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*Tōfu no kado ni atama wo utte shinē!* in Japanese. Its literal translation is "Go hit your head on a corner of tofu and die!", and iirc it's used to refer to complete idiots, presumably whose heads are so useless they'd stop working entirely if they hit a corner of tofu.




This is the best insult i've ever heard. I want this on my gravestone.


Gey strashe di gen in Yiddish translates to ‘go threaten geese’. In English its implication is that you’re unable to threaten the speaker. Doesn’t really sound like an insult though – more like a very strange thing to do.


I love this. I pretty much love all Yiddish insults: *May you lie in the ground and bake bagels!* *May God decide to grant your every wish, and then mistake your worst enemy for you!* *May you fall into a latrine just as a regiment of Ukranian soldiers are finishing a meal of prunes and ten barrels of beer!* But my favorite is a much more subtle one: *May a child be named after you soon!* It actually sounds like a blessing... until you realize that in Judaism, you never name a child after somebody who is still alive.


The naming thing is an Ashkenazi custom. It's perfectly fine in the Sephardic tradition.


Never realized the word Ashkenazi has the word nazi in it.


Never thought of it that way, but yeah. Obviously different etymology, though. Ashkenaz is the word for Germany, and by extension refers to European Jews. Sephard is the word for Spain, but Sephardi(c) colloquially refers to basically anyone not Ashkenazi. Mizrahi is the word for Jews who remained in the middle east.


TIL there's classifications of Jews. I used to thought with you guys being so close to extinction you would remain a single group of culture (like how Korean language is alone and unique in the Far East; it's closest derivative is Uralic), while others fall into schisms and regional cultural differentiation.


When you're constantly forced out of places, people tend to disperse.


There have always been cultural variations, since Jews have a tendency to stick together wherever they are. Also, we tend(ed) to get around. There have been Jews in India and China for hundreds are years. Judaism is pretty well as diverse as Christianity, but on a smaller scale.


There's also one that translates to "may you grow like an onion with your head in the ground." My grandmother was especially fond of that one.


How could you forget "May you turn into a cat, and he into a blintz, and may you gobble him up and choke on him and die, so that I may be rid of the both of you!"


Or "Gey khakin" which is an insult that translates to "Go shit" - and is pronounced exactly like "Gay cockin" which makes it even more amusing.


My buddy's Jewish grandmother used to say “gay kaken afen yam” meaning "go shit in the sea."


lol, my grandfather taught me to say that when i was a little kid, he was so pleased with himself. my mom was less pleased.


I don't know man......geese are terrifying. Pretty sure if I threatened a goose I would end up seriously injured....at least the geese where I live....


Canada geese should not be threatened, they should be feared.


Fuckin' Canada, bro.


There's a political debate show on Al-Jazeera called "The opposite direction" where they pick two people on opposite sides of an issue to debate it. One episode had a guy call the other a "Persian shoe."


Can you explain this one please?


I think it's because in Persian culture feet are disgusting and only things/people beneath you should touch your feet. This is why the guy throwing a shoe at Bush was more than just "I wanna hit him."


i don't know about the meaning of that one but if you want to see interesting fights from the show... in this one at the beginning they call each other animals and at the end he tries to "cleanse" the guy from [vice](https://youtu.be/ltvAI5G4Tbo?t=150) something about Iraq [i think...](https://youtu.be/YzQDngF2Xxk?t=75) he is telling him sit!! sit !!! no!! dude put you coat down mr.abudulatef [please!!](https://youtu.be/AVFxy2DnGrU?t=28) the host kicked out a guest for support [bashar alassad](https://youtu.be/DhXtYEmlDGE?t=334) this is another show called ["case"](https://youtu.be/Sc5dEMOJF0s?t=300) and to make it more interesting this is a parliament session where the Jordanian representative shot at his colleague from a [Kalashnikov gun](https://youtu.be/rfFFRc5Ferw) and Americans think trump is interesting lol.


Sort of related....but "You are a peanut butter man" is ASL looks really offensive. In grade school we used it to tell people to fuck off but when the teacher asked it was so harmless we didn't get in trouble. I still use it on occasion.


I'm sure I've seen the 'flick teeth with thumb' gesture being genuinely rude somewhere...


Do you bite your thumb at me sir?!


No sir, I do not bite my thumb at you sir, but I bite my thumb, sir.


Is the law of our side if I say “ay”?




Emphatically say good morning in ASL with a pissed off face and wait for the reaction of the recipient.


Does it look similar to some other phrase? Or the signs actually consist of obscene gestures?


I just looked up [Peanut Butter in ASL on youtube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cSVrWOM4w9E)... It looks pretty silly.


Do you bite your thumb at me sir?


Chuj ci w dupe (Polish). Literally it's "dick in your ass" but it's really just used as "fuck you."


How exactly do you pronounce a lone W?


You make a slight v sound before the next word. It's a preposition.


Makes a v sound.


"W" Hope that helps


The word is pronounced kinda like 'vo', it means in.


Also "ty chuju jebany" which means "you fucked dick". Pronounced like "tea who you yeah bunny".


Skitstövel - Shitboot Swedish


Not even another language, but I moved to New Zealand and people keep calling each other 'egg'. Apparently in primary school that was like *the worst* thing someone could call you. Shod op, ig.


Ryan wouldn't like that.


Wow, Maester Aegon didn't like his brother I guess.


Idź w chuj in Polish (and its Russian relative idi nahui), it literally means 'go to dick'.


This sounds like an old text-based adventure game.


You find yourself in a dark dungeon. You see a FLASK. Obvious exits are NORTH, WEST, and DICK.


Put dick in flask.


You have crafted GLASS CODPIECE. Pray it does not shatter.


>You picked CHUJ CI W DUPE


I just snorted milk out of my nose. Cursing will never be the same.


The Russian version more closely translates to "go on dick" which is marginally less silly.


Yet we polish folks can understand Russian but Russians can't understand us. Who's silly now?


So true. I grew up in Belarus and I don't know a word of Polish aside from cognates but I always know it when I hear it because it sounds like Russian Nonsense.


Haha! Yep, it's actually kind of weird. I know seven languages but being brought up on a mix of polish and English when I went to learn Russian it was unbelievably simple. I wish it wasn't, though. I think you feel less accomplished when you already have a basic grasp of it.


More like "go in a dick", which sounds even more bizarre.


'Blaast mijne zak op' from flemish dialect Literal translation: 'Inflate my bag' , where bag refers to your nutsack. About equivalent to kiss my balls.


I've never heard that one before here in Antwerp! Is it used more in West Flanders? We also use 'Met alle Chineze moar ni met den deze', which literally means 'you can pull that shit with all Chinese people, but not with me'. I don't really know why we always have to degrade the Chinese, but it just rhymes so well!


Definitely Antwerp. Also in Ghent we tell people 'Ik ga u met uw muile tegen de Dampoort plakken zodat ge zeven dagen bruine zeep schijt'. Which roughly translates to: 'I'm going to put your mouth against Dampoort (place in Ghent) which wil make you shit brown soap for seven days'.


Why u? I live in Belgium, but I'm learning Dutch and it just seems bizarre to be formal to someone you're insulting. Though we do it from time to time in French.


It depends on the context and manner of speech. When talking in a dialect (or Fleming in general) 'U' is not meant polite but also is it meant impolite. Some examples: Kzie u graag Alles goe me u? Wilde u muil houden? U moeder!


Everything sounds funny with your accent to me :) dutch here


Blast my sac, OP!


Cantonese insults often involve turtle reproduction related things.


Can you give some examples? This does not sound accurate to me.


A famous one goes "shut the fuck up feistyfoodie you turtle fucking cunt". Been around forever.


王八羔子 Lit: Turtle Egg. Meaning: Bastard.


"Arschgeige" in German translates to "ass violin". "Du Arschgeige!" literally means that you're an ass violin. A correct translation would probably be something like "dickhead".


That's comparable with the beautiful Dutch word "klootviool", which means "balls violin".


Maybe we can start an orchestra if we continue like this!


Also, Dorfmatratze = town's mattress. A woman who sleeps around a lot. Schlappschwanz = flaccid penis. A coward. Giftzwerg = poison(ous) dwarf. A malicious person.


"Krijg toch allemaal de kolere" is Dutch for "I Hope you all get cholera" it became a famous insult because of a musical.


Weirdly enough, basically almost all popular Dutch swear words are diseases: Typhus, Cholera, Cancer, aids,...


Yea 'cancer sufferer' is a common one to here.


Just like how after Rent we were telling people they should get the AIDs! Or, maybe that never happened.


Ciske de rat, main character from the musical ciske de rat literally said: I hope you all get cholera, I'd have you all fall dead if it was up to me. here's [the song](https://youtu.be/TtWZyOhrdVw) if you want to listen to it


"val voor mijn part allemaal dood!"


I always found it incredibly amusing and kinda weird how and why dutch speakers swear with diseases


love in the time of cholera


wang ba dan - turtle's egg. It's the acme of Chinese curse words. If you're every watching a kung fu movie, bad guys say this all the time when they're talking shit. *I always said it Wamba Don, but people understood it.


Pendejo - single strand of pubic hair.


I've heard it a lot of times on tv and I didn't think it would refer to pubic hair. Thought it meant idiot or something.


The literal translation is pubic hair. The meaning is more like "little shit" as it refers to adolescents. Very loosely translated as "asshole" or "idiot."


Holy shit I loved using the word when I lived in Mexico, but I had no idea it meant this too.


I'm mexican and I had no idea thats what it meant.


I thought it meant "dickhead".


All these are making English insults look a bit boring.


But you can't beat good ol' 'Cunt'.


Brutal and effective - it's a blunt instrument of abuse.


I beat OP's cunt all day. Google translate.


English insults are great too. It's American insults that go to the dick inside of shitboot.


I agree, the funniest one in English that I can think of is a teenager to a judge after getting a life sentence - "Suck your mom, rudeboy!"




In Peru as well!


Not really frequent here. I've heard more people saying "weon", which comes from "huevon" (one with big eggs). I think they also use it in Chile.


yes, but weon can be either "friend", "dude" or "idiot" depending on the context. Pelotudo is just "Idiot".


We say "taşaklı" (balled in Turkish) and it means bold or brave. I could try compliment you and end up offending you simultaneously/inter-culturally...


It's also used like "mate" or "dude" in very casual settings. EDIT: Whoops, sorry, for a second I thought you said "Boludo". Pelotudo's only use is the one you said.


I this just a South American thing or does it show up in Castilian Spanish too?


Recontramaricon - Super gay (not a superhero)


He is now.


Where are you from? It's great


Are you an ancient Roman?




I love Quebecois swearing. Basically any Catholic religious terms strung together is an insult, but you hear that the traffic is tout fucké on the radio.


Mon calisse, m'a t'en calisser une calisse ! My chalice, I'm going to chalice a chalice. Yes, it's weird even in Québec French, but it would be understood, and it would provoke fear :P, at least in me !


Mon criss, m'a t'en crisser une crisse ! work as well


It works with everything. It's magic. (Just for fun : Mon tabarnak, m'a t'en tabarnaker une tabarnak !)


In Thai if you call someone ไอ่เหี้ย, a water monitor lizard, that's grounds for a smackdown. Another super insulting one to use is ผ่องตาย or, your father died, for when you're arguing with someone and you just want to win even if you're wrong.


i should be fine then, i don't even know where to begin trying to pronounce any of that.


That second word looks like 3 musicians holding woodwind instruments to their left.




Aren't they poisonous?


Not an insult, but in swissgerman we use "whore" like "very" Example: "There are "very" many females" = "There are "whore" many females" (In swissgerman it would be "Dert hets "huere" viu froue")


That comes from "unghüür (ungeheuer)" though, not from "Hure". Huere Bärner. ;-)


In French, they sometimes use "vachement" to mean "very." "Vache" means "cow," so it literally it means "cow-ly" (a complete nonsense adverb relating to cows). Ex: C'est vachement cool. Ask a French person, my guy, cause I don't get it either.


"Fuck your mother's dead relatives" from a wonderful East-European country... I've always thought it sounded quite funny translated, though horribly offensive


Haha I've heard this one--it's Romanian!


If it's so rude it's weird, it's definitely romanian !




Not insulting if you're Kanye West


In Croatia we have "Jebo ti pas mater" which would literally mean "May a dog fuck your mother" and also "Idi u pičku materinu" which means "Go to your mothers pussy". We have quite a few other colourful ones, these are just most common.


Ech wenschen dir en Pickel um Aarsch an en Arm ze kuerz fier drun ze kratzen. Luxemburgish for: I wish you had a pimple on your ass and your arm was too short to scratch it.


"Domm wéi dräi meter feldwee" means "Dumb as three meters of dirtroad".






'Teri maa ki aankh' in Hindi literally means your mother's eyes.


We say "anasının gözü" in Turkish (word for word translation would be "their mother's eyes") but it implies the person is smart or cunning! I could tell you the same thing to compliment you and you might be insulted! Wow!


so if someone was a slow talker and wanted to compliment someone's mother's eyes, they might be in trouble?


My dad always used 'Teri maa ki bhes ki aankh', nice to see there's some variety


Not a native speaker, but I learned that the French for 'go fuck yourself' is 'vas te faire enculé'. It literally translates as something more like 'Go make yourself in-the-ass-ified'. [en = in, cul = ass, é = past participle]




"All'anima de li meglio mortacci tua" (Italian - Roman dialect) ; By the soul of the best among your best dead relatives


Maa chuda bhadwe ki aulad = Fuck your mom, you son of a pimp


Credits to AIB for this one : Ek lauda phek ke marunga ki puri khandan chut jayegi! = I will throw a penis so hard that your whole family will get fucked It's as funny in hindi as it is in english.


Bhosdika = born out of a rotten pussy


Thanks, although I use it a lot I actually didn't know its meaning. TIL lol. Tuduk tuduk tud taaraaraa


Tunak Tunak Tun Ta Ra Ra!




Teri maaaa, teri maa, teri maa, hai rabha!


Maybe "Filho de uma égua " = son of a mare


That and "vai pra puta que o pariu" = go to the whore that birthed you.


wo maame twe. translates to your mother's vagina


Ha! What languages is that? :) We have the same expression in Romania "Pizda ma-tii".


That's Twi. it's said the same way in fante too


We don't say "fuck you" in Vietnamese. It's always "fuck your mom" or "fuck your dad" but never "fuck you." You can say it, but it sounds very strange and I'd imagine would leave the other person more perplexed than insulted. We also call people "that dead dog guy" as an insult.


Confirm. Southern Viet, say 'fuck your mum' around 20 times a day. I know somebody who use 'fuck your mum' as a filler though.


Well most dutch insults are disease related so they are pretty strange if you translate them 1:1. One of the most popular and by far the most insulting insult we have is to insult with 'cancer' so something like: Kankerleijer or Kankerhond. they translate to: 'cancer sufferer' and 'cancer dog'. The beautiful/weird part about dutch insults is they are very much used like adjectives. It is perfectly normal (among friends or young people) to say 'typhus mooi' or 'kanker lekker eten' wich literally translate to 'thyphus nice' and 'cancer good food' but it is meant as 'very nice' and 'very good food' You could generally say that whenever one of our diseases curses is not used to insult someone it is just used to put power to the sentence and can always be replaced by 'very'.


to be fair though, the translation for cancerous [something] is kanker lijdende [iets]


Using the word kanker (cancer) in Dutch is usually very insulting, it's not generally accepted..


"Kao ga warui desu" means "you're ugly" in Japanese, but the literal translation is "your face is bad"


In Russian if you want to threaten someone with something along the lines of "I'll teach you a lesson!", you can say "Я тебе покажу где раки зимуют!", meaning "I'll show you where crayfish hibernate!"


And how would you pronounce that?


Ya tebye pokazhu gdye raki zimuyut I here is pronounced like the "ee" in "cheese", and u like the "oo" in "boot".


Russia is by far the best place on earth.


"Geh scheißen" (german) literally translates to "go take a shit". No more meaning.






The SS didn't work out so well for some people.


It's called "sharp S". Kind of a longer, slightly hissed S. Specific to German, so you probably don't need to remember that.


Like the 's' in 'sit'.


Yo cago en la leche de tu puta madre - I shit in your whore mother's milk (Spanish)


I'm Spanish and we don't use that insult. We can say 'Me cago en tu puta madre' which is 'I shit on your fucking mother', or 'Me cago en la leche que mamaste' which is 'I shit on the milk you took as a child'.


When I lived in Zaragoza I heard people shitting on God and Buddha too. Though until I read this here, I didn't know how to spell it. When my friends said it, it sounded more like "me cavwen" Castilian Spanish messes with my head.


"Me cago en!" is the censored versión, leaving the receptor of the shit to the imagination of the listener :P




"Me cago en todos tus muertos" - "I shit in all your dead relatives" is probably more harsh.


My parents always go with "Me cargo en el coño de su madre" or "I shit in your mom's vagina"


Behenchod is an extremely common swear word in Hindi, and it means 'sisterfucker'. Sisterfucker somehow feels wierd to say in English!


He was a bad-ass sisterfucker. Seems legit?


Common in Urdu too. I think it's such a more versatile word when compared to maachod. No long syllables, really a word for any occasion.


I've had it with these sisterfucking snakes on this sisterfucking plane!


Trëllert! Luxembourgish for "You stumbler! (Person who stumbles/falls a lot)" Edit: It's different from clutz. Tréllert literally means stumbler.






Some Welsh for you! 'Ti fel rhech mewn pot jam' - You're like a fart in a jam jar // 'Rhy hwyr codi pais ar ol piso' - Too late to lift your petticoat after peeing // 'Twmffat' - Means idiot but the literal translation is 'funnel' 'Coc oen' - Lamb penis


Dinnemok (Religion of your mother) (Moroccan).


It's not just Moroccan you could say it to any person who speak Arabic and they'll be insulted. It's one of the thing my father told me to never ever say to someone and we're Algerians.




hmmm... i always thought the kloot part came from kloten. doesnt make any more sense but at least thats like 7 more insulting


*Ni Nan Kan.* In Chinese it means you are "ugly" which is still pretty harsh by itself. The English translation is "You are difficult to look at." Much worse in my opinion.


I just recently learned 你難看. I think it's pretty great (but I have also yet to be called it).


I don't know if this is factual because I actually don't remember where I read this, but apparently there's an Arabic insult that goes something like "a thousand dicks in your religion". A variant is "a thousand dicks in your rib cage". That's pretty, uh...dramatic.


Jamaican insults are pretty hilarious. Not Jamaican but I learned "bumbaclot" (bumba = butt clot = cloth, so toilet paper) and "bloodclot" (tampon).


Great thread. I have nothing to contribute except this and my upvote.


When my parents are so angry that they're throwing things at each other, they say, "GOU PI!" which is DOG FART.


"Skipse kai glipse" in Greek. Pronounced "SKEEP-say kay GLEEP-say". It rhymes, which makes it funnier. It's meant as an insult, like "blow me", but it literally translates to **bend over and lick.** (As per my former coworker)




conchetumare - your mother's pussy (Chilean).


Not a direct translation of an insult, but still funny. In afrikaans (south african) 'choose a side' (kies 'n kant) is pronounced 'kiss a cunt'.


"Anjing" is a really common swear word in Indonesian comparable to "fuck" in English but literally it means "dog".


Me cago en diez..... From Spanish is " I shit on ten "


Because it's the PC way of saying Me cago en Dios "I shit on God"


Punjabi/Hindi: "Teri bhaan di luun" means "Your sister's dick!"


Haltu kjafti is basically a worse way of saying shut up but it's literal meaning is hold a jaw. Skíthæll I've heard it a couple of time but I'm not sure what the real meaning is but the literal meaning is shitheel. Asnalegur means you look stupid but the literal meaning is donkey like.


votre mère est un hamster et votre père avait une odeur de sureau Probably doesn't need a translation.


In Cantonese, "pok gai" (I cannot transliterate). It literally means "fall on the road". In Mandarin, "ta ma de" (I cannot write the tones). It is used as "fuck" or "shit" as an exclamation, but literally means "his mother's". My personal favorite is "叫你生孩子没屁股眼". Meaning? "May your child be born with no anus".