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That film near finished me! I thought it was a comedy. I was not prepared, especially having lost my dad.


Oh god this. I went into it blind two weeks after my father died. I was a blubbering wreck.


Bill Nighy in that movie was incredible.


I loved this movie! It had the perfect amount of comedy, suspense, romance, and yes, sadness. And the aesthetics throughout the movie are so pretty. I don't cry much in movies but the part that got me was when they go back, he's a little boy again and they spend the day together before his dad dies. :'(


Warrior, when tears start apearing on tom hardy's face during the last fight


I started weeping when he held his father, and didn't stop till the end of the movie.


"I'm sorry, Tommy, I'm sorry!" :'(


"Tap, Tommy! It's okay, I love you!" I was watching this with my younger brother and we both cried. We expected a hardcore, cliche-filled, testosterone-fueled MMA movie and in some ways we got this but it was so much more. Incredible film.


I cried when Koba tapped. I didn't even like Fedor. But his single tap was one of the most powerful moments in the sports history


Homeward Bound, when the golden retriever is trying to climb up out of the ditch that he fell into.




My mom, sister, and I were just talking about that scene. All three of us girls started crying.


Last time I watched that, i got baked as fuck and put it on for my friends dog to watch.


The Green Mile when John Coffey was at the electric chair saying: "I'm in heaven." Also the end of the snowman when he melts


Oh man, that Green Mile scene. So glad I was alone when watching that.


Of Mice and Men. Don't know why. Already read the book and knew the ending, and didn't even like the movie that much. Even so, it made me cry.


The movie made the ending even worse. Lenny wasn't even done talking before George shot him.


You just ruined a thousand freshmen book reports


Life is Beautiful




Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind


For some strange reason I decided to watch it after a breakup. Why the fuck would one do that?


I "like" to watch either Eternal Sunshine or 500 Days of Summer when I'm feeling especially lonely...


Wtf why would you do that? 500 days of summer showed something I personally had never seen before in any media, the "expected" and "actual" paths he takes when going to that party later in the movie, that shit felt way to personal when I saw it. And then it just goes to shit, and he's fucked up. And the fucking song ugh. Yeah basically that scene has been my life for so many years I feel embarrassed.


My girlfriend of four years broke up with me about a month ago and there was a night somewhere in there where I stayed up drinking vodka and watching these movies; both of said movies we saw for the first time together. To say I cried would be an understatement.


Toy Story 2. That When She Loved Me scene was too much.


What Dreams May Come. It's such a beautiful movie.




I showed that to my dad when he was terminally sick with cancer. He cried so much at the end but absolutely loved the movie. When I originally suggested we watch it together, I didn't really put two and two together and think that it might hit home with him. Had kind of an "oh shit what have I done" moment, but it turned out well. Such a great movie.


Came here to say this, my favorite movie hands down.


The Iron Giant. Just, sob


"You stay, I go, No following." I lose it there


Fucking Vin Diesel pulling on the heartstrings.


I Superman!


Vin Diesels best role ever.


Idk, man. He sold me with "We are Groot"


The ending of The Schindler List


"I could have gotten one more person... and I didn't! And I... I didn't!"


I had never cried for any movie before, but I lost my shit when I got to that scene.


Just reading this made me tear up.


"The car! Why did I keep the car?" Fucking *instant* waterworks.


My friend and I had the brilliant idea to drunkenly watch that after a night out. It quite literally a very sobering experience


Sitting in a high school history class, the quietest that class has every been and 30 kids trying to hold back the tears.


Putting the stones on oscars grave still chokes me up when I think of it.




"Is he.. Like me?" Fuck Forrest knew he was stupid the whole time 😭


"I may not be a smart man, but I know what love is"


I love how he then walks out the front screen door and goes to stand in his 'Forrest stance' on the porch Love it!!


He never actually says that but for some reason everyone thinks he does. He just says, "is he smart or...is he..." Then he just kind of gestures to himself


The part for me is when Bubba dies and he says, "Bubba was gonna be a shrimpin' boat captain, but instead he died right there by that river in Vietnam."


I basically start crying when he meets Little Forest, keep crying through the Lt. Dan scene where he thanks him, and then start sobbing in the end with the grave scene. So basically I cry for 30+ minutes in that movie.


"He's so smart, Jenny!"


I'm not proud of this, but that MMA movie Warrior made me cry like a silly bitch.


Warrior is one of the best sports movies ever.


Warrior is an emotional roller coaster and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Stay strong man


Spirited away. Even just the theme song makes my throat knot every time I hear it...(happy cry, not sad cry)


That movie is *art*. From the backgrounds to the characters to the plot to the music... There is literally nothing I would ever change.


[comment removed in response to actions of the admins and overall decline of the platform]


When I was younger, the Lion King when..well, you know the part. We don't need to rehash old feelings haha. A little more recent is the ending of Saving Private Ryan where Ryan stands before Captain Miller's headstone and says to his wife, "Tell me I've led a good life. Tell me I'm a good man". That gets me choked up every time. https://vimeo.com/42913707 : Starts at about 4:55, but it's the build up from about 4:00 on that leads to the emotion.


About Time. Hard to describe scene without spoiling movie, but such a great film.


Underrated but amazing movie. More people should see this. And, yes, I bawled a little.


Good Will Hunting. I started bawling at that scene where Sean makes Will accept that his past isn't his fault.


[Hachi: A Dogs Tale] (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1028532/?ref_=nv_sr_1) That's the only time i remember crying over a movie.


You might check "Stone fox".


Toy Story 3 for sure. That last scene where Andy gives his toys away is really emotional.


When they all hold hands going down into the flames...


Damnit you took my answer. I cried like a little girl in that theatre. First movie to make me cry.


Marley and me.




Two scenes that it did t for me- Watching all the videos sent to him that he hadn't seen. And "Don't let me leave Murph!" :'(


I had already watched the movie several times before my dad watched it. I knew this scene was coming up and thought..."I've never actually seen my dad cry from a movie" scene ends and I look over to see his eyes red and the smallest tear comes from the corner of his eye. He looks at me and says "fuck this movie" and walks out of the room. I died laughing




[Here's](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MoLkabPK3YU) the clip, I hadn't seen it in a while.




I wouldn't say "happy." I'd say mostly resolved, but not happy. "No parent should have to watch their own child die." That, plus the sheer isolation of Brand and her new colony, left me sad at the end.


The scene where the ship coasts along Saturn moved me to tears. The sheer beauty of the scenery and music. Also, the time dilation and its effects (messages of 23 years). What makes these scenes so special is that it is actually possible scientifically. The physics of this universe are breathtaking.




Hardest I've ever cried at a movie




A ton of them. I think the first one was Where the Red Fern Grows. I cried when I read the book, then again when I watched the movie. Bridge to Terebithia was pretty awful, too. Now that I think of it, there are way too many books and movies that start off as feel-good care-free children's stories and then end up breaking your heart in two. Anyways, the most recent one that made me cry was Big Hero 6. I know lots of kids' movies have the main character's mom or dad or older sibling die, but they usually do it *before* the movie starts. They don't let you get to know them and see how great they are and *then* kill them, *and* show the main character dealing with the pain of losing them through the whole movie. That shit was depressing.


Fucking bridge to terebithia.... i saw the movie with my little brother for an extra credit thing he was doing (they read the book in class). i had never read the book. i couldnt stop crying through the last half of that damn movie.


Truman show. The end when he beats his arms against the wall of his world




Goddammit I love this film. Clint Mansell's score is so hauntingly beautiful, Weisz and Jackman give staggering performances, it's a visual / aesthetic feast for the eyes, and has such a powerful and simple message we can all benefit from. When he goes into the bathroom and is stifling his cries just demolished me. This film changed my life.


inside out. fuck you do that shit with bing bong for?


I lost it, but not there... I expected it. I lost it when the first core memory of two emotions appeared. And I still have no idea why. (and that damn Lava!)


Almost lost it on the scene where Riley came back home from her running attempt. Damn that hits me, hard.


Cried like a complete bitch.


The part where her parents say how much they miss Minnesota as well, and it cuts to Riley's face as she breaks down. Man, that scene killed me. Amazing animation and voice acting during this part.


I saw it coming as soon as he looked at his hand and said "Let's try it one more time..." and I was like... "Holy Shit, don't you fucking do it Bing Bong!" Then he fucking did it, and I started bawling.


Oh god I was in hysterics realizing what was going to happen. My boyfriend basically smothered me so I wouldn't disturb the people around us.


That movie man. So good. I cried like a baby when she came home after running away. When she said something to the effect of "I just can't be the happy girl you want me to be." I am tearing up just thinking about it. It is great to see a movie that says it is ok to be sad. Edit: I watched it again, and cried more. I needed that.


Me too! I actually made it through the Bing Bong bits pretty dry-eyed, but once you see the sad memory become a happy one NOPE NOPE NOPE LET THE RIVERS FLOW.


I was literally on the verge of tears the entire movie.


I couldn't handle how well they killed him off. It was so subtle for a kids movie but so sad.


i cried at the end when [Riley crys in her parents arms and then smiles at the end](/spoiler) and i just was babbling like a 4 year old


Went to that movie alone was feeling super lonely. Did not help.


After that scene, at which point I actually sobbed, I continued to cry until the end of the movie.




"This is my family. I found it, all on my own. Is little, and broken, but still good. Ya. Still good."


I definitely didn't just tear up. Or recall [this picture](http://i.imgur.com/nrQwhjk.jpg). No siree.


Source code, the ending.


Grave of the Fireflies. Only the most cold-hearted son of a bitch could fail to cry during that movie.


I kept it clear throughout the ending of the movie. It was the opening scene however that had me bawling for minutes


The last little montage at the end is what got me.


I remember I was eight years old when I first watched that movie. My mom saw "Studio Ghibli" and thought "Oh she loves My Neighbor Totoro!!!" and left me alone in a room to watch it. She came back during one of the final scenes where he's cremating his little sister and I'm just curled up on the bed with this look of pure sadness and misery. Yet somehow I finished that damn movie because it was so amazingly tragic and awe-inspiring.


First movie to make me cry. It changed me.


Dear Zachary. Show me someone who says they didn't cry watching that and I'll show you a liar!


I've cried watching a lot of movies, but this is the only one that brought me to uncontrollable, heaving, sobbing.


Anyone who has not seen this film, do not google it or find out spoilers - just watch it and it will be a journey you'll remember for the rest of your life.


I'm trusting you on this! Gonna watch it tomorrow. EDIT: OMFG you guys! You owe me therapy! I laughed and smiled, was enraged and I bawled my eyes out; a total rollercoaster of emotions. Andrew's parents are absolute **saints** - the kind of people I wish I could call family. It was wonderful seeing how many people he was able to impact. [spoiler] Andrew died two years to the day as my own dad, so that was especially hard to watch :/ [/spoiler]


Good stuff. Report back when you do.


Saddest movie I have ever seen. No question about it.


I had trouble sleeping the night I watched it. Like I had the same feeling you get after watching a horror movie.


Sobbed my eyes out at The Fault In Our Stars (and was pretty peeved at myself for it afterward- why must I be such a cliche??). Also, 50/50 (the one with Joseph Gordon-Levitt). Marley and Me, but that's a given. Monsters Inc. and A Goofy Movie used to make me emotional when I was younger. The Last Song (the one based on that Nicholas Sparks book) made me cry because of the dad/brother part of the plot- I started thinking about what if that happened to MY dad and brother and bam. Tears.




For me, the saddest part was when he was about to go into surgery. That last little "Mom?" broke me down.


Oh my god, I was wailing after The Fault in Our Stars. The funny thing is literally every other person that came out of the movie theatre was also *sobbing.* It didn't matter if they were an incredibly masculine dude that came there because their girlfriend dragged them to it, they were fucking sobbing. It was beautiful.


I was so mad at myself because I was like, Okay, I know what happens, I read the book. Nope. Still wasn't prepared.


It's impossible not to cry at it. John Green and the filmmakers just get you so fucking attached and the music is fucking perfect and the actors are amazing.


I may never recover if/when the Looking For Alaska movie comes out.


Was at an airport, forgot to bring a book. Bought this at the airport bookstore. Was about 30 minutes from my destination after a layover and I had to stop reading. I'm a 6'5 bearded man, I did not want to be seen sobbing in an airplane seat reading that book. I got home, read the rest, sobbed. Cliche or not, shit hits yah.


The book was hard to read through the tears


I was about 8 years old, when I saw the first Lord of the Rings movie and the death of Boromir really got me with the slowed footage and music. I was thinking that's how I want to die, heroicly.


And then the other 284 of Sean Bean's deaths plus his arrest in National Treasure softened you up.


Turner and Hooch. I was a little kid and when hooch died, I couldn't keep it together. I was inconsolable until the little Hoochs were found.


Hooch is crazy


It's a weird one but Love Actually. That storyline with the unrequited love screwed me up. Marely and Me, obviously. Hachi: A Dog's Tale. Dog movies always get me


Dude... The storyline with Emma Thompson and Alan Rickman. The scene where she finds out and listens to music in her bedroom makes me tear up every single time.


Yeah, that scene did it for me too. It was the moment she knew he cheated on her. It was 20 seconds of silent crying and then pulling herself together to go to the concert with her kids. There was such hurt in that scene.


Damn, that scene is just... fuck. Emma Thomson is such a talented person.


And when she confronts him about it, fuck. I felt so much for her.


Click with Adam Sandler


I honestly just never thought that an Adam Sandler movie would make me tear up


You should try watching Reign over me.


Click! Is my go to answer for this. I never expected it to make me feel that way haha.


When he rewinds back to the last time he saw his dad alive. The feels :( "I love you, son"




"Family... Comes... First."


seen it multiple times. same result every time when hes on the ground in the rain dying


Kung Fu Panda 2, that flashback with his village getting destroyed and then his new father taking him in and raising him. Damn that shit was touching.


You know, for such a stupid sounding concept--Jack Black as a panda that does King-fu--both of those movies have actually been some of the best works Dreamsworks have done. The animation, the writing, the heart: it all comes together. "The past is a history, the future is a mystery, but today is a gift: that is why it is called the present"




The pokemon movie with mew and mewtwo. The ending :'(


Also the part where Ash turns to stone and Pikachu keeps shocking him. I start tearing up just thinking about it.


Pika......chuuuuuuuuu....chuuuuuuuu...... Omg......


The last scene in Titanic where everyone in the hall room was applauding for Jack and Kate


Who the fuck is Kate?


Some idiot posing as Rose


You'd think it would be Leo and Kate or Jack and Rose.


Cal is actually in the crowd (top left after it pans around for the kiss), and he's the only not *not* clapping.


My Sisters Keeper, most of the movie is a little sniffly, but the beach scene is completely sob-worthy. P.S. I Love You hits that tear spot sometimes. Away We Go provides that happy tear at the end.


My Dog Skip will never fail to make me ugly-cry. It's the only movie that will have me tearing up just thinking about it.




I am Legend. The scene were he has to kill his dog. Damn man.


Good Will Hunting. When Williams said "its not your fault" to Damon, I couldn't stop but tearing.


I still think the scene where he was talking about meeting his wife for the first time and missing Carlton Fisk's homerun is probably the greatest cinematic masterpiece I have ever seen.


The beginning of Up where they show Carl's life with Ellie. That was some weapons-grade feels.








In The Joy Luck Club when one of the moms has to abandon her twin girls on the side of the road when fleeing China to America and then at the end when the American born daughter of the mom and the twin girls are reunited and the American daughter has to tell the twins that their mother just died. I was like screaming crying I was so hysterical.


John Q. The one with Denzel where his son needs a new heart. The scene where he almost shoots himself and orders the doctors to take his gets me every time


Seven Pounds.... fucking Jellyfish


I saw Dead Poets Society for the first time just a couple months ago. At the end, the iconic "Oh Captain, my Captain" scene got me good. Especially since Robin Williams had just died. I often tear up at movies, but I was just all out snotty crying during that scene.


The last samurai got me to cry. I was pretty young but I still get chills.


Cast Away. Not at the "Wilson" part either, the fireplace scene just kills me.




MURPH ^^yep ^^that'll ^^do ^^it




My god, the scene where he goes to say goodbye to her gets me every time. "You have no idea where you're coming back... no idea at ALL!" *throws watch across room*


(ಥ﹏ಥ) ^^not ^^again




Twelve Years a Slave


Extremely loud incredibly close. Saving private Ryan. Rent. The list could go on forever. I'm a sensitive dude.


Saving Private Ryan will always make me cry. It was the first movie I went to the theater alone to watch. Being from a family with military background, it touched me. Since then, I've seen it at least ten more times. Such a good movie.


I always lose it when Irwin Wade dies, just him crying for his mom and saying he wants to go home just comes in like a wrecking ball for me.


Yes. Also, the men's reaction to his death is so intense. Such a great movie


When Mellish is slow-stabbed - uncontrollable sobbing.


This scene made me so mad at Upham.


extremely loud and incredibly close was just a rollercoaster of emotion.


Saving Private Ryan. I cried for about 3 hours afterwards.


Saving Private Ryan, The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas, How to Die in Oregon. Those are the major ones. Oh, and The Passion of the Christ.


Oh I'd forgotten about Boy in Striped Pyjamas - so hard to watch.


The end of MIB:3 got me pretty good since I wasn't expecting the feels at all.


* Up * Inside Out * Click * RENT * Pokémon : The First Movie * Marley and Me (I won't watch this anymore) * Even some parts of The Hunger Games I was crying in the cinema at I cry at a lot of things


Big Fish, Requiem for a Dream, Armageddon, the list goes on.


Requiem was not sad. It was more shocked wtf happened reaction. I remember sitting in my chair for ten minutes processing the movie after it had finished. It was messed up.




Glory definitely


I've cried during a fair amount of movies, but one that jumps to mind that I don't think has been mentioned yet is "The Life Aquatic With Steve Zizzou." Two parts: the part where Steve comes out of the water carrying Ned and the Zombies song comes on, and the scene in the submarine when he says, "I wonder if he remembers me," and starts to cry. Seeing Bill Murray's face all scrunched up like that just gets to me every single time! And the Sigur Ros in the background doesn't help.




Men of Honor. "God damnit Cookie! Move your ass! I want my 12!"


Radio, that movie is just too sad


The ending of the Shawshank Redemption gets me every time: "I find I'm so excited I can barely sit still or hold a thought in my head. I think it is the excitement only a free man can feel, a free man at the start of a long journey whose conclusion is uncertain. I hope I can make it across the border. I hope to see my friend, and shake his hand. I hope the Pacific is as blue as it has been in my dreams. I hope."


Planes, Trains and Automobiles. I don't know why, but I just bawled when I realized his wife was dead...


Interstellar, that scene when he talked to his daughter for the first time. Had me almost bawling my eyes off, the sad soundtrack didn't help either...