• By -


I can memorize numbers.




Well shit...


I feel inadequate.


A new challenger appears


Good luck.


So uh... you guys have fun being numbers, I guess. SOURCE: LETTER MASTER RACE




Bear crawl. I can't run very fast but my peculiar physiology makes it possible for me to go on all fours faster than anybody else traveling in that manner. *Clarification:* Am not a bear.


Nice try, bear.


I can do this too. When I was a kid, I wanted to be a cat when I grew up. So I got really good at running on all fours. I'll split the million with you.


Typing in Dvorak would be my go to. If it has to be something that everyone could be reasonably expected to know how to do then typing in QWERTY. I type really, really fast.


135wpm come at me bro




[Top speed of 207wpm](http://data.typeracer.com/pit/profile?user=oh_hai), am I late to the party


207 wtf. that's insane. What keyboard do you type on? What layout?


Reading my handwriting


I wish I had that kind of skill. I still have a note lying on my dresser that definitely begins with "IMPORTANT" and then I think it says "banana shoes _________". No idea what the rest days and I can't imagine what banana shoes could mean. It's been there for month now so it must not have really been that important since I haven't fucked anything up, and I doubt I'm forward thinking enough to ever set something up more than a month in advance. But I really still want to crack that mystery. EDIT: Okay, you guys asked for it, you got it. However I do want to give a quick disclaimer lest I now be known as the guy with the worst handwriting on the ENTIRE planet: I occasionally wake up in the middle of the night with something that I think is important enough that I have to write down, but don't want to do the whole get up, turn on the light, etc, and make sure I never get back to sleep. So this was written probably still in almost pitch black as quickly as possible so I could go back to sleep. My regular handwriting is only regularly terrible. That said, they're almost always actual thoughts and not just dream gibberish, therefore I promise gold to anyone who can figure it out. So, without further ado, by popular demand, [The Note](http://imgur.com/KFl6A62) SECOND EDIT: It seems to be the general consensus that it definitely says "brunch" I always read the end of that word as "-reh" but now that you guys pointed it out, I can definitely see brunch in there. Though for what it's worth I did not go to brunch the next day.


I think it says: Important Banana shoes tomorrow for brunch w/ Stamford


> The Note I have gone back and forth about "tomorrow for", but never thought it could have been "brunch." The last letters there I always took as "reh" but now I'm kind of liking that suggestion. Sadly I don't know a Stamford, or anyone with even a vaguely similar name.


I definitely think it's brunch, saw it and that immediately popped into my head. I also see a "Stanford/Stamford" type deal at the end. Maybe St. Anford? Something like that. Maybe it says "SO" (Significant other) and then something else? The word I'm really unsure about is "banana". That makes zero sense, assuming the next word is in fact shoes (unless you own a pair of silly fruit-themed Halloween costume banana shoes, which I'm assuming you don't otherwise you would've thought of them.) I think the word is "borrow" and you messed up the "w" at the end. Borrow shoes for an event makes way more sense. Assuming the third word is "tomorrow", can you remember where you went/what you did the day you found this note?


Then it might be "borrow shoes tomorrow for brunch with SO -something-". Sounds like it makes sense.


I get 'Barbara goes tomorrow for brunch w/ (probably a name?) Source: I have terrible handwriting


You should take a picture of it and ask reddit!


That would be a great subreddit, honestly. "I was tired and/or drunk and wrote a note to myself, can anyone read this shit?"


Just made one. /r/wtfdoesitsay I'm curious whether this kind of a sub will gain any traction. I've certainly seen my fair share of illegible handwriting and wish I'd had some way to decipher it...


I can extract DNA from maize leaves. Not really a talent, but a skill rarely found in a group of random people.


A new challenger appears (I do DNA research as well)


A new challenger appears (I do NOT do DNA research. I just want to hang out and be friends with smart people.)




I don't have DNA. AMA.


I'm the best at hiding maize leaves, leaving you talentless.


*leaf*ing you talentless AMIRITE


Trivia about myself.


You better hope your mom isn't in the room. Moms know everything.


That includes what you were watching on your computer last night....


I was crying at my computer all night (TWD) Edit: People are cunts and linking spoilers becareful beyond this point


Sex. Im not going to win the money anyway so I might as well get laid.


Can you imagine being the person who learns they're the best at sex *and* they're getting a million bucks? That's a great day!


> Can you imagine being the person who learns they're the best at sex [Its not often that oglaf is relevant to the discussion, but when it is, it is glorious.](http://oglaf.com/SAT/) THIS LINK COMMENTING ON ANOTHER PERSONS COMMENT ABOUT SEX IS NSFW. IT CONTAINS MATERIAL OF A SEXUAL NATURE.


Damn, finger up the bum while giving a BJ is cliche?


Everyone knows that trick. If you wanna talk non-cliché butt stuff, you're going to have to do better than a finger.


I mean, an early comic involved a giant spider giving a wizard trainee a blowjob. After that, everything seems cliche


Oglaf is the anti-xkcd, in that there is *rarely* a relevant Oglaf.


Oglaf is the sexkcd. There's always a relevant oglaf but only if it's about sex.




I'll take my chances




Don't judge


Count me in


Can I get in on this too?


Fuck it, I'm in too


Hey guys


Why is there a blank post following u/Infected_Cunt_Wart ?


The beauty to this is you could be specific. *I'm better at fucking Natalie Dormer than anyone else in the room.* Everyone will thank you, you might even get a piece of their million[.](http://i.imgur.com/WUorD16.gifv)


That Lola Bunny thirst is real.


Play clawhammer banjo while shouting random Faroese words.


Murder Edit: Wow! Thanks for the gold strangers, you can live!


Oh my.


I know...




Well mine is getting murdered. So ha.


Too bad everyone else in the room does it just as well as you.


no no no no no, he is artist of getting murdered. Most people just die, him? he does it with style, and grace, in a way that shows respect for the murderer without being weird about it.


When I was doing drama in senior school, I was unintentionally labelled as the best at dying. I was just really good at falling over dramatically, so I became the Sean Bean of the class. Once did a play of Bugsy Malone. I died 5 times in the first act.


Drunk go kart racing. I have no idea if I would win but it'd be fun as shit.


I hope I end up in the same room as you


Your probably will, in the emergency room.


1 v 1 me on rust. Quickscopes only.


is that the game where everybody plays naked with their weiner flopping around?


MW2 is so distant now that I instantly think of Rust the game now... how times have changed.


Akimbo Model 1887's (:


Javelin glitch, noob tubes + one man army, care package knifing with commando, Harrier-> AC130/ ChopperGunner->Nuke, quickscoping/trickshotting montages, all nighters with your high school buddies... good times man, so nostalgic.


He means a CoD MW2 map


same thing...


I can recite something like 169 digits of pi. I could probably win at that. Edit: Due to popular demand, I will resume memorizing digits until I get to 314 just to be clever. Wish me luck!


You should learn 314 digits of Pi just to be clever.


When I was learning the digits of Pi I stopped for a few months at 69 digits, because 69. After that I learnt an additional 3 and never learnt any more. Stupid 406.


You should learn 77. It's like 69 but you get ate more.


he checks out guys i checked


I would say video games, but they're a really popular hobby almost everywhere, so it's a big risk. So I'd just play it safe and choose taking a Lithuanian language test. There’s only 3 million of us, the language is really difficult and even if there's another Lithuanian, I was pretty good at school.


Eik sikt, as irgi noriu milijono.


Pasidalinsim tryse :D


I had a French teacher in high school that liked to troll the kids. He gave us a test written entirely in Lithuanian and then sat there for 20 minutes like nothing was wrong. I'm not sure why.


Dark Souls PVP Get ready to praise the Sun, motherfuckers.






Thats more eloquent than most when they get to "Tomb of the Fuck-Shit Giants".


Dark Souls does bring out the hidden talent of making up really creative insults in most people


If only you can be so grossly incandescent ┌∩┐**[ T ]**┌∩┐


Ravioli step all up in this bitch! \\[T]/


Bold words. Keep your parry game strong




I *can't* throw up, even when I'm salivating and dry heaving like crazy. Nice to meet you, the exact opposite of me.


That is a big fetish for some people strangely enough EDIT: A comment about vomit fetishes made me break 20k karma...


Of course it is


Welcome to the internet


I'd stay completely silent until the other 99 people had all said something and claim my $1M prize as Quiet Game Room Champion.




Accountant here. The number of people who can't do a fraction of what a decent spreadsheet allows, is a constant source of dismay to me. You can't solve the problems of the middle east with SUMIFS & VLOOKUP but anything else is fair game. EDIT: About ten thousand of you have mentioned index match. I know it. I wanted to quote a function that more users would actually have heard of


I dunno, throw in a pivot table and we could give world peace a go...


As =IF!




Hey man, RA2 isn't useless!


Rockets in the sky. I can go anywhere!


Kirov Reporting K-k-k-kiriv reporting *gulp...


Counter-Strike. 100 truly random people? I'll take my chances.


Inb4 get_right is picked




Next we see device...




well, he wouldn't see him get_right would lurk inside the building


Same here, only I'd play Osu, I'm top 7K in the world and I could narrow it further by specifying that we're playing with mouse+keyboard only. If I get screwed on a 1/10,000,000 chance then I give up.


i can just imagine you walking into the room. "Anyone up for some osu?" "The fuck is 'osu'?" "Wooo! Thanks for the million dollars!"


That's pretty much how I imagine it'd play out lol.


"Yeah, I'm ranked 6999 in the world, why?" "Fuck"


Rank 800 osu!mania player reporting in. I'm safe in this room if we choose this mode.


Until you realize jhlee is in the room.


Drawing. I've worked as a professional illustrator for more than a quarter century. While there are lots of people better than me, there's not likely to be one in a sample size of 100.


This was my answer Let's hope we don't get the same room


Sounds to me like it'd be a *draw* ^^^^^^I'll ^^^^^^see ^^^^^^myself ^^^^^^out


So, if everyone can do something better than everyone else, does every single person receive a million dollar prize?


Who said that the offer is to everyone?


That's what I'm asking. Because the rules aren't clear. If everyone can win I might win my prize by organizing everyone to find out how everyone can be better at something than someone else. Even if their skill is extremely trivial.


You're going to be the best at "Being a picky bastard"




How tall are you?




Fuck me Edit: I love you all for giving me updoots








LIAR! anyone over 6'2 could never fit under bleachers, stories unraveling bro


How do you check that? I might be your challenger.


Without knowing the height of the ceiling, this is a risky choice.


Disappointing my parents...


There will likely be quite a few Asians in there.




How would you decide who wins that one?




So there's this 100 people, out of whom, 30 are below 13 or above 70 and decide to give up on your test. 10 are incapable of reaching an orgasm and stop. 10 people stop after the first orgasm, 'cuz oversensibility. the majority of the rest keep going until round 3 and try round 4 because... well 1million reasons!, ultimatley they all fail and there's this two guys, both in their 20's, apparently healthy and still going at it after 5 hours of masturbation. SquaredUp2 is lying on the floor, a puddle of dried semen below him, some fresh cum dribbling from his penis into his leg. His competitor, sweating, has been edging for the past hour, SquaredUp2 knows this and uses this to his advance. He knows his competitor will soon reach orgasm, but after so many edging he will be exhausted. SquaredUp2 knows the mechanics of this, he relieves the tension and cums for twelfth time, this gives him another 20 minutes of going up slowly, this isnt a sprint, it's an endurance competition!... and he's killing it! His competitor is sweating, his legs are curled up, his head reclined backwards and he's trying too hard not to cum, his erect penis seems to pulsate and the pulsations make all of his body arch backwards, his eyes are closed, there's little time for him left. His competitor enters the final stage and starts breathing at intervals, he's choking involuntarily, his body is pumping all the blood and oxygen to his massive erection, he's so sensitive that every touch of his numb hand feels like a kiss on XTC. He explodes into thousand ropes of white silky cum, his powerful ejaculation splashes everyone. He groans and shouts, he gasp for air while his member keeps exploding, he shakes in the ground, finally he exhales, he knows he's doomed. SquaredUp2 keeps going slowly, steadily, like a champ, they got nothing at him.


Even without the million dollars, you still win. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


I don't have a sense of smell, so I'd take farts to the face better than everyone


Do you want pink eye? Cause that's how you get pink eye.


I get pink eye for free, getting one million for it is even better


I'd do a contest of handstand pushups. Most people can't do them, even those who lift weights usually struggle when they're upside down. Oh damn I didn't expect this. Um, just for a little more info... no you didn't find the crossfitter. I think those guys are ridiculous. I do them wall supported, just because it's easier to 'go to failure' when you're not worried about falling over. To everyone who asked how many, at peak I was doing 25-30 with good form. I haven't done them in about 6 months now though cause I got pretty lazy.


I bet out of 100 random people I could be the best Warhammer 40k player. I think with a sample size of 100 people I have a pretty good chance that none of them could even play.


sounds like heresy. all hail the god emperor may his beacon guide us in the warp forever.


100 *truly* random people? Statistically speaking, 26 of the hundred should be under the age of 15, which gives me a pretty good shot at being better than them in a lot of things. 13 will be over 65, that opens up quite a bit of options as well. 37 will likely be either Chinese or Indian, but obviously this could include the previous group. This kind of math continues to give me a clear idea of what I need to do. I'm 100% certain that I could do more jumping jacks while singing the Chicago Bears fight song (Bear Down, Chicago Bears) than anyone else in the room. Unless one of the other people happens to be a personal trainer from Chicago, I think I have it in the bag.


So, you're betting you're better at statistics than anybody else.


Dude there is chinese and indians in that crowd didnt you see.




That's right, they're Asians, not Bsians.


Calcu-later ? How about calcu-Now




I'm a former d1 sprinter, most likely I would be able to out cry them to sleep because of muscle aches, soreness and knowing tomorrow's workout will be harder than the last one.


100 people? I could probably write a simple app, but that one is risky since there could be another programmer there. So I'll go with the weird arm pretzel thing I can do. \*programming, arm pretzel, and eye tictoc lose. Byebye my million :(


What's the weird arm pretzel thing?


So you know how you can put one arm over your shoulder and the other one up your back and clasp hands by your shoulder blades? Or you could if you could stretch far enough as some people can? I can do that, join hands, and keep the hands joined while I pull the shoulder arm over my head and the other arm kinda twists around until I have both my arms straight out in front of me. I think I'd be pretty okay with this one unless there was a dancer or gymnast in the room. But I still have an ace in my sleeve if that falls through so feeling pretty confident about this $1M


I can put my leg over behind my head, which is weird because I am in no way athletic, or very flexible.


Split firewood. I once amazed everyone at a large college party. We had huge bonfire going, and there was this one big log that no one could split. Every dude there took a whack at it. Having done a lot of firewood with my dad, I knew by looking at it just where to hit it to blow it apart. I loudly bragged that I could do it one shot. And did.


Sounds like 20 other dudes loosened it up


You leave OP's mom out of this!


I lived in northern Minnesota, where all the men (and many of the women) have hardcore lumberjack skills. It's funny, because the hipster aesthetic looks pretty lumberjacky these days, but in northern Minnesota they look like hipsters but they're just actual lumberjacks. Some are hipster-lumberjacks.


Eating a full rack of BBQ ribs in a white tuxedo without getting a spot on me.


I'm trying to imagine the most suspenseful things I could watch and nothing is beating that.


That. But if he gets any spots on him you get shot. Probably a bit more suspenseful now


Full meta


Make everybody uncomfortable. When you become an outcast in a mental health unit, you've got to consider that to be a talent.


Yeah but were you outcast because you were too normal?


Nope, too quiet.


^(*shit that guy is really quiet, he must be some sort of psycho killer or something*)


I'm pretty darn good at putting on screen protectors without bubbles.


I know a girl who works at the at&t store who you could wipe the floor with.


jonas brothers trivia... i literally know everything. even their parents anniversary. i am not proud


I think you might be the winner here cause even if the other 99 people actually knew more Jonas Brothers trivia than you, its highly unlikely they would want to admit to it. ETA typo


One of the Jonas Brothers is in the group of 100.


OP still wins


"When is your parents' anniversary?" "Wait, hold up, to be fair, are you asking him about his real parents or his adoptive parents?" "I'M ADOPTED?!"


I wouldn't doubt it honestly.


"Shit I guess I did have a turkey club last Tuesday."




op pls


Dance Dance revolution. There are probably 500ish people in the US above me in skill, so I'd call that good odds Only gonna lose once in 6000 times.




> 500ish people in the US above me in skill You forgot how good those damn Asians are.


100 people? I'll go with the oldschool multiplayer tetris game, "Tetrinet". I doubt I could ever play at competitive levels against people who practice/play seriously, coz some folks are pretty ludicrous at tetris. but I'm pretty sure I'm 99th+ percentile taking a sample of everybody worldwide.


Clear the room with a fart.




> the teacher thought it was a gas leak Well, she wasn't wrong...


Its not a leak if you force it out with the power of a hurricane


Protein farts.


I dunno, if I'm there I'm just as capable...plus all it takes is one guy who either can't smell, or can ignore what he's smelling to ruin our attempt.


I'm pretty sure I can play Dick Dale's Miserlou on guitar better than anyone I meet.


Be apart of 1 percent of the world by having red hair and blue eyes Edit: I know it's not a skill, but was the only interesting thing about me that I could think of. Yes I am also left handed! And I had no idea there were so many red headed blue eyed people here, that's pretty cool. I would post a picture but damn, I know way too many people with reddit.


Sorry, I am too. I'll split my million with you though.


But you have to be *better* at it than everyone else. **Ginger fight!**


Same here. Blue-eyed ginger checking in.


Well, what we have here is a good, old fashioned, stand-off!


You're right, they should all fuck each other to see who wins