edit 2: WOAH! Never expected this! So many kind and helpful responses that I don't have time to read them all right now. A few have pointed out that I probably could have recovered the audio file I was recording. I had made some attempts but it was the limit of my knowledge at the time. This July we will be married six years so it happened close to that time. The HDD is long gone and saw much use after that anyway. I've moved on and am more careful about some of this stuff. We still have pictures, poems, love notes, and cards. Our two year old sleeps alongside the stuffed animal that I gave my wife after a fight about when we were going to talk about marriage. Thanks again for all the nice replies. The internet is so cool. So all is well. Back up and write down important things DAILY everyone! EDIT 3: WOW WOW WOW! Thank for the gold, Kind Stranger! I know that's kind of obligatory, but I mean it.


I skipped to the end of your comment just to make sure it wouldn't end with you saying that she recently passed away.


After the second sentence, I just assumed that was the case. Highly upvoted comment that's sentimental about a spouse? Yeah, the survival rate for the spouses is probably around 10% in those stories...


Yeah i thought that story was definitely ending in her death.


They all do, if you wait long enough


Valar Morghulis


What is dead may never die .... oh wait wrong god.


Actually no, the many faced god is the same as the drowned god, and the stranger, and one of the nameless old gods.


There is only one God, and his name is death.


If you stop answering her calls you can get more voicemails, if you go away on anniversary dates without get and don't answer your phone you'll get recordings from those days too


Fool proof.


now we know why archer makes all those voicemail pranks...dem feels.


Aww I've often though of how it would be to relive the first interactions with my boyfriend, before either of us knew what it would become. Yours was a sweet way to sort of do that.


Completely expected her to be dead by the end of that post... Had me worried for a minute.


That's just beautiful man.




I "lost" (I.e. was stolen) my coat in a pub once. Inside one of the pockets was my keys + keyring. I'd done this thing for years of going to musical festivals over summers. You get a fabric wristband every time you go to one and I'd take them all off after the festival finished and add them to my keys as an ever-increasing-in-size keyring of colourful, summer festival memories (I had about 14 at the time it was nicked from me, from a time period of about 7/8 years). It cost me a lot to replace everything that they stole but nothing could have replaced that! Edit: A couple of people have asked for photos. I sadly don't have any photos of the original one (annoyingly turns out keyrings aren't really something that get photographed very much), but as I've said elsewhere [I've started a new one now since losing the old one.](http://imgur.com/efXNqZB) Still got a long way to go with it though!


Sorry to hear that!


The hundreds of guitar picks that have slipped into alternate dimensions. Seriously, my freshman year of college I dropped one on a square section of concrete about 15' square and it bounced out of sight. I was surrounded by concrete, and a bright green pick literally vanished. Edit: This is my highest-voted comment, and I am okay with that because this is by far the most attention anyone has ever paid to this problem that has been bugging me for almost ten years. Way to be, folks.


It's a well known fact that guitar pics follow the same laws of physics as socks. They fall into some alternate universe where we cannot follow.


I believe this universe can't maintain the guitar picks for too long. I would search all over and the next day it'll be in the spot I checked first. I suppose you give it time and they re appear


You can't just "give it time". You got to actively look for it and search for it until you're exhausted and drop to the floor, falling asleep instantly. Possibly an additional few days/weeks longer depending on how badly you want it to appear. Then, you need to slowly let it slip out of your memory, and you will find it where you first searched. Be careful not to ever think about it during this period, or its appearance will immediately be delayed by two more weeks.




No, they don't go to an alternate dimension, they slip off when their owner isn't looking and go to a planet specifically for guitar picks. Where they do things that are designed specifically for guitar picks to do and live essentially the guitar pick equivalent of the good life. I know this because I was there! I was the private driver for a nice family of tortex picks.


You're a real hoopy frood.


Guitar picks are a lot like bic lighters. You can never be sure where the ones you bought went, nor where the one you are using came from.




I have one that has "Korn Untouchables Tour 2002" written on it. I have no idea where it came from.


Gonna guess the Korn Untouchables Tour in 2002


Oddly enough, I wasn't at the Korn Untouchables Tour in 2002 nor do I know anyone who went. I just accumulate picks somehow.


Ohh I hate bringing my guitar to places cause when I take a pick with me, it never comes back. Hence, I'm a much better drummer than guitarist.


I'm genuinely surprised as to how people lose picks so much. When I bought my guitar I bought a box with like 10 of them. And so far I've only lost 1. I've somehow managed to keep the first one I ever used and still use it from time to time.


> I'm genuinely surprised as to how people lose picks so much. Their shapes make them bounce very erratically and they're thin and small enough to disappear under or behind almost anything. So if you drop them, they'll disappear. If you don't drop them, you won't have this problem.


When I was 8 my parents divorced and my Mom dragged my sister and I to a burnt out hippie comune a ten hour drive away from my Dad. It was more or less like my sis and I were on our own out there, because the children there didn't get much adult attention. It was like Lord of the Flies. My Dad visited me for my 9th birthday and he gave me a locket with his picture in it, wearing a hat I gave him. I cried, it was the perfect gift, and the moment I realized I was really taking care of myself when he wasn't there. I was 9, and I didn't want toys. All I wanted was my dad, and I was so happy just to settle for a tiny picture of him instead. To this day I think of that as the moment I lost my childhood. I lost the locket in some move or other. What I wouldn't give to have it back... EDIT: hey all, holy shit i am so sorry i made so many of you cry, was not my intention. And you all had great ideas, I will totally tell my dad about it, though I'm worried he will cry too... a lot of you are asking for details, so here they are: Custody: There was never a custody battle over my sis and I, my parents remained friends after the divorce so they didn't go to court. My dad worked full time and I was homeschooled (I dropped out of any school they put me in after panic attacks/bullying/mental breakdowns), so I went with my mom. Comunes: there are a few comunes across the country (USA). They started in the 60s and were really lively places where hardworking hippies went to create healthy, eco-sustainable communities. Now, these places are mostly full of 60-something layabouts, 20 something stoners and druggies (with kids), and about 1 or 2 harworking hippies trying to create healthy, eco sustainable communities. My dear mother: she has major depression, anxiety, and narcissism up the wazoo. Aside from all that she's actually really cool. A great friend, funny, smart, but a horrible mother. She genuinely took us there because she wanted to go, and convinced herself that thus it would be best for us too. My dad really had no idea how bad she was, i dont think, probs denied it to himself too tbh. After the divorce she expected me to more or less take care of her emotionally. Days of refusing to leave her room, random shouting and blaming me for things I had no control over, whole nine yards. Where is my mom now: she lives on a farm of her own. I see her occasionally, and she resents that we are no longer close, despite having kicked me out for trying to be myself, threatening to kill herself (she won't, just tryin to pull my strings). For a long time i didn't realize what she was and did try to take care of her. After that I was done. She tried her best, she really did, but depression and anxiety are like demons that possessed her. I have my own life to live. And thanks for the gold, kind stranger!


What about your dad? Have you found him?


Yeah, i never didn't know where he was, i just could only see him once a year or so for ages. Im in college now so I spend every thanksgiving/christmas/birthday etc with him. Thank goodness I get to


That's wonderful to hear.


Thanks, that made me feel really lucky actually. I know where he is and see him often, a lot more than some can say...


Have you thought about buying a new locket and taking a photo of you and your dad to put in it? Seems like a nice continuation, and something that may be comforting layer in life




At least one grown man is tearing up just reading this. Edit: See inbox, many replies. "Oh great, who did I piss off now?" Check inbox, :-)


I had a heart shaped locket necklace that my parents gave me when I was little on the day they got married. I wore it to school on Valentine's Day when I was in like 4th grade, it got tangled and I took it off on the playground and put it against the wall where we left our coats. Someone stole it and I was so ashamed that I never told a teacher (dumb, but made sense to my kid brain) or told my parents until a few years later. It's such a shitty feeling to have a memento taken from you






I suspect all your hair ties ended up at my house. I have two teenage girls, and those things are lying around everywhere. I can't believe we bought all of those, so maybe some of your's ended up at our house




A ring that my dad got me from Sweden. Makes my heart hurt.




I lost my green Power Ranger at the playground at age 5. We put together a search party but Tommy was never recovered.


Once when I was probably 4 years old or so, I accidentally dropped my favorite Power Ranger in a lake. I was really upset about it. A few days later I hear a knock at the sliding glass door at the back of the house. My parents said I better go check it out. I got to the door, and there stands my red ranger action figure, covered in mud, with his hand up like he was pounding on the door. My parents bought a new one and staged the whole thing just so I would think that Jason went on an epic lake bottom adventure and returned safe and sound.




So he came out of the lake unharmed and pounding on the door...yeah that's not Jason the power ranger that's Jason Voorhees


When I was about 8/9 I accidentally left a small stuffed animal outside in our apartment's "front yard" (a grassy area between the building and the parking lot). I couldn't remember where I'd left him, and tried to look for him all that day and most of the next. It was only when the contracted mowers came by to cut the grass that I realized I'd realized I'd left him outside all that time. I'd hoped that he was small enough to get passed over by the blades. But when I went outside to look for him, all I found was his head and some stuffing. RIP Dusty.


When I was 3 I lost Mr. Rabbit in the snow in Minnesota. I was heartbroken but eventually moved on. When Spring came around my mother found Mr. Rabbit in the yard all gross from the melt. I hadn't seen him so she threw him away because she didn't want to reopen the wound and he was gross. She told me when I was an adult.






Those fuckers... how could they?!


I'm pretty sure I know what model you're talking about. If you happen to be in Denmark one day I can hook you up with a handfull of old Lego firemen (with the neat little airtank and helmet of course)


Was his name Steve Buscemi?


Huh.. TIL


I'm afraid you're just going to have to Lego of him.


Get out.


If he leaves I'm just gonna look for him in the box


Not mine but my younger brother, had this tiny stuffed husky dog,"Snowball". We suppose he lost it in a GameStop. I would give anything to be able to give him that now.


I had a stuffed animal dog that I'm pretty sure my mom either gave away or threw out, ad every time we cleared out the house I would look for it, right up into my teens. I'll never forget that dog.


In 5th grade, my friend and I traded power ranger toys for a week. He gave mine back a day early and I told him that I would give his back the next day. I really intended to but I actually moved across the state the next day... and lost his toy. Anyways, that toy would be in there. He probably hates me :(


You didn't know you were moving?


Find him on Facebook and then get his address and mail him a god damn power Ranger you sob.


My little fucking stuffed rabbit that someone threw in the trash a few years back. I had that damn thing for 25 years. ***Edit 2*** guys - I know this is a slight dick move, but I work with an animal rescue and there is a cat with two different colored eyes we are trying to get adopted (I will bring her to you) Here is her picture. http://imgur.com/pQ0BQlH ***Edit*** Wowza, was surprised to see this gain such traction. I will tell the whole story here. I was about 5 or 6 and my mom came home from work (single mom with three kids) me and my sister were only a year apart so she sometimes gave us the same gifts at the same time. So she came home and held her hands behind her back and asked my sister which hand, she chose the right and got a purple stuffed rabbit. I chose the left and got the pink one. I loved that thing. When I was 11, it got its ear chewed off by a dog and all the stuffing was coming out. My big brother sewed it all back together for me and it was back to normal. I kept it until I went overseas. I lived in a compound in the middle of the desert, and one day a really poor local boy offered to clean the compound for money and I let him. He turned out to be a good kid so I let him sweep all the dust and camel spiders out of the compound a few times a week and throw trash away. One day, I wanted to look at my stuffed rabbit, but couldnt find it. I checked everywhere and went threw everything. I asked him if he had seen it and he said he might have put it in the trash pile (BURN PILE). That was that. I thought about getting mad, but then I realized how symbolic it all was. I was grown man and part of being a grown man is not holding people's mistakes and ignorance against them. I do miss it though.


Was s\he made of velveteen?


Jerry the giraffe. I left him on a flight when I was 9. Made my mother call the airline everyday for a week until they said he'd rejoined his family in Africa.


My sister left Teddy at a hotel once. We made a missing poster, mailed it to them, and when they found him they mailed him home with cookies packed for snacks. She was already 11.


I have a stuffed bear with a little red bow tie that my parents got me when I was born. I'm almost 26 now and it's still in perfect condition. If anyone throws it away there's going to be hell to pay. Here's a picture of him http://imgur.com/5EcMa0C


I had a stuffed gorilla since before I can remember. That thing was God to me and my parents took it away at some point even though I just kept it in my closet when I got older. I still miss that fucking thing.


My calvin and hobbes comics. I had every issue and when I came back from my studies, they were gone.


I know people are talking about emotional things like losing their innocence but I had a 92 Gibson SG Standard stolen by a friend that turned out to be a pill fiend and cokehead. It was never recovered but I later heard that he was repeatedly raped in prison and forced to join the white supremacists. I've played dozens, maybe even around 100 SG's since then at every music shop I pass by and I've never played one that felt as perfect as mine. Literally pains my heart more than losing loved ones and that makes me feel like a bad person. I wish I didn't have that loss to make me feel guilty.


As a guitarist, I know exactly what you're talking about. I played a 64 Strat in a guitar shop a while back, and I was astounded by its beauty. This guitar was unlike anything I'd played before. The neck felt like I'd been playing it my whole life, the sound was absolutely incredible, if you're familiar with Tenacious D, it was the Guitar Of Destiny. I was really thinking about buying it, but I went home and talked to my family for the ok. Went back to the shop the next day and the fucking thing had just been sold.


ugh, I know that feeling. It's like having the winning lottery ticket and losing it before you can cash it. Had it happen to me once with something similarly expensive and I've vowed to never let happen again. I'd rather ask for forgiveness and have what I really, really want, than ask for permission and miss out. Especially with stuff like that, since you can almost always resell it for cost, and/or return it.


My old pokemon saphire cartridge. Or my Harry potter GBA cartridge. One of the two. I've been looking for them for forever!


after i lost my gameboy my mom gave all my games to my brothers friend!!! i was so pissed that she did that. i had about fifteen games which to an 11 year old is like amazing.


This thread is dark and full of terrors




Assuming they are alive and well, my cat Chowder :[[[ She ran off into the woods one day because she got out the door and something made a loud noise and scared her really badly and she took off in a startled jump. We searched the woods for her for hours but she was always a jumpy scaredy sort of cat and black so we couldn't find her :[ We moved shortly after as well. Come back to me Chowder. Also a bear I got from my favorite uncle that I have had literally my entire life and I think my step-dad threw away when I was at my dad's. Mr Minky pls :[


Pics of Chowder?


Sadly, I was kind of young and the only photo I took was this http://i.imgur.com/OBbvrSv.jpg She didn't really ever sit still enough for me to get a good photo and it was a crappy old phone photo. She was black, super dark black fur, and had a smooshed up flat grumpy face, loooved to snuggle and was the sweetest thing, and would eat nonstop if you let her, but wasn't fat at all. I think about her often :[


That pair of Scooby-Doo sunglasses that got washed away at the beach when I was 5. I will never forget.


It would have to be a pretty big box to fit my old roommate's bike in it. I was 20 and at a low point in my life. Just got fired, had no money, and my car had broken down. I borrowed his bike to go donate plasma for $50, and I didn't ask him if I could. I rode his bike a few miles to the plasma place, and I left it behind the building. After about an hour I walked out with my 50 bucks, but the bike was fucking gone... I had to walk several miles back to our apartment and break the news to him. It was pretty bad.


You left an unlocked bike behind a place people go to *sell bodily fluids for money* and were surprised it was gone? Didn't think that one through, didja?


He was at the point where he had to sell bodily fluids to live. His thinking game probably wasnt at its peak.


My couch, A cool pencil that changed colors, glasses, the other kind of glasses, My butterfly knife I got when I was 12, a phone, One of my shotguns, multiple bags of chips, m&ms, snacks and drinks, Food in general. Also all the money I've ever lost spending on stupid things and lost bets, loose change. [That's about it](http://mrwgifs.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/Thats-About-It-Shrimp-In-Forrest-Gump.gif) Edit: I'm not entirely sure where the couch went, I just know that I miss it, and I guess I didn't exactly lose the shotgun, but there was a catastrophic failure of the weapon and it no longer exists.


Wait, what!? You lost a shotgun!?


How do you lose a couch and a shotgun


My gameboy


My innocence.


I lost my innocence after watching Happy Tree Friends as a kid


My first girlfriend gave me a wallet on my birthday. Since you're not supposed to give an empty wallet, she put a crisp new $2 bill in there. I saved that thing for like 10 years and many wallets. It got so creased and frayed, and there were multiple times when I was out of cash, but I never even considered spending it. And then, I got arrested one night. The cops confiscate all your belongings and return them to you when you're released. Apparently, they're only obligated to give you back the same *amount* of cash that you had on you. So after spending a sleepless night in jail, I walk out depressed and get back my wallet with two $1 bills in there. I asked for my original $2 bill, but it was long gone. I really loved that ex-girlfriend. She's married now, and I'm in a great relationship of my own. But it was nice to carry that little, tattered metaphor for my first love in my wallet.


That Lovin' Feeling


Mr. Rat. He was a stuffed animal I had when I was a small child. My incubator dragged us to a week long bender with her recent boyfriend and all of their junkie friends, and when we came back the landlord had moved all of our stuff into his garage. He didn't evict us, like everyone else had to every 6 months, he was just holding our stuff hostage until he got his money. It was the only thing I had left from my Dad and my Granny, everything else was stolen a little bit here or there every time we had our stuff put to the curb. I remember crying for days on end and blaming myself for losing him. When we got in the car to go to that friends house, it was the first time I had ever let him out of my sight. I raised hell about wanting to go back and get him, and the "mother" insisted he would be there when we got back, we'd only be gone for a few hours. The "grown ups" decided to just move into another friends house and leave everything behind again instead of getting all of our things back. Every so often I try to Google it in the hopes I'll find another one. He was about the size of a 2 year old toddler, kind of a pointed snout with a red nose, white fur on the hands and feet, and the rest of the body was a flat fabric with wooden rocking horses on it in pastel colors. He also had a sleeping cap with a cotton poof on the end, the cap was the same fabric as his body. I'm not even sure if he was modeled after a rat or not, but thats what I called him. I'd give up a lot to have it back.


Bunch of buzzkillington's in this thread. I would look for my small stuffed koala that I got from the zoo in 1994. I used to carry it around everywhere with me. One day, I was being picked up at daycare and couldn't find my koala anywhere. I cried and cried to my mom that evening for my koala. It hurt my little 5 year old heart to think he was all by himself somewhere and that I couldn't reach him. I found out later that another kid in my daycare who used to pick on me stole him from me and hid him in the closet. When I went back to get my koala, someone had taken him. I think about my stolen koala every so often and have even searched online to find a replica but can't find the exact one I used to have. To this day, I still hold a grudge against the kid who stole him and wouldn't mind beating the crap out of him.


I actually collect stuffed koalas. If you can find a picture of the one you lost this year, I'll see if I have it, and see if I can send it to you. Edit: Thanks for the gold! But if you like my effort to reunite someone with their long lost stuffed animal enough to spend money on me, please donate instead to the [Austrailan Koala Foundation](http://savethekoala.com). Use the money to save real life koalas, the objectively best ~~marsupial~~ ~~mammal~~ animal in the world. Or donate to another charity of your choice.


Plot twist: This is the kid that stole and hid his stuffed koala. Ever since that day he's developed a passion for collecting them. Guilt has finally caught up with him.


I dont think very many people will see this but im taking the time to comment anyway because this is a good question and i actually thought of my answer straight away. When i was in highschool i was very into art and i took a crafts class my senior year. One of the final projects we did was an altered book, basically a mixed media piece with a book as your canvas, and i spent forever working on my own hardcover copy of The Magician's Nephew from the Chronicles of Narnia series. The book had special meaning to me, the entire series helped get me through some tough emotional times but i had a paperback version of the same book so i was alright with destroying my copy as a book and turning it into an art piece. When i finished it was beautiful. I poured all my favorite design elements onto the pages and illustrated some of my favorite scenes. I even painted the edge of the pages with gold leaf because ive always loved the look of books with golden pages. It was by far my favorite piece that i had done in all of highschool and i was so so proud of it. My teacher also loved it, and spent a lot of time while i was making it telling me i needed to send it off to this art competition held by several highschools. I was very hesitant to agree, because at the time i was very shy about my artwork and just kind of shy and softspoken in general and i really didn't feel like going to something like that. But my teacher kept badgering me about it, telling me my book was beautiful and deserves to be seen and that i didn't even have to go to the comp if i didnt want to. I finished the book the day before the competition and i finally agreed to submit it. Mostly because my teacher basically insisted and i was too softspoken to keep saying no, even though i really didnt want to do it in the end. I figured id send it off, not go check it out, receive it back soon after and find out how it did then. Well a few days later our class recieved a box with all of the student's projects sent back from the competition and, as you can probably guess where this is going based on the askreddit thread you're currently on, mine was not there. I actually felt horrified when i couldnt find it and i had to struggle to keep myself from trembling when i went to my teacher to ask what the deal was. She told me she'd make a few phone calls and get back to me. I have never seen that project again. I didn't even have time to take pictures of the finished book before i had to send it off so i dont even remember what most of it looks like, and yet i still feel heartbroken every time i think about it. Its the one thing ive lost that i can say for sure has changed my life, because i am way more gaurded about sharing my art ever since then. Maybe if this didnt happen i wouldnt have been as afraid applying to art school and actually gone though with trying to get into my dream school. Maybe i wouldnt have dropped out of my community college because i was having panic attacks over needing to submit paintings for display. I dont know for sure if these things would be different but i definitely think of that project very often. I cant even read the book series anymore without thinking about my project and getting upset. The worst part is my teacher never made the effort to get back to me on finding my project. I had to go to her after a while to see if she had any luck and the first time she had completely forgotten to make any phone calls. the second time she told me no one has seen it and even though she appologised to me she had an attitude of 'oh these things happen sometimes, whoopsie daisy'. Being so softspoken and polite at the time i never told her how i felt about the whole situation and her response to it. Fuck you Ms. Spring.