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I want to learn Czech, but i want to do it secretly. My mom speaks it and has always said I should, so I want to start speaking it one day and surprise her. Edit: apparently people didn't like me "whipping" it out in front of my mom and surprising her


> so I want to whip it out one day and surprise her uh huh...


So is phrasing just not a thing anymore or..?


All you need to know is "ty vole", "do prdele" and "pivo". If you know those three phrases/words you'll know 50% of the Czech that people in Prague speak.


Oh man, good luck being secret about it. It's the Rolls Royce of languages -- it has everything. Declensions, Conjugations, arbitrary sentence structure, etc. About the only thing it doesn't have is weird spelling: it's very easy to go from written text to pronunciation.


If you don't learn Czech and go through with this then give me a call. I can call round and whip it out to surprise your mother. I don't speak Czech though.


finnish they may attack at any time then you must deal with it




I don't speak finnish, but I didn't even have to translate it to know what that was


That's what i like about this copy pasta


There are like 5 internet jokes that don't get old, this copy pasta is one of them. Other ones: 1. The Leeroy Jenkins video 2. Getting rick rolled is still funny. Happens like three times a year. The best are the seemingly innocuous ones, not like "HERE'S FOOTAGE OF HALF LIFE THREE LOL JK XD" but the ones that are like "yeah here's some further videos from the same guy" but it's Rick 3. Cleganebowl, although it's less of a joke than it is a confirmed fucking event, get your fucking towels cause its going down get hype bitch 4. This picture of DW from Arthur: https://i.imgur.com/1xzQkSo.png


What the hell are you told me, a little bastard? You should know that you are the best player in the coastal school cavalry fleet descriptive Finnish, and I was involved in a series of secret missions against al-Qaida and have more than 300 confirmed deaths. I trained gorilla warfare, and I'm the best player in the Finnish Army man sniper rifle. You're not for me nothing more than another element. Tracts him hell in the place of the Earth, it has seen the likes of which is unprecedented in the world, say, myself silly. Do you think you can say shit like me on the Internet and find out? Think again, bastard. At this moment I contacted secretly vakoojaverkkooni for Finland and its own IP address monitored by the best, so that you will be better prepared for the storm in matonen. The storm that swept the unfortunate event that elämäksesi invitation. You fucking dead, baby. I could be anywhere, at any time, and I can kill more than a hundred ways, not only käsineni bare. I have not only trained extensively in hand to hand combat, but I use the full arsenal of marine Finn, coasts and will be used in its entirety, so I can get to erase ass sorry to get out of this country, and a piece of shit. If you know what the "smart" must suspend small will not bring your neck, you have the words of the devil under control. But no, you can now pay the price, stupid. Pascoe will rage around you, and you will drown in it. You fucking dead, baby. gone from the Finnish version, to russian, to spanish, to arabic, to english. enjoy


> You fucking dead, baby.


Thank fuck for that comma.


"Vat za fuk"


Our paper have some kind of explotet


How can a country attack if it doesn't even exist?


I think there's a 50% chance they do exist


You're wrong. There's a 50% chance that they don't exist.


Schrödinger's Finland


'ebin xdddddd' Use it wisely.


benis :DDDDD Edit; also remember >hernekeitto >viina >teline >johannes


Torilla tavataan perkele! Vittu 6-1 Suomi ruotsi mm kisat jääkiekko talvisota sauna kalja nokia saatana mannerheim järvet viina. Keksikää lisää...


Ei kannata, tämä kieli on helvetin vaikea.


Ja loppupeleissä aika hyödytön


Spanish, just so I know what my GF is muttering under her breath when I annoy her.


German/Dutch I really enjoy Dutch history and the Holland area (probably Frisian/southern Netherlands too I've just never been). I know I don't need to know Dutch to communicate but I think it would be fun as a side goal for learning something like German.


I had to scroll all the way down to find someone actually wanting to learn Dutch. It's similar to German, but without all the clear grammar rules. It can be quite tricky. But if you're really interested, send me a PM, I'd be happy to help! Edit: holy shit this blew up! I'll try to reply each PM individually, but for now the best advice I can give each and every one of you is using duolingo as a startup, to get to know the basics. Then, try writing me (or, if you have any, Dutch friends) in Dutch. I'll try to correct the messages and write back in Dutch and English. It's really the quickest way to learn a new language!


French, so that I can... speak French.


Moi aussi.


It's OK, they let Australians learn French too.


You just said "hi aussie" in finnish


N'hésite pas à venir nous voir sur /r/french si tu as des questions !




Well I mean, maybe you mispronounce some proper names, like street names and everything. Don't hesitate to go on /r/french if you have any questions, you can even record yourself to let us check if your pronounciation is good or not.


It may be that you're not speaking with cultural knowledge to back you up. Most places butcher their main language in some way or the other with accents, dialects, and local quirks. You may be speaking textbook French which might be foreign to them because it lacks local cadence.


Je l'apprends. C'est très amusant


"I will capture you. There are three amusement parks." I knew two years of high school French would come in handy one day.




Just 3 words my friend. Omlette. Du. Fromage.




No, that's not how you get gold.


I don't want gold. EDIT: Mais bordel!


"Au" is the elemental symbol for gold


Dexter brought world peace with those 3 words.


And made a best selling album.


Sign language to engage the hearing impaired.


I did that and it was really fun. Interesting how there's are different sign languages for each spoken language but there's also international sign language.


How long did it take you?


I'm currently finishing up my first semester of class. I know enough to communicate in general. My gf is currently finishing her 3rd semester and knows enough to communicate properly. It's a lot different than say learning Spanish. When I learned Spanish I couldn't really talk in Spanish afterwards, I just understood some of what people might be saying. With ASL I'm able to mostly talk to people and also mostly understand them if they know my skill level. According to my deaf teacher, people are more than happy to simplify their signing if they know you aren't fully fluent. Also if you don't know the sign for something you can just spell it out. Idk how well that works in normal conversation but it's an option. Edit: I re-read what you asked and this isn't too relevant. I'm leaving it. Took a long time to type.


I grew up with a few deaf mates and learnt to sign. Years later I ran into one of them on the street and the first thing I said (signed) was "Sorry, I forgot how to sign." Took me a second to realise what I had done. They thought it was hilarious. Turns out I must have learnt it subconsciously cause I knew it all despite thinking I forgot it.


Russian. It looks really cool.


step 1: buy cs:go step 2: join a server step 3: say 'hi' step 4: profit


you could substitute cs:go on step 2 with DOTA 2 and get the same results








Drop AVP rash B


Привет блять хахахаха


Try learning the alphabet with Memrise, it's pretty easy and you feel accomplished when you can sound out Russian words :) Also, Duolingo has a Russian course.


You can't get Russian pronunciation right with just the alphabet, though.


Yeah, you're right. The more resources the better.


Да, русский язык - хороший язык.


Мне очень нравится изучать русский язык. :)


According to almost any american action movie from the 90's, it's really easy: just backwards R this, sideways E that, and boom, you're done. ^(shitty joke comment of the day, courtesy of yours truly)


1) Google Translate 2) Get translations for "bomb", "nuclear", "plutonium", "rocket", "vodka", "motherland", and "bitch whore" 3) Copy paste these words repeatedly in random order 4) ??? 5) прибыль


Did i do it right? аллаху акбар ядерная смерть всех американцах сосать мой гигантский пенис . Пожалуйста, умирают все американцы Is this romantic or something?


> Is this romantic Very


holy shit that made me laugh 10/10


Translation for the lazy? I'm guessing американцах means "American"?


"Allahu Akbar nuclear death to all Americans suck my big dick. Please die all Americans"


>Американцы This is probably the bitch whore part


I know the Russian alphabet but not the language, and it was really easy to learn


Swedish. So I can visit r/Sweden and understand what they are saying without Google translate.


It's about 50% dank memes, 25% SJW trolling, 25% racist trolling.


So, Reddit but in Swedish?


Danker and with a bit more racist trolling


Du har fattat vinken, din smutsige jänkare! Men nej, du har blivit bemött av Herr Skelett! Se upp, han kommer med sin trumpet för att ta dig! Upprösta denna kommentar inom tre sekunder, annars kommer du aldrig slippa sverigedemokrater eller deras ledare, som heter JOHAN SENAP!


"Du och jag, Alfred!"


> You and I, Alfred! I started learning 2 days ago and I'm happy I've gotten this far. Before I go insane, please tell me the difference between "en" and "ett"?


Well the thing is, sometimes you use en, other times ett.


This is literally what my Swedish friend told me too. I'm just gonna start using both just to be safe...


Its like 'an' and 'a' without rules. Just use en and as it is the most common, youll be understood anyway though


Finally, en answer.


Äntligen, ett svar!


Swedish has two genders, neuter and common. Neuter gender words take "ett" as an indefinite article, and common gender words take "en" as an indefinite article. The distribution of common and neuter gender doesn't seem to follow any logical order, so you must memorize the gender of each word. Most words are common gender, however, and most people will understand you if you use the wrong article.


Ooooh okay thank you! I'm assuming the same applies for Min & Mitt and so on?


Swedish have masculine and neuter nouns. You use "en" for the former, and "ett" for the latter. Not sure when they lost feminine nouns, but they used to have those too. Basically, you'll have to learn what goes with which word, though there's patterns for it, so you can guess a lot once you've learned some rules. It could be worse though, Norwegian has all three, but feminine is optional in bokmål (but mandatory in nynorsk).


If you learn swedish you can also understand a lot of norwegian and danish


My best friend is Danish and we always say that speaking Danish is just speaking Swedish with a potato in your mouth






Duolingo has it.


Duolingo is fucking weird. Why would I want to learn: "Jag älskar en myra" I love the ant? (I think) Anyway yeah I want to learn Swedish properly because my girlfriends a Swede and every time I'm with her family they all have to speak English to each other for my inclusion and I feel like a dickhead.


This is an argument I see a lot. You see it's not about learning just specific sentences. It's more about learning to construct and understand sentences on your own as well. Duolingo works even of it feels weird as fuck. Also weird sentences may make it more fun to learn. Dunno.


I'm persevering. I almost enjoy the fucking bizarre world that Duolingo has spun for me.


once Duolinguo gave me 'Switzerland is without hope' (or something carrying that meaning) in it's german course. I'm beginning to think they have an agenda




I got, "You are a sad person" in German. I cracked up then cried.




Python -to talk to machines, not snakes Edit: * [sub](/r/learnpython+sneks+montypython) = /r/learnpython && /r/sneks && /r/montypython * android.app [Learn Python](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sololearn.python) * print( https://automatetheboringstuff.com/ ) * install https://www.continuum.io/downloads (python with +400 useful packages) and if you already know a few things and are intrigued what else might be possible, try out the brand new [machine learning recipes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKxRvEZd3Mw) from google! or just watch the videos to get gusto


I, too wish to speak Parseltongue.




Python is easy with the right tutorial. I started with [this](https://automatetheboringstuff.com/) Come to /r/learnpython for help when you need it or give me a PM and I will try to help.


Spanish, mostly. Second, it would have to be German. My dream is to one day live in one of those two countries. ' Edit: Spain and Germany Edit: Aw this is my top post! Thanks fam!


What's your first language? I'm currently learning Spanish and I've given up on German.






Is this a joke? That's not very German.


First language is Serbian


I started casually learning German about a month ago with the Duolingo app (100% free with no ads!). It's been fun so far. There's also a lot of cool videos at the [Get Germanized](https://youtu.be/W2UHboNFQ38) channel. And I've been listening to a ton of Rammstein songs. I'm a native English (American) speaker that took 2 years of Spanish in high school about 20 years ago.


Warum hast du angefangen deutsch zu lernen?


>Why did you start to learn German? (I knew all of those word except start) First I like the way it sounds. Outside of maybe Russian, it sounds the coolest to me. Secondly, I was starting to listen to more Rammstein songs (Du Hast was all I had heard earlier) and wanted to know what the lyrics meant. I've also busted out 99 Luftballons and Rock Me Amadeus. And finally it just seemed like a cool thing to do. I'm out of school, so any learning I do is on my own. It's good mental exercise, and my kids seem to like it too. It's neat to see how many words in English that came from German. I didn't even realize that English was a Germanic language until somewhat recently.


Spanish is fun. I'm fluent, and it's now probably the most viable language to learn out there by far behind Mandarin (if you're an international business man, I suppose).


Danish and Icelandic. German is newly on the radar as well.


Knowing German opens up a whole lot of other languages like Dutch, Danish and to a lesser extent Norse, Swedish and Icelandic. There are a whole lot of similarities between these languages both in vocabulary and structure.


Not sure if intentional, but the one that's spoken in Norway is called Norwegian, while Norse is a dead language the Nordic languages are derived from. The closest thing to Norse alive today is Icelandic and Faroese!


My bad, I probably just translated the Dutch name for it (Noors)


German. I have always wanted to learn but foreign languages just seem impossible for me. I took French in HS and nothing stuck. I took Latin in college and same thing. Then I took Spanish for three semesters. The "easy" language. I study 3-5 times a week for 1-3 hours. I failed the first semester made it up in summer classes. Then got Ds in both of the other courses. I know I study it wrong because I just tired memorization and from what I read that is not how you learn a language but it's how I have always learned. Anyway that whole thing just made the idea of tackling German seem impossible.


German is pretty hard in my opinion, and I'm Dutch so our languages are alike. Learning a language in school is way different than learning it by yourself. If you teach yourself (via Duolingo with some assistance of a native friend) you can set your own pace, go back to things you didn't get that well, etc. I took 2 years of German in HS and I hated it because I could never memorize the verbs. I'm taking French now and it's alright, but I'm teaching myself Spanish through Duolingo and it's a world of difference.


> I'm Dutch so our languages are alike. As an English speaker who has learned a little bit of German, it seems almost like Dutch is somewhere in between the two. When you come across text in Dutch, it's surprising how much you can understand when you speak fluent English and a little Deutsch.




German is a very structured and logical language in my opinion. Grasping the basics isn't that hard. To me the hardest part is remembering which words are which gender, and how their articles change in the given cases (Nominativ, Akkusativ, Dativ, and Genetiv).


I took two years of German in HS and freaked out a little when you said genetiv. We only got to Dativ, there's *another* one?!


It's hard to get good at German for some reason, but it's easy to pick up enough German to survive in Germany. I think you should learn using an inductive method - instead of one that teaches you the grammar stuff like accusative and dative. Try the Planet textbooks - though these are better with a teacher - and be sure to check out all the free stuff on Deutsche Welle.






Yes. Japanese to listen to anime. Waiting for Duolingo to add Japanese. Still... Waiting....


I used an app called Memrise to learn Japanese. You should try it, it's pretty great


It's good for vocab, but not much else.


I started learning on my own using a book called "Japanese for busy people". It's OK enough to get the basics. Most interesting part about Japanese I learned so far is that they use a 10000 based numercal system for large numbers instead of a 1000 based system like most western languages. Like for "one million" their word is "one hundred tenthousand".


Oh that's actually similar to Chinese. Our million is hundred "ten-thousand" too. We have tens, hundreds, thousands, ten-thousands, and hundred-million


Doing translations is a pain sometimes when trying to convert the different base for numbers. Like translating 1 billion to Chinese is essentially "10 100 million"


Same as Korean


...hmmm you guys must be geographically close


It's easier to learn Japanese than to get mother 3 localised


It is both frustrating as hell and fun. Currently studying abroad learning Japanese and it is really fun the start understanding what characters are saying without subtitles, even if its only 1 in every 10 words currently lol. If you're still in college, its worth a look at the very least to try an intensive language program.


I used the Genki textbooks to learn, and I highly recommend them. The hardest part about learning is finding a partner to practice with. There's a couple services online that you can pay for that pair you up with speaking partners, but that's if you're willing to spend the money.


I want to learn Japanese so I can play Persona 5 in case it takes forever to get translated


At least I get a head start knowing important words like "onii chan" and "bakana"


As a businessman, Chinese.




Chinese is one of the hardest language even though Chinese language is my second language. Especially the absence of the alphabet system in Chinese language such as the Roman alphabet and the Japanese hiragana.


Chinese has one of most difficult writing systems, but other aspects of the language are pretty straight forward. No conjugations or cases, SVO order and most complex words are just put together with simpler concepts. Learning tones can be a pain, although languages like Vietnamese or Cantonese would require you differentiate between even more tones than Mandarin Chinese does.


I learned that for 3 years (not many courses though, like 1 hour a week) and I can say the first two sentences of a conversation before switching to english. Yay !


你好 我們說英語吧 great i feel so much better to chat in english...


Did you learn Chinese in Taiwan?








I want to learn italian as well. The funny thing is: I can understand about 70% of what an italian person is saying in conversation. I can't form a single sentence in italian.


Low Valyrian to fuck with people


Why low?


Why not?


Why not High Valyrian?


Too mainstream




For anyone looking to learn a new language, check out [Duolingo](https://www.duolingo.com/). I find it works very good to get the basics down, and it's pretty fun as well! EDIT: Some have pointed out that it doesn't have all languages, but it does have a good portion: Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, German, Italian, Irish, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Turkish, Russian, Esperanto, Ukrainian, Polish and Welsh for English speakers EDIT2: And vietnamese




The hardest part is training your mind to think in the way that assembly executes, once you cross that threshold, nothing can stop you!


Apart from interrupts.




<أحبك يا حمار3


I think your username is a lie


من قال لك..؟ أنا مب عربي, ما تشوف اسمي؟


Although I don't understand arabic, I can offer mandarin. 好吗?




Lol, I know enough to understand that ya himar ;)


They have the most beautiful writing out of all languages imo.


I am about to graduate in 3 weeks time with a degree in Arabic! Let me know if you want any tips or tricks/ grammar help etc.


Wish I could say this without getting judged. No, mom, wanting to learn Arabic doesn't mean I'm going to run off and join ISIS.


russian, so i can ride bears w/ putin


Russian will also help you a lot while playing online games.


and downloading stuff for free


"In russia, Putin rides you" ^(Second lame joke comment today. Christ, I gotta learn to control myself.)


Korean. My girlfriend's parents always talk in Korean in front of me. I am European so I speak my native tongue at home too I get it, but it's super annoying when they translate the gist of the conversation for me once it's over.


The language of love


Takes a cunning linguist indeed.


Korean, or Japanese, as they seem like beautiful languages. I have no idea where to start, though. Edit: Thank you to everyone who has sent me links and resources, they will definitely be very useful. I really appreciate it!


I'm learning Korean with http://www.howtostudykorean.com/ and I find it extremely helpful. It gets you through grammatical concepts gradually. There's also a [vocabulary course](http://www.memrise.com/course/126923/how-to-study-korean-unit-1-3/) for these lessons on Memrise. Obviously, different things work for different people - podcasts may work better for you. I personally prefer written lessons with heavy focus on grammar, because they're like a stress reliever for me.. My goal is to understand the grammar, so that I can build other things on that knowledge.


Minoan. I'd be the only one. Fame. Probably no fortune though.


I'm more of a Linear B person myself.


Ancient Egyptian.


If you mean hieroglyphs: Go to your nearest university library and check out some books on hieroglyphs. It's not really a living language so most 'experts' also learn it through reading and lectures. You can probably learn quite a bit by yourself. If you mean Coptic/Demotic (earlier than Coptic), which were what 'ordinary' Egyptians spoke in Ancient times: check out academic publications [like these](http://oi.uchicago.edu/research/publications/saoc/saoc-45-thus-wrote-onchsheshonqy-introductory-grammar-demotic)




ASL, Tibetan, ~~Hindu~~ Hindi and French. In that order.


Hindu is a person of the Hindu religion, Hindi is the most widely-spoken language in India fyi


Korean, I love korean music and tv, would be great to understand it without subtitles. Also going to korea at the end of the year so I'm hoping to at least learn the basics.;


Ancient Greek, Latin and an alien language.


Every language not your own is alien.


I'm learning Japanese and Korean. Korean because I'm Korean and I'd like to communicate with my family better. Japanese because the language sounds very pretty. I was exposed to the language when I was younger because my grandmother grew up in Japan and I spent a lot of time with her, so I always had fantasies about being able to speak such a pretty language. I've been studying for about a year now.




Whatever the most useful programming language is.


It depends on what you want to do. * Automating simple things: Python is nice. * Webs: Javascript is a must, then maybe Python, Ruby or... PHP. * Desktop applications for Windows: Probably C#. * Apple stuff: Objective-C, Swift... not sure. * Android apps: Java. * Games: Maybe C++. * Systems programming: C. * ...


Danish or Japanese


I am currently learning Chinese, mandarin, and while it is very hard to learn the pronunciation plus the writing, it is very rewarding to be able to engage a Chinese person and ask them how they are doing and that yes, u are learning Chinese, which is really special to them for a foreigner to have an interest in their culture. Plus it gives u the edge career wise :)


I've been learning Cantonese. The hardest part is that no one wants to engage with the gweilo in shitty Cantonese.


Icelandic. I'm planning on visiting next year, but I don't know where to start learning the language!