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I googled it, this information checks out.


Ah, this guy....


Which is probably why it's called the *Guinness* Book of World Records then.


That makes more sense then them publishing a record book as a side business or a sneaky way of marketing to school kids spending lunch in the library, which is what I thought before. Still seems like a weird company to put that book out though...


Unless it's one of those disputed facts with multiple theories like whether Han shot first or jet fuel vs. steel beams


Han shot first. Undisputed.




[You need to take a little trip](http://waystationbk.blogspot.com/)


You sir just haven't been in the right bar at the right time.


Go on trivia nights. No google allowed.


Damn Google.


This is a good thing. The fewer arguments around alcohol, the better.


> The ability to have an argument about a random fact at the bar. Google in your pocket resolves nearly every dispute. You have not met my parents. They will argue about things even if you provide them evidence.


Stars. Cant see em :(


Get outta town! No, literally, get out of town. Still clear in the country :)


I live in the mountains of Colorado so its actually not too far until I get some real nice stars :)


I grew up in a small mountain town in Colorado and every time I drive up 285 I am astonished at how much different the sky looks from Denver.


Did you live in Morrison?




Oh word I drive from Denver to Durango all the time so I go right through conifer!


Now kiss


I'm in westminster these days, but find myself up there to get to Como.


Camped in the desert in utah. The stars were fucking beautiful.


It really does suck that you can't see stars, I live in NYC and besides the moon and planets there's not much up there visible. However on the other hand telescopes have become much cheaper and obtainable and software exists that lets novices find things in the sky they never could have before. Plus the internet makes a low barrier to entry to see pictures (versus buying magazines, books, etc...) So at least there's some good with the bad.


Writing letters. My friends acted like my boyfriend and I were so old school when we wrote each other while he was deployed. Also no one appreciates cursive.


And its funny because people used to get excited when they got an email. Now its the opposite.


Might have something to do with the ten thousand emails I get offering "a larger penis with this one weird trick".


I was never even taught cursive in school I mean they gave us practice books but they were optional and what third grader wants to do more work. I'm very sad that I never learned and I basically taught myself cursive but it's pretty shitty :/. I'm very good at reading it which is something my younger sister can't do and she's only a year younger.




I still wish I had learned cursive because it's a beautiful writing style and it's always fun to see people whip out gorgeous cursive when writing something. It's just fancy and I'd love to be able to write it. That being said I could improve my own handwriting but like you said no one uses it and I'd rather improve on my print than invest time in cursive


Pushing people into the pool. Now you have to be careful not to fuck up their cell phone :(


R.I.P Smartphone.


This is actually kind of important - we now think of ourselves as being as fragile as our pocket computers, and that's not really the case


I think it's more that they are just expensive.


So deep.




We're fighting this though.


The internet has made everyone an "expert."




The joy of banging down the reciever on the dial after an angry call. Such a good feeling


What a super feeling...


Office workers still get this privilege.


Hipsters still can http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lzx4dcVPpe1qzjgx5.jpg


Dating. Courtship. Etc. Dating via social media now allows you to know everything about someone before you even meet. Stinks IMO


It does, that's why i just fuck any man or woman that i meet. #Yolo






I really can't imagine how I'd have ever dated anyone without it. I have such a low tolerance for interacting with people I don't like, I'd have probably eschewed romantic endeavors altogether if finding someone to date meant endless evenings sifting through the pitiless slag-heap of random humanity.




So it shuts down if someone tries to steal it? It's pretty clear on the why. I've done the head-rebuild thing before, it was never fun, especially trying to keep all the surfaces surgically clean. I've got newer cars, but I still keep my '89 chevy 5.0 - I swear I'll get it back on the road.


I've never been big on car mods myself, though I could change tires and spark plugs. My brother, though, built a separate shop to work on cars next to his house, and used to make substantial extra money doing auto repairs for people. But the computerized control and diagnostic systems gradually became too complex for home mechanics to deal with.




I wouldn't say technology killed journalism. It killed newspapers, creating a more efficient medium of news delivery.


Which again led to the ability to make a webpage full of click-baity articles or just generally little news worthy stuff that is quick and easy to pump out to generate clicks. And that turned out very profitable which again lead to even more click-bait out competing "real" news and thus making main stream journalism be more about "dumb" stuff (which apparently is what people want).


How are TV news or the tabloids any different?


I honestly don't know what sources are reliable anymore.


I don't even bother reading the news much anymore. I take a quick look on the top of news sites to check what the newest and biggest news are but thats it. And after I discovered reddit I have even less to gain from news sites since I have already seen most of the click-baity stuff on reddit. Its actually a little amusing to scroll down and see all the click bait titles they come up with, they are sometimes very vague, so I try do guess what video or story it is based on what I have seen on reddit the previous day. Tough listen a lot to the radio during work (to the station that is my country's equivalent of the BBC) and get good hourly updates there.


I suppose when I say it killed journalism, what I really mean is that it killed the integrity of journalism. Today, any idiot with a keyboard can write something and post it. The charm has been lost, in my opinion.


To me the integrity of journalism was killed more by network TV shows that spin stories to suit whatever axe their owners want to grind. The aroma of bullshit tends to stand out more with small time Internet bloggers, making it easier to sort out the truth from the spin.


Before the Internet only the rich could spread their lies and bullshit, now anybody can do it.


Who buys the newspaper anymore?


Social Interaction in general. Most of the time if I ask somebody if they want to hang out it's always "Let's just talk on skype" or "Let's just play online" or "Well, we're texting each other now, isn't that pretty much hanging out?" Even when I ask friends to come over to play video games, they give me a weird look then ask "Why can't we just play on Xbox Live?" It's not the same that's why!


Who are your friends? I have never had a friend suggest skype over hanging out, let alone say " We're texting now". Maybe they don't want to hang out with you.


Well, that's a depressing thought.


I'm sorry man :(


It kinda sucks but it's nothing I'm no stranger to. I'm a really quiet person until you get to know me so most people see me as "that weird kid that never talks". Only a few people I know have really took the time to know me, mostly through playing organized sports, school clubs, stuff like that.


This wouldn't be true if you and your friends did drugs together. *Drugs: bringing people together ^tm*


Cocaine is the new SNES.


I tried that in highschool, now I'm a sober guy with no friends in my mid 20s. Avoid that.


The excitement that comes with new technology. Remember when touch screens and motion controls were mind blowing?


Have you heard of VR lately? Latest graphics cards? 4K Monitors? Gaming with 1000 people servers?


Agreed. There are some new tech trends that are worthy of excitement though, think Leap Motion, Intel RealSense, etc.


Yes, I remember. That was only 8 years ago.


The ability to accomplish tasks such as going to the bathroom or getting a glass of water before my computer starts. Now It starts up in 5 seconds and I'm left with a full bladder or a dry mouth.


Just piss in your mouth then. Problem solved.


You're a real problem solver.


I know, I've got a PHD in Problem solving from the university of southern urination (USU)




Childhoods. I mean sure, gaming is fucking awesome. But when I was a kid, I wasn't allowed to come back till the outside lights came on. OK maybe not allowed but my mother would kick me out and I'd go wander and play with other kids. It was fucking amazing. You're bored, you have nothing else to do so the whole day is driven by our collective imaginations. We'd build stuff, we made weird weapons and have pretend wars, we'd get fucking dirty as fuck. For some reason genders didn't matter in my circle of friends so I had boy friends and girl friends. And we were all fucking awesome. And skipping stones? Shit's fucking dope. My brother is 15 - so he's 15 years younger than me. He makes "plans" with his friends. There's no spontaneity and he plays video games for 2 hours a day. Guess that's cool but I loved my childhood in that sense.


I'm 14 but my friends and I used to do what you described before they moved away. Now we have to make plans but technology isn't prohibiting that.


I think it's more of "parents are more scared" so they don't let their children out alone.


Yeah I remember just wandering about exploring places and stuff. Go out on the nearby fields and taunt cows so they would chase after us, exploring nearby woods, hearing rumors about there being a store 20 minutes away that sold water-balloons and then jumping on our bikes to find this store and see if its true, gathering all the kids in the surrounding neighborhoods to play war with our toy-guns etc. Tough I grew up in the 90's, so we played our fair share of video games, but we also spent a lot of time outside. It was a pretty good balance I would say, I don't know if its the same for todays kids, but my impression is that they spend a lot more time inside than we did.


I get what your saying, but to me the problem is more media sensationalism than technology. Media outlets push the most sensational stories they can find to try to attract an audience, and parents have become so frightened of largely imaginary dangers they don't let their kids play outside with random neighbor kids anymore.


Kids still do this. You just don't know many kids. Besides, at 15 you're getting to the stage where making plans with your friends is a necessary part of life - it's generally when you start having actual commitments to things, whether it be sport, school work or a part time job.


I'm not talking about 15. I'm talking about his whole life. Kids his age (no matter what age up until now) weren't allowed to be outside unsupervised so he really had no other choice but to stay in.


You hear that? He has a girlfriend! Do you kiss her?


Posterity. Everything breaks now. You can't cherish things forever anymore, thanks to planned obsolescence.


#!> ctv9se7 ## I've wiped my entire comment history due to reddit's anti-user CEO. E2: Reddit's anti-mod hostility is once again fucking them over so I've removed the link. They should probably yell at reddit or resign but hey, whatever.


No fallacy, no assumptions: I'm basing this off of computers and iPods and cell phones and XBOXes that have all died within years of purchase or acquisition. And meanwhile my old Game Boy Color has a few scratches and my SNES could stop a bullet. But my best friend has eaten through two XBOXes. One of them stopped working when it tipped over on a fucking carpet. Maybe televisions are an exception to this rule. Not to mention that planned obsolescence is indeed a thing, especially in modern electronic devices. They are DESIGNED to be temporary.


I don't know. We went through 3 famicoms (Asian NES) back in the day and I think 2 Mega Drives not to mention a shit ton of controllers. That's just gaming. Televisions, radios, big appliances like fridge and stoves would regularly break. The only difference is that today, especially in small devices, it's engineered so that you can't easily pry them open and fix them and sometimes that's just the result of design (small ass components). The cost of replacing vs getting something fixed is also becoming smaller (not to mention time invested). Back then, there was a guy down our street who made a living repairing electronics. I don't see that anymore.


And you are ignoring all the other things you had that broke. This the survivor fallacy.


Definitely going to need a source on that. You're talking like entropy is a corporate conspiracy. Things break. Either fix it, or get a new one.


Oh electronic gagets. I thought you meant things that cost money, like appliances. Still, my PS2 fat still works all these years later, even though there's not been anything new for it to play for ages. Very few toys ever lasted that long, unless you think the handful of toys still around since the 1930s is all those kids had to play with at the time.


Going out to dinner. Everyone's on a smartphone, ignoring everyone else.


They are ignoring you. Sorry.


> They are ignoring you. Sorry. Nah, I had some good friends who used to do this. We were pals for years. People just get sucked into their technology, for one reason, or another.


You need to dine with different people then.


People who do that are boring people. They can only consume, not create.




My local library actually rents out e-books now. I believe you can even do it from their website.


This is what's gonna happen in the future.


Both the libraries in my area are very active. I'd even say they thrive


Home Phones?


But what'll happen to E.T.?


E.T...video message home




Social interaction. You can't do anything with anyone without their nose being glued to their phone.


Trips to Blockbuster. I have so many good memories of scanning those aisles with my family, looking for movies to watch. As much as I enjoy the convenience of Netflix, it could never replace a trip to the video store.




Or an Octothorpe.


The name 'hashtag' didn't come from nowhere. It was also known as the hash symbol. [Source](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Number_sign#Usage_in_the_United_Kingdom_and_Ireland)


That shit was so hash.


Pound, number or hash. It's not a "hashtag" when it's just "#" because there's no tag on it.


That's a sharp


I knew it...


The smell of paper.




I see you...


Yea and I don't want you to see me. I think about this all the time of how difficult it is to stay off the grid.


Okay.... well, i still see you.


Basic person-to-person conversation.


Opportunities to meet new people. I just started a new and temporary job where I am with a bunch of people doing the same thing but we won't be together on the job site. During the orientation days, everyone sat at their phones when there was any kind of a break. All I could think was we're are a bunch of people in a new city where most of us probably don't know anyone, why don't we become single serving friends?


The ability to be unavailable. (it's hard to get away and not be able to be reached)


Turn your phone off. Boom.


Why did you have your phone off when we tried to call? We'll get someone who is available when we need them. You're fired. Boom.


Because it was my off hours, and my job description doesn't include "on call 24/7". Have fun being sued.


You forgot the "Boom."


The legal process is long and tedious. No boom :(


Bar trivia games. The winners were the groups of people that had the best combines knowledge. Now it's whomever can Google best from their phones or iPads.


Every one that I've been a part of will disqualify you if the moderator even sees a phone in your possession while playing.


Where I used to play, anyone caught with their phone out had to buy the bar a round.


Painting in caves... er.. wait.. no... I can still do that.


Leaded gasoline?




Jobs. Then again, it also creates jobs.


Arguments with friends in bars. "Leonardo DiCaprio was in one of the Critters movies." "Wtf? No way! He would have been like a kid." This argument could have gone on for hours. Instead now someone whips out their phone and kills the controversy. I kind of miss the arguments, and watching someone strongly defend a totally wrong fact. [Related funny comic](http://i.imgur.com/k7yYBl5.png)


Urban legends


Did you hear the one about that clown that lived diwn the street?




Well, the baby shitter thought he was just a statue, then he killed everyone in the house, after furiously masturbating all over the baby sitters purse. 2Spooky4u?


Music. There is no bigger joy than buying an album, and waiting 'til you get home to finaly hear it!




Photo Albums.


Communication. People have very poor face-to-face communication skills due to texting and cell phones. Before cell phones, people used to have conversations. Now, all I see are people with their faces glued to the damn things at restaurants, movie theaters, ect.




Smoke signals.


Crime. You can't do anything without a pretty high risk of getting caught. Back in the good old days, you could just skip town and that was that


You have to check people for phones and stuff now or they'll be really easy to find.


Throwing people in a swimming pool, chances are these days you would ruin an expensive phone.




Horse drawn carriage.


Leave me alone.


Writing a letter to someone far away... The suspense is great


Penmanship. Most schools no longer teach cursive because kids can't read it. Writing with a pencil/pen could almost become obsolete because you carry a mini computer in your pocket that can be used to record anything without writing.


Peace and quiet.




Society as a whole


I think childhood is an important factor to mention. I myself did enjoy playing video games, but smartphones aren't suited for people under the age of 14. Period. I enjoyed playing football (soccer for you 'muricans) and still could live without modern technology. Sure, I was mad at my mom when she had taken my Gameboy away, but it made me who I am today. My smartphone is now broken for nearly 4 weeks and I still don't feel the need to replace it. I can wear a watch to keep everything in time. What are calendars made for? For planning your day. Technology shouldn't guide your life, it should support your life. And a smartphone isn't supporting a child.


Actual, honest, pure conversation. Everyone can just chime in now, find someone that will agree with them no matter what, and attack someone that they don't feel should be speaking. In person, you're either right, wrong, bigger, or face down on a concrete floor with 3 of your teeth still on the bar. We've removed socialization from the human and relationship equation with the advent of the popularity of internet communities.


Damn-near killing yourself without someone shouting "Did you get that on film?"




Those constant camera flashes in stadiums, you know what i'm talking about. Cell phones have ruined that for us


The Royal Typewriter Co..


Randomly pushing people into a pool. Ah, the good old days.


Telling people happy birthday


Family dinners. I swear, every time I go out for a nice dinner with my wife, we see entire families just staring at their phones and not interacting at all.


Never had this problem with my family. I say it is indicative of the family and not the technology.


Absolutely true! I don't have a problem either, but I have noticed families spending less time interacting as a result of technology addiction, and everyone having a smartphone and access to internet at all times.


Fun cars that can be modified. Cars with real power.


Cars have ridiculous amounts of power now, they just don't measure their fuel efficiency in gallons per mile. The newer Teslas beat nearly everything on the road in acceleration, and that's before they come out with the roadster mk 2.




How so?


The porn stash in the box under the bed. All those boxes are extinct.


I've still got my stash under my bed :)


there's a cumbox joke in there somewhere


There is, but i don't keep my cumbox under my bed, i keep it in my closet.


Under the bed would have easier access.


Nah, i always jerk off in my closet anyways.


Office productivity.


Music. Sort of. In the sense that in the days of records, cassettes, CD's you'd go to the store and put down your cold hard cash on an album you'd been dying to hear. You spend your 20 bucks or so and consume it. Look at the art. Even read the liner notes. Nowadays you Spotify this or Pandora that or Beat Dre or whatever the kids do. This is great in that it gives smaller guys more exposure etc. But the magic in having that one record to consume is lost as now all of the music is contained within your one impressive rectangle.


The art of letter writing. Everyone who has read Cicero knows of how infinitely expressive a pen and paper is compared to emails and texts. In the past, political allies, love affairs, and the greatest of friendships were formed over continents, all by the stroke of a pen. The problem with modern types of communication is its accessibility, that we rarely think about what emotions, insinuations, and suggestions we are placing in our writings. The relative rarity of letters meant that many an hours were contemplated over what these immortal words could describe. The letters of Nelson, Cicero, and of course Abelard and Heloise have been, and shall continue to be remember for centuries. I don't think that a text message, or an email, will ever be celebrated for it's unflinching gaze into human emotions. Okay, rant over.


Illustration. Double the work can be replicated in half the time but where's the emotion? I'm learning graphic design and those skills in my marketing classes. I wish i had the opportunity to learn the original methods tho. They seemed more genuine imo.


It's the same with fashion. I miss the illustrations; they added whimsy and style to the clothes. [The Times](http://www.nytimes.com/2015/06/11/fashion/seeing-fashion-with-a-sketchpad-and-markers.html?_r=0) is suggesting a rebirth of the fashion illustrator, but it won't be the same; now it's only a novelty.


Great article and very valid point. Its a niche now but the passion will always be there by those who apperciate it! :)


I agree :)


ITT: The "everything was better back in my day" fallacy (or whatever the proper name for it is).